Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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vicron nos kwatkr. kimto n.
Rntered at omslia po-to?riee as lecond
tlM matlrr.
terms op .fnscniPTioN.
Sunday Be-. on year tS0
Saturday B-. ono ymr 1.50
,Tallj Bee without Hunday. one year. 4.00
Jaly Bee, and Sunday, on jenr.... 6.00
...EverilnR and .Sunday, per month c
Evening, without Sunday, per month, 3
Dally fler, Including Sunday, per mo. CSo
Dally Bee, without ftunda), per mo... 45c
Ad d res (i all complaint or Irregularities
;ln delivery to City Circulation Pepl.
TUmlt by draft, express or potsl order,
payaDis lo Tin ue nioutnins .rarni
Onlr 2-eent Martins ree
iveil in paymrm
f amall rrnnnl Iirnnl rhet'ka. ex
r.ept on Oinnha and eastern exchange, not
OmahaThe Bee bulldlnff
South Omal.a-niS N tret.
Council Bluffs -H North Ma'n atreit
Uncoln-K 1M building.
Chlcspro-lOU Mamuette bDlldlnir
Kansas City ttellanre buIldlnR.
Nw Tork-M Wnl Thirty-third
et Lou! -4M I'Yuw buiianr.
WashlnEton-TSS Fourteenth ft- N.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter fhould be nddreeaed
iOmaha. Bee. Editorial Department.
Mate of Nebraska, County of Pouglat, : !
DwlRht Williams, circulation manager j
of Ths Bea l'UDinnios company, Dms
' duly sworn, ays that the average dally
circulation for the mohth of October,
19M, waa 51.S05. DWIOHT WIUMAMB.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed III my presence nnd sworn
to before mo this lt day of Novainber,
(Seal.) Notary I'ubltc
Hubacrlber lenrlnBT the oltr
trmporarllr ahoold hnrc The
Ite mnjled to them. Artdreaa
will bo cbnnned often re
qneated. ""Yes, tho weather is usually cool In
If you forgot to bo thankful on.
November 28, It is not too late now.
The Halkuna condescended to let
tho sultan pull the wish bone with
Tho fellow with llttlo income does
tiot worry much over tho tax on In
come. .
"The only color wo can feel: blue."
Kchaff. How about .green with envy?
Or purple with rage?
Every day may not bo tag day for
(ho ultimate consumer, hut ho does
get It hung on him a lot.
Tho man who hoIIb liquor to a
child Is on n par with tho one who
sells a pistol to an outlaw.
A cabinet crisis has Just been
pi,eclpUaVodiYrjh.bfie 'V com
ing hcaror thnn'aapsfpoT , v
Congrcss is in Bcaslon, Now, let
Mr. Bryan' try to advise Mossra.
Clark and Underwood If he dares.
"Hard Winter Predicted by (tyoso ,
Bono Prophet," says a hoadllne. Is ,
he" in tho anthracite coal business?
Ono thing la' cortaiu, President
elect Wilson was not driven to Bor
jnuda In search ofrablnot material.
A Chicago woman Bare she canuot
llvo on ?10.'Q&0 a 'year, yet here Is
n Minnesota man oating. nothing for
106 days.'
hi i, k i
Omaha's "Jlntmlo ValenMne" Isn't
coming: out qitlte as weir as tho ono
in tho play. His one experience prom
ises to be disastrous. ,
A Missouri Jury acnultted a ny ' lho,r -bualnwa. Surely
woman of a murder to 'which she ew ork uiay dPnd for co-opera-hhd
confessed. No use talking, you "n upon tho weflt' " dm
do have to show those Mlssourlans. f'f08' for Pr"rvln tho restraining
i Influence of these splenda verdicts.
A California murderer walked ... ,.
cheerfully to the gallowB after llst-j Fight on. Commerce Commission,
nlnR to the prison band play for Leslie's Wcoktv savn "the flr
two hours. It must have been bad,
The wheels of the Uultcd States
bupremo court do not move quite no
rapidly as those of the Overland
Limited, but they keen urottv close!..
- -
to the track.
' orn,rvnihv.7rvnhnv '
wurrender only they are afraid If
they did they would ho executed. It
they keep still about It Madero mayl , ,,. . 01 " ,crlal
easily bcllevn they havo surrendered. r ff. hp B1,,,p,," a8 an,n8t th
. j railways," perhaps ths people would
Sarah Bernhardt arrived in Newprefer nw' i"b nor gulllo
Vork with tho explanation that this'""0 1,1 effectl,,K whatever chaugea
waa not her farewell tour of "beau-'or Improvement teed to bo made.
tiful America." U must bo hard to
tnahe a farewell tour among auch
ay spenderaNna Ainorlwnc.
Jasper L, McBrlon declines to eon-!'1
ItUor as valid Hny jnovement for nlts n'8h''8t fuiutlon of service. Im
)ece cwfrrence put forth by Colonel i Partial Judgment, w believe, will
fXelser. But Tho Bee submlta that!nllm,, t,mt 't has rvod many good
fYeiBer is, Just as well quollfled as) purposes and might serVQ more If
f0Brien to speak Tor tho parties atjt,,fl arm.v ot lawyers and tariff
InteresC 'and operating expert! omploycd to
Nebraska suffragists are showing
'lOfisldersble rapacity for practical
xlltlea In thriir pro-convention ma-
tteuvera. Up to date tho women novo;
kowB that tho smartest of machlno
politicians can .teach them llttlo
Hfcout maneuvering for position.
Brother Jasper L, O'Brien tmccra
Ut Brother John O'Velser'a Jop ot
JsoJHical revtssplng; mapped out for
Ceisael Kooevelt and opines that
Brother John a false prophet. May
Va commend to these brcthrea the
Jiwt word of tho Psalmist: "Be
M how good aa4 bow pleasant it
K fr Vrttkren t? iwall Utkor In
i fcaitr"
Campaign of Education.
Kansas City In thinking of adopt
Ins the commission form of govern
ment. AlthouRh t ho plrfn la In oper
ation In many other cities, Kansas
City thinks Its peoplo should linTO
time for n campaign of education on
the subject nnd such an enterprise is
about to bo launched. It will bo in
teresting to noto the effect of this
systematic deliberation. Wo should
not he much surprised If Kansas
City finally Came to tho conclutflon
that tho commission form of goV
ernmcnt, like any other, Is as good
. ,h m nntpU,A . nrimlnl.t.r l(
i .......... .-
and not much better. This haB been
the experience of other cities. But
aside from that it is a good thing
'for a largo body o'( people to act
with deliberation upon matters of
such vital importance, and wo havo
no doubt tha,t Kansas City's cam
paign of education will prove very
beneficial, no matter whether tho
now plan Is adopted or rejected. If
we are going to cnlargo upon tho
dlrect-popular-rulo Idea, wo should
cultivate the widest possible knowl
edge of government among tho peo
ple. A Rich Young Man.
William P. Jackson, tho newly ap
pointed senator from Maryland to
occupy the seat vacated by the lato
Sonator Rayner until the legislature
elects his successor In January, Is
said to ho a .millionaire. He is less
than 45 years of age. "Another
millionaire in tho senate," exclaims
a newspaper, following Its derision
with the aUtoment that "Mr. Jack-
i son always has been noted for his
great industry A a boy ho spent
his school, vacations working hard
at Industrial labor." He seems to
havo capitalized his Industry into
very rich material rewards.
If this Is all that stands against
the youug sonator from Maryland,
then It is tlmo for congratulations to
the state and tho senate, Instead of
belittling criticism. It would bo n
good thing for tho youth of this re
public to omphaslzo the qualities in
Bonator Jackson that seem to havo
triumphed. Hang such a promlso be
fore tho eyes of ovory boy and It
ought to Inspire him, too, to Industry
and thrift, nut It Is apt to put a
sordid phase on tho worth of such
efforts and succobs to make too
much of tho point that because this
young mnn happens to havo con
wertod his push and enterprise. Into
millions he is an undesirable man to
havo In the sonate. Our democracy
depends on no such mean minimiz
ing of character. Railing against
wealth as wealth Is tho worst form
of class Vp!,rtt?'T5oUoiuh In'lts 'lioRsl.
j .The Migrating Gangster.
Rqports Indicate that some of tho
iXow York. i'sansBtors," fleeing as a
n,8uU ' tll Verdicts In tho Becker
and Ktinmou cases, havo pitched their
tents in salt Lake City. This doubt
loss will put alU western cities on
their guard, to provont'any of this
fraternity from locating In thorn.
Yet tho men must abide soinewbero
and tho west has in Its day dealt
with a good many undesirable citi
zens without permanent dlsastor to
tho community. It doubtless will is-
sua no special invitations to tho sur
viving companions of "Gyp tho
Blood" and "Lofty Loula" and those
other galley slayes of the ptrato shin
joi grans uespair, out probably take
; enro of them If they come and begin
duty of the, prealijent-elect should be
ip reorganize .,tno , ipterstato Com
merces, commission and do It with a
club." Tha NeworH I.terald thinks
a "good, sharp, smoothly working
KumuiMiB ib wjihi snouiu uo cm-
Unt11 H on" I'a shown that the
1 C0,nmlB8l h" owtjirown Us useful-
nes. or has degepernted, sh Leslie's
' It la nliltn onrtHin thai ttm
! - " ..- , n j uiiti
try ns a whole Is not making a fight
for extinction upon the Interstate
Commerce commission, oven though
"Wy ftB yt have failed, to reach
combat It, would bend their energies
to co-oporatliiK with It In the work
His out of real problems. Certainly ,
tho commission was nover Intoniled '
and must never hn used as n partisan
weapon against railroad interests,
which aro entitled to oory legiti
mate aid and nncourajtonieiil.
The Joti-o rcunllin iho two YWnga oft
the party 1 not'setlous In Nebraska, for I
there hat bteit no serious schleni hero i
and need be none In tho future. All thn
ease needs now is patience and mutual
Thus Sftltb tho State Journal In
commenting- on Colonel "UIscr'B pro-
posed peace conference, and this son-
tlnent Hrlll doubllco receive much1
. .
Tim BEE:
ookipi Backward
Iks Day In Omaha
Thirty Years Ako
a cnange in the management of the
Canfleld took place, by which D. B. Nr.
Frelwell, the wllknon auctioneer, took
control, succeeding Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgn
Sidney Smith, the architect. Is drawlns
the plans of a four-story block to bo
erected by Captain Herman, Martin Dun
ham and Judge Iake on Karnam street,
north lde, between Fourteenth and fif
Religious services In the Danish Ian-
guare are to be held by Jtev. C. Olsen
of Racine. Wis.. In the Scandinavian
church on California street.
Colonel Ira Wilson, formerly proprietor
of the hotel In this city and now man
ager of the Pacific house In St. Joseph,
Is at the Paxton.
neonre KrUg- of the Anheuser-Duech
Brewing company of St. fouls left for a
trip to Iowa points.
Members of the medical fraternity met
at Dr. Pcabody's office and took suit
able action on the death of the late Dr.
A new and elegant wholesale, liquor and
cigar houso will be opened up this weok
by Rd nilay A Co., A. K. Slmpeon being
the company.
Captain Tom Swobo has g-orieon a trip
to New York and Washington.
... .
ill!, t Att0 .
.eturnW"1 .r0U'' Bovsrn(-c,ct'
v. . uuu uvurnon iroin ins oia nome '
at Alton. where he visited for twol
"William Dally of Peru, formerly
Unltod States manchat In Nebraska, was
In tho city mixing among old friends.
Frank n. Morrlssey, private secretary
to Oovernor Boyd, camo up from IJn
coin. W, C, Vandervoort, head clerk of the j
railway man scrvloe, and Mrs, Vander
voort, left -for Grand island on an errand
combining business and pleasure.
Senator J. W. Paddock left for Wash
ington, 'where he expected to spend the
next four weeks except for a brief visit
ut his old homo In New York and a short
business visit in Boston.
T. W. Blackburn writes a trenchant
letter to The Bee protesting "as a Prot
estant and son of a Protestant minister"
against the "relentless and unreasonable
warfare now bnlne waged against the
Catholics In this city," referring to the
frenty of the A. P. A.'s. Mr. Blackburn
spared no words in cxcorlntlng this ex
pression of cruel Intolerance.
Ton Venn A$co '
The Retail Clerks' Protective associa
tion was formed at Labor Temple and
every" clerk, malo nnd female. In the city
was to bo lnv)tl to Join tho union.
One of tho pleasantost social functions
over held In tho Omaha club was h' ln
,ner to Archbishop JCcane of Dubuque.
C. J. Smyth acted as toastmaster, first
presenting Bishop Scannell, who spoke to
the toast. "Welcome to Our Guest." who
was, In fact, the bishop's personal guest.
After tho archbishop bail spoken. Im
promptu rerimrks' were made1 'by Presl
don't M. P. Dowllng of Crelghtoh uni
versity, G, M. Hitchcock, Rev. E. F.
Trefx. Dr. George U Miller, Judge K.
Wakeley and T. J. Muhoncy.
The Field club election culminated at
tho Commercial club as follows: PcesI-
dent. Charles P. UrUhartj vice president,
Jay Foster; secretary, Harry Morrill:
treasurer, Philip Potter; directors. Heury
T. Clarke. Jr.; William E. Rhodes, Byron
Hasting". Harry Mdrrill and John P.
Lund, who were to serve with Directors
Kennedy and Murphy, whose terms had
not expired.
Miss Crounse was lioatrss to the Cook
ing club, whose membership consisted of
Mesdamea Joseph Barker, Charles T.
Kountxe, Herbert Wheeler. Ward M.
Burgess, Harry Wilklns and Misses
Helen Smith, (Webster. Preston, Croupe
and Lindsay,
People Talked About
Throwing Cinderella slipper as love
tokens at tha heads of Scotch, Judges
lends considerable gaiety to the suffra
gette campaign In Scotland. What's the
noxf stuntT
Ths younyest girl town official In Mas
sachusetts Is Miss Blanche Coffin, 18
years old, a gradual of the Nantucket
High sohooU class ot 1913, who waa re.
cently appointed public weigher In that
town. ,
Mrs. John Cummins ot Woburn. Mass.,
Is the owner and manager of one of the
largest farms in New England. She cul
tivates 400 acres, disposes of the milk
from twenty-six cows, keeps two stalls
In the Boston market and raise 2.000
bogs a year.
A device In municipal government not
new. although not tried in this country.
Is about to be given a test by the city
of Sumter. S. V. It has been decided to
unptoy a business manager for the town
and an advertisement has been sent forth
seeking ths man.
Governor-elect Dunne of Illinois will
take only eight of his children to live
with him at the executive mansion at
Springfield. As the governor likes "to
"hear hlmsslf think" occasionally the
rett ot the little Dunnes will be bun
dled off to boarding schools.
Supply houses and plumbing associa
tions, usralled In count In Indiana as a
monopoly, prjteet against tha calumny,
usiurliiK their patrons that a monopoly
In the business Is Impossible, sure. Mike!
lie who donbtp nvHls tut step Into a
Kitptils house, try to buy a bit of material
without an order front a muster plumber
and be convinced.
The historic Kurd theater building In
M'Hhliinstim, tho scene of the IJin-oln
tragedy In 1W... has hern condemned rci
unsftfo and ordered torn down. Orig-
Inally the building wa a church, erected.
In ISM. was remodoled into a theater In
IWt. and has been fcnrd and used by i
tho national government since IS. Tart
uf the top floor fll in, killing twenty,
one persons. In 1893.
Riving Ha
ng the good things of, Thanks-
Harry )Ialr of. New York
surgeons trim, massage and oil
Momach a month before the event. With
Uhe Improved Interior department Harry
tut looxo with thjs ThsnkscMns- dinner- ,
. Knur olives, two stalks of celery, two
ihe'llnKa of turkey with oyster dressing J
:nla'il"!,l Itatoes. manbenr sauca. pump-
, . , . HPpe
L. r
""'"' . n "nimuu (luonin
th cocktail ovec thv ropa. 1
By Rev. M. V. Higbee, Pastor.
The North Preebyterlan churdi Is in "tVllllam It. Anderson, clerk of seselon.
lis fifth year of Its history and now W D. Crawford, church treasurer'. It. .1.
numbers a little above MO members. , Mushes, treasurer building fund; Klward
An act of Omaha Presbytery In April,
190S, consolidated tho Second rresbytcrtan
and Knox Presbyterian churches. Sach
of these churches had brn In existence
about twenty-five years. Kach had been
a strong and Influential bodv of about
ZOO Christian people of the Presbyterian
faith. When consolidated the Joint mem
bership was between SW) anil -MX.
The Second r.huteh had counted among
Its strongest pastors Dr. H. M. Steven-son,-i?r.
Samuel Ware and Iter. Newman
Hall Burdlck. The Knox church had
gtown particularly under the pastorates
of Dr. Asa ljlrd and Dr. M. D. Ixng.
Kach church hud a strong session, con
sisting ot nine men In the Second nnd
"ven men In the Knox church.
Soon after the actual fusion of the two
congregations on July S, J&w, the new
congregation called Iter. M. V. Hlgbce,
who had been for three an a half years
pastor of the Knox Presbyterian church,
to the pastorate of tho consolidated body
which waa named tho North church. I
waa Installed two weoka later and con
tinued to bo the pastor of the church.
The new conregatlon worshiped for
two years In thevold Knox church build
ing at Nineteenth and Ohio streets and
then began vigorously to work for a
new building, which waa dedicated Feb-
ruary 4, J9lt. Tho new building is mod-
ern and commodious and an ornament to
the city. It stands at Twenty.fourth and
Wirt atreota In the largest uniform resl-
district In Omaha. Almost 100
members have been welcomed slnco the
" 'he new building and tho
n,.,,i... ....
3' Z ' ",u
i lie building and Its equipment cost
about JW.OOO, nnd arc almost paid for.
Here are the names of the pastor, or
ganizations and their officers:
Meivlno Vernon Hlgbce, D. D., pastor;
How it Measured up Before the Balkan War.
Anticipating a division ot the Turkish
empire In Europe as a result of the
thrashing administered, by the Balkan
states, authoritative statistics of popu
lation, urea, territorial divisions, etc.,
will enable tha reader to follow Intelli
gently the coming distribution of the
prlxen of war.
The Annualre Oriental of 1913 contains
instructive data on the site of the em
pire. As at the tlmo the. figures were
compiled Turkey had net abandoned
Tripoli to Italy, the record includes the
African possession as well as those In
Europe and Asia. Turkey In Europe
Is composed of the archipelago and the
Balkan peninsula; In Asia Includes Ana
tollu, Arabia, Syria, Palestine, Mesopo
tamia and Kurdtstan!yln"Afrlca, Tripoli
and Cyrenalca (Benghaxl); provinces.
Isles of Crete, Samoa, Cyprus.
Division. Sq. Miles. Population.
Turkey In Europe.... 10t,9St S.000.COJ
Turkey In Asia 429.272 21,XXMOD
Turkey In Africa 62,S78 1,160,000
Total 1,177.131
The different races within the Turkish
possessions are Albanians, Arabs, Ar
menians, Bulgars,, Greeks, Kurds, Jows,
Gypsies, Montenegrins, Herbs, Syrians,
Roumanians and Turks. The Ottoman
territory Is divided up admlnstratlvely
as follows: Vilayets, or provinces or
states; sandjuks, or prefectures or -counties;
catas. or arrqndlssements or town
ships; nahtes, or cantons or villages.
The population of the vilayets andthelr
chief cities ot over 10,000 population lq
as follows:
Turkey In Europe Constantinople, 2.5O0,
000; Adrlanople, 1,000,000: Salonfca, 1.390,700;
Koskovo, 1,000,000; Monastlr. 800,000; Ja
nlna, 508.700; the' Archipelago, 325,000; Scu
taila (Albania), 200,000.
Ions of Political Dope Circulated at Nation's Expense.
Chicago News,
It has buen suggested that the people's
national, state and local governments
might with propriety help to finance from
the publlo funds the campaigns jof candi
dates for public office, in Oregon, to cite
one example, the authorities circulate at
publlo expense a campaign pamphlet In
which every candidate Is allowed a cer
tain amount of apace to present to the
voters the arguments for his election.
This plan has much to commend it, since
each candidate has an equal chance with
every other candidate to place before tha
voters his claims to their favor.
The United States government has a
system ot aiding some candidates for
office while giving; no aid to the oppos
ing candidates. The system Is there open
to etrlous objection because ot its rank
favoritism. A member ot congress who
s a candidate for re-election can have
his political documents printed In tho
Congressional Record and then he can
St. Louis Republic: The Abyslnlan
gentleman who can apeak twenty-two
languages might be useful to anyone who
wants to know bow to pronounce the
name in the war news.
Chicago Post; Tou understand, don't
you, why Austria has a right to demand
auoh territory a tihe pleases. She nover
went out and won It- In a fair tight the
way the allies did. Hho Just stuck at
Louisville Courier-Journal: President
elect WlUon has been offered about
eighty square miles of printed ndvlte
since tho election, but he has perflated In
paying, more attention to the charms of
the Bermudas.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: It U hoped
the biggest gun In the world, which Is to
be placed at one entrance ot the Tauama
canal, will bo securely anchored. Other
wUe it ts likely to. recoil and do n lot of
damage at the other entrance.
Chicago Record-Herald: If a Is al-
leged in the complaint, the t-'nlted States'
Motor company or New Jersey haa l- aionarnmeoxns rrom toe Christian Byxan
bllltles of J1J.000.000 and assets of less than t,ne emI're. had already been taken by
.0. U is clear rnough that It has been I Christianity from paganism. The city on
ilolnc some big buslneM. all right.
Boston Trunsoript: The proposed inter
national Kuropean strike against war
would surely put an effective quietus on
' i .
........ . ...v.. ........
towers against the Balkan states. After t
all. If nobody will work or light there
can't be much of n war.
Springfield Mr. Wicker-
"CVfr a,n oll,l'l " but:
nn viciory in unaenins mc khiihiiu trust
should remind people ! -vhen b leaves '
1 McKachron. president of trustees,
Sunday School-Prof. F. II. Cuircns,
superintendent: Mem It. Madden, secre
tary; F. It. "Fonda, treasurer.
Christian ISndeavclr John Patterjon,
president. .
Woman's Missionary Society Mrs, S.
K Ppatdlng. president; Mrs. Prjce Craw
ford, treasurer.
ladles Aid Society-Mrs. Robert Mc
Kachron, president; Mrs. A. N. Katon,
Men's "Brotherhood B. H. Hod. presi
dent; A. N. Eaton, treasurer.
Westminster Guild Miss Florence Tex
ter, president; Miss Margie McKachron,
Westminster Circle Miss Helen Shep
ard, president; Miss Ethel Hobbs, treas
urer. Royal Blues Roberta Cotllter, presi
dent; I,orena Travis, treasurer.
Choir E. F. Williams, thorlster; Miss
Irma Book, organist.
Hoys Club Harry Herxog, superin
tendent. Tho Sunday school has an enrollment
of S5t and an attendance of nearly 0.
Besides the above organizations, the
pastor has had special success In deal
ing with the children, through what Is
called a "League of Worshiping Chil
dren." Many between ths aces ot 10 and
H years are forming the habit of at
tending church. Eleven did not miss a
Sabbath from October, 1911, to October.
1D12. Many moro missed only one or
two, and sixty-eight were In quite regu
lar attendance.
The North church stands among tho
first In the state of Nebraska In Its
accessions on confession of their falfh
during the last year. The writer will
soon complete -his eighth year of work
In the city and his fifth as pastor of
North church.
Turkey In Asia The Hedjax, 3.MO.00O;
Temen, 2,500,000: Hudavendlghlar. 1,625,00);
Aldln. 1,400.000; Slvaa, 1,180,000; Treblsond.
I,0u0,000; Kastamounl. 1,000,000; Konla,
1.000,000; Bassorah, 1,000,000; Aelppo, 995,000;
Syria, S60.000; Angora, 930,000; Badad.
S50.0C0; Erxerum, 650,000; Mamouret-ul-Aziz,
571,000; Beirut. KS.O0O; Dtorbeklr,
470,000; Van, 430,000; Adana, 400,000; Bitlls,
390,000; Mossoul, 300,000.' Included In the
above list are the nine following Inde
pendent sandjaks, whose administra
tion Is separate from tho vilayets: The
Lebanon, 400,000 (administered by Chris
tian governor); Jerusalem, 340,000; Ismldt,
125,000; Blgha, 130,000: Bolou, 75,000; Ka
ressl, 70,0000; Zor, 41,000: Tchatalja, 16,000;
Asslr (population not given).
The privileged provinces which have
autonomous government or are' under
English protection.. are: Isle 6f' Crete,
300,000 inhabitants, autonomous and has
a parliament; Isle of Cyprus, 260,000 In
habitants, British protection; Isle of Sa
moa, 500,000 inhabitants, Independent ot
the Turkish government.
Turkey In Africa. Vilayet of Tripoli,
J. 500,000 Inhabitants, which includes the
Independent sandjak of Benghazi (2S1.E0O
The empire contains about ISO cities
of more than 10,000 population. Of theso
Constantinople has 1,200,000 (600,000 Chris
tans). Next follows Smyrna, 375,000;
Damascus, 300,000; Bagdad, 223,000; Beirut,
210,000; Aleppo, 200,000; Salonlca, 173,000;
Benghazi. 100,000; Bronssa, 90,000. Cities
made famous by the war are Adrlanople,
83.000; Monastlr, "5.000; Uskup, 70.000;
Scutari, 45,000; Klrk-Klllsseh (town of
forty churches), 25,000; Janlna, 18,300;
Dardanelles, 16,700, and Mltrovltza, 16,000.
Tho city of Mecca has an ordinary popu
lation of $0,000, but this Is Increased to
200,000 during the pilgrimage.
send them through the malls free ut
charge. He has to pay the actual cost
of printing, but there is no charge for
postage, which Is by far the largest Item
of expense when, campaign material is
sent to, voters. The candidate who is op
posing tle man In office must pay full
postage on alt this matter tliat he sends
through the malls.
Figures recently made public by the
Poatofflce department show that during
the last year the postal system handled i
310,240,090 pieces of franked mall, this
enormous mass weighing 61,377,000 pounds.
The revenue for the service at the reg
ular postal rates would have been nearly
120,000.000. The revenue on the political,
documents alone would have amounted
to about W.250.000. Tf this poUtlcal mat
ter had been fully paid for tho Post-1
office department would 'have shown c !
surplus for the year of about $1,000,000, .
Instead of a deficit - of approximate!) '
,000,000. .
the ot attorney general he will have
made an Impression upon the records of
' tint office not easily effaced. As a
strictly legal Kcntleman, Mr. Wlcktriham
has some good points.
Famous Symbol or the .Moslem Has
Traveled Afir.
Chicago News.
Though, now regarded as essentially
Mohammedan, -the crweent was formerly
used by Christians. A crescent moon was
the emblem of the Byxantlne empire and
the eastern church, an4 the Turks
adopted It as a badge of triumph after
the capture of Constantinople in 14J3. Be
fore that the crescent was common in, the
armorial bearing of Kngllsh knights nnd
as late as 144 Rene, duke ot Anjou,
founded an order of knights having- as
badge a crescent moon. Its use by tho
Turks, however, led to Its abandonment
by Chrlktlana, though In many Russian
churrhen a reScent may still be seen
figuring- bsld) the croes. as a sign of th
byxantlne origin of the Russian church;
However, the crescent, taken by the
,"" ""poruajirrv oesumtia tne crescent
(ter Its preservation from the attack of
j Philip of Macedcu In 339 B. C. This at-
,'"'Zt . "T" "
n,nt t lml arn rain, but was revealed
II, a MHzn flrt hv th. Koll
d d , ru,hi to their
by v mviW which lit u p the Mace
'donlau'arms r
favl by this miracle, the cltlsen
erected a statue to Hate the Turch-j
nearer una Htrtt K oln bearing ti-j- err.
bitm, the nt moon.
i icsinnii i inu , i till) i inc." j - ri7r; iiu
, of the kings engaged against the Turks
. Went tri th vm It. a r. ntt,t,n,ftKltf
Ironloua-.rca. Vet to got rewilts all
he had to do was lo torch the high
speed and shut his-s Judge.
"tt Is ijucer they cannot catch the
automobile speeders easily."
- uiiy is it queer?'
"JJecKtiw It oilKht to be the easleat
tlllnsr In tile wnllrl In trml nn tlifip' '
Baltimore American.
"What ate you going to do about tho
tariff?" asked the confidential friend.
"Well," teplled Senator Sorghum, "as
numan oxporience progresses wisdom In
creases. I n,n golnc to come as near
to Velfles I can 1
to i-ettlu as I cuii -V ashlngton Star.
Managing Kdltor I want that whole
story, with all the particulars of it
bmucht snuat-Fll- nut Inln the llrht nf
City Ldltor-rAll right; 1 11 send a man
to cover It. Chicago Tribune.
"More tough luck." whlsperrd his wife.
"Well, what now?" be muttered.
'Von know Miss Green never sings
without her music?"
"Yes." N
"Well, she"s btought her music." De
troit Free Press.
"I think It's your appendix."
"Are you sure, doctor"
"How can I be euro until I've had It
out and examined It7" Life.
Doc I'm quite nonplussed' I can make
nothing out of your case at all.
Patient (brlchtenlnr up) By love. Doe.
do you really mean that?
"Never mind." said the disappointed
"Handy!" It's the "handi
ness" of the Ford that estab
lishes its unbounded popu
larity especially with those
who have driven heavier and
more cumbersome cars. And
the new low price makes it
as "handy" to buy as it is
economical to maintain.
Every third car is a Ford. Nearly 180,000
have been sold and 'delivered. New prices
runabout $525 touring car $600 de
livery car $625 town car $800 with all
equipment, f.o.b. Detroit. Get particulars
from Ford Motor Company, 1916 Harney
St., Omaha, or direct from Detroit factory.
1 - SHI
siaSSl SLWW3, n
Far best result
Perfection Oil.
A Perfection Heater gives nine hours' com
fort on a single gallon of oil. Handsome, yet
inexpensive. Dealers everywhere, or write for
descriptive circular.
Get a Ptrf action SmokeUt Oil Heater now, and be
comfortable alt the rest of the winter
Get One for Him
for Xmas.l
Any Portrait
on ji handsome
burnished copper
Reproduced from any photograph you
send engraved on tho metal and abso
lutely Indestructible. A fob that may
be worn by any one who dresses in go id
taste, at the same time a lasting novel
Send photo and SI, 00. Photo
will be returned with care.
Engraving Dept.
Ordtrs msy b tt t Bss Offlct.
boast "there will be other elections, and
I the next time we will win by nook cr
"Tes." rejoined the henchman, ' hut
what's tho life of wasting time with the
hook?" Chicago Journal.
"Why do they call him the flshllng
parson T "
"Because he has teflRht Mr twsrUb
loners to get hie palary."-Judgei
Chicago Journal.
1 know a man who's always got
A quick and certain mire
For every 111 or ailment that
A mortal can rndtirr.
! Hf..?i,V, i.lf,ii?,.rio 1
ni 5 5 A.elf. f )
c ca8 n .octor qulek.
1 know a man who knows Just Ihjw
To fix your touring cart .
He stands upon the curb and tells
Tou what a chump you are.
But when his lawmnowi-r starts t
' squeak
He knows Just where to drop
The oil to make It run again,
And Honda it to the shop.
I know a man who tells you how
You should Invest your dough;
How you should place j'our bankroll s
That It will thrlvo afnf grow.
But still UUs frenzied financier
Has nover got a cent;
Ills wife takes In plain sewing; so
That they can pay the rent.
Whenever I encounter ode
Who blows and blows and blows,
I have my opinion on
How much he really knows.
Tho conversational gazabo
Has got the head of wood
Tho quiet party Is the one
Who's certain to mako good.
fyil! Heat
Your Spare
It means a lot to
your guests to find
a cosy,well-warm-
ed room awaiting
A Perfection Smokeless Oil
Heater is the very thing to drive
away chilled damp in a hurry.
No smoke or smell with a Per
fection. Just clean, glowing
warmth at a minute's notice.