Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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MAf.sAUB, Mrs. Itlttenhouse, bath,
electrical treatments. ii Brandcls. The
ater uuuaiaa-KJ.
- - - M
WKST bracer for men. Gray's NervoTL..
rooa fins, ii per box, postpaid, gnerman
X- McConnell Drug Co., Onvitia. Neb.
RAROAIN miff Orpington cockerels.
Web. 6770,
FOR SALE-BIrd dogs, 'otters" either
sex. E. O. Kephart. Holt. Mo.
Five miles out. fair hultdltiKS and cowl
orchard. This l really quite a Rood place
and seems to us cheap at $100 per acre.
If you want n farm near Council Rluffs
or Omaha It aIII pay you to look at It.
ICG Pearl St.. Council Bluffs.
Dolgoff 2dhand store pays highest prices
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 107.
WANTED To buy. 6 or 6-room house
to be. moved on a lot; would like one
within IS blocks of Ilth and Franklin.
Telephone Bed 4301.
Shaf ton buys old clothes, Jhocs. W
" WI tit,,, pay gttoitf Inienf - fqr . j l.oan of
KL.VQ to $10,QOO on, . western prairie-land.'
100 per.' cent steam' plow; want ''about
J2.50 pe;r. acre, on' Ifvnd - worths HI yto-j$l5.
JS37 Eleventh Ave., So., Minneapolis Minn.
WANTED to rent by lady employed,
furnished room near car or walking 'dis
tance. Give price and references. Ad
dress N 277, Bee.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St
WANTED City loan. Pter Jrust Co.
City and Farm Loans-John N. Frenrer.
HARRISON & MORTON. 816 Oma. Nat.
LARGE loans our specialty. Btull jBros.
lV): to $10,000 made promptly. V V.
Wad, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
CITt LOANS.- Bemls-CarlbergCi..
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com
mission; optional payments; cheap money.
Orln B, Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bld
LOANSdn farm and Improved" city 'prop
el ty. 5 per cent to 6 per cent! no delay. J.
II Duinoht & Co., 1603 Pat-ram. Omaha.
MONEY to loan on business or resi
dence properties. 11,000 to $50,000. W. H.
THOMAS, 22S State Bank BIdg-
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm.
VAi Omaha National. Douglat371t,
MONEY. to. loan on Improved. Jarmy to A,.l,roelrn T.VtnMK mAlle for SVi
ni"rint. WHh. nrtvlleae ofPaS'lnt all'-or
unrt of the mrintlnal after- 3 year For'
further particulars' write to .home office.
The. ..Equitable Loan qr, Percy., E
Gwjnne, At Sec'jyOffiali. Neb-
TOWN tirnnertv to exchange .for'-oUto
mdbller-Call at SIS N. 22d St., So. Omaha.
SEND for our system of exchanges
Shopen A Co., Dept. B. Omaha, Neb.
twins. It5tfflie; young Americas, ISHff
1V; long horns. lSIJATWic.
POTATOES- Weak; receipts, 110 ears,
I Mlehlnan. nOtr63e; Minnesota. 47we.
Russia Offers Wheat in Increase J drei.' HcVhicens: ttlWi'ng.: Moit Kinds of Cattle Quarter Higher
Volume to Balkan States.
ton Co., Kan,;. rich Arkansas river bottom
lonri. nHXllt. ,1 rnTf frnm Tfm1a1l fmnln
line Santa Fe Ry.);,good fence; no bund
le AU , .. A -
1111,7. VAOll, DUimivn m V o pvi m,
James L. Lombard. Owner, Kansas
City, Mo. '
AlthouKh the Wrnther Continue Fa-
unable over (he Corn Belt the
.Movement to Mnrket Is 1
Reported n Unht.
'to.P-o...... for the Week.
,M5v voutt tJUMiH.-.t. market HOGS STEADY TOR THE WEEK
Onotntlon of the llnr. on Vnrlona
font modifies.
spring patents. $4.4-Hl."0; winter straljthts,
.n4.f, winter intents. ji.twtu.w;
Sherp ((nnrtj-r lllnher for the Week,
nun- 1 ririuiaa Klfiy, msnrr
nnri l.nntli tjunrtrr t'n
BRltViliVT acres richest soil, adapted
for-any truck growing; quarter mile from
depot.yLyman, Miss. A bargain. W. W.
uyrne.. nonr ru.
Booklets will soon be readl' for dtstribu- so
tlon-tertlnjr you whnt kirirf of, n. -country I th
wo luWft,' In southwfst Mlfsottri:. lt,.will-,'i
cheap farms. Anyone thinking of making
a chansc will do well to send for one
of our latest booklets. Respectfully yours,
J. F. Herrell ASon, Butler, Mo.
We have for sale over 20.000 acres ot
Cheyenne county. Nebraska's choicest
farm landT Where the crop, .yields for U
years. Including 1510 and U. average
with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot be. found. VWrlte -for full
Information. Agents wantea everywhere.
BEST 180, acre' farm In Cass county;
twenty miles west of Omaha, .for sale,
at a ..bargain. Cash" only. O. C. Dorey,
14S North 23th "street. ' '
We have a chotce-40 R?res of land
within 34 miles of Omaha city limits.
This Is one pf the most ideal 40 acres In
Douglas county.
S3 acres In cultivation, seven Acres In
timhnrsri nasiir. 10 acres in alfalfa..
This land 1 on h.S west Center street
ri tks- onlv 20 minutes to come into
town Jii n 'atitamoblle.
I'ricc -o" per nr- ta ouu" jvu
this farm.
1623 Faxnam St... R?'n J-
OMAHA. November . 191
From thn nrnsctit miitnnk nnthlnc short
of war will help tho wheat bulls out of
mmr present noidings. jn tne racy-oi-.m
present sltuaUon In tho Balkans, Russia,
Is offering its wheat In Increased qnantlj
ties and growers there are witllng to meet
the Views of buyers In order to place at
least a part of the grain that In now
available and for which tho sale 4
quite slow.
Russian lirMi- f.r thn Argentine Will
coma to the front with Its usual tush of
receipts of now wheat and, that the
southern hemisphere grower will force
rneir grain upon the marKet 01 un
wotld, and that li order to dispose of a
portion of their surplus, Russia will t
found to cut the price at which Argen
tina has disposed a goodly pprtlotv of
Its grain. In our own northwest tne re
'spring clears. tl.US4.4; winter exttas,
. 1 No. l, HOStKlS. winter extras. No. 1,
- M.9&jTi.. Kansas straight. J4.CW4.10. Rye
tie ChnnRe.ln Keedera,
7 W
Otfiotai Manttiiy
OfttoUU 'iMeimo ..
Off Mai Wednesday
flour, steady; fair to good, M.M.W;
choice to fnnev, sn.WOM.OC. Buckwheat
flour, steady. t-'lMii, per 100 lbs.
mil'MI.-AIllln.l .i.,lv flim nhlle
and yellow. 3I.4MJ1.W; coarse, -WrtM5; JJicihl 'njiiisday
Klin dried. j.T5. , .
IIYK-Kaay, No. 3 western, (BtjOJc, c, I. .tmtt Saturday
i , uuiiaio.
BARLEY-Kiisy; feeding. 6S4C. c. I. f.
New York; malting. 5igc, c. I. f.,
WHEAT -Spot market steady; No. S
red. Sl.OTs elevator, and Jl.M.f. o. b
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,, 5c, f. o.
h.. aflo'at. Futures market closed net
unchahged to sko loner. December,
WHc. closed at 90Hc; May. WUIfWSc.
closed at WVic
CORN Snot" market firm; export, BV.
KOlltH OMMIA. Nov. W. 1S1.
RecelptV were; Cattle. llog. Shuop.
"il IiWl
. lMT
.. i,;si , IU1
. . 3,(TTi ,fS
eclpts arti certain to continue rigru up OATS-Spot. market steady; standanl
until they are partially cut off by tonm wnUe j.Ci nomlna, x. sSc. No. 3
Persistent Advertising la the Road to
Big Return. . ,
Bhlp live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Tour' consign
roenta receive prompt and careful atten
tion. I Ive Stock Commission Merchant.
BY BBS ' BROS, fe CO. Strong, reliable.
REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of.
flee In Nebraska., 208.Brandes Theater.
-;'.! .i, -
8ix mjlc.s"but, on main' rbad, 1 miles from
xmifll tori-h: 1? nevcegood gaiMerf luhfl,' 3
acres pasture. Comfortable 6-room itouse,,
harii; small f nir, , Owp.f r. getting, too ld.
to lake care,of the plac and offers'chcap
for Immediate sale. 2.WX). ' '
105 Pearl Bt, Council Bluffs.
Three miles- out. with two sxjod, hnrd
roads to CltJ" near graded school. IUb
cood 6-room cottage, .with largr porches
on south and east .sides. Cave cellar,
windmill, several acres In grapes and
berrjes.1 a few apple, cherry .and plum
il... ftit.r enlnr blind and cannot, take
iaj-e-of the njace. Offers for,.7W. S-
jsr aoout it. .
' ' " M'OEE REAL ESTATE ,CO... r
105 Pearl St.; Council Bluff."
CtlY PROPEII'I'V jr)ft MAIilS.
6-ROOM. cotUge, fully modern, fine
hnmii. .2414 Mania St.. 12.600. Ca9hv200
balance. sume as rent. J; H. Johnson, 57S.
Brandels Bldg,
"Real Estate .
Contract. For $770
Which Is.a, ficst4lien oiii a nice home,
sold for 31, K0. Purchaser pays $15 per
month and 7 pep cent seml-anrinal in
terest, find lies nevr mltdcd' a payment.
This Is first clans..,
HASTINGS & tfKYDEN. 1611 Harney St.
"CLTFTON- Com. Co.r tit Exr hange Bldg.
Cnyder-Malone-Coffman Co.. ii E. Bldg
LAVERTY BROS.. 138- Kxohance ,Bldg.
MARTIN. BltOS, & CO., gxcnmigo Bldg.
ClayBoblnson. $ Cp.SOO Exccange Bldg
UNION STATfON-7-Tenth nI Maaou.
Chlcngo Great Wratern
Twin Cltr Mralted ;!. l!10 rm i:IOm
Tttry. l.ocl ,.,,..,......1 t; tot tlt.oo im
Twin ,Clty Epr..(..l.,v,..a J:W " , Pm
Chlco Exttni ,...t,.'... l.tto 'em O.Mpni
51 Uaonrl-Pacific r:
K. C. A St. Louli Eiprein..a 1:00 am T'.O im
K. c. . St. Louis pm ...: r
X, C; i 31. boul Limited. .Jl0;ii m l:U t
llnihj.' rttdlftc ' ' t
1tpirt.' Arrlre.
.,; rjn a ' .40 pn
a 1:19 pirt' a l:K pm
,i;3J in
(an. Frts. Ortrlas J-od
China Japan Mill
Loa Ang'lH Usiltad ,..,15: pm a
Denier EpKUl ,...a-Ji35 am atr:S0 am
Colortrto ptcltl ........ .v?l P ,t 7:00 am
Celorado EpMt..i i'..i- -, , Pra
OrooWihlnit!n,J.hnUad;..iat:a pm a S.;o piq
Kterlh Pltta botal a 1:11 am tl:II jn
Orand 1tla4 ljcal,..v ai:l pm ;o:30 ata
StrtinnSurt; l)cal......Mli4 pm b 1:15 pa
ChtcuKO, Mllivnnkee & St. Pnnl -0TrUnd
limited... ..........a t:0 pis a MJ ua
penTrr-r nniana (.imi,...-,.,." .... vw1
weather anil the atnrka then are likely
to grow larger and larger. It may bo said
that Canada Is turning every stone In
order to get rid of a part of the wheat
now held in that country. The situation
of Buffalo could hardly be more discour
aging to the holders than at the present.
The harbor there Is as tight as a. drum
because of so many boatloads of wheat
held there and there Is nq help for this
condition until hext spring, when the rail
roads are given the grain to haul to the
seaboard for export. Cash wheat Is tj
4a lower.
The country offerings of corn continue
light. The weather Is perfect and contlnu
atlon of the same undoubtedly will bring
about n free movement. Traders say they
can see nothing bullish, however, and
continue to favor sales of May corn on
all hard grades. The corn market owned
kc higher- in Argentina this morning.
Cash corn was unchanged,
There may be free covering by oats
shorts during the. prcsept week. rre re
ceipts continue moderate, but traders see
nothing in the general outlook. Cash
oats were c lower. ,..
Clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 172,000 bushels, corn. 49.IXW busn
i an, oii K-J flftrt hushels.
Liverpool wheat was unchanged to c
i.ii. ...... ...,.-, i Ii1el,,.r.
Prlmarv wheat' receipts were 2,102.000
bushels and shipments of 3,318,000 bushels
against receipts' of 661.1W bushels and
shipments ot i.410.000 bushels last l ear.
Primary corn receipts werj.,000 busn
cU and shipments of 31S.000 """el8;
against rocclpts of 10,01!.0U0 bushels and
shipments of D42.0OO bushels i"; .
Primary oat receipts w.ere M.,000 bush,
els and shipment 7C.0M . b"8h.f,i
against receipt of 433,000 bushels and
aiiipincuin ui iiu.w ""civ- . .... .i.,i ,
The following cash sales were reported
Corn: No. 3 white, 2 cars, 4P,,c AO. 4
white. I car. sw. wo. A.
42',4C. XO. a yellow, i cm wun.,, "- -ca'y.-W.c.
NO. 4 yollow, "2 cars. 39J4c; 1
car, S9c, No. 8 mixed, 3 car. 40c. No. 4
mixed, I car. Hc; 1 car "a.eA
No. 4, car. nBc; rejected, 1 cat, 4014c.
n . ,. . t. ., . , n .- V '.,!'. , 11.111, ..Li
!,. 1,-iv.tnr s ears. XOV.C No. 3 nam
winter. 1 car. Mc; I car. TJUc. No. -ua
iii- i ntr. 7Sc. no gr.ian hurn
winter, i car, ipc; rejei-ieu .? -;:
1 car. 7io. No. 3 spring. 1 car. S c.
car, 79c No. 4, spring. 1 cf. '.i car.
-,5c. no grade, spring 1 CHr, T4c. No. ..
mixed. 1 tar. SOc. No 2 northern spring.
,- hu.o v,v it 111 1 ml. (Ii. rum, J car,
77jjC.'No. 3 duluni, 1 ear, JUic. Oat
No 3 while. 4 cars, SOc. No. I white,
cat, SOc.
Gmahn Cash rrteea.
IV 1 f EAT No. 2 hard, SmyHSSc. N.
hard. 79USlc; No., 4 hard. 7HJi5ic
S6Wc; No. 4. 34JKBV; natural white, 34ff
37c: white clipped. S7ff39io.
BRAN Quiet, western spring. Iw-lo.
sacks, $:i.$0; standard middling, .'i.w;
city middling; U,00. . . . ,
hay ouiet. nr me. nominal; .xu.
8lx days this week . 15.41 4S.M
Same days last wee'.t. W.tto w,SN
Same 2 weeks ogo !.!4 ti.215
Same 3 week ago m.sts 2J.ST.'
Hame 4 weeks ago SMiJl :M,HI
Same daya lat yfnf...V.MW 31,573
Tho following table j,how the receipts
of cattlv, hogs and shotp at South Omnnn
for tho year to date as compared with
last year. IMS. nil. lite. .Dec
Cuttle .... KU.W 1.1'M. M 112..v
Uoks 2.66.VM6 2,I74,; 4iH,54.t ... -.
standard S,," M ..- "
Tne ronowing rauio sno.vs ine rnnnw
prices lor hogs at South Omaha for the
last fo wday, with comparisons i
Date, j 1312. lll.llo.mi.,W. If01l.
Mm, 111 1 It I K II, . . 1UI .1 liUI 4 Ml H I'l
NoV ll.l 7 761, 6 1J 7 0 I 6 76 4 4S 10
11 Vnnu Nn naewil 00" No 3 7WiWc Nv. !. 7 b 0 1. re i M ; 4 W 0
"llSptfltotyi st.?coSmo,rto' A Nov. , 7 j 8 7 , H 0 U
iai icn tail 1&mSr.
HIDES Firm; Central Amenia, ..-jw
Bogota, 2!30o.
LBATH ER Firm ; Hemlock firsts, 27T
c; seconds, I0rJ7o; thirds, 2Stf24c; re-
l.ft. Ha
ritovieiuNa roiK, urm, ii
I23.0OH24.lM; nqrr vicjaj..
Nov. .
Nov, 7.
Nov. IS.
Nov. a.
Nov. So.
a J
1 IS' 1
7 SS4
6 12
6 8S S Oil I 4 071 8 00
8 04 5 K 4 55 6 01
6 i 6 B7 6 Ul
7tr? 09 , 4 an, "
7 00 S Ul 5 4 60) 6 04
7 61)1,1
Receipts and disposition or live siock
... (, . . si'.i iK.n ju.w. 1 mt iiim iimtin Minnie viitiih. nniiiu tjniiLiia,
fai'nli?'" iiSWVIf 11.00; beef ham. I18.OOH31.60. for twenty-four hour ending at 3 o'clock
Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to p, m,
i5 founds JI2 60yi3.cS; pickled hams. oa RECEIPTS-CARP. mv. middle west prime. H.25a llogs.Sheep.H r .
South American. .T0; compound. 17.374 aWh . ........ -:::: ' ;; '
"TALT'-Ka.y. prime City hhds.. Vl HnlSVjft?WMt,,:'":':' l" - "
special. 7c: country. M.rJ4c. r "
BUTTER Firm", receipts. S.J94 tubiji 1 p i 6 ' 11
..roamarv extras. 37c; state da ry finest, . W. 1 .. M. jt O. ..... u
p.. 11. & o.. west ii .. ..
33tjBHc; factor, current maKe, uraw,
4".c: June mnr. ii.'. . . ip it 1 p east S
CHEBSB-Steady, receipts, lWMi it. V lA. wm , 1
state, whole mllK. 1 e m cmul(!U ... ..v, . Central 5
17l5c; sKims. iinn-it.. Chicago Great Western.... 1
EuOS Ste.aay; reccipi, v-o-o, -
Total receipt. , ....... ..lifi
charBes paid. 23raic; near iv ii 5
w-v. 1 rannv in rns. rn mini j -w a . ..1
nearW .en.?er.vselrcled white, defecti
111 size nr iuainj oou-mv, "v
ered whiles, 334:c.
POULTRY Alive. i:!
Ii. 110 . . i',76
3 .... IM ... 6 78
SIIKBP-As usual on n Salurdny no
fresh supplies of sheep and lambs ar
rived at tho yaids this morning, thus
nlup tciuultiod nominally the samo tin
on Friday's market.
On of the outstanding features of this
week's trado Ims Iwelt a marked falling
off In tho receipts us compared v.ith th"
previous week ami tne same rimo iwo
weeks am. The suppb . however, was
considerably larRer thtin for the corres
ponding week a year ngn. Chiefly under
tho Influence of a ery meager supply of
decent killers the fat lamb and sheep
trade was active 011 most dnys and values
linvo bIiowii n substantial advance over
id., rln nf Inst week. All this Improve
ment In the. local trade has taken place
In splto of tho fact that the eaMcrn trade
In dressed mutton has shown weakness
and some uiu'ertnlnlty during the greater
part of tho week. Closing iiuotntlons oh
fat lambs are fully tftf-IOc higher than it
week ago, with tho best fed wetern lnnibj
on Friday's market selling readily at J7.w
as ngalnst 37.24 on Monday. Really prime
lambs were exceptionally scarce on most
days of the week and sold t the high
est point yesterday PorttalU' In sympa
thy with lambs, prime hatidyweiKht
vearllngn luvvo also shown considerable
improvement, the advance on them
amuuntlng to fully half a dollar. A double
nr i,.i f.l vrnrltncs reiiclied
JK.20 yesterday, ns comimteil with ly75
during the pievloiis week. When consid
ering tho slse of the receipt thjo was
ft very crcuiianie siuwum 1, .i
and wethers, owes being on the market
In tho largest numbers. Both killing eWes
and wethers are iv good strong quartet
htRlirr than the close of Inst week,
mostly even-thing t '' cln" Jl.VJ S
with a ready sale. The highest price mid
for fat ewes was J4.30, while, wetheM
commanded as much as JUC.
The Teeder lamu lum snrci. ""
been active and while there ha been
some change In prices on lambs, verJ
little. If any. Improvement la efb,,p
on heep. Tho market on tho general run
of lamb offerings may be Brded an
about lOfllSo better than prjco prevatuilig
at tho nd or last wees, mo
feeder lambs weighing from W to 60
pounds sold up to f6.65. whllo t)i I ulk
of the good ones were cleared at nfrj
around i.40W.w. Tiiore 'f " .'"
u good demand for both desirable feeder
sheep and lambs, and there Is a trons
undertone to current price,
n..tHltnna nil Mil fa J n mill H.I1 US'IM IIVHI
good to choice, J7.33f7.75, lambs, fair to
"YtT5 in,.,ua feeders. IS.wMf
?"0"'.. ''"ti'sWiis yearling.
J cni I.e. """' ,'-- U.M
tiaa roil rt.:u: vpuriuiK. tvn -
aw feedH-Vla.W; "ewe, yearling
brewioni. M.rW5.00; cull. heet nd
Fund Raised for Mission by Wrest
ling Carnival to Pay Expenses.
Work of Mission Donlile When
eir tlnnrtcrn Are Occupied
.Mnny llonmn In Need
of Repair.
western chickens. HlSc; fowls. U'-tlWSVsc;
turkeys, JfflSlc.
Oudahy Packing Co..
Armour k co.....n.,..
... .3.111
St. I,niils Oenernl MurUel.
sr. TltMS. Nov. .-WHBAT-Cash,
IrreKUlar: trrtrk No. 2,
Yotal ; ,
CATTLE-Receipts today were' of no
nnimpiiiii'iire. nrni'llcsll V nothln at all
being received io the yards. For the week
thn- j-ctelpts foot up 1M25 head, being a
ruilltie'nrcif 11000 head as comnared With
last week, but larger than a year ago by
red, ll.06til.Pis; over 3,wu, nean.
j ne supply 01 nrsirmnw sicrrs ni
i-nrilsr lllcher: track No, z, iwffumc; moueraro rurougiioui ni toi- wi
ivMtl ffl474c. there was a good buying 'demand prices
OATS Flrni; track No. 2, 32tf33c;NO,
white, SSc, ,
Closing prices 01 luiureo
gradually slretigthened up until at tn
ciose or ine weea me marani " riiu
around Zic higher than It who n week
WHKAT Firm; December, ("?,:; may, ngo. inij in irur ui wu , --
OA i a-f irmi
tORN-lllBher. Deqember, 4fHc; May,
December, Sl'.ic; May.
. ' . . a Ma,
KmrTn-Duli- red winter palml.' . factory condition, trade being active,
lis? etra fanes' and rtrklght, S4.MO-1 .The supply of stock cattle and feeders
Cows arid' lielferti ween active sellers all
I he nerk and lhv. Ion. liUVe klloWll about
(lie same advance s heef steers, being
generally 25e higher than last week The
market as a whole liaa been in very sans
(tfS.lS! extra fancy and
t OnN-No. 3 white. 41(tf4lHc! No. 4 white
Ue: No. 2 4w42'our'
bIIow. 40'i'(i4O'cl No. 4 yellow. 3SMJJ9c,
o. 3. ra'itOc; No. 4, 3SS35C .
,iAb..;' t n-hii. so;c: standard,
SOVtc; No. S-'whlfe. 30V4c; No.'4 white, 30c.
HARLUY-MalUnB, W62c; No. 1 feed.
RYK-No. J. 5569!.c.h.No. 3, 5ifl5Sic.
1 "J"" T ' . ..lA&.ln
4.75; hard wlpter clears. ,.iviio.iv.
SBBD rimoinj i aiw.w.
113.005 18.00,
Cnrlut Iteeelnta
Wheat. Corn. Oat
HAT firmer, uin
HAUUIiiu",v -"i
TWINB Hemp. tc. , .
PROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged. Joh-
hinff ils.M. Lard, unennngeni pnim
no.7iiAaio.MU. Dry et
Omaha ......
Chicago .....
. 64
handles exchanges' of all kinds. Room 6,
Continental 13 Ik-., Omaha.
iJpw, just finished, air modern, 5-j-po'm
cottage, hardwood floors; east -frorit;'
furnace heat: one block from West Side
Hansccm Park car line. Small payment
down, balance like rent'. - Phone owner.
Harney. ?27a .Sunday; Douglas 2332 week
daj;, -
FOR Immediate- sal. S7.7B0, ,fof W-flOg-SUH
H. sstluBt. Rents for JS6.. Phone-, owner,
Harney Jfl37,
New brick" house, five large living
rooms, bath, pantry, five large ''clorets,
full basement, sub-cellar' or vegetables.
Hit modern, furnace heat, built very dura
ble 'and warm, easy to heatv repairs on
thlr house- will be light-It's brick; .this
house wai built for a home. On1 account
of change In plans, leaving city., thie. prop
trty in .offered for. sale. Price."$3.)0:, tan
live term;'two blocks from car. ,geer.
rCfandt. 160? Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 133.
5?uJd, you use a, nice $!room atftctly
modern, up-to-date houso if ,tho price
was low enough? We have uch a pfop-erty'-and
the owner' will take a'.Sl.aM'tO
H.BO0 automobile; as part payment.
Tei'.'DouglM 17S1. Ware Block.
CHICAGO On A IN AMI PROVISIONS,I).llb ; Speel.1 a IH m ll:4l pd. j ?nu,U '" ;S
Colo-Callforn a"lSret a l:st pm SL Louis "
P.rrr txtl .....a 4:10 am all :N pra Winnipeg
tVabnsh '
Omha t St. liula EiprtM .a .S0 rm ,a I. IS am
Mall and " 'a J;M am allilS pm
ataatierry t'rom'. n.) b 1,00 pm bl0:!l kn
Chlcrtna, Rook Island .V: l'nclflc
t EAST. -
RotVt MoUtln Limited. . .ai:;M apt al9; pn
Chltigo Local Taieaoisr. ...bia.H.m bl0;l pm
Chios o ))r 'Kxprttf ..a ;t,am a (.00 pm
Chlcaaa Eipr" , 4.19 pm a 1:40 pu
Dei Mon Loral Fa,tenr.a 4;J7 pm a l:t pm
Chlctao-N'ebratlit Llmltad pm a ;00 am
Ctilclio-Nb. Ltd- to Lincoln., . ,m a :4t pm
micaso-Cototadci Ki press ..a 1-.I0 pm a 4i00 pm
OVlibonn i'Tia Kpret... 4itTm al2!H pm
lUjcliy SlouaUtn Limited. .10:t7 am alliU aai
Chlcelmtfc' Northwestern- '
Twin Cltr JSxpreM... .-a ' am ' Pm
Pakota Paitanrer . b .7 1 4 ST am a H0 am
loui City Lwal ,a 1: pm a J SI pm
Mlnnetota Expraia a 1:00 ppi al.)ir,0 m
Pakota Eiprew a 7s04 pin Mo.jil jtn
Twin Cltr Limited.. ..... ...a .M pu A 7:t0 am
Dearer Special
Carjoll Local ..-'i'
llavjiee Gipreia .....i.)
Chicago Local
Csrroll Local ;
Chlctsqi Special- . i
racltlo Coaet-Chlcaso
Oeerland Limited .......
ra,f Mall 'andBtprMf.
T.Hnlted . . .
Chaaron iocai v", "m
.alJ'.tS am
..a 7;01 tin .s.e'vM im
. n, 1:40 am all : 1 pm
.,att:0t 'pn J 35. pm
..a"4:l pm ai0:0 am
,at:M rm a am
pm a
.-" 51 pm . k (.10 cm
r.a I:t0 pm- a ' am
n. :a !( pm til-J) pm
Stop "piylrig rent and buy you a nleo
little 6-room cottage, dlectrla lighted, and
wgter la kitchen. Situated high and Albrights -CholceAJdltion to
South Omaha.
We will sell the -place to you so you can
ray It 'olit like rent." It is newly papered
and-painted, and, Is In tip-top condition.
Call and we will take .you down to see
it la our ahtomobile.-'
1523 Farnam Kt. Room 4. Tel. D. 7477.
Lincoln. Dlllaa
Lfico1it-Lo(l( Pipe.
Hanlnif-Superlor .
Det1od-ril fpnB
Caarer-Lander ... .....
...a 8;00 am a I:J0 rm
...a till'pra' IO;l'S.jrn
.t.b jiis rm b v.?0ipm
,,,a I S5 om 1 1 10 pm
...a J:W pm aiKOO m
...b 1.39 pin b l:(t pm
Fcatnrea of the Tradlnsr and CloslnR
price, on Hoard of Trnde.
CHICAGO, Nov. cH-Report of dsmaBO
saVl to hnvf ben done by green bug
and dry weather "southwest rallied i the
wheat market today n the last hour.
There w23 a tlrm elose at prices varying
from 'do decline to -Tic ndvaiioe. Corn
i nlshcd 'sftUc to c lilg it-r and oatn
up ',c t.. 'iS'ic Provisions closed from
:.,ic ot; to , tiw of line. thm nwInr
op. wheat traders took note of esti
mates that tne tan soi
amounted to live jmi i-tiu ,' V r.VV
total a yar 8o, Prolonging of export
rates by way' of gulf cities was a jo re
garded as tending to help the
.h.oi fiup-jnted between E0T4c
end SOflDOVc, with last sales M,c net
higher at t.'nsettled wither
ahead put atrength Into corn. Cables and
the wheat rauy counim . bij
bears, Mav swung ironi i :,- w firm a.n nver last n alit at 4SKa
Cash , Braiie Were In fair demand. No. 2
yellow was noi iiuuvu. nf rnuntrv offertnirs carried
oars up grade. Outside limits touched by
MaV were. 3JSc and .S2,o witn ine ciose
WW """ri.vru.-aw.- . .
1'rovisions aovanceu a uivic i"
..n-miinuu about what the monthly
tatement would show regarding stock
on hand. The only material change was
in November, laxn, wmcn advances
BnrllnBton btntlbn Tenth A Unaan.
Articlel Open.l High, I Low. Closa. Te'y
S-ROOit. fully modern, new. bungalow,
lot 33X14. 303:Franklln St. J,70a Cash
.m balance easy monthly . gayments.
, H, jonnson, oa (oiiuci wma-
FOR SALFJ Five room, cottage, large
attjc, paved' street; JotWxlS04 year old,
best of.' condition;, reasonable for cab.
Loan, IU0O. 1T - Sprague. St., Call or
address D- J- Hughes .504 So, 32d Aye.
Phone Harney 425.
Land adapted, to. th widest range' of
crop. AH th money cnP of th outn
nlentlfully produced. Fpr trture trt.
ing with thl coming country. It pll,
climate, church and school advantage,
Wmr' Wi B. LEAHY. DiPt K.
General Psstnger Agent.
n vnil rvn ANT- UUtSIN2SS IN IOWA!
Tha De Molnt CaplUl la low' most
widely circulated and most' Influential
newspaper, u ueuij, witvuiauuu cAvseua
43.000 copies. The classified tdvortUin
. . 1 1 ir i rent D. J7drd or' fi ccJltl a Una.
Yon can U your farm in Iowa or
can bu .and In ion oy rn uia ex mo
OtJ itolne Capita The. rata by th.
month la U0 a Jin; Addri'Tn Oe
l olnV Capital. Oe Koines. la.
Uorllngton -
Denver a Calltorala
Putft sound Eipreai
Kebrart Points ... .
Black Hill
Lincoln Mall.,...
fYrtheat Kxprfai
Kebratka aVipreaa...,
Llatolp Local '..
FlaUamoura-ioea . ,
BellaTue-rltvumpuva .....
Cnleaio Bpeell-
Denter epoetal '-
Calco Eiprtu
Ctlca.o Faat Bxpreaa I
Creaton tl.) LoeaL, ,
(t, Louli mpreei....
Kanfas CTtr-t. Joaeph...
Ktnaa Cltr 'K. Joseph
.a 4:10 pm
.a are
Depart. Artlra.
.a :io am 1:19 pet
a l:tt pm
a 1:10 pm
.4 4:10 pm a till in
b t;iO pm a 11:1. pea
i all:5 pm a 7,00 in
l:U am a 1:10 pm
.. ...t? I:0t pm bl0:OT am
b 7:14 pm pl9:U am
,...a l:ll am a t:!0 am
al3.0 sm' a' 1:05 cm
a J 115 pm aims pm' pra.a 7;po pm
a 4:20 pm a t:li pm
ii,.a I.M pm a 1:00 am
b 1:10 pm t10: am
a 4;s: pm all:U an
aw.15 pm" a l:U am
.a :15 am a lilt'pm
Webster. Station lSlh & Wcbajtvr
PAnl, Sllnneanoll A
Chtca'ao,' St'
Depart. Arrtee
b 1:15 pm bl:U aaa
b :U am b ;W pm
,.,.,,. 1:14 am t:U pa
b t :U pa b fsio an
,b J:36 pm bU:U am
Twin Cltr. Paaeenier.
Bloux Cttr'Taawoser
Eraeraen Looal .'
Mlaaourl Paclfl
Ankara Local a......
U) dsllr. (t dally axoapt Suadr vc) Inodar.
NOTICP if hereby given that sealed
proposals wJIJ be receiv.ed by the Board
nr "Director of the" Farmers Irrigation
District' "at 'their office in the City' of'
ScottsMurr, NenrnsKa lor rue purcnaae or
two million five Tiundrtd and fifty thou
tnd dollar ilt.W.Vf) fCe v.ttlue of the
six per cemt sertal bonds of ald district
until 1:30 o'clock p. in. on the 23d day
of December. Bald botm axe Issued., under
and by,vlrtur of an aot of the legislature
of the State of Nabraaka, approved March
ftth, 1396, BessJoruI-aws, 1695, Chapter 70,
and all amendments therebp, and pursuant
to a vote of a majority of tha qualified
electors -of M-td district. A proceeding
fnr th.tudldal confirmation of said bond
1 nTy D,nJlnF iP tne dl,rl'-'t court for
tne county or ocoiis niwij-. fieorasia xno
board' extiresly reserv the right 'to re
Jeet aiy and all bids ttpd will. In no event ,
self any of bonds for Ifss than nine-ty-ftve'per
vent 'of the face value thero-
By order of the npard of Director
Secretary of Farmers' Irrigation Dlstriet
May July
19 20
It H
11 30
10 02M
10 65
10 17M
10 27V4
1 32H
18 62H
11 37'
10 K
10 67U
10 22-2S
10 77-50
j' 1 '
81 4Vigi4 84H-H
rri Wi 9o!.4jtru
87H SV4 874
47H 47(4 47H
47H 4$i 48
48Hd 43Hflli 40
SOH 3074 30-74
32H 80H
3?M KKWi 3JH
lit 17H It ZPA 1 23H
18 (5 18 67-60 U 67H
11 30 11 37V4 11 25
10 90 10 90 10 W
10 6J1., 10 62H 10 C3H
W 174 JO im 10 20
10 26 10 25 10 23
9 9iH 9 924 9 9Hj
Cash Quotations were a follows:
FLOUlv-Bteady; winter patents. l4.30rM
4.00 straignie, aj.uv&e.w; pnng patents
t4.20f6.10; estnughts, W.WW-4.06; bakers,
IlYE-PiO. z. os.
RARLEY-Feed or mixing, ISlfXOo; fair
to cnoice mailing, oiqiic.
BBBDS-nmothy, 3.C0if,.90. Clover,
nauutf ii.v.
PROVIBIONS Pork, mess, tl7.7S.ffll.0O.
Lard (In tierces). IU.37V4. Short ribs
tlnnsel. S10.2SO10.78.
Total clearance of wheat and flour
were ejual to 472,000 bu. Primary receipts
were 2,102,000 hu., compared with 61,000
mi. tne correaponcuna asy a. year ago
Kaumatea reoeipis ior aionaay
cars; oats,
169 canr;
47 car, corn, -3j0
hocrs. 43.000 head.
ChlcaKO Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red
tl.O0'9LO3; No. 3 red, 86390c; No, 2 hartt
W&etfHo. No. 3 iard, 84.85c; No. 1 north,
ern. o&WTMKc: No. 3 northern. 84JS&V;
No. 3 northern. S1683V4c; No, 2 spring. H
4Ue: No. 3 serin. HYrttZc; No. 4 snrlnr
747c, velvet chaff, SCVasme; durum, &i
Hc. t-orn: iNp, j, new, tiftvww, No,
3 wntte, pew, fovi'c; no. a yeuow. new,
ar.ucMTUe. No. 4 new. HTWlVic: Nn
.white, new. 444p4oV(c, No. 4 yellow, new
44V4ir'c. uavs: - winie, vuuiic; no,
t, H4c; No. 3 "white, 3132Uc; No. 4 white,
ZVV31C, sianaara. uiqasc.
Rye. No. 2, 63a Hariey: ilttf&c. Heeds
Timothy. tS.003.90; clover. JlO.Oftait.CO.
jil'TTJGR-Klrm, creameries, 2r36c
dairies jeva-aic
r:nf ih hieaav receiois. a.zii caves, a
mark, cases Included, ZZtftoc, ordinary
first, mc iirsn, -tc
CHEESE Stesjl daisies, 16i'17-
throufihnut the week was at no lime vejry
large, but stilt the IntmenlloA of a ho I-
day naturally' kenVa good many woiild-hs
. . ii.-i,. east iracK. eeitv i "; uuinc.
tin a i- wr n rani BnvM.i i - i .i in..
Ill the market has
slesdlly firmed up und at the close ot the
weeK is nivriier man isi cm,
Quotations or. Native cattle -Oood to
choice beef steers, JP.M0Sf9.78! fair' 16 good
oeef oleer. t7.3Mli-'' common to fair
IJCBI HIUVl., ...Wy l,.V ,,v. ."IVI.U
ers, tS.7i9i7.00; good to choice ;ovra, J6,5)
meats tTO.tvi inir ID goou srauen, ., cnm.
ueam, j',",v,y,,',.'i1H tit TRl mon to tair grades, w.swai.w; gooa 10
inohanged; tonxrA extra aborts, .; cl.olc t,JCKcrH .n reerinr. ls.25U7.otf.
ciear nn, . v."'.
Ricnn. uncnangen; ngcu
bucks, tW3.W.
nrntand for Cnttlr nnil heep filendr
HOB" l.ner".
-.tnn.fin Kw. SO. CATTLE Receipt'.
1.300 head; marKet iow, "v"':r,
t5.6Wfil.00; Texa eteer. M.40ff.76.
em steers. .wi'.". ".'',".",
en, f4.3617.(l cowtt and helfel, U
.. at it "lafttA ivfl
T.a; ca v. v.v. . ....rkel
ge'nfcTow ?; llBi;t:It7-75mlxotl.
P iMti M- heavy. tr.SJTJ7.MVi". rough, t7.CP
Plgt.'. 1 ISrtW-40; bulk? "t ce. K.tW
ivn r.AMnS-Receipt. 2.000
lieau; mi" e ti mni & vearllnKS,
,i-uiia. western. Jt.WCT.". Kaiiina.i
Kmixt limb., pattve. .TMWS. '
ern, I5.fv07.75.
Ml. I..u7.!ye V'.lne
KT. LOUIS. Nev(l WTy....-" ;-
celpts, IBM head;. Including l.fw
eowa ann iioiirie. y:-:", ,nl,i,.. inP
nrir.u ir oraTi nr ra. nvn"i
I 1 UWil .--
"I.f5l.. ivrv 1.1MUHRCClpt. 3,0
r. Z7- litfiits. tri.'JM7.W. mixed
butchers. i7.W7.M; good heavy. ...
"hIIERP AN1 1 j A M UB-r R c c Ip
heHBV, 'mrH Udy; tail Uons. t 4.40
f.""1 ... " lTffl; "lockers; X60
i;illin aim v -
mi, n,. Ktnrk llnrket.
- Receipts. i.w "V .r lrilfli076
l.i ateadv: native steers, 9.ww.'b,
Kfl ateaaj. nn'i i,lhern row'
"n"v:r i s -mViiuK .it ve: c. a
tl2.75; cleir ribs, f!2.i5; short cieais,
,TRT - Lower; chicken. n'.jc;
springs. He; turkeys, 10c; nuts, i.v,
.. J k,..,-rv WflJIWe.
HlJl Dicnuj , Mvn,v'
KaGS-Q..let. KC1 .Receipts. Shipments.
13,0011 HI.11M
' 12E,W1 43,000
69.000 31,000
i ,...'71,000 41,000
Flour, hbl
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu ..
Oats, bu ..
Knn a
City Omln mid Proilslons.
fair to rood atockors and feeder. 36.7(ft
6 26; common to fair stockera and feed
er, tS,uO2f3,75! stock cows and heifers,
Ho0ti.trf); veal calves, t5.0OO9.00; bulla,
stagF, etc. 84.0OJJ6.0').
Quotations on Hange Cattle flood to
cholco beef steers, t.76 IS. fair togood
beef aleern. t6.I6(iltl.76; commor. to fair
berf steels, t6.r0tf,Lt
Hons A very liberal Tim nf hogs was
received for a Saturday, and. opening
prices ruled anywhere from strong to Rfj
loc higher than yestcrdiiy'a seiicial mar
ket. The speculators Uoiiglit conaerva
tlvely. thus leaving lh big bulk of a
liberal supply at the mercy of the pack-
T-ivam riTY. Nov. 30. WlIBAl- I lnc 1ntnrei,la. The Dacker bllvers filled
Cash unchanged to lo hlgheri No. 2 hHrd, a ew f (Mf.r nri)PrH rtt about opening
OIISIC; iO. , j:r.,V - . - tm.wn, Mil. iu .. "" i-'iio. ,
tl on; No. ,3, WfiOsWc. found as lb .morning atlvonced-that they
COTlN-linchsnged to He lnwer, fjo. cou)d gf.t ,lc,. ,CB al tt 0W(.r cosl, 'j ,0
mined. 43H&45c; No. 3, 42Wp42c, No. 3 fr., ..urpiu,.-, ot ii,n packers and- the
whit. 4M346e; No. 3, 44HC speculators were made around fl,70tI7.75(
OATJ-unonB"i. ..... - -....v., ...,i nm, nl. 7-fQ to,, for tUo dB). wnCU W(W
33c; No. 2 mixed. 31Wf3-c, ps(f (or B f,w g00i loads. A little lator In
rtk yncnanse. tn8 mordnlng the packers resorted to
HAY-Unchanged. ,her blirl,n tnctlca and In the end the
SteiSeM1 7 t?c; May, MV4c; bulk of the packer droves wa.plcked
Jul?'5r'Vr.Vi... ul;. Mav. 46e: Julv. trade dlfferrd from yesterday's market
ictiVfi In tliat prices beoame lower towards the
45ViIjC. , mv .13Ur. clniA inKleml st arettlne better, closlnir
2ttit--TiCrettmrv. 33r; firsts, 31c; value showing practically nil the early
second. 29c; packing 23Ho. advance lost. On the whole the movement
Z well cleared In very good season. Re-
mnv Qft19e. rOOSterS. 81t I m.I... fsxf tltA il.v fnAt Hit ill tlin nalirh.
8Vio: springs, UWfflSe: youns turkey, ISo. borhood of 133 car or 9.330 head, as com
s"' 4 Wcrlnt'L Bh,pm5'rvn pared with 7,716 head last Haturday, 0,198
Wheat 'S'Xl' li'mo head two weeKH ago aim neaa on
Corn 34'W? sooo the came day a year ago,
Oat a)-ono D,wv For the week the upply amounts to, in
round numbers, tvoo head, a against
Minneapolis Grain Market. w.HOO head last vweek, 45,200 head two
TtT.:;'1. weeks ago. and Wfl head during the
same week a year ago. The average
nrlca of hoas at the close of the week Is
go. me nu ik
. a range of
at .rta? "I ap. nil .7 iJtt'; 7,1 last Nat
OATlf NO. wimr, wji- urday.
SnaWNll8cAnilM Representative sale:
K!lrT,1l?.W,..nt. tni.a4.4JS! .sr. No. Av. HIT. Pr. No.
'v"T'.?rr7r..r;r;r'Mv 7a m 160 tm is..
3.1: second clear, t2.203.60. 40 W ... 7w
9.r,0;' western steer. a.wiffiS.0, wesicm
"'iToGfr-RVcelpte, m .head: market. 60
head; market Btead)-;' muttons. W-JWiW
lambs, r.76ff7.f.0; rung wr",0HrSS8t
llnge, M OOU'i.K; range ewes, la.oone.ixj.
Hloek In HlRht.
Receipt of live slock at the five prln--1.,,,
1 ifi, murknts yesterday:
v.l-n, ......
South Omalin
8t,. nseph ....
Kansas uny t
Pt. Louis
minneapoii, ur' ...... -
Decemher, 79t4c? Mai', 'H'8J4'! u.'
'...t., m 1 harrl. S2Ue: No. 1 north-
em, SOHSc: No. 2 northern, 78HQ c. No, abot XtRAy wm, a w,.k age
t hard. Montana. WH4c; No. 3. 76WT7oO. of ,ne hRB ioAHy selling at
CORN-No. 3 V?W' i?"c' 11.6037 76, as against t7.GS7.70
108 151
yi in
62 176
.,.. ..213
Milwaukee Grain Market.
tt watTtrie.m Wli Wov. 30 WHEAT
No. 1 northern, 85ac; No. J northern, 62 20 80
eu(ief No 1 hard w nter. KM1J7C: u 7 211 i
comber, oivmjwc; way. siuoivau.
CORN No. 8 yellow, 4ic; No. t white.
4tHo: NO. 8, M(p4ic, ivecemoor, 107".
May, 4AHc.
OAlo oianoara.
82.. .,..238
64 266
7U 224
74 321
73 167
91 25W
71 204
76 226
62 242
Til 165
73 .209
61 .223
04 170
62 261
46 314
70 145
A lQ
It "T! . 46. 292 1 20
Peoria Market. m VA .,.
prmiU. Nov. 30,-CORN-Unehanred 63 305 240
m Uc uo: No. 3 white. 4Ho; No. 3 yellow.!l4......207
, Liverpool Grain Market.
steady, jo, 1 Manitoba, new, 7a7dj.No. 3
Manitoba, new, 7 4d; No. 3 Manitoba,
new, 7 1V41. Future, steady; December,
78Vld; March, 78Hdi May, 72Hd.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
old. 6a 3d, Future, firm; December,
4s llHd; January, 4s 1144.
46V4c; No. 4 yellow, 4twnac; No. 1 mixed,
4ffHc; No. 4 mixed, 44ttc; sample. 42Hr46c.
OATS Unchanged to We lower; No. 2
white, 83Ko; standard, tteac; No, 3
while! 31V4Wc; No. 4 white, '4c
71. .....203
13 216
70 26S
61 2M
61... ...SM
19 W4
67 322
79 1W
.. 7 50
20 7 60
80 7 66
.. 765
7 67V4
7 60
7 0
7 60
7 60
SO 7 00
... 7 (A
10 7 60
... 7 00
... 7 60
... 7 60
40 7-62V4
40 7 t1
... 7 65
SO 7 65
... 7 as
... 7 66
240 7 65
120 7 65
200 7 06
7 66
7 65
7 65
7 70
7 70
7 70
... 7 70
... 7 70
... 7 70
... 7 70
... 7 70
80 7 70
120 7 70
Dnlnth Grain Market.
DTJLTJTH, Nov. 30. WHEAT On track, ItO 302 200 7 70
No. 1 hard. 81ic; no. 1 northern. soc; 7Z.,....zzs "i v in
10 ill vi 1 "J
70 203 ?40 7 70
64 262 3fl 7 72V
78 245 ItO 7 72','
42 802 240 7 76
86 317 ... 7 76
48 298 120 7.75
61 241 SO 7 75
68 281 120 7 75
67 299 ... 7 76
tl 420 SO 7 76
69 273 BflO 7 75
67 2V) 320 7 76
64 273 80 7 75
60 270 120 7 75
G2 2X5 80 7 75
62 32H 200 7 75
71 273 ... 7 75
60 306 160 7 76
72 250 20 7 75
15 m 200 7 75
71. 240
73 218
61, 266
K 201
M 269
60 1M
tt 177
Toledo Seed Market,
TOLBDO, O., Nov, 30. -BKKDft Clover,
nrlm. rash. December. 111.15: March.
en 49l. Vihruarv. tlt2P. Alslke. nrinie. Ir"
December, S1.92H; February. 82 00; March, 75"- '"'jin
82.02. ' H..:.l!
Turpentine and Ilpaln.
TINB- I'lrm. Wasilie,, sale. 196 bbls.
ROSIN-FIrm) Bales, i024 bbls, Qubte.
R. t5.7l.j W. ta.iO; K, ,70itS,76, F, .60jT s;
6.7S O, tS.66tio.80; H 35 7035.80; I, lJ,75fiP lg
5.80 K t6.60, M T 09; N, 37 29 , WO $7 35 47
WW, 17 45, 17
M 231
02.., .23
120 7 70
120 7 70
40 7 70 ,
240 7 70
... 7 70
. . , 7 70
Ml 7 70
80 7 70
320 7 70
200 7 70
20 7 70
..lf 120 7 70
. 120 7 70
. .245 60 7 72
6 26 14.
fi 26 112
6 26 41
I U 11!
.298 ... 7 75
...317 ... 7 75
....802 ... 7 75
.,,212 160 7 76
... m 161 7 75
...,22J 120 7 75
....327 400 7 75
....270 J20 7 75
. , . .264 80 7 76
60 7 75
....221, .60 7'76
IX 7 75
480 7 76
... 7 75
... 7 75
... 7 75
... 7 76
... 775.
120 7 75
100- 7 75
29.,., ..SCO
$3 264
M 266
63 2T
61 302 160 7 75
64. 304 80 -7 76
l!9 .253 80 7 76
6C 260 3fl) 7 75
60 245 M 7 76
W .716 40 7 77
70. ..,24H 160 7 77ii
70. .I..24H J60 7 77U
60...VJ73 ,.. 7 80 ,
4i .Ml",.. 7 80
.320 130 7 SO
2 248
67 807
WS 1S4
7 80
160 7 80
40 7 80
... 70
7 2S
7 25
7 30
7 35
I, 600
II, 000
4.S00 3'J,000 7,100
nitTTrcn No. 1. 1-lb. carton. 86c: No.
1, 60-lb. tubs. S4V4c; No. 2, 53c. '
.iiTfrxirTmnnrted Hwlss. 33o: Amorl-
can Swiss. 2o; hlock fiwlt. 24o; twin.
20C. daUles. .200; ir.Pieia. wi lou"
America. 210; oiw "."v,VJ..l-
berger, 2-1D., io. i-i"..
White. 21c. , , .,
.. . ii. Sj n lllte. Nn. 1 loins. 22o:
NoV I mio NoT 12V4C. No 1 clrucks
U; No, 3. Stto; No. i. 7Ke- No. t
rounds. 13c, No, 2, He; No. 3, lOVtC. No.
1 plates, c. iio, i, im, nu- . i-.
POULTRY-Drollers, 5 per dox.. hem.
14015c; cocks, Uo; ducks, lfcc; geese. 16c!
turkeys, 26o; plgennr. p,r do., 11.20. Alive,
broiler He; hens. HW'iflOVio; "Id rooter.
7c; ducks, full feothered. 12V4c; gese.
full reainerea, "" "".Vl
Mceon. per 00,, i,u,,,cio. .uv,
1 m.l....1 ltM. .V.U. II.
Finn lireniu riuiwicu ....
trout. 13c. Hpanlh mackerel. lc; eel, 17o;
haddock, 13c. flounder, 13c; green cat
fish, 13a: had roe, per pair, 40c; lmon,
lOo; halibut. 12c; buffalo, Sc; bullheads,
13c; whlteftBh, 13c; nutlvo mackerel, 40o
Y. . . r r t n y Ke
FRUITS, KTC. Missouri apples, In
i.hi. tan0ft3.25: New York Oreenlng
and Baldwins. 83.23. Bpanlsh onions, per
case, tl.50. llananas, fancy select, per
bunch, $2.2692.60; Jumbo, per hunch. $2..5
3.76. Dates, Ancnor orann. new, at
va in tinz. nar dox. vri'iiicuni j.
brand, new. 30 1-lb. pkg. In box. per
tl m Fins. California, per case at
11 No. 13 nkg. 85c; Per case nf 30 No, 12
pkgs., $2 60; per cose of 60 No. fl pkg.,
$'.; bulk, In 25 nnd f-0-lb. boxes, per lb..
10c; new, Turkish, 5-crown, In 20-lb.
boxes, per lb 15c; 6-crown, In 20-lb,
boxes, per lb.. 16c; 7-crown. In 20-lb.
boxe. PC lh.. 170- Lemon, Llmonelra,
selected bVand, extra fancy, 30-360 aires,
tier box, $7.60; Loma Llmonelra, fanoy.
MO-300 sizes, per box, f!.757.00; 240-430
wires. 60c per box lesa; California, choice,
W)-3W sires, per box, $6,75, Oranges, Cali
fornia navels, extra fancy, t6-l sires,
per box. $2.76ft3.0'i; extra fancy, all slses.
13 M Cranberries, per bbls., JS.O0(38.00;
psr box. $2.75; ' Jumbo C brand. 19.60.
VKOBTABLEH Cabbage, Wisconsin,
per lb 1c. Celery. Michigan, per dor.,
Me Cucumbers, hothouse, per dor., $1,25.
Bug Plant, fancy Florida, per do., $1.60,
(ilrllc. extra fancy, white, per do., 16c.
Lettuce, extra fancy, per dor., 40c.
Onion, white, In crnte, $1; yellow, poh
lb. lHc' Parsley, fancy outhern. pr
do'i. bunche. 60t75c, Potatoes. Early
Ohio per bu., ffic. Tomatoes. California,
per basket. $2.00. Wax boans, per-baakat,
tl: grean beans, per basket, $1. flweet
potatoe. Kansas, per bbl., $2.60. Ruta
baga, per lb.. IUc.
Coffee Mnrket.
turea market opened steady at unchanged
prices to a decline ot 2 points. Tha mar
ket closed barely etoady at a net decline
of 4 to 11 points. Bales, 39,000 bags. De
cember, 18.36o; January, 13.40a: February,
13.15c; March. 13.73o; April. 13.8SOJ May,
l8.S3o; Juno. 18.8Sc; July, 14.03oj JUigust,
14.05c, tteptembor and October, 14.07a
fctpot coffea quletl XUo 7a, 14Ho(. Bantos
4. ISlic Mild, quiet; Cordova, ItHtfUo.
lroceeds ot tho charity wrestling car
nival, to be given for tho benefit ot
tho, City mission on the nlKht of Decem
ber UO. will be devoted to clearing awny
miscellaneous debtn on tha mllon, meet
ing running expenses of the winter
mouths and marking needed repair ap.d
itnprovemeiits In the new building, lately
acquired by tho mission. Bo snld Miss
Nelllo Magcc. superintendent of the nl
slon. yosterilay afternoon at a conference
with Peter .Loch, who Is financing the
carnival, and the committee ot news
papermen which will superintend tho sale
f seats and-look after all other finance
for the mission. '
It will br a godsend to us," said Ml
Magee. "We certainly ebait ner auio w
put the tnoney to good use. It will not
be used for Christmas dinners or toys
for tho children. Thee are provided for.'
We don't care what It 1 uea ior.
said Mr, lioch. "After you get !t we a.e
through, You know how to use it to ad-
antage and we don't, -mere won 1 ur
any string to it. I don't care wnav j"
do with nr
Mission Work Donhlerl.
This is a large bulldln we have, ald
mi "it 1 going 10 ctjov .""
deal to maintain It. but It wlO worth
all It will cost. You see we can t go to
the People who hava mada thl feu Wing
possible for u with ranuesta tor further
help. Tho building i nov --
condition. It needs rapajr.. v,.
lions must be made. v n hw v
able to ullllre it all thl winter or tt
.),,,.- VierAiise na nave nov, "vo
ba thoroughly cleanKt. Toil can t ttaclt
know, .. fc.iii-
"Hlnce we cam imo i ,,
work has doubled. That, or course,
mean. Increased exponee. It mui jb. wj
some way. isvorytmng -f
:tTee, wo know that. , VTb. you a .
doing tor u wi" " 7"' "
lis on our feet and enable u. to take lorm
step toward eslobitsmng iryt -partmenta
of ha work that
long way ort cnorc yv
decided upon."
Repair 3Vr!eo.
.ii.. Ms re showed th aommltta
through tho new bulldlngr-four storte
end baaem'nt. Manr ot tho room can
not be occupied to advantaga Until ca.iv
Prtiter and oleanora havei' Ron over
them. When tn miros c -"-"
n-ake necfary alteration and pupchaa
tieceesnty fttniiture a.tA enulpmartt Mten
Mage Plana to fit up a oomeouo oaenvr.
room, In which Ktrls will he taught plain
cooktngl olaa room tor boy and, mani
a dormitory for women who ara wlthou
work and arc In need of temrrry shel
ter; nnd many other department room
which will maka possible extensJon o the)
n lsslon's work.
One larga room t being Ud for a chil
dren's ulaas room. It I wdly n need of
plastorttiff. painting alio papartng. "Wa
arei making It do." said MU Magoe.
"You l.e wo havo covered up tha wor
Places on the wall wltn hloture. but tTej
can't do anything with the tailing."
Ticket on Hair.
Ticket for the wreatllng carnival wilt
bo placed on a)e next Wednesday morn
ing nt Audltorltun box office. In paveral
downtown "rtig storessand elsewhere.
Ringside seata will ell nt t.W; all other
armvi euts and the first four rdwa In thi
balcony, at $15 the fifth and sixth rows
In tho balcony, at 70 cents; ami mo oi
unco of tho balcony, at W cent.
I hope everyone who enn will hep
jolt," snm aitss iageo. 1 ini jou inn
means 11 lot to us, if everyone win piicn
In and help It will be a great succesa
and It will all coma back ninny fold to
evoryonp who help.
Political Drama
By Research Olub
The Research club of Omaha will tryi
theatricals and on Tuesday and Wedn-
ovenlns of next week at the Crelghton
Auditorium will present tha Superior
Hex" and "The Wife." Tho theatrical
will be under the direction of MUa Lillian
Fitch, Tha caata follow;
Tile flnperlor Sex.
Kmlly Winifred Donahuo
Winifred .....Helen Drlscoll
Henrietta Margaret MUWihlll
Flora Mary KngllsU
Virginia Katherine Heafey
Julia iftl"U. vaw.'",
Kllzabeth ray navcniora
Helen Helen Lawry
lOrllth Katherina Regan
Hannah -Nell Croedon
James John Halplne
Hcone: nie remoroga noma.
The Wife.
(in the order in which they flrt speak )
Mrs. Amory ,..,Nll creedon
Agnes corduiia Haveny
Bllaa Truman ..jonn jnuiyin.ii
Helen Truman oiauoo wwun
Robert Gray .';JohnJ?,,,h
Kitty Ivea -Mary .Weloh,
Jack Dexter , Jlmmle ONeJIl
Mr. IVe ,,....cjv mavnouoy
Lucllo Ferrant Edith Bookman
Mathew Culver Harry Do Young
Malor Putnam James Blair
John Rutherford Charles R. Docharty
Randolph - Joeepn oicpnorry
Act I .Mrs. Ivea' villa, Nawpprt, July.
Act II Reception room at Senator Bax
ter's. Washington, D. C.
Aot Ill-Library at Senator Ruthor.
ford's, Washington. U. C.
"The Wife" Is said to ba a charming
play ot society Ufa at Washington and
tells a story of love and politic. Mr.
Delasco has itaged many plays of this
type, but none of, them ha surpassed, It
Is said, this story ot the political struaglo
between Robert Qray and Mathaw Cul
ver tor the otflce of United States die
trlct attorney nor does tha atory enX
with the political contest. Ot count tha
pretty wife of Senator Rutherford fig
ures atrongly In tho play, aa does tha
Senator himself. The dramatic roOtnanta
are Interna and gradually grow until tha
climax of tha third act 1 reached, Tha
lovo-making of the bhuhing Major Jfut
nam and the widow, Mrs. Ives, ia salt
to ba a treat, to say nothing of the)
humorous situations brought about by a
Ilka affair between tha dashing comedian
Jack Dexter, and Kitty Ives. The caa
is sold to be excopUon&lly good In aaelt
Inottnoe, and tn rehearsal g ra moYlatf
along with v smoothness that would ba a,
credit to actora pf mora gdvance!
A rortanate T-exaa.
B. W. Ooodloo. Dallas, Tex., found i
suro raJlef from malaria and blJ!ounea;
In Di King' Now Ufa Pill. Only v
For sale by Deaton Drug Co. Advortlea