Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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attempt, of YciBcr to Reature Peace j
Displeases New leaden. j
hiTlnci lf T' Horrea In Tilrc
lloa Conaltlt-ml to Prevent At
tempta In Future to Over
ride fhem. '
trum ,i Staff Correspondent i
LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 1 (Special i -
That the- attrtmpt Of John- O. Yrlr to J
tritiK together the wwrtlnKi factions, In
the republican party .Jn. Nebraska n
not find Tmooth sailing is evidenced by '
the fact .that'so-sie of the men who ltd
the bull moose chant' out of the party
am not Kolntrto stand Idle and see ".h i.
Iradershlp taken from them by any
n ovement which. In the vent It wa a
success, Mroujld'-p'ractlcallyl; rash 'death
to. the jitiw proirrewrve "party and a con
st nuHif Tata! ' termination of all their
work to perpetuajn themselves as leader
of the new movement.
One of the men who are the
proposition of Yelser Is J. t. -Mellrien.
who. next to Frank V. Corrick. wit the
acknowledged lender In the organization
of the profrresslve party In this state.
McBrlen does not- believe that Colonel
Uoosevelt would ttand for any" movernent
which would mein the destruction of the
new party and thinks that nothing will
r-otna of the movement, lie Is a little
inclined to look upon the matter 'In tfie
H slit of a Joke and ssys that Tetter It
i ''false prophet blowinK his trumpet
for the republican pirrty'a rsur'rctltoi."
The fact that the Taft 'forces made
nch a strong showing In the election Is
taken by politician at an Indication that
any attempt to "sit down" Upon 'them,
is was dine nt tfce convention lat
iimiper, will never again be" attempted.
3InaielanCnninsV(o I'rlstin. '
The state penitentiary may yet'.beoonie
as well known aa a musical; ttmtl
lutlon aa the Mate VonsYcvatory of
tnutlc' or the Wetleyan.' Tla,, week
Verdn Mellck will tait'e 'aa a
"boarder"' man sent up from Madlion
t ounCy. This man "claim. to be a German-noblemannl
"rocs bythe naina-o'f
MaiVon Wetjier. He la a graduate or
the LeJpsIc conservatory of music In the
Md .country and. claim to have been a
i' nd and orchestra leader of tome of
the ,best musical orjranlxatlons In the.
-ountry. He can play,,nust any, kind
f an Instrutnentand' has received tha
ntrrntsslon of the warden to bring all hh
instruments with .him. Ills acquisition
lo the. Institution .Will mean a great deal
to the musical .vbrranUa lion already In
the, prJontand a .prreat deal Is expected
t the Institution, 'in the way of musical
njofyjent when Baron Von Verncr ar.
-Ives; He, ; w2HcoAvloted In Madison
vjuntsj nt.dbtlnTng money under false1 1
jrewHO. '1.4.
i 1 ' w
'4.'oiM?n'rTiiirr to ,tlr'.
Ort.l'uesflsy, WcHnewJay and ThumJay
of uUj v;eek itt the.licoln hotal In thla
Ity' y be held session's of the count);
on)pisflonsr. supervisors and clerks of
thftjrstate. H will be the elchtof nth annual
letlop and It Is expected tliat' there will
atiriiniisually lar,go attendancef
I'jijaater county Kfllclala have taken
upon,4homr elves tlieUsk of entertaining
the jrpuventJon and un conjunction with
the Lincoln Commcrbm club wilt make
their. Hay as pleasant ai possible. Thlllp
' Rcpnedy of York county Is president
of lha assoclfttjnn. Willi the exception of
omt.aJdrees, Wat at'j$tit$$l. ni chotborn
of 4he; state Jwlveniltyv who Will fcOk on'
dirt reads, alfddreJfewlll be?.by 'mem-bers-oir
tho atToclatlSn"oilhos'fjho"Viave
tieeHftJounty ,e5frafat softie fma fn the
'J nxiur-hitf&.ww '
Instead of going to Washington, accord
In t tho program lined out by Paul F.
t'larkj bull moose candidate, for congress
In h First dlstrlntl" rjn lias decided to
letTjnKre'fjman Mcfure h,'o'l.l on a while
longer and Instead,' In tompAny w Ith Mrs.
nark. Frank Hifrrlsott and wife and n
few dthere, a trip 'ttyjVb'e -made through
thfl,Jenlral Araerl'atif Vtkes about De
ember lit. V"'
The party ttlans to:ukrh lira it I. rtritlsh
Hnhdtirss, DecmhirrAndOeavIng there
rember U. Therehe1 will take the rail.
ioad 'for 175 mile's to Guatemala CIInp.
whrr the Chrlsltoai liTjllNays will be
spem- Tliey .will tntn make a three'day
trip to Antigua. 'thsgriat Tulned e,ty.
They will then go 'liy' f'iillito Zacapa,
whVr they wIll. taHo-mtiles tbr the ln
tenor of Ppanlsl) nonduras,' visiting first
the great Tnlte ruin Ot Coparii Tho
Honduras trlh w'lll.lasfa ciu'pl'Vif Sveeks.
after whlrh tht?wir caW tor n trlt'by1rmtls to Puerto Cortes.
where Mr artd Mf a ClarK wIU take the
fteamrr to Ifarrlos, thence' to Guatemala
t'lty- lnd theiue to the Paclflo coast
wlfrfe the "will take the steamer
mile to ?snFr'a'ni!leco V. t
In Double Runaway
u - icp'cw
Tecgrm )-Two ralrburf yphng women i
were seriously Injured yesterday in a
double ruruvwar.
rr, -wmcn mayeiruu in ne -
, Mr, Herbert t?hearon. llv-J
death of one.
ingjust north: Jjfc FalrhJlCT. w. return
ng from Kalrbury and was driving a
fractious lrorse. Tlin animal becume
frightened an'd"ran nKar. upteUliig the
buggy, and -tnriwlng- Mrs flhearofi vio
lently to the grqund afiij . she -landed on
tier head and shouldprs, The fhock rend
"riid her unconscious. SbTe was removed
to her home and is In a precarious con
llilon, Rlie has not regained conscious
less i
Tliir runaway was alsa 'rsspo'nslbt for
Miss Pearl Otlmore, a Jefferson county
fljool teaclier. bejng serloutly Injured.
llk oUmlire w'aj "drivlrtg (o ' Falrbury
from the Happy Hollow school, two
ijllea north of falrbury, where she. has
reir teaching. r -Hr horse becamli
lightened at Mrs. hearon's runaway
a id the animal, upset tha buggy, throw.
its Ollmore oiC " 8a hescaped with &
Sprained shoulder and a number of
btulsea, . , . ,
t uru n auuitti ci ennnu
nutu nnnunu' ubuvnuii
BOHt'VMSit, b- Dc- 1 -(Bpeclal.W
thujdtr lodge No", a. Independent Ordr
of Odd. Fellows, held Its annual election
of; officers here last night The follow
Itr officers were elected: T. I, Allen,
iijble grand: Charles Cain, vice grand;
Itj O, Brownell, treasurer; Charlra
t-tilth, secpcti&y, and, ,W, . Allen,
tijjitse. Speeches wcfirfveir and a gen-
ood linia follow?, "ft wa voted
-f-'ssHV 'blwjirtV hll' to' tho pres.
cut quarters,
Nebraska and Iowa Hotel Clerks'
Association Convenes Wednesday.
Ilnnq licit anil Cnln Affnlm An'
Planned for Occupy Hip Vtl
tnrs" linrlnk Their Ti
llnya' S.
An association with a Mtrcngth of 200
members, founded 'only eight years ago
by. six men, four of whom are still hotel
clerks In Omaha, Is to hold a convention
In Olnaha' AVednesaa)'"atid" Thursday of
(his we'fttwhep thtfNebrA&ka.IbV5a''Holel
Clerks attdclatloii Is calWif to order ' '
J Ilfght 'years ago a llttlo group of en-
lerpneing hotel-cisrks In Omaha got their
heads together' and decided to form art
organlzatloi!irur'reoclal. as well as other
purposes. This group' consisted of Joo
Keenan, Colonejk' Hilly 'Anderson, Paul
.Stanton, Fred Ilubcl, K. . n. Pates and
K, Scott. Sonie were enthusiastic for
the organization and some not so san
guine. Still they formed an organisa
tion such as It was and the Nebraska-
Iowa Hotel Clerks' Hiuoclatfon of today
Is tie outgrowth of that meeting. &
' Wednesday inomlnc something like 1S4
or JOtf hoel, clerks from theie two states
are. expected to arrive In omtshn for two
Hays of, a good tlltie Intcrnperced with
huslnj.s? sessions.' They will register at
the.Hensaw In tlieurtorhlng. During tha
forenoon they will spend the "time' Just
renewing old acquaintances and, clinulng,
with Jrlends. Wednesday poojh theywlll
enjoy, a compllmcntjiry lu)ii,hc(onMcrifl,cire4l.
thefh byj4jipl) Kitchen M Ta,xto
hotel. Alf" liincHeons nnd bannuts ern
open to mSn&frst andjfth'eli wfves. A
business meeting will be hAlil al the Pax
ton in th'a'fA,2tHoFn..,pA jcOmpllmentary
dinner "will e glvcnTat llln JI'Jn'haW In
the svenlng,"by T. J. 6'Hileu. The doonnr
will tli'en be treated to. a theater party,
while the gentlemen will cnjqy a. smoker,
at the Hotel nlune.
Thursday ijvjjrnlng a, bUslhesa session Js
to be heUWat (he iSchlllts 1 iotal, wtiilA
tho "'ho'dn luncheon will be given bylj
"Sgnrt -A the lyul hotel. A busl
nesimetng will follow at the Iiyal, at.
which lime officers for the ensuing year
win n ciecten, Tnursnay ninnt tne
offfolal bamiuet will b held at the
-Paxton. ';s' t
i Amonp the nolrd-.gue'sls that have nlgnj-
fled their InteiitloiijtjrnUemlAtio.AsiioclU'
tlon are: David (WmsCEad.-nrfltit'eitlf of.
jlim rn.riwinwMamnnji 4 "
Hawks, uatlpnal 'JtetTOhrVJilts-tloils
ha-ve. if eiyscnt JV'JWBrKiiiVlUq o
hotel clerks, sucn -mr iuo -Mouuiwestern
Oreeters, Colorado areetorn. tho Mlnno
sotal)akota Hotel Clerk's' association,
thd' bos 'Moines Jlotfr. Clerks: .aasvglatlon
nnd tch Orsrers ofOilcago..
'sTEMa. ''Web.? 'Tec. ' I -fSpeoial.)-Mrs.
H. V- Itwleri .wlfo'of a fprmer pas
tor of Prairie yplon riptlst church,, died
at her home In Osceo'la, Mo., this week.
i$ha and rtev. Mr. tawir. , who surlvr
her, together had enjoyed about fifty-nlne
years of wedded lfe- The Lawlcra for
merly lived at falem. Mrs. M, O. Jonea
of Peru, a daughter, attended the funeral.
Mrs. I. D. Newell, also wife of a former
pastor of Prairie Union church, died at
Cllenvllle, Nek. n tw ,a?" previously
She was about "ft years of nge and Is
survived by her huiband nnd three chil
dren. Durlal was at Hastings. .
' ST. UOUIS. Dsn. 1-John T. Mllliken
brothr-ln-law nt Albert J Patrick, who
spent vast sums of money In aiding
Patrick's defense ' and In proceeding
which brought about Patrick's commuta
t loin of sentence and final pardon's, the
murderer of WHUsni M. nice., disapproves :
)0f Patrick's attempt to get a. snsre or
niee'a fortune.
MM,iuen lodav Mnt tSatrtr
k a messHge.i
wWch, tfAA M roil0ws: v
..Now4Ppera report you hay
ing' re-
tairud attorney to start lltlpitlouCagalnst
the trustees, oi tne nice estate, mien
action sulsldst. I shall not aid jrou'Jn it
or give it countenance
advise you to stop talking
Go hide yourself.'!
' i .i
AUBl'rtN. Neb., Dec , l.r-OSpeclal.)
Weal hsa been given a Jail sentence
of, two .mojiths.for stabbing his brother.!
Murlnn West, last July In a' quarrel ov
board money. Only the fact that Marion
from a pcnctehtlary "Sentence. At th
time of the stabbing It was believed
Marion could lle only a few hours, and.
attorneys secured from hfm what was
supposed to be a death bed confession.
PAIRDURY. Neb.. DeC. l.-18li:lal.i-
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the
Baptist church In this city when Hrnest
Osborne and Miss Vera Bone were mar
ried. Hev. ' it. B Taft officiating. The
cnurcn was iiueu wnn a large numuer or
friends and relatives of the contracting
parties. Mls Ilelo Nlder played tho
wedding Inarch ,AJter tho weddlncserv-
ice at the church a reception wua slvtn
'at tjie brlde'p hm.e. The bride is Jh
only daughter Of Mr. nflMr.'u.-El Bon
I of thJs city.
Annual Convention to Start in Omaha
Wednesday for Three Days.
tlnmlin Will lUtcnit n llenrty Wrl-
finnp to llir Women of tlir
tntr Whrn tlir Contcn
tlnn Meet.
The Annual State Kuffrage convention
of Nebraska will hold Its metlngs in
Omaha Wednesday. Thursday and Fri
day of this week and It will be one of
the Important conventions of tho year.
Women of the city have arranged many
social entertainments In honor of the
out-of-town women, who are here to at
tend. 'Votes for Women" Is the one wish
which Is dearest to the heart of the suf'.
raglst and this wish will be respected
to the extent that all Omaha will wel
come the women nnd the "Welcome"
arch of the city will be lighted In honor
of the suffragists. The rouncll chamber
. .. .. . t ... . . m .. .
mpeuimn nn-.nn)(ir unninisn im snc
the address of welcome at the opening
meeting. Sirs. Ocprge Covell, president
of tho Omaha Woman's Suffrage associ
ation, will also give an- address of wel
come following that of Mayor Dahlman's.
The Omaha Woman's club will give a
reception to those attending the conven
tion and their friends at the club rooms
fallowing the meeting Wednesday after
noon. The mornings -will be taken up by
business meetings and at the afternoon
meetings the programs will be given.
Mrs. H. H. Wheeler, who witnessed the
New York sutfiage parade of May. 4, will
give a description of this uffalrr at the
meeting' Thursday afternoon and It will
be at this meeting that C. 3. Smyth
will give an address, on "Woman's Prop
erty jTUghts.", ' k 4
Voir for 'Women."' 'J t
Mr. Hyrne of the Orpheum will enter
tain the women by giving the pnoio
play, "Votes for' Women," at the' Or
pheum Thursday afterjioop at 5 oVcjock.
Friday morning will be the closing meet-
liif rrli rnnvrntlnn anil .4he election
of officers for the comlng.year wllf' take
place then. . 1
Among the wonjeti'ln. Omaha who' have
been ' prominently associated with the
woman's, suffrage movement, are: Mrs.
T. U Kimball, who Is ope' dt the oldest
and moSinthUalaslld workjdrs 'for. ,the
cseT',.Mrs. Kimball ,wl)l assist In the
enteriainlns.;if the" vljltlng women. '
Ajrs. Jolm N, OaWwIn, ex-(presldentt of
tltoUaual T-'ran'chtse society, Is another
who will assist In the entertaining , of
the delegates .to the state convention.
, Mrs-Drnjicr .Smith, whdls'6ne of the
prominent . clhh wofhsn, 'not only of the
clti". Mint hf the atatc,li chairman of the
pyogruih cimnilttee and has atrangedan
lUWL'UII J'i(lintM . " T .
Mrs. Hmlth'lasiio Of the ablest of women
and'her'McUtlvo ability It well kn'dwn
nmong the 'cjufi wnmcn.
MrS. W. -K. -Shafer, exproldent otAht
Omaha HuHrag association, will take an
scilve nmt In ho entertainment of' the
dolejtates to this convention.
j Mrs, Henry Doorly, chairman or "
publicity commltlf.e, who has been
assisted. h.v Miss Katherlne ' Hughes, ate
boihf.aowa. workejs for the caiisrfotjsjjr
fnir. avl Vui nitMsL lrillic entcrlHinihg.
timVt&to meeyns,FtU,bAi
.W.KDN158.AYV . s ,:
i .lU'Wai.-lVfeuullvo nieetlhg.
3.Pt,M.-lnvoc)itlon, rtev. Milton Bryant
Wlla))t: address of w'elcome. Mavot
James t. 'Hahlmnn; addresjl of welcome.
Mrs. U. W. Coviljt Vespouse. Mrs. tl'. G.
btiyle, Lincoln, tltn.etlnsn! State Kedpra
lion nt Ijilior.. T. -W. I'arKer. nrealdcuti
Nebraska Women's Christian Tempeflmco
lihlon. Mrs. Kraures n, Iteald, preslrtenf
Htate Teachers' assoclstlon, fluperluteiid
cnt James K. JJe.lzell! College Kauai 8nr
irngo league, Mrs. W. T. DorkloSi i'-
Kansas Women's Suffrage association.
Mlaa Helen N. Baker, sccrctair. Presl
dent's address, Dr. Ines H. Phllbrlck, 1ln
coin; conferptice on. publicity, leader, Mrs.
J. U Clsflln. University Plnce.
4 r.'M. Ueeeptlon to delegates and visi
tors by the Omaha Woman's clnb,.at
Metropollfan club. Twenty-third and Har
ney streets.
7:30 P. M-jThe rte.spfnslblllty o(,the
Woman' of llnucaiiori toward the Wonjmi
HllffrnRi Mgtemrji(,' Pi of. Alice Howell,
Lincoln; How Shall the.Buffrage Amend
ment' be" Submitted "I When. W..U
J-ookn, Lincoln; The Outlook, John L.
Kennedy, Omaha.
9 A. M. Appointments of committees,
reports of officers: reports of clubs. '
11 A. M. Conference on suffrage llteru
ture. leader, Dr. Kmiru Demaree, Itoca-
a P. M. What the Nebraska Wom
an's Suffrage Association and the Iiciil
Buffrage Cluhn Have Accomplished, Mlsa
Mary H. Williams. Kenosaw; OHmpses of
Kngllsh Sufrm gists' and Suffragettes, Miss
Helen Orcgory. Wneoln; Woman's Prop
erty Rights, Hon. r. J. Smythe, Omaha;
tho New Tork Parsdn of May t, Mrs. W.
II. Wheeler, Llncolii: Woman as a Pace
Aset. ev. . rreuerick r House omahs
5 p. Mi riioto Play. "Votes for
Wofnen." nt Orpheum theater.
7:M V. M.-How Kbiims Won. Miss
Helen N. Kaker, secretary Kansas Ejusl
fHiffraae' association: Politics and Politi
cians. Tticha'rd U Metcalfe, Lincoln.
J A. M.-Conrerence on orgsnlsstion,
leader. Mrs. Vrank Hacrlson. IJncolni
election of -officers; reaillng of resolu
tions, conenton tnlnutits, adjournment!
iicriui(c oi new rxevuuye roiijmmrc.
Funds Are Raised
For Suffering Jews
. At a massmeetlng held yesterday after
noon lu B'nal Israel temple. Eighteenth
unit Phlmen ttlrepta. tlljtnn were nlllllnpti
oi me cuy nan win uo ine scene oi nepreii Mett, W. A. PJxiey
In any mVnaer. H tq.collect fundfl or the aid, of suffering
Ing to newspapers. Wows li the districts affected., by the
Balkan war.
Tho meeting was called at the order of
the president of the It'ual Brlth organisa
tion and was held simultaneously with
similar meetings throughout the United
SQttea. An enormous fund for. the relief
of the suffering J civil In .Salonika and
..II. ..111 1 .. V. t . . A , .1
. . . ( t
Already JS0 has been subscribed by one
j Jrwh orBnuUlltlon ln 0man4i ,nd It ,
expected that several times thai amount
will be collected and sent out of. Omaha!
Several speakers told of the conditions In
the Balkans and explalntd the plans for
relieving the suffering Jews. Among the
speakers were. Rabbi Orodinsky, Ilabbl
Cohn, Isidor Zetkler, K. Klelshman. Mar-
j tin Sugurman, Henry Monsky,
JOLDON. Colo.. Dec. 1. noscce Shel.
don. who escaped from the State In-
iiustnal school nere tour year a ago, was
' granted u pardon" today. " He had been
1 sent to the school as an incorrigible,
Frohi Colorado he went to Des Moines,
la T where he ma'rtied,' after having at-
cured a good polUoi(. He left his wife
and' baby In Iowa and cams-tO'Colortfdo-l
alone to plead for a pardon.
Funeral otDerigkt
Held Sunday; Body
Taken to New York
Funeral services Jor the late J.. J. De-
right were held from the residence. 303
South Thirty-fourth street, Sunday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock, rtcv. T. J. Mackay
of All Paints' KplKcopal church officiated
and dwelt at length upon the charitable
and kindly nature of the man. Automo
bile row was well represented, both In n
personal and a floral way, many set
pieces from the lodges and buslners or
ganisations being in evidence. After the
services the hearse was escorted from
the home to theXole McKay establish
ment by a guard of sixteen members of
the Knights Templar, Mount Calvary
commandcry No. 1. James P. Cooke.
Prank J. Ogle. A. J. Eggers and Frank
Ilarrott formed a squaro at each 'corner
of the casket ddrlng tho services. The
body wataken to Marlon, 'N. Y., at mid
night. The pallbearers were:
Oould Diets, Frank U Campbell,
John D. Weaver, IT. BhyrocK,
N. II. .IICUU d U. lit
Former Cashier of Minnesota Bank
Leaves Wife and Children.
Parker Attempt to Escape. Conae-
inencea nf Seventeen Thonaand
Hollar Shortage by Flight
to ReorRlw.
WEST POINT. Oa.. Dec,. 1-11. W.
Parker, former cashier of the .Bank of
Commerce, Winnebago, Minn., In a
signed confession tonlgtjt admitted a
shortage of ' $17,004 in his accounts, told
of his flight from the Minnesota city,
where he left a wjfe and. three children,
and of his marrlaee In Georela to Mla.s
Florence ItAuer. n flpvelpml ofI
Parker made his confession before h
notary public and Mayor John T John
son of West Point, at rtnose Instigation
the banker was arrested, while living here
unaer tne. name 'or Charles A. Ixmg
Parker owns a motion picture theater.
here. He married Miss Bauer shortly
after he came to Georgia last June.
According to the detectives, the pris
oner said his accounts In the Bank of
Commerce became short last Aprllbe-
cause he had signed notes for friend i
which had not been paid.
Tries lo Muke Xerr 'Start,
rteallzlng that the bank examlntors
would discover the shortage, according to
the confession, the prisoner took J2.000 In
cash and came to Georgia. He went Into
business at wVst (PoInt under the name
of Charles A. Long. In' June, and a short
time later was married In Atlanta. Offi
cers say Tarker Insltts his shortage Is
The prisoner has 'expressed a willing
ness to return to1' Minnesota to face the
chnrges against htm.-
Parker wan arretted at (hp Irntlmtlnn
Of -Mayor Johnson of Wesi Point. The
mayor noticed the resemblance between
"Ioi(g" and a picture on a poster' offer
fl.MO row aid for the arrest qf the miss
lug Minnesota banker.
Parker's Actress wife 'Is 'said 'to have
made the following statement when she
heard the alleged confession
'If -necessary I will return to Winne
bago with my husband. As H. W, Parker
ho may have had another wife, but as
Charles lying he is my husband."
nelay" Tilling; Mrs. 'Parker.
WINNEBAGO, Minn., Dee. I.-Sherlff
Oebrge M. Kreyer n'd' County Attorney
H. I.. Bullls of Karibault-cbhnty left to
Ulght for Weft Point; Ga.. to -turn with
H. W Parker1, 'forrrier cashier of the
Bank of Commerce here. "
Mrs. Parker had not been Informed of
her husband's second marriage at a late
hour tonight and friends were'reluctant
to apprise her of the news.
The Parker family ranked high In
church and social circles In this vicinity
and was reported to be wealthy. Since
Parker's desertion Mrs. Parker has
earned her living by working for her
neighbors. An IS-yrar-old -son Is em
ployed on a farm pear this city and a
youniter hoy also has been, helping to
R' the family's expenses. A daughter. '
IS years old, Is 111 at home. I
NEW YOniC Dec. 1,-Heferrlng to
James Bryce, retiring British ambsssa,.
dor, ss "an International asset whose
position towards both EngUndyand the
United States Justifies .him ln tendering
advice to both," Andrew Carnegie in a
speech before the PL Andrews society of
New York state tonight urged widespresd
reading of Ambasssdor "Bryce's writings
on the South American republics. Tlie'je
revealed the "vital fact that the cele
brated Monroe doctrine haa accomplished
Its mission." dtclsred'Carnerie.
Ambassador ""Bryce; following Csrnegie,
expressed his rsgrst that he mutt sooh
leave the United States.
"But I'm not here tonight to take
leave of you," he added. "It may be
some time before X depart from these
shores. Even now I don't believe I will
be taking leave-of ,the St. Andrews to-cletj-.'""
'' t. ' ' - h .
' ; ; ' 1
IContinued fdom Page One,),
allied and "it fell ' into the hands" of Mrs.
Draper Smith. ,
Pint U, t nraiTelliiB. .
yhe plot was unravelms 'and con1o
tlons were confirmed when members" of
the McKeivie organisation began to
spread It about alnong their friends that
the suffrage program Thursday afternoon
was the 6 n't they had had the pleasure of
Basts, for this spresd of news was found
in the fact that the franchisers ha.d ac
cepted C?. J. Smyth, who was originally
chosen to speak before the leaguers, but
the ballot box, brigade declares mo em
phatically that the .fair 'democrats, .did
not have anything to do with framing the
"It'sa pretty how-ddcf',' fUmhatlcall
scorned one of the ballot hox,erjt, . "It
was a cut little trick to pack the con-,
veptlpp wtyj McKefe, Jeasueri wth the
hope'of wltyiing' ovj- otea'for'thelr,.lead-
,r".' , t. -i v - i SJj'
VXo, Jndf rftyiy ot. f .th court , knows
befqelfj'aiviywha. fhTps''shft.oef." .'-J.
" . 'r? S 'V' m'& ' .:
destroys jewcr llvei'fha'n, stomach, liver
and kldiHf:disease(s.'Yor whleHElettrifc
Bitters l the guaranteed remsdy. K.
For "silt by -Beaton" Drug TJo.Advertfse-ment.
"Westerner of Forgiving Disposition
Appointed Probation Officer.
Mntrlmnnlnl Aurncy llrlile Ilrcnnip
f itIUi Cold Thnnsnnd, lint John
RsmherkFr Tnkra Her
SAN rrtANCISCO, Die. 1. - Thero
may be husbands tlie vorld over, who
are henpecked and who. Jump at.theHbeck
onu can or their wives. But here is a
man who Is officially In charge of.lils
own household and under an order of-the
court In complete- charge of his wife.
He Is John llambccker, a miner of Tp3-
carora, jsev.
Hnlnbccker, tired of the ,drpary Ufe pf
thedesert. met' Jiyrtfe Brown of Den
ver through . a matrimonial -agency a
year ago and married her In Stockton, lconipctent graduate from one of the lead
C.I., The next day the , blushing, bride ',nB , nusmmi training school's, of our
decamped with J1.100 of her husWnd's 1 nn,,,r..
niuncy. which ue naci given ncr to pur
chase an interest In a lodging holisi.
Mrs. llambccker, was .arrested, several
months later, recently tried in tho su
perior court and convicted of grand -lar
ceny, a felony. A penitentiary sentence
awaited her.
In Judge Sargent's court today her
hUsMund appvarcd and made a touching
plea for clemency. In his wife's behalf.
Tho two had been reconciled while Mrs.
Itambeckejd was In the countyyjall. Judge'
Sargent flnaly yielded and granted the
Jhmr Im Only Onm
"Bromo Quinine 9'
Thmt Im
Latxatlwe Bramo Quinine
Always remember the full name. Look
.'or this elgoaturo on every box. 26o.
Fast Trains
Omaha and
Chicago . r.
Choosing the Right Gift
There is Womlerful satisfaction in knowing that the gift
you chooee is correct, and will measure up to the highest
standards of beauty and quality. .
Nothing inferior or commonplace can fold a place in the
Peacock collections, and the Peacock name os your gift
is perfect assurance of its value.
Suppose you' do your Christmas (hopping this year at PeaceakY
If you cannot cocee to the Uore, we w91 gladly ma3 yoa out
1912-1913. luatrated Shoppkg Gjmla of 228 page, (tea
which you can' easily make selection.
(EsuMuW la 1837)
'Cash ln pocket ahets an inclination to spsnd."
"('ash in bartk hegets a pride In the amount of"
"ths balance, and thus abetS'un' inclination to"
11rst National
Banitof Omaha
woman probation for two years. Mr. and
rs. rtainbccker gladly acceptea me
im hut the woman s race ieu tiuch
!the court added;
"Mr. llapibecker will be specially ap
pointed probation officer In this case. He
Is to havo absolute charge of the de
fendant,' will be responsible lo the court
for her conduct. She, In turn, will be
responsible to him. Next case."
(Continued from 'Page One.)
person, but it Is certainly a greater muf
vcMo hear thtse deaf, who never heard
a. soupd, recite In a modulated voice.
During the present biennum the audi
torium ahd gymnasium building has been
completed, which adds to the. entertain
ment and development of the children.
Mr. Piper was very favorably Impressed
with the Industrial work In the carpenter
shop. Hat racks, stands, tables, and
many other articles of, use. and value
are being iijude by the pupils under a
On the day of his visit he found the
pupils ambitious, cheerful and contented.
This, he says, speaks volumes of pralst
for the management and untiring patience
of a well qualified corps of- teachers,' for
what they arc doing In bringing hope
and sunshine Into the lives of these
children and so qualifying them that
they may enter Into the activities of
life and become .useful members or so
ciety. : ,
Key to (he Situation Dee Advertising.
Round Trip
Excursion Tickets
Are on Sale Daily
via the C. C& N. W. Ry.
to Florida, Cuba.
New Orleans,,
Mobile and'e
Gulf Coast.
QThe splendid
trains of the
Chicago and
Northwestern Railway between Orpaha
and Chicago connect at .the latter city
with airlines to the South and South
east, forming a passenger service that
cannot be surpassed.
Throuth railway and ittamthOt tlcktti
ar alto tali to the Maditttrantan, '
tha Holy Land and ta all European 'cities. '
Sleeping car reservations and reservations of
space ion steamships to points named' above
. given prompt and careful attention.
Trains Leave Omaha 'for Chicago
i 8:00 sum. 8:50 p.m.
12:05 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 12.48a.m.
7:38 p.m. All Daily
The Best of Everything
Tltktl QHlCti y
Chicago and.
North Western. Ry.
ItOl-UOJ-Famam Strttt
TUB SMALL DKPOSITOn of today ra&y
be the large one of the future. .
Ye welcome checking accounts from thosj
who will maintain fair avoragc balances.
One block (mm Bstk DtrSltitoai- :
convenient lo tboppinf, ihestrc sna
retidtatist dlxrlcu '
Boston's newest hotel."
Undername mana'jje
ment as Hotel Plaza,'
New York!.
Prices for rooms v .
and restaurant most reason-
able considering excellence. k .
of appointments and
Single Rooms with Bath, $3,50.
to $5.00.
Double Rooms with Bath' (two '
persons), $5.00 to 58.00.
tonjed stay. ' 'i
FRED STBRRY. Mtain Dirertoe.
J.CLaVIN.Maatfer -
Keep ths Complexion Beautiful
Nadine Face Powder
tin Grttn 'Baxtt Only.) '
Produces a soft, Velvety
appearance so much ad
mired, and remain until
washed off. Purified K?
a new process. Will noi
clog the pores. Harmless.
Prevents sunburn an
return of discoloratlons.
By toilet counters or mail, 50c. Monti
batk if rttt enlt'rdy pleated.
6oM br Shtrman-UcCooncll.Drm Co., Owl'Dnii
eCii Loyiltrtu-mtrr. Hweatd -PhUBiicj, cAlera.-
Hiarmless :f"
Way to Danr.jj,
, ken The Hafir
Who -does not know the value of Sacs'
and -Sulphur for keeping: the hair dark,',
soft and Klossy,ood, co.pdl'tioni
As. a matter of fact. Sulphur la a 5nat-
ural element pf hair, and a deficiency
of it in the hair is held by manjr scalp
specialists to bo connected w,lth loss .of
color and vitality of tho lalr. Unques
tionably, there is no' better" remedy ,for
hair and scalp troubles, especfally pre-
mAture; grayness, than SaEo, and'Sut
phur, .t PeTly prepared- , ' .
Tiie Wyeth Chemical JdijiPfnji of Nw
York- iput out an .ideal .preparatlon'-'oC'
this kind. c'aitediWyethfd'SagfO' MtA Sul
phur Hair rtervedy. in whie'rj Sajra' and
Sulphur are combined., with other- valu
able remedies. for keeping the. hair and
scalp in clean, healthy condition.'
If your halt; is losing 'its' color pr'eon-.
etantly coming; out, or if you .are
troubled with dandruff or -dry. Itchy
scalp, set a fifty cent bottle' 'bMVycth
Sage ahd ttuip'hHr' from' your dr.u'ggifit.
use it according to Mie simple directions,
smi' sco what a 'dif ferenco a few. days'
treatment will make in the appearance
of your hair.
All druggists se)t it, under guarantee
that the "money will be refunded 'jf 'tha
remedy Is not exactly as represented.
Sherman & McConnelt D.rug. Co., 102 'fjg.
16th, 314 So. 16th. 207 N.,16th. 21th and
Varnam Sta Advertisement. ,
Moiy To Laiii
Omaha lrorerty. -
Douglas Co, Farlul
Wc Want to. Buy --
4 "UouglaoCp. FaiTBs.'Jli.
Lv-Haskell C.
r . -
Durlig Ibf Wlnt,r StaMs
Nest Drtur P. It, ORUBA. ,tn '
onft res. 19.370 tons d!y. i
Salllnt 'rj !- In emntlen with
Qu,bt S. 8. Co, Ticket, Inttrtbin.Mbl-.
rr ptrtiraUrs ot ulllnrt and rnt addmi!
lira nu .iijui nirani I'SCKet co '
II Routli L Stile ?t.. bhfesso. '
W. E. Bojli, HIT Ftrnsm StretC Ony
nun. 404.-
Mat. Brsry Day 215; Bv.ry Viht OilS,
Tbl -ts-"THSr ANTJCJCE im.". JMmon4'
Hj Co.. Annl- Kent. Herbert' Aitalir Kl
!-. Aixttl' ZaolocU-al rircut. DUon & riellri
;,Drc Brothtr,, Palht't Wttkljr H.rltw ot On
' Wocl'- ETrnti. rrttii, Mstlace, Qlllirr, 19c.
lUrt tetts tit, (tccpt StuHy tni Sundlr
NIshL nc. a. Wt. lie
Assisted by
Max Lanflow Mary Knncboff
yunlst Eopraap
Sraadsls Tatx i -r
Tassday Afternoon, Ssc. 3, 4 T. M.
Tickets SOc to S3.00. How Islllnr.
Pll WWII (,