4 A fptitr r i a tt A er'tA v dlm,'. vnnMtunn n mm YO'JNG WOMAN IS uMiMl EXPERT Council Bluffs COMES TO THE GERMAN PRESBY TERIAN CHURCH IN JANUARY. GOODWIN CALLS FOR COUNT Dreshors' Latest Acquisition Is Fj,es Snlt to Compel Board to Count Direct from the Plume i Ballots in One Precinct. Shops of Germany. ' - : MAY OPEN UP WHOLE CASE DRESHERS ALWAYS FIRST' Throe years ago It would havo boon an unprecedented, startling p.cee of hews to hear that an Omaha Pry Cleaning and Dycln cstabl h mcnt hnnAsent to some forolgn land to secure tho services of aomo ex port operative. And yet, Dresner Bros., the Dry ( lcancra and, Dyers, who havo built up Tpper Farnam St." at Nob. 2211 Rnd 2213, have done this very thing on thrco or four occasions. Drrsher's latest acquisition Is n young lady Plume and Feather Ex pert from Germany. This young woman cleans, dyes and remode a plumes and feathers of all descrip tions, her deft fingers anl schoolei mind accomplish results that would haie previously been voted Impos sible Old pluraos that have lost llfo and luster are restored to tone, and brilliancy by this fair German expert's methods, and her knowlodgo of colors and matching Is nothing short of marvelous. Sho mlxoa nil of her own dyo solutions, hor work being held distinct nnd sopnrato from tho regular Droshcr Dyolng Dopt. Tho thoroughness shown by this young woman feather expert Is typical of the German, for In Ger many one does not graduate Into n trado or profession so quickly as here. One must spend years of study In Germany before actually practic ing an nrt or profession, and ovon then one Is not apprenticed until tho requisite degree of perfection Is shown. Dresners aro therefore now pre pared to do a grade of Plum"' nh1 Feather Cleaning, Curling, Dyeing, otc., never before attempted In Omaha. Bring, send, or mall your feathers with Instructions as to tho work wanted and await a genuine surprise. Tho young lady feather expert at Drcshcr'fl is not yot able to talk English,, but an ablo Interpreter linn boon engaged to take telophono hips. sages and to translate all Inquiries, ho rest assured that your overv ques tion will bo answqred .Intelligently. Don t throw away any plume or feather until you know the possibili ties of this now Dresher Dopt. Dreshors pay exprosa on nil ship monts of $3 or over. Branches at Dresher the Tailor's, 1515 Fornnm St., and at Pompolan Room of Tho llrandols Stores. Phone Tyler 345. Advertlsomont Tho Boon of Health Makes Manly Men. . iKrom Bttltlo Stundent.) wthJtVtHll'Uc" ot Physician. Jh? V.?.?!'0.??.' I"ctlce, Indicate mJiliW? ""y r cent f middle" hZk'ui "'ty- manliness and health, if men could qnly know J.?mnrn 'Jf.'.V ' oncoming 2die "ituro many could be 2nrt .rom , mury. despondency should" ,,n?r'? Krvf ynptonw should riot be confounded with disease, but should be accepted is wurnlnw of the approach of d" rn"Jr. may know what to fniiJL "uch "ymPtoms exist the following symptoms and prescrip tion U publlshcdl "wp 'iA.iKfmaV,lV!.i,,rek,J0W! of the vitality Is Indicated by dull, sunk en . cold extremities, bock Kclie. headache,, tatlgue. pains In W ct . ba.ckJ ,mln" of head, spots before the eves, weak nean m spine, twitching and trembling, impaired mertory. Joes of appetite, wasting, thinness fabby fleh. wrinkles, dullness languor, constipation. Hldney dla Vird.fra:i '7,'tl'ltV. . lack ot wnbl .,lm!dl,y'J weak-spirited, drag. Ulng walk and unmanly carrlago, if tho reader decides 'to try it tfet three ounces of ordinary syrop of sarsaparllla compound, and one aunca compound fluid balmwort; mix and let stand two hours; then Kt one ounce com pound oseence cardlol and ono ounce tlncturo M cadomene com V22n.i cardomom), mix all together, shake well and take a teaspoonfui after each meal and one at night. This contains no opiates what ever and may also be used by wo. JV ib.?"ult cri'ty of prompt and lasting benefits. By preparing the treatment at home secretly no ono need know pf another's trouble, whllo the ingredients are much used In fill Ing various prescriptions, go that even the purchase of them sep arately need occasion no timidity, -Advertisement. MUrllhnnrt that Contrnvrrsy Will Open t'n Many Ilrnnrhcs of KIm tlon Cnnrnn Ilrfor- It. link Hern ('nnrluilril. Tho Klmball-Uoodwln fight for th state senatorahlp. which has been of a good-nuturod type, Is not yet quite over at this end of the lino. MrcV C. Good win, democratic aspirant, defeated on the face of the returns as oanvupsed by the i Hoard of County BupervUofls by a plural ity of rtxty-dhe votii, ytrterday appllea to Judge Arthur Of the district court benoh for -and secured an order restrain ing County Auditor Itannan from signing; the senatorial returns, and a writ of man dAmus to compel the county board to can vass tho returns In tho first precinct of tho First ward In accordance with the figures first given by the election board, by which Kimball lost more than 100 vote), and not to accept tho amended re turns made by a majority of the Judges nnd. clerks by which the votes wore re stored to him. Notice of the court action was served upon County Auditor llannan In ample time to remove the danger of his signing the returns, and upon tho members of the Hoard ot County Supervisors while they were still In session. The petition for the double writ sets out all of ths In cidents of the now well known condition of the count In tho First ward, where the Judges discovered and sought to correct an error that robbed all of the repub lican candidates on the congressional, Ju dicial and senatorial tickets of 110 votes. Tho allegation ts made that the canvass ing board has no authority to accept the amended returns nnd should bo compelled lo canvass tho vote as first made up by the Judges and clerks. The hearing for the mandamus applica tion was first set for 10 o'clock this morn ing, but owing to the fsct that Mr. Kim ball has been out ot the city all week trying a district court caso at Harlan, tho hearing was continued until Monday morning. I It was declared last night by some of tho best lawyers In tho city that the ac tion was unlikely to do Mr. Goodwin any good by visibly Increasing his chances to wear the senatorial toga this winter. They point to tho fact that If tho court should hold that tho canvassing board had no authority to accept the amended and corrected returns from tho First ward, by which Kimball gained 110 votes, tt would have tho same effcot upon the returns from the first precinct of the Blxth ward, where tho accepted amended returns gavo Goodwin 100 votes he was equally entitled to. If neither correction Is permitted, Kimball would still have fifty-three plurality, To' make certain that the opinion of the court will be per mitted to. cover tho whole area of the caas, Jtjs probable that Klmbalfs at torney ,wUI file a cross-petlUen sotting up the facts In the Blxth ward. Tinlv te Mitchell and John V. Organ will repre sent Mr, 0oodwttt, and, Saunders & Stew, art anq v, iu juupacic will .assist Mr. Kimball. Coimcil Bluffs I B DOWN! That's the ONLY initial investment you'll need make to secure an "ESTATE" SSee! Range You coulln't raise a question a? Inst FECT Steel Kange If EVElt fboro was o.jc nnteed FIVE years no other make tames tho Bixmo guarantee "Estates" are mado of BLUE STEEL,, th- ovons nre guaranteed the" "ESTATE" If you tried; It's a PER Tho FIItEUOX of an "Estate" Is guar- The bodies of as NON-WAItP- half a mile north of the city limits, pay lng $100 down and getting a. contract that required monthly payments. The pay ments took all of the earnings from his railroad work, for his family had In-. creased to five, the eldest a girl of 6 j years. The temptation to steal from tho I railroad company was not yielded to un til a month ago, and when once started his thefts assumtd wholesale propor tions. Ho leaves his family destitute, with the certainty of losing the little place. The wife Is In very poor health and her physical prostration has ben complete elnco her husband's arrest. The youngest child Is a babe and two of the ahlldrcn aro now sorlously 111. Carnival Leaves Money in Treasury After Expenses Paid Mony To Loan j Omaha Property. Douglas Co. Farms. Wo Wast fo Bny "Dok1s Co. Farms." 'INSURANCE" Lve-Haskell Co. Prescription Economy We don't make a festura nf nil pncs tn our inscription Wepart ment. Of course, you know that we'll save you money wherever It a possible but the one thing that every Bherman & McConnell Store insists upon all the time and very tlmo Is ACCUKACY - ami ONI.Y U U A II A N T K B l imuaa Our Idea Is not how cueapiy we can compound your prescription hut how carefully uuuiupiH jru .economy. HHEUMAN & McCONNKIiL Greco Goes to Prison For His Robberies Justloe traveled a swift coursd when It carrie to fix up tho affairs of Sum CJreeo. tho diminutive' Italian railroad laborer In whose suburban home on North Broadway was found m6re than 11,000 worth of all kinds, literally all kinds, of merchandise. Ho was arrested at o'clock Haturday night and the first big wagonload of toot recovered from his home. He told' the police all about his transactions ort Sunday and dlrctrd where a lot more of the loot could bo found. Sunday morning another bl dray load was hauled to the station. Monday morning ho was arraigned In tho police court for preliminary examl-i nation. Tuesday morning he was again In police court, waived examination 'and let his case go directly to tho grand Jury! Yesterday morning the Jury re turned ah Indictment charging him with breaking and entering railroad cars. Yesterday afternoon he was arraigned In tno unmet court before Judge Arthur, entered a pies, ot guilty, received a. sen tence of five years in tho penitentiary and was taken to Fort Madison oi an early evening train. Draco's case Is pitiable. He came to this country from souftem Italy five years ago penniless. In one yokr he had earned enough to bring his wlfa and three children to Council Uluffs. . He lived until a year ago In an old shack near one of the railroad tracks. Lst spring he "purchased an acreage tract The Coinmerclsl club last evening held a meeting for the purpose of consider ing a number of matters of commercial nnd civic Interest and also to recelvo tho reports of the finance and carnival committers, showing the receipts and expenditures of the August carnival. The net total receipts were H.M3.32. The total gross receipts were (7.015.20 and tho cxpensos tR.eoo.M. Tho expenses were greater this year thsn at any previous year. Among the larger disbursements were I1.2S for labor, which Included special policemen and street oleaners. The lighting and decorating cost tU9.ll, which Included 11S5 expended In decorating the city. Adver tising, printing banners, etc., cost Hit, The canvns fencing cost The lum ber bill ran up to f&J.Oi and IW.W was spent on the parade. The cost ot clean ing the park, In addition to the work gratuitously done by the park commis sioners, was I1C9.8S, The receipts Included K,M8 from ad missions to the grounds; 1 1,000 from rental of booths; p3b from the IS per cent of the Income of the Patterson shows; $334 from the dance pavilion) letSO from the kangaroo court, which yielded a gross total of 1130.41, but the Knights of the Full Moon were given part of It; the Income from the confetti sales was JS0, which was one-half of tho gross re ceipts. The report shows that th Churches had a satisfactory rarnlval business, which yielded $1,747,. fl) per cent of which was turned over to the carnlvnl management At tho request of Mayor Moloney the club endorsed a resolution pledging to co-operate with tho mayor and city council In the effort to securo the pave ment of South avenue to tho city limits, and .It possible to the grounds of tho lowa School for the Deaf, the pavement to be of concrete and twenty fee wide. An effort" Is to be made to Interest bPth county and state In the work. A por tion of the largo road fund now In pos session of the Commercial club will bo used toward paying the costs, rresident Metcalf urged the club to bogln a campaign among the people of tho city for the purpose of strengthening the spirit of loyalty to the town and uggested sovoral ways by which ths movement could bo started. The club unanimously approved a resolution In. structlng the board of directors to form ulato the plans and carry them out. WtUG STOHKS. r Get Rid of Piles at Home Simple Home Remedy, Easily Ap plied Gives Quick ltellef nnd Pro. venta AH Danger from Operation. end tot Tree Tital rookaga and rrove u tout case. Don't even think of an pperatlon for plies. nmembcr what, the old family doctor sold: Any part ot the body cut away Is gono forever- One or two ap. plications of Pyramid Tile Uemedy and an the pain, nre and torture ceasr. In a remarkably short tlmo tho congested veins are reduced to normal and you will soon be all right again. Try this remark able remedy. Bold everywhere at drug stores. Send fqr a free trial package and provo beyond question It ts ths right remedy for your case, even though you may be wearing a pile truss. Just send (n ths coupon below at once for the free trial treatment. It will show you conclusively what Pyramid rile Remedy will do. Then you can get th regular package for CO cents at any drug store. Don't suffer another needless min ute. Write now. The Classified Safes of The Bee f.ra scanned dally by thou sands of peopls. Try a Bee Wiat Ad. TREE FACKAQE COVVOX, Pyramid Drug Company. 45S Pyra mid Uldg.. Marshall. Mich. Kindly send me a trial treatment of Pyramid rue tiitmeay ai once, uy man, l'-JlEK. In plain wrapper, t.o I can pruvo Its spienuiu rcsuua. Name Street City State ADLB and are heavily relnforcod. Tho larpu firebox in an "Estate" is equipped with Duplex grates, so that one may burn cither wood, hard coal or soft coal. Thu entlro rnnfto is insulated with heax-y asbestos linings, and comes complete with up per warming cloBet, as Illustrated. Massive true will glvo Just the service you WANT a range to give. Tho plcltel sliver trimmings are superb, and, taken all In all, thero isn't ft FINER range value In at America. Now, then, Just make a mental note of It that the "Union" offers to plnce ono of these "Estates" in YOUR home on' a mere down-payment of ONE dollar. The "Union," for a limited time, will take in your old stove in exchange toward an "Estate" Steel Range. That's a chance for' you. Let's Trade ts offered you on fMKH 1 1 CREDIT(g There lsn t a in all The Union Quotes this Startling Price on A Magnificent Pedestal Extension Dining Table (cuf) One'S Dining Room may bo FINKLr appointed In other ways, but It's the dining room TAB LB that counts MOST. However, a magnificently Htyled dining room table, If purchased at the "Union," is NOT so expensive a piece of furniture as you imagine. Tako, for Instance, the vory table snown in this illustration; the "union" has It on its floors ready to scna to YOUU home at an expenditure of only 50.75 and this expenditure to be arranged In tho very EASIEST of time payments. Tho table is mado up throughout of select American Quartered Oak, has large slse circular top and Is Supplied with six-foot extension Blldes. The pedestal Is o a heavy square pattern with prettily carved claw feet and easy rolling casters. In the usual way of selling, tho table would easily bring $16.50, ? "..-Jl nt tako very long to figure the amount you'll save by purchas ing NOW while it Is 8PECIALEP. snappier styled BUFFET $1075 Furniturdom than the oie pictured here by the "Union" at Don't put I32.S0 Into a Buffet It Isn't necessary tho Union duplicates your usual IS2.S0 Uuffet at 119.7G. It's Just like this illustration; made up In FUMED OAK, heavy, massive, particularly striking In Its rich simplicity. Doors In China compartment are paneled, all the drawers have wood knobs. The Buffot Is 21 by 62 Inches In size, with heavy 2-Inch effect top. Has two small drawers (one plusn lined for silver) and one large llnan drawer. Has also a roomy double-doored compartment for dishes. Drawers have. patent catches. Bevel plate French mir ror 10 by 44 Inches in stze enlivens the handsome general offset You'll NEVKU find a prettier, touler Buffet. At bnly '119.75. ISMSji in iWI I BW Union ixitfittingO W OMAHA S.E.COR.I0 -JACKSON STS CONSOLIDATED WITH THE PEOPLES STORE. (Peoples Furniture at Carpet Co.) CASH; Balance W ULIS'T-l 1 $2 S0c WEEKLY Grand Jury Finds Dozen True Bills required to renvoi n there until his trlul unksa U can glvo a bond for $2,000. The gTand Jury completed Its final re- Port ai 6 o'clock last night and' the mem bers received their final discharge from Judga Arthur. They were members of the panel drawn last fall and have served throughout tho year. Thoy will be re placed by ths new panel of grand Jurors to bo drawn within a few days for the coming year, Twetvo Indictments were returned last Jjlght, four of which only wero mode public, V. a. Jackson, connected with the Coun cil Illuffs Jlubber company when tho new plant was opened up last September, was indicted lor forgery. On October S hi li charged with having forged tho name of o. T. Undstrom. head of the company, to a number ot checks which he cashed and fled from the city. He was arrested in Ohio and brought bock for trial. He Is specifically charged with the forgery ot one check by which he s toured . His bond was fixed at 1,000, Ha will remain In Jail until his trial. Honald and John Doe, two tramps, who held up and robbed 8. C. French In ths tollot room at ths Northwestern city pas. senger station and robbed him of 13.7 and the ticket ha had Just bought to re turn to his home at Loveland. were In. dieted for robbery. They were captured uy me ponce peioro tney could get away from the station and after Itonold had tried to get ths ticket agent to redeem the ticket he had Just sold French. Bond for each was fixed at 11,000. The robbery occurred on the afternoon of September tt, John Cronln, Thomas Jones, nay Smith, snd Fred Roberts were Indicted Jointly for the robbery ot merchandise cars In the yards ot the Milwaukee railroad on the night ut July 1 Each was required to give a bond ot tl.OOO. Jim Haines, the negro who held up and robbed C. A. Proulter as h was passing through th Washington avenue school grounds on the evening of October 38, drew an Indictment charging robbery. The robbery occurred on Saturday night and the pollre chased Haines all day Sunday and got him before Monday morn lng. He has been tn Jail since. He was Perry Gets Next State Tournament Fire Chief Nicholson has returned from Perry, whero he went to attend the an nual meeting ot the Iowa Stato Fire men's association. Tho meeting was at tended by the representatives ot all ot the departments, paid and volunteer, that are members ot tho association, and tho object was to tlx tho place for hold ing the next state tournament and elect the officers for the year. Perry was unanimously accorded the honor of having the next tournament, which will be held some .time next July to be yet determined. As an Indication of the ability of the town to do Its part toward financing the enterprise the Perry chief tendered to the association a check tor U.60O, certified by one ot the local bankers. A now hotel Is being built at Perry nnd tho same banker offered to put up a cash bond that tt would be ready for use by the date of the tourna ment. The officers elected were: U. E. Urn bert, Newton, president; Tom Price, Clinton, first vice president; C. M. Nlchol IOWA EDUCATORS STIRRED State Board Recommends Vital Changes in Annual Beport. SEGREGATES WORK OP SCHOOLS Plana to Make College at Ames the Greatest Technical Institution in Mississippi Valley CVer Sys. tern of Trade Schools. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, Nov. 23, (Spcclal.)-In ts biennial report to ths governor filed today the State Board of Education em phasizes two things, In Its program for betterment of opportunities for higher education In Iowa, ftiamely; tho Import ance ot the plan of co-ordination of the various colleges tp make them all work together for the common gobd, and the necessity for broadonlng the work and bringing the colleges Into clgscr touch with the people. Tho co-ordination ua worked out In cludes the following as stated by (he board: 1. A university at Iowa City with a a strong college ot liberal arts. Including homo economics, a graduate college which saaii attract tne earnest men ana men son, Council Bluffs, second vice president; women, affording them ample opportun a. M. Boggets. Atlantic, third vice prtsjl- , for advanced study and research V T ,,,,,,, !.." , iv,a t.tT-. I work; a college of med cine and homoeo dent; William Burnett, Des Moines. , n-thla medlclna thoroughly eaulDDed to treasurer; U J. Horan, Muscatine, flnan- : give the most efficient training In medl ctnl ortsrvt K. E. Parsons. Mannlns-. ' 9.1"". the main object being Quality rather , n-.f.i. 1 nan quantity; colleges ot law, aemuiry lied Oak, custodian. , pathlo medicine thoroughly J. Beareit. , and Dhj-ina.cv of which we shall all be , proud; and a college of education equal to tno neet KEEGAN WILL WRESTLE BREEDL0VE NEXT WEEK Vernon Brtedlove, the local boy who U ths champion bantamweight wrestler and who won the handicap match from Wal ter Keegan. the Rochester, N. Y., "cyclons." last week, will wrestle the lat ter tn a finish match on Wednesday even ing, November 3T, bast two out of thres falls, catoh-aa-catch-can, winner to take all and a aide bet ot f30a Articles ot agresment wore signed yes. terday to bind the wrestling match. Kee gan, who lost the match last week wnen he agreed to throw Breedtove twice within an hour and failed to throw htm once, asked for a return match, and feels confident that he can throw the lo cal boy with ease. The match will take place tn ths Audi torium. Two good preliminaries will be pulled oft. Keegan agrees to weigh In at Ut pounds the afternoon of the hout, Majestic Steel ranges need no stove blacking. Prices, $ up, P. C. DeVol Hdw. Co., 50 Broadway, 2. An institution at Ames which shall hq tho greatest technical Institution in tha Mississippi valley along the lines of agriculture. cnKlueoring and veterinary mcdlolue. with college etajrwlards as high an the highest; ana. supplementary tel this, work olor.g sub-cclleK'ate line which shall bring tho beneficial Influences ot this institution within roectc ot an tnoo who have only so much im a llttlo time to devolo to fitting IhenMclvee to do well some ot the ordinal y wot which the world always has In abundance J. A system of normal scl.oofti srond to none, for the tralntng of tcrhers tor the ruutl and elementary o)d-jU nf tiie state schools whom mere may P oppor tunity to work out ionic ot the manlfnld educational nnd social problems Incident to the symmttiivul development of a state like our own. Var llelteriitvnt Work. Tho report points out tha tact that tha changes suggested for the colleges were all for the purpose of petting them Into hotter position for doluj; their proper work, that It will result In discontinuance ot the grab-baft method of securing ap propriations, and tn fact this very situa tion was what was contemplated by ths legislature. In the creation ot the board. As tor ths trade schools that are to bo established at Ames, this is to be on ex tension department with headquarters at the state college and district headquar ters scattered about in the principal cities, whero trades will be taught by ex ports In various lines. This will be espe cially adapted to young men who have passed tho high school age and: who have not had tho advantage of a high school education, but who may easily become skilled workmen. Tho board recommends an emergency fund of $39,000 tor the use of the stato colloge, to be used on order of tho stats executive council. Most of the Increased appropriations are for the purpose of taking care of the larger extension work ot tho various colleges and enabling them to bring their advantages home to the people. Iovra Tlcrrm Notes. OLENWOOD Mltaes Anna Schcmmer and Leah Stlmson. both of Milwaukee, havo rented the Estcs residence In west- uaces whera the train stops. Several lead of Drlzo beef steers from Uin Acrl. cultural colloco will be carried along tor exhibition. Arrangements have not been completed for the stops along the routo et. but l reston Is one or the places to a Included and an ovcr-nlcht stop made am Qlenwood and are arranging a gen eral hospital. GliENWOOD Amonsr the flftv-throe applicants for the vacant superlntendency of the Olenwood schools, tho board tins selected II. P Nleison of Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Nleison resigned the head of the Har lan. Ia., schools last June to do post graduate work at the University of Nebraska. LOGAN Committees are now at work on the dedicatory program of the Lu theran Danish-Swedish church for Sun day, December 1. While the program has not been completed yet, Heman C. iJmltli of Lamonl lias been selected to deliver the dedicatory sermon. Other speaker In the church will also be In attendanca and take part In the dedicatory excrcscs. CRESTON A becfBteak special will bo run by the Burlington railroad, starting from Qlenwood December 10 and golntr to Ottumwa, and will be in charge o Ames college experts, who will give' lec tures and demonstrations at the several here. General Freight Agent E. R. Puf fer of Chicago and W. G. Wagner, division freight agent of tho Burlington, will accompany the special. CRESTON Judge Evans fined Matthew Ahearn 120 and costs in the dstrlct court yesterday, amounting to nearly $35, for contempt oi court, xne eviaenco usmim Ahearn showed he was guilty of at tempted Jury bribing In a case which ho brought against the city for personal damages. Ahearn was awarded RT,5 with out a trial and tho the case was "ttls mlaied, but afterward evldenco was pro- rini-ul .tin, Ahiair triad tn "fly" thn PflSrt it It came to a Jury by bribing one or the men drawn for tho Jury. Ahearn was given fifteen days In which to pay h in. A derision against u chanKo of venue asked by John Hall in his big damoge suit of MOO.OtO against the Bur lington Railroad company for alleged In juries was rciueeu uy tne court, iurv nan appearea as nis own attorney mu claimed he could not get Jubtlco in any omirt In thn Third judicial district and asked that the case might bo tried out side ot that Jurisdiction. "Died of I'neumonU" is never written of those who cure coughi and colds with Dr. King's New. Discov er). Guaranteed. 50c and $1. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement OMA.HA BEE 11-24-12 Your Thanksgiving Table Linen should be superb In every respect, and that's the way It will be if we laundor It. Nothing adds so much to the dinner table as well laundered linen, laundered the way we do It. If you are not sat isfied with the work you are now getting, try THE "WASHWORD" OP THE HOME BLUE WAGONS PHONE DOUG. 919