ft P he Omaha A Woman Observer Plan to Apply the Methods of Science to America's Great est Social Problem, and by Creating a College of Observation in Nevada V Notorious Divorce Colony, Make Its Graduates Divorce Proof- By Leslie Curtis, Former Atioelate Editor of tho R Gazette, Author of "Reno Reverie)," Etc. EVERYBODY haB agreed that di vorce is ono of tbQ most se rious problems of modern America. TUo law bos dealt with It. society has dealt with It. and tho church Is perpetually struggling with IU No ono has yet found any of fectlvo remedy for tho steady growth of marital shipwreck. 1 havo at last found the remody. , , , Tho only ti&V progress In, tho world of Bolonco has been rondo slnco the microscope waa dlscov erod. Only Ih'lho fields of chemis try, -Tilology and physics has tro mendoun progress boon mado, and tho reason Is that In these fields tho mlcroscopu Is available. Science lins discovered that wo learn from observation. If wo can see with tho oye, wo can loarn. I would apply tile mothoda of Bdoncii to thd scandal of divorce. 1 would, so to speak, put under the microscope the wholo wretched, uilsernblo story of matrimonial mis ery, iiitd by seelnjf nnd studying would leurh tho remedy. My plan Is to' establish a colioge of observation hero at Reno, whore the sad panorama of dotnostlo mis ery and misfits unfolds Itself 'In every possible phase and color Every expectant bridegroom and every prospective bride should be Riven a Course in my School ol Applied Domestic Research. 1 nn certain that a six. months' caurs of lecturei and dally attendance at thp divorce courts of Reno would make my graduates divorce proof Under present conditions, women marry more or Iosb blindly, live blindly, and ofton end up In Rono or Its fiqulvalent with "nncholor-esi of- Failure" written afdr orh tmnn and a past full of knotholes "r- h diploma. Why not rovurm the im ual-ordor and place Hetm HtHi"' Happiness woujd then Mn- hint- in follow, based on n di-tlnu Uihm edge of wljut marrlHiii- iniui- mni what dlvorc-o cost a 1 am perfectly Hcrlmib m my Idea. The utility of It bus uitvnd befu tested, beciww. I hi. noted by Interested luiopli- Muh h second marrlntfw) oi U- i;nJu ates" are Invariant) niiivnfiii This becauHC six nuintha obwita tlon of riilinix Iiiik taught Iticiii to cbooso mure carefully AtiO'lie Instance Ht- tit the fuel that few. If any. iMUn'cea art- audited by home pt-opiu. Iloyn and eirlt. mlu gllns with lite hmnun dlsuptiulnt mnnlH fruiii thn Katt. learn luvalu ub'w 'i's.miuh and onier matrimony with a MjrloiiuiicxH worthy of ma turity. I bellevo In divorce, but not the . abuse of It. pud two years In Reno cs nn olwrver convinced me that wnniHh uio to blame for tho ma jority of unhappy marriages. Three fourths pf Ujq women who go. to Nevada du mt frtwic divurcin, nl though they are evidently sincere In thinking themselves abused. ' Th mnit im Tbey seek freedom becnuso their inemosiim idea, of marriage Is fundamentally Doriam cours wrong. This Is not true In all cases, but be the study In many. Everybody knows good women of actual cases who b'avp suffered agonies as tho Vlves of drug fiends and drunkards in the court, and who are oerfectly Justified In seeking freedom. Men who marry The bride will for money are also despicable, but it always takes two to mako u bar gain, and if girls know bow to choose intelligently before mar riage the drunkard, tho drug (lend and fortune-hunter would bo over stocked with mittens. Husbands, in my opinion, aro less to blame for the prevalence of di vorco tbaa their vrives. Women rourry; for any number of reasons, but ea. usually for lovo, becauso their tela of choice Is unlimited and they always pick the ono girl MU Leslie Curtis, Who, Afer Four Year.; Observation at Keno, Evolved the idea of Starting v-ullcge of Observation There to Study the Causes of the Divorce Evil. ' be given a m i c r o copic view ef all their phase.1' ' ' 4 Sunday Bee Magazine Copyright, ltlf, tr Every day the Star Company. Great Britain the prospective brides and bridegrooms would receive lessons in the subtler divorce. The ever-saddening sight of Reno's divorce mill through the would stimulate their eagerness to learn." , . who spemB superior to nil tho rest.0 Almost overy mun desires to bo a Inodol luiBbnnd when ho does set tie down with hla Ideal, and jias no lutontloa;Qtpromotlng discord. Rut whoni hftj.dlRCovors that his wife's llluslbns and Ideas aro foreign to all tho toneta of sune living, he soon losos interest In thn partner ship. VJflo goes to Rono, eventu ally, and hubby pays alimony a)l . ilio rest of his life. My school for brides would pre vent such tragedies. "Forewarned Is forearmed" In an excellent motto. With Reno for a" location, Ufa's lessons could be Illustrated with living examples,, n.' .far more Im prosslvo method' than' dry lectures, or legislative cures. I would, have .Rono kopt, by an act of Congress, just as It Is, with spcll 'iriiv.4lon against nmUlu It any harder to get a divorce. Tho Government would maintain' Rono qB a dlvorcd reserve, paying all bills Incurred :by those seeking di vorce, Then t, woqld havo nil the States passa special set providing funds for Mm unilnto nance of my College of Ob urvn,tlnu. AH ihe brides nnd b r l (t o grooms would have to do would be to PiiV for their keep nnd a nominal tuition hiivsf. Course Num ber Ono would bt to dispel the il that beau ty alone will Ji"!d u hus band. It Is n fact that tlirec fourths of no's visitors tiiu really bo allied benuti fa, Men rnvi ovqc tbem. wtk t h u ir society nnd b.ot-nuiH uiudly lufatu it ted yet they c n il no t hold : husband Right Rcierved. for any length or time. What Is" tho reason? Acquaintance with these daz zling ladles would soon teach" my pupils that beauty usually eSrrlo with It an ovor-devnloped vhnlty nnd love of admiration, which, In the close companionship of mar riage, counteracts the advantage of comeliness. The pretty womnn I? sfaccuRtomod to compliments that she fools neglected If her huabnnd falls to rave over her beauty every tlmo he comeB Into, hor presence No matter how much a man np proclatCB the, ood looks or nis wife, ho cannot bp always talking about It, becauso there are more vital tblnts to occupy his thoughts In those days of keen business com petition. The wise wfn will understand this seeming Indifference; the un wise will find joy In attracting 4he admiration of .othor men.- This, no matter ho.w harmless at first, will lend to the divorce court snonef or later. Rono Is full of beautiful, vain creatures, whose greatest Joy In life Is to hear a masculine voice whispering, "You are so beautiful!" After my pupils, had been given thin general view, export psycholo gists would take up certain appli cants for dlvorco In detail nnd dis sect her character as thoroughly at n tuibJoct g dissected In a clinic. Course Numbor Two would be takon evory aftornoon' at thn Uni versity of Nevada, for, while my pupils aro using human models In finding ''What not to do." they must also be absorbing, in n prac tical way, "What to do and how to do It." In the DomoHtlc Science class not only do they teach cook ing bo that It becomes n plensure rather than drudgery, but also ocon nmy In buying, measuring nnd util izing food stuffs with tho least pos sble waHto, All those things In spire n young women tho desiro to uo things right whon they have homes of their own. Course Numbor three would con sist of observation In the cottages and npartments of divorcees. Ufn Is unconventional among col ony members, and we would be- able to find untidy kitchens and dis ordered boudoirs with tousled dress ers and n thousand nnd one cos motlcs in plain view. Kxpenslve I In serin thrown carelessly about Indicates several characteristics of the owner, especially If laundry de vastation goes unmnnded nnd loops of torn lace aro held with pins. Such Investigations offer unlimited How Fish Families in Layers tttt HENtidlMstoroccursatsea, J and people read that some ' leviathan vessel has gone down to tho utmost depth of tho ocea'n. iniaglnutlon is stirred in wondering what conditions sur round her. According to Sir John Murray, one of vthe greatest authorities on oceanography, the bottom is a divert of pltch-blnck darkness, penetrating cold, and eternal Mk-ncu. Vorm. a puidlngJ. una coral polyps sluggishly crawl or way In the almost currentloss depths, nnd ouly two xjiecU'S of tisti, bqth of them finiill. with much head nnd little body, lmv- been tuiui'l dcoper than a mile aud a quarter down. possibilities. " Course Number Four Is merely a Btudy of folly. Occasionally m,y pu pils Bhould dine nt tho Colony, Cafe nnd other haunts of tho husbarid loss ollto. Surrounded by merry parties of lovely women nnd tholr admirers, lulled by soductlv'o music nnd served with cholcost viands, they could bask In tho atmosphoro which starts many a pretty travoler on the rond to Reno. The clnifiour of white lights In tho great cities 'becomes n mania with some women nnd makes them forget the homely thlnga of life that really count. No doubt my brldqlels rvi "Drive- men to run away with their ttenographert and other who havo a more 'accurate and lei lofty view of their character." letB would comment qn tho beauty of this sccno and see no causn for consuro or alarm. Later, when frcquont libations had flushed the faces of flov, cr-llka women and loosened tip hilarious tongues, they would be assigned to join some party bound for a joy ride. After a wild ride through the mountains my pupils would be so disgusted that they would beg to be taken home. The rango of llsheB in the sea is ns though It were divided lulu layers, ono above tho otner, and no flan can live above or below this layer. Thus many of the deeper fish three-quarters of a mile be low the surface havo been found floating at the top; they had swallowed a tlsh as large or larger than themselves and Its buoyancy bad lifted them out of tho strata to which thoy- were accustomed. The physiology of a bottonAflsh is n I uius ( luiH.-slble to kuuw, be cause they are built to resist a a iremendou pressure of wntcr.anl when this pressure Is released as whim they are brought to the sur face in u not sometimes the tlsh has buret: the or tuns are critsbed beyond reconstruction Similarly. If u tlsb of a higher straiuiii attacks n bottom fish io Page phases of marriage arid window Course Number Five, nerhaps the most Important, la a series of morn ings at tho court, There will be utudled the workings of tho famous "dlvorco mill." Here, on tho raw testhnony of husband and wife, my piiDils would be ablo to absorb tho subtler and most corroding horrors of divorce. Stenographic ivpnrts would bb f'kon and used later for analysis by our college psycholo gist. I would depend more, for real educational value, however, upon the actual slpbt of the "mis mated" onec upon tho stand. Course dumber Six would bo di rected Rolely against Jealousy. How to avoid oven tho appearance of evil would bo ono part of It. Learning to discount tho value of gossip, an other. The suspicious mind Is aK ways ready to discolor tho mo3t Innocent action, nnd tho wife who continually harps on her fears will drivo a man into JuBt what sho de plores. Every session of Reno's dl vorco court la n record of potty Jealousies, founZ?d on hearsay and little blocks of nnMnc. Nnculnsr. largely n fault of women. Is closely allied but Bhould not he confused with fault finding. The latter ap ponrs to belong to the masculine side. Last, but not least, would come Course Seven, dealing entirely with tho mental conception of marriage. Many modorn maids marry with tho idea that tbry are conferring a great honor on mre man, and ho Is never allowed tj forget It. Tho fault here Is In exaggerated ego. A good woman certainly honors tho man sho marries, but tho honoring Is not altogether on her side.' She has chosen him from a small num ber of suitors, while he picked her fro-a an unlimited field. In ab sence of anything bettor, she ac cepts his offer and spends tho rest of her llfo Impressing him with the fact that sho Is far too good for him and has done him an honor which can never bo repaid. Such a mnrrlage. founded on the Invlslblo superiority 0f the bride. Is bound to drive the unappreciated worm to tho society of his stenog rapher or some other human crea ture, whoso estlmato of character is more accurate and leas lofty. I havo only briefly outlined the qlgb lights or tho college I have In mind, The clan Is perfectly practicable, and I am euro there would always be enough applicant for divorce at Reno to keep tho students busy. Why not let science have a trial at divorce? Fill Ocean Deeps the noutral zone whern hnfh ran live, and as sometimes happens his teeth become entangled so that he cannot let go. and he la dragged Into deeper water, ho strangles Instantly, for his breathing ar rangements aro of no use to 'blm under the pressure of water la lower strata of the Bea.' As a rulo. owever, the fish of the various dopthp rarely feed fin those nbove or oelow them. There have beon'brought to light an astonishing number or forms of flf i. nnd especially of prawns or a brilliantly red color, living In tho owin at a depth or 3.000 reef But. nh,,,?,"U1l,ns Rs u Ulay ecm. these orlllluiilly colwvd (tab nnd prnwn. Instead or being conspicuous la the water .u ihat depth, tre almost Invisible, wheu a,Hi . 0wlul color could be easily seen.