3 Years to Pay for the Sweet-Toned Meister Piano $175 30 Days' Free Trial We Pay the Freight Yon am not akcd tnd poalt or pay or advance n rtMit In any way tint I sou nrUou nd a that tlio.MI.ISlKll.f.rntlrrly atif.utory ntil ouwrh to keep It Than that ara tha terms of aalai $ 1 a Week or $5 a Month lo cnli tmynuuit lmin. No InU'nwt on imyiut'iitM. i cxtrn of nny Mini. IMiilio atool and m'nrf trvv. Sold dlract from tha maker to you nl n K'mran U'tM MV HIB of 1U0. N Uea.fr pivfitfm T u 1 nv Semi now for our beautiful Fraa Catalog whu h ab'ma mht tlea of Mmtc-r lianna, Our murr cmiJ M.0lM-:0 We sell more ptanoa diruct to tii home than any utlier concern in the worlJ. Rothschild & Company Dept.95-S Chicago, lllinoit pUUCC Gifts for Xmas Stockings Every Woman Who Uses (nnil most of vui do fur it is as stable as tin Hard, Plump and Sweet Winter Wheat fiom which it is in.uk) will want one ol these New Aluminum Half-Pint Measuring k Cupi which are priced at 25c, prepaid Kcry Hn or C 5irl will want the Attractive Hand-made 25 cent Colored Jig-saw Puzzle of Wheatenaville The Wlioatena Company liinarranee-ti with ttie famous Brother Cuahman t 15Corneri, Mont clair, N. J., who sells tliee nnil ollr wud things, to furnish thnn to users uf heateua. In every parkaue of lieatcna will be f"und a blip whirh explains fu iv I. they may he - ' t.tint-ti liny a package to-day at any ,.hk1 & .er If vou an i. meus The Wheitena Company. WfafatrntTiIle. Railway, N. J. DO AWAY WITH BANDS OF STEEL AND RUBBER 4W mpp rhtpUPAOPADSnrfillflcrcntfrom Ltrt : TVtho trui, being nmllclne appllca- toriln'ltri..lhrliriiirH)itIr I K- , tx , ltolioLlllieiarUccurelilnlace. ? .lfipU" ' ( ... 1 lxbtraii.lmcklcaurmrlncs can r I not itip, so cannot chafe or com nni aialmt t tie jiubic bone. LJThiniianililiBiepucceiifully treated Itheime Ives ' home without hindrance from work and conquered Hie molt obstinate cases. IksJ?0' J Oold MfdaL l'roce.i of recovery Is natural, rlV J uu ' 1 nnnCnrthii-liaefirtruiS. Ve InlAL OF PLAPAOl.ro.e vhatc mjt Lj (cndlnu you Trial ol Tlanao absolutely I lilt. Write name on eounon anil semi TO.Iltl. Address PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 413 SI. Louis, Mo. ""Pirrn Address. Ilcturn Mail ctll bring Free Trial l'lapao. Reduce Your Flesh LET ME SEND VOU "AUTO MASSEUR" OS A innivrnrcTnim both tu uui rncc imui. sexes bo jnfnlentam I II at amply wear i 2 11 win turrtmnently remote all superfwou neaii that I tnaiUt Iff dnihmit ifixiMi When you we jour slidi" new Pi1,lv return m I Lnm !t U.v 11 I r ft lit 111) ipiiifo. rn iiwni). pROF.BURNs;,;:,r.,u;tt I TRUST YOU TEN DAYS SEND NO MONEY S2 Hair Switch Rn an Anoroval. fiu.ir of Nat u ml wrr uratrsitrhthair Senii t lix k vt your halr.anj I will met! 2-' Inch Iiort itin nne numin ittr pwih h you find it a l-itf hwruNtn rrmit Si In ten r 1 ahflrt nine more r-nooee oc imwivk I fre teiitr lMk holrv latrat style of nalr drinf, Uo hiifh jrraile witctir Kmiiilo(ira, witr. iurt, etc Womon watitnt tu acll my hair cooia ANNA AYERS Dpt. A-917 22 Qulncy St. .Chicago Freckle Book Free .R'dT.'.'uK.Vty l-inr Vm Simple, marveloua method. Send vour name and get thil new book, alto .ither i3uty mlormation. All p-rald Irrt Write today lllirMl IJ'I i.riilorl(n, U.pt. 14U3. Atirnru. III. I ' I ttj, Uk I hf utij;ti t lit lilies, lio hniiilod mt into u sled. "I'll roliirii tlu clothes m an hour,'' 1 s:ud cnrclcsslv, licforo 1 shouted to the driver: "IJiiiek. to the .esky!" In another nuuneiit, I was out of diinijer. To my prcM'iii'o of mind on this occasion I owo my life; for, had 1 been appre hended, I should cry proliuhly lime been sentenced to the gallows or to' hard labor in Siberia. 1 remained in St. Petersburg only a feu days longer. The pardon proclaimed by the Czar hail become a farce. Several of my friends were nriested. It seemed as if all our sacrifice' had been in am. I lied to Finland, mid in Ilelsingfors 1 met Maxim (lorky, the novelist, ami told linn that I intended to go to America. " See how- conditions are over there, and I 'II follow you. Let me know at once," said (lorky, when 1 bade him farewell. On my arrival in New ork, 1 found public- opinion favorable to the Russian revolution. I at once sent a cable, and soon thereafter a letter, to (Jorkv, who had moved to Merlin, (icruinuv. (Jorkv came to America a month Inter, and I witnessed the climax to his glory and his humiliation in New York a result that, as it proved later, was brought about by the tnckery of the Czar's spies. (lorky returned to Kurope; but I re mained in this country. Here was the freedom I had longed for. 1 decided to study the language and the life, and to lieconie a writer in this new land. Al though when I landed I did not know a word of English, I was able in one year's tune to contribute to the periodicals; and two years later, my first book in Knghsh. a volume of short stories entitled " Kchoes of Myself," was published. Looking Forward to the Next Number MKKHV CIIIMSTMAS will le ol. served in both the letter and spirit in the next issue of the Si:vn MoxTlli.v Maciazine Skction. Abound ing in good cheer and Christmas live Kn lertainmeiit, the number will be as chuck full of bright things as a Christmas tree. First and foremost among the surprises will be a storv, not bv .lack London hun self, but by Mrs. .lack London 11 LliSKLF a story complete in one instalment that simply bubbles over with fun and frolic. TIIK' W'llLKL is the. title and it's a bict'zy Smith Sea yarn of just about the oddest ptank ever played by a mariner. ancient or modern, cm Ins derelict crew. Incidentally, it might be added that this is Mrs. London's first story to appear in anv magazine! L'llis Parker Hutler, whose PUIS IS PHIS was famous in making the country grin from sea to sea, contributes PAPA POCIIAKIVS TRKH to the Christmas M.uiazink Skction. The scene of tins new- Kllis Parker Hutler story is laid in Paris; but the humor of the tale is clis linctly and irresistibly American. It's a Vuletide host in itself, this story and it is delight fullv illustrated by Adrien Machefert. Then comes Charles Dana (iibscm, the famous master of black and white, with a full page STl'DY IN CHARCOAL. This original (iibson drawing was mail'' csiH'cially for the Skmi-Monthi.y Mahv .ink Skc tion. Among other distinct Christinas fea tares of the coming number is the highly diverting account by Thomas (Irani Springer of TIIK COWHOY WHO WKNT SHOPPIXO. Needless to say, the cowboy got sadly mixed up in the Christmas rush in bargain counter land, and ran a very bewildering gauntlet of confusion. The merriness of it all is cleverly emphasized in the illustrations by R. (1. Yosburgh. Last to be mentioned, but first in fact, is the Christmas cover design by Cirimball. Watch lor it. It 'II mako you think of the time when you might havo been one of the half-frightened, wholly curious, little nightgowned figures who are somewhat anxiously wavlaving Santa Clans bv the big fireplace." " WHO'S Al'RAIDf " the title of our Christmas cover design is a sort of merry introduction to a merry Christmas number The Hose of Silkiest Softness Are Guaranteed Six Months Every Stitch is Protected " llolept out " for men. women, cliililren and infants is made (mm the sol test cot ton varus lor which we pay an average price of seventy cents a pound. We could huy common arn for thirty cents, hut we could not protect every stitch, guarantee every thread, as we do in "Hole proof." Our Million Friends More than a million men, women and children are wearing "Hole proof" now. Some of these wear ers are friends of yours pioliahly. Let them tell you what "Hole proof" has hrought to them try these hose on their sav-so. Note the results. J aVL. ... s We originated guaranteed hose alter 20 te.us ol hnsc making e penenie. "lloleproid" have been lor 'A ve.ns a phenom -ii.il -ikii' Cotton or Silk Both Guaranteed Men and women can get Holt proof Hose in silk. Tlnee pahs ol men's cost $2.00. Tluee paitso! women's cost $H.00 both gtiaian teed three months. So one in.iv wear the Iwst of silk hose with econoim the silkiest silk hose made. rsa rx n rr?n nca floleproorflosieru r AND CHILDREN w FOR MEN WOMEN Tbia lig nature alwayl on the loe Holeproof I lose aic sold t vet W In ic 111 almost every town. We'll till you the dealers' names on rccpiol, ir ship illicit whcie theie's no dealer near, charges pre paid, on u-iTipt of icimttaiuv. "Holeproof" in cotton cost 25c to 5(lc a p.ur in boxes ol mx pans, cvciv p.ur gmiiautccd bn six monihs. The lightest weight., the slmi est "Holcpioof" ate gTinrnliti-rd j n-1 the same as the heavier giadcs. liven the silk hose a ic giinraiitt-ed three months. Wntc for fice book, "How to Mnke Youi I'ttt H.ipi y." lire 11 s l'ul. Illllre. 1904 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wi.conain Holeproof lloiiery Company of Canada, Lid., London, Canada tavvAAVVAVVNAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAA. J Stylish French Lady & Cuddles A DOLL SENSATION FREE TO GIRLS 0 r nrB e given JS r M MW MLm EJrLPML.- AWAY 1- " Rf This Trench Dull mJZlS lU J ever tirouxht to tlm I cillol Ktalcci la tlio lianclflomrst dolly m 1 mini Klau Blio L1 clrrasoil cxciulillcly nml with the very lirat inatcruin. Blio lias ;en tilno r.)rUalics (4'lnch ItihK vhlch mako tier unndfrfuUy beautiful, ltcreyracliwowlii'iinhollcsilcmn Ilcr lew, arma, cIIkiwh nml head are loinini in a iinnjup manner, anil tney move in n wnmirrruiiy Utcllkcway Dolly ran bo lrtweil nml unilrcsHeil na nticn aa ynu nun, ane it a ma. lino i.rao uoiti ncuriy onc-iiair yaruiuii A Real Lcfc-Ltko Infant Doll Prtzo A No.2 NEW DOLLY DOLLYS Cud il Ira. tlm reul Infant tlotl. In tho ncMcii, nurrifit. loikit lltllo dear lit toy Iwiul. hot) how real Khu looks, Jiint Ukn ft real baity. Hhe ttcara a romiK-n Biilt, whtrh ran uv i uk i-u on ami put. on, jusi iihu jour unu uiiio BHicrfl. Arms, irp.s, nr., iiiu Julntt'U. Tho 11 n rut. lati-st, tnt (loll youofr daw. ttllllatt u llffilnip. ilio won't break or crack, Hquct'ro hit nml eho "Bqucau " like a real imuy. now iu kcl BCTII DOLLS.YCUR VERT OWN Bend timnn Ami nddrrwi find I nlll mnll VI nf tlm mrsf. lipnm If til prcmtiini plcturm you ew naw all bril liant and &li1inmctlns colors, wrought locriiicr in tlio inout eplcnuul ir miner. jjiainomn mnw prcinium pirnirtu on a ciT.iai :t-'('iiii)i.rruiiii)iiK iiiu K-opiu you jxnow Tiicy cannoi uti xuveo tilrtnna nt llin nrt. ulnnn ut nnv nrlco, Wlien you havo dtstiltumtl tho 44 iiri'iniuiii uiciunn on uiy n xiiu itci fXll trill lieivn i illpr f Ii1 IKMI. H Till t till . . i. - .... a J.iJ (II IIIU UIMI Will Mil CLOTllCS LINE, i i meClattly Hcml l on Free both ut tljrso bcaulliul uolW, Ulsu tho loUowlne Extra Prament lot iJully s C'lotlRH Mac; a iivw aild urliflnal toy, both ainuali.it and In- iRtructlvr, conslsta of 21) fret of best cotton rot 2 calvanliod nutltiVM and u doirn I clothes pins. This combination la Klven free ulth tho l! Dolla. , PI Al I TLI Qpo'u Gt9 Wvst 43d Street m U. HLLtin, Yi Dept. Htn. New York Vttur rNU smfill Hip inlverMt-pr'N urrnt