Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6-C, Image 34

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Wheat Business is Largely Confined
to Professionals.
Tlitwe tlho Arc Putting Ont Short
Lines of December Kiprct Re
ceipts vrllh Kxeellent (imil
InR and Knster Hntllns;,
OMAHA. Nov. 23, 1912.
With the bull combination In wheat
swept off the speoulatlve chesboard
there are few big men to be seen In ttint
market from day to day. Business yes
terday was confined mainly to profes at Chicago and the lesser market
There Is little In conditions to attract
men who Kenerally speculate In a large
way. There in loo much wheat available
for a bull campaign and the trading ele
ment halt become weary of La Wink," a
flyer on the bear aide. A hull market
would not only attract the large specu
lators, but the public wouid be seen to
enter the market with values advancing.
Those who favor the bull side of wheat
point to the possibility of a change in
conditions In the Argentine, and It Is a
fact that that crop Will be In the balance
Xor several weeks to come. Some of tne
leading grain houses In the Chicago trade
Jiuve been advising their customers to
ateer iear of the long aide of the market
Conditions at lluftaio are loosening up
.omo, as charter of vwel room was
mado yesterday for ICO.Ouu bushels to go
to that point at a rate or 2Vc. Cash
The December delivery In corn showed
ome weakness yesterday as compared
with the mure deterred months because
of excellent weather for harvesting ulid
movement. Those who are putting out
fhort i.nes of that month expect results
with excellent grading und easier nailing
for shorts. Thero was some export de
mand for corn yesterday, but tho only
cash sales rvporiod were 1W,(X0 bushels
of which 600.0UU were of tho new crop
for January shipment and It brought S'.ic
over the .May price. Ono of two or tint
leading concemH In the Iriuln volunteered
tho opinion that the courno of corn price
will depend entirely upon the movement.
Two years ngo yestorday May corn sold
at the lowest price on the crop, 46ic.
The trade at that time was bearish, hut
country speculators absorbed the offer
ings from Wo on a scale down and mado
money This year they have not been
in the market except a little on the sell
ing side, Cosh corn wan l4Q2c lower.
Oata were without any particular
feature tasl week und some of the larger
' concerns In the tradu feel moro friendly
to the bear nldo than they do to the bull
fide of the situation. A cabin from Uver
jKKi reported u lack of demand for outs
from uny quarter. Cush osts wero uu
changed. Primary wheat recepta were 1,788.000 bu.
and ahlpmenta 1,213.000 bu., against re
ceipts or 769,000 bu. und shipments of 223.
000 bu.
Primary corn receipts were C33.000
bu. and shipments 214,000 bu., against
I?c, of WW bu. and shipments of
SGS.OOtf bu.
Primary oata rocclpts were 161,000 bu.
und shipments 800,000 bu. against receipts
of 423,00) bu. and shipments of 301,000 bu.
last year.
Clearances of wheat and flour were
814,000 bu.; corn, 2,000 bu.; oata, 710,000 bu
Uvcrpool wheat closed Tid lower; corn
3d lower.
The following cash sales wero re
ported, Wheat-No. 2 hard winter; 1 car,
.9H No. 3 hard winter; 1 car, 7Hc No.
4 hard winter: 1 car, 77c. Rejected hard
winter, 1 car. 7Sc No grade hard winters
1 cor, 74$io; 1 car, 72Hc. No. 3 spring: 1
car, .Silo, 1 car, 74 c. No, 4 spring: 1 car,
76Ho, 1 car, 74c. No. S mlxod: 2 cars..78V4c:
2 cars, 7$c No. mixed: 1 car, 77!rOj t
cars, 77fco; 1 car, 77o. No. a durum. 1
car, 77o. No. 2 durum mixed: 1 car, 76o,
1 car, 7Hc, Corn-No. 4 white: 1 car,
new, 42c. No. 3 yellow: 1 cor, old, 61c: 2
cars, Uc; S cars, 41a No. 8 mixed; I
tar, 41c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 4Joj 1 cor
42c, 1 car, 41c. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car,
30Hc. No. 3 Whlto: 9 cars, 29c. No. i
white 2 cars, 29?4c; l car, 29!4o. No
grade: 1 car, 2i4c Ryo No. 2; 1 car
iaie, Barley-Rejected: 1 car, 42c
Omaha Cash rnces.
hard, 7wnMo: No. 4 hard. 7Wi77c; No.
I spring, 7SH'79o; No. 3 spring, 77WS78ttc
No. 4 spring. 73Uc7Ctto. ,
CORNNo. 3 whlto, 438ttc; No. 4
white. 41HH2c: No. 3 yellow, 43iMlV4c'
-No. 3. 43HtM4c; No. 4, 41c,
OATS-No. 3 white, 30tto; standard, 300"
tte; No. 3 white, 25io; No. 29V42Wia
BARLEY Malting, 64S2c; No. 1 feed
RYB-No. 2, 6969t4c; No. 3, 6SV469o.
Carlot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 62 SOS 19(1
Minneapolis Ell ... ,,
Duluth , ,....472
Omaha 33 12 S3
Kansas City . 25 27 li
Kt. Uua 33 63 y
Winnipeg S&!
Featarea of the Trad lit a and Closing;
I'rlcra on Ilnnrd of Trade.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2S.-Report of the army
movements In Germany, Austria and Itus
t la, forced wheat toduy up grade. The
market closed strong at an udvunoe of
c to KQ-fto net. Com finished KOHa
tq So higher and oata with a gain of HU
Ho to UQHc Latest trading left pro
visions irregular; straggling from 7Ho de
Una to a rise of Xc '
Estimates Indicating that the winter
wheat acreage of the United States
amounted to 7 per cent less than the
total a year ago furnished help to tho
IiuIIh. Upcculators took Into considera
tion also statements that tho Dakotas
and Minnesota had alroudy marketed
about an entire normal crop and wero
In a position now to hold back.
May wheat swung from Kttta to 90T4a
.with last sales HtWio up at WiUOOijc.
Llghtnos or country offerings gavo snap
to the buying of corn. Fine weather
'seemed to mako little Impression. May
fluctuated between 47c and 4 So, closing
firm. Ho net higher at 4Sc Cash grades
were easy. No. 2 yellow was not quoted,
Oata climbed on account of disappoint
ing receipts. May, which sold from 32o
to SIHc, closed HGtHio over last night, at
Longs sold provisions early, but later
the war news dominated the mark a L
Nearby delivery of pork made the chief
Advance, 2Gc.
Closing quotations were'
Article! Open. High. I, Low. CIoso.l Xea'y.
u a l nilltuKnilsl Vaat u i fnllnniB
1 wvk.v uivw li l v I i'UiCil Ui. yi. JVXT
1:4.h5. winter ttrolrhts, (IdOI.&h cprtuir
34.06: bakers, S3.6084.7a
5 uy fc-No. nominal.
i BAnEOTVFeed or mixing, 4&Jf6Po; fair
Slo choice malting, ICSTOc
HEEDH Timothy, 13.0034.75. Clover,
f i PnOVIBIONS-Pork, mesa, n7.60Sil7.75.
gjUird (In tierces). 8U.20tm.26. Short ribs
Vooee). 310J7MU.Oa
5, Total clearances of wheat and flour
JrnerV equal to 818XW bu. Primary re-
't?,1 vere. LI88l059 comnarod with
jfit.OOO bu. the corresponding day a yeur
j I Kstlmated rccelpta for Monday: Wheat.
!M car corn, 200 cam; oats, Wi cars: hogs.
'JVJ!!??? iah IVices-W'lieat: No. 2 red
oauBic; no. 3 northern. KHtrMVc.
J 7io, 3 northerh, 80363c; No. t springr-.
JjiSic, No, 3 spring, sogtUo. No. 4 spring!
iW ?c vMvet chaff, ortsio. durum. 82
l.fmc Corn: No; J. oi. sjc; niiTlB
JZ- Ho. t yellow, old. 7c; newHtH
Wheat I
Dec S4V.OU S5"4 84M, SCH1 hu
May KiH W BMiOOWmi
July KHSSltttU 87K fcSVi 87
Corn I
Dec. 47Hi 47H 47TiOl . 47
May. 47H 48 474 47H
July. tiifU 4 -ISV4 49 4SH
Oats I 1 v
Dec- J0 ZVA 30i SlUSOTifiSi
May. S20i S2H 33 3S?
July. 824PH 82H S3 JJVifrH 32V4
Pork I
1 Jaa 1 20 M JSM 19 10 19 32 19 20
i May. IS 40 IS 40 U37H 13 60 1S47H
- SLard
Pec U 00 U 02H 10 00 10 MS U 03H
r Jan.. 10A7H 10 72ft 10 62H 10 7C9 10 70
10 73H
May 10 15 10 25 10 12ft 10 23t 10 17U
10 55
Sj Jan. 10SH10Sft 10 20 10 30 10 XAt
4 May' 3 85 I 9 92V4 9 85 9 92H 9 kI
.if u a l nilituKnnsi V
?4iic No. 4. new. 41CSV4c: No. 4 yel
Icw. old. 64W5IWC, new, 434Hc Hye: No.
X nominal. Ilarley, 4fri4a Feeds.
Tlmothr. 83.00O3.76, clover. flX.COaiI.U).
UUTTHIt Steady, creameries, futjM'.ic,
dairlM, 2t?31c.
BOOS Steady : receipts. 2,109 cases; at
mark, cases included, 22Jls6c; ordinary
firsts, 24o; flrstJ, 27c.
CHBBSK - Weak, daisies. lOKglCHc;
twins, 164tn6c. young Americas, iVAQ
lflHc, long horns, 16410.
POTATOBft-Sleady: recelpU, 4S cars;
Michigan, Mt63c. Minnesota, WyMe; Wis
oonhln, 4'fi6lc.
lOL'I.THY Alive, steady, turkeys, 17c;
chickens, 10c, springs, lOHc
VUL-8teady, at 9140.
Qnotaltona of the Day on Vnrlona
NEW TORK. Nov. 23. VLOITtt-null:
spring patents. 84.4Wr4.70; winter straight.
fi.iuiui, miliar pwifinis, fi.ivuu.i;; eimng
i ifi, winter exiraa .o. l, n.oj
j4.1A: winter extran No. 2. 11tV!T4.(r.: Kin.
aB straights, H.ootH.10. Itye fiour, barely
ienuy, lair to gooa, w.ipiw; choloo to
fancv U9iIN.0S. Ililckwheat flour, quiet;
tt.OVfl.10 per 100 lbs.
COKN'MEAI,-Steady; fine white and
reiiow. ii.Kn2i.(; coarse. II.4&U1.M: kiln
dried, 13.73. .
llYB- Ht-dy; No. 2 western, 64flOc.
e. I. f. Buffalo.
DAUI.liV Steady: feodlnff. MVc c t. f.
New York; malting. tMCTc. c. I. f. IJufaio.
wheat spot market, eaay; No. 2 red,
11.05, elevator, and 11.04, f. o. b. afloat ;
No. 1 northern Duluth. Me. f. o. b. afloat.
Futures market closed UilUc net lower.
December, 91iU92 6-ldc, closed at 92c;
May, P6 9-16-8M 13-lOe, closed at MIMto.
CORN Spot market, stendy: exnort.
63c, f o. b. afloat, to arrive.
OATH Spot market, steady; standard
white, 37e, nominal; No. 3, 3nUoa7c; No. 4,
.TOaavtc. natural white. X6(Cic: whltn
clipped, 37033ic,
FKKD har y ; western siting bran. 100
Ib, sacks, 822.50; standard middling. UO-lb.
Harks, 122.60; city, 100-lb. sacks, 123.2D.
hay wuiet; prime, nominal; mo, i, 11.10
GU2W: No. 2, 9icK?1.00; NO. 3, 7DfWc.
HOPB Bteailv: state, common to choice.
1912. 20333c; 1911, 12047c; Pacific coast, 1312,
ISVMc: 1911, 17Q.19C.
HIDW3 Firm, hemlock firsts. 27JlCRo:
seconds, 2VJl27c, thirds, 2324c; ejects, 18e.
PHOVlHIONS-l'ork. steady; mess, 119.00; ramuy, la.umvAW. snort clears,
822.0OOC4.60, IJoef. firm; mess, $1 9.0041 20.00;
ramuy, 8Z3.oni34.uo; peer hams. 2i.(usi.w.
Cut meats, quiet; pickled hollies, 10 to 14
lbs., $13.001f13.60; pickled hams, 314.00, nom
inal Ivtrd, weak; mlddlo west prime,
til 2O3U.30; refined, barely steady; con
tinent, 812.05, Bouth America, 812.70; cotn
loun(l, S7.87i4jl.26.
TAMXIW-quletl prime city, hlids., 6Ho;
spoclul, 7',o; country, (var;c
llt'TTKH-Bteady; roceltits, 5,i04 tubs;
process, seconds, 2(0250; factory, June
make, firsts, 24 Vic
eilllTCSB Firm and unencnged; te
celpts, 1,317 boxes.
KUUS-Htendy; receipts, 4.75 cans;
frcs gathered, seconds, ZVOP&a; lefrlH
erntor, firsts, local storage, charges raid,
2IV4922Hc; hennery, whites, fanov, largo,
now laid, 60i!66c; selected, whites,
4So; western, gathered, white, 33042c.
POITLTIIY-Uve, nulct and rteadv;
western chickens, 12&13?; forIs, 421flfc ;
turkeys, 18c. Dressed poultry, steady;
fresh killed western chickens, ilfllSc:
fowls, VMyi6Ho; tureyi, 72'3'26c.
HI. I.011U Grnrrnl Market.
BT. 1X)U1S. Nov. 23.-WHHAT-Cash.
higher; truck No, 2 red, Sl.OOyyuU.OJttl NTJ.
2 hard, 85VM0OC,
COllN-FIrm; track No. 2, 4ftg4CV4o; No,
2 white. 47tto.
OATH-Hlgher; track No, 2, 32J433c;
No. 2 whlto. WYjZio.
rtYB-Unchunged. 00c.
Closing prices of futures:
WIIBAT-Illgher; December, 8o; May,
COItN-Hlghor; Dccembor, 46Ho; May,
OAT-IIIglier; December, OVioj May,
FlOlTR Dull; red winter patents,
tl.S505.16; extra fancy and straight, S4.25
4.76; hard winter clears, S3.10ttf3.40.
HKKD Timothy, $10.00.
CO RNM ISA L 83,00.
1HIAN Firmer,; sacked east track,
Hay-Firm; timothy, J13.0017.00; prairie,
HAtiaiNQ 10, 3-lCc
TWINlfl-Hemp. 8e.
PnoVI8ION-Porlc, unchangel; Job
bing, 81C.60; lard, unchanged; prime
steam, 810.TJVJWO.82V4; dry salt meats,
higher; boxed extra shorts, $11.75; clear
ribs, 111.75;, short clears, I12.12H; bacon
higher; boxed extra shorts, 812,75; clear
ribs, 112.75; short clears; H12Vi.
POUliTUY Mrm; chickens, 9Vo;
springs, 12o; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 14c;
geeso, 11c.
niJTTEIt Firm; cleamery, DajJ34V4o.
IWOS-Flrm; 20c.
Hecetpts. Shipments.
Flour 10,000 13.000
Wheat 48,000 00,000
Corn 77,000 9,000
Oats 49,000 65,000
Knnsaa City Oraln nnd ProvUlonn.
1CAN8AB CITY. Nov. !3. W1 riCAT
Cash, unchanged to Ha up; No. 2 hard,
SOflSGHo; No. 8. 7Mtc; No. 3 rod, 96VJC4J
$1.00; No. S, 90V4897HC
COIIN-Unchanged, Ho lower; No. 2
mixed. HHftUc; No. 8. 42o; No. 2 whlto,
i'Aiitc: No. 3. 44-..
OATS-Uhchanged: No. 2 white, 33S
33Ho: No. 2 mixed. 32V432yc.
11AY Unchanged.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT December. 78J4W8o; May,
85a; July, 81;rlHc
CORN December, 43H5No; May, 45V4
45Hc; July. 4H46vic.
OATS December, 32Ho; May, 83Hc
Receipts. Bhlpments.
Wheat 126.000 123.000
Com , 37,000 17.000
Oats 16,000 19,000
Minneapolis Grntn Market.
December, KHo; May, SOVio. Cash: No,
1 hard, KStto; No. 1 northern. 81Htf83Uo;
No. 2 northern, 79Vfl81Ho; No. 3, 77HW
79 Vic.
CORN-No. 3 yellow, 43fl45c.
OATB-No. 3 white. 2W2)Hc.
RYE-No. 2. M&8o.
URAN-ln 100.ound sacks. $18.001S..
FI3UR-Flrat patenU. $4.1594.45; second
patents, $4.034.25; first clears, $3.00l3.30j
second clears, S2.20gf2.60.
MllrranUee Grmtn Market.
1 nortliorn, SCOTOHo: No. 3 northern,
RJOBtHo; No. 2 hard winter, ETHISSc; De
cember, SSVic; Muy, 87Vio.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 69Ce0c; No. 3
white, new, 63a; No. 3. old. 64Q66c; De
cember. 4SKe; May, 47HtT48c.
Liverpool Grain Msrlte.t i
L.1VERPOOL. Nov. SS.-WHEAT-8pot.
steady No. 1 Manitoba, new, 7s 6Hd; No,
3 Manitoba, new, 7a 3Hd; Mo. S Manitoba,
new, 7s 2d; futures, weak: December. 7s
2Hd; March, 7s IVid; May, 7s la.
CORN-pot, easy; nsw American, kiln
dried, a 6d; futures, weak; December, 4s
8K4; January, 4a 9Hd.
Peoria Market,
PBORIA. Nov. 2S,-CORN-Unchanged
to Ho higher; No, 4 white, OZfUVio; No.
3 yellow. 46Ho; No. 4 yellow, 4l4Jo; No.
3 mixed, 46Ho; No. 4 mixed, 42043Ho;
sample. 40Mlc
OATS Firm; No. 2 whlto, SSa; stand
ard, 32;c; No. 3 white, SliGOc.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. O.. Nov. 2X-8EBDB-Clover.
Jirlme csah, 811.00; December and March.
11.06; February. SH.12V5. Alslke. prime,
$12.95: December. tlt.OO; March. IlS.crT
Timothy, prime, December, $1.S2H; March,
Ilalntb Grain Market,
DULUTH. Nor. 2S.-WHKA.T-On track.
No. 1 hard. 8Jc; No, 1 Northern, 8IH0
No. I Northern. TMlo; Montana. No? i
hard, 81c; Decembtr, 8OK0 bid; May.
Turpentine nnd Rosin.
R A VA WAIT Cla Nn frflnnrM.
TINE-Bteady. S5Hc: sales. 141 bbls.; re
ceipts, ha ddis.; snipmenis, 111 bbla. do
mestic:, stock, 35,330 bbls.
iinmv-Pirm- iui., .10: khi..
3,415 bbls.; shipments. 711 bbls. dumestlr;
uiui, iiJ.111 uum, vuoie: A, u, t and
D, $3.80. E. 83.S3: O. $5.95; II. K.03H; I,
ICOJ; K. $6.55; M, $7.00; N. $7 40 WO
r eo; ww, $
Wool Market.
BT. LOUIS, Nov 23.-WOOL-BUady.
..v ... . u.u.t.a, ,nv, . , ..w, , 1 1.
nun lllin U1UU1V lllnlUVlJl
Operations Held in Check, by War
Talk Abroad.
Price. Knar Off nt OprnliiR- Respond
Inn- to I.orrrr I.ercl' nf Anterlrnns
In I.nndnn Pnlnii rnclfle
liosen Pnlnt,
NEW YORK. Nov. 23,-Operations on
tho stock oxehango today were held In
check by war talk abroad and by tho
fart that at the opening of next week
will bn announced tho award In the ar
bitration of the enstern locomotive en
glnenrs demands. Bilch Importance has
been- attached to the decision In this
msn that o porn torn aro disposed to net
cautiously pending announcement of the
award. Absence of a large number of
traders tended to decreaso activity
Responding to the lower level, of
'j.erlcans In lOndon, prices cased off
at the opening, although only a few
Issues declined a much as a point.
Btockn with International markets were
the most prominent In the early trading.
Ileforn the end of tho first hour the list
recovered, but toward tho close pressuro
was renewed and prices fell to the lowest.
The ooppers wero heavy throughout and
In tho lata selling Union Pacific und
Reading lost a point.
The bank statement showed, In tho
actual table, n cah lor of $2,760,000.
which wns somewhat larger than had
been nldlcated by known movements of
Tho bond market was Irregular, with
an easier trend. Total sales, par value,
WO,Vi0. United Btntoa 2s declined H
on call on tho week.
Number of gales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Bl. Illsh, Low. CIom.
Amal(niai! Copper . . 4,fl U MH H
AmerlcAn Asrlrultunal tK
American IWl Hucir.. . r,00 SSV MH 65 Vi
Amrrlcan Can 3,604 4H4 41K 41K
American Can PfJ Z04 1S4
Amrrlun C Si r 100 Hi
Amrrlcan Cotton Oil.... 400 tlVk
Am Ice Saeurltle
Amrrlcan IJnaeed ....... 100 II
American lxwmrKIre ... )0 44H
u 11
HSi 44U.
Amxrican H. A II fOO I0V4
7tt M
Amnncan n, & 11...., .. ww iu i' mi
. n. U M. II -fA M IMU tMU
Am Buxar luilnlns liH4
Amrrlcan T AT 400 Uii J41H iiltt
Amerlonn Tobneco 100 270 KO S
Anaconila lllnlnjt Co.... 800 41 41Vi 4H
AtchlMffl 800 107H 1074 107H
Atchlaon DM ..... 101S
Attantlo Coast Line. HlVa
halllmore A Ohio.
490 loivi ioh
400 41U. 40H 4014
Bcthl.hcm RUM
tlrooklrn ItapM Tr. .....
Canadian I'acllle ,
Central Leather
fhaaapeake A: Ohio.
Chicago 0. W
Chlcaim, M. t HI. P....
Chicago & M W... ......
Colorado P. at I..,,
Corwolliialeit Oaa ,
Corn ProduoU
Dalawar i HuOaon
S0O 4
3,04 UA
too :u
500 tl
Hi t
Ui 1US
"i i
i,'oo iis "
104 140
I14H 1I4K
140 llH
iU iih
100 Mi
4i urn uthi ui
TOO 17 H 1H
Denirer A Itl Oramln. .
Denver & It. O. pfd StV
DIMtllens BecurlUw .... 4,700 JI14 24 24?
Erl 1 600 14h 14 51
Hrle lit ptd H
Krle M pfd.
llnenl Glaclrls
Oreat Northarn pfd
100 1M lUVi 1M
(00 MlVi Uav, 1 t4
(lieat Northern Or ctfs. ,,
Illinois Central
Interlorouth Met
Inttr. Met. pfd
International llarreater..
Inter-Marine Md
200 20V4 20 W,
too MK l
100 11114 lJlli 1MJ,
International 1 Paper
International I'ump
Kanaaa Cltr Houthern.... ..
Laclede. CI aa
Lehigh Valler I
Lotilavllla it Naahrllle.,
W0 174 174 Vt mH
100 14IH 1ICH 144H
KM 44 ISTi 43H
204 1UH 112)4 U114
W0 114'i US4 114V4
il., St. 1'. & S. 8. M
MIWHHirl, K. A T ..
Mltaourl Pmclfl
National Illacult
National Lead
K. It. It. of M. M Pfd.. ..
New York Central
M V O. A W
700 114H 124H 1(414
North Amerluui
Northern raclflo ,
raellle Mall
1 Yt
renneyltanla .....
People's Oaa
1.100 111H liiu
am 11IH 111 111
P.. C C. A St. It.
" 12?i
ir".'...'" '.r.ii. ni
Car...., '.'.'. 146
iltlaburcn coal
ITenaed Steel Car,
I'ullinan Palace
34,100 171
171V I7iai
lirpubllo 1. A B
ltrpublla I. & S. pfd
WO 24
Ilook Ulaml Co (00
Ilock Iiland Co. pfd.... fOO
St. L A fl. h U pfd... 200
8ea,uoard Air Line........ ,....
Seahoard A. L. pfd 100
BluM-Sheftle d 8. A I
Southern raclflo
Houthern lUtlway
it intl ii'iil i u
W fat' IIH 2114
do. lUllway pfd ,
Tennriaee Uoppar .......
Teiaa A Pacillo ,
Union I'acltlo
Union Pacific pfd
H.S0O 17S14 Hl4 mi.
,,. Wli
United gtatca llcally
Unltea BUtee ltubbrr.... 3.300 f.
'iiu !?
741i 74S
lu til
UV. 4114
United HUtM Steel 11,100 74V.
I,'. A. Steel ptd V00 111
Utah Copper 1,00 lit
Va.. Carolina Chemical
Wabash ,
Wabaah pfd
weatern Maryland
Weetern Union ioO
WntllnthouM. Klectrlo .. (00
Wheeling A L. E
Total ealet for tho day, 114,400 baxta.
New York Money Miirkcl.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23.-MONHYnn
call, nominal; time loans, steady: sixty
days, 6 per cent; ninety duys, i?4 per
cent; six months, SUU&ni per cent.
actual business In bankers' blllti at ll.SO&J
for sixty-day bills and at l.W,i for de
mand. Commercial bills, $!.so3a.
aiLVlsu IJur, b3o: .Mexican dollars.
110ND8 3overnment, steady: railroad.
Closing Quotations on bonds todnv w.r.
as follows.
V. 8. ref. 2a. re... 100H K. 0. 80. ret. (a., 74
do coupo-l lW.tL. a. deb. 4a lilt. . 12V
U. 8. la. rcg Wlit'L. & .V. unl. sj'l
do coupon 101 M. K. A T. 1st 4a. It
U. 8. U. ras 111)4 do gen. 4Ha M
de coupon 114 Mo. raclflo 4 7l
ranama la. coupes.. 1I1M do con. K. i:u
A.-C. lat U ctta... 1V N II II of M 4H IS
Amer. Ag. U iOlVN. y, c. g. 314s,,., IIH
A. T. A T. 4S.. 11114 do deb. 4a., !V.!.! i
Am. Tobacco 4a. ...110 N. T. t II. A II.
Armour A Co, 44a. 1114 ct. 114a 1$
Alcnieon gen. i ,N. a w. let e. 4a.. I7U
do cy. 4a 140
. iH ed0 cr. 4. us
W7TNo. raclflo 4a m
do la ti
HO. 8, L. rfdg. 4..., in,
JtSl'enn. c. ,a mj. Mt,
1 'd con. 4a 10:
llldlng gen. Wi
do or. 4a. ...... .
A. U. U lit 4e...
1UI. A Ohio 4i..
do iUa
Ilrook. Tr. cy. 4a
Cen. of (la. t.
ten. leather la
Chee, A Ohio 4ia.. 11 do arn. ta..' iii.
do ton. 4a. II est I., K. w. c ! jov
Chicago A A. ma. 44 R A. L adj tn. . ?
C, U. A Q. J. 4a.. Me, col. 4... Mu
do gen. 4 14 1, do cv. 4i . v
O 11 fl f n 4Ha..l4i do let ref. 4t 41
L,U ' lUllwa, .:: iJJh
do ttg. 4a... 1714 do gn. la 711
C A B. r A 414a HUDnloa rclno la ' ttl
D. A IL cr. 4a.... M14 do cr. 4a... " . lolu
D. A It. O. ret. U ti Mo ut & "
rHatmrra- S ....... 7114 T. 8. Rubber 4a! lMH
Brl. P, I. Ja U14U a. Jteel id iM.Y.iwt
to geo. 4a n Va..rr. Chem. la M
do ct. 4. aer. B17HWabaah let A ei 4, uu
III. On. is nl. 4aK14Weni Md. , is?
Inter. Met. 4H It West. Bles. eT. 5.' i l
Uter. M. M. 4Ha.. 4!4wie. Central 4v IfS
Jaan 414 ....... .. U "
Uld. Offered.
Ilnaton Cloatnii ntneka.
UOffTON, Nov. S3.-;iolnc quotations
on stocks were a follows:
Alleuea 4ll4Mohak
Amal. Copper .. . . S4HKrada Oa. ...
A. Z, L. A 8 tOtCttvleslng Mlnu
Art ton Com. 4H North Butt ....
B. .A a C. A S. M. IS North Late ....
Cal. A ArlMna...,. Tt old Dominion .,
. w
, 14
. t
cat. A uecia. ew oweola j
uenueoniaj iv wuinoy 14
Cop. Rang O. C. ., 44V Shannon i,u
Cat ButU C M... IS Buperlor ,3
rranklla H Superior At D. M, u
ni,. iVm, . . lLV.n.. t.
UIIV.. ........ Tl . II I A 4
uraovr i.t, v. o, a. H. at u
Oreetie Cuanea . IS do fti
Itle Royal, Copper MS Utah (n
Kerr Uka 21 l-Ut'tah Cpper Co.
Lake Cnpper ... lOHWIaoaa
La falle iVslr .. SVWoltcrlne '.
Miami Copper . . ITH
Tre-nsory Slnfeinrut,
WASHINGTON Nov. 23The condition
or the I nlted States treasury at the be
ginning of business today was ns follows
!K5!r.Mmj ba,,'c. $92,7.a7; In banks and
Philippine treasui-y. $32,079,101: total of
general fund, $143,006,938; receipts jester
day, 12.120.4W, disbursements. $3,153,436.
The deficit this Hscal year la $1,233,437 as
against a dsflclt or $31,423,303 last year
The figure for receipts, disbursements
.o'1 deficit exclude Panama canal and
PUbiio debt transactions.
Clearing; House Hank Statement.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-The statement
of the actual condition of clearing house
banks nnd trust companies for the week
shows that they hald $8,705,100 reserve In
exeess of legal requlrments. This Is a
decrease of $M,10o from last week. The
"tatement follows:
Dally average Decrease.
Loan $1.8CW.50.fX) $9,945,000
Sliecle ai0,957.(Xr KOS.OjO
lygal tenders 81.887.OiM 979,00
nrculatlon 4(S,7X,001 138,000
Excess lawful reserve... 7,686,400 2.2S5.700
Net deposits 1,707.64.00 8,788,tO0
nanus casn reserve in vault. 1328,910.000.
Trust companies' cash reselve In vault,
Aggregate cash reserve. $39214,000.
Trust companies' reserve with clearing
house members carrying 26 per cent cash
reserve, ju.iw.'ju.
Artual condition
$1,893,958,000 $7,227,005
. 309,420,000 2,810,(00
I-ogul tenders
Net deposits
tixcess lawful reserve
6.692 0 0
503, 103
Manka' cash reserve In vault, $32S,77S,I0.
Trust companlen' cash reserve In vault,
Aggrogato cash reserve, $391,OJ7,000.
Trust companies' reserve with clearing
houso members carrying 25 per cent cash
reserve, $46,8M,000.
Summary of state banks and trust
companies In Greater New York not In
cluded In clearing house statement:
Loans $684,186,300 $3,181,800
Specie 61,400,800 990,700
Legal tenders 8.449.000 K6.700
Total deposits 629.392,000 4,680,600
London Stock Mnrket.
IX)NDON, Nov. 23,-Rumors of the
mobilization of tho. Russian and Austrian
armies caused an easy opening on the
stock exchange. Later the market weak
nvd on continental selling and local reul
iilng prior to the settlement, and the
whdle market declined moderately and
closed with an uncertain tone
Trading was dull In tho American sco
tlon. Prices opened around parity and
then declined with the other sections. A
slight rally followed and soma shares re
covered to the opening lovol. The clos
ing was dull. With Mrlrea rnnointr (mm
1 ""changed to half lovcr than yesterday's.
i . : : .
iN6W YOrk ClOSllllT.
1 s,ney was in better supply and dls-
! count rates were easy.
1 London closing stocks:
Coniola, morur... 75 1-lLou!llla A N 1S1
do account 74t4M., K, & T
Amal. Covotr. ....... I7UN. Y cantral 114
Anaconda Mtrfolk & W... 119
Atchluin ill do ptd tl
do ptd., .lOSUOntarlo A W St
Ilaltlmoro & Ohlo...110SrcnnjlTanl c$
Canadian Pacific .. .7H lUnd Mlnri
i-neaapeaxt & o. ... SJU Ilcadlni IK
.nicago u, w......
Chi., Mil. A St. T.
Ue Iieeni ,
Dcnrcr A Illo O...
do pfd
KrU , ,
. II Boutharn Ity 3(H4
.UIH do ptd 14
. 20; Southern Tactile 114H
. 2it Union Pacific 177H
41H do
.. Ut4U. S. Rtetl
.. 61 do ptd
.. 44HWabih
. 74U
do 1M ptd.
do 2d oM
Grand Trunk..
nimtila Ontrail.'.'.'.'iiilu
kii virn J,..I . 1.
I i?,V7vp?waV VJfl S9V"1 PeF
ZIY, do pfd.,...
Till! rate Of dlHCOUnt In the nnen mnrlrof
for short bills is 4't per cent; for three
months' bills, 4 pr cent.
New York .Ml ulnar Stocks,
NI4W YORK. Nov. "3 f!liv1nir nimn.
ffiMiH nn mlnlni? tnnW vrj.
Com nn.i ,tock.. 1 Mexican
do bonda 11 Onuriu
.. 47
.. 40
Con. Cal. ft Va.... Ophlr
Iron 8llTer 140 standard
UtdTllls Con I Tellow Jacket
Little C7i let t
nUTTKR No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 35c; No,
1. CO-lb. tubs, 34lc; No. 2, 33c.
cmSEaK-lmjKirted Swiss. S3c; Amerl
cmt BwIbh, 20c; block Swiss, 24c; twins,
vC, daisies, 200; triplets, 20c; Young
.Americas, 21c; blue label brick, 21c; 11m-
herger, 2-lb 22c; 1-lb., 22c; New York
Willie, 1C
POULTRY-Hiollers. 8! per doz.. hens.
ltyiCc; cocks, lie; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c;
turkeys, lie; pigeons, per doz., $1.20. Alive,
""Hof". lo: I'ens, OVsOlOHc; old roosters,
"; luck, full feathered, 12ttc; geese.
' tcainereu, ivo; turkeys, l&ii'lSc;
21 21 ! pigeons, per dor.. 0c; homers. J2.30;
II FRUITS, KTC. Missouri Hpplea. in
2SV4 IJH'hls.. J3,(XI3.3;; New York Greenings
K 41 1 and Ilaldwlns, 33.23. Spanish onions, per
,0 JJ ciue, Jl.iW. Hamulus, fancy select, per
"nil .bunch, r.'.2i02.K); Jumbo, per bunch, 32.73
:! .4r3.7S. Dates. Anchor brand, new. an 1.I1.
'Pkgs. In box. Per box. 12.10: Dromedary
hra"l- nw, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box, per
box, 33.00. Figs, California, per case of
12 No. 12 pkgs., 85c; per caso of 80 No. 12
l,kcn. S2.Su: Tier cunn nf (VI Nn it nk,- .
32.00; bulk, in 25 nnd tO-lb. boxes, per b
tlVi, nnu. prttrlrlBl, ftnmn,,. I A 11.
boxes, per lb., 13c; 6-crown, In 20-1 b.
"oxes, per lb.. ICc; 7-crown, In 20-lb.
boxes, per lb. 17c. Lemons, Llinonelru,
solectcd brand, extra fancy, 30-300 sizes,
I wr box, 37X0; Loma Llmonelra, fancy,
1 500-300 sizes, per box. Stt.Uh 240-420 sizes,
,:o per box less; California, choice, SOO.
l Sw ilzeB, per box. jo.oo. Oranges, Cull
' Ifornla Red (C) brand, extra fancy, Dfi-KC
i sizes, per box, 14.00: extra rancy. all
sizes, per box. $L7B. Florida grape rrult,
an sizes, S3.&U. cranberries, per bbl.,
18.00: per box. I2.7TJ; Jumbo C brand. 30.00.
VEOETADLR8 Cabbage, WiBconeln,
per lb lc. Colery. Michigan, per doz.,
SSc. Cucumbers, hothouse, per doz., 11.23,
Kgg Plant, fancy Florida, per doz., 31.50.
Garlic, extra fancy, white, per doz., 15c.
Lettuce, extra fancy, per doz., 40c.
Onions, white. In crate. Jl; yellow, per
lb., mc. l'arslnv. fancy Houthern. pr
doz. bunches, 6Ci?73c. Potatoes. Karly
Ulno. per bu., 65c. Tomatoes, California,
inr bn'Uct KAX Wax bentis, per bucket
11; green beans, per basket, $t. Sweet
potiuocs, Kansas, per bbl., 32.50. Ruta
bngnH, per lb l4c.
F18II tfresh)-Plckerel, lie; white, 13c'
trout, 13c; Spanish mackerel, ICc; eel, 17c;
haddock, 13c; flounders. 13c; green cat
fish, 13c; shad roe, per pair. 30o; salmon,
17c; halibut, 13c; buffalo, Sc; bullheads, 13o.
Beef Cut Prices Wholesale prices of
beef outs, effective November IS, are as
follows: No. 1 ribs, 20c; No. 2 ribs,
lie; No. 3 ribs. 10Jc; No. 1 loins. 22c;
No. 3 loins, 15c; No. 3 loins, 12c; No. 1
chucks, 9c; No. 2 chucks, be; No. 3
chucks, 74c; No. I rounds, 12c; No. 2
rounds, 10c; No. 3 rounds, SMc; No. 1
plates, 8c; No. 2 plates, 7Hc; No. 3'
plates, 7c.
Cotton Market.
Futures closed tlrm; November, 12.4Jc;
December, 12.44c: January, 12.4Sc; Feb
ruary. 12.4?c; March. 12.52c; May, 12.53c;
June, 12.53c; July, K.4Sc; August. 12.37c;
September, 12.00; October, ll.78c. Spot
closed steady; middling, 12.30c; middling
gulf. 13.05c. Sales, none.
dull; prices firm; American middling, fair.
7.52d; good middling. 7.1Sd; middling, 6.9Sd;
low middling. 6.RV1; good ordinary, 6.34d;
ordinary, J.bfid. The sales of tho day were
4.000 bales of which 500 were for specu
lation and export and Included 2,700 Ameri
can, Omnha liny Market.
OMAHA. Nov, .-HAY-No. 1. upland.
$11.00811.(0; No. 2, $10.003'11.00; No. 3, $S.0Off
10.(0: No. 1, midland, SlO.Knf 11.00; No. 2.
I10.00tfl0.50; No. 3, $3.00310.00, No. 1, low
land. $9.00310.01; No. 2. 3S.OOS9.00; No. 3,
$6.0003.00. Altalfa: No. 1. third and fourth
cutting, $lt.00ftlt 50: first und aecond cut
ting. $13.50014.00; No. X any cutting. $12.50
613.50; No. 3, any cutting. $10. 00 12. 00.
Straw; Wheat, $o.00; rye, $7.00; oa $7.60.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23.-DRY (300DS
The cotton goods markets ruled strong.
Wide sheetings havo been advanced ttto
a yard tor Wamtuttas. Yarns were very
firm and active. Linens ruled firm and
are being sold well. In underwear and
hosiery fall trade Is starting in very well
and most of the 1913 lines will be out by
December 1.
ISvniiornteil Apples nnd Dried Frnltn.
APPLES Quiet: fancy. 7i0'te; oholcc.
6V40THc: prime. SMJflHc
DRIED FIiriTS-Pruns, active- Apri
cots, firm. Peaches, steadv. Raisins,
Suuur Market.
NEW YORK. Npv. 23. SUGA R Raw,
steady; muscovado. 89 test, 3.65s; cen
trifugal. 96 teat, 4.050, molasses sugar, 89
test. S.S0c; refined, steady; crushed. E.6tc;
fine granulated, 4.90c, powdered, 50c,
Host Kinds of Cattle Lower for the
Fn4 Sheep nnd l.nmlt Twenty
Thirty-Fire Higher Feeder
I.nmba Ten tn Fifteen Cents
HUtter for the Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 23, 1912.
nu.-lhi. . . V. . . i . r . U V. n
r. were; uaiiie. iiuks.
Official Monday 13.016 S.5 2S.9&
prflclal Tuesday 6.951 12.891 11.969
'ifllcla' Wednexday ... 4,4i 10.M9 U.-'-
Official Thursday 4,420 10.486 7.060
Official Friday 672 9.9 2.U4
'.iiiiaiu oaiuruay .... 7a b.jvj . ...
Six days this week. 23, 449 61,981 C0.193
same days last week. .2Z21 4S.Z15 81.881
Same days 2 Wks ago.10,843 22,872 72.2CG
Same days 3 w ks ago. 33,271 20.17 1K062
Same days 4 w'ks agb.33,129 33,614 141,t92
Same days last year.. 23.303 41.663 43,557
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at pouth Omaha
for tho year to date as compared with
laat year. 1912. 1911. Inc. Dec
Cattle ...... 916,919 tOf.2,677 164,658
Hogs 2,61,36o 2,117,531 C01.7S5
Sheep ..... 2,731,530 2,F22,564 91,024
The following table shows tho range of
price ror hogs at South Omaha ror the
last re wdaya, with comparisons:
Date. 1912. liHl.1910.1909.iiaOg. liKf7.,190B.
Nov. 13.
7 b0i 6 24 7 66 7 97 4 91 6 03
7 921), 6 31 7 36 7 96 6 59 4 99 6 10
33 7 44 7 93 5 54 C t6
7 784 6 30 7 33 7 99 6 59 4 83
7 70 7 20 7 94 5 70 4 64 6 01
7 71 6 If, 7 So 5 69 4 63 H trj
7 76V4 6 13 7 08 B 76 4 49 6 10
7 69J4 6 18 6 83 7 88 4 32 ti W
6 26 I 6 93 7 89 6 87 4 031 6 13
Nov. 16.
Nov. 17.
Nov. 18.
Nov. 19.
-Nov. -0.
Nov. 21.
Nov! a'..
Receipts and disposition or live stock
at tho Union Stock yards, Bouth Omaha,
ror twenty-rour hours ending at 3 o'clock
p. m., Saturday, November 23:
C. M. & St. P 2
Union Paclflo 2 18
C. & N. W., coat '9
C. & N, W.. west 22
C, St. P., M. & 0 4
C. H. & Q., east 8
C. D. & Q west 22
C. R. I. & P., east v 20
Illinois Centrul 4
C. O. W 4
Total receipts 2 108
Cattle. Hogs. Sheopp.
Morris & Co 1,531
Swift & Co 2,137
Cudahy Packing Co 2,833 152
Armour & Co 335
Armour rrom Denver).. 60
Other buyers 13 .... 11
Totals 63 6,831 163
CATTLE Thero were no rresh cattle
hern todny or any consequence and no
market. For the week receipts have been
very liberal, In fact the largest slnco three
weeks ago and larger than a year ago.
Tho causo for the largo run 1h apparently
the very good prices at which warmed-up
comfed steers havo boen selling. These
prices havo been such as to make the
feeders money und they have been let
ting go of the cattle qulto freely.
The market on comfed cattle for the
week, owing to the largo receipts noted
above, had a lower tendency not only
here but at tho other markets as well. At
tho close or the week prices aro mostly
25o lower than a week ago. On the other
hand, range steers, which at this season
of the year are always given the prefer
ence over tho cornfeds, have shown little
or no decline, being just about steady
with a week ago. As a matter or course,
the supply or range steers has been small,
as was expected this late In the season.
Cows nnd heifers havo been In very
liberal supply all tho week, but there has
also been a good buying demand, so that
the market has continued In a good
healthy condition throughout the week.
The large receipts, howover, have enabled
buyers to bear tho market somewhat so
that at the close prices are around 15
23o lower than last week.
Stock cattle nnd feeders have been
pretty freo sellers this week, but the re
ceipts have been very large, so that buy
ers havo taken advantage of existing
conditions to rorco prices downward ana
they have shown about tho same decline
oa butcher stock, being 16fif25c lower than
last week. Owing to the liberal receipts
the medium to common kinds of cattle
wero discriminated against and were- on
most days rather hard to move. There
were a good many stock calves received
during the week. In fact, enough to break
the market 25b50c, as compared with a
week ago.
Quotations or. Native Cattle Good to
choice beef steers, $8.259.75; fair to good
beef Btcera, $7.2598.23; common to fair
beef steers, $6.00.23; good to cholco heif
ers, 16.7510.00; good to choice cows, $5.50
0.50; fair to good grades, $4.6Oo.50; com
mon to fair grades, J3.234J-t.50; good to
choice stockers and feeders, $6.25ft7.bO;
fair to good stockers.. and feeders, $5.76
6.26; common to fair stockers and feed
ers, $3.UQ5.76: stock cows and heifers,
$t.50i&6.00; veal calves, $5,0019.00; bulls,
stags, etc., $4.00Q.U0.
Quotations on Range Cattle Good to
choice beef steers, $o7I54iS.15; fair to good
beet steers. 36.25cati.'5; common to lair
beef steers, $5.60ti6.25
HOaS Another Instance of active trade
and higher prices tor hogs at South
Omaha while all other points reported
slow and steady markets was furnished
this morning. Notwithstanding liberal
receipts tor a Saturday, a bullisn reeling
on tne part ot both buyers and sellers
scorned to prevail right from tuu opening
or the market. Tuu. Ilrst sales wero
closed by speculators who started out
early In tho morning bidding prices strong
to 11 nickel higher than thu general run
of sales on Friday and uuito a few hogs
were sold on that basis. The packing
Interubts, although bullish, woltcd until
the speculative buyers had got) about uu
the hogs they wanted and then slartid
out to llll their orders at prices showing
fully a nickel auvunce. rsot many hogs
wero disposed ot on packing account b
fote buyers taw that tho receipts wore
scarcely sufficient to sullsty their re
quirements and quite naturally an Im
provement In values followed, in the end
the bulk of the puckers' purchases v.'aa
6tfl0o higher than eteiday's general
market. While quite a lev.' ikJuIiikh weic
let go at $3.00, the majority ot tho hot;s
sold at a range ot W.t&ni.VJ as cumpaifd
with the bulk yesterday at $7.o!j,i.i4. Thu
top price ror the day, ii.To, was glvun for
several loads, On thn whoic the movi -ment
was good und acilvo at thu advance,
a complete cleuiunce being made by 1J
o'clock. The supply amounted to aoout
12-1 cars, or 8,300 head, as ugalnst 6, 198 head
last. Saturday una ,mh neau on me, same
oay 11 year ago.
Receipts tor the week rooted up In round
numbers 62.000 hoad as compared with
45,'JM) head last week, 23,900 head two
weeks ago and 41.6U) head during the
same time last year. Hogs at the close
ot tho week average around Z3o lower
than a week ago, the bulk today being
$7.65ti7.70 as against $?.9O4j'&.00 last Satur
day. Representative sates:
AT. so. Ft.
At. Sh. Pr.
...ltl ... T 474
111 110 T TO
...170 ... T TO
...111 200 7 70
. . .110 40 7 '.0
...Mi ... 7 TO
...Ml ... 7 70
. . ISO 40 1 70
...m . . 7 70
...174 .. T TO
...171 140 7 10
...UT 110 T 70
...141 40 T TO
...til 10 T TO
...111 140 T Tl
...141 ISO T TO
...140 I HO T 70
11 174
T 49
7 M
i Tl 1
; iot wi
141 ISO 7 M
i 70., 1M
II 177
1 71 Ill
.. 7 40
40 T 40
.. T U
! 44 171
111 U0 T li
U0 140 T U
7 I7h
I 40
.Ut U 7 40
..14 110 7 40
15 104 100 T 10
41 IS4 ... T 40
M. 147 ... T 40
,..14 UO T 44
,..14 10 T 44
44....... .IM 400 7 TO
il ... T TO
41 101 13 1 to
71. .
M M 7 44
HI U0 T 44
, Ill ... T 45
......Ul 110 T 45
U4 140 I 44
41 140 40 T TO
..17 110 T TO
tZ ..
n ...
Tl ...
13.. .
41 .
4.. ,
4T . .
7 70
0 T TO
40 T TO
.. T 0
7 70
...S4T 140 T 4S
40 7 U
40 7 41
41 " r.
u : a
.. 7 44
40 ;
7 TO
Ml 114
t in) 7 TO
I Ti
.kg to T 7u
.303 100 T 70
147 ItO T 70
au 110 T 44
:m iso t o
..140 40 T 45
. .Ml 110 T 43
.,110 ... 7 49
. .Ul 114 T 44
165 10 T TO
7 70
10 7 TO
7 T4
M 7 74
114 ... T 43
Ul 44 T 43
141 ISO t 10
M4 40 TTI
- 10 7 71
M. . .14 140 T 11
a... ....144 U0 Tie
Si. .141 J40 7 8 M ... IV) . . T TO
41....... 244 1M 7 43 ,78 145 140 T T
41 117 7 44 Tl t(4 10 T TiH
4 47 1 T47H M t ... T Tt
44 :4I M T 474 40 Ill 10 7 7
17 J44 4 T 174 U 17t 10 T T4
HI 501 1W 7 474 II 84 U0 T Tl
7 141 ... T474 44 MS ... T Te
ll SI U0 7 474 10 US 190 TTt
7 7t 14o T 474 11 l ... 7 71
41 174 14 7 44 14 114 ... 7 74
44 It! ... T 15 7 Ill ... 7 10
14 ... IS ..HI ... T 14
44 17 ... I 40 70.. ......114 ... TOO
"I ... 43 45 UO ... 7 06
SHhBP AND IAAuiS There being no
sheep or lambs Included In the live stock
receipts today the sheep market remains
unchanged from yesterday.
During Uic last week very little prime
stuff In the wny ot sheep and Iambs was
offered for sale, which Is not unusual at
this tlmo of the year. What western ship
ments come now run very largely to the
common to fair grades or lambs and sheep
and a big percentage ot them are bought
ror reeding purposes. The light supply
or anything at all decent tor killing was
a bullish factor In the trado on most days.
Hoth tat sheep and lambs may be taken
as about 20&35C higher than a week ago.
Business was reasonably active all the
week with the best lambs bringing as
much as $7.25 and some Vry choice year
lings at $3.75. A bunch ot native ewes
brought $4.25 yesterday and $4.35 was
reached this week with wethers. On Fri
day several cars or wheat field lambs
from Idaho sold at $7.00. Another notice
able feature In the trade was the appear
ance or a small ndmber or red westerns,
but not enough to establish a market tor
that class or stock.
The feeder trade also displayed a very
rair degree or activity with the supply
about equal to the demand. As high as
$6.30 was paid for a bunch of extra, good
teedtng lambs, while the bulk of the de
sirable ones moved around J6.3O0S.4O.
Feeding lambs are quotably 1015c bet
ter than tho close of last week. Feeder
ewes of good quality sold largely at $3.16
03.35 and yearlings up to $5.00. All kinds
of feeding sheep show little If any change
In prices rrom those in rorce at the end
or last week, though feeder yearlings may
possibly be stronger.
The total receipts ror the week show a
marked railing oft as compared with a
week ago and two weeks ago, but are
about .10.300 head In excess of the supply
during the corresponding time last year.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, $7.1097.3S; lambs, rair to
good, $6.70(37.10; lambs, feeders, $5.6Ogti.50;
yearlings, light, $5.2S5.75; yearlings,
heavy, $4.755.25; yearlings, feeders, $4.60
45.10; wethers, good to choice, $4.004.33;
wethers, fair to good, $3.6O34.00; wethers,
feeders. $3.3704.10: ewes, good to choice,
$J.i,Ul4.00: ewes, talr to good, $3.253.60;
ewes, reeders, $2.6if3.35; ewes, yearling
bleeders. $4.50tj6.00; cull sheep and bucks,
Demand for Cattle nnd Hobs Steady
Sheep Wenlo
ceipts, 1,000 head: market, steady;
beeves, $0.2Vgi0.55; Texas steers, $4,800
5. CO; western steers, 15.5OSO.00; stockers
and reeders, $4.25S'7.50; caws and helfors,
$2.75S'7.40; calves, $6.50910.00.
HOGSRecelpts, 11,000 head; market,
steady to strong; light, $7.3507.80; mixed,
$7.4037.85; heavy. $7.350r.S5; rough, $7.35
7.55; pigs, $3.507.60; bulk of ewlea, $7.65
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 2,000
head; market, weak to 10a lower; native,
$3.50714.40; western, $165 4. 35; yearlings,
$1.8086.85; lambs, native, $5.507.2B; west
orn. $5.507.2C.
ICnnnnn City Live Stock Market,
Receipts 600 head, including 300 head
southerns; market, steady; native steers,
$6.60310.86; southern steers, $4.257.23;
southern cows and heiters, $3.756.00; na
tive, cows and heifers, $3.60aS.60: stockers
and feeders, $4.75ig7.60; bulls, $4.0006.00;
calves, $5.609.60; western steers, $6,609
9.00; western cows, $3.75g6.60.
HOGSRecelpts, 2,600 head; market,
5910o lower; bulk of sales, $7.505?.65;
heavy. $7.GS37.70; packers and butchers,
$7.557.70; light, $7.4007.60; pigs, $8.2607.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts none;
market steady; muttons, $3.7506.00; lambs,
$5 6007.60; range wethers and yearlings,
$4.0006.00; range ewes, $3.004.50.
St. I.ouU Live Stock Msrktl.
colpts, 8,000 head. Including 700 Texans;
market, steady; native shipping and ex
porting steers, $6.50011.00; dressed and
butcher steers, $3.3508.76; stockers and
feeders, $3.7507.00; cowb and heifers, $4.00
09.00; canners. $2.7604.00; bulls, $4,003
6.50; calves, $6.00011.00; Texas nnd Indian
stoers, $4.6007.40; cows and heifers, $3.25
HOGSRecelpts, 9,300 head; market, lOo
lower; pigs and lights, $6.7507,80; mixed
and butchers, $7.6507.90; good heavy, $7.75
No sheep market.
St. Joneph Live Stock Mnrket,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Nov. 23. CA TTLE
RecelptB, 200 head; market, steady; steers,
$6.00010.25; cows and heifers, $3.6008.50:
calves. $5.0009.60.
HOGSRecelpts, 6,000 head; market. 5c
lower: top, $7.75; bulk of sales, $7.454OT.65.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market, steady; lambs, $6.2507.40.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sneep.
South Omaha 75 8,300
St. Joseph 200
Kansas City..... 600
St. Louts. 8,000
Chicago 1,000
Totals 9,875 37,100 2,000
London Stock Market,
LONDON. Nov. 23. The engagement of
gold Thursday for shipment to New Tork
created temporary uneasiness In Lom
bard street nnd It was understood that
th6 purchase was n special transaction
and did not foreshadow a large demand.
Tho iIho In exchange rates since then
has dispersed earlier fears and although
there may be n demand for part of the
gold arriving Monday which Is estimated
at $5,000,ono the belief Is prevalent that
shipments to New York will not be heavy
and that London will see the end of the
year without ft higher hank rate.
Coffee Market.
Futures, market opened at a decline of
5 to 10 points. The market closed steady
nt a net decline of 5 to 7 points. Sales,
55.500 hatri. November, 13.40; December,
13.SH; January and Februnry, 13.44; March,
13.60: April, 13.77; May. 13.84; June, 13.S7:
July, It 91; August, 1191.: September and
October. 13 97. Spot, cofteo steady; Rio,
7s, lUio; Kan'os 4s. 16Uc; mild, ;utet;
Cordova 16 1; 4n, lSe.
16795. Labs against Labs. Appeal from
Douglas. Arrirmed. Letton. J.
Where It Is sought to establish an oral
agreement to make a testamentary dis
position or property and to set aside the
provisions or a will In so rar as they
conflict with said alleged ugreement. the
proot to establish the existence or such
oral agreement must be clear, convincing
nnd satlstactory in order to overcome tho
presumption that the testator acted In
good rulth In the execution or the will.
16SC6. Majors against Majors. Appeal
from Lancaster. Affirmed. Sedgwick. J
Hamer. J., not sitting.
1. An agreement of settlement between
partners, or between one partner and the
representatives of a deceased partner, by
which a division is made of all or a part
of the partnership property, some of
which Is real estate. Is not within tho
statute providing that no natal nr in.
tercet In land shall be created, granted,
assigned, surrendered or declared unless
by operation of law, "or by a deed or
conveyance In writing." Such agreement
between partners may be oral ir upon
sufficient consideration.
2. Such agreement between partners
providing that one f the partners may
rind a purchaser ror the land and have
the proc.ds above a ccrta.i. amount Is
not within stlon J, thaptsr 73. com
piled ststutcs. relKtinv f I'ontracts with
agents or brokers to sell lands.
3. In an action uikjii on ai'eged settle
ment or compromise, the plaintiff must
allege that there wa som reasonable
foundation for his claim and that It was
made In good faith; otherwise there is no
consideration for the agreement upon
4. A petition In an action to recover
upon an alleged contract of settlement or
compromise must show soma consldera-
tlon for tho contract or It will be sub
iject to a general demurrer
16S09. Chalupa against Trt-State. Land
Co. Appeal from Scott's Bluff, Af
firmed. Sedgwick, J.
I L Two of thnv Dlaintlffa helmr own em
and holders or a water right upon which,
they were entitled to water rrom de
fendant's canal for irrigation, leased land
to the other plaintiff and agreed to fur
nish him water for Irrigation thereon.
The tenant duly demanded that defend,
ant furnish tho water under the water
right, and defendant refused, apparently
contending that tho water right was for
some reason Invalid, but mado no objec
tion that tho holders of the water right
had not assigned tho samo to their ten
ant or authorized him to demand and
use tho water thereunder. Held, that
after action was brought for damages
caused by refusal to furnish any water
under the water right the defendant
could not defend against tho claim ot
the tenant on the ground that his land
lords had not authorized him to use the
water right, and, the rent being payable
In kind, the landlords and tenant were
owners In common of the crops and could
maintain a Joint action for damages
2. In such case. If the landlords and
tenant have recognized the lease and the
tenant has rarmed the land under It, It
Is not a valid defense ror the water
company that the lease was voidable as
between tho parties thereto because of
Informalities in Its execution.
3. In an action for damages to grow
ing crops the amount of damage Is pe
culiarly a question for tho Jury. The
difficulty of determining tho value of
tho crops and the exact amount of dam
ago thereto is not n sufficient reason for
denying r recovery for a wilful Injury
to the crops.
4. Tho trial court should Instruct the
Jury as to the burden ot proof, but a
failure to do so will not require a re
versal of the Judgment when no such
Instruction was requested by the com
plaining party, and no prejudice appears.
6. It Is unnecessary In this case to de
cide whether a geenral demurrer to a
petition, "so far as It attempted to state
a cause of action In favor of one ot
several Joint plaintiffs, can bo considered
since tho question of law which defend
ant desires to raise by this demurrer Is
presented and determined under other
16812. Kinney against C, R. & Q. R.
Co. Appeal from Gage, Affirmed. Let
ton, J.
1. Where the evidence Is conflicting as
to whether a cow that was killed by a
train got on tho right of way through
a gate negligently left open by plaintiff
or by passing through a detective right
of way fence and there is sufficient
evidence to support the verdict, this court
will not Interfere, even though It might
reach a dltrorent conclusion upon the
same evidence.
2. A case will not be reversed on ac
count of tho giving of an Instruction
which Is not based upon the evidence
where the Jury has been properly in
structed on the point at Issue at the
complainant's request and It Is not ap
parent that prejudice has resulted.
8. An answer which admits that a rail
way company "Is now operating" the
railroad, and does not specifically deny
that It was the owner or or was operat
ing the railroad at tho time of the acci
dent Is not sufficient to raise the Issue
ot Its ownership of or operation of tho
railroad at that time.
4. Whether detendant shall be per
mitted to amend an answer after a trial
has been begun Is a matter within the
discretion of tho district court and unless
abuse of such discretion is Bhown tho
action of that court will be upheld.
16815. Moore against BrltUus. Appeal
from Boone. Affirmed. Rose, J.
In a suit In equity to cancel a deed
as having procured by undue Influence
and by promise or services never per
formed, decree in favor of defendant ar
rirmed as being a proper determination
of the Issues under the evidence.
16851. Attwood against Warner. Ap
peal from Dundy. Reversed and re
manded with directions to apply $2,872.
rents and profits In part satisfaction ot
tho amount duo Attwood on the foreclos
ure decree. Costs taxed to appellee.
Barnes, J. . ,.....
1. Where a mortgagee, without an
agreement therefor, takes possession ot
the mortgaged premises before confirma
tion of a valid Judicial sale, he thereby
becomes liable to the mortgagor or his
grantees for the amount of rents and
profits which ho receives, or which tho
land would havo produced If prudently
managed while he retains possession
thereof. conveyance by the mort
gagor or owner of the equity of redemp
tion to a bona fide purchaser, -without
any reservation, vests Wh
with tho right to the rents and proms,
which ho may have applied upon the
mortgage debt. - 4.
x Where, upon consideration or tne
evl'dencl, It lsround that the trial court
failed credit the proper amounts of
ir' ..r profits upon tho mortgage
debt! th supreme coVrt will u
such amount and remand the cause to
the district court with directions to
modlty the decree accordingly.
17068. Wallaco against ,x. Appeal
from Webster. Judgment of district court
reversed I unless plalntlfr files remittitur
fSr$60 as or date ot Judgment wlthl
sixty days. It such remittitur Is M
judgment of district court for
tulffi Interest at 7 Per cent on J-,w iroiu
Jul? 19 1909? will be affirmed, but at costs
of appellee. The eect or th,e affirmance
will De a wutiu"" - a4e-nrtrk
.December 2. 1909. Reese, C. J. SedgwlcK.
J dissenting. , . ...
pWSfTS puterdeu'ver jg
the same condition as when token, with
out deterioration In value.
2. In case the replevied property is i not
redelivered or tendered back within a
Reasonable time, and when tendered Is
greatly diminished in value , by use while
In the possession ot plalntifr. the deretid
ant may refuse to accept or receive the
SSpertir and bring suit on the replevin
hond- the measuro of damages will be the.
vaUie of the " plevled property m round
and adjudged In the replevin. jo tlon. plus
the costs therein with Interest.
10860. Mollne against Carlson. Appeal
from Saunders. Reversed and remanded
with instructions. Costs to be taxed o
detendants. Ida Sofia Ahlen and Carl "W.
Carlson. Fawcett, J.
1. The rule Is now well settled In this
court that a parol contract will be en
forccd by a court or equity where one
party has wholly and tho other partly
performed It. and its non-fulfillment on
the ono hand would amount to a fraud
upon the party who has fully performed It.
2 Where a husband and wife take, into
their family the Intant child or a
stranger, and either then or subsequently
they Jointly orally agree that, ir such
child will remain with them during the r
lives nnd render them faithful and obedl
ent service as a child, they will, at their
death, by will or otherwise; leave him all
of the estate of which they die seized,
held, that the statute as to homesteads
a . 4U ttAlru eli nil hPf
cannot do pieaaeu m "
the husband or wire as a iieienoo iu
suit by such child for the enforcement of
the parol contract.
3. The evidence examined and set out
in hn nninlon. held, that the parol con
tract In this case possessed the elements
or certainty, and the proot establishing
It Is surficlently clear and satlstactory.
The Odor He 3IWeiI.
J. Ill l,,!nn nf ill. l'. nf TttKlinn
A gOUU IIIUDIII.IIUII . ...v ... w-
Welldon. the popular dean ot Manchester,
Is nKorded by the following story: Once
at a luncheon given by the lord mayor ot
Manchester, the dean sat .next to Sir
Herbert Tr.
"Well. Mr. Tree, what have you been
doing today! he asked.
"I went ror a long motor rme ,nis
mnrnlmr and lost a bet," replied the
i,,,V' " fald the dean. "And may I
ark what the bet was7"
I "I made a bet that we would pass
'through 400 dirre'rent odors, and we only
I eiri.nltirw1 5Yl "
Clivuuu.ricu ww-
i h rrprw! Hinnon e-muu, pnnni'uy,
!"you mlssijd the odor of sanctity."
Strain. .Magazine.
$10.00 Buys Puts or Calls, on 10,001
bushels of wheat. No Further Risk. A
movement or 6c from price gives you
chance to take $500; 4c $100.00; 3c,
$300.00. etc For particulars write
Established 1900. Incorporated 1908.
717 Electric Bldg, Cleveland, a ,