Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    All Together, All the Time,
for Everything: Electrical.
People's Electrical Page
Brilliant Illumination Makes a
Oity Safer, Oleaner and Botter.
Modern lighting Has Reformed
Stores in Great Degree.
lor-hnni rr "Now nrnUy to Tnkr
,,f l,nrrM HnllrlM- Trnrie
In UUlor) at Thin Very
I'niRiTMlir fit-.
liJy In Mum mid tutwintat leisure 1
l role of lmrHc(W,)i,rniriB-.,-A,rr-ttlh'
soixl Idea or what the htpre have and
'Wit a person wnrjto Hlioiilct lie wall In
mlnjl before ope etrjrLi out to do much
DMrhnfJnc, v '
It Is very chj.v 'to take precautions
isaliiftt IndlHorimlmUe buying, for most
veone u frcnueotiy out In the evening
'vlth tlrno- .tosparo to got ;iiucyisllntpi
'ith tlie newest arid 'moM'teprpjcntullvc
irtlrJeaf every deecrilcfiiJ wrftcht1i
stores. have 'In' the wlnd'o6'fcWnipection
by plchj. ' .
If is really a flno way tlie store have
of KpIdk ofon -.for shopper by n.lsht.
Walk up atroet and notice how. briKhtly
rapli, window Ik lighted up, for j oun.fene-'
fft. V6u do not hwv the' lights, the,v- are
hidden sonviwheio, directing their light
upoig the ohjecta iihleh you are Inspect
Ing, so that yo.u may take Ittto the full
the good polhtii ot 'tho article?.
Yo.u. may appreclato olectrlo lights for
nlle'se-rvlc 'which they vender 1h ttils
direction, for they may b'e placed In
perfect safety (n A corner. an?ong any
kind of material or, may befuUeIy. be
hidden behind uny sprt of decorative
material, so that the window displays all
soods no noticeable light;
lileHrlv HiKllntor' AVnrmi Iloinr. .
Iri' Winter no living room Is complete
without ji-ilhlo warmth. Even with . tho
utearrt radiator "or furnace doing Its entire,
duty we must light the grate In ordeS- to
be conlli' settled - for tin. afternoon "or
Thd latest way of making a fireplace
ultractlvo and cheerful Is to Install an,
ilectrlo radiator. Nothing ptettier could
be Imagined.
Chafing Dish Gift
that is Appreciated
by Every Housewife
. Hospitality lyis, rroni time utitecKoned,
hastened, to express Itself tn offering rr
freshmentn of some deseriptlon to the
KtiHt--rdfnnet a'tluneh, a "snack.-'
A lunch preptired before the guests has
alwayj been aiiccessfiil as the means, of
Insulins an lnfornml time, and the chaf
Irtg dish. haRiheld. a firm place In socioty
-for agof. liridget says that the chilling
Jlih Is, a frying pail none Into snooty
If, that In .p. the sternly advance of the
chafing dth In gonornl utility makeup
Jias probably been 'made with a view to
kee'.MiiK In society.
If yoll wish, to know Into what sort of
a,ri nrjlele -thet chafing dish has really
h.cen developed, step into an electric tdiop
,tho' next, tlrno, you go on a Christmas
shopping expedition. . -
Ah a Rift for any Individual or any
family tho chafing dish never was
equaled, but hero U Is the very latest
thing 'for 'tab1 cooking, parlor cooking,
bedroom cooking,- for dlnnc lunch or
Electricity is Now
Coming Into Great
Use in Factories
. No development In the lils-toiy .of thjt
country has been more wonderful than
thh adoption of electricity m a motive
ponbr In our shops and fixctotles. While
we arc marveling at the rapid growth of
electric railways and the, olcctrlfleatlor.'
of our steam i nails we must not forget
the wondetful development that Is mori'
or less hldilen from the. casual 'observe!
In our mills mid fUctotir.
Nearly all the factories recently built
nu operated by elect!!' tnolors. Thrt
arc many vital reasons for the adoption
f elet'tiyo drive In shorn and ' f tie tort en
ui,d chief1 among them Is the great smln,;
effected by tlie uce of eteetrlilty.
The Blent textile mills or the east and
eolith, the stcej mills, factories and shops
of nil kinds, are now putting In electric
power, and the time will " surely ieiitno'
within the next few years vyheu" elec
tricity will be turning pimHiCilfy all tho
whoels of tnduMi'.
Modem IlRngc Lends -Itself Perfectly
, to Firclcss Principle.
1 Permit Vlrnt, llmul or In lie
1 -ittsheil on llenl of, Ihrn noil
Top lloriiers Heenie of
fiver since the first attnoutu'eimnt of ,
'.'the 'tireless cookliiR, piiielple. wvki esxtve
housekeepers have 1ie!it,,)n h teeeptlve ,
Mate for Its practlcBl"il?kipmeut. CW1:
Inc by stoivd-up heat has bevn looked f i '
as a' colivcnleneo and' economy. K
The electric ranse lendsleelf ivifecii.--to
the 'development of the fltck'ss cooUlnfi'
principle. The bcatlnp elements of both
oven aiul tup burneri nroso wfll luu
laed that nu-at or .bread. or soup or an
tHInK ma, after i certain amount of
oooklng. be nllowed to flntsl on the beat
wilch Is I'OiiUlm'd In the burniTs or oven.
New Fixtures Su.oh
that Any Child fc
Able to Use Thein
(ne of Urn newer elevtiif .(Ixturp ivoiv
enmlnc Into ujc Innerliuisly.' couMructeil
and of practical ronvenleiife,' tfi Uic tmiir
Mtoller. which Is built upjn the f-octtonal
, tn this Is its rU.m to ottl4llt'j ; ftd
, spsonl usefulness. Tln uni(WioyjrHUn
; stu of a uialu shaft, siicji us ii'll celllni?
etiotile light fixtures pave, to,jtW bottom
of whlph. howler. nia. lie uHietuM any
alile of, arms. . l''iMin one to foun'lif'anelies
, t.ity Ik used on tho mune ha ft. ,thns tie
' tKture l-an W nd.lusteil to met the'lluhtr
lnc rriiulroments of rocm of vnrlnus
I slxe"?. x!
TIk. oIoaMiIc wiling lh so arv.mrd In
I the (.faction, for attaclinirnt to th rwull
thet It connects lth 'ripi-inK -m all.slde
' for tho liiHertlon of .mJiittlojial aim.
Whir, not In use thcue oi.vnlnu. are.io4cd
with brass plugs so tln.1 the nre' lltilily
ornamental "when not U actual ne
Candles No Longer
Extensively Used
on Christmas Trees
Omaha Electrical Works
Electric Elevator Repairs
Westinghou3c Motors
103-10 IT, UUi St. Phone Song. 1181.
I Motor, Dynamos and Central Btpalrlnir, 1
Electrical Machinery and Armature I
j t Wlndtnff a specialty. 1
rowra wiritto
Le Bron Elcclrical Works
I Sspcrt Elsotrlolnns and Mohlnlti
I Day, Oqng. 3176. 31a South ISth Bt,
Electric Supplies
Electric Wiring
Bennett Electric Co.
501 Omaha National Hank Bidg.
Do your Christmas shopping now and get In before tho
jtisli. You will find a suggestion for a gift for every member
'of the family; for instance:. KIjECTHIC PHIlcqfiATOllS, niSP
MAS. 1
FRKK. A Manual of Wireless Tolegraphy to every boy who
' cares for it.
Wolfe Electric Co.
- 4810 Far nam St. ?Tylor 1414.
Wire for u and we will wire for you.
One Sfc.iin the wheel of turns to
the ueason ot I'hrlstmas. H Is to lo jle
pl'ored that tlie Joy and Gladness of Yule
tide Is no ofl'oii chann'd ,to Krlef by din
sfltrous ('hrUtmss v tree fires, due to
lighted candles. The time honored Christ
mjis tie- diatom brinies up toe nmny
plettvartt rerollocllons to nil of im fo us
to fftvo'' Itf lticoritlfiUince. Kleclrlclty
ha sclvcd the problem HUccMsfully, for
hy Its meuim the ires can be llfchle l safety
and nmfl beaut'fully than Is )o!istblo
ivhll candle.".
Minlati'ti' e let trlt Itrnps can he bought
all conned in 6(i1i;k rehdv to lo at-taclo-d
to an oidlnnry llnht socket, ny
strltiKlni? thoie .tliroiiKli. tllo liianclifn ot
the tree and nojwwlni: the pliiK Into a
eciiit)ti!eut sooket. the tree can he brlt
Kantly Jlhunln.i.iil. A mere unap of the
switch will llfiht tho wlit'le tree. No llk'ht
Inc of ndlc8 blown out by sudden drafts,
no drjppincr wax,, no burnt tinners and.
host of nil, no deiuriiettyo flren with
tblr death bentlnff MrJ- we the reasons:
why noije hut ojrotrie lights should be
Ufed for Christmas, tree. llRhtltifr.
Electricity, Now Used for This Pur.1
pose, is Inexpensive. '
Medteiil Mi-inllltru ..Cnlled nt Mnht
nml Vlslhlr uinlirr It
llsVr (n, f!lnd tlie Homes
( re'A'W o.lmveVypHcnced difficult
in fl:idln Tiifit"n.'-l'ilic'9r'' "1 nlht oti
pne-lv llahleiVatKCft's.lnwcIt as those,
who.e RFptTejiK.My .been delivered
;o tlie n'tilnjc, hoilse Jupe the dellvet
hft :r iflMble to illatlnKtlUll the bo'i"
nuirbeiK will anpl'eelnte the value of hn 1
inp the nunibi'i Illuminated at nluht (
IrettiMtns: lllumlnatlnn numbern U not,
,expeve und the cost of ope'ratllnr them '
Is utmost 4psUKltK
n lllumlimted Mn for this rurpoi-v
cor.ti!it eneeiithilly of a box or rrcc
!ln the mkII, with the tilde toward the
iMrcft covered by u transparency upcivi
jwhMi li prlnteirtho houitn nu'ilbrr tn-i
Mlde the .box Is plSce,d nnlncandesce .t.
latiip. which 'an be burned from duk to
Idiiwn lit very tillKht expense. A persor
(niUklnK. nlolur tho street tun easily scci
'kucIi a number and wtll thus often avoHi
tiieonvenlent nml' emhairnKln(r mistake i
Another method In to lllumltMte tho
ordinary -lH?unAV rtif tibe-rs.liV inck(ift of nr '
electric lump placed in a metal reflector
and' mounted on a ostenild arm ro that'
IW lluht Is thrown upon tho number, In
umiji case tho bare lamps rMit not bo
Visible from 'the street,-ulnce this would,
Interfere with reelns the ulun.
Doctor?. undertHkem ahd others, th
nature of. whose buidnois rciiilrcH their
belnB" nailed utNn'by the publfc, will flr.d
mich aliens to lis of considerable nsxlntnni
to patrons who call upon tliem during
the dark bourn of -the, day.
'll(e Hotel Stutter.
The Hotel Statler, Cleveland, O,, una.
of the most complete In the world, de
pends lalKoly upon electricity for lieuim,
I convenience comfort apd Hervlce ,
Avoid the Storm-Swept
Streets and Jostling Crowds
Is the Housewife's Greatest Servant
It cluiinsos rngt?, druponoe, etc. vitl)ou; dust and
without hard work.
For sale and rent.
MMIr, Stewart & Beaton
415-17 South Sixteenth Street
For that Christmas Gift
the perfect player piano
The Apollo
'' ''Tho entire piano industry has looked to
Melyijle Clark to bring out the perfect pluym
piano. Wliilo' there, are'otlier good player p.i
a7ios7 there is "no other that may be said to have
greater individuality. While other player pi
anos are factory propositions, pure and simple,
Iho 'Apollo is'difforont in that it is the result of
the geniusf-the Avonderful inventions of oho
vnian, Me'lViHe Clark who dominates the ilayer
piano field' as completely as Edison does tin
field of electricity and phonography.
is a studied product and it enables tho player
" pining .put inspir'ed.inusioj.i-givea forth tones
1 $ ! 4liat i'ot)er player, pianos'' ca'nhot' i)rodic.o, lie-4
& 'ause they are; ndt;. built to'Yftgfud' to the"' me
chanical touch a8 the Apollo is.
If you, have not investigated the Apollo
player piano you owe it toypurelaud to us t'o
come here and thoroughly inspect Ibis wonder
ful instrument.
Established 1874,
, Christmas shopping" by Bell Tele
phone is restful, carefree and worryless.
Forg-at the bedraggled shoppers, the
rush, the' jostle, tho confusion Do your
holiday shopping- by Bell Telephone, and
have the wearisome job over in a. single
morning. t
An extension telephone coats only
itiat the proper Chrintman trift' for
Throw your shopping- burdens on the
"Bell." Wo are piepared for oxtra. calls
at this season.
Every merchant who really cares for
your trade has adequate telephone facili
ties to accommodate the Christmas rush,
and will gladly accept your tolephone
50 cents a month and makes
the entire household
Nebraska Telephone Co,
A lamp beautiful for Christmas
Nothing is so much appreciated as u gift that not only is beautiful, but that
alt-o is serviceable and durable. An electric lamp is decorative and useful, and no
living ropm of any home is really well furnished unless it is supplied with an elec
tric table lamp.
Thin' store shows an extensive and splendid line of electric lamps and shadqs.
We have all designs and all qualities at prices, too, that will appeal to evory
lover of the artistic and beautiful. . ; :.
Visit 'us now and see our grand holiday line. If you do not wish a lamp, we
have hundreds of other Christmas gift suggestions that will delight you.
Framers Craft Shop 1S13'15 Douglas Street
When Guests Come to
Spend the Evening
THION friends como to call, have you often
wished you could serve a tasty little sup
per easily and quickly? An Electric
t hafing Dish will allow you to prepare any one
of a number of tid-bits without bother and with
out.the.Tjsks attendant upon the uso of alcohol '
fuel. . Artistically wrought, simple nrid sufeto
oporato the combined .beauty .and ultili'ty
innko'an Electric. .Chafing Dish nnMclcaHacces
sorv to your table. , I,
t .
Electrical Appliances. , '
Convenient and Economical
There aro any number of electrical, devices that
you find decidedly useful and attractive. The
same electricity that you uso-toJlight your houso
will ojWnto time- and- laborfsaving devices that
cost little to own and Jess to operate J
Bread' Toasters
loot Warmers
Flat Irons
Heating Pads
thirling Irons
Coffee Percolators
Tea Kqttles
Grills .
Chafing Dishes
Egg Boilers
Cereal Cookers .
Waffle Irons
Excellent for Christmas Gifts.
Omaha Electric Light
and Power Co.