Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 5-B, Image 17

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I !'
Desire To Announce
A Final Disposal Sale
Commencing Monday, of Their
Entire Stock of High Class
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Though scarcely two weeks have elapsed since our Grand
Opening, the entire. collection of superb Gowns, Suits and Wraps
displayed then for the first time, will be sold at prices far below
their real value.
Most of the garments offered are imported models brought
to Omaha for display in our windows and on our floors at the
time of our Grand Opening. There are inclucled hundreds of the
latest and best creations of Europe's greatest designers. '
Necessity for disposal of this unusual collection of garments
offers opportunity to secure exquisite Gowns, Suits and Wraps
modeled after Paquin, Drecoll, Poiret and other equally renowned
courtouriers, at prices almost as low as for those of the ordinary kind.
Most women know the superiority of style, quality and work
manship in imported models. Their elegance and durability are
equally well known, and manufacturers the world over use Paris
models as standards for all of their best work.
The leadership assumed by this great, new Cloak and Suit
Department requires that unusual merchandising methods be fol
lowed. Instead of waiting till a later date, we will, this early in
the season, at a time when high class garments are most wanted,
make final disposal of them af great reductions. The opportunity
is one that should not be lost. Secure now a distinctive, high
class Gown, Suit or Wrap for the winter functions now being
Orkin Brothers wish to emphasize the fact that the garments shown in this cut are accurate sketches from styles in stock and fairly represent the hundreds of
high class Gowns, Suits and Wraps offered at this sale
Gowns for street and evening wear, in
cluding charraeuse and other satins, vel
vets and brocades:
One $ 45.00 gown $ 32.50
One 55.00 gown 35.00
One 59.50 gown 39.50
One 67.50 gown -39.50
One 69.50 gown 39.50
One 75.00 gown 42.50
One 95.00 gown -. 59.50
One 115.C0 gown 59.50
One 125.00 gown 65.00
pne 175.00 gown.,. 67.50
One 175.00 gown 95.00
'Quo 250.00 gown ...... 129.50
Space Permits Only a Partial List Being Given :
High class novelties in cloth suits com
prising diagonals, serges, novelty mixtures
in black and colors:
Velvet suits for street wear and dress,
occasions, many being copies of imported
One $ 55.00 suit $35.00
One 65.00 suit 37.50
Ono 69.50 suit 42.40
One 75.00 suit ; 47.50
One 79.50 suit .....19.50
Ono 85,00 suit 52.50
One 95.00 suit -.:.... 52.50
One 100.00 suit 59.50
Oho 125.00 suit 89.50
Ono 150.00 suit . 77.50
One 175.C0 suit . . .-. . . . 82.50
Ono $ 55.00 volvot suit S35.00
One 65.00 velvet suit 45.00
Ono 60.50 velvet suit . ; 47.50
One 79.50 velvet suit 52.50
Ono 95.00 .velvet suit ...L 65.00
One 100.00 velvet suit 65.00
Ono 125.00 velvet suit 65.00
Evening wraps and dress coats consist
ing of cloth, silk and velvet wraps in black
and high evening shades:
One $ 50.00 coat : $35.00
One 59.50 coat 39.50
One 69.50 coat 45.00
One 75.00 coat 47.50
Ono 85.00 coat 52.50
Ono 95.00 coat 67.50
Ono 100.00 coat 69.50
Ono 125.00 coat 69.50
Ono 150.00 volvot suit
Ono 150.00 coat 77.50
Social attention is dimmed to the fact tliat in no viw will more Hum one of each style bo found in this collection. This insures to each' purchaser an absolutely distinctive style.