6-K TirE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 1, 1912. SHERLEY HAS FISCAL PLAN Jackson Senator Democrat Would Create Budget! FrODI Mainland Committee in the House. OPPOSES PROPOSAL OF TAFT Underwood Will lip Asked lo Allntr Co-operation of Penittr DrmocrnU In Formlnc Tnrtff II 111m Jfcxt Yenr. WASHINGTON, No. M.A revolu-tion-ry reform In the entire fiscal scheme of t e government so far as tlic provision r.f funds for governmental expenditures Is concerned. In projected In a lesolutlon 'o be preyed In the house at the coming scs ion by Itepresentatlve Sherley of Ken lucky, the third ranking democrat on the linupe appropriations committee. Ilipre pentatxc Shcrley's resolution Introduced at the last session, contemplates the cren Hon of n budget committee In the houc fthlch shall have original jurisdiction over nil estimates, for annual expemli t.ircs and shall allot to the various ap propriations committees of the house thr amounts available for the various tranches of tho government service. 1 very effort will be made to have tho measure operative with the advent of the new democratic Administration, Sherley laid today, Tho resolution will run counter to the V idget proposals of President Tnft, which will ho submitted to congress In n special message Just before the Christmas holi days. The president contemplates a gen eral budget scheme by which tho esti mates of the various departments for ex penditures wilt bo submitted to the hound In bulk, with a general statement of the country's financial condition. Tnrtff Activity for Mriinlnrs. Representative Oscar W. Underwood, democratic tariff leader of the house, when he begins tomorrow his conferences with house associates over the plans for tariff revision next sprlhfr, will be met with a suggestion from senate democrats that tho senate bo Riven n first hand at the framing of the tariff bills for the Wilson administration. A plan for co-operation between the democrats of the two houses, which lias been advocated for some time by Kenator Hoke Smith of Georgia und other mem bers ot tho senate, Is receiving attention from Incoming members and has secured considerable support. Members of the ways 'and means committee now hero have nctt gono on record thus far on tho matter, but Chairman Underwood will bo urged to mako the senate nn Integral part of his tariff machine from the beginning of work on the bills for the special ses sion. The making of tariff bills belongs exclu sively to the house, the senate getting iho measures only . after llw house bin completed them. Dixon Wits-n. (Jh.nnuc .N'hiiip. An effort was made today by. Senator Dixon of Montana to record himself "pro gressive" Instead ot "republican" In the new Issue of the congressional directory, lie found, however, that nit of tho body of thn edition had been printed, Tho senator said tho uliungo would bo made In the next edition of the hook. Hyde Found Guilty of Bribery ''While City Chamberlain KV.W YOIlK, Nov. 30. -Charles Id Ildyc, former city chamberlain, was fotlnd guilty of bribery In connection with tho performance of his duly as a city of ficial, Tho Jury which had been hearlmr the case In tho supremo court rendered Ita verdict shortly before midnight otter nearly three and a half hours' delibera tion. Justice CJoff remanded Hyde until De cember 4 and the former chamberluln was led across the "bridge of sighs" to a cell In the Tombs. It was his first taste of prison life, for ho had been nt liberty on bull Rlnco his Indictment and during his trial. When tho case was given to the jury shortly after eight o'clock there were fow who expected ii verdict In so abort a tlmo and when word came from the Jury that It wished to report Justice doff wnij not at hand. Jt was nearly forty minutes before ho appeared. Hydo was brought In and faced the Jury. As the word 'gullty" fell from tho fore man's lips. Hyde's eyes, which had been fixed on the Jurors' faces, did not waver anfl he gave, no evidence ot emotion. SAN FRANCISCO CAMPAIGN PLANNED BY UNION HEADS HOCHIiSTKn. N. V . Nov SO. -The sixth annual convention of tho bulldlns trades department of the American Federation of Labor closed today with the re-election of nil officers. The presidents of Interim-1 tlonal and national unions who attended the convention tnet nt noon to plan a con ference of nil officers of tlulr standing 1th n view to Inaugurating n camaplgu .of organisation In fanfrnnclsco The con ference probably will lie held In San Pran Cisco In February. Th close of tho building trades conven tion marked the end of the 191S sesdoit of tho federation and Its five departments which began ori November T INCENSED SCHOOL PATRON FINED FOR ABUSING TEACHER BIIOCK. Neb . Nov. 30.-(Hptclal 1-rMr. It KennlKin had u htarlng In Justice t'oryeii'' court this ivek on a clmritv of creating a dUturbauco at tho echoql bulkllrg She pleaded guilty and was osscsFed a fine ot U. and she stands com muted until the fine Is paid. Miss Davl, the ji'iinnry teaehor. made a rule for- MddliiK t iilldren to bring tablets to school, the Knnlfon children dobeye-l nnd Miss uavis took the tablets from them. Her nrflon Incensed Mm KennlHin. who went to t'. Brhool Iioule. m,lng abusive lan ttuace t the tsirher and frightening the fUIdrtn Mr. Ymit ueted as prosecutor for the rcliool board. PRELIMINARY FIGHTERS FORM AORGANIZATION LOS ANOF.LES. Cal . Nov. .-Piellml-nary fighters, "Pork and Heaners.'; In the vernacular, who whet spectators' appe tites by their four-round performances preceding biff matches, nave organized a union. They demand 135 each, per fight, which is at the ratn of per fighting minute, and claim sixtr-fcven members thus far. Most champions start as "Pork and Ueanncrs" und promoter heretofore hav, imnaira ihosb iaa on n sort or uppren - tlceshlp butt, putting up tiny purses, nnd expectlnir the bglnneni to bo tatiifl.-u for the ivsu with splendid experlem o they get- HALTIMOIIK, Nov. W.-Hovenior Holds berg tonight announced the appointment of William Jackson, republican national committeeman for Maryland, to succeed the late United States Senator lsador Hay nor. He will serve, until the legislature which meets In January, 1914, fills what will then be an unexpired term of three years. The legislature at that time also will elect n successor to Senator John Walter Smith, democrat, whose term will ex pire In 1315 Jackson, who Is a resident of Salisbury, on tho eastern peninsula, has been closely associated with the governor, socially and politically. In the recent presidential campaign he was the leader of the Taft forces In this state. PURSUIT OFTOMARA TOLD Son of Detective Says Chase Took Up More Than Five Months. HOCKIN'S CLUE STAJITINO POINT Description of .1. II. mnl .McMnnlunl (lUeii liy IIik-UIii In lintel Lobby In Clilmao In .November, .S'lnPlcni-'I'en, INDIANAI'OUB, Nov. W.-Klvo months and six days was fixed by witnesses at the "dynamite conspiracy" trial today as the time it required to arrest James n. McNamara, dynamiter of tho Los Angeles Tlmee building, In which twenty-one per sons were killed, niter the dynamiter had been pointed out to detectives. The sub stance ot the testimony tut to dates was On November 2, 191 one month und one lay after tho 1m Angeles explosion, In a hotel lobby In Chicago, Herbert 8. Hockln, secretary of the Iron workers' union and accused betrayer of the dynntnlters, gave today's witness, Itaymcnd J. Hums, son of the detective, who finally made the ar rests, a full description of McNamara and' Urtln V,. McMnntgal. On Novemuer S, at a railroad station In Chicago, ilnymond Uums to his detectives point ml out McManlgal. who was leaving for a hunting trip near Conover, ''Vis., and Instructed thn detectives to follow. On November 6, at Kenoiha, Wis , De tectives William J. ,Otts and Henjamln P. Damon found McManlgal had been Joined by McNumara, who, under tho nlias of "Frank Htilllriut," accompanied a hunting party to Conover, where from November 8 to December 4 the detectives shadowed tho dynamiters by talking to them In camp and observing them through field pinna. Finally AIcNatnnra nhd Mc Manlgal returned to .Chicago on a. train on which there were no detectives. In January,' 1011, Raymond Uums met Hockln In Chicago and nsktd him the whereabouts of McManlgal, who In tho meantime hud been to Ixa Angeles and caused an explosion there In tho Uewellyn Iron works. James II. McNamara. and McManlgal weni nrresti'd on April 12, lill. and John J, McNuniam was arrested on April 22. 1911. Ten explosions occurred between De cember, 1910, and the time of th'W arrests. Itaymond Hunts said ha had received In formation from IJndscy I Jowsl, then In Pittsburgh, wtw has testified that Hockln" two moriths before tho Una Angeles explo sion had given the locations of hiding. place fr explosives. Jowel was golnc to J'armnia ns an engineer and had urged Hockln to report to Uurns; Three Hundred Die When Typhoon Hits Philippine Islands MANIIA. Nov. .-Owlni to tho pros- trntlou of the tFlcRraph vvlres no deflni't estimate Is ynt imjulblo of tho numbar ot fatalities, or of tho property Ions caused by tho typhoon which' orotsKl the Islands of Siimur, Iyt una Nortlt J'nnay ieveml days nnu. Such Information a -hits heen rffflyni indicates that !fil persons wero kilted' In Hanmr and I.nyto and fortv In the othr ! territory trnversed hy tho storm. r splto the enormous dumagc in TncIohr.it rSLu ' there wer" Tim Edvernmtnt Is forwarding relief supplies to the stripltrn district. No Word hus ben received from Mindanao except n wireless dlspateh from the transpoit Watrni. wh'eti said the storm was unusually severe. WABIIINOTON', Nov. 3J.-A typhoon swept Vlinyns, Philippine Inlands, on No vember SJ nnd rarr'.cd awuy threr-fourthn of the town of Tuclohnti. the capital at Ij'yt-. nccordliiB to a dispatch recclyd today t tN Insular bureau from tH Roverrnr-uwai of tho Philippines. No detnl's of the dsriftor wero told In the brli'f tcfirrt. jml no estlnikte was made of tin- loss of life. INCREASE IN FREIGHT RATES WOULD RAISC .TATO PRICES CI I It AGO, Nov. .U-Th cost of living Is to be Increased bi a rlo tn tho prtco of potatoes If railroads an- permitted to put Into c'foi-t a mw classification, nc- cording to a protest made to tho Inter state Commerce commission today by II. p. Itohn. representing Chicago commis sion merchants. Hohn testified before Kxamlner John S. U. Iturchmore. who It making un Investi gation In regard to the rules or) potatoes from Minnesota and Wisconsin to points west of the Mississippi river. The new schedule is under upnilon by te commission. PEACE EMISSARY KILLED BY MEXICAN INSURGENT MEXICO ilTV. Nor. ax-iHmlllano Zapata, the Insurgent leader, carrying out a recent threat that he would put to death any nddltlonat peace envoys sent by the government to treat with him, a few days ago pasied the sentence of death on two men who had approached him on behalf of tlie government, according to news received here today from Uxcuautla, Morelos. One of the men was shot. The other escaped. HISTORIANS ENTERTAINED BY THcnnrpe nnnsEVc' t NEW YORK. Nov 90,-Theodore Rocse. volt, Charles Francis Adams of, Uoston and James Ford Rhodes, members of the executh council of the American His torical association, gave a' dinner tonight tn a number ot historical writers and ; teachork or history In American unl verslUee. Thn dinner was private and ! newspaper men were oxeludd. Colonel j Hoosevelt talked about hUtep' Ha Is J president ot the association. MEN'S CLOTHES HIT BOTTOM hi:k oru HHOW WlXDOU'fl. jftU A UjC of ownership. Clearing Vllf&niaE tho cloekH for action. Goods' of our own selection are to re place nil of the Nebraska's present stocks. Hence the most sweeping re duction sale ever known in mid-season to make n quick, decisive, absolute close-out. Don't miss it. ALL MEN'S MB YOHNI MEN'S $10 and taiEA $12.50 SUITS ANB OVERCOATS treat Sale Price PURSE SNATCHERS PAROLED O'Leary and Alexander Tell Their Story to Judge Kennedy. AOTHER BOY IN THE CASE He la .llmmy Vnlrntlnr, Who De manded that the Mrrnpr lit 1)1 yldeil Tltl )Itm on Thrrnl olttRklns; Exposure. Norbert O'Leary, aired 15, nnd UeorBC Alexander, Rged 17, two boys who con fessed to s.natchlnir a handbag contain Ing money and diamonds worth more than M0 from Mrs. Patrick Swift, were pa toled by Jildso Howard Kennedy In the Juvenile division of the district court. Tho judge committed botli hoys to tho stnts Industrial school for boya at Kear ney, but suspended the sentence and the commitment pending tne.r. good behnytor The boys told the whola utory to Judge Kennedy. They wanted to go to a show nml hod not sufficient money, They .spoke casualty 6f tho possibility of .snatching purses. When they saw two -women with hnndbite tboy decided to rob thjm. They Bald they did not realize." tho seriousness of the offonKe at the time. Alexander en Id he sot the handbag he went ofter, but O'leory failed, Divide Molipr 1 Nnrr Unss. Tli boya divided th? money and then burled the bag- and Its other contents in a vacant lot nenr Twenty-secortd and Harney it rents, The boy said Jimmy Valentine, a 15- )car-"ld hoy, tried to mako them glv up the loot, tie had seen ttiem take It. II told them ho was a relative of lrs. Swift and unless they turned tho property over I to him they would resiret It. Jimmy Vrtlenflie's onj stU Is being examined Into by the court. All tho stolen property, except the money, haa been returned. IHatljBSS Looey Pays 1 "TTiMif 4-n TJ-! "Phi on rl Y lSlu 10 HID J. L lOilll Eyder in Oity Hall llatless for four yeai-s, ri:n or Milne, storm or calm, hrat or cold-that's the record of Louts, Nasli, a tailor of St. Paul, Minn., who Alnlted Police Commis sioner llyder for n few hours yusterday. Nash came bounding Into tho police commissioner's office, but his healthy, uncovered thatch produced' no comment Tho Impression was that he had left his hat In another office. "Jack Ityder In?" ho Innulred. "Hello, Looey; glad to see youi" And thn two former pals had a long conversation, Nash finally arose to catch the 3:23 Northwestern train. "Hero's your hat," said Ryder, offering his own lid, knowing Nash' propensity to ramble around with uncovered poll. "Nix," Nash protested with an Injured air. "I haven't worn a hat for four years. Never Intend to wear one. Use lew: unsanitary." And out ho went, full or health and firmly convinced that the manufacturers ot hats are Imposing upon a common credulity ot the human race and serving no uplift purpose. Acrreement In tn Might. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. S.-CMld-night. ) A formal armistice for a fort night ts now within sight, according to an official announcement made tonight. "The pourparler at naghtche are pro ceeding In a satisfactory manner and there Is reason to hope an armistice may be signed In a day or two," the an nouncement tald. The Information was given out follow ing a meeting of the council of ministers which wa In session .from 6 until 10 o'clock. It Has called to discuss a re port submitted to KlanUI Pasha, the grnud vUler. by Osman Ntsml Pasha. Darned Ferld and Mustaph nechnd Bey, minister of the Interior, who went to Daghtchn this morplng and conferred with the reace plenipotentiaries and re turned to the capital this evening. Prior to the mtetlnt: of the council i of minister the grand vUJer had an audi ence with the sultan and alio visited the nrltlsh and Russian ambatacdore. Fire broke out in the poe this uven Inr, but was quickly quenched. 1 Several more unionist dtputlea we.e ar rested toilay n connection witn me plot against the government. m Men, it's up to you ! Get double your money 's worth! ENTIRE STOCK OF NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO.'S MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S HIGH GRADE SUITS m OVERCOATS ALL GO, NONE RESERVED 1 -3 to 1 -2 PRICE ALL MEN'S AND $15 and $16.51 SHITS ANI OVERCOATS Greal Sale Price John A. swanson, Pres. Wm. A. Holtman, Treas. Supposed Bomb is 1 Only Firecrackers AnnrtDERN. Scotland, Nov. M.-Some excitement was caused here this evening when what at first was believed to be an infernal machine Intended for David Lloyd George, chancellor of tho exchec- quer, was. found In the hands of a suffragette, who waq discovered hiding In the fiatl wh?r Mr. Lloyd deorgc was to deliver an address. It turned out, how ever, to be u box containing fire crack ers, The woman who had it and two of her suffragette companions were ar reted. They were hiding behind the organ t the music hall und wero dis covered beforo the doors were opened. HICKEY SIGNS A CONFESSION Murderer of Boys Xays Crimes to , jeoidental Killing,, FIRST'' VICTIM ,DIES. OF POISON Mnn with Diuil Prraonnlltr. Ortll i rinrlly Intelligent, When t.'rnneil liy Drink Arnault mill Mnrilers Children. ni'FFA t.O, N. T., -Nov. 30.-The acci dental killing of n man In Lowell, Mas., twenty years ago was given tonight by John Frank Hlckey in n slgnod confession as tho starting point of n Career ot de bauchery and crime during which he murdered two boys and assaulted many others. Htckey's victims, according1 to tie confession, were Kd Morey of Lowoil, Mass., poisoned with laudanum twenty years nR; Michael Kruck, 12 j'ears old, a New York newsboy, strangled in Cntral pdrk in 1W2, nnd Joseph Josephs, the 7-year-old sou ot George Josephs, a merchant of Iickawnnnn, killed In a similar, manner October 12, 1911. "The details cf Hlckey' last two crimes too revolting to make public," said District Attorney Dudley. 4HcVy ap parently s a mih' ttllh'n. dual personality. He Is Intelligent, ile. Is overcome with remorse and says again and uStaln that h can't comprehend What- possessed m to commit the crimen, He asserts that he became a maniac only when filled with whisky."' Hlckey's full confession cam after a series of adml'slonH made to District At torney Dudley und t'ollco Chief Ollson of Lackawanna that began Wednesday when the two officials left New York for Buf falo with heir prisoner, In the presence of Dudley, the sheriff and a stenographer he again went over the deluile of his crimes. In addition to the murder, Hlckey confessed to many assaults and attempted ascaults un small boys. He Insisted that alt his crimes wer committed when he was drunk. When ever he becanio Intoxtcnted, ho raid, thero came over him an Insatiable dctlre to kill small boys. The victims wero tortured beforo being killed. After signing his confession Hlckey said hn was glad to his life ot crime wan at nn end. "I have made my peace With God. I nm ready to pay the penalty for my crimes demanded by men." Thn killing Of Morey tn Lowell, accord ing to Hlckey's confession, was accidental. He was then a clerk In a drug store nnd ilorcy treuuently begged him for whisky. To get rid of the man one day, Hlckey said, he put laudanum In the whisky, In tending to mnke him sick, but Morey, weakened by dissipation, died. Thl crime, preying upon , his mind for years, Hlckey said, ultimately drove him to drink. ' ! The district attorney said Hlckey's con 1 fission came from his Hps without much persuasion. ALLEGED SWINDLER NOW CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY ROCHESTER, N. T., Nov. 80. As a insult ot the federal grand Jury Investiga tion Into the schemes of alleged "get rich quick" firms at Buffalo, a new charge that Of conspiracy to defraud--wa made againfct Halford B. Wardlu, vice president of tho American Redemp tion compan. today. When he appeared fur examination to- day before I'nlted states Commissioner Smith, the ehrrje of Illegal use of the malls as dropped and he was served with a criminal capias charging the con spiracy and his bail was raised to J10.0W. Wardlns company with ether Is al- i jegd i,, have carried on extensive busl. ness guaranteeing stocks and bonds. PRICES AT THE ALL MEN'S $20 and $22.50 SHITS ANB OVERCOATS real Sale Pries YOVXfi MEN'S LARGEST $Q75 the most wonderful clothing sale on record thousands of finest suits and overcoats are still available here if you hurry. "We advise prompt selection. Kvery man should make Iho most of this great sale at once, (tome Monday. BO TOtlE OIISIETMA.S MUSIC FOR DOOMED INDIAN Giant Murderer's Request to Hear Band Play Granted.. OBJECTS TO MORE REPRIEVES Hit AVlIllnms, Nix Feet Keren Inches Tall, llnnKcd for Ktlltncr Woninit nnd flhootlnir Others in Drunken Frensy. PAN QfKNTlN. Cal., Nov. .TO.-Ed Williams, an Indian, six feet seven Inches tall, was hanged hero toddy nflcr the prison band had given a three-hour con cert In the denth chamber for his benefit. AVIIllams murdered his consort, tnex Brooks, and shot several other persons tn a drunken frenzy. He had been re proved several times, and a day or so ago announced that he did not ffant any more , rcprlevea-that he wished Tto' be hanged promptly it at all. Last night Warder. John Hoylo iM' Colonel Dennis Duffy, president of It he California State Hoard of Prison Direc tors, Hoyle's Thanksgiving guest, went to rce Williams up In the top loft ot the old Snn Quentln furniture factory, where he SAt gossiping wtth the death watch In his cage. "There's only one thing I'd like to have," he snld In response to n query by Hoyle, "and I guets that's too much trou. ble. I'd lllto to bavo the band play." Prison II tmlrlnim Nitvoiih. The prison orchestra was sent for and huddled through the gallows room to hh cell. "I uned to play the fiddle In our tribe," Wllllnms explained to the convict musi cians. "I was pretty good at It." The men, some of them perspiring with nervousness, played tar1 Into the' night. Warden Hoyle noticed that none' of thoni lapped' their feet to keep time, as is usual, but Williams, tilted back tn his chair, 'swung his boot rhythmically. Today, ns Williams was led to the scat fold, he paused to speak to Hoyle. "I'm obliged to you for the music" he said. "I probably couldn't have played any more If I'd lived, because the sheriff's toe shot me through the hand ami It's ttyiff. Uood-bye. warden." Eioli Men Invited to Bid at Sickles' Sale NI'.W YORK. Nov. .-Seventy.flve of tho city's wealthiest men were Invited today by Sheriff Hurburgcr to appear at the Fifth avenue home of General Dunlel E. Sickles, octogenarian civil war veteran, December 4, and make bids at an auc tion of tho general's personal property. Th sale has been ordered to satisfy a $3,000 Judgment, "I believe that men of your standing will see to It that tho general's property Is not iacrlflced at this sale," wrote the sheriff In a letter to J. Plerpont Morgan, Andrew Carnegie. Vincent Astor. John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., William K. Vanderbllt, John D. Arch bold, Chauncey M. Depew nnd others, RUNS DOWN TIMBER WOLF WITH AUTOMOBILE OSAGE. Ia., Nov. S0.-l8peclal.)-OsaKe. hunters have discovered a new sport, moro exciting than coursing, with hounds for fox or jackrabblts. This latett Inno vation Is wolf hunting in an auto-nobile. While driving along a country road near hero yesterday Dennis Sullivan and Wil- llam Loney espied a wolf trotting slowly alone th side of the driveway, Openln the throttle of the roadster, the driver of the car Kave chase. The wolf, doubtless thlnklnc the vehicle no match for his . , ,, . , , . , . great sroed, dlsdalnod to ieavo the ruad. Instead, ho trotted to the center of the highway and ran at top speed, For the first half mtio the wolf kept his lead, but the power ot gasoline in n throbbing engine was too much of a pursuer to be so easily left behind The car gained rapidly, but Instead of getting out of the way the wolf muck to the track, and the car ran him down and atsf d over him. The animal was killed witfi a stone. He proved to be o. male timber wolf of moro than ordinary site 11 niiniltc Wreck llullillns; ma ,.nniltlAtlv nu nnutflia tA mlrta .rLr lnni- l-ilr-. hm nl:lrL- will. II, New Dl.eoverv &.c ami II M For ,af- by Kenton Drug Co. Advertisement Persistent advertising Is th Road to HEIGHT OF THE ALL $25 $35 SUITS ANI OVERCOATS Great Sale Price AND YOUNG MEN'S 50 Stocks in town to choose from. Despite BimrtJ SOW, BHIEF OITY NEWS Stack-ralconer Co., Undertakers. Kay Root Print It Now Beacon Vress AlgMlng1 rixtures. Bnrgsai-Oranden Co Bailey the Bentlst, City Nat'I. D. 2868. Diamond, loans at "i and C per cent. W. C. Flatau. i.5H Dodge 8U Red 5C19. j See Rosco for low rates on diamond nnd - watch loans.. 1522 Dodge. Adver tisement. You Can Start a Saving Account at the Nebraska Savings and Loan Ass'n. with $1.00 or more. 1005 Farnam street born to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis, No vember 25. Mrs. Davis was formerly' Miss Pearl Ley Two 3ek Divorces Edward F. Rope has started suit for divorce against Lil lian Pope, charging desertion. Olga Jonea han.sued Alonzo Jones for divorce on the same ground. lined for Sweeping Refng on, Street T. London was fined ;i6 and costs In police cdurt for sweeping refuse on the Htreets.ifpon request for London's attor ney, Judge Foster suspended the sen tence. Wharton is Taking1 Beat Postmaster John C. Wharton has gone to Hxcolslor Spring to rest ur for a few days and prepare for the big rush of mall during tho holidays. He will be back the latter part of next week. The stats Hank of Omaha pays 4 per cent on time deposits, 3 per cent on sav ings uccounte. The only bank In Omaha whose depositors are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state ot Nebraska. Corner 17th and Harney Hts. Advertisement. Woman Falls From Car While alight ing from a3novlng street car at Eigh teenth nnd Cuming street. Pearl Lallg tlem was thrown violently to the pave ment and sustained several bad bruises She was attended by Police Surgeon Daw son and taken to her home. Baxter on Single Tax William Baxter will glvo nn address nt the Unitarian church on "The Principles of the Single Tax" at 8:30 Sunday evening. The sub ject of DK Llllirors' sermon In the morn ing will be "The Humanized Church," fourth In the series on "The Gospel for Our Age." Injured in Fall From Car Frank May, 111 Izard street, fell off a South Six-, teenth street car Friday night at Cali fornia street and suffered a fractured of the right arm. He was given medical attention at police headquarters by Dr. Dawson, and locked up on the charge of being drunk, Loomls Home from Sast N. H. Loomls, solicitor of the t'nlon Pacific is home from Washington, where he had been for several daya In connection with matters pertaining to tho IlVirrlman roads. Whllo Mr. Loomls hns no official advices from the supreme court, he is expecting a decision ns early as Monday In the merger casta of the Pacific roads. Talk Good Beads J. H. Dodge, super intendent of road construction of the Departmint of Agriculture, will deliver an Illustrated lecture on good roadt at thi Commercial club Vr'duy night. Stere optlcon hlldes showing roads before and after Improvement and various methods of maintenance and Improvement will be U6cd to i!lurtr.te the lecture. J A. Sun derlapd. chairman of the good roads com mittee of fie Commercial club, will be In charge of the meeting. Culls from the Wires s,cm of War SUmson Rnd h arrived at Key West. Kla., on the steamer Colon from Pnnamu. V v'auo tncrenso of 20 to 'i cents u day. f,,fe5,Uv?a StfLT a.Tn.nd .y D. C Jackllng, general manager of the Utah Copper company at Halt Lake Clt:. Moving pictures used In his unsuecess- ful campaign for congress cost C.arence 1'. Dodge, or coiorauo springs H.;z. ac cording to his official expense statement. pointed receiver f ir tho Centrul Colorado I Power company of Denver, capitalised at t w.t-'v.i.'v, a,, niittu riaica uieiuci court. Despite the close watch wiilch has been Inaugurated by thai London doIIcc. suffra. penes again destroyed the contents of various ir-an poxes op inio tnein. Commissioners representing New York and West Virginia selected tha lt which those states will erect buildings for the Panama Pacific International expat). ( Won Of I9ti, I .?phlt have ben distributed In th streets of arsaw cal Ing upon the people to celebrate the anniversary cf the Pillsh revolution Ot 1S3J by declaring flint h Polish nation must take active measures $11 nmnmnunuoDni SEASON IN MEN'S ANI YOUNG MEN'S $31 g Vtf 10 W w V SAYS DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL Coroner's Inquest Held Over the Body of Late J. J. Deright. FUNERAL TO BE HELD SUNDAY No Testimony I Introduced Except Hint Wlileh Showed that Death Cnme from Accidental nischnrnrr of Gnn, After hearing the evidence ot witnesses who testified to facts which tended only to provd.that J. J. Dcrlght, the automobllo and safe dealer found dead In an upstairs roon over" his garage at ISIS Farnam street Thanksgiving morning, accidentally shot himself the coroner's Jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The Jury wns composed of J. H Mo-Donald,- foreman; Fred Metx, K, K. Lllz, J. D. Weaver, W. A. Plel nnd Gould Dletz. They brought In the verdict after about threo minutes' deliberation. Sheriff MeBhane conducted the inquest fn tho absence' of Coroner Crosby. John Hlmoc, who rodo down lo Jhe garnge with Mr, Deright on the morning ho took his life, nhd the last man who tnjkcd to him before he died, testified that Mr. Dcrlght was very cheerful on that morning. W. A. Plxley told ot hav ing made arrangements with the deceased to ho hunting Thursday arternoon. All tho evidence Introduced Mllowcd that Mr. Derlght's denth was accidental. In fact, no testimony was Introduced which would In any manner prove that he took his own life. Mr. Derlght's funeral will be held Sun day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from tho Into residence, 203 South Thirty-fourth street. Rev. T. J. Mackay will officiate. Tho body will be taken to Marlon, N. V,, for burial The - Busy Jewelers are beckoning for your Xmas business NOW It's Coming Good. Tho importance of our preparation for every kind of want is proven, for EVERYBODY'S BUY ING. Our merchandise and prices are resistless. No one can truthfully say our store is not a bet ter place to trade if they haven't tried us. We are "Busy" trying to show YOU the real advantages of our stock and store ser vice. Bargains we have, in deed we have. THIS WEEK Sterling Silver Deposit Special Look in our windows and see what you save. Cologne Bottles 50. Oil Bottles $1.00 Sugar and Cream 90i; t Lemon Dishes 90c Tr .ii 11 jimi ouier tilings as good T. L. Combs & Co. Io20 Douglas St. a If Big Returns. j agauwt umj.