Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Image 13

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    The Omaha Sunday
VOL. XL1I-NO. 'J4.
Women Ready for Annual Christmas Church Bazaar
Rotunda of Bee Building
Christmas Things Made at
Home to Be Sold at the
Bazaar Woman's Way
of Helping EFear Cost of
Keeping Up the Church
OMAN'S handicraft will bu displayed at
tlio futr of the churches which will bo
held in tho rotunda of tho The Deo
building, commencing with Monday,
December 9, and closing Saturday
evening, December 21.
Tho tables and booths will be ar
langcd around tho fountain and.-fish pond in the
rotundu. Whilo-tho shops arcr filled with pretty
things for Christmas gifts, thero is nothing more
appreciated than a bit of hand work.
Ther women of tho foreign countries have for
centuries dono soma of the .most beautiful embroid
ery and tho art hns trickled down to the present
generation. Dainty pieces of needlework are al
ways acceptable. as gifts, snnd "thero will be one of
the best assortments of this work at this bazar this
The home and what 1b necessary for Its comfort
has always had tho toiioh of a woman's hand to
make it one of tho moat ideal-places.
The work of the women in the church Ib next
dearest to tho work of the homo, and some women
dov6to many hours a day to this noble work. Christ
mas activity has entered Into tho hearts of roost
of us and the spirit of tho gift at this season is one
that is thought of in every country on tho globe.
The work of the women in tho churches which
will hold their annual Christmas sale not only
means the work which accompanied the dainty
articles, but the sacrifice in tlmo and strength
which these women make to ralee the sum which
their aid societies pledge for the support of the
church to which they belong. The Christmas spirit
is a beautiful one and tho shops at this season of
the year, suggesting the vague presence of that dear
old fellow, Santa Claus, who makes tho heart of
every child glad on Christmas morn, are gorgeous
with pretty things. No prettier shop Is found on
Dream of Empire What May
(Howden Smith 1 the ypunir American
Jour'.Stllst and author whoa thrilling ad
ventures in Macedonia with a band ot
Unitarian raiders have been chronicled
all over the world.)
If the allied troope of the Confederation
of thu Balkans smash their; way Intt
Constantinople, shall we see a duplica
tion of a certain hlstorlo scene in the
Ballo dea Olacea at Versailles in 1S71.
with the wonderful basilica of St. Sophia
for the setting:? In other words, will
Ferdinand of Bulgaria, one of the crafti
est, as well as one of the most ambitious,
rulers of modern times, be able to with
stand the temptation to grasp supreme
power by the simple process of crowning
himself emperor of the Balkans in the
oliurch that wltnesfced the coronation ot
-,?rv l)yzantlnn emperor, from the Kreat
t'onftantlne to tne last of the Palaeologl'
The next question to bo asked In. What
would the other three kings, who are
parties to the alliance, say to suoh an
aggrandizement of their Bulgarian
cousin? What would the peoples ot
Servla, Greece and Montenegro fierce,
passionately - proud people say to the
arrogatlon of the supreme leadership by
the Bulgarians? And, most Important of
allt what would the people of the Bal
kans not only the Bulgars, mind you,
but the Servians, their brethren; the
Montenegrins, the Oreeks, the VI ax ha, the
Tziganes, the Roumanians, the Albanians
and the countless other tribes, both Chris
tian and Moslem what would nil these
millions of men, so dlverso In language,
blood and creed, gain from the grantinK
of the Imperial purple to the Bulgarian
monarch, and. conversely, the chief volee
in the confederation's affairs?
Take up the last question first liver
since the Balkan nations were erected
Into Independent an 1 nenl-lndepcndent
states, right up to the tlmo when their
the Btreots of this city than this fair or the
churches. ,
Chiismos green decorate the beautiful rotunda
and a real toy Bhop Is seen. Dollies of every kind
anil description aro on tho tables, dressed by some
good woman who Is doing her sharo to aid In tho
fund which Is to bo ralBcd for hor church.
Homc-mndo cooking of all kinds, which is bo
hard to buy at any cost, will bo ;ono of tho nicest
things which will bo for salo ut this bazar. Plum
puddings, home-mudo mlnco meat, Jollies, jums,
cakesjnnd candies will bo found In quantities and
put up In tho daintiest ways. In fact, it will bo a
-real fairyland of "goodies" and everything which
goes to mako tho Christmas season ono of tho
happiest of the year.
Twenty-flvo churches will be represented at this
series of fairs which will be hold In tho lobby for
two weeks. Each church will have two days to
display Its pretty things for tho bazar. Many aro
planning on using overgroens In decorating the
tables -and small Christmas trees will transform
the rotunda Into a Santa Claus land.. Some of tho
womon!s societies of the churches have been at
work on tho articles for this fair since the first of
the year.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Firsf. Congrega
tional church will bo among tboo who will hold
their Chlstmas bazar in The Bee building. It will
be in charge of Mrs. Charles Harding, who will bo
assisted by MeBdames S. H. Sterns, C. Q. Somers,
Martha Blackwoll, H. B. Smith, W. H. HusboII, W.
E. Bingham, O. W. Loomis, H. O. MoGllton, K. P.
Ellis, F. H. Chickorlng, C. L. Hempel, F. P. Rouse,
John M. WelBhans, A. B. SomerB and J. P. Palmer,
who 1b president of tho society, and Misses Kath
erlne Moorhead and Kate Humphrey. These women
will bo among those who will have the first two
days of the Chrlstmao fair of the churches, which
will bo Monday and Tuesday, December 9 and 10.
They have been at work on tho fancy artlcleB
for this eale for the last year, and, on their tables
alliance was made known, a few short
weeks aco, they suffered from mutual
rivalries and Jealousies, which prevented
any one of them from assuming an au
thoritative voire in ICuropean affnlrn, and
made it easy for Turkey to hold thim In
cheek by playing off one ngalnst tho
other. Just as It did for ten years In
Macedonia prior to the overturning ot
the old government of Abdul Ilamld by
th Young Turks. Torn and bleeding
from 111 treatment at thu hands of brutal
so.ifry und rapacious officials, Mace
donia rose In revolt.
And what happened? Instead of pre
senting a united front, which might have
given them tome clianoo to throw off
the yoke, the Greeks fought for them
selves, nnd the llulgarti fought, for thmn
elves, the Ferbs fought for themselves,
and half the tiro Instead of fighting the
Turks, they fought each other. There
to Be Scene of
will bo nproiiB of all kinds, prettily ombroldorod
towelb and pillow ciibos, which tuuke luost useful
gifts; dplla that havo boon droHscd'b'y hand, In nil
sizes and from nil natloiiH. Ho me-inn do jollies nnd
Jams, enkes and mince meat for tho Christmas pie
will bo somo of tho attractive features on tho tnhleB
of tho Congregational I.udlcB' Aid society.
Tho women of tho United Brethren church will
also havo the same days for their Christmas bazar,
which will bo Monday and Tuesday, Docembur U
and 10. Mrs. II. V. All wine, who Is chnirmnn of
tho committee, will bo assisted by Mesdames F. D.
Johnson, C .10. Edmonds, F. I.IIJoburg, Harry
Mitchell and J. E. Talmngc.-- Thoy will havo for
salo on thoir tables all sorts of fancy work, Includ
ing embroidered dresaer Benrfs and bags.
Among tho churches which will bo represented
on tho first two days of tho bazar will bo 'tho Woat
minstor Proabyteria,!!. Tho salo will bo under the
supervision of Mra. William It. Burns. All sort:) of
protfy fancy work, hand-painted china, homo cook
ing, aprons, both fancy nlid for the kitchen; qulltfl
which have been made by hand will bo somo of tho
nrtlcloB on tho tables of theao women. Mrs. Burns
will be assisted by Mesdames A. U, Laurunce, John
F. Stout, who Is president of tho society; W. F.
Hellor, T. E. Sanders, AV. B. Whltmoro, J. S. King.
R. D. Colon, Ewlng Browji, E. W. Grnff, Joseph
Carapboll, V. F. Denny, S. L. McCoy, Warr.on Hwltz
ler, W. J. Burgess, William Randall, C. J. Canan,
C. A. Westorflold, A. I. Fitch, J. N. Nllos, T. J.
Fitzgerald, B. H. Smith and others.
Wednesday and Thursday, December 11 and 12,
will be represented at tho fnlr of the churches by
the Ladles' Aid societies from tho First Mothodlut
Episcopal church, Control Park Methodist church,
St. Matthow's Lutheran and tho Evangelical asso
ciation. The churches will bo represented by tho
Ladles' Aid soototloR on those days nnd those nocie
tlos will have many article on thoir tables which
will make most uttracttvo OhrlBtmafl gifts. Tho
women who will bo In charge of tho tublo will bo
Mrs. F. D. Wilson, Mrs.. O. H. BrowBtor, Mrs. Laura
Snydor und Mra. Cleorgo Marks. TIiobo women will
bo nonlgtod by tho members of tho aid soclotleB of
tho churches. Everything will bo hand-mado among
Result from
could bo but one result to such a revo
lution, which soon degenerated from
revolution to anarchy.
Well, by 'this and many similar lessons,
not only at the hands of Turkey, but of
IlUHPla and Austria yes, und Brltlantoo
tho Baikun peoples learned that, stand
ing alone, they were helpless to do uny
thlng, but bow mutely to the orders ot
their big neighbors. They determined
to bury the animosities of the past, nnd
simply rrmeinber tlmt one and all o(
them, when everything had been said,
hud ezuotly the ruino Interests.
Ixjok at the result. In ono short month,
the allies ot the Balknn confederation
lifted tlmlr countries from tho level of
barrier etaton und localities for comic
opera rcenerles to u position equal with
tlmt of nny of the great power?. In
ptttad of being told, do this or do that,
they will ! addressed us rqtuls mid
thoir ttilvlcu und counsel sought, They
Their Active Operations
the articles for aalo and dolls will ho on theao
tables which will make protly glftB for tho little
This Is tho fourth year thu women of tho Hans
com Park Mothodlnt Episcopal church hnvo used
thla Bpoce, thoy having boon represented ovory year
slnco tho fairs of tho churches havo boon hold in
The Beo building. Tho church Will bo represented
at tho fair on Monday and Tucsdny, Docomhcr 10
and 17, At tho table whoro tho fancy work will
bo Bold will bo Mrs. E. M. Reynolds, Dr. .lennlo
Colfns anil Mrs. F. M. Pond In charge. Tho pale
of tho aprons will bo in'chargo of Mrs. CI. W. Sweet,
Mrs. W. B. Poako and Mrn. M, L, fitono, who la
also In charge of the ontiro sale of tho church.
Thero will bo a table devoted to homo cooking, and
presiding over this salo will be Mrs. J. C. Wag
goner, Mrs. H. E. Holotnan and Mm. II. F. Shearer.
Many of tho young women of tho church aro mak
ing candy for this salo, and at thla table will bo
Mrs. Paul HavonB, Mrs. Arthur N'lles, MIsb Ollvo
Brain and Miss Mildred McMurphy.
The Ladles' Aid Boclety from tho Dlotz Memo
rial, which will be In qhargo of Mrs. R. E. Mason,
will havo thoir salo at thla samo tlmo and Mrs.
Mason will be assisted tby tho womon of tho church.
Fanoy work of all sorts nnd homo-mndo candles
and joUlei, Jams nnd calces will be found on their
Tho womon from Ohk Street Motltodlst Episco
the Allies' War with Turkey
huve found union, and In union lie iiouer,
h motto directly contrary to that which
wai thu watchword of Turkish diplomacy
thli past century. ,
Counting In tho territories which havo
been conquered In tho recent fighting,
und others which will certulnly itcanio
to them by nny treaty they will sign,
the allies may reckon upon u combined
population of more thun 1&,p0,000 with
other millions of their kindled In Aus
tria and Hungary, Bosnia and Herze
govina and Ilounmnlu nut to speak of
more than 2,000.000 in tlm United Btiites,
who have amply proved their readiness
to rally to tho support of their father
lunds, Tlifjj' can nt present put nt leust
1,000,000 armed men in tho field, who have
proved themselves thu equal of ( any
troops In Europe.
So much for the last question nuked.
For tho others, well, tho predominance
of Bulgaria In the group Iiuh always been
so marked that thu neighboring countries
huvo bnuome moro or loss accustomed to
seillig It fuvoied. Jt hun tlio
population, the biggest army, and, In tho
long tun, tho biggest resources. Kiither.
moro Its ruler Is generally recognized to
be the ablest of the Balkan kings. Also,
his coronation us emperor would not nec
UHsurlly mean hii hereditary tenure of
tlm Imperial crown by his faintly.
Tho throne might be held only for life,
with tho provision that, after his death,
tlio kings might elect his successor from
among themselves, nnd so on.
How flutter than by a military emplru.
similar to tho solid ring of Teutonic
states, whleh aro welded together for ex
actly the! same purposes und which have
clearly vindicated their builders' percep
tions" Fcrdlnund of Bulgaria, crowned
emperor of tho Bnlkuns, In tho Church of
Bt, Kophla, with his capital who knows?
pal church will havo their sale ut tho . Christmas
bazar during this tlmo und on thoir tables will bo
found iiulto tho sumo things, only that In all tho
fancy work will bo found mauy now and protty
nrtlclcB which will inuko dainty gifts for Chrlstmua.
MIbb Bluncho Young will bo In uhurgo of tho aulu
and will bo usbIbIoiI by auvural of tho youug womon
of tho church.
Tho womon of tho St. Mary's Avonuo Congrega
tional church will hold thoir ualu Wednesday und
Thuradny, Docombor 18 mid l'J.
Ono of tho protty features of tho work of theao
women will bo tho booths ofdlffcrcnt ldndB. There
will bo it library booth with dainty placo nnd acoro
cards, ChrlatuuiB cards of masy kinds and colors,
which havo boon docorutod with Bprays of hund
pnluted holly nnd mlstlotoo. Mrs. A. C. Troup und
Mra. Charles Dundy will havo churgo of this booth.
Tho fancy work will bo In chnrgo of Mrs. J. "W.
Griffith, Mrs. C. W. Mogonth and Mrs. D. V. Sholos.
Many protty articles will bo on the llnon table,
which will bo presided over by MrB.,Wk H. Bucholz.
Mrs. J. B. Porter will havo tho '.homo cooking
booth and will be nsalBtcd, by Mrs. Ingworson and
Mrs. Updlko. y
Unity uhurch will havo a' portion of this apaeo
nt this tlino for their Christmas bazar, Mrs. Harry
Rood will bo In charge of tho tables und will fie
ntBlBtod by Bovorul of tho women of tho guild.
These womon havo always had tho prottlcst of glftB
made by hand on their tables, nnd the table which'
holds tho homo cooking Is to bo ono of the best at
tho fair of tho churches.
Among tho churches which will havo the last
dayB of the fair are tho North Bldo Christian,
Trinity Mothodlst, Clifton Hill Presbyterian and
tho First Gorman Presbytorlan. Those churchoa
will havo their salo on Friday and Saturday, De
cember 20 and 21, and tho womon havo boon pre
paring for tho salo for the last year. Mrs. O. Van
Nostrand will havo charge of tho bazar of tho Clif
ton Hill Presbyterian church and will be assisted
by several of tho womon of tho Aid Bocloty.
Mrs. E. W. Roveal will bo assisted by eight of
tho momberB of tho Trinity Mothodlst church at
their Bale.
Tho hours aro from 11 o'clock In the morning
nnd tho sales will continuo until 6 o'clock In the
In Constantinople, might revive alt tha
glories of tho eastern emperors, and, an
tho logical successor through them of tho Caesars, would probably bo ab!a
to build up n state In (southeastern Ku
lope second tu none on the continent.
Would tho European powers permit such
ii step? Why not? Is thero a ruler at
once sufficiently selfish and daring
enough to forbid It? What reason has
lCuvope to fear a prosperous, civilized
nation, or community of nations, In place
uf a group of tiny states and a rottenly
corrupt empire? And if Europe objects
tu the allies seizing Constantinople, what
Is It going to do with It? Turkey's day
in Europe' Is manifestly at an end; It
must go. Thero Is no getting away from
iAjok at It how you may. Constant!
nopln Is the logical capital of the new
empire of the Balkans, just as Czar Fer
dinand Is Its logical emperor.