THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION 11 of the 'midship hnwc tho last tuglit l' i .n wv mnilo LiMTpuol, Anl ulion i t r nshoro an' paid off, 1 caught tho t rst liiato ill an alloy in sailor tinui. 1 hoy eartod what was left of him to sjiitnl. Ho "as never the same man cam. A broken wreck, madam! Ilitt fi days was over, and he was shipped to mig Harlior. ' ' ' Captain Hooker detected a shudder on Mrs. ChlTonl's part. "And proud of it, murium!" ho thun dered. "Proud of it! " "Hut what is the joke, Captain Dock er' " Patty asked. "It ain't a joke. It's facts. I first opened my eyes in this world in tho f, Y's'Ie of tho . Krmyntnulc, eighteen i rs ago. That's how old 1 am eight -i ii years. And 1 fought my way up. Mien 1 was one year old, I was bosun, itoforo 1 was two, I was second mate, in the time I was throe, I was mate, an' n proper bucko at that " Ho broke off abruptly. His seaman's i vo, mechanically roving the sea-rim, had lighted upon something. "Sail ho!" he cried. "Where's that lookout? Two points on the weather bow, there! T'll attend to his ease. Flat Nose, you! Take tho glasses up to the cross-trees and seo what vou can make of it." VI r A KTK18 dinner, the same day, tho sur " ivors of tho ilinpalia wero not per mitted to come on dock. They remained m tho cabin through long, stilling hours, while they listened to boats coming along side, to strange voices on deck, and to the aried noises that carried the tale of i nrgo being broken out and hoisted over ride. The opium was being transshipped. Willie, who had boon released from his paint-scrubbing and sent below, reported no less than four small schooners and sloops which ho had seen bearing down in tho Susan Drew. o meal was ervod that evening, and the prisonois panted anri went hungry m tho narrow cabin. Hy eleven o'clock the transfer of tho opium was completed, Mid they could hear Captain Docker roar ing out his oidois as ho put sail on his wsm 1. Then ho came .below, poured him vlf half a tumbler of Scotch, and drank if neat. "It's all right now," ho said. "You . :i ii go mi dock if you want. Tho cook is making coffee, and the cabin boy will -ot a cold snack of canned goods." "Whore are you tnkiugOim to now!" Mrs. Clifford demanded. Captain Docker divided a pondering gaze, between her and tho bottle of Scotch; then, silently repeated his half tumbler dose. Never was his voice moro like a coffee-grimier: "I don't know, madam. I'm runiiin' westward across the Pacific, and I'll drop you somewhere. Vou seo, there's too many of you to swear to any secret. You've got to slay with me, till all tho Mpium is distributed and safe. I'm not stuck on vour company. I run to blonds, :is I told' you before. Hut it's business. That cargo's got to bo made safe. Now, if you was a blond " He ceased speaking and stared at Mrs. Clifford steadily and long, to that lady's great discomfiture. His expression was trance-like, and he seemed dreaming far dreams. A curious light began to glow in his eyes; while a grin, unthinkably significant to thorn, curled across his mouth. Still in his seeming trance, ho reached forth his dirty hand and in playful fashion touched her on the shoul der. "I got you," he said. "Tag! You 're it. ' ' Ho returned to himself with startling suddenness, and recoiled from her. "Why, damn it all! You ain't a blond, Are you?" A step brought him to a chair, "into which he sank, burying his face in his hands and moaning: "Oh dear, oh dear ! ' ' "Faugh!" Mrs. Clifford enunciated in disgust, not unmixed with trepidation. "Tho bruto is drunk," Temple Harri son explained to Patty. VIII. T THE days thnt followed, while tho Hasan Vrtw ran before the Northeast Trades, Captnin Decker's wavs .1 d ii"' "nd. II is bauds and nails u.rc grinu-l with tar and paint, ground tn by his inveterate pull and haul on shoot and halyard. He dowmred prunes m the siuno magnificent manner, interrupted conversations, bullied Flat-Nose, rope's ended ilbo, and drunk his half turn biers of Scotch. With each drink, the vastuoss anri voluniinousness of Ins husk iness increased. His trance like ga?os at Mrs. (litl'ord continued. His protota lions of dislike for brunettes did not diminish. And often he would bury lus face in his hands and moan: "Oh dear, oh dear! " Worst of all was his poisooution of Mrs. Clifford. Ho seemed drawn to her continually, and continually ho recoiled from her. Patty was tearfully appro hensive. Temple Harrison consoled her. And Sodley Hrown grow more than mild ly jealous. They wore in Is' North and HiG West, and Captain Decker was talking of lunning them to tho south and west and lauding them at some outlying trading station of Now Hritain or New Ireland, when occurred a strange and incomprehensible happening that gao them all pause for thought. It was at dinner. Tho conversation had been upon occult matters, and n gen eral disbelief had been expressed con cerning such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance. "Tho content of consciousness is ex perience," Temple Harrison was saying. "There is no discussion about tho exis tence of the subconscious mind. Hut it has never been demonstrated that the subconscious mind has known anything outside experience outside the content of consciousness, I moan, which is expo rience. Therefore, it is impossible " He ceased, for he had lost the at ton tion of his listeners. Captnin Decker had begun to eat prunes, and they wore watching him with tho olri, never-failing fnseinnt ion. Ho had received an iinusii ally large serving, and was hernicalh emptying tho saucer. His cheeks bulged more anri more with the pouched pits, while his jaws chewed, and the spoon moved back and forth. Also, ho was thinking; and, further, ho desired to speak. His eyes were rolling, and Ins ears seemed trying to wiggle, so strong was his dosiitf. At hist ciiinu the sn promo moment, lie bowed his head owr the saucer and spat out a mighty uiuutli fill of pruno-pits, then gin tori sa agon al Temple Harrison. ' ' Tnlky-talky, talk talk ! - t hat all you know about it," woio the skipper's opening words. "You don't know. Hut I do know. I can ilcliwr the goods. I know things outside my expei icin-e things I don't know; bill I know 'cm." "A miracle is no miracle at second hand," Temple Harrison letoitcl pat rouizingly, ' ' Tho drunkard 's snakes un real only to tho drunkard. Il' know they are not snakes. The dreamer's dream is real to the dreamer, while he dreams. ' ' "Talky-talky, tnlky-talky! Too much talky along you." Captnin Decker went on explosively. "I know real things that 1 don't know, 1 tell you." "An instance, please," said Seriloy Hrown. "All right. Tho skipper turned his eyes on Mrs. Gilford. "Madam, 1 know tilings about you that 1 have no right to know that I don 't know. Hut 1 know 'em. Do you dast me to tell 'em?" Mrs. Gifforri's head was poised very haughtily, as she replied: "I am very suro you know nothing about me that I am ashamed to have tolri." "Very well, mariam." Captain Deck or's gaze humeri upon her until it seemed he must be looking right through her. "ruder your left shoulder-blade, midway between it and the hip, is a mole ha ! ' ' His exclamation was of triumph, caused by Patty's instant cry of alarm, ami by the tell-tale blood mounting in Mrs. Gilford's cheeks. "Now, that mole's outside my experi once," he continued. "I never saw it. 1 leave it to you. Yet, 1 know it." "Nevertheless, the existence of the mole is not proved," Sodley Hrown ob served drily. "Murium, have you that mole?" the skiper rienianded. Mrs. Gifforri disdained reply. " Yerv well. then. T'll tell you some moro Yon have a com on the inside of fmomdarvVatm. f&j f Ellen j I. . Something J aw New for Every Meal - . At Breakfast The one thinu to arouse the lazv mornine appetite is fruit. Tempt it with a dish of cereal in which are buried a few Dromedary Golden Dates. At Luncheon What can he more pleasing than some muffins or fritters made with Dromedary Dates? They're delicious! At Dinner It's easy and quick to stir up a date soulUd or a pudding and make everyone say, "How delightful!" Tlierp is almost no end to the nu! dishes ami desserts mm he pre imred (mm Dmim-dary Dates. They cumo to s on as clean, plump anil riililj ll.norcd an when picked from the palms ol Arabia. Daintily arranged in laets. wrapped In waved paper and packed in individual duM pioof rations nrrr told otherwise. They hold n sutprKe fur hi becaue the mi' mi unlike dust. haul and thmclcd dates in ate tit customed to luiv from lame wooden boxes If your Krorcr or ftuiteier hasn't Utoniednn Dates, send us UV nnd recrir Special Site Sample Packaic. On icceipt of dealer's n ane we send Unique Book of Prize Recipe FREE Ak dcnlrr-4 n!o tor Mr uncilnrv Piks. nnd v -u will particularly like Dromedary Frrih-ktcpingCocoanut, Ihcnew kind ( cirp.imi oatmt. put up in a new pa kacc that keep u ntinUi'Hilyfil Samp e free THE HILLS BROS. CO. Drpl. 12 Dromedary Date Muffins Crram two ,f u f 1 uttri uitli quarter ifiti of inr ail t t- wrll lira ten rut t"' " -mf hi till of milk ami two pf h v Ami t n tr i oont- K f twti IHicr ilt--t nf i.ft tlmrnuiili tin! ai. I pin 1. 01 tait ami on? urfui or wr ninMi-t iiatr fine HakMna iul. kmrn Beach and WaiMnftoa Sti. New York City 'RIM 1 JJn Ideal ,Swe(t The "M. M." 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CO. 101 Lorain Ave. Columbut "M"""yfl' 1 hi- lalSSSSSSSSSSSl m arriak'enal'l tu any addirss on trteii't of mI e Youi int'iit v KiLktf not satiilicil ' I ht Art e Ututt AfcK lor it, mliiil iti.kinkhatlnL'.lx'tliattarijersiionand 1 shalnj ounelf, tat alMajtcome from the! rough w -rati-r un uneeo cage, oruiinii energy A few tut of a tlade on a Nl llii.Nl Strop fomfr an een, Veen that In j ede1 and atixlutly no harm to ror ATUT tnat you carrelr hlp chavins vnurlf ntlr and amovtbly i Warl4i'ur "M M" mark of gualltr on altartlrlvaws tl It linn. .t.mR ,f.i,.n,1al,U nBlt-al vatlna SPFPIAI Writ furour aa-vnt'a Prupoalliori. ltUlikaly . " to lntrt and tnnt man ol rorr nu in 10 AllBtl tarity.holikrito tlnbusinffor lmt, l McGlanli-llHttaflCo., Ina.,1326 Broadiy,N.V , 5ulu409 BE LUCKY ?Zrirl?tii tilver A LUCKY STONE, This the Stone on uhti It I amc Nature lias placed her ngna lure uf "coodluLk 'ta hole worn ihrnuch) Money hat k if nut attfai turv Lucky Stone Co., 1400 Keiner BIdf. Cklcaiol LOTS OF FUN FOR A DIME Ventriloquist Double Throat FHh rixif of mouthi nl wiijh IiivihIIiIo. Knuttwt tliliik' yet AhIouIhIi mill inyHtlfy your frfonils. NdIkIi likouhorho. wlilno llko a liuptiy Hlntr llko n cntinry, iitiil imitiito Mnls mill llOIIHtHOf tliulli.'lil ninl forest. Load! ol fun. Wouilortul Invention. 'J'liousiuiiln Bold. 1'rlco: only 1(1 ci'iitn; 4 for XZ cuuU, or 1 for U) ccuta. "oublo Throat Co., Dept. J, Frcnchtown, W.J. LADIES Ml? BEADS ! pVUHV Iwily will liuy a rOBCCT-MCNOT or h ROBE I NCCKLACE, piiyllitf -Sc lo 7.V I'licli. nm fnat na vou run timkH them upl Kiiay to nink Om Henut'ftil lllua trntnil OntHloutii of llfiida. 1,000 BEADS iMioutlh tn muke one Porit-MeNot nnd oni Roaa Nocklaeo, und ilkreetlona for niHklnu tlitm, t" uold ttllwl claa ull for on)) 10r (t ju I it Full hHtiafartWm or money buck. Muke ulft for ('litintiiiua AdtlrBna UNITED BEADWORK CO.. 17 W. 4Sth St.. New York City laWaaltatfiQDlC3MMaa I 1 w i.SSSI Read this FREE Health Book Learn more about Oxypatliy. the new scientific treatment which cures without druvs i i i, 'it -l- ...rr-! !. l i or aocior Dim. ii you are sick or suticring it is uccause 01 oisouotis w ac in tmir lilnnrl If I'nn avnrilil l,itrpll nrrain vrin mn.t rrrl riil nf llirm. It l.tlir 2 PlA JT mission of Oxygen to destroy them. Hence Oxygen is Nature's specific for I diicatc. When lick, what rou need la nol mote polaon In I he loimol diuti, but more oirgcn. Get our Free 72-page book, "Nature's Royal Road to Health" and learn about I hi new treatment, ll alio ureali the aecrel ol the druj etll. Paget 37-41 tell what the treilcil phyalcana hate aald ol Ihelr own medicine. All Ihla Information lice. Send for Ihe book today. It may be your turning point Iroraalckneii lo health. THE OXYPATHOR COMPANY. 212 Perul Street. DUFFALO. N.Y. WE WILL LOAN YOU THE MONEY TO FARM Lnncf 910 to $30 nn Aero Ten Yenn In Which to Pny U T. workara f farina i. th. Urtltad StalM having autflaiMit agricultural irrltnc. and ht Canadian Pacllia will l.a. men.y for a l.d .1 tan yaara at 6r for tha purpMOt at orMtin. buildiao. and cmplotlno tho impr.vomMti 0. thoir no. If pwrchatod Woitn Canadian larma. k furour liatitUome lllnatraleilli'K.kBbii Maitlliila S.akatli. ananil ll.rita Alao mi wllhfull inloiinallMi) r. n. C THORNTON. Colonlzntlon Commlialoner Canadian Pacific Railway Coloniialion Dept.. 1 12 W. Adnrna St.. Cliicago, III,