Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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Beautiful Plush Coats !
Mado of genuine guaranteed sealette, lined Skinner's satin. Some have the
new round sailor collars; others are made with either large silk frog fasteners.
$19.50, $22.50 and $25.00
Fine Velvet Coats
We just received some handsome velvet coats, in plain tailored, semi-trinmied
and handsomely trimmed styles. These coats must be seen to appreciate the quality
and styles. Specially priced at
Special Showing at
at S10.00, $12.50, S15.00. S19.50. and $22.50.
Julius Orkin Store, 1510 Douglas St.
New Rebekah Lodge Organized by
Women of Benson.
I.nree Cliuu ot MoRTiIllnii Will lie
Initiated Next Sundar. ot Which
Time Prominent Worker
Will Be lreent.
A new Old Fellows Rebekah lodge was
organised at Benson lost Thursday even
ing State President De Bow, assisted
by Btato Secretary Talbott and the de
gree team ot Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 1,
Instituted the lodge, which was named
Evans Rebekah lodge No. 303. The fol
lowing officers -were chosen: Noble
grand. Mi. F. M. Paugh; vice grand,
MrsJ'N. Horton: secretary, "Miss Georgia
Morton; treasurer, Mrs. Conrad Swan
son;" warden, Mrs. F, D. "RrpCrcIgh; con
ductor, Mrs. B. R. Morton? chaplain,
Mrs, C, G., Keller; inside guardian," Mrs.
Jinnle Murray; outside guardian. B.
R. Morton; trustees, J. N. Horton. B. R
Morion, F,. M. Paugh. There were twenty-two
names on the charter. The next
meeting will be held on Saturday even
ing, December 7, when plan's will be per
fected to build up a strong Rebekah lodge
In Benson.
Jonathan lodge No. 225 will have work
in the third degree next Friday evening.
Robert E. Esklldson's sudden death at
Danville, Va., last Wednesday, came as
n shock to his Omaha friends. While It
was known that he was sick. It was not
thought that his illness was dangerous.
South Omaha lodge No. U8 will have
work In the third degree tomorrow night
Omaha lodge No. 2 will hold a Thanks
giving entertainment at Its hall on
Saturday evening, November 30,
The Amusement and Picnic committee
will hold a meeting at Odd Fellows' hall
at 11:00 o'clock this morning. Business
of Importance will bo considered.
All of the subordinate lodges will have
election of officers this week.
S. F. Harbour was In Omaha last weel:
on business. He Is now located In St.
Wasa lodge No, 1S3 will put on the
initiatory degree work next Wednesday
MoKuIllnna Initiate.
The Mosrulllans den, 1808 Harney street,
'will bo the scene of much excitement on
November 30, when a class of fifty are
to be Initiated. This Is the third large
class this year to be taken in by the Mo
gulllans and they have several classes
waiting to be put through out In the
Wake Up! You
Lazy Stomach!
Make Your Stomach Clicerfully Do
lis Work Stunrt's Dyspepsia
Tablets Digest Your Food
and Assist the Stomach.
People who complain they'aro worn to
a frazzle are nearly always dyspeptic
and are recommended to use Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets. The stomach gets
lazy, food ferments and sours, gas
belches up, there are symptoms of bloat-
dng, the blood becomes thick and slug
gish, the liver Is blamed, the head is
heavy, the mind a blank and the dining
room is a chamber of horrors.
One of the greatest evils of our mod
c -n llfo Is the quick lunch. To this evil,
as much or more, than any other, may
he traced the preponderance of the stom
ach troubles of our times. Instead of
taking time to thoroughly masticate the
food before swallowing It, the average
person rushes through the meal, bolting
tlie food, deglutition taking place while
it Is only partially mixed with sallra,
and only half masticated, thus leaving
the stomach to do the work the teeth
fliould have done.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain di
gestive elements, a single grain being
tapable of digesting 3,000 grains of food,
Including meats, eggs, grain, vegetables,
rtsirches and mineral matters. They pre
pare every particle of food by thorough
tligestlon for ready absorption and as
similation by the lacteal glands, which
pass It Into the blood, whence It Is con
ducted to all parts of the system, re
building and revitalizing It.
Every druggist has Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets In stock and sells them at
to cental a box. Advertisement.
special prices of new winter
stato. Several prominent visitors are
slated as taking the degree on the 30tn
and quite a large turnout Is expected.
Tho MogullIanM are the side degree ot
the Ancient Order of United Workmen
of Nebraska and their object Is the pro
motion' of good fellowship and co-operation
among Ita many members.
United Workmen.
Omaha lodge No. IS will hold Its regu
lar election to select officers for the com
ing 1913 term on the first Tuesday of next
month. The regular meetings are every
Tuesday evening except the third Tues
day of each month at the Ancient Order
of United Workmen temple, 110 North
Fourteenth street. Charles R. Beaty, one
of No. lS's. members who has for many
yoars affiliated with us, nml a very
worthy brother who has been crippled for
several years with rheumatism, will give
u benefit dance at the Eagles' hall, 1410
Karney-viitrfict, oru December 11. This Is
a very worthy ,eabe and a large turnout
will be his pleasured "
Order of ('Inn.
Clan 'Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, met In regular session Tuesday,
when officers were nominated for 1913
and election will take place the first
Tuesday in December.
Two brothers, sons of the late Thomas
Falconer, were initiated and another pro
Under good of the order songs were
sung by J. C. Gunn and James Hender
Clan Gordon Athletic association will
give a dance Tuesday evening. November
IC, in Jacobs hnll.
Il'iuil ll'rlth Day,
The officers und Joint committee of Ne
braska lodge. William McKlnley lodge
and Council Bluffs lodge of tho Inde
pendent Order of B'nnl B'rlth have thtf
honor to Invite you to attend the celebra
tion of B'nal B'rlth day at Temple Israel,
Park avenue and Jackson street, Omaha,
Sunday, November 24, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Addresses by Hon. Jacob Furth, treas
urer of tho executive committee, St.
Iuts, and Rabbi Eugene Mannhelmer,
Des Moines, la. Reception after exer
Woodmen Entertainment.
B & M camp No, 945, Modern Wood
men of America, has appointed a com
mittee consisting of E. D. Miller, M. H.
Barlow, William L.yons and B. F. Dan
baum to propare a program for tho enter
tainment to be Klvoti Tuesday evening.
From all Indications this will bo a record
breaker as the committee promises to give,
entertainment for both old and young.
Refreshments will be served to all.
. Knights to Confer Hank.
Nebraska lodge No. 1, Knights of
Pythias, will confer the rank ot knight
Wednesday, November 27. The work will
begin early, as it will be followed by
election of officers.
fJiiti: City Card I'nrty.
Gate City hive No. 9 will give another
of Its card parties, the last this year.
Be sure to be there. Room No. 9, Con
tinental building, fourth floor. Ladles
and gentlemen welcome.
Aehntes Entertainment.
Omaha lodge No. 1. Royal Achates, will
give an oyster supper to members of th-i
order exclusively on Tuesday night alter
the regular business session.
Wort is Delayed
on Florence Main
Jackson McKenzle, contractors who
are laying the south half of the forty
eight Inch water main to Florence, will
be subject to their contract forfeit for
twenty-flve days If the water board sees
fit to enforce it, for the contractors will
bo unable to complete the main on time.
ThelrN first contract called for the com pletion
of the main by November 23. They
are now nearly a month behind, desplto
the fact that the water board has taken
all available men and placed them at
work on the Job.
Water Commissioner Howell says tho
Job will probably not be completed before
December 2G. If freezing weather sots in
and continues any length of time lie
fore Christmas the main will not be fin
ished this year,
Jackson & McKenzle have complained
that the water board ordered them,
through the water commissioner, to chase
back and forth along the line, rnovlm;
their machinery and wasting time. They
also assert that delays were occasioned
by tha alowaMa with which the city
models in Women's Coats
h n
council condemned and had property
moved out so tliat the street could ht
John J. Hunlglien, who Is building the
north half of the main, will not be able
to completo his work by December 1,
scheduled time, but will have It finished
some tlmo during the first week In Do
comber, If weather continues ie.
Funeral of the Late
Judge Wakeley Held
Saturday Afternoon
The funeral of Judge Kleazor Wnkeley
was held yesterday 'at 2 o'clock from
tho residence, 007 North Nineteenth. Tho
ceremony was simple and plain, Father
John Williams saying, "It was like the
life of Judgo Wakeley Itself." Bishop
A. Li Williams, Father John Williams,
and Dean Tancook of the Episcopalian
church, conducted the services. Only the
prayer book service was used. Bishop
Williams read tho hymn, "Sleeping In
Jesus." There was no singing.
The pallbearers were:
Victor H. Caldwell W. A. Redlck
Joseph Barkr Stockton Heth
Joseph M. Baldrige Frank L,. Holler
Henry W. Yates Robert W. Patrick.
Interment was In Prospect Hill ceme
tery. Hundreds of the oldest citizens of
Omaha and tho state, who hail known the
Judge for years and had been intimately
associated with him. were present to pay
their last respects. to the venerable clt
Sarah Bernhardt, the greatest actress
of the age. If not of all time, will ap
pear at the Auditorium In photo-play four
nights, beginning Thursday, November
.' 1 " considered ner greatest ,
sui uiiiuueiu, minougn not
In person, Sajah Bernhardt will be seen
to full advantage, surrounded by her
magnificent company, n this superb mo
tion picture play. The pictures are clear
and distinct, and the audiences who have
seen thin play In the east were spellbound
during the run of the pictures.
Besides Sarah Bernhardt, such well
known actors as Louis Tcllegln and Du
rozat, are Included In the cast. The piece
deals with the love affairs of Queen
Bess and the earl of Essex and was pro
duced by the French tragedienne in Paris
a few months ago.
The right to nrosent I
th,l,ln III,,, I I
. "; m,,.)U unlt Mlie
i u ZZ,.,7 V H
.tdnr ?H ,Z mMo ',e ldea ot
seeing this mutchless production renro-1
duced in every detail b, the photographic
... ,, ,,,,, . ' ,"Krur'mt
art. and immense multitudes of people
enjoying the play, for the mm sum of
10 cents,
lias astonished the theatrical
wnno v
It is Felt New Table of Rates Will
Never Go Into Effect.
Prime .Motive In Attnek on ltnten
Wn to Hold Them 1'ntll nn
lnnnritrnt UeleHntlon
Could lie ChoKPtt.
The decision handed down hy the court
In Illinois perpetually enjoining tho head
officers of tho Modern Woodmen of
America from putting In force the In
creased rate adopted by tho head camp
at a special meeting held In Chicago
last January, caused much Jubilation
among the 60.000 members of tho society
In Nebraska. The talk of appealing the
decision to a higher court does not In
any way discourage them, for tho prime
motive In tho attack on the now rates
was to hold thorn up until tho next reg
ular meeting of the head camp, a little
over a year hence, when, they say, there
Is no doubt delegates will be chosen
by the membership who would Immedt
ntely "knock out" tho new talito ot
rates, on thn ground that they are ex
orbltant and entirely unnecessary for
the perpetuity of the society. In proof
of this they cite the record of thn so
ciety. The orKanlzutlon Is thirty years
old and has reached n point where It
has rstnblltthert Us normal dnth rate In
nil particulars, with tho possible excep
tion of deaths from old ago. Tho mv
rlMv has always oald Its death losses
promptly and In full. It lias done this
by never requiring more than twelve
payments In any ono yenr, whllo In most
years only from eight to ten payments
wero culled for. In addition to this,
those members say. the society has nc-
cumulntcd an emergency fund during
the Inst flvo years of $7,XX),000.
These members argue that should tho
deaths from olil age during the next ten
or twenty ycain Inerenso tho mortality
rate 25 per cent, all thnt would be nee-
ersorv to meet this li.rreast would ho a
flat rul-o of 25 per cent In tho present
rate. The now ratf to which they lmvu
objected so strenuously. Incrnixed tho
present payments from 100 to as high
us fiOo per cent.
It seems to be tho concensus of tho
Omaha members ot tho Modern Wood
men that tho new tabto of rates will
iibver go into effect and they have tho
word of Head Consul Talbot that no ef
fort will be mado to put them In effect
on the first ot January, m an ou-
templated up to tho tlmo thu Illinois
court decision was made.
Foity high school students will enter
tho dubatliiK sqund tins year in uu i
tempt to make tho team that will hold
tnlitv or forty debates with other schools
during ho winter, according to C. H. Reed
of the high school.
Dual debates will be held with Lincoln,
West Dos Moines nnd South Omiihn. Tha
ouestlon for debate will probably be In
teferenco to tho commission form ot Kiiv
ernment. f The commission form question H tho
Omaha Hlgli school's favorite subject and
meets with tho approval or neverni oinor
schools, who will meet tho high school
squad on tho platform this year.
Ward 0. Olfforfl, assistant commissioner
of the Commercial club, has returned from
i 1 1 ... 1. nrA 1,n wan n u'ltnpHR In
lllfllltimi'"' nuu "u
the dynamite conspiracy case.
Ho heard part ot Ortlo McMunlgal s
testimony and declares that tho man Is
one of the most Interesting story tellers
outside the rank of authors. Kvrry llttlo
incident. Clifford sayB. McMnnlgnl tolls
In narratlvo style and brings In his
climaxes at tho end with remarkable ef
fect. Tho man Is kept constantly under
gunrd In tho federal building and no ontt
Is allowed to talk to him. liven tho court
room Is closed to all except lawyers, wit
nesses and assigned reporters.
Park Commissioner Hummet lias thrown
out a dragnet for tho Incorrigible citizens
who have been shooting squirrels In
Rlvorvlew park. These squirrels nro the
pets of tho park commissioner, but resi
dents In the neighborhood ot the park
have lltlp respect for them nnd ono man
went forth, armed with a rifle nnd slow
Mr. Hummel had tho man arrested and
tnkeh to police headquarters nt onco. He
will prosecute tho case with all vigor and
will also detail special watchmen to ap
prehend any one else who may have an
Inclination to kill tho squirrels in IUver
vlew park.
Omuhn Publlo Mlimry nnd Museum.
The third of the series of lectures by
Prof. Paul H. Orumnnn will he given on
Monday In the auditorium of th Central
High fchool at 4:30 p. m. Tho lectures
are being exceedingly well attended, so
much so that It will be necessary hero
nfter to limit tho nudlenco strictly to
those who hold tickets. Tho seating
cupaclty of tho auditorium Is 7ftt and
tickets hnvo been lesucd to tho number
of 900. There are no more tickets avail
able. The subject of the next lucturo Is "The
Novel With n Purpose," and will be Il
lustrated by the work of BUroness Bertha
von Suttner entitled "Ground Arms,"
which won for the author the Nobel
peace prize of 140,000. This story was
originally Intended for a novollotte. Tho
author planned to describe a young
woman who had lost her husband on tho
battlefield, and by this tragedy was slid-
,,nl.. awftkeP,i to a realisation of the
horrors of war. Whllo tho baroness was
engaged In research, her material grew
Into such proportions that a novel was
tho result. There was so much to say
nnd so many facts to base her arguments
In the translator's preface wo read'
"This book Is a crusado against war nnd
Its whole object Is to present the claim
of the Individual and tho family as supe
rior to thoso of tho state; as an Individ
uallst she presses the olalrn ot every 1 -man
being to the ownership and contr l
I .if Ittn (iwn lift.
,. , .... ....
'.'"" 1H" me
emphasizes the claim
the wlfo as superior to that of chun'
state. The author of 'around Arms'
practically asserts that when, In the .
, . . . . .
; Vf . , AT'
iphlloBophy controls tho world, there w
1)B fln ,, to
" end toJwar
Persistent Advertising is ths Iload
to ,
jllltf Returns.
TSie itand of the Master
Musician is guiding Yours
Fancy plnvlngn Chopin foetnnt. Liszt's At th$ Sfirtt,
MoMkawski s reltnaite, exactly ns they have been nlayrtl
by 1'ndcrcwsH llatier, ami Mosxkowskl themselves.
Thmk of plnying n piano under the personal guidance of
these masters of music. Yet this loy It voun when you
have n rni'Tlannln"player.piano. The Metrostyle device
provides an exact guide to an artistic rendition, enabling
taste to play con-positions
no matter how difficult or
noted musician actually
played them. No other
player-piano has n single
feature that even ap
proaches the Metrostyle.
There is bet
ONE Genuine
It Is Standard of
tho W o r 1 d, and Is
lustnllod In only six of
thn lo.i d 1 n r planon,
namely: Btolnway,
Wobor, atoik. Wlion
lock, SUiyvoHnnt and
Stroud. Uit un dnnion
strato thran mutchlesB Instnimtrnti
to you, whother you Inland to pur
ohaso or not.
l.:ilot Playor lvnh- Holla for ab
to fit, all plnynr plunoa; 5.000 rolli
to Boloct from.
Tormn to suit your convonlnuct!.
CalaloRiio mnltod on request.
Schmoller Be Mueller Piano Ca.
Omaha's Only
Exdmwe harm Ilea j: 1311-13 FaTnBID St.
Samuel.E, Burtch,
Nebraska Pioneer,
Dies in St, Paul
Bauiuel F. Burtch, aged 84 years, died
at tho homo of his brother, (Icorgo H.
Hurtch, 8S9 Poitlund avenue, St. Paul,
Minn., November 23. Mr. llurtcli en mo
to Nebraska In ISM, rusldlng In Harpy
county. Ho Iiiih hold various position:! of
publlu trust In stnto and county. Ho al
ways enjoyed and nppreclated tho con
fldencn of hit) friends. I'-uncral services
will bo held nt llrower's chapel, South
Omnlia, Monday, nt 2 o'clock. Interment
will bo lu llcllovua cemetery.
Annul Fast Trains
to Prevent Wrecks
Omnhii railroads have received notice
that tho Now York Ceiitrul and thn Penn
sylvania, beginning December Ifi, wilt an
nul their two fust trains between New
York und Chicago, putting them Into "i
twenty Instead of an eighteen hour schcl
ule. Tho announcement Is to the effect
that they will piobnbly be restored next
spring. In nddltlon to the time being
lengthened two hours between the term
inals, tho excess faro for tho fust tralni
has been cut from J 10 to M,
Ijocnl rnllrond men are of the opinion
Unit tho slower schedule Iiiih uouu lu
stuy, tho Central and tho Pennsylvania
discovering thut too many wrecks can bo
attributed to tho fust tlmo mado. The
trains have been In continuous operation
for more than ten years.
Feast of St. Cecilia
Celebrated Sunday
The feast of St. Cecilia will be sol
emnly celebrated Hunduy at Bt. Cecllla'i
pro-cathedral, Fortieth and Webster
stioetH, nt 11 o'clock mass. Hev. R M,
Glcason will lie celebrant, assisted by Itov.
James Aliernn as deacon und Hov. J, F.
McCarthy as suhdeacon. itcv. J. M. Men
son will be master of ceremonies, Illuht
Iter. Bishop Kcannell will preside at tho
throne, assisted by HlRht Itov. Mr. Cola
nert as assistant priest und Very Hov
John Jcnnetto and Itev. John T. Brnlth oh
deacons of honor. Hov. A. H. Wise, H. J.,
of CrelBhton university will preach the
Joseph Archlbalil, ItilB North Twenty
fifth street, aKcd 07 years, died Novem
ber 23. He was born In KlBln, Bcotland.
and enme to America during August, WA
direct to Hock Island, III. Ho moved to
Omaha In 1869, whero he bus since re
sided. Mr. Archibald was married In
Omaha September 1, 1874, to Miss Han
nah Horklson. Ho Is survived by the
widow, two sons and one daughter, and
also leaves n sister nnd one brother, re
siding In Bcotland, und ono brother llvlmt
fn Iowa, Mr. Archibald wus a moinber of
tho following Masonic bodies: Coveit
lodgo No. It, A. V. & A. M.; OimUia
Chapter No. 1. It. A. M.; Omnha Council
No. 1. H. and H. M., and Veturun free
Masons of Nebraska. Tho funeral will be
held Sunday nt 3 p. in., from tho resi
dence. ,
If your child has
- Cough,
Dr Bull's Couth
Syrup will iits pot.
liblc tcriouiillneu.
"I I"um4 Vt, buir Courh Smp lor croup,
troiKhlllf, liuuplatcoufii. nn pl.odld rctulu.'1
Mis. Aui, a t. ie4 fx., Kuiu Ck. Ku.
fS"1 FBEE SAMPLE t;'&lZ3fo
rmWfc, r n )' Hi
We Will Buy
1000 of Dr. Cunningham's
Wonderful Plasters
and Give Ono Frtjo o 1000 Sufferers
in Thin City-Cut Out Tho Coupon,
Tho Wonderful Platters
rg jjm jjj& mjiS
Rheumatism, Lumbago,Cold on Chest,
Kidney Trouble, Stomach Pains, Pains
in back, iao, hip, shoulders, knee, ankle, foot, elbow, muaclei ar
in any part of the body must quickly yield to these plasters.
nrlnjr It to our store, Cor. lflth nnd Karnnm Hts., and set absolutely
free one of Dr, Cunningham's wonderful plasters. Value 2fo to 6O0.
I huvo been troubled with the following: diseases ..
and want to try a plaster for pnln
Coupon rood only at this store, and for adults only.
Out-of-town people encluso four cents for postage.
V . '
Se Profsasor Prom 0 A. M. to 0i30 V. M.
Myers-Dillon Drug Company
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts.
Any Portrait
on a handsome
burnished copper
Reproduced from any photograph you
Bond engraved on tho metal and abso
lutely lndoHtructlble. A fob that may
bo worn byany ono who drcBsea In go?d
taste, at the tame tlmo a lasting novel
StnJ photo and $1. 00. Photo
will bm rturnd with ear:
Engraving Dept.
Order may b lft at Be Offloi.
Tli Best Advertising Mediums iu Their Territoryj
s.rt- Lii i ; m i i i
Drew Out anil Abiorb
In my.