Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Bct prices for'tur.. othea.'ihoe?. W.tUt,
WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room rtoufe '
tu be moved on n lot; would like one I
within 15 block? of 14th and Franklin.
Telephone Bed 0l.
WANTED To buy old broken watches
ana old cold. M. Nathan. 108 S. 13th St
ShaXton buys old clothes, Bhoes. W. 5479. I
- - - - - j
WANTED to rent 5 or 6-room cottage,
good neighborhood. Call South 16S.
RKKD Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska. 30& Branded Theater.
cviv nuiPEitTV von txi.v..
Field Club Homes
Just Completed
915 S. Sith Ave.. fronting on paved
street, one block from oar line. large,
rooms; downstairs finished and floored
In oak, upstairs two large bedrooms fin
is lied In yellow pine, bathroom white
enameled: 3 large closets and one large
stoferoom. House Is one of the most at
tractive built thla year, with bullt-ln book
cases, plate rail and paneled dlnlngroom.
The very best of plumbing has been In
stalled and the heating plant l abso
lutely guaranteed to heat the house in
the coldest weather. House Is exception
ally well built; has full S-tt. basement,
with laundry sink and outside cellar en
trance, nice yard sodded and landscaped
In front with beautiful shrubbery t out
this fall. Cement walks In street and
Hround house; large back yard 165 feet
deep, giving plenty of room for garden
and flowers. Tou will be more than
pleased with this pretty home when you
come out this afternoon to look It over.
Open from I to 8. The price la reason
able and easy terms can be arranged.
3821 Marcy St., beautiful corner lot with
fine 7-room strictly modern home; down
fairs has lane llvlnsr room: parlor and
dining room both finished and floored J
In oak; nice light kitchen with maple 1
floors; fine pantry and refrigerator room.
Upstairs has three fine large sleeping ,
rooms, bath room and sleeping porch,
'ifnts can De used ror bedroom m winter,
as It Is inclosed and heated from fur
nace. The Very best of plumbing has been
Installed and the heating plant put In by
Milton Rogers Is absolutely guaranteed
to heat the house in the coldest weather.
House has full basement cemented, with
laundry sink and floor drain: alio out
side cellar entrance. Lot is t5 ft. wide
with good depth and almost entirely sod
ded. Over $S0 worth of shrubbery has been
set out, making tho place unusually at
tractive. Come out this P. 51. and look It
over. Open from 2 to 6. Trice, $4,"W, and
wo can arrange terms.
Payne & Slater Co.
Sit Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
Any of These
$500 Cash
Balance Monthly
A nearly new, 5-room. all modem bun
jalow at 4115 N. lTth St.
lOdern ex(
air condlt
M'ven roopis. modern except furnace;
not new, but in fair condition. No. 2705
t'hieago t.
ISth .St., a ha
all modern 'hoi
lownstaira flni
. Nn. "Wi N. ISth St.. a handsome, well
built, 6-room, all modern 'home, in corner
lot. 50x142; downstairs finished In q. s.
unite 'can,
Just completing a' new, 7-room, all mod
ern refldence at the northwest corner
27th Ave. and Dodge. Sts.; oaK. finish
first floor; pine, white enameled, sec
ond floor; bath room floor Is., tiled) a A
romplcte. up-to-date house In every par
ticular! walking1 distance, too.
The Byron Reed Co.
'Phone Douglan 237
212 S, 17th. t
. I to the oirice ano we win go om
Why DO YOU PaT il,600-Not new,' but In first class con
j j. vc blj . dltlon. on N. 27th St.. near Corby;
$200 Cash, $25 Mo.
Five-room cottage; large parlor, dining
loom and kitchen, with bullt-ln cup
board. Choice combination lighting fix
tures. Elegant art dome In dining room.
Two well ventilated bedrooms, with fine
bath and lavatory between. Nice stair
way to largo floored attic, Where two
rooms could be finished with very little
expense. Large cemented basement. Up-to-dato
furnace and laundry sink, with
hot and cold water attachments. On
large south front lot, 60x127. Near car
and school. Let us take you out In our
?ar to sec this place. $2,900.
Formerly Shlmer & .Chase Co.
J'W S. I7th St. Douglas 3S67.
12 Investment
Close In
This la three strictly modern, nttached
brick houses, huvlng 7 rooms and recep
tion hall each, now renting for $1,620 per
year. They are exceptionally well built,
nearly new. In first-class condition and
close to tho high school and within easy
walking distance from the retail busi
ness cf nter. This Is one of the best pay
ing Investments of Its kind on the market
today apd 've can sell It at a price that
will net the investor 10 per cent Interest
on his mones after paying all fixed
charges. Terms' $8,000 cash, balance at
fH per cent Be sure and see us about
this Investment, as tt must be sold at
once If bought on a 10 per cent net basis.
George & Company
902-12 City National Bank Bldg.
Phone Douglas 756.
You'll Have Your
On these two corner lots; $50 now.
$10 monthly. When $100 Is paid will
loan money to build.
Go tlx blocks west 'on Dodge line.
High ground, pretty view. Ask us
to show you.
O'Kecfo Keal Estate Co.,
11)16 Omaha Nat l. Doulas 715.
Evenings: If. S3. or 11. 5154.
Reception hall, parlor, dining room and
kitchen on first floor with colonnade
opening between hall and parlor; three
'Uioonis. bath und sleeping porch on 2d
floor; full cemented, basement. No. 1 fur
tfice. . -rnodern lliumblng. combination
lighting fixtures', living rooms flnlhhe.d in
ink: largo i-oiitli front lot., set out lu
hrubbery; paved street, good neighbor
.and: i'ln.ta to car line and sclionl. fuanr
i-avliil; city, anxious to sell. Price only
$1.00. Thlr L almost new and certainly
a dandy home Come lu and ask us '
iboul ' It.
jpJ-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
Dundee $5,000
Built For a Home
Jiisi finished, a very attractive modern
T ik I ; J : tJ ti UA.i' lu
I. ... .... ..f t , In.U IV-,....
.. t. P1V nnuha
Stf'WrUS- SST S,Z 1 AXA "J,, " w" wBgr:wa ,om. .un We... we... and how ha, I'm the gcek that put the spit In hos.
floor, three bedrooms, bath and sleeping i,'.llLjLri1I?!.' i ' 1 Oregon? . !
second. Kirep'ace and buffet. Oak i DOV'T TFTTR DME ' 1 IMPROVED J acies in Burt county.. They say Andy Carnegie greets poor1 Vm "e 1,lk lhlt slipped the cud In
'inuh Built' for a Home and owner called J-"-' A 72 KJVili' 'Neb. In good state of cultivation. Partly ' bu. H.rvlng vounr men wltl Tom.n 1 Cudahy.
fern city. This Is good value and worth 39!) ARBOlt- STREET I broke, balanco tame grass and pastute I but, ,,"rlnjr ou"f n," 1,1,,op,1"a""s I ,, nlU ,h h , u
.nir Invertlgatlon. Paving- taxes paid In Z7 . 7 irWr , ' 'fenced with woven wires. PHce. $125. on ' an 44 ",,,der t",1"e -nev If John V. I'm the xuy that pdt the bun In bunen-
f,il $1,450. EASi TEJiMS good terms. Can use to trade Box 445. would Itock-e-fellerV , low.
- J.K v- h1,:;Vi'TV 8VNDInMBW- Brand new 4-room cottage ',ult 1 y-n' N'bi - - - - ! U",l', ,he hoQh who iU UCK , ,n th stttl ,1,R' ,I""Jed "'
i v. Hv national wuf s l0 attlc. larg pantrv . with inside anu I BEST ISO arre farm lu Cass .ount:!lu Nautmk't Not nuiuli he n tho one ' Hamlltuu.
lti;.l. KhTATH
UTV i'iuii'i:un IHlll SAI.K.
Close In Homes
Easy Payments
3$d and Chicago St.. w otfer you Tor
fn a It .1-...,, ...nd.rtl.
complete house. ThU place Is rloe to
the street car and In a good neighbor-
1 noon.
.mi lanrorn a si. a noue u win
Pay you to see: house has S rooms and
needs several hundrml dollars siient upon
It for repairs, but will be worth when
fixed not less than $.1W0. You can buy it
for a good deal less than this and on
easy payments. See us now.
114 S. 29th PL, an S-room, modern, com
plete house on a full lot. Owner will take
smaller house or vacant ot as pirt pas'"
ment, or will sell on very ea.iy payment
SS2 S. 19th Bt.. a poor three-room house
on a Tine lot and at the price asked will
make you a safe investment. $300 cash
and $15 per month.
enumu, sons & company.
Douglas 200. SOrtltee Bldg.
During the past ten days we have
sold 10 lots In BEAUTIFUL
UKLLKVriC. We have every
prospect of selling 16 more by New
Veer's. We might make ,lt M or
1(, but we want to pick our people.
All the many new purchaseis of
are most desirable citizens and will
add to the already high character
place to live.
During the past six month. l'l
new houses have been started or
completed. We expect to more than
double that number by next July
A complete water system Is In
operation. New houses ore equipped
with all modern conveniences; old
houses are being modernised.
The Village Board has surfaced
up and put In excellent condition
the principal stieots. Tile most
charming drives In this part of the
country arc down the Bellevue
Boulevard and through BEAUTI
FUL, BRLLKVUK streets.
Bellevue College Is having one of
Its best years, with a most promis
ing future.
It Ih not the intention to make
ness center, but rather an Ideal
residence suburb. However, sev
eral lines of business are much
nreded, as follows:
A Good Drug Store, with Station
ery, Books, Wall Paper, etc.
A Complete General Store.
Bakery and Lunch Room com
bined. Plumbing, Tin and General Tte
pnlr Shop.
IJvery and Garage Combined.
Some que to build a half doien
cottages for rent or sale, a safe
and sure Investment.
We have choice business loca
tions for sale at reasonable prices,
and parties ready to erect suitable
Sole Agent,
311 Brown Block, Omaha.
College Office, Bellevue.
Douglas lBTiO.
Must Be Sold,
Six-room, two story, all modern Iioubc
at 1617 North 22d. Price $2,250.
Six-room cottaBe at 270G North 25th bt.
Price, $1,K0.
These houses must both be sold to clear
up a deal and somebody will get a bar
gain. A sma)l amount of cash required;
balance easy.
A. P. Tukey & Son
441-5 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone. D. 2181.
$2,'i00 Only $00 cash and $20 monthly on
ihf balance, including interest, will
t buy a- now strictly modern 5-room
I cottage on Ames Ave., west of 35th
St.: nice high ground where tho
iilr Is pure and fresh. Come rlglu
a splendid 7-room house, modern
went furnace; the owner paid
more, but muse sell and wants an
offer. l
ll.OuO Only three rooms, but very good
size, with a large lot 60x120;
hvdrant, sidewalk, chicken .house,
fruit and shade tree?; n very
cosy, near 33d and Ohio.
1 5U0 Good llttlo 3-room house having
sewer, water and gas; lot 25x143.
Now rented for $5 per month; only
$76 down: balance $10 monthly.
Entile r.d Floor Ware Block.
Douglas 1781,
Dundee Home
Just completed; largo living room, with
built-in bookcases; beam ceiling and fire
nlaen: Danelcd dining room, beautifully
decorated; three large bed rooms and1
bath on second floor; line oaK noors ami
oak finish throughout. 4S19 Farnam St.
Price low and terms easy. 1
Norris & Norris
Doug. 42T0. 4(10 "Bee Bldg.
Cloverdale Addition
48th to SOth. Hamilton to Blondo Sts.
Cloverdale lots are exceptionally cheap
for their location and' are sold on very
asy terms. See me at once If yon de
sire a good, cheap lot
Arthur J. M.cShane
519 Flist National Bnk Bldg.
Phone Douglas 1575.
8 Rooms $3,500
Near 27th St. and Poppleton Ave, good
J. room, all modern house, and good Hi
story barn; lot W)xl6S; nice shade trees.
A bargain for man with large family.
Let me show you this place; easy terms,
Sole Agent.
7Jt Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phono Doug. 2182.
8-room house,
sewer, water and gas,
cistern and well;
all In good order:
barn, lot 2Sxl4d;
only $1,200.00,
. Small payments. ,
3115 Burdette St
44 Oinahu Nat- Bank Bldg. D. ja4.
Automobile Plant
BUUding with nearly 100.000 q. ft. floor,
space sutiaDip iur auumouiit: udvcmipiioi;
plant; with good Belt line trackage. Send
for cut of building and circular.
Harrison & Morton
MS Omaha Nat. Bank . D. 8H.
Vacant Corner Lot
VjOxW FEET. $4,000.
Fine for apartrqents or flats, Wet F?r
mm district, close In. IJOUKlSS 5427.
tvt" "tiTTfTTV?! TidmAvTi"
Xl u iUivaivx uivD 1
;ould you uo a nice t room, sir ct y
oderh up-to-date house If the price wa
"""""" VZ .v..;."" 'I'VL
' . -ni . 11 ti (,
low enouKii : imvr tucn a uroueriy
ouiwjne i euav enimncc mis must b.-
...... , I. a, .T-r- m.Ail , Al, fl....... ii
IVV J I'ett i -or
A Good Investment
JA..V0 for n double 6-room frm' house,
strictly modern, nearly new. near 30tli
and Dodge Pts., now renting for $SJ per
year, located on south front lot SOxlSfr ft.
This proprrty Is rented on a reasonable
basis, averaging $16.50 for each fi-room
house and will make anyone a good in
vestment. Terms, $3,000 tush, balance on
George & Company
W2-12 l ity National Bank Bldg
Phone Douglas 7ti.
In South Part
Near Brownell Hall
Good Terms
Klcht-room, strictly modern house,
within 6 minutes' walk of Union Depot.
Owner leaving city and offers to sell at
a sacrifice. Located on nice south front
lot, near car and school.- Price $3.W0.
Formerly Shinier .1- Chase Co.
S. 17th St. Douglas 3MI7
Apartment House
- Site
2tlh St.. between Farnam nd Douglas,
W feet fiont on paved street, pavlnj? paid,
permanent walks, fine shade tree. Price
New brick house, five large living
.looms, bath, puntry. five large closets,
mil oat-emem, suu-celiar lor veseinoics,
.ill modern, furnace heut, built very duraw
ble and warm, easy to heat; repairs on
this house will be llght-U's brick; tills
house was built for a home. On account
of change In plans, leaving city, this prpp
erty Is offered for sale. Price. H; can
give terms; two blocks from car. See J.
It. Brandt. lHfi Fiirnnm St Tel. Doug. 133,
of A-l land, on Grovoland Ave., nearly
In the heart of the city of Yankton, at a
remarkably low price. Price, for only S
days, JIM per acre. Good terms. Yoll
will have to act quick If you want this.
"Plioii" or wire.
Dakota Nut'l Bank Bldg .
Yankton, S. D.
john w. bobbins, isoi farnam bt. j
free at office: 2 stamps by mull. (ULVS.
E. WILLIAMSON CO., Real Estate. In
surance. Care of Property OinaliR.
FOUR lotK, t room cottage nnd out
bulldliiKs. Phone Harney ltl.
Another New House
At 3lth and Webster Sts.. so
sightly that you can rlt on the
porch and view tho tlver, so con
venient that one block walk lo the
Harney line and a twelve-minute
ride takes you down town. This
Is between the Went Farnam and
Bemls Park districts and the Im
mediate surroundings ro good.
The large lot, 55-foot front. Is Just
two feet above the street. Th
house has S rooms. Including a
dandy sleeping porch. You will
like this house. It Is well planned
and constructed and the finish will
please a good housekeeper. See it
today, because It Is almost ready
to move Into. The price Is $5,500
und payments easy to reliable pur
chasers. Harrison & Morton
Old Omaha Nat'l JlHnk. Tel. D. ?I4.
Six Acres
Six acres well located, must be sold
11,1a ..!; nn luivrd load onn ml e from
car; beautiful building site. Big snap for
Sole Agent. Tyler 1MW. 218 S. 17lh St.
BRITISH Columbia finest agricul
tural land. Nechaeo valley, near Grand
Trunk; also Fott Ueorge, Cariboo, Peac
River, Bulkley valley. State requirements.
10 acres to 100,000. Lowest prices; easy
terms. Glenn & Co., 421 Pender Bt,
Vancouver, B. C.
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crop. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
mrr will, this coming country. Us soil.
climate, church and school advantage
W. B. LEAHY, Dept. K.
ftener&i Passenger Agent.
The Des Atolnts UApitai is Jowl's most
widely circulated and most Influential
newspaper. Its daily circulation exceeds
43.000 copies. Tne classified advertising
rate Is t cent 11 word or ti cents a line.
You can sell your farm In Iowa or you
can buy land In Iowa by the uye of the
Des Moines Capital. The rate by the
month U $1.20 a line. Address Trw Des
Molne Capital. Pes Moines. Ja.
FOR BALKa"' well Improved 21'J-acru
farm In Kossuth county; 8-room limine;
cistern; Htonc cellar; barn. 40x5j, double
crib, shod, hoglioube and other necessary
outbuildings; grove; phone. Price $12.) per
acre; terms reaKonaUle. Address .1. F.
Comefoid, Lu Verne. la.
Co., Kan.; rich Arkansas river bottom
land, about 1 mile fiom Kendall (main
llpe Santa' Fe Ry.); good fence; no build
ing;. $1,001; cash, balanci al 8 per cent
James L. Lombard, Owner, Kama
City. Mo.
OlIl new 'HomecM.ers' Guide, No.
10," Just lisued, describes some wonder
ful opportunities for the man who wahtt .
to buy a farm In tho greatest ihonel 1
making district In the country. That Is
baying H good deal, but we can prove
every word of It. Let ua mall you 11 !
copy. Co-Operative Realty Co., Court 1
Block, St. Paul. Minn.
SEVENTY acres richest sol!, adapted
for any truck growing; quartur mlln from
depot, Lyman, Miss. A bargain. W. W.
Byrne. Holt. Fl.
M Wtourl,
OPENlNG-l.'iuO free; healthful, produc
tive homesteads In thoOzarl;? and 1,000,000
in western states, Map, particulars and
descriptions, 25c Riverside Colony, Mo
nett, Mo.
rJ5R At'KK.
We have for sale over 3),000 acres
; Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest
1 "v, ,i,ir . v .i.';'u" lor
fi' u',lcJ"d.ln. ''A.JVeragt
with the beat In the state. Alfalfa, aliu
l ... vr'
' a leaoiup crop, ueurr sou, naier ana
twenty m"e wesi or umuna lo. taip
.. l,n....,.L .'...I ...... ., 1 I... .
iiui Vmfl. -Til. t. I
30 ACBKS of One vallry liinl ndlolnlwr
the town of Hcrshcj-i pop. V In the beet
country, west of North Platte! all tillable,
no waste land, 90 aires now In corn and
20 In beets, balance hay,' buU 'nll- ought
to be In alfalfa. Piloe for q.ulc,k . sale
per acre, or about half price. . Agents
take notice.
HOMESTEADS Your last chance to
get a good homestead free from the gov
ernment. Write to I 14. Countryman.
Phllllpsburg. Kan.
live HToru market oi- wkh
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mlitage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Mrr niarU CouiiuUsInn Merchants.
BTEBS BROS, ft CO. Strong, reliable.
"CLIFTON Com7 Co.. fe. Exchange BldffT
Snyder-Molone-Coffman Co.. 1 Ex. Bldg
?.t.iYJl2: -
Cloy, Robinson Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg.
The PetMstetit and Judicious Use, of
Newspaper Advertising Ifr the Road to
Business Success.
Will Be Prominent .t Odd Fellows'
TuanksgTvmg Entertainment.
Oinalnt l.otlgrr Will (Hie Program In
('iiiiiiiriuurnlliiu 11 f l.tUe Emit
Knjojeil m Hnir Vn
ttirjr Alio.
With Martin Dunham as the guest of
honor, Omaha lodge, No. 2, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will observe Its
fiftieth Thanksgiving anniversary Satur
day evening.
Rounding out the half century there
will be a number of incidents to recall
the past. On the Invitation program that
has Just bten tssi-ed for this year's event,
there Is reproduced the program of fifty
years ago, giving the name's of those who
surved on the various committees. Of
the twenty-six names of men who
uppear on this program, only one
Is allvo Martin Dunham. This program
of half a hundrod years ago Is presented
It.t follows;
Grand Odd Fellows , ball by Omaha
lodge. No. 2, Indepondent Order of Odd
Fellows, nn the evmilnK of Thanksgiving1
day. Thursday, November 27, J86i, ,at the
Managers Governor Siiundors, Oninha;
Asn Hunt, Omaha; John McCormlck,
Omaha; K. B. Tnylor. Omaha; Byron
Rccd, Omahu; Henry Grebe, Omaha; S.
(.looiineii. umuiia; iienjamiii sticuies,
Omaha; John R. Porter. Omaha; U 1).
Johnson. Omaha: E. A. McClure. Omaha;
A. D. Jones. Omaha; ( J. Karbach.
Omaha; James M. Pailtor, Floienno; W.H
W. Wilson, Council Blurrs; J. B. Iewlr,
Council Bluffs.
Invitation Committee D. C. Hutplicn;
J. F. Sheely, M. C. Wilbur, M. Dunham,
William M. Ryan. H. Davis, R. C. Jor
dan, George Smith.
Floor Matittgcrs-D. C. Sutphen, M. C.
Muslo by Boyles Cotillion band.
Tickets, $2.00.
Many llnve lnMl hliice.
At the time Mr. Dunlmin served ou this
committee he was vice grand of tho
lodge. Since that tlmo an even 100 men
havo passed this qhslr. lie was Initiated
Into the order In 1SW). two years previous
lo the event of fifty years ngo. and ho
Is now the oldest living niemlwr of tho
lodge In years of inembershlp. Omaha
lodge was organized In 1851 by A. p.
Jones, whose name appears among the
list of uoinmltteos, and who was the first
pnstmnster ot Omaha,
The cntortalnmrnt of Saturday evening
promises to bo a very Interesting eve,nt
eapeciully In so far as honor Is paid to
Martin Dunham.
Nebrasknn nt tb Hotels,
1. M. Dach of Fremont, .1, Kelly of
o'iNein, h. r. iianson or v emigre aim
L. .1. Manning of Burwell have taken
rooms at the Loyal.
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Blerman of Has
tings, 11. i'. liunman or Leigh. Albion M.
Newberry and Frrd C. Ratcl ff of Cell.
tral City and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Davis
or Miicoin nro at tne Aiiuaru.
Mr. and Mrs. George l,e Reuf of Sen
eca, W. K. Vundrrkolk of David City. J.
C. Rhea of Arlington. II. Chase of Pen-
dor. C. A. Gibson of Randolnh. T. C.
Phillips und Harry Donloy ot Lincoln
and Dale PlUtllps of Malcolm are at the
J L. Klrby of Hastings. Fred Plcutd ot
Geneva. Cliarlcs Hastliisx and K. Mill.
land of CMceoln, Mr. and Mrs. George
HiacK or Hiair, it. .lacotiren ot Lincoln
James C. Qulgle of Valentine, P. (
Jennen of Crntinl City and W C An-
areas or Ulncoin ore uncus or the Pax
rrlte book worth a dollar to
Diffyalll Bdltor, The Bee, Sts The Hunflay He for prlsa wluneri.
Wftn en Beht, 0&. North Thirtieth Street 1 John rUenrud, Council Blulfs-lr 11 1.
If a Ramtiler ruq over a chicken, would
u fttude-baker?
If the woman's husband was a diunknrd
nnd she did not know it, would the for
tune tell-er?
Mrs. O. V. Sandei, I'eicival, la. If a
farmer nails a board on the fence, will
the WHKOu-hauuner?
If Niagara Kails, will Oxford?
13. !, Allan, -2MI Cass Stret-WJI the
of."0' 'Ih if the oyster can?
I if Omaha baa a $1,000,000 hotel, will Jan
1 1). Butler?
I "uVrr
1 .... l. i t....fc. t,.j ,
n, c. nuiu, iu u. ia.-Mu.
-turns .ndlcate some states have
, .. ., n,. ,.i. i
His biuihi
1 " ' " ' r
11 I ' " " '
Feed for Cattle Costs
Less in Omaha Than
it Did One Year Ago
The Omaha Dalrj man association,
composed of about seventy of tho tights
two dairymen ot the city, will not only
attempt to compel nil Individual, dairy
owners to raise the price of milk from
0. 7 nnd S cents to 9 cents a nuait. but
have Intlnmstfd that the little dealers
who refuse to come Into the combine and
agree to the level rate will bo harshly
dealt with by the association.
It Is maintained by tlie officers ami
some of the members of the association
that as other cities, larger' thaat Omaha,
are selling milk at ! nnd 10 cfnts o-quait
tt Is not unfair to establish the same
i ate here, but consumers, .refuting the
argument, point to tlie fact that feed. Is
more plentiful nnd cliftaner In bmsluv
than anywhere ele and that thl? city
bus many advantage over tlir larger
cities located In non-sgrlcilltural sec
tions. Declaring tlielr profits are small and
thHt Inst winter some of them even
operated Ht a loss, milk dealers reluc
tantly give out the following sad state
ment of the cost and the profit on each
dairy cow per day:
For corn 27V0
For alfalfa ) c
Interest on Investment HJo
Breakage and loss ot bottles ijo
Help 8 o
Delivery , 1 o
Total cost 58V4C
Since each cow Is supposed to give nine
quarts of milk dally, which Is sold ut 7
or 8 cents now, depending on who the
dairyman is, the net receipts per cow
per day would be 1314 rents, which dairy
men claim leally doesn't pay thoin for
their trouble and Is not a proper teturn
on their Investment.
In thh first place, the tost of Hie cow
Is too high. Dairymen are not generally
paying $S0 for a milk cow. Fifty dollars
Is 11 fair, average price, lu the second
place, whllo pot n matter of Mulicrat In
fonnntlan, It Is known In health nuthorl-
itlcs, npd imi tlculnity to the dairy Inspec
tor, that many dairymen feed their cows
foods of lnfurior quality, malt beluir tho
most desired hecausn It Is the cheapest
and "goes Just as far" fes cracked corn.
The use ot malt outs the feed bill in half,
thvieby almost doubling the profits of
the dnllyniun.
But consumeiH am nut greatly Inter
cMed lu what the cows ura fed so bnu
as they are given stuff that will not ac
tually taint the milk, but thn price of the
milk, which hits at every home, Is their
great concern. There Is little syjnpattty
trj be extended to he dairy owner, who
imyn his hired hands $.15 a mouth for al
most continuous labor and leaps the
A fact that arouses the antagonism as
well if the suspicion of tho consumer Is
Hint daltymen so long fought the health
apd .tanltutlon regulations of tho city ai)d'
lost so Ill-naturedly, thui now an Increase
is pioposed to punish tho city for the
stringent regulations Imposed by tho
lira 1 ti department and the yet morn
sit lucent rules (hat are to b enforcod us
soon n a new ordinance can hn drafted,
Tho now rate, of 9 cents, scheduled to
go Into effect Decembei 1, la being held
Up by the osMichitlou officials, according
to some dairymen, until this ordinance
increasing tha fine for adulteration qf
milk and providing that a dairyman twice
found' utility of adulteration shall lose his
license, Is pussed nnd becomes effective.
Then tint combine will ordor the new
rato. adopted.
Schwager Says
Nine Cents is Too
Much for Milk Here
Charles F. Schwaser, vice president of
thn Alamlto Sanitary Dairy company,
eald: "I want to make It perfectly clear,
first of all, that there In no raise contem
plated for Alamlto milk. We so conduct
our business that wu havo had for a long'
time now, reguidless of frequent tempo
rary adverse conditions, a NUudard price
of 8 cents a quart throughout the year.
To cause this price to chungn most un
usual conditions would havo to preseht
themselves a severa drouth or unforeseen
raise In cost of distribution, for Instance,
"Regarding the advance, I feel that a
raise to cents Is uncalled for. On the
other hand, hose charging only (1 ccnU
aro not making money or are selling n
quality of milk that mutt be below stand-
ard, They should get more thsn fl rent"
In order to deliver safe, clean milk.
"Feed Is not so high as hmt year; 11 1
falfa, the principal feed, being cheaper
and no shortage threatened, and other
feeds are also cieapor. Therefore, It Is
not the high cost ot feed that Justifies
tho advance. True, cows ure about $10
per hesd higher this year than last, but
this l moie thah offfxet by the high
price which thq dairyman obtains for his
cows In tho spring when he turns thorn
off to the stock ysrds. They figure on
muklng a profit on tho cow they buy
In the fall by milking- her all winter, fat-
tnutng her and selling her in the spring
Very few dairymen have mude perma-
pent Improvements on their premises, hut
those who have really Bpent some money
and brought things up to sanitary con
dlllons have found It necessary to put
three bt each wtk. Mali jronrs to
lolatlon of divine law. why dots Wis.
M. Austin Uulld. 1SB fouth Thlrt -fifth
Avenue When you can't see qui of the
house, Is tho window blind?
When the houe is cold, what should
you do? Ave the wood pile.
If the clock runs fat with two hands
In front of its face, how fast would It
KO If It had four feet?
Ituby Anderson, Stunton. la,-I'm the
boob that slipped the toes In tomatoes.
I'm tho boob that put .the key In Tur
key. I'm the guy that put tho hay In Hay-
I'm the
tnil (hat put tht' hen in
their products on A S cent ,ind have
done so for gme time The 9-i-ent raise
nt present Is too attornf"
Express Rates on
Milk the Same as .
for Last Five Yoars
As a Justification for tho udvunco In
milk prices, dealers contend that durlnK
the la-H year, or year and one-half, tho
fivlght and express tales on milk
shipped Into Omaha have Inoroaned from
W to 2.1 per cent. And as a lnrpo quan
tity of milk sold In the city Is shipped
Irt, It Is necessary to add to the price
to meet the additional charges.
The tariff on milk nnd cream Into
Omaha, regardless of distance, gives the
lie to the claim mndo by the milk deal
ers nnd all others who handle this com
modity During October. l!07. the Nebraska
State Hallway coingilsslca fixed n dis
tance tariff on milk and cream, applying
to all polntsvlthln fA) miles or Omaha
This tariff was Issued October SI of that
year and became effective November 4
ot the same year. Since then It has stood
unchanged, It applies on oveiy road en
tering Omaha and from every railroad
town In the state.
Thn railroads leturn all empty cans
tree ot charge, so that there Is nothing
extra 011 thfs score. In the event th
milk Is handled with reftlgerntur service
a chalgo of 11 cents ivir can Is added to
tho tegular tariff. Everything Is figured
nu n distance basis lu HhtppltiK (he milk
In. so that the rato on 0110 rond Is tho
same as ou another. For Instance, it
the rate from Norfolk Is a certain aunt,
thn late from towns .nu other roads are
the same, regardless of where thoy.nre
Three years uo when milk whs
shipped Into Omaha and sold nt 35 per
Vent less than now. tales were consid
ered temonahle and there were no com
plaints from the dealers.
Milk rale that became effective five
years ago and are still effective arc us
S-fiaUltfjAl. fi-tlnl. tO-tlal.
Can. Can. Miles.
Citii. Can.
t to 20 10 ir. 22t to sw. . . . .32 n7
.id to 40 14 ii :t to no n 41
61 to ..,. .17 2S Uto320 W
71 to SO 18 21 401 to 420 4H 04
101 to 110 22 27 41 to W M 4
lit to 180 24 2! 651 to BOO... ..00 BS
101 to20O.....2! 34
These figures, It will be nolcd, are not
on the gallon, hut liudend oi tho can
In each mid every Instance Thus, If a
tlve-Kullon can Is shipped from any point
within twenty miles of the rty, the
freight or express charm Is but 3 cents
per gallon, or one-hulf cent, ucr. quart,
l'l 0111 points farther out, It will he seen
that the rotes mo corrcspomllngly low
and that tha charge fgr co4.ryliin Is, uul
a fraction of the cost that Is charged tv
tho consumer.
Vennls sliutkn In the Strehlow npait-
nioiits have every other tehnls muu In
the cltj' backed off the courts when ll
comes to loyally to the gamo. Last Sun
day over fifteen men bundled hp, in
sweaters, furs and heavy Jackets, phiycrt,
with the temperature hovering nroupil
the 18 degrees abovn mark, 1
Thanksgiving day will find at least
twelve men out playing tho Rathe, Tho
balls ul this tlmo of tho year nte deud
and In order lo inuko theni show' "life"
Ihoy arc placed id an ovrtn nnd linked
until they ar n lively as lu iitldminnuriv
All cannot play nt one tlmu nnd Whilo
four urn playing the t run races, play
leap-frog and chnse 0110 another tu keen
warm, Tho men who nrn matched to
If Von Want, to Darken It, TIiIh Him-
pic Formula Will Do It
There are fe woconle In tho world who
are satisfied with gray hair when It up-
peats lu their own dilrlt locks. Most or
us want lo net rid of It, and this simple
raclpa, which can bo readily made up nt
homo, Is about the Klircst, most satisfy
liiB means that could possibly bn em
ployed to rhunae'tho piay locka to u spft.
nice, glossy brown, To 7 oss. of watur
ndrt one small box of Jtarbo Compound,
one or., of hay rum and one-fourth ounua
of glycerine. Any drug xtore can auppiy
the IngrrdlentH ut Utile cost nnd you can
do your own mixing. Apply It to tho
gray hair or beard once 11 week until the
ricslrrd dark shade Ic obtained, then unco
every two weeks will bo sufficient. It Is
nqually u meritorious for removing
dandruff and other Ills of tho sculp und
for promoting tho growth of tho hair.
You will bo highly pleased when you hco
Iiow admirably this nlmpln mixture will
nradlratu thu truces of ago Ih your hair
und how freo It Ih from tho objectionable
fcaturrr. ot thu ordinary dyes, stains, etc
Mss.'WinsLoW HooTiuno Hrsar hss ben
SMd for ortr SIXTY YUARflby M1LUOHB o
MOTllKltU fer thtlr CttlLDXKK WTUJJ
U the hot remedy for UlAKHltaU. It Is l
olutcly btiinUfc B sure sad k for "Mrs.
Wb' Boot hiss Byrup," sod Ukc nn otkei
latv4veceot txMtU.
New Train to Pittsburgh
Over-Night Express
via Pan Handle Route
Fare $9.50
Leaves Chicago 7.00 p. m. daily. Arrives
Pittsburgh 8.30 a. m. Provides additional
first-class service, at minimum cost, for
business men via
Through Coadh and Sleeping Cars.
Dining Car for Supper and Breakfast.1
For tickets, reservation and "full' " '
Information call 'atf ' .
Traveling Penger Agent
319 City National Bank Building, Omaha
play tomofioiv r Con lfHhA" Ti
Well, Hon Ai.isibn. Wftilncr Sthoo
ninnn. Jim Gllmhre. Ileit Paul in
Rrslilk. Roy guhdrrlaud, Bob Strchlow
and Uoy Jniulesou
Dliurrday nt noon tho Monmouth Pari
foot Imlt team of Omaha will hoard 11
special train to MlMoiitl Vallev. win
the Omaha nnd Missouri Vnllcy trarni
will meet In the afternoon. Monmoutn
Pnrk expects th' (ako 200 rooters on Iti
heals piles
THE same eoothinp:, healing
balsama thnt mako Resinol
Ointment bo efTecUva for
akin troubles, ntTord immedinte
relief in the roost distressing; es
ea of itching) bleeding piles.
W oiftr 17 Vsrs Hellnol hss hum an
Meat henMhok! remedy for ccmii, ptrs
ple,dsndruft, chappnd hsndt, cuts, burns,
boll, ort. piles, ato. Resinol Ointment
(60c and $L) and Rwlnol Soup (2dt) sold
by all dnurgliti. For Mnipl of esch,
writs to Dtpt. lO-A.KeilnolChsmlcalC.,
Bsttlmera. Md.
' This Piitno is strictly
liipli gi'adc, mid ih oquip
pod with all the latest nt
taclmionta for producing
perfect musical oxpres
flion. It i,s the equal ol'any
.$r00 Piano on the market.
Guaranteed by tho factory
and by us.
Only a few more days of
this sale, hlnsy payments
if desired.