Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' T. '."fl'V 1
Jasrn Baker of Seneca Wants Cer
tificate of Election.
Attnrne j- In noser Stilt Visit Stutr
Ilnnae to Find Ont Chnrncter of
Tttond Spot npprmrif
tatlve Taylor 111.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN", Neb.. Dfc, 2.-(Spectal.)-Jn.son
Y IJnker of Seneca. In Thomas
rourty, elected to the lenlslature to iep
ieient the Seventy-first district, has writ
ten Secretary of State Walt for Instruc
tions rjsardlnsr the method to be ussl In
"curlntr a certificate of election. He
ras ho has written the county clerk of
1-onp oounty for th certificate, but the
clerk Informs him that he has received no
returns from the- other counties In the
district as to the vote polled for repre
jentatlve and therefore Is not In a posi
tion officially to recognise. Mr. Raker ns
the man to whom a certificate Is due.
Mr. Walt has written Mr. Baker that
the law provides that whcie a dlstrlrt
comprises ir.orr than one county the
county clerk of the county first m n
tlor.ed In the law shall be the official
to Issue the certificate of election to the
candidate rerelvlnR the most votes. The
dlstrlrt comprises ' Loup, Mclhers"ii.
Grant. Hooker and Ixjgan and therefore
the tounty clerk of Loup county Is the
cfllccr who Is authorized by law to Issue
a certificate to the representative-elect.
Auditor e. It. Barton has gone to New
Tork to attend the meeting of the state
Insurance auditors of the different states.
W B. Howard, state auditor-elect, accom
panied him.
I.ntrrcr Ue Microscope,
Attorneys Dolesel and Button of Fre
mont, the attorneys interested In the case
brought by County Attorney Cook of
lodco county asking the supreme court
to make an Investigation Into the sultcn.e
mystery In which nn old suitcase which
was In evidence In the murder trial it
J mis Rogers and Caroline Wchter for the
alleged murder of nn Infant born to the
latter, were visitors at the office of the
clerk of the supreme court thin morn
Ing and with a microscope were exam
ining; the spots In the suitcase alleged to
bo blood. It Is claimed by the countv
attorney that the spots were not In the
suitcase at the time the same was placed
In evidence at the trial and that for the
purpose of deceiving the court In an ap
plication for n new trial the spots were
placed In the old suitcase by some par
ti's Interested In a new trial.'
The vital olnt In the controversy Is that
If the child was brought In tho Rultcasa
dead from Omaha to Fremont that Itog
crs could not have been guilty of the
crlmo for It was pred at the trial that
lie had not been In Omaha with the
woman, and therefore would have to bo
cleaned from the penitentiary.
Tnylor SUrIiM?- Imprnreil,
When Mr. Button was asked If he had
anything for publication nt this time lit,
simply said that there had been too much
said already and that there was nothing
for publication ftom their side of thn
W. Z. Taylor. represcntatlvc-elect
from Hitchcock county. Is very 111 with
ktomach trouble. Scei-otary of Stato Walt
this morning received a letter from J. n.
King, brother-in-law of Mr. Taylor,
which stated that he was some better
and tf no new complications, set lit the
physicians hoped he would recover, Mr.
Taylor has been 111 about two weeks.
To Sec'rcRittc CoiiNnmntlrr. ,
Governor Colquitt of Texas has written
r letter to Governor Aldrich relative to
a bill which Is to be presented In the
Texas legislature at tho coming session,
which will provide for the establishment
of tuberculosis sanitariums on the gov
ernment reservations In that state. The
call for such action Is based upon the
fact that peoplo afflicted with lung trou
ble have been coming from the northern
states to Texas, with the result that the
1 eople there are becoming alarmed that
danKer may tesult from so large an In
crease In the tuberculosis population and
thpy desire to have some provision made
o that tho?o offllrted may flock by
themselves away from the rest of the
people of the Lone Star state. He asks
the governor of Nebraska to use his In
fluence toward having the government
set aside a portion of the government
reservations and torts for such people.
, Incnt men mentioned for the place if
William Foster, who uas n candidate
fcr the legislature and. was defeated. Mr
Forttr iwlleu the blFgest vo!e of anv
man on the democratic legislate t'c'. -t
and his friends say that that Is n poln
which should be In his favor whe-i t'i
c'alm for recognition' Is made, tiothc '
man who has also been mentlonct Is l)r A
r. i rirgcson. wno was niso ucicaicn
for u lcsls'atlve office. . "
May Trap Beaver
On Own Land 'Only ;
(From n Staff Correspond nt.)
LINCOLN. IJcc. 1 -(Special. --!). A
Jendevar of Alma has written the game
warden for permission to trap beaver, l
stating that he has vtecn a trapper for j
many years and dcsltes lo take a hand
li. rocurlng some ot the numerous ant-'
mnls which abound In thje wate-s of th- .
rivers of that county. (
The law says that no beivcr ran b
ctug'nt or destroyed at any time of the
car, but provided, however, that In case
the animals ner destroying property tl
cwner of the land on which the property
stands may apply to the state for per
mission lo deitroy Iho auimalx on his
own land As Mr, Jendevar made no nl- ,
luslon to the destruction of property t'.ic i
permit cannot bo ginntcd. I
BEATTUCE. Neb., Dec. 2. (Special,)
The body of the late Jess B. Fulton, the
Bctor and singer, arrived In the city yes
terday from Phoenix, Ariz. Funeral ser
vices were held from the home of his
father, Dr. J. H. Fulton. Saturday after
noon at S o'clock, conducted by Itevs. W.
a. Brown and L. D, Young. The re
malm were interred In Evergreen Home
Four farmers' Institutes will be held In
Gage county during the month of Decem
ber. The dates are as follows: Union
hall. December 9 and 10; Beatrice. De
cember 10 and 11; Virginia, December '1
and ; Ellis, December 12 and 13.
Mr. Mary Shafer died suddenly at her
home near Liberty from paralysis. She
nil about 60 years of age and la sur
vived by a family ot grown children. Her
husbind was kicked to death last sum
mer by a horse while at work on the
A special election will be held at Dtller.
Monday, December 13. to vote $6,000 for
the completion of the new water works
plant there.
Mr. Franl; O. Van Bosklrk and MUs
Mildred .I.aj'ton. both of Beatrice, weie
married here Thursday. .They wl.l mnke
their home on a farm northwest of this
A proportion' for reviving the Chau
tauqua In Beatrice in 1(13 Is being offered
I lie business men here by J. U. need and
C. P. Barr of Hasting. Provided they
an secure a guarantee of 31,300 they will
nnld an assembly here. Ttic price of sea
ton tickets will be advanced to 12.60 for
,dults and 11.25 for children.
Very few cattle are being fed In Gage
ounly thin w'nter. The stockmtn say
they ire long on feed, but short on cattle.
(From a Ftttt Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 2. (Sp:Ial.)-Lancas-trr
'comity democrats want a place on
hr new beard of control which will be
nrot'te by the new democratic go.
i.n ' cet his appointing ma- '
, , to lur.nmg One ot the mist prw. j
' (From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, DfC. 2 (Special To'esMm.)
I'ntil Senalorti Brown and Hitchcock
can consulte with treasury authorities
fver propoed addition- to the tncViln
postofflce the award of bids recently sub
mitted will not be mad-. This Is accord
ing to Senator Hitchcock, to wmosp at
tention tho matter was brought by i
committee of Lincoln mnn shortly' he-
foro tho senator left his home. He wn
ndvtscd by the treasury officials thnt
they would delay further action until the
two senntnrs could confer with them on
tho subject.
Family Driven from llone.
SCHUYLER, Neb.. Dec. 2 (Special.) -Fire
In the homo of Henry Croshaw nt 1
o'clock yesterday morning did 330) dam
age, which Is covered Insurance. A
defective chimney la given ni the cause.
Mr. Croshaw and his family were driven
out In the cold night air In their n'ght
fllir frmtn In fTlit vi-ti nt-.
SIDNEY, Neb.. Dec. 2.-( Tele '
gram.)-Albert Milieu, living northwest of !
here, threshed I7.000 bushels of oats on
2S0 acres, 200 tons of cane, 2M bushels ot '
flax and 2,000 bushels of corn. This was
all raised on the divide without Irrigation
Experts Saysthat
Peterson Did Not
Write His Own Will
Handwriting experts. In the Sorcn T
Peterson will case declared in county
court that Peterson did not write the will
to which his name Is signed and which
bequeaths 310,000 worth of his property to
his wife, Emma Peterson. This much of
the expert testimony tepded to support
the contentions of helrs-at-law of Peter
son, who are teeklng to break the will
but the experts would not uwear that
Mrs. Peterson, who produced the will In
court, was tho author of It. From their
tostlmony It appears likely that the testa
ment was written by a third person.
Tho experts were bank tellers J. H
Bexton ot the First National, Wallace O.
Shane of the Omaha National and Earl
W. Sherman of the City National.
After studying several letters known
and admitted by both sides to have been
written by Peterson, tho experts ex
amined the will. They were agreed that
It was not Peterson's handwriting. Mrs.
Peterson produced a letter purporting to
have been written by Peterson to her,
in which the writer spoke of Petcrson'3
having bequeathed her 310,000. This let
ter, the experts said, was wrltttn by tho
same hand that wroto the will, but It
was not Peterson's.
After they had examined specimens of
Mrs. Peterson's handwriting the experts
were asked If they believed she wrote
the will and the letter referring to It.
They said they did not believe did,
but they could not be certain about It,
0ramerrs Team to
Pay for the Dinner
The membership committee of the Com
mercial club will gather at a dinner at
the club dining room at C:3) o'cloc'.;
this evening as the guests of the los
ing team In the recent campaign for 100
new members.
Guy H. Cramer's team will be host to
T. L. Davis' team. In the campaign
which closed just before the club moved
Into Its new home, Cramer's team gar
nered thirty-nine members and Davis'
team fifty-five, a total of ninety-four
The executive committee members
brought In twenty-one names and nine
teen more came In through miscellaneous
channels, making thirty-tour more mem
bers than the club set out to get.
Word rtaches Burlington headquarters
that a new Wyoming oil field Is be'ng
brought In along the company l'nes In
Crook county, near Moorcroft a couple
of hundred miles northeast of the Casper
fleldsju Northwestern territory.
Out ten miles from Moorcroft, the re
port states that a well has been sunk
and that Inside of 1.500 feet i strong
flow of oil was struck. Tho gas In the
well forced the oil over tho top and
considerable difficulty was experienced
in capping the pipe. The report adds hat
Moorcroft in wild with excitement over
the oil strike.
The question
to join the Orkin
rothers piano club
The time to start to choose a musical education is now,, the lime to put
music into your home is now, just as the time to live and love and fight,
and carry on every purpose and function of life is now and not tomorrow.
f A lady came in yesterday to buy a piano. She was undecided. She did not know whether
to buy an old, u) ell-known make or join the Orkih Brothers Piano Club. .X-.-
She was afraid that a good piano could not be sold at the Club pVice ($257.50). There must
i. .i . ti ' . ii.t 11 . i '
De someuning wrong wun u, eise it woman i oe soia at so low a price.
Orkin Brothers Piano Club plan
told in a few brio! sentences
1. The valuo of Orkin nrothora Club
piano Ih $35 n,
?. Tlin prlr in Orkin Mr-others Club
.Vombrrn In J 2 6 7. HO.
3. Tho'termn arc Jf.,00 cash when you
Join, then tl.'ilt per week for weeks
I. The pluno will be delivered when
yon Join, Inter an you wish.
f. Tho weekly payments of II.S5 be
Sin when tho piano In delivered.
i Kvnry Instrument Is guaranteed
without rcHrrve tor flvo years. Thorn
rro no "lf" ur "nnds" In the guarantee
-Just n Htriilrrlit-out guarantee hb ntrnug
mi wo know how lo inako It In writing
7. If, after 110 diiyfT trial, tho piano '
pot itatlHfiictoty wo will glvi) you your
n. urn.. v Luck.
S. If the piano la ratlafactory nftir
.10 tlayw' use, tho club member Ims eleven
more inontlm in which to nittsfy himself
oh to tho character of tli piano, if It
ilocn not then prove to bo everything
that ho oxpootM he linn tho privilege of
exchnnglng It without ono penny's 1cm
for unv other Instrument of equal or
greater value thnt wo sell--(und wo sell
a doxen dlffmont represontnllvo makos)
P, if n club member dies during tlm
lire of his contrnct wo will Immediately
Hend n receipt in full lo Ills family for
the Instrument.
10. A beautiful stool nnd Kcarf lo
match the piano Is Included without ex-
trilL0,ihr. piano will be tuned twice
without charge.
12. There Is positively no Interest
We showed her all the ood points about the piano and explained the
Club plan the best we could, but still she couldn't see it, and like some
other women, she couldn't be convinced. It -wound up by her buying a
Chickering. She paid 5 hundred land 75 dollars for it, 50 dollars cash and
20 dollars a month though she said that the terms of the Club piano (5
dollars cash and a dollar and a quarter a week) would have suited her much
better just at this time.
1F Now, we tell this incident "because it has a moral; because many more
persons may be in the same frame of mind.
m The moral of the incident is this: that that lady could have joined the
Orkin Brothers Piano Club and if, as she said, the Club terms best suited
her just now, she should have done so, and we will tell you why.
SF She would not1 have taken a chance of any kind in joining the club.
!F In the first place; if she had desired it, we would, within thirty days, have
given her money back. In the second place, she would have had a whole
year to have tried the Club piano. If the year's trial of the piano was not satisfactory she
could then have gotten the Chickering and had all her Club payments transferred to the Chick
ering without the loss of a single penny.
pn other words, according to our written agreement, she
could have joined the Orkin Brothers Piano Club; gotten her
piano; paid only 5 dollars down and 1 dollar and 25 cents a
week for a whole year (which she said would have best
suited her,) and at the end of the year gotten a Chickering,
had her club money transferred to her credit on the Kurtz
man, Chickering, Ivers & Pond or some other well known
make we handle, and then begun her payments of 20 dol
lars a month. By doing this, don't you see, she would have
a whole year of the easiest kind of payments on the club
plan, had the use of the club piano a whole year for abso
lutely nothing and a year hence had a brand new Chick
ering in her home instead of one a year old.
See the point?
As we said above, we tell this story, thinking that there
might be others in the same frame of mind.
Orkin Brothers
player-piano club
wn We Imvo Inaurjinatftil a Plnycr-plnmi club in connoc
K IL Hon with our 500 plnno club. Tho price of thess club
fl lMayer.phinos Is SOTi dollarH-.the term's nre l tlollnr
Hie flifct ptijiiifiil and 2 dollar a week wllliout Interest
atltled. Thco I'Jnycr-plnnos have never been sold for leas
than $550, with terni3 or $2r down and $15 a month, with
Interest added at Iho rate of U per toni. This is tho Hist
time, no far aa our Icnowledcj rocs, that bucIi trustworthy
Instruments have been offered for ?ale upon such popular
terms as 1) dollars llio firM payment and ii dollars a week
wllliout Interest added,
Theso I'layer-plnnos aro Nlandard HS-note players
that Ih, these Club Player-plcnoB play every nolo on the
piano when the music roll Is In motion. Wo kIvo you nn
unconditional guarantee wKh tlicso Club, Plnyo. -pianos.
1. Tlie Ployer.plnno club will consist of 100 members.
2. The Playti-.plano for club ininibera Is one of the best
ylBTer-plancs on the market.
The club price l .195 dollars .
The saving In price to ench Player-pUno club member Is
K.0 dollars.
The rUyer-plano club member ban no Intoreit to pay.
The term to Player-piano juii menibniK are 9 dollars
mull and ! dollars a week - or, putting it In another way,
Plnycr-pUno club monibera have 193 eeks in which to
pay for tl.elr Player-Piano.
Kai-li Player-piano club member has the use of 1,000 rolls
t' f limbic fro.
Player-ptano ilub member ferine the fri use of the great
Orkin IlrothurH Munlc Hull Library Uio larseat Music
I toll Libia y In Umulia,
If n Playev-Plauo club member die during the life of hi
contract e will I nmcdlale y cancel all future pamants
and Html it receipt in full to Ills family for the instrument.
Hkilmiril from llrntl to Heel
was Hen Tool, Thteet. Ala., when dragged
over a roush road: but Uucklen'n Arnica
Salve healed all his Injuries. 2Je. For
kale by Beaton Drur Co.
Copyright 1012 by Stone McCar
rlck, Inc. Unauthorized use in whole
or In part or colorable summaries
thereof forbidden.
Excello Grate, ton $3.59
The Nearest to Anthracite
UiMiIutelj' Smokeless
Coal Hill Coal Company
Telephone 1)78
Kladly ttna me particulars about yonr
riaiio CJub and your Playtr-piano Olu'o
City SUtt- , ,
Chickering, Kurtzman, Ivers and Pond, Auto f ianos and Player Pianos and Victor Talking' Machines.
Everybody reads . Bee want ads