Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Will Pane's Diapepsin Really
Cure My Stomach Trouble? Yes!
If your stomach is sick, sour, gassy and upset now you can
surely get relief in five minutes.
Sour, rick, upset stomach. Indigestion,
heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you
eat ferments into Rases and stubborn
'iimps; your head aches and you fool rick
and miserable, that' when, you realise
toe matfe lr Pane's Dlapepsln. It makes
stomach distress go di five minutes.
If your stomach Is In a continuous re
volt If-yoti ean't get It regulated, please,
for your sake, try Ulnpeprin. It's so
heedless to have a had stomach make
your next meal a favorite food meal, then
chairman; Oscar S, Straus, New York;
Albert Bhaw. New York! Frederick N.
.fudson. Bt. Louis, and Otto 11. Kl-Hlts,
New York, who were appointed by the
uhtef justloa of tho supreme aourC of
the United States, th United States com
missioner of labor .and tte presiding Judge
of the United, States comraerco court, nnd
by Daniel Wlllard. presldf-nt of tho Hal
tlmoro &. Ohio railroad, representing tho
railroads. X. H, Morrlssey, former grand
master of tho Hrotlierhood of ltallroad
Trainmen, representing the engineers
wrota a dissenting opinion In which he
expressed the belief that the award
would have the effect of retarding tho
progress of arbitration In thn settlement
of, Industrial disputes, on the railroads.
"It Is the belief of tho board," con
tinues thn declttott, "'that In the last
unalysli the solution Is to qualify the
principle of free contract In the railroad
From this suggestjon I'. If. Morrlisy,
the representative, of the engineers on
the board, dissents. While tho award In
creases wages on some railroads and for
some classes of service, It hold that a
general Increase on all roads Is not war.
ranted. The award dates back to May
1, last and will hold for one year from
that date. Mr, Morrtssey representing'
the engineers has already Indicated doubt
as to Its renewal. In the past, with
several notable exceptions, tho contracts
between tho roads and the engineers
have been renewed annually,
The altitude of tho railroads, as out
lined In a statement today by President
Danlsl Wlllard oC the llaltlmore & Ohio
railroad, who represented the railroads
on the arbitration board, Is likewise In
definite as to the future.
"My acceptance of the. award as a
whole does not signify my approval of
all the findings In detail," said lTldont
Wlllard. Ho added that "although the
award Is not euch aa the railroads hod
hoped for," nor tfuch as they felt were
Justified by the facts, "they now accept
without question tho conclusion which
was reached." .
The members of the Hoard of Ar
bitration were appointed by the chlrf
Justice of Um supreme court of the
United States; Xbo . United States com
mlssloner of labor; and the presiding
Judge of the .United States commerce
court. . ,.
(Cotlqued from Pago One.)
swollen with.- emotion; his eyes welling
with tears. Jfsj.sald, he, was about to make
the first ptibiio .spoach ho had ever ut
tered Jn "yeAir beautiful language."
ntnvannlttl Asks Liberty.
leaning toward Attwlll tho district at
torney. GlovqnnUtl said tn a trembling
"So solemn ts th'ls' moment, so full
with clashing emotions am I now, that I
do not know whether I ever wt!l con
clude what I havo to say." Then he
straightened up In tho cage and, for
twenty minutes spoke aa one in the
crisis of passion. lie did not discuss
the evidence but he called "tho pre
posterousncss of the Idea" that such
as ho and his comrades could have been
guilty of a murderous thought Whirling
around with a violent gesture ho said
"If there Is a man In the court room
who has murder in his heart, he la not
In this, cage." Then he went on to tall
of his Ufa story, his ambition, hit
elsuro upoq the causa of socialism as
the solution of human Ills, and ended
with a tearful plea. Life was sweet,
he said, a wife loved him, a mother
loved him and he had Ideals that he
loved. Ho felt the passion of Itvlne
and did flojt want to die a martyr, but to
llvo for the .betterment of men. If he
could live, he would go on ns he had
beon doing. If ha had to die, he took
solace in the thought that he would go
to a higher Judgment Mat.
There was a hush over the court room
aa Olovannlttl sat down. Not a man or
woman moved for several tense nfoments.
Then Judge Qulnn, apologising to the
Jurors, announced that he would be com
pelled to hold them further as he would
not deliver hU charge in the case until
Monday morning. Tho prisoners were
driven back to the Jail through streets
"nod with their friends ontt fol lowers who
cheered them loudly as they passed.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. .-(Ppcclal.)-.
Martin Frerlohs, an old resident of the
DUler vicinity, dlod of typhoid fever after
an Illness of three weeks. He was 61
years of am and had been a resident of
that vicinity for twenty-five years.
George KreUer of Adams has an
nounced that ho will mako the race for
shrlff on the democratic ticket against
Sheriff Schick, who expects to try for
a .'third term.
Six members of a bridge gang were
quite badly hurt near Odell when a
handcar on which they were riding
Jumped the track and rolled Into the
ditch. Three were so badiyinjured that
the services of a phyidcian were re
quired. .
tho Dempster company of title city.
Which has the contract for sinking ad
ditional wells north of the city for a
water supply, expects to finish the work
in 'about a week. There are twenty wells
and one pump will be Installed for each
five of them.
iugn coumy ww nave to aig up oyer support the state, county and
lownsnip governments and for schools
and special purposes. The total amount
of taxes to be collected Is $430,833,74, ao-
core lag to the figures given out yester
day- by county Clerk Penrod.
Xcbraak Tot May Get estate.
KANICAKEB, 111. Nov. Jl-iSpec!al,-A
petition has been filed In county
coort here to amend proof of helrchtti
and remova lh administrator nt th
tate. of the late William Warren of EJ
- The will on file leaves the estate.
wlvl Ur worth about fUfts, to certain J
take a llttlu Dlapcptdit. Tlicro will not be
any distress eat without fear. It's be
cause Pape's Dlapepsltt "really dor" reg
ulate weak, out-of-oder stomachs tltat
Rives It It a millions of sales annually.
Oct n lanje fifty-cent case of I'apcs
DlapepMn from any drug store. It Is the
quickest, surest stomach relief nnd euro
known. It nots almost like mairlrv-It (s a
scienuiic, Harmless ana aeiiiniiriil prep
aration which truly belongs In every
relatives. In the meantime It has been
discovered that a- grandohlld of thn
decedent, Gladys "Terry" ' WaiTen, aged
6 years, has len living with her foul or
parents, .Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Holson of
Lyons, Neb. Mr. Holson Is here to look
ofter the. Interests of his ward Tho
hearing Is net for November
UIIOKKN BOW, Neb,, Nov. 24.-Speclal.)
A smash-up occurred In tho yards of tho
nurllngton Friday evening, putting two
cars out of commission and nearly caus
ing tho death of Ilrldge Foreman Patrluk
Dalton. Local freight No. iS had been
switching In tho yards and during an
Interval Kiigitieer Jlayles stepped over to
n local rnstaitrunt to get a lunch, leav
ing the engine In charge of Fireman Mc-
(Julie. In backing up with nn oil car,
the fireman thinking ha had a olear truck
on the main line, started to shovel coal
whllei the cnnlne was In motion. Instead of
a clear track, however, the engine backed
onto tho coach track, upon which were
sovoral cars bolonlng to tho bridge out
fit, In the first car won seated llrldge
Foreman Dalton, who was hastily warned
by a shout from the outside to Jump for
his life. Mr, Dalton did so, striking tho
ground Just as thn heavy tank struck
the car and completely demolished tho
front of It. The trucks on the oil car
were torn out and the car thrown across
the main line,
I ' '
KEAUNBY. Neb., Nov. U. (Bpeclal.)-
6uper)ntendent C. IS. Manuel, head of tho
Btato Industrial school, keenly resents
the statement given to tho press Thurs
day by C. II. CowIob, land commissioner.
When Interviewed Friday Buperlntond-
cnt Manuel said he "had permission to
buy a horso for tho school from an au
thority, and that It wasn't Mr. Cowlot
nor any member of the board."
The boy who stolo a horse from tho
Institution In 1910 and won recaptured last
spring has completed his sentence In
tho school, paid all the costs of his cap
ture and reimbursed the state, Including
sufficient moriey to purchase tho horso
In question, and was roledi two wucka
ago, says tho superintendent
nilOCK, Neb-, Nov. !t.-(8pecIal.)-Tho
Ladles' Aid Societies at thb Methodist,
Baptist nnd Christian churches In DrpcJc
each earned a goodly turn of money by
going to the country and picking applas.
Ten womrn and three chltdron of the
Ilaptlst aid picked 421 burholu from 10 to
( o'clock. Miss Ulancho Chuman was the
champion picker on that day. Hho picked
441i bushels. The Ilaptlst Aid society for
this day's work added til.SO to their
treasury. Mrs. C. C. Green won tho
laurels as the champion picker In this
locality, in ono day picking t'ift bushels.
Little Olrl Hums to Death,
ST, PAUL? Neb., Nov. 24.-(8peclal.)-Frances
l'yursynakl, the 4-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, fl. Pyscxynskl,
whoso farm adjoins St. I'uul, wus burned
so badly laBt Flrday night about 6
o'clock that she died yostcrday, Tho lit
tto girl's parents wero uway and left
her in charge of older children. Hho was
left alone In tho houso for a short tlmu
and In somo manner hex clothes caught
flra from the kitchen stove. Her sareams
attracted tho attention of tho older chil
dren and they rushed In and found hor
clothes In flames. They did not realise
whut they were doing and carried the
UtMo girl out doors Instead of smoth
ering the flames und before asslitanco
could urrlvo from the neighbors, Frances
was horribly burned.
Col Tax Institute,
RCUUYL.UK. Neb., Nov. St.-tSpeohU.)-Charles
Artuit. superintendent of the
Schuyler public schools, working In con-
Junction with County Bupwrlntendnt V. J.
Vogltanre, has succeeded In arranging
for the annual Teachers' Institute tn be
held hero at the tichuyler High school
Decombern 14. The Schuyler teachers and
the Colfax county teacher will unlta and
hold their Institutes at the same time.
The state superintendent and other promi
nent educators will be present and some
Interesting addresses are being looked
forward to.
ICey to the Situation lies Advertising.
Tkmrm Im Only On
"Br onto Qulnino"
rhmt im
Laxatlvo Bromo Qulnlno
Alwsja remember tho fall uuate. Look
tor Utk ign&ture on every box. 26a.
Keeping pace with the growth of tho city, thU
bunk has, from time to tlmo, put part of Ita
earning into SURPLUS, thereby constantly In
creasing the bunk' efficiency and strength.
T?ist National
1-BanRof Oltl.all.5aL
Earnings, when thuo transferred, cannot be with
drawn, but must remain as part of tho working
capital. The Surplus Account la now $1,000,000.
Iowa Railway Commission to Watch
Cases Closely.
.seir llrunrii In Allrrlnn From lea
3liiliie Under U'm-Governor
Carroll in .Vnnir Xevr Ills,
frlrt .IiiiIkf,
(From Staff Correspondent )
OH8 M01K1&. Nov. 2e,-(Spclal.)-Thfl
Iowa rallrpad commission will' give spe
cial attentloa tHo cominK winter. to sup
port of the general movement among
railroad commissions of the wett.on be
half of tho chipping public to checkmate
what Is declared to bo tho tendency of
the railroads to Insist upon an Increase
of frolght rates. Commissioner .Clifford
Thorno Is at the heud of the movement,
and the commissions generally liave been
enllstedl It Is claimed that the railroads
have not given up the Idea that on In
crease In rates is necessary.
Some years ago thoy set out to securo
a direct advance In rates. Last year the
Intctetr. .o commerce commission, refused
to permit the general advance In rates.
Later an effor't was mado, to securo a
rovlslon of the classification of freights
In western regions nnd It was pointed
out that this would have had tho effoct
of Increasing tho aggregate of monoy
paid for freight many millions of dol
lars. Hut this has also been held up
by the Intrrstato commerce commission
on request of the state commissions.
Now a bill Is pending In congress, which
bill, was In fact written by Commissioner
Thorne, to give tho interstate commerce
commission authority to make a uniform
classification for the entire country, and
It Is believed' that at tho session of con
80n commence this bill will bo
Hut aside from this the aNtlonal Asso
ciation of Ilnllroad commissioners Jias a
committee appointed to look after the
matter and take a hand tn tho general
rate question. . Tho shippers of the coun.
try ore declared to bo not fully alive to
the situation but are gradually getting
Into lino with tho commissions and pre
paring to resist all attempts at unreason
able In'crcaso In the freight rates, Tho
plea of the railroads Is that greater
revenues are actually needed for the pur
pose of making additions, extensions and
repairs, and that unless more funds are
available for this purpose the property
will detororatc.
Wor on lir itock Island.
Within tho last few weeke the work
of track laying on tho now Kock Island
cut-off from Dos Molnos to Allerton,
Wayne county, has been transferred from
the south end to the north end. Track
laying had proceeded northward from Al
lerton to near Charlton, but had to bo
stopped becaugo of the Incompleteness of
the roadbed. Now the track laying Is
proceeding through Marlon county south
ward toward Charlton. It will not bo
poxslbla to connect up tho parts this
year and us soon as tho weather Is cold
It will lx stopped entirely, to bo re
sumed early In thn spring. About 100
Greeks aro employed In the track laying.
Tho Rock Island peopte claim that the
slowness of the work has been due
largely to their Inability to secure help
for the work.
Engineers for the new1 Iowa City A
MiUcatne Interurban railroad .the last
wook compfoted the laying out of the
XQUte, .for tho line and havo the stakes
alt set for the construction. Tho survey
was In ohargu of Samuel Parsons of
Marlon. The route proceeds eastward
from Iowa City, through West Liberty,
It Is not known what preparations have
aa yet been mode for the actual letting
of contracts for tho line, but It Is as
sorted that construction wilt be done noxt
year, at an extension of the line from
Cedar IUplds to Iowa City.
Two Ncvr JudBjes Are Dae.
Governor Carroll will havo tho appoint
ment of two new district Judges In Iowa
beforo ho goes out of office. Judgn
Gaynor of Lemars and Judge Preston of
Okaloosa will resign after the next term
of court In order that they may be
ready to take their seats on the supreme
bench of the state tlva first of the year.
Thta will leave two vacancies that can
be filled by appointment by the gov
ernor, Hnrd FIkM Auntnst Clienp Gas.
Tho Pes Moines Gas company Is mak
ing u hard fight to provent tho enforce
ment of tho decision of Judge. MoPhor
son n'nd his master In chancery In favor,
of W-cent gas In Dcs Moines, and has
filed an application for an order to have
tiki matter held up pending an appeal.
This will require Immediate hearing at
Washington and the attorneys for the
city are preparing to go before the tilgh
court and Insist that the rate bo put Into
force without delay. In the meantime the
gas company is making changes In Its
meters to correspond with tho order of
the court.
Decorations for Court House,
Kdward Simmons of Boston, Mass., Is
hero with tho first of the four mural
Pictures to be placet! in tho Polk county
court house at a total cost of llo.CCO, The
painting Is ontltled "The Presentation of
tho Flog,' and deplots tho glvlng'of a
silk flag at jjvhat Is now the comer of
Eighth nn Locust stKiea to the first
TJJE BEE: OMAHA. Mnvii.w Vn'v.i m.-i .-. u.i.i
1 w l.)s XV I
! ZTr!, tLlZ w'
Tho funeral of the late President George
A. uatet, well known in college1 and
ohuroh circles, will be held on Monday In
unnneii. Where he lived many years.
He was formerly president of Iowa col
lege, now Grinnell college, and while u
resident of Iowa was prominent In all
educational work, loiter he became, head
or a college at Pomona, Cal , and later
he was connected with a college In Nash
ville. Ho dlod In Florida, but will be
burled In Iowa,
(Continued from Page One.)
voted to the consideration of resolutions
which were referred to the executive
council with power to act almost as fast
as .delegates could make the necessary
Charles L. Ilulne of lloston and IjjuIs
Kemper of Cincinnati wem ulccted fra
ternal delegates to tho Urltlsh trade
Union congress and William J, McSorlev
of Cleveland was elected fraternal dele
gate to tbe Canadlnn trades and lirbor
congress. '
Itesolutlcns were adopted favnrtni?
woman suffrage and thn freedom of tho
The convention adjourned at S:4S
Tnllle Rock Notes,
TADLF5 nOCK, Neb., Nov. 24.-(Spc-clal.)
The Commercial club banquet, held
"Friday night af the A. O. tT. W. hall, whs
a pronounoed success. Elghty-slx plates
wore spread and a three course luncheon
scrveu. l'ror. crtato of the Stato Acrlenl.
turai college or Lincoln gave an lllu
traled lecture on "Oood ltoads," which
was highly appreciated. Tho professor
Is nn expert along this line.
Mrs. Wlnnlfred I'angburn died at her
residence In Atchison, Kan., nt 10 o'clock
Friday night, ofter a short Illness. Sho
was tho wife of Taul I'angburn. The
family only recently moved to Atchison.
Mrs. I'angburn, whose maiden name was
Freemote, was born and grow to wom
anhood In Tecumsch, where tho body was
taken Saturday for burial. Sho was about
30 years of age.
The bankrupt stock of goods of C. M,
Martin was sold hero Saturday morning
by the assignee. Lew Agnow, to W. a.
Carter and C. W. Clark for $440.
York .Spelling Contest,
TOUIC. Nob., Nov, 2l.-(Speclal.) The
fork county schools aro having a cam.
palgn In "spelling." Friday night Mss
Cecil Newbold, In district No. 3S, spelled
against the school In district No. 1, Wal
ter Itosenlof, toaclicr. A largo and
enthusiastic audience greeted the spellers.
Wslfl(l,saB 4W II III m .i.KBssssssHisisr IKu'f .'.JT W
Values ns high ns $70 included mid there are no values in this exclusive stock under $10.
Your choico is unrestricted ovory hut is included only
tho season's lnstost effects aro shown largo, complete stock.-
illss Newboht's school won 1he victory,
A return contest will be held In dlstrtet
No. 1 December 8.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Nov. 24.-Ilo?olmionB
dnolarlng that manufacturers and pro
uucers snoum bo permitted to prepare
their wares In any size, shape or myle
container they wish, but that each should
bear a written guaranty of the exact
weight and quantity within were adopted
at the oloslng session of the National
Conference of Weights and Measures
here today.
This Is the principle on which the New
York law, Just enacted Is based. Resolu
tions were adopted approving the draft
of the law which Is to be submitted to
members for approval and then sub
mitted to the legislatures of various
states for enactment.
Senator Knute Nelson of Mlnnexota was
the principal speaker at today's session.
PAI'ILLION, Neb. Nov. :4.-Spoclal.)
A chango of venue to Oton county hus
been grunted by Judge Travis of the
dlstrlat court In the case of Cass county
ugnlnst Sarpy county over the Louisville
This case has been going on fur the
Inst twelve years. Tho controversy be
gan In 1D00. when Cnss county brought
suit to recover I2.C41.M, one-half Uie re.
pairs on tho Louisville wagon brldg.
.Tho caso has been hoforo the supreme
court five timed. The lat rlnl ,..
here In March, 1910, when a verdict was
rendered for the defendant. It was again
reversed in supremo court and remanded
in March this your.
Since tho filing of this suit the bridge
has been washed out nnd repaired eev
eral times and at tho preent time Is a
toll bridge at or pear that place In tho
hands of a private porporatlon.
SFOKANK, Nov. 21. The executive
committee of tho National grange was
reorganized nt a meeting yesterday. C
S. Stetson of Maine, elected at the re
cent session of tho grange as a represen
tative" of the "Insurgent faction," was
made chairman,
State Mastor Gaunt of New Jersey has
Invited thq committee of tho grange,
consisting of National Mastor Oliver Wil
son, T. C. Atkeson of West Virginia, and
Itlchard Pattee of New Hampshire, ap
pointed to confer with Tresident-elect
most exclusive millinery shop
announce for Tuesday and Wednesday Only
First annual clearance sale ail hats at
1825 Farnam Street
Special Notice:
joplelhc President of
ihetihiteastates, aH&tew
of reltocment said'Nd
He was impeached;he
defended himselfanahls
WiiMti i-fgardtn the Hppotntmert if a
sewtary cf agriculture, to attend t ie
meeting of the New Jersey slate yruige
in uwnnner.
IIKOINA, Sask, Nov. S4.-Kelllher. a
town on the Orank Trunk Pacific rail
road, ninety miles north of here Is In
siuie oi noi bordering on armed war
fare tonight. Late last night, according
to advices, received here today, Charles
iliuuett, editor of a local paper, was way
laid, stripped of his clothing and a coat
of tar and feathers applied to his body,
Touuy friends and enemies of Wddett
took sides. Wddctfa friends. It I
claimed, are quartered In a hardware
storo. being afraid to venture outside. A
squad of mounted police left here for
Kolllher today armed with warrants for
the arrest of several leading cltUene.
Fntnl Fire In Asylum.
N15W YORK. Nov. 24. Hundred nf In
sine and feeble-minded persons of both
nexes in a irroun nr insniiitinna nt
vine. Lt. i.. wero inrtiwn lnin irr-ut
t-ALiiciiii-ju uy a lire loaay. une inmate
was burned o death and two hitllrilnvn
wore destroyed. Several hundred Inmates
wcip iru uui in COIIIUSlOn,
A Life Sentence
of suffering with throat and lung troublo
Is quickly commuted by Dr. King's Now
Discovery 50o and II. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co. Advertisement.
n I T VI
Will Be the Most
Remarkable Sale
of Rugs Ever
Held in Omaha.
The SalePrlces Arc
Less Than Cost to Make
During this sale you
can buv a New Rntf
for less money than
at anv other time.
See the Window Displays
Sage Restores
Grav Hair to
Natural Goloi
" 1 ' r
The old Idea of using; Bane for dark.
enln tho hair Is attain comlne In vacua
Our grandmothers had dark, gloksy lull
at seventy-five, while our mothers ar
gray before they are fifty. Our grand
mothers kept their hair soft and glossy
with a "Sago Tea," which also restored
the natural color.
One objection to using such a nreDar.
atlon was the troublo of maklnir it.
Thla objection has been overcome by
the Wyeth Chemical Company of New
York, who haa placed on .tho market a
superior preparation of Sage, comblncc
with Sulphur and other valuabla u'tue-
dles for dandruff, Itching scalp, unJ
thin, weak, falling hair.
Tho beauty of thu hair depends mort
on Us rich, evon shading than anything
else. Don't have dry, harsh, faded hair.
when a simple, harmless remedy wll
brlns back the color In a fow days; and
don't bo tormented with dandruff, Itch
ing ncalp and loose, falling halra.
Wyeth's Saiio and tiulphur Hair Remedy
will quickly correct these troubles, nnd
glyo color, strength and beauty to your
(let a fiftv cent bottln frnm vnur ilrnir.
)ull today, and prove this to your own
natisiaction. All druggists sell It, under
guarantee that the money will be re
funded It the remedy Is not exactly as
leprcsentod. Sherman & McConnell Urua
Co.., 102 So. 16th; 331 Ho. 16th; 207 N.
ttth and 24th and Farnum tit a Adver
tisement. SHE LOST HER HAIR,
nut she found it araln. TW f ft.,
good part of the story. It cost her a lot
cx pnue to
lose it. and lust a dollar
And it. You tee, the dollar is the nrlnn
I of a bottle of Hall's Ilalr Rene we r. No
colortng of the hair. First of all, she
caixoa it over wtta nor doctor,
gate her confidence to go ahead.
Durtst tb YTUUr Staun
Keit dtpirtur ortUUA, l,H tout nt .
IWiO dl.p., Soy, SO.
flalllnji ettrr I In tn itinnettloa with
Quebec 3. 8, c. Ticket! lalerchinceible.
An 4 other Wev o4l PorU.
for pinleuUra et ullls end re toe eddrret
The Itojnl Mall Bteuni Packet Co.
SAMrilOM & PON. Ceo, Afte., SUIe
St., .V V; U BA La Sell St. Chlcaco;
W. E. pott, im Furnem Street, Omaha.
Kat. Srsry say 3;1S; Xrery Vlglrt, B;15
' Hlrtt, 8 II 5.
Worta'i Great.
i Belle Aehln,
eta. Jemee U.
The Teko.
Tsls Wetk-KWA iUEOQBIt..
I set Woman Telllet UUIr Goald
I Mre Oen Hushes & Co.. Ameta.
i f ; len. Four Keaere Prothtn. Til
I Patae a Weekly Itetlew ct World' Crfnt.
i rllli'KS Mitlstc-tfitlerv ' ben tea's c,
ev.-tH satuiiter n Sunder MlMl, Do, He.