Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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Opponents in Case Attempt to Show
Instrument is Fraud.
Al Time Pnrpoiirit 'Will Wnn Matte
Itnstmnd anil Wife Were Sepa
rated and She Was Snlna
for Kit Abolne Dlmroe,
With hi wife ruing h!m for divorce,
and by order of court restraining him
from visiting tholr home, a mn would
rot make a will bequeathing her $10,000.
nearly one-third of his wealth.
On this proposition hdrs-ftt-law of the
lt Soren T. Petersen, retired real estate
dealer who lived In the north part of
the city, arc seeking to break a pur
ported will of Petersen. The will wo
filed In county court by Mrs. Kmma
retewn, the third wife of the decedent.
Attorney!" for the opponents of tho
will examined Mrs. retersen on the wit
ness stand for an hour to see If her errors
In spoiling corresponded with similar
errors In the purported will. In some
canes they did; In others they did not
Principal opponents of the will are
Mrs, I-ona McCutelieon of Cattron, Ore.;
Mrs. Lillian Deltrlch of Portland, Ore,,
nd IveTloy T. Petersen of Omaha, chil
dren by a former wife. There are about
eighteen other hetrs-at-law who aro In
terested In the attempt to throw out the
Petersen died, supposedly Intesstote, In
August this year. A month later Mrs.
Petersen produced the purported will.
The wll was dated In Autrust, 1910, at
which time Petersen was under an order
restraining him from visiting the home
of himself and his wife. Mrs. Petersen
says he did visit there, despite the order,
Petersen's first wife died; he was
separated from his second by divorce.
Ills third wife waa his housekeeper;
then she became his common law wife.
Later sho sued him for divorce, but a
reconciliation waa effected and they were
civilly married in Council Bluffs. Btlll
later. In August, 1910, Mrs. Petersen com
menced a new divorce action and .secured
a restraining order. Tho divorce suit
till was ponding when Petersen died.
Action of opponents of the will In ex
amining Mrs. Tetersen as to her own
impelling indicated that efforts may be
made to show she drew the will.
Balph H. Moody of Chicago la In the
city on business.
Ed Arnold leaves tonight for a two
weeks visit with slstors In Colorado' and
Kansas. He will first go to Burlington,
Colo., thence t6 Marlon, Morton and Hia
watha, Kan.
tirnUnn nt the lintels,
If J. Miller and family of Baisett, O.
E. Waring of Chester, James Oallavanof
Wahoo, Warren Classon of Norfolk, P.
K Walsh of Humboldt, rt. W. Cahey of
Lexington and C. M. Uuck of Aurora are
at the Henshaw.
P. J, Pesham of O'NIolI, Charles Peter
non of Fullcrton, W, M. Outtell of But
ton and W. H. nea of Lincoln are guests
of the Paxton.
Greatest Nerve
Vifale7ar Knnwn
i a a V4 na ii tu
' JVjf.-
A Secent DIscovery.Kdllsgg's Sanitone
Wafers, the Xoit Effective Kerr
Strengthener for Hen and Wo-
men Ever Found by Science.
This is the world's newest, safest, moss
reliable and effective nervo InvlKorator,
roTltallier, brain awakener, body strength
ener, without equal In the world's history
of medicine. It brings about n change from
that awful, dull, weak. Issy, dont'glve-a-,
bang feeling to brlgbtnosi, strength,
clear headodness and cournito which la
" remarkable.
1 StUogg's Sanitone Wafers Make Ton
JTmI Fine All the Time.
TOX, ICE IT. Nerve force gone I Yoi
are what your nerve are, i.othlng else.
tU you feel ail run-down from overwork
or other causes, If you suffer from Insom
nia, "caved-In" feeling, brain fag. extreme
nervousness, peevishness, gloo mines,
worry, cloudy brain, lors of ambition,
energy and vitality, lost of weight and
digestion, constipation, Leadache, neural
gia, or tho debilitating effects of tobacco
or drink, send for a GOc free trial box of
Ke!logg Sanitone Wafers, and soon you
will be well, strong and happy.
ros WOMEN, It you Buffer from
nervous breakdown, extreme nervousness,
"blue" spells, desire to cry, worry, neural
gia, back pains, loss of weight or appe-
tite, sleeplessness. headacheB, and consti
pation, and are all out-of-aorta, Kellogg'a
Sanitone Wafers will make you feel that
there Is mora to life than you over real
ized before. Send today for the Mo fre
trial box.
No more need .of dieting, diversion, trav
el, tiresome exercises, dangerous drugs,
electricity, massage, or anything else
Kellogg'a Sanitone Wafers do the work
for each and all, give you nerve-force and
make you love to live.
All first-class druggists have Kellogg!
Banltone Wafers In stock, at J 1.00 a box,
or they will be mulled direct upon receipt
of price by P. J. Kellogg, 1431 Hnffmaster.
Block, Hattle Creek, Mich. No free trial
boxes from druggists.
A C0-cent trial box of this great discovery
will prove that they do the work, They
are guaranteed every wafer, Send cou
pon below today for free Wo trial box of
Kellogg'a Sanitone waters.
Fr Trial Box Coupon
a. J. Ketlorr Cc. 1432 Moffmaate
Block, BsttU Creek, Mich.
Send me by return mall, free of charge,
a CO-cent trial box of the wonderful
discovery for nerves, Kellogg's Sani
tone Wafers. I enclose cts. in stamps
to help pay postage and packing.
Name ,
Street or It.F D.
City State.
The rrrular xl.00 alia nf triim., a.i
tone Wafers are for sale In Omaha at
nncrman a jicuonnen urug Co., 102 So
ICtb Kt., 24th and Farnam; Owl Drug Co.
924 Ho. nth St; Ileaton Drug Co, lEot
"Farnam St, Loyal Pharmacy, 207 No. 16th
i., jue.i urug ua, iijo rarnatn St.
2o Ire boxea from druggist.
Has Taught Omaha to Dance
An Important and successful factor In
the building up of the social and artistic
life In Omaha is Wlllard K. Chambers,
who Is completing his thirtieth year as
a dancing master and teacher, Twenty
five of these years have found Mr, Cham
bers teaching the nrt of gracefulness to
the eUto of this city.
Mr. Chambers has been the central fig
ure In the Omaha dance world. To him
Is given the credit of teaching between
30,000 and 0,000 students since his advent
Into Omaha In 1M7. During one season
he teaches on an average of z,000 persons,
When Mr. Chambers came to Omaha
he established himself as a teacher of
society dancing and today Ik recognized
an one of the leading dancing masters of
the world. Ills first claas work In Omaha
was mostly In a private way. In 1903 he
built 'and opened Chambers' academy at
Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets and
since that time the institution ha become
an important factor in the social Ufa of
Not only does the little dancing master
teach society dances, also that of stage
dancing. In his time ho has developed
many of his students Into successful the
atrical people, some of whom are taking
leading part on tho stage.
Mr. Chambers takes Justifiable pride In
the fact that he lias, always striven for
moral elevation of dancing. Ho Is op
posed to fads In dancing and has always
tought nothing but the most proper and
artistic steps to three generations grand
parents, parents and grandchildren. Ho
has operated his academy In a progres
sive style. He has been a student and
still claims to be a student. Ho asserts
that It Is Impossible to learn all there Is
to dancing.
So well Is the Omaha dancing maater
looked upon by members of his profession
that he has been made vice president of
the American Association of Masters of
Dancing, and district chairman of the
same association.
A few months ago Mr. Chambers leased
the Metropolitan club building for a period
of ten years, nnd rqmodeled it at a great
expense, the swimming poot alono costing
Mrs. Atkisson Expires While Travel
ing to Husband's Bedside.
Wife of Prominent Itnllroml Itultder
Wna n Pioneer of This City and
Win I.oiirt Prominent In
C'lmrch Circles.
While traveling In Iowa to be at the
bedside of her husband who is stricken
with heart trouble, Mrs. J, P. Atkisson of
1903 Emmet street, Omahn, succumbed
Friday afternoon to the same disease In
n hotel at Osceola. The Atkisson family
is one of tho oldest and best known In
tho city,
Mr. Atkisson Is a railroad builder nnd
lma been engaged In tho business for
, ninny years. Ho has a contract at Cory-
(ion una wniio engagod thoro he wus
striken with heart failure. His condi
tion is sucn that grave fears were felt
and his wife left Friday to be at hl
Uicllpmriii! OTerrnniea Her.
She hod proceeded as far as Osceola,
where she wa to have changed cars for
Corydpn. The excitement of the trip and
the fears she felt tor her husband and
affected her heart seriously. She was
unable to transfer for Corydon at this
point on account of nor weakened condl-
I tlon and sho waa token to a hotel, Phyel
' clans "were called, but she- was so weak
1 by this time that nothing could be done
! for her. She died at 3 o'clock p. m.
Tho body arrives rrom Osceola . this
afternoon at 3:C5 o'clock, and It Is plan
ned to conduct the funeral at tho resi
dence Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The service will bo conducted by Ttov.
J. Bcott Kbersole, pastor of Immanuel
Baptist church, Twenty-fourth and Plnk
noy streets. Mrs, Atkisson was ono of
the oldest and best known women In
this congregation. She win an ardent
and earnest church worker, leading In
many kindly acts. At ono time she had
placed In the church a memorial window
dedicated to her only daughter, who pre
ceded her in death.
TJho only Immediate survivors are the
husband and son, M. a Atkisson, who has
been associated With his father In rail
road building for a number of yearn.
Constable is Modest
in a Corset Shop
Constable IL D. Pier son served a sum
mons under difficulties Saturday morn
ing. Thero went no difficulties except his
modesty, but that was so strong oa to
keep htm watting the greater part of the
forenoon in a corset shop on South
Seventeenth street while the proprletrefs
was fitting corset to customers behind a
screen. Sho saw him when he catno In
hut paid llttlo attention, doubtless feeling
assured sho wae losing no business In
slighting him. as a man could hnrdlr
expect to tie u customer In such n shop.
After a long tlmo she had a moment to
spare. She stepped un to the constable
and sold:
"U'a very ungentlemanly In you, a
man, to ait here for over and hour
gawking, at .mo and my customers while
I was fitting corsets."
The constable explained his business
and served his summons on her com
manding her to appear before the justice
of the peace to pay a bill for advertls.
Ing, The constable begged her pardon
for seeming to stare, and explained to
her that he did not mean to be looking
and besides the screen precluded all
views, Then he explained to her that
had she cpme out at once and allowed
him to serve, the summons sho would not
have had the further embarrassment of
hla presence.
CuTrCAOO, Nov. . Counsel for the
International Harvester company scored
on one of the government's witnesses
today at the ppenlng session of the re
sumed hearings in the federal suit to
dissolve the harvester company.
Paul V. Mtddlekuff, president of the
Acme Harvesting Machine company of
Peoria, 111., said to be onu of the chlof
competitors of the alleged trust, ad
mitted under cross-examination that the
output of his company had Increased
steadily for the last four years.
Key to the Situation E Advtr Using,
over .000. In this commodious building
he has established the Metropolitan Con
sorvatory of Clawlcs, of which he la
Within a few months Mr, Chambers will
again branch out He Is contemplating
tho erection of another academy on West
Knrnnm street which will be far moro
modern thnn the building on Twenty-fifth
street, which Is to be larger than tho pres
ent building.
Yield Per Acre Six Bushels Greater
Than Last Year.
Secrelnry of Ilnrnl I.lfe Connrress
KlKiirrs Additional Yield Menna
Nearly rclKliteen anil n Half
Millions of Hollars.
The 1912 corn crop of Nebraska has
shown a gain of six bushels per acre over
the yield of 1911, which Is credited by
Frank O. Odell, secretary of the ltural
Life congress, to the seed corn campaign
Inaugurated by the publicity bureau of
tho Omaha Commercial club.
From f,07G,Or.7 acres this year there was
a yield of 101,376.780 bushels. From C,I18,
03G ncrea In 1911 the yield was 133.100,305
bushels, a gain of 31,000,000 bushels un
112,000 fewer ncrcs.
This gain, nt CO cents, a bushel, which
Is a very low appralHcment. amounts to
118,223,000. This amount, Odell figures,
won the valuo of the seed corn.
Btaok-ralconer Co., Undertakers,
lighting Fixtures, Bnrgess-Oranden Oo,
Have aoot Print It Now Deacon Press.
Ballsy, the Dentist, City Nat'l. D. 25C6.
O. A. xanaqutst, tailor. 335 Paxton Elk.
Diamond Loans at 2 and G per cont
W. C. Flutuu, 1614 Dodge St. Ited 5619.
S Xtoscoe for low rutos on diamond
and watch loans. 1522 Dodge. Advor
ffor Wage Darners tho Nebraska Sav
ings and Loan Ass'n. offers the safest
and best plan of saving. ltiOG Farnam
Tracy Buys on Wirt Street A. It.
Tracy has invested 215,000 In a homo on
Wirt street, between Twenty-first nnd
Twenty-second streets, in Kountxe Place.
The purchase was made from O. II
To Dlseuss Single Tax William F.
Ilaxtcr will address Unity Fellowship at
tho First Unitarian church, Seventeenth
and Cass streets, Sunday evening, Do
cember 1, nt 8;30 on "Tho Principles of
tho 8lngle Tax."
Omaha ram Abroad Charles Ileaton
of the Ak-Sar-Den board of governors,
who Is on his wedding trip enroute to
Hawaii, has written to Ak-Sar-I3en head-
Quartors that the Ak-Sar-Den parades
confront him in moving pictures every
place he has stopped. Several western
cities, he says, have shown them.
Diets Bays on Harney street Oould
Diets has purchased the lot east of the
old Jewish synagogue near Twenty
fourth and Harney streets. The property
was brought from II. H. Kennedy through
the Oneanta Investment company,
Dlets'H holding company, for SG.500. It
fronts 00 feet on Harney street nnd la 152
feet deep.
Aldrlch Unable to Speak Governor
Chester H. Aldrlch, who was expected to
address the commercial law class and
their friends at theYoung Men's Chris
tian association on Tuesday, November
St, on tho subject, 'The Executive De
partment of Our Government," Is unable
to be present on account of the pressure
of duties at the office. His place will be
filled by a man to be chosen, announce
ment of which will be made later.
Pined for Obscenity Frank Ilenlsh
was fined $10 and costs by Acting Police
Magistrate Hrltt for using loud and vile
language on a Sherman avenue car. Ilen
lsh boarded the car Thursday morning
near Hpruce street and cursed the con
ductor and all the occupants of the car
without any provocation. The conductor
remonstarted with Benlsh, but It only
tended to Increase his flow of abusive
words. He pleaded guilty to the charge
In police court.
NRW YOHK. KoV. 23. -The greatest auc
tion sale of books the world has ever
known came to an end here tonight with
the last of the offerings from the library
of tho late Hobort Hoe. The sal, begun
more than a year and a half ago and di
vided Into four sections, fell but little
short of the tiO,000 which It was esti
mated the famous library would briny.
The total when the last book was disposed
f tonight waa ll.moaa.eQ,
This is a high grade Player Piano, fully the
equal of any $500 value on the market. Plays the 88-
note rolls of any make, and includes all the modern attach
ments for producing perfect musical expression; melody
buttons, controlling base and treble separately; also the loud
or sustaining- pedal of the piano at will, Guaranteed by the
factory as well as by us. While this sale is on we would call
your attention to other extraordinary values:
One $1,050
Player Piano,
Including Twenty-five Rolls of Music Free.
We welcome a call from you, whether you purchase or
not, and will take' pleasure in showing you our entire line of
Player Pianos, including the famous Angelus line, Milton & Colby.
Connell and Kolovtchiner Disagree
Over Case of Diphtheria.
Connell Accuses President Holovt
chlnetr of llnvlnir Permitted tlu)
Itemovnl of (luarantlne
Without Orders.
Health Commlsaloncr Connell alleges
that tho superintendent of schools, thf
president of the Hoard of Education and
tho principal of Franklin school have per
mitted children who wore exposed to
diphtheria and Isolated to return to the
school without permits .from tho health
Superintendent Graff, Dr. Connell and
Principal Anno 13. Hutchlns hold a con
ference all forenoon. Dr, Connell said
the general health of the city was threat
ened hy such negligence and declared
prosecution would follow any similar ac
tion again.
Dr. Connell and Dr. K. Holoytchlner,
president of the Hoard of Education, have
disagreed nnd quarreled repeatedly over
tho contagious disease situation In the
schools, the health commissioner charging
that the school officials have broken his
Wild Bill" Brennan Jumps
From Prep to Varsity Team
rrom tile Crallflltinr High, sellout Uaim to
the Crelshton iml-rsltr tcam In one sra
oou Is the noalevemeat of "Wild Dill"
Urentstii the K-yrar-uM yotith wfco Is
altttnatiux at left end with Hailer oct the
Crvlghtun vuzatty foot bail team.
Urrtnnau plaml halfback on tho Clrcgh-
ton High school teim lost year and his
great work gave evidence of good varsity
material. A dislocated hip prevented him
from playing out the season. When he
Joined the Cxelghton vareity team this
year Coaoh Miller saw the possibilities of
a great end In the lad. He was accord
ingly tried at that position and made good
at the outset. Hrennan has had to fight
it out with the veteran Haller all year.
but Injuries to the latter have enabled (
him to show his worth and ne nas pinyed
In overy game this year;
Ilrennnn lias. In splto of his youth and
the fact that he only weighs 153 pounds,
wirned for himself the reputation of being
the roughest player on the squad. In the
guinea he hus shown great ability In cap
turing forward posses. If he gets the tips
of his fingers on the boll he never falls
to hold it, and once in his possession the
ball Is destined to take a long Journey.
Brennan has pcored three touchdowns In
the last two gomes, all being the result of
catching forward passes and racing by
the opposing tacklers,
Brcnnan's classmates in fourth high B
think so much of his prowess on the grid
iron that the whole class assembled re
cently and presented him with a Crf Igh- J
ton watch fob and pin.
Bronnan's home U In Yankton, 8. D.,
and he took great delight In spoiling th J
plays of the Yankton team when tney
played here this year.
One $700
Player Piano
One $500
Player Organ
orders, or that parents of children under
quarantine have been permitted ,to take
down the quarantine without protest from
Dr. Ilolovtchlner.
Holovtchlner declared he knew nothing
of tho Franklin school caso and did not
participate In tho conference. The prin
cipal of tho school submitted a list of
tho pupils who had returned to school
without permits and over these names
the disagreement occurred.
South Omaha Has
. Strong Competitor
South Omaha will have a strong com
petitor In a few years as a live stock mar
ket In some of tho Pacific coast cltleu,
according to Kd Conwoll of Opal, WTyo.,
who was In Omahu with two carloads of
cattle from tho Green lUver country of
'The buyers from Portland, Seattle and
the coast towns of California," Bald Mr.
Conwell, "are thick in our part of tne
country all through tho shipping season
buying cattle and shipping them to tho
coast. We like the South Omaha market,
but the fact that these fellows buy the
dittle right on th"o' hoof off tho range
npd without causing us the trouble of
loading and shipping them ourselves Is a.
point that Is causing thousands of these
cattle to go to the west coast now In
stead of coming here,"
mi ib .... i
One $250
Outside Player
After I had tried Pills, Massage, Wooden Cups, and Various
Advertised Preparations without the slightest results.
A Simple, Easy Method which any lady can use at
home and quickly obtain a large and beautiful bust
Well do I know the horrors nnd intense
humiliation of being flat-chested; of hav
ing tho face of a woman Bet on the form
of n man; and I cannot find words to tell,
you how good I felt, and what a terrible
load was lifted off my mind when I first
saw my bust had really grown sir inches
In Blze. I felt ltko a new being, for with
no bust I realized I was really neither a
man nor woman, but Just a sort of crea
tuie half way between.
With what pity must every man look
at every woman who presents to him a
Keep this plotnre and your own
flat chest a chest like his ownl Can such
a woman Inspire In a man tnose feelings
and emotions which can only bo Inspired
, by a real nnd true woman, a woman with
, a beautiful well-rounded bust? Most cer
, talnlv not.
I The very men who shunned me, and
1 even tho very women who paBsed me
carelessly by when I was so horribly
flut-chested nnd had no bust, became my
must ardent admirers shortly after I ob
tained such u wonderful enlargement of
jny bust. I therefore determined that all
women who were flat-chested should
profit by my accidental discovery, and
entitling the sender to full information regarding this marvellous discovery
for enlarging and beautifying the bust. Cut out this coupon or write ana
mention No. 1794 and send today, with your nan. and address, enclosing two
2-cent stamps for reply, to Margarette Merlain (Dept. 1794), Pembroke House
Oxford Street, London, W Knglancr.
Street and Number
Hots. All ladles who wish to obtain a larg and beautiful bust should writ.
Uadame axerlala at once, as the above la an honest straightforward offsr on h.
part, made for the good of her sisters, and she In no way profits by the Iran,
action but jeneronsly offers her help absolutely free to all who use the rr,
pon above. adlss who ftar that their busts may become too Urge are canti.
to stop the treatment as soon as thty hare obtained all the development tttmirZf
Advertisement. 1 ossireo,
You may mi.S something
if you don't read
the want ads TODAY.
One $240
Outside Player
have a bust like my own. I had been Im
posed upon by churtalons and frauds,
who sold me all sorts of pills and appli
ance!) for enlarging my bust, but which
did mo no ood whatever. I therefore
determined my unfortunate slaters should
no longer bo robbed by those "fakirs"
and frauds, and I wish to warn all wo
men against them.
The discovery of the simple process
with which I enlarged my bust six inches
In thirty days was duo solely to a lucky
accident, which I bellevo was brought
Boat nnaerffolng1 the nmi transformation
about by Divine Providence; and as Prov
idence was so good to give me tho means
to obtain a beautiful bust, I feel I should
glvo my secret to all my Bisters who need
It. Merely enclose two 2-cent etamps for
reply, and I will Bend you particulars by
return mall.
I will positively guarantee that every
lady can obtuln a wonderful enlargement
In her bust In thirty days' time, and that
Bhe can easily use this process In tin
privacy of her own house without the
knowledge of anyone. Address. Margur.
ctte Merlain (Dept. 17W). Pembroke House.
Oxford Btreet, London, W England.