Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
will Interest every woman who
likes good heart-to-bcm talks
with other sympathetic women.
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLII-NO. 138.
wu'"i"i "wwvx iuimmiu. iu viiiAi lii'jK. I'd. y " o .VK T'aijh.k uivnt. rnpv nuvn
w - - " " i. iiiii VI Ml i V 'X I 1. 1
Mitical Circles in Vienna Abandon
Hope for Preservation of Peace
and War Preparations On.
lustrian Warshius Near Constanti
nople and Smyrna Called Home.
ieavy Guns Being Mounted and
Troops Return to Capital.
Tlenlpotenttiirles of Ilnlknn Allied
nii.l Turkey- Meet Between the
Ilnc nml ltennine Discus
tlon for Armistice,
.' BERLIN, Nov. 25.-Relations between
kiiBtrla-IIungary and Servla nro now
lo strained that political circles In Vienna
kuve abandoned hope of the preservation
tf peace, according to the Neuo Gcsell
ichftllche Corresponz, which says it had
Is Information from a diplomatic source.
Despite official Austrian denials of the
reported mobilization of the Austro
Hungary army, the Correspondent de.
glares that five army corps have been
llready mobilized.
' Austrian reserves continue to be called
In large '"humbors. The Austrian govern
oient, it continues, la resolved not to await
)he return of tho Servian troops operat
ng against tho Turkish troops and a
iltlmatum against Servla may be ex
Kcted In a few days. The situation has
lecomo more acute through tlic changed
ittltude of Russia, Serglus Sazanoff,
Austrian foreign minister, after having
leclared suitable as a baslR for furthet
legotlatlons, the Austrian proposal guar
inteerlnng Servla a free port on the
Adriatic sea and a Servian railway
through Albania, but without territorial
rights, has now abandoned this stand?
Austria Is now disposed to push th!
natter to a decision . because If war is
ncvltable it wants to tako advantage-for'
ts mobilizations .being more advanced
' han that of Russia.
(ermiiny Expects Settlement.
The Gorman foreign office lias not de
' Tlated from its previous attitude of con
fidence that ah amicable settlement of the
Austro-Servlan controversy will bo
The' Norddcutscho Allgemenlo Zeltung,
In an inspired note today, denies, the
ilarmlng reports which have 1ecn In
jeirf ulationv rt tno 'bourse that tho posi
tion ''taken fqlir days ago by Russia on
the auestlort'tjt 5c'rvla'iKdemaniA-ifor-:un-Adriatla
port has been changed. The
ipowors, tho note says, have agreed not
lo anticipate tho general settlement of
the Balkan problem by taking an Indi
vidual standpoint on special questions.
Tha Nord Dcutscho also denies that
Austria has mobilized five army corps
knd adds that the report Is untrue that
an Austrian ultimatum to Servla may bo
jsocpected shortly.
, Servla Fortifying; nelKrnde.
VIENNA. Nov. .-Reports that tho
Belgrade forts are being hastily nrmoJ
fc'ith heavy gun? by the Servian "Wan
tfflce have reached Vienna.
Information also has been received that
Ml the Servian troops who can be spared
from Prisrend and Monastlr liavo been
recalled to the Servian capital'.
Passenger traffic on, tho railroad be
tween Warsaw and Vienna has been con
siderably curtailed, according to reports
from Cracow. Tho official explanation is
the necessity of relaying tho rails.
The Neuo Wiener Tagblatt, inspired by
the Auatro-Hungarian foreign office, re
marks' today that it is haruly necessary
lo point out that tho measure, Is a con
sequence of the Russian army moblllza
tton. -
Pence Negotiations Itemimed,
LONDON. Nov. . Tho plenipotentiar
ies of Turkey and of the allied Balkan
' natlorjs held their first meeting this aft
ernoon, to discuss the preliminaries for
tho negotiations for an armistice, 'me
plenipotentiaries met at the village of
naghtche, near Blyuk Chqkmendyo. n
the center of a small zone which has been
declared neutral for the period of tho
Beyond an Intimation that the victor
ious Invaders are prepared to modify their
- original demands In regard to the evacua
tion of the Tchatalja by the Turks and
also to permit the Turkish garrison of
Adrianople to inarch out of that fortress
with the honors of war, nothing has been
allowed to transpire as to the discussions
between tho delegates. Unless signifi
cance can bo attached to the unusually
Iphg armistice of eight days reported to
have been agreed to, there is nothing to
give a clue to tho probable outcome of
the discussions.
While tho principals arc thus engaged
in efforts to arrango a truce between the
opposing armies preparatory to adcflnlte
peace preparations elsewhere for' possible
trouble on ft larger scale show no signs
of abatement.
While the intentions of tha great
European powers undoubtedly remain
" peaceful, Austro-IIungarlan proceedure
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday.:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs land Vicinity
Fair tonight and Tuesday; colder to
night JIUUIDt'
Iffl 6 a. m St
C a. m 23
o a. m... ......... 41
9 a. in... 33
A. I0a'm ?f
2 P- m O
3 p. m tl
Question of Veracity
Raised on Floor of
Women's Convention
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. t3.-Splrited
discussion over the transfer of Maud
Wood Parks' credentials from tho Col
lego Equal Suffrngo leaguo to tho Mas
sachusetts delegation drifted danger
ously close to n question of veracity at
the suffrage convention today. Finally
M. Carey Thomas of Uryn Mawr, presi
dent of tho collcgo league, got the floor
to make an explanation.
"Ladies." she said, shaking her finger
at tho delegates, "I always tell tho truth.
If I did not tell tho truth, I would have
no right to be here."
Thero was a stir, but It quickly sub
snded. After Hiss Thomas had made her ex
planation tho matter was referred back
to the credentials commltteo for further
action and the convention took up other
things pertaining to the election of of
ficers. Tho question of changing the represen
tation and tho per capita tnx to tho na
tional organization came up for a brief
discussion at the opening of tho session.
It had been proposed to amend the con
stitution so aa to change tho representa
tion with a view of Increasing tho na
tional fund of the association. Betoro thy
discussion camo to an end, however, tho
regular business of the day was called
fjur and tho proposed changes were laid
aside for tho present.
Among tho messages of greeting re
ceived during tho day was one from Ore
gon, which waa generously applauded. It
was a telegram from tho suffragists of
the stato who reported that a count of
the voto on tho oqual suffragists' amend
ment In Oregon showed that It had car
ried by a majority of 4.101.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw was this after
noon re-elected president of tho National
American Wuman Suffrango association.
Tho voto was: Dr'Sljaw, 291; Laura Clay,
Kentucky, 20r, Catherine. W. McCullough,
Illinois, 13; Jane Addams, Chicago, 11. The
ro-electhn of Dr. Shaw was made unani
mous. Jano Adtjtuns. of Chicago was unani
mously re-elected first vice president.
Chinese Recapture
' Town in Mongolia
After Hard Fight
CHICAGO, Nov. 25 The Chlneso gov
ernment troops under Prince Pohtl, a
loyal Mongolian, captured tho city of
Ullassutal, Mongolia, after a two days'
buttle, according to a Peking dispatch to
the Chicago Dally News today. Mongolian
seceders have installed Russian telegraph
operators on government lines they seized
and detcachmenta of Russian troops arc
advancing from various stations toward
TJrgatho capital, and .western Mongolia.
'Tho News c'ablo said: "The War office
today made public a copy of a telegram
from tho loyal Mongol general. Prlnco
P6h'tirsaW;'that' T,Tlta5sUta Mongolia,
had Been captured by the chlneso ox"po-
dltlon under his command. The flrpt Chi
nese attack was repulsed and Prince
Pohtl awaited reinforcements, which ar
rived November 16 from Slnklang and
Shan provincco. After" allowing the rein
forcements to rest two days ho divided
the forces and ordered Slnklang troops
to attack from the west and tho Shanl
troops from the south, while he himself
attacked from tho north. After a battlo
lasting two days the Chlneso were vic
torious, tho Mongolian general being put
to flight.
"According to a telegram from Klklana,
a city on the Russian side of tho northern
frontier of Mongolia, tho Mongols recently
seized the Chlneso government telegraph
office at Malmachen, Mongolia, threw out
tho Chlneso operators and Installed Rus
"The Russians aro sending detachments
from various military stations 'toward
Urga and western Mongolia, with tho
avowed object of protecting tho lives and
property of Russian subjects. It Is be
lieved, however, --to be a counter movo
to the Chlneso military operations In
upper Mongolia.
Gall Money Rises
to Twelve Per Cent
on Wall Street
NEW YORK. Nov. 23.-A flurry In tho
money market today sent the rate for call
loans up to 12 per cent, the highest figure
since tho early part of 1910. The opening
rate wau 6 per cent and that was tho
prevailing figure during tho morning.
Later in tho day, however, the rato rose
rapidly until 12 per cent was reached, fol
lowing which . there was un easier
Calling in of loans by two of the princi
pal banks waa said to be the Immediate
cause of the flurry. It was understood
also that somo out-of-town banks were
withdrawing deposits here. Increased
mercantile demands for money, disturbed
political conditions abroad and prepara
tions for the year-end disbursements of
interest and dividends wero cited as un
derlying causes of tho condition In tho
money market.
Tho advanco In rates led to liquidation
of speculative holdings of stocks nnd
prices were depressed tmarply on the ex
change. Dairymen Postpone
Advance in Prices
Dairymen will postpone the proponed
Increase in tho rrice of milk from 7
to 9 cents per quart until Dairy Inspec
tor Bessie and Health Commissioner Cou
ncil have drafted a new ordinance regu
lating the dairy Industry. This seems
to be the concensus of opinion among the
dairymen, who have met frequently to
discuss the proposed Increase, to have
?one into effect December 1.
This new ordinance wil make moro
stringent the already stringent regula
tions, of dairies. It will Increase the One
for adulteration of milk from 10 lo
and Mr. Bossle will demand that on the
second conviction of offenders their
licenses be permanently revoked. "
Dairymen are waiting ImuallontU' the
submission of this onllr. - ' oitv
council. They ma f
State Irrigation Board Divides Up
Loup and Platte Sites Among
Get, Initial Right to Use Loup
luver for Power.
Company Secures Territory from
Columbus to Schuyler.
uecinKin will Probably Itun
'llmiiiRh (.Marts, sia Million Are
Snl ilto lie Involved In lur
tlona of Priority,
LINCOLN. NeV. 25. (Sneeial.WA Heel
slon gencinlly favorablo to tho Babcoek-
uoherty Interests and against the Com
monwealth Power company of Onml.n
was arrived at Monday forenoon bv tho
stnte board of Irrigation In thu contost
involving water rights on the Loup nnd
1'iaiio rivers.
Mambcrs refused to give out the full
text of tho opinion until It is later mado
public. The Irrigation board which made
tno rinding Is composed of Governor Al
drlch, Attorney General Martin and Com
missioner Cowles.
Tho valuo of the rights so decided will
mount high In the millions and an an
penl will undoubtedly bo taken from tho
uoard's findings to tho courts.
UrlKlal FIIIuht Approved.
Tho original fillnir of lr. k. iinK,.i-
Is approved, so far at it, covors tho Loup
rlv-r from a point Just aboyo Columbus,
and an extension of six months time Is
trained for completing the construction
of a power plant.
Everything bolow Columbus, which wn
claimed J)tlv eBabcock-Doherty Inter-
.C?t.lgipenled By tho irrigation board.
'''Aiclnfenttra protect contimnlat,i n ,..
ond development at Schuyler, n. thlrrt m
Fremont and a fourth in the vicinity of
unianu. relocation plans for the lower
part of the valley filed soma tlm slncn
are ditto rejected.
Tho Commonwealth nnmnnnv rr.i - .i
grant of rights under plans riled by C. T.
Hoggs, beginning at ColumbUH nnd .
tending down the Loup and Platte rlvem
to Schuyler. This will afford room for
one development. All of tho water di
verted from the stream bv thn Ttnhurt
Interests fust bo returned to tho Loup,,
so that the Commonwealth company
Play utilize it.
Tho two later filings of the Common-,
wealth company 'auovo Columbus ' are
practically thrown out i32USflUi9Ifk
different applications, confusingly tu!
and overlapping one anotherar6'l!"flll
cleaned up in the order.
Power' Development Divided.
Tho order practically divides the power
development projects In this state In tho
following pieces:
First Section Territory above Colum
bus, awarded to tho Babcock-Doherty In
terests. Second section, Columbus to Schuyler,
awarded to the Commonwealth Power
company of Lincoln, of which W. E.
Shn'rp is president, barked by the Moore
financial Interests'" f Detroit.
Third section, Schuyler to Fremont,
nwarded to' tho company controlled by
tho Kountzo financial Interest of Omaha
and New York.
All ,of the contestants aro thus given
an opportunity to serve Omaha, Lincoln,
South) Omaha, Fremont and other cities
In the eastern part of the state with
current. The first award to the Bub
cock interests is regarded as a victory
for that syndicate. The board of Irri-
gatlon paid but little attention to the
requests of private individuals asking
that water rights bo not granted until
the legislature had had an opportunity
to express an opinion In tho matter.
V. E. Sharp this afternoon, talking for
tho Commonwealth company, said ho1 did
not regard tho decision as adverse to
his interests at all, although ho expected
to win.
Illinois Democrats
Will Try Roosevelt
Methods on Moosers
CHICAGO, Nov. S.-By invoking Col
onel Roosevelt's theory that contested
delegates should not voto on their own
contests, democratic lenders hope. It was
learned today, to keep progressive party
members of the new Illinois legislature
from participating in its organization.
By debarring tho fifty or twenty mem
bers whoso seats are contested, tho demo
crats, who' now lack two of a majority,
could proceed to organize, they say under
the constitutional provision that "a ma
jority of tho members elected to each
house nhnll constitute a quorum." A
! quorum voting may organize tho houso
by a majority vote of such quorum, it is
contonded. ,
As a final basis for their arguments,
the democrats point to the following
clause, of tho rontltutlon:
"Each house shall determine tho rulea
of lu proceedings and be the Judge of tho
election returns and the qualifications of
Its members." v
l -
Schrank Lodged in
Hospital for Insane
I OoUKOSH. Wis., Nov. 25. - John J
rschrank arrived at the Northorn hospital
! for the insane thlc nftornoon and waa
ubji,ted to the regular roiltlne, which
Include a bath and fumigation of all his
cliithin?, after which ho was assigned to
a.waid of the criminal insane.
hen Lake W'lmiebairo came Into view
hf was asked If he was fond of huntlni;
and replied with a smite:
"Only of bull moove."
Ho deolured hy would not harm Colonel
Roorevelt If the opportunity again of-
-rd Itnelf.
J). lo
ljront tho Minneapolis Journal.
Cry of Fire by Film Operator Starts
Stampede in Spanish Town.
Otyiy One W0llRfiaioUy . , Kouiul
"Klfter- Crush (o Kioiipf- .
' Wan Over.
BILBAO, Spain. Nov.. Cl-A terrible
panic whs cnuncd this nftefluioji bj; tho
cry of fire at a moving ' picture nhoy
here. About fifty children and others
were kiled. Only ono woman un to a
lato hour tonight had been found nmong
tho dead. Tho number of Injured Is not
known as most of them were taken homo
by friends.
Tho scene of tho accident Is a large
circus, which had been convertrd Into a
continuous clntmatograph show. As the
price of admission was only 2 cents, the
building wan crowded to Its utmost ca
pacity, for tho most part with women
and children.
The operutor of the machine lost til a
norvo when a film Ignited nnd .screaiiii-l
Fire!" Ho was ublo to extinguish the
flumes himself without difficulty, hut
the effect of 111 h cry upon thu spectators
was Instantaneous. Almost every ono
within the building tiprang up. I'olko
nnd attendants wero powerless (o control1
tho panto stricken people nnd were swept
away by tho surging mass whloh sought
to fight a way to tho exits.
Scores worn knocked diiun mid
trampled and many wero crushed lu
death In thu past-ages from tho galleries
and to thn streets.
Tho dlsahter caused frenzied crowds 10
gather outside the building and tho
authorities had great difficulty ,lu' carry
ing on tho work of rescuo and extricating
the dead and Injured from tho plies ot
wrecked scats.
The manager and other employes havo
be!n arrested and uro held 'pending an
Mrs. Lesh Pleads
Not Guilty to the
Charge of Murder
SEDALIA, Mo., Nov. 2.-.-".'ot guilty"
was tho plea of Mrs. Pansy Ellen Lesh,
when arraigned lu tho criminal court
hero today, charged with murder In. tho
first degree as a result of her confession
that she had poisoned Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Qualntance at Green Ridge, Mo. Suleo
tlon of a .Jury began this afternoon,. Jt
was expected the taking of evidence
would begin tomorrow,
Judge Longan, counsel for Mrs. Ich,
has stated that sho will admit Having
mado the confession, but that tho defense
will attempt to prove that tho quantity
of potson administered wan too small even
to cause Illness and that Mrs. Qualntance
died ot pneumonia. Should the defendant
be acquitted It Is said that the fecond
murder chargo conuecled with the poison
ing of Mrs. Eliza Con of Hedalla. to which
Mrs. Lesh also confessed, will be dropped.
CLINTON, la.. Nov. .-The v case
SEKlnit G. 15. Wilson. f tho Clinton
Bridge and Iron oompnny. recently In
dicted In oonnectiori with charges of run
splraoy to defraud Clinton count!', was
dismissed today In the dlMrlct court.
The Hum of $20,183 was rwfuuded to the
county. This amount had b';n f4M to
Wilson and his oojhiaguue liocauo of
erroneous-. measurements In bridge work.
Cases are still pending against itevurnl
of the county officials in connection with
similar matters.
Placing Mr, Bryan
Samuel Gompers is
Critically 111 at a
' Hotel in Rochester
ROCHESTER. N. V., Nov. Cu.-l'rcM-de'iit
Hamuiiel Gompers of tho Aiuoijeap
l'Vdcrntlon of Ijihor li seriously III at
his lintel hero nnd Is threatened With
pneumonia, according to his physicians.
President Gompers was to huvo wel
comed tho delegates to tho annual con
vention of thn building trades department
of thn American Federation of Labor,
which met today, but Vice PreKldrnt Me.
Donald announced the fact of his lllnoAR
from the platform.
Vice President Duncan explained that
Mr. GoniperH became HI yesterday morn
ing nnd thero .were fears that pneumonia
might develop. Quiet, and rest, Mr. Dun
can wald, were necessary to his recovery.
Mr. Gompers wj under a great strain
during the convention of the Federation
of Labor and ut tio rinsing session Hal
urdny he showed slsns of a collapse.
i Hobble Skirts and' '
Corsets Are Worn
5,000 Years Ago
PHILADELPHIA, Pn., Nov. 2i.-Tho
hobble skirt Is more than 6,000 years pld,
according to Dr. Edith Hall, who has
charge of the excavations :n Crete for tho
I'ntvrrslty of Pennsylvania and Is hcr
to deliver a course of lec lures. In her
oponlng lecture Dr. Hall declared that
the excavations so far mado show that
the women of those days, 3,000 years be
fore Christ, wore hobble skirts, tight
cm-get and mannish collars.''
"Excavations on the lrland," said Dr.
Hall, "will be materially assisted by the
Balkan war, sines under the Turkish
regime the excavations Is hampered by a
gieat deal of red tape."
NEW YORK, Nov. JS.-Drniliisr thore
was a fire In her apartments, Mrs. Ida
Iladt, wlfH of a New Vtrk banker, walked
in l.or al-ep to a window In an uptown
hold) imly today and plun&ed down to a
skylight. sevMij KtHrfrH below. Sho wo
oilously If not fatnlly hurt. She ex
plained her i?ruin when picked up, hcn
lapsed Into unconsciousness.
" 1?H
Man Mentioned by Bryan for Presi
dency Dies After Long Illness.
tVilllnin 1. Jnekiou, IW-piihlli'lin,
Wl.l Kureerd lllui anil Will
HerrV" Lntll .JnuiiBry, 111 lit,.
-Mty Ueult In Tie,
y VSIIINGTON, U. '., Sow 23,-.ScnuUir
.ador Jtnynor of Maryland, unv of tint
niadltig democratic members or tho United
rlutci K'linto, and u man whoso imiuo
Wan oftimu to thu Baltimore convention
b Wlllliim J. Bryan ns a su'.talilo can
didate for tho presidential nomination,
died hero caily today, at tho end of a
long Illness, resulting from continued nt-
, tnckH of nourltlK.
fiotulor Raynor had been lu n cnmnluso
ntute slnoo last Wednesday, with only onu
or two slight rallies. His sevclo Illness
covered a period of nbout six weeks, dat
ing from thn efforts Hindu lu IH6 Joint
political debnlii with llourko Cockrann
at llnltlmorc lutn In Septumber. Pliysl-
l duns conipclled him to re tiro fiom tho
campaign at unco after tlutt, and he re
turned to his Washington home, where
ho died at 6: o'clock this morning.
For over five years Senator Rayner had
been a sufferer from neuritis, tho attacks'
often making his work arduous ami pain
ful. Ills death creates a vacancy In tho
Minnlo thnt probably will be filled by a
republican, through appointment by Gov
ernor Golilsborough of Maryland. While
Ih'i legislature of that stato Is democratic,
It does not meet this winter, nnd he re
publican governor's appolnmcnt will hold
through the opening sessions of tho next
congress. ' '
( onlrnl of Heiuile liMOled,
Tlio'control ot the United. States senate
after March i may hiugu on tha death
or Henator Itayiicr. Tho republican whom
l( i expected Governor Goldsborough will
appoint lu his place, will holil-oflke at
least until tho Maryland legislature meets
In January, 1914. Henator Ilaynei's death
removes one of the democrats on whom
The control of the senate depended lu the
now congress. With his vote the demo
cratic leaders counted on forty-nine votes,
or ono moro than a majority of the total
membership of nlnety-Hx. in uny event,
forty-night votes, with thu vote of tho
vice president, In case of a tie, wiih looked
upon us sufficient strength to secure, con
trol. Whllo the democrats havo on apparent
strength ot forty-eight, thu death of the
Maryland senator reduces the supposed
majority to a point very near the divid
ing lino of party control.
Senator Rayner's lllnoKH from neurltlH
covers a period of noarly flvo woeka.
Complications began about six weeks ago
and his serious Illness dates from thut
time. He attempted to enter actively into
the democratic campaign nnd met llourko
Cochran in Joint debate at Baltimore lust
b'epteiubor. The experience exhausted
him nnd he bcramo seriously ill Imme
diately afterward.
5c tin tor Raynor was one of several men
whose nnmuH William J. Bryan suggested
as suitable candidates for the presidential
Henator Rayner was ono of tho striking
figures of the senate. He had been a
member of thnt body for nearly eight
yearn and was one of Its strongest do
Patera and an authorized authority on
mutters of constitutional law. Ileforo ho
entered roncress he had attained a na
tional reputation in cause of his Vlgorou
conduct of tho lato Admiral Schley' oaso
before the naval court of Inquiry that In
etlgated the action of Ameitcuri officers)
In tho ' battle with Admiral Cevera'S
Ppnnlkh fleet.
Mr. Rayner was a native of lialthnoie
and was V3 years old. He was a member
(Continued un Pai,e Two.T
Contractor Given Warning Bcfoi,
Explosion in Court House by
Local Business Agent,
Refuses to Comply with Demand,
but Afterwards Yields.
Seeks to Prove Only McNamaras and
MoMnnigal Guilty.
When (liirstloneil by Henator Kern,
.Ale.Mnnlgnl Testifies Monry Wa
Nut (Inly Incentive In
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 25,-Tho oontcu
tlous of tho defense thnt tho McN'aiuarm
and Ortlo 10. McMnnlgnl nlono wero re
sponsible for explosions and that the Iron
workers' union executive board and
President Frank M. Ryan know nothing
of any fund expended from tho Sinton
funds for destroying nonunion property
wore pin "hell lu tho cross examination of
McMnntRitt at the "dynamite, conspiracy
trial today.
Ileforo being turned over by thu gj
vrnmciit, Mc.Munlgnl had told stories of
how ho and tho McNnmaras had talked
ot blowing up tho India tit the Panama
canal and how James B. McNamara wax
to return to Los Angeles ''and wipe that
rlty off tho mnp' aeries of explo
sions nnd how they worn prevented from
currying mit theso plots by their nri-cU"1
In April, lull. Ho also hud related that
after his and James li.'a arrest In De
trolt and on the train lo Chicago, Jamrs
11. offered Guy BUldltiRer, u. detective,
$:W,00i) (o allow tlloni to escape, telling
lllddlugcr "If you: don't get it Clarenci.
Harrow will.".
Kern, iXnoNlliiiin MeMnulKiil.
Henator John W. Kern for tho defen ic
cross-examined McMnnlgnl.
"Was the pay you received from the
McNamarnH your motlvo n causing to
many explosions?" asked Senator Kofi,
"No. It win! not inonoy. Herbert H,
Iloekln,, when hn first started mo lnt
the. dynamite IiuhIiichh terrorized me. bv
lug that If I did hot do It, he would pre
vent mo from getting woik. Then I w?a
prompted by n foolish notion that it was
for Ihe good nf tho lion workers,' linn
My mind wns Inflamed with tho Idc
thnt It would build up the union.
MoMnnlHiil nliiilttUL.tie had been '
rested thiro tlmi-R, twice for larcenu
and once, for dUnrdnrlv eomltiut.
4,'iiliMvcll tin Jtlnnil,
Georao V. Otldwell. ifietnbcr of a fh i
lof cnntructui-,. said after uxploslonM o
his work nt ColuinhUM, lnd.. 'nnd Omni'
I Ncb Jliiokln visited) him nt a hotel
ioitstructloii n.t Tills,!, Okl.
, "I told Hookln I hud enough of him in
.McNamara nt Omiilm, and I woul n t
uulunlxo the Job," Maid Caldwell. Ho r
piled that they w.nild get even with UK
Tho work Inter was unionized.
Frank K. Uilutnr, tho biiNiueHS ugei.t
nl Omahu, had told uh wu would havt
to uuloiilze.the Job In Omaha, but wi
did not uad the work was dynamited.
David J. Mnnuliiic. a pollco official u
Hptlngfleld, Muss., said that when tlynu
mlto wsh exploded lu tlie tuwor of thr
municipal building there ono ot tho prls
oners lu ii nearby stnllun was vas lr
aiimj Kxpluitlnii Plunneil.
Witnesses testified concerning "whole
fculo explosions" which tho McNamarai
wore alleged lo hu,vo contemplated, but
which wero prevented by the urrest ol
tho dynainlturs "at Detroit nnd Indian
apolis In April, 1911. The explosions con
templated, ns told by witnesses, were
To blow up tho locks ot tho Panama
To blow up u bulldl.tig lu Pittsburgh or
cuplcd by pfflcluls of Iron nnd steel con
tractors who nmploycd nonunion men
and iiIno to.hluw up offlcow in other east
ern cltlos.
To blow up. thn ncqueduut nnd wutei
! works nt Loh Angeles.
To blow up u sleeping enr -and get rlc
j uf a stenographer formorly employed b
(.the Iron workers' union, becauao h
knew too inlioll.
"I'll blow tho whole town off the map
tho people will think there has been an
other earthquake slmllur to Ban Fran
Cisco's," mid J. B. MoNotriara, dlscius
Ing tho cnnipuigii ho expected to nmlu
at Los Angeles, according to Ortie K
An ussertlon by McManlgal that he v. a
urged to go lo Punama by J. J, Mr
Namara as'a dynamiter, previously hai
been referred to by District Attorne
(Continued on Page Two.)
If You Want to Make
Plonoy You Must Lok
When prices tiro low or
oven normal is the time to
buy; wlion tho 'market
ririos ))rofits nro as certain
as thai 2 and 2 make 4.
Omaha real estate prob
ably will never bo cheaper
than it is now; therefore
the man who buys now is
sure to reap tho profit that
is bound to accrue through
tho vast transit juid other
improvements under way
in this borough.
Tho Ileal Kstftto Columns of
The Uce point tlin way. It
will pn)' to rend them carefully
ouch day.
TYLER 1000