Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Thanksgiving Services with Special
Music in Omaha Churches.
Prrh)-tfrintis) Chnrch llmtrn-
alnn Medina: Monday Artrrnnon
nnil UvrnltiR Mlsftlonnry
HcvIvbI Services.
V mass meeting of the Presbyterian
vhnr-hes of Omahn will le held noxt
M mday, November 25, In North Preaby
trrlan church. Twenty-fourth and Wirt
Ureets. At S o'clock In tho afternoon
Uirre will be a church extension conf-r-met,
the program being- as follow:
part i.
Rev Xdthnnlel Mcaiffln. presiding.
: (0 Hrvntlohal...ltev. Molvln V. Hlgbcc
SIS-The Church Extension Ideii
..Rev. Thomas If. McConneil
2 30 The Foreign Problems nt Home
itcv. Wllllnm H. Kearns
3:00--Church and knbor
Itcv. Panlfl K. Jonklns
t;V The Young People' Problem. ..
. Mrs. CJrajit R. Fisher
Hon. Warren Bwltzer, presiding.
4:00-A "Local Survuy"
. . Hev. Julius P. Schwarx
4 30-"Our Uoys".., Mrs. C. C. Meek
I Oo- Practical Suggestions
Hev. Edgnr P. Hill
At C$o In the evening thero will bo ft
banquet for Presbytcrlnn men. Dr. S.
K Spalding will be the toastmaatcr
llov ltdwln Hnrt Jcnka will pronounce,
tho IpVocqtlon. Remarks as follows will
bo made?
"PrttposUloo." by James U. Wootan.
' inrrtitiiltv." by A. C. Kennedy.
I 'd't ' by John 8. King.
Method," by A. A. I.amoreaux.
"Roults,f" by Itv. Kdgnr P. Hill.
At o'clock In (be opening a mass
meeting cif all Presbyterian men and
woman will be held. Hev. Kdgar P. Hill,
a man of experience ,ln church extension
tork, will spent.
Solo Iord Ood of Abraham (from
The Hlljab) Mendelssohn
Mr. Louis luring.
Organ Hoten-Angeius Massenet
Iritei-mexxo Dethler
Barcarolle Wostenhuime
Mr. Martin Uiwh. J
Alithom Ifvenlng ami Morning, Oakeley
PeloFrom the Depths... C'ampana
ime juiih (iijuiii
Choril (Adelaide
Milton Bryan
AddrWw Tho
By the liilnlhlnr. Rev
Anthem The txmt Chord
Sir Arthur Hulllvnn
(Arranged for choir, chimes and organ
by Mr. Kelly).
Closing Hymn favtor, Again to TTiy
Dear Nanle Hopkins
Henedlctlon. '
Postlude March for a church festi
val W. T. Hest
Organist Martin W. Hush.
Director of tho music, Thomas J. Kelly.
On Sunday morning tho communion
will bo administered nt tho Third Pres.
bytaHan church. Twentieth and leaven
worth Mrrcla. IteV. O. C. Meek of the
Castellar Stroet Presbyterian church will
officiate. At the, evening servlco llov.
A. H, Marshall will preach.
Thanksgiving services will b0 held 8uh
day or somo time during tho week by
nearly all Omaha churches. Hcvernl have
announced special Thanksgiving service
for tomorrow, whllo others wll irlV
thanks with special services on tho 'offi
cial day or before. Many of tho churches
wl)l bo beautifully decorated with prod
ticts of tho flold, choir arc preparing
Thanksgiving anthems.
Next Sunday evening nt 8 o'ctock nt
tho Dloti Memorial Methodist Knlsemmi.
Tenth and Pierce streets, the services
will be devoted to the Interests of
graduate nurses and nurses In training.
Special music will bo offorcd. Reals re
served fo nurses. All nurses aro In
vltod. Sermon by the pastor, Hev. C. N.
At St. Mary'a Avenue
church tho following musical program !
will bo rendered at the 10:30 servlco; or- '
Ban, pastorale In O (Whitney). Qunrtct,
"lTnlo Thee, O, (Jod, Do Wo Olvtf TnankiV
(Watson). Offertory (Oodfrey), Von-"
trallo solo. "A Bong of Thanksgiving"
(Allltsen), Mrs. Verne Miller. Quartet,
"Te Shall Dwell In tho Land (HtalneW
Organ. "Festal March (Calkin).
Hev. John P. Mueller of Kamrar, la,
has been chosen to succeed Hev. Julius
K. Sehwnr as pastor of the Mrst Oer
mnri Presbyterian church. Ho expects to
enter upon his new work the first Bun
day In January. Uev. Mr. Mueller is
ono of the strongest preachers In the
German branch of ho Presbyterian
shurch and will leave a church of at
least, COO adherents.
Special Thanksgiving services will be
conducted Sunday evening In First Mctho
slst Episcopal church with o. musical pro
gram, mo service will start itt 7:30
o clock, and It has been planned to pre
sent tho following numbers: ,
Organ Preludo-Idyllo Kinder
. ii 1 ijora open unou our lipsi.,,
Invocation by tho minister. "
Opening Hymn-Ancient of Days, Jeffery
, Lord a prayer (chanted).
Anthem Rejoice in tha Lord O Y
IllKhtCOUa Kir Prndnrlrk ltririm.
(Note This anthem was composed for
mo coronation or King ucorge ana queen
Mary, the Present klnsr ami nun nf Knit.
land, and was sung on that occasslon at
Westminster Abbey. London; strangly
enough It W StWclallv suitable In senll.
merit .as. a. Thanksgiving , unUem. tha
themo of Martin Luther's hymn, "Kin
Vnt Tltircr ' la lln.l
Itesponslve scripture lesson.
OlorU Patrl,
Second scrlpturo lesson.
The offertory and ascription.
Hymn The Day Thou Oavest Ird Is
Ended Hcholefleld
Anthem Hide M6 Under the Shadow
of Thy Wings John K. West
Tho Christian and Missionary alliance
whi begin a aeries of evangelistic meet
ings In the Little Daptlst church, Twenty-fourth
and Ulnney streets, tomorrow
evening. Evangelist II. P, Klnssen will
bo In charge. The song service will bo
gin at :W and the preaching at 8.
First. Twenty-ninth and Harney. Itev.
W. Jasper Howell, Pastor Sermon by the
nnator at 10.1i). ''Love Not the World."
Humlay school at noon. Baptist Young
i-eopios union ni o;ao. sermon hi
"Th" Voting Man Pour Sfiuarc." 8pccial
miislo by the -juartct.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and PlnKney,
llov. J. K. Hboi-fiite. Pastor-Bervlces at
10:30 and 7.30. lllblo school at noon, oung
tHoples meeting at 0:30. Hev. Fred Ilerry
win preach in uio morning paniui
will nrench In tho evening on "America,
the Melting Pot of tho Nations.' on
Tuesday evening tho pastor will leciuro on
"Through tho Holy Ind On Horseback
With Camera and Noto Hook."
First, Twenty-sixth and Ilnrnoy, A. D,
Harmon, Pastor Morning worahlp nt H.
Subject of sermon, "Christ's Transfigura
tion urul Ours." Kvcnlng worship at J:).
Subject of jermon. "Tho Oreatest Dis
covery." Ulblo schotil at :0. Christian
Kndcuvor at 0:90.
Northsldo. Twenty-Second and Lotlirop,
II. J. Klrschsleln, Inistor-Sermon
theme, "Tho Havlorhood of Jesus, at
10:41 a- m. Sermon theme, "The Pwr
of ISnvlronmunt," at 7:80 fi. m. MM
school at 9:30 n. . Christian Lndeavor nt
(i:15 p. m. Mld-wcck meeting on Wednes
day at S v, ni.
Christian Silt-nce.
First. 8t. Mary's and Twenty-fourth-Sunday
school lit l:4B and 11. Bervlccti at
11 and 8. subject of lesson-sermon, Houi
and JJody."
Saratoga, Twenty-fifth nnd Ames-Sun-duy
Hcliooi at 1, Servlco of ttiunka and
liralso at 8, conducted by ltov. W.
St. Mary's AVcnue. Dr. Jnmcs Atesander
Jenklna, Minister Thankhgivlng m'loo
lit 10:30. Subject, "L'nltcd States of tho
Spirit." Thcra will bo mi evening service.
German Free Bvongollcal, 2201 South
Twclfth-Ocrman preaching servlco at
10:30 and 8 addressed by th clerk. Ulule
school and catechetical Instruction at 3.
liverybody Invited.
First, Nineteenth and Davenport. Fred
erick 'K House, l'astor-Mornlng worjh p
at 10:46. Sermon on "Americas Part In
World Hedeniptlon." Bvonlng worship ut
!7:45. Stereoptlcon lecture on wcxito.
Christian Endeavor at
Hlllsldn. Thlttleth nnd Ohio, W. . 8.
Hampton, Pastor-Itguiur services uvery
Sunday at 10:30, undJ:S0. Hunday school
at noon. Christian Kndenvor at 0:30, Sun
rlhe prayer meeting Thanksgiving morn
ing from 7 to 8. liverybody welcome.
Plymouth, Twentieth and Spencer, Fred
erick W. Loavltt, MlnlstetwftiorninB -
;30. Hcrmun lopiu, ""
HHIIH -ff 1
COME Monday don't delay another day. Youve had it in mind
to follow the crowds to the Nebraska and save 1-3 to 1-2 on your new winter clothing.
Think of the tremendous money-siiving importance of this most wonderful sale and the folly of paying regular
prices. The Nebraska's new management is determined to close out all of the Nebraska's stocks, hence
those radical reductions. Come Monday get tho clothing values of a lifetime.
C flange of Ownership Sweeping Reductions
For Many Years, On Thigh. Also
on Scalp, Awlul Itching Skin.
Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Completely Cured,
Lebtasa. O. "My eczema started on
fay ihfeb with a muil pimple. 1 1 also cams
n Saj soUp, It began to Itch and I began
U) crates. For eigmeea
nf twenty years I could not
aU what I passed through
with that awful Itching.
X would scratch until the
blood would soak through
rr underwear, and I could
n't talk to tor frlondu on tho
stroet but I would bo dig
ging and punching that
spot, until I was very ranch ashamed. Tha
Itchtcg was so Intense I could not sleep after
once In bed and warm. I ortalnly suffered
torment with that eczema for many years.
" I chased after everything lever heard of;
all to uo avail. I saw the advertisement for
Cutlcur Soap and Ointment and sent for
cample. Imagliw my delight when 1
applied the tint dooe to that awful Itching
flra on my leg and scalp, la less than a
tnlnuto the Itching on both placet ceased.
I got some mora Cuticura Ooap and Oint
ment, Afttr the wscond day I aevcr had
another Itching spell, and Cuticura Soap
end Ointment completely cured me. I was
troubled with awful dandruX all over my
scalp, Tho Cuticura Soap has cured that
toouble." (Signed) Kink. Jan. 22. 1912,
Cuticura Soan and Cuticura Ointment art
ifMUuttfhouttb world. liberal sample U
aoB nailed free, with 32-p, Skin Book. A4-
4i$aneu card OuMcwa. Dept. T.twtws.
TQder-f aotd ma caould use Cutlcwsj
Hundav school ut noon, Christian Kn-
rteavor at 8:30. At the musical service
rtrosa lllUHtrntcd by atereoptlcon views on
our worn in aicxico.
,6t." Matthias,' Tohth anil WorthltiRton.
QeorKO Hlupard Houtliwoitn, "ccior-iioiy
communion sphunaay sonoui.
liiK4pmyer; ,.wlth .eormon, U. .
'MtAndrow'B. Forty-nrsi nnu
ii t. n..,rf'!i.l)rntIon ot holy
communion. 8; fiundny school nnd 1
class. DlCii morning prayer and jmmon,
11: evening- prayer and sermon,
... i. u uhllln Ihii Deacom
Twe ty.flrst near Vaiil. Uev. John Aln
hert Williams. Priest-Holy communion
nt 7;i inornliiB prayer and rt nday
SChoo at DIM noiy cucimimv vw
with sermon at 111 evening prayer with
sermon nt 0.
Bt. raul'H. Twenty-eighth and Parker.
llov. IS. T. Otto, pustor-nervices si w,
evenlnff sermon In Ungllsh ovej-y bun
day at 7:45: Hunday school at !!:..
Zion KnKl sh. MaKholla huh. "
fourth and Aves-HnV. O, W.
l'astor-Hervlces at 3:M P. m ""Wtj
"How to Get Iho Oospet to the People.
Sunday school at J:S0 p. m.
KounUo Memorial, ffarnnm and' Twen
i... r,":. n niiTf n. nttrK". Pastor
-Morning worship at 11; monthly "Pal
musical servlco uy m cuou u .
day school ut 10; Luther luaguo at 7.
Bt. Matthew's Kngllsh. Nineteenth and
Castellar, Hev, O. W. Hnyder. Pantpr-No
morn nit Bervice. u..
ueiistia services v i i. - -
the i Oospel'e 8ule' Sunday school at 10
a. m
Oraco (ISnglllh) TwenlV-slxth between
Poppleton and Woolworlh. CJaence N.
Minllr "A Widespread
Humor" ut 11; special sermon for young
people at 8; Bunday school at 10; contli
inntlon. clasn .lfrldtiy ut 4.
St. Mark'B. Ungllih. Twentieth and Uur
dette. 1.. Oroh. Pustor-:'ClpHlii Church
Year. Our Fttlthtul Departcr" ut Hi
song service and tun-mlnuto gospel ser
monette at 1:301 Hunday school at 9:v
Youmt People's Christian Kndeavor ut
8:45i catwlilslng. Krlday at I and 7:30;
Lutheran union Thanksgiving at Koiintte
Memorial at 11.
Trinity, Twenty-first and Blnney,
Thomas lllthcll, 1'nstor Hahbath school.
9:3u u. m.i inornliiB service at 10:45; Kp
worth league, 6:50 p. in.; evening servlco
nt 7:30.
irir TwcnMpih and llaventiort. llov.
Milton 0. W lllnms. Pastor-MornltiB ser;
vice at 11. subject. "A Pralseful Ufe."
isvenlnii servicn oi i.w, a urioi nuui
on tho "Lost Chord."
Peail Memorial. Twenty-fourth and
TMi-ltnnrn J. Krar.kl In Haas, l'asiur
Mornlnu bervlce at 10:SO; children's ier.
monetti' ut W:S0 and 10:40; Sunday school
ut Hi Junior I.ettKue at 3:30; Hp worth
League at 0:30; evening sermon, sudjoci;
'A Fool s i'arnoise." av
lllrst Mmnorlal. Thirty-fourth Street
and Larlniora Avenue. W. W Whitman.
Pastor Humluy actiool at w o ciock, wun
MasKH for all. Morning worship at 1L
Bermon. "Paul s Thahksglvlng Proclama
tion." Kuworth league at 6:30. Evening
worship at 7;50. Sermon, "flowing Clean-
inu. '
Walnut HIM. F6rtvflrst and Charles.
Entire Stock of Men's & Young Men's " "J
Season's Newest Styles; World's Best Clothes at... PRICE
All $10 and $12.50
Suits and Overcoats', sale
AH $15 and $16.50
Suits and Overcoats, sale
All $20 and $22.50
Suits and Overcoats, sale
All $25, $30 & $35
Suits and Overcoats, sale
High grade Suits and Overcoats on
sale at one-third to one-half price.
Furnishings on sale at a big cut
from the Nebraska's regular prices.
Thousands of Women's and Misses9 Garments
to be Sold at Tremendous Reductions Monday
HTHE new management is determined to sell at once every garment, every
coat, every suit, every article of women's wearing apparel in the Nebraska's entire stock.
New goods of our own selection are being bought room must bo made. The present stock must be sold and sold
without delay. Almost give-away prices prevail take your share of these most wonderful bargains Monday.
Any Tailored Suit
in tht House ah . .
All our Women's and Misses' fin
est tailored suits, formerly sold at
choice of tho entire stock, all in one
great group, at
treat Dress Sale
Monday at
Women's and Misses' beautiful
dresses, silks, corduroys, channelise
and serges', the Nebraska's regular
dresses, Monday, at
SI 5
Beautiful Goats; $25
and $30 Values at . .
Hundreds of different styles
handsome fall and winter coats. All
the newest ideas,
coats, Monday, at
JOHN A. SWANSON, President.
WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treasurer.
r.. Wllllnm ttnvnra Pmlnf-Thn Dili tor l'?Yn'
will " sp.Dk on 'Our Country's Ned. the . ,'g;lftaf
ItiK SorviCB hi ounuy Knuui shlu at 10
mentlnic una itufijer iininmu vveanetuuy
C:S, U. H. Chenowetli, prpslclen. Strnwn
tit s, l'lio unro or tn biok." a e rmon
to ana tor nurses. Tnis servico wm u
preceded by a. sontr servico at 7:30.
TttHiiksslvIng prnyer anil praise service
Thursday rnornlnif at 6:30. No prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening.
Castellar Btreoi. C. C. Meek, Minister
MomltiK service at 10:30. KvenlnK service
at 7.A&. Studies In Matthew. Sabbath
school at noon, Christian Kndeavor nt
0:. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7'.45.
Falrvlew, Pratt Street and Fortieth
Avenue, Charles H. Klemlng, Pastor
Ulblo school at 1:45 and afternoon wor
ship at 3. Subject, "Pentecost." Thurs
day evening at ff, the ninth lesson on
Third, Twentieth and I.eavenworth At
9:1), Kunduy school; 10:45, communion and
sermon by Uev. Mr Meek; b:Sc. Christian
Kndeavor prayer meeting; 7:30, evening
worship and Bermon by Hev. A. B. Mar
shall. D. U.
Parkvale. Thirty-first and Gold Uev,
A. E. Iehmann. Minister Bible school at
10. Christian Endeavor society at 6:45.
livening song servloe. with sermon by
the minister, at 7:30. Junior-Intermediate
chorus at 7:30,
North. Twentv-fourth and Wirt. M. V.
lllgbee, Pastor Sermons at 10:30 and 7:30;
themes, "The Goodness of Qod" and "The
Law of the Cross;" Sunday school at
society of Christian Knueavor at
meeting Wednesday ni r.w.
United, Twenty-Fourth and
Sneer. Pastor Morning wor-
:30 a. nt.. with the annua)
Thanksgiving offering of the ' Women's
McCabe. W. It. Underwood, Pastor
Sunday school nt 10 a. m., Charles Chase.
superintendent. Morning servlco at 1U
Kvening servico uv u viu uri.
vin. nmsirtent of the Union Knworth
league, will lead the young people s meet
ing at 6:30 p. m.. subject. "The Unseen
n,,v Rtrttst. Twentieth and Oak Preach
ing by tha pastor. Hev. T. CV Webster, at
lOiW and 8. Hlblo school, with adult nnd
other classes for all. at 3, Following this
thero will im a meeiiun "i mo nuuuj
School board for election and reorganlra
tloa All inombers are urged to be pres
ent. Young people's meeting at 7 o'clock.
vimi Kwedlsh. Nineteenth and Burt.
Gustav Krlckhon, lVitor Sunday school
led by Mr. K. K. Kandwnll ut 10: preach.
at 11. Epworth Lt-agwr erv!co at 6.30;
preaching, subject: "The Shut loor-' at
7 -3o. Bervioo In South Omaha on Tues
day evening at William Erlckson's home.
735 North Twenty-fourth street. Thanks
giving program Liven on Thursday even
ing In the uliurch by the young people-
PleU Memorial, Tenth and Plerve, C N
Dawson Minister- Sunday eehool at 9.50.
Dr J Ij. Fran, superintendent Sermon
at W: "Prar." Kpworth leaguo at
MlMtnuarv nrlolv nnd Mine's Danchters.
oauoain scnoni at noon, lounn i-ropie
meeting Bt t;30 p. m. Evening worship at
.jo; sermon. "Salvation. '
Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth nnd Grant.
Thomas B. Greenlee. Pastor At 10:30,
"Our Country's .Opportunity lor Christ;"
at 7:30, "Unite in Making Our Country
God's Country." Bible school at noon.
Christian Kndeavor ut 6-0. Midweek
service, Wednesday at 8.
First. Seventeenth and Dodge. Hev,
Edwin Hart Jenks. Pastor Public wor
ship at 10:90; sermon, "Our Country'"
Missions and Mission." Evening worship
I l.M o clock. Christian Knaeavor meet
Ing at 6:4. Sunday school at
Everyone Is Invited to attend.
Sunday school; 7, Westminster Young
People's society meeting! 8, servlco of
prnlsn with sermon on "The Books Wero
Ijowo Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas,
Hev, Nathaniel McGlffln, D. D., PaBtor
Mornlng service ut 10:30. subject, "The
Homo Question;" Sabbath school, 12m.;
Junior Christian Endeavor, 3:30 p. m.;
Senior Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; even
ing evnngclistlc service at 7:45, subject,
"What Is Your Recret Care?" Gospel
singing In th evening for all. The prayer
and teachers' meeting will be held
Wednesday evening ut s o'clock.
United rresbytcrlnn.
First. Twenty-first and Emmet. Alonro
C. Douglass, Pastor Sermon topics:
"Our Country's Opportunity for Christ,"
at 10:30: "The Transfiguration Com
mand 'Hear Ye Him.' " at 7;S0. Blblo
school at 12. Young People's Chilstlan
union service at 6:30.
First. Seventeenth and Cass, Manfred
Ulllefors. Ph. I).. Minister Services at
10:45: subloct of sermon, "The Gospel and
the Social Conscience;" third In tho series
on "The Gospel for Our Ago." Unity Fel
lowship Immediately after the services.
Omaha Theosophlcal society will meet
In the Wead building, Eighteenth and
Farnam streets. Sunday evening at s.
Burd F. Miller will address the society
on "The Control of Destiny."
Itecosrnlied Churcn of Jesus Christ,
Twenty-fourth and Ohio Preaching at U
a. m. ana s p. in.. vvtn special music uy
tho choir. Sunday school at 9--4S u. m.
Mrs, D. O. Craighead will address the
Omsha Philosophical society Sunday
afternoon at t o'clock In llnrlght hall.
Nineteenth and Ftrnsm streets, on
"What New Thought Means to Me."
People's Church, Charles W. Bavidgc,
Pastor Morning. "Jesus Finding the
Outcast." Kvening sermon, "The Early
Roman Martyrs," with moving pictures.
Sunday school at noon. Young People's
Society ot Christian Endeavor at 7,
Y. IV. C. A. Notes.
The Sunday afternoon vesper - servlco
will be the closing meeting of the "Home
Mission Week." Mrs. J. B. Butter will
tpeak In the auditorium at 4:30, and
noon. thero special music by Hosca
jonnson. Alter mis meeting, mere win
elgn secretary of the Omaha association.
On Thanksgiving day tho Association
building Is open and every girl away from
home Is Invited to spend her time here.
A homelike Thanksgiving dinner, limited
to atich girls, whether members ot the
association or not. will be served at 1
o'clock. Tickets must bo secured before
Wednesday night; price. 0 cents. At
4:80 a musical, under the direction of
Mrs. Edith U Wagoner, will bo given In
the auditorium. The program will be as
follows: (a) "Humoresque" (Grieg), vb)
"In tho Woods" (Straub), Mrs. Etflth 1
Wagoner, "The Birthday" (Cowen), Will
McCunc, tenor. "Romance" (Swpndsen),
Mlsn Jennie Undeland. violinist. "My
Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair (Haydn),
Miss Martha urym. soprano, "lm.
Church of tho Covenant. Pratt and I be the usual social hour, to which all
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming. ; young women are cordially Invited.
Pastor Morning worship at 10-45; subject, ; On Monday evening, November 2S. at S
"Pentecost." Bible school at noon. En. o'clock. Miss Frances Patterson ot Chi
deavor at 6:43 and evening worship at 7:30: eago will give a stereopttcpn travel lec.
subject ot sermon, "joy in tne letter to , ture. -China Old and New." Miss Pat
tho Phlllppians.
mon on this
nanella" (Patranlna-Ltiizt). Mrs. Wag
oner. Songs (selected), Mr. aicuuno. taj
"Norwegian Melody" (Olo Bull). (b)
"Gavotte" (Oossec). Miss Undeland. (a)
"WUl of tho Wisp" (Spross), (b) -'One
Spring Morning." with violin obllgato
(Nevln), Miss Qrymn and Miss Undeland.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
"Roney's Boys" will give a concert at
the Young Men's Christian association on
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The second annual cross-country run,
to be held Thanksgiving morning, under
tho auspices of the Young Men's Chris
tian association, bids fair to be the most
Interesting athlotlo event ot the year.
Teams are already entered from the
Omaha High school. Council Bluffs High
school, Young Men's Christian associa
tion and Monmouth Park Athletic club
and entries are also expected from the
Uncoln Young Men's Christian associa
tion, Wesleyan university, Bellevue col
lege and the University of Omaha. Ono
of the Interesting features In connection
with thin run will be a scientific) Investi
gation made with the Idea of determining
the exact effect of the endurance run
upon the body, in order that tho run will
pot Interfere with tho services at the va
rious churches the race will not be
started until 12 o'clock.
A "Twenty-Five-Hundred club" was
organised this week at the Young Men's
Christian association. The aim of this
organlxatlon Is to bring the membership
of the association up to .M0 by July 1,
1913. Membership In the club Is paid by
bringing oim new member each month.
Mouday evening at 8 o'clock there will
i. n nuMlni of the Camera club In room
SIS. U C Sholes will give a demonstra-
fA.. a tihnlntrranhv.
uiviu man srtt now slirnea for the male
chorus and orchestra. The first rehearsal
Is called for uecemoer a, w Mim-i
that by that time the candidates will
number at least 100.
of tho oldest towns In tho southern part
ot Iowa, and which until now has been
without a railroad.
From Blanchard, la., to Tarklo, Mo.,
the Atlantic & Southwestern Is graded
Construction work for tho season has
ceased, but It Is expected that next spring
the line from Blanchard, south, will be
Ironed and operated. Another branch of
tho road Is being built from Clarlnda to
Council Bluffs, the ultimate Idea to bo
to get Into Omahn.
Tho lecture of Frank B. Thomas, the
Burlington's lecturer on railroad Bafcty,
drew a crowd of more than 300 persons
to tho Young Men's Christian associa
tion auditorium Friday night. Many of
those present were railroad men, a g-od
many of whom were accompanied by
their families.
The lecture of Mr. Thomas proved en
tertaining and Instructive to both the
railroad people and others. He showed
100 or more views In connection with his
talk, most of them along the line .of how
accidents among railroad men muy oe
prevented. These pictures gave an idirv
of tho safe And tha unsafe way o rail
roading. As a side feature, Mr. Thomas
showed two dozen beautltully colored
stereoptlcons of scenes In Glacier park, a
new nature playground on the Great
Prisoner Drops Dead
in the County Jail
While overseelnc tho cleaning of the
"bull pen" at the county Jail Mlka
Wals.h, floor bogs, dropped dead. Although
the deputy hherlffs at the Jail are Inclined
to take it for granted that death was dm
to heart failure, Dr. T. D. Boler, who
was the Jail a few minutes after
Walsh died, is undecided what caused tho
man's death.
Walsh hed been In the Jail since Novem
ber 4. He was working out a J63.50 fine
Imposed by Police Maglstrato Foster on
a vagrancy charge. Walsh had been In
the best of health.
Walsh was stooping over talking to n
prisoner who was reclining on a bench
when he straightened up and fell back
dead. He has a brother or a brother-in-law
In Wichita, Kas. He was employed
In construction work In railroad camps.
Women in middle age often complain of hot flashes. They are at that stae
of life when their delicate organism needs a tonio and helping-hand which only
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can give them. Many women suffer needlessly
from girlhood to womanhood and from motherhood to old age with backache,
dizziness or headache, A woman often becomes sleepless, nervous, " broken
down," irritable and feels tired from morning to night. When paint and ache
rack the womanly system at frequent intervals, ui your ntlihbor about
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "
Mrs. J. lUHOr. of 321 S. Bentalon Street. Baltimore. Md.. say;: "I
to you about nine months aao, UlUmr you of my condition. I nave a
by Klrl she welshed nln pounds wnen ram. one la my uura enm
This Is the fourth ser- ' traoti anraka frum rutrionul vrrlem.'d
theme. Bring Bibles. of life In China. She spent five yean
Wednesday at 8. the ninth lesson In Luke.
Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason.
Rev Thomas McConnell, Pastor At 10 30
service ot worship with sermon un "Our
Country Opportunity to Manifest the
Christian Spirit, noou. Sabbath school and
Blblo classes, 3 30. Westminster chapel.
in that country, coins: through the siege
of Tientsin and Boxer uprising ot 1WV
The views are colored and add delight'
fully to the lecture. The admission to
ladles and gentlemen is S cents. The
lecture la for the support of Miss Ruth
Pitxson of North China, who Is tho for-
nJ tha atronsst of them all. Mr Buffering- was only for two hours. I
nisi ichtu,, i ... , i ..... L'.. ,.r,rl m lrwrlntmn ' and ona or nr. 1'if.rM
Is called for December 3, It Is expected g5Weod. I never hid a well day before I took your medldnea. I was
auivrited how well I felt-caild out-was alwaya nungTy. ana never hac
aick stomach, Tho nurse who waa with roe aakl the medicine waa wonder
ful becauao 1 got alone so nicely after harinz had ao much trouble before.
Bhe Intends to recommend It to all her lutlerinr patients. Everybody la
The Atlantic & Southwestern has In
stalled regular freight and passenger ser
vice between Clarlnda and Blanchard, la.,
passing through College Bprinaa. one
astonished at me because I only weiirhed 102 pounds before and now I
weish US. 1 have had several ladles come to me and ask about Dr. Pierce s
medicine. I am wllllrur to recommeua it 10 who iwcr aw wiai acjp.
If any want information I will be slad to giro it."
WorM'f Dispensary Medical Associativa, Proprietors,
His. Utsor ft Csbls,