Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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    TTTP. mr.VTTA ominAV nra. vrrvxnr'AmiT'i oj inio
Women Are
Doing in the World
,iSS Olura I. Taylor of Mlnne.
upolls, industrial territorial
secretory of the Youni;
Women's Christian assocla-
tlon. Is spending the week in
r ,...
I K social Hurvey of the city has been by the members of the Tounn
Women's Christian association and Mlsi
Taylor Is here to give hor advice on the
results of tlin work, which Is being dona
In the city alonp thcfo lines.
Miss Taylor is prominent In the social
survey work of the country and her visit
to Omaha adds irreatly to the interest
In the work, which l bclnir done here.
She has started many of the noon-day
clubs for jrirls In tho large factoricH and
storerf In Mlnneapollp, St. Paul. Sioux
City. Des Molnra and these clubs have
proved a Kreat.Jielp to tho employee as
well as the employer.
Woman's suffrage S not only attract
ing attention in Phlldelphla. but tho stato
RUffraRo convention, which will bo held
in Omaha the first week ill December, Is
the Intercstlntr subject for women in this
section at present Kvory effort Is being
made by tho vurious committees for a
large and successful meeting. Men and
Former Omaha Girl Returns
for Visit With Her Friends
women of ability havo been asked to
,talce part In the programs for the differ
ent meetings and a largo attendance Is
(expected from out of the city. Tho fal
lowing Invitation arid notice has been
8lyen out:
Tho Omaha Suffrage associations ex
tend to the women of the state and to
suffragists generally, un earnest Invita
tion to be present at the state conven
tion of the Nebraska Woman Suffrage
association to be held In Omaha. Wednes
day, Thursday and 1'Ylday, Decombur 4
'to C.
Tho Sessions of lhn rnlivpntlnn will lie,
held In the city council chamber, which
can bo reached directly from tho union
(and Burlington stations, and hero a com
mittee Will be In nttnmln np In uvlmmn
the delegates and assign them to their
places of entertainment. Kach dclegato
ulll be given lodging and breakfast and
Micciai noiei rates navi tieen nixnirpii rnr
.. kj, rs tiHveisiiuK, cnuirniun 01 com
Imlttee on entertainment, 137 South Thirty
eighth street, before December 1, In or
der to facilitate arrangements.
The question of how and when to In
augurate a campaign, methods of secur
ing publicity, of tho desirability of ebtab
llshlng headquarters and many other
like questions equally timely. In view of
tho present favorable outlook for the
work, will probably come up for discus
sion and settlement. It Is especially to
be desired that not only regular author
ized delegates, but any members of suf
frage associations or thoso wno havo an
Interest In the suffrage cause, but are
not members of such organisation, should
attend. They may get here Just thu In
formation and Inspiration needed to en
able them to organize a suffrage club
at home and thus help tho work to grow.
WEDNESDAY, December 4.
10 A. .M. Executive meeting.
- P. "M. Address of welcome by Mayor
CDahlinan. Greeting from Mrs. O. W.
Covcll, president Omaha Suffrage asso
ciation, i Response by Mrs. T. J. Doyle.
Lincoln. Greetings State Federation of
iLabor. T. V. Parker, president; Ne
braska Woman's Christian Temperance
union, Mrs. Frances B. Heald, president;
(State Tearchers' association, Superin
tendent James E. Delzell; College Equal
(Suffrage league. Mrs. W. E. Parkley, Jr.;
(Kansas Oman's Suffrage association,
jMIss Helen N. Phllbrlck, Lincoln. Presi
dent's address. Dr. Inez C. Phllbrlck,
Lincoln, Conference on publicity, leader,
(Mrs. J. L. Caltlln. University Place.
t V. M. Reception.
S P. M.-'-The IlesDonsibllltv of the
(Woman Of Education Toward the Woman
tiufrrage Movement," Prof. Alice Howell,
(Lincoln. "tlow Shall the Suffrage
Umendmcnt Be Submitted and W'henr"
ftV. L. ' Locke, Lincoln. "The Outlook."'
Bonn V. Kennedy, Omaha.
TIIUKSUAY. December 5.
9 A. M. Call to order by tho president.
Appointment of committees. Reports of
officers. Reports of clubs.
11 A. M. Conference on suffrage litera
ture, leader. Dr. Emma Demaree, Roco.
2:S0 P. M.-"V'hat tho Nebraska
Woman's Suffrage Association and the I
Local Suffrage Clubs Have Accom
plished," Miss Mary II. Williams, Kene
oaw. "ailmpses 6f English Suffragists
November U, lfc-Mr. Ous A. Ilensp
and Miss Marsreret Kruger pHlthted their
troth at the-home of thevbrlde's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger. Rev
i,uthcr M. Kuhns tied tho bonds "that
b,nd forever." The. ceremony Was wit'
mssed only by relations and Immediate
friends ot the contracting parties. Mr
Renxo gained world-wldo fame as head
of the department of pageantry of th
November 54, lW-Mr. William H
Paxton and Miss ' leslc M. llerry,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11
j P.erry, were married by Rev. William
( Ciorst of tho Street Methodist
, church. "'Messrs. Charles K. Frttscher,
Ernest KerrelU Homer Paxton and Wll.
i lard Herry served as ushers and Mr
Walter Cutler of Boone, la., had the dis
tinction of being bt man.
served nit bridesmaid, Masters Robert and
Hay , Millard stretched tho ribbons. Mr.
Milton Darling, Mr. Pawling of Mil
waukee, Mr. Wlllard nutler, Mr. John
Itedlck. Mr. Richard Raum, Mr. Paul Oal.
lusher and Mr. George ludlck served as
ushers. Mr. lien Stanely presided at the
organ. Miss Mildred Morrlam attended
her sister as maid of honor. IJ'eutenaant
Nathan ShlVcrlck was groomsman. The
wedding gown of white satin was made
In dlrectolro style with deep yoke and
long sleeves of roso point lace. Tho lonir
tulle veil was held In plani by white
Jassamlne. and the brlc carried a bouquet
of variegated pink chrysanthemums. A
reception' to a large number ot friends
followed at the beautiful resldonce ot Mr,
and Mrs. Merriam.
November St, Iftt-Mr. Paul 'Havens
and Miss Rtss Townsend. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. it. i. Townsnnn, were
November U. llKH-Mr. Barton Millard, joined In wedlock very quietly. There
on of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Millard
and Nathalie Merrlatn, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Nathan Merriam, solemnised
their marriage at Trinity cathedral. Rt.
Rev Arthur L. Williams performed thn
Impresflve meremony of the Episcopal
church. Mrs. George Redlck was matron
of honor and Miss Elisabeth Congdon
were no bridal attendants, but tho mem
bers of tho Royc club osstvtrd.
November 24. llW-RU8sel S. Harris,
tho well known civil engineer, la a youth
ful benedict, a a-year-old. Lena Krick
was the. brlda and Plattsmouth the scene
of tho ceremony.
Suffragettes." Miss Helen Gregory,
oln. "The New York Parade of Mav
J ' ' , . 1 I, 11-1 ' T I , "
i, iin. ii. it. iviincit-i, .iiiuuiu.
"Women's Property Rights," Hon. G. J.
Bmythe, Omaha.
g "Woman as a Race Assett," Rev. Fred-
erlck T. Rouse.
I 1 P. M. Suffrage play.
I 8 P. M. Suffrage address by Miss Helen
Eacker, secretary of the Kansas
(Woman's Suffrage association. "Politics
and Poltlclans," Richard L. Metcalfe,
FRIDAY, December 6.
leader. Mrs. Frank Harrison, Lincoln.
Election of officers. Reading of resolu
tions. Convention minutes. Adjourn
ment. "The White Pilgrim" will bo given by
the Social Settlement tho first week in
(February. It Is a Finnish legend and re
hearsals are being held under trie dlrec-
hiud ui jtiipn mwy tvuiiHce iliki alim .inv
BUggins. Other' plays will be given later
in th spring.
Tho social scienco department of the
Pmaha Woman's club will hold Its meet
ing Monday afternoon at 2:15 a the Ch'ld
Mavlng Institute, 619 South Forty-second
There will be talks on the scope of work
and the needs of the institution by. Rome
(Miller, president of the board of directors
To the Ladies
We have a corset made
expressly for you a
model that will conform
to present styles -and you
will be comfortable in it.
Phono for Appointments
Douglat 4749
Ida C. Stockwell
Soath Side Entrance of
Brandei Theater
Altogether the most attractive
and comfortable places in Omaha
to obtain a Ught Lunch. Cup of
Hot Chocolate, Tea or Coffee, .or
any one ot the thousand and oho
"Eats'1 and 'Drinks'' now usually
colled "Soft Drinks" Is at one of
the Sherman & McConnell Stores.
The "Sodoasls," down stairs, at
16th and Dodge Streets.
The "Owl Neat" down stairs, at
lth and Harney Streets.
The Lunch Bill of Fare Is not
a. "long" one, but comprises dainty
and wholesome food served
promptly in a cleanly fashion.
Bosrman St MsConntU Drug &.,
ICth and Dodge St.
Owl Drug Co.,
16th and Harney Hts. '
Woman's Auxiliary of tho Episcopal
churches of Omaha, South Omaha and
Florence will bo held at Jacobs' Memorial
hall, 1716 Dodgo street, on Friday after
noon November 29, at 2:30.
of tho Institution; Mrs. W. B. Millard, Dr.
II. M. McClanahan and Mrs. Harriet II.
Holler, who Is acting superintendent. All
members of the club aro Invited.
The current topics department ot the
Omaha Woman's club, under the leader
ship of Mrs. Cuthbert Vincent, will hold
its meeting In tho club rooms Tuesday
afternoon. Parliamentary practice, under
the direction of Mrs. R. E. McKelvy, will
include "Organization," "Methods of Vot
ing" and "Motions."
"Tho Parcels Post" will bo tho subject
of the addresses given by Mrs. C. Lanscoy
Smith, who will speak on the advantages,
and Mrs. Thomas Brown, who will speak
on tho disadvantages ot it.
L. J. Qulnby will speak on "The Initia
tive and Referendum as Applied to the
Nebraska Law."
Tho oratory department of tho Omaha
Woman's club will-meet at the club rooms
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, when a
Thanksgiving program will bo given. The
meeting of tho department will bo fol
lowed by u luncheon and each member
has Hie privilege of asking one guest
There will bo a special meeting of tho
Omaha Suffrage association, which will
be held at the home ot Mrs. I. Conner.
2S54 Dodgo street, Tuesdny afternoon at
2:30. All members are urged to be pres
ent, as bus'ness regarding the state con
vention will come up at the meeting.
Mrs. Charlc3 Tracy, president of the
Benson Womnn's club, entertained fifty
nirmLHMs una inenas at ner Home Thurs
day afternoon at a 1 o'clock luncheon,
under the management of the Domestic
Science department, which assisted H. A.
Hale of tho Hetnzo company In serving
the lunch. An interesting demonstration
Tho rooms of the home were darkened
und lit up With candles. Tho color scheme
was yollow and white, throughout the
dining-room, with a large bouquet of yot
low and . white chrysanthemums ns cen
terpleco for the table, which had broad
satin ribbon streamers. At 2:30 the reg
ular session for tho club program was
opened with Mrs. V.. A. Shelley, as leader.
Mrs. Florence Hertzog gavo two vocal
numbers, ncsompanlcd by Miss Llljcn
stnlpe. Guests were present from Omaha and
Benson, and Mrs. Tracy'and Mrs., Steven
son weio Mcclul guests from tho east.
Edwin H. Blaahfleld of Now York, who
Is the foremost mural painter In America,
will give an art lecturo under the auspices
of tho Society of Fine Arts at the Young
Women's Christian assocatlon auditor
lum on Monday evening, December i, at
S o'clook. Mr. lllashficld's lecturo will
bu Illustrated by stereoptlcon slldus. Ac
tive and associate" members of the Omaha
Society of Fine Arts will be admitted
upon prereniatlon of their membership
Program Outlined
For Elks' Memorial
at Orpheum Theater
Arrangements have been completed for
the Elks' snnunl memorial service, whlei
Is to bo conducted next Sunday tnornlntr
at 10:30 o'clock in the CTpheum theater.
Tho public Is Invited to attend tho serv
ice and admission will be free. The me
mortal address will be delivered by fil
ward K. Yates of Kansas City. The fol
lowing program has been announced:
Cqntllene .' ..Bolsdeffre
Omaha Vlolht ' Choir.
Opening Ceremonies ,
Exalted Ruler and Ufilcers oi tne Lodge.
Opening Ode.
"One Sweetly Solemn' Thoughf-'Ambroso
Ulks' Lodge Quartet.
"O, Divine Redeemer"...'. Gounod
Beulah Dale Turner.
"In the Monastery" Hasselman
"Autumn" Thomas
Marie Swanson.
Nocturne Georges
Omaha Violin Cliolr.
"The Ninety and Nine" Campion
Hazel Smith Eldrldge.
Brother Edward E. Yates of Kansas
City (Mo.) Lodge No. 26.
How Dear to Me" Reginald Barrett
Elks' Lodge Quartet,
Mrs. Hasel Smith Eldrldge, contralto;
Miss Marie Swanson, harpist; Ccotl W,
Berryman, pianist.
The Lord Is My Shopherd" Bmart
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Eldrldge.
Closing Ceremonies
Exalted Ruler and Officers of tho Lodge.
Doxology ,
Brothers and Audience.
Brother Clinton R. Miller, first tenorj
Bi other Ross B. Johnson, second tenor;
Brother Alvah J. Alvord, baritone;
Brother Jerome Latsch, bass.
Division A Miss Grace MoBrldo, Miss
Hazol Wilcox; Miss Emily Lear, Max
-.artln, Miss Essie 'Aarons'and Richard
Pakes. (
Division B Miss Elolso West, Miss
Mario Book, Miss Myrtle Cloud, Mrs.
Rchard Clark, Miss Dagny Hanson and
Donald Smith.
Division C Miss Mudgo Wlest, Miss
Julia Stentca, Miss Bello West, Robert
Smiley, Miss Stella Shaw and Will Rolca.
Division D Miss Sadie Klrschbaum,
Miss Mary Herbert, MIms Hulda Ander.
son, Will Hetherlngton, Miss Vlvlcnna
West and Earle Stirling.
Mrs. Beulah Dale Turner, soprano;
Seattle to Learn of
the Omaha Festival
Walter J. Foster, publicity agent for
the Tllllkuma of Etttaes of Seattle Is In
Omaha studying the Knights of Ak-Sr-Ben
organization to secure, pointers for
the Seattle Golden Potlatch which Is the
week of festivities similar to the Omaha
fall carnival.
Tlllkums Is the name taken by the
Seattle organization from the Chinook,
meaning brotherhood, and Elttaen Is
Seattle spelled backward after tho fash
ion of Ak-Sar-Bn.
Foster will secure the history of Ak-Sar-Ben
and submit It In a report to the
board of governors of the Tlllkums of
Elttaes. He Is conferring with Our'
Rente at the den nd Secretary Waaver.
Sticks Red-Hot Iron
Into Pan of Gasoline
ELGIN, III., Nov. 23. William Glmson,
a tailor's apprentice, today stuck a red
hot flat Iron Into a pan of gasoltna and
wrecked the tailoring establishment ot
his employer at North Crystal Lake, In
juring five persons including himself,
caused two runaways and damaged the
building to the extent of 110,000. One
woman, who won An the third floor ot
the burning building was rescued through
tho window.
Special Damonstration
Miss naxonrlalo direct from
tho Macy Department Stores of
Now York, whoro sho haa boon
demonstrating tho colobratod
Hudnut Beauty Preparations.
Sho will bo pleased to demon
strate these very meritorious
preparations to tho ladles of
A Few of- Their Specialties
Vlolot Soc tollot wutor ...7Bc
Marvelous cold cream 'Mc, 5)c
Liquid Green Soap, for Bham-
poo BOc
nnvo co.
10th nnd Dodgo St. Store.
Ono of tho Itexall Storm.
Tho Art department of the Omaha
Woman's club will hold Its meeting In
the club rooms Friday morning at 10
Mrs. E. It. Hume will be the leader of
the day and( will bo assisted by Mrs.
M. D. Cameron. "Tho Pennsylvania
Museum" will be tho subject ot a talk
by Mrs. Cameron and the "Wllstach Col
lecton" will be Mrs. Hume's subject.
Owing to Thanksgiving coming on the
regular meeting day it has been changed
to Friday.
There will be no meeting of the Omaha
Union of tho Wonlen's Christian Temper
ance union until tho regular meeting,
which will tako place Wednesday, Decem
ber 11, In tho Assembly room ot the
Young Woman Christian association.
The West Side union of the Women's
Christian Temperance union will meet
ut the home of Mrs,D. Uivens, MS South
Flfty-flrst street, Friday, November 29,
at 2 p. m. Ttyj afternoon will be In
charge of the pur ty department and
Mrs. W. T. Graham will be the leader.
Tbe regular monthly meeting of the
ACY and TR
Omaha's most exclusive millipery shop
announce for Tuesday and Wednesday Only
First annual clearance sale all hats at
$1022 $20
Values as high as $75 included nnd there are no values in this exclusive stock under $10.
Your choice is unrestricted every hnt is included only
the senson's lastest effects are shown large, complete stock.
1825 Farnam Street
Albert Edholm
Omaha's Oldest Ettibli bed Jiweltr
Sixteenth at Harney
P1JRFKCT Diamonds
in platinum settings
are this season's most
stylish designs. Edholm
standard quality dia
monds correctly pro
portioned! perfectly out,
flawloss, whito stonoa
set. in platinum designs
aro perfected by art
ists noted for making
creation s,
beauty and delicacy.
Stonos for your
self or for gifts
and priced to
satisfy your
The Store of Best Values
The completeness of our display of Diamond .lew
elry is such that wo feel confident you will be pleased
to inspect, should you contemplate making a purchase.
Many new and novel designs in Kings, Brooches,
Bracelets, etc., are now being shown, and nro a special
ty, and worthy of your inspection.
Wo mako a specialty of reconstructing old dia
mond jewelry into now platinum pieces, tunusliing m
designs freo of charge. H
16th and Farnam Sts. M
New Pianos j
Those who are buying our new Pilinos for $187.50
toll us that after comparing them with Pianos seen
elsewhere, they aro agreeably surprised at tho value
we are giving.
Tho fine lono quality, beautiful case design, tho
finish and workmanship-r-evorything tho best and
guaranteed for 125 years.
Why pny more than $187.50 ?
Wo havo good used Pianos of such makes as Stein
way, JIallot & Davis, Decker Bros., Brambach, Hbspe,
Cable-Nelson, and many others, at $100, $125, $150
and up.
Tirms $5.00 Cash $1.25 per Week
vratirn rprMnt.
tlTs for tli. KMoa b
Xamlln, Xr.nloh k
Booh, Xrakauar, Kim
tail, Btuh ft buu,
Otl-Xlaon ana otli
r 'lsBdlBf makM.
1513-1515 Douglas Street
To the Women...
Why it possible for us to give
Surplus Value at these prices:
Ilecauso 18 years' study of medium and high
priced furniture and tho selling of largo quantities
have taught ub Just how to produce tho maximum
of furnlturo vulue, and our buying power pbtains
for uu tho choice of tho entire furniture marke't at
tho lowest possible prices. Wo havo coined Into
dollars of savlngB for our customers. If you are
not our customer, get acquainted with us and save
from 20 to 40 por cent.
D. F. Corte Furniture Co.
24th and Farnam Sts., Omaha.
The Bureau of Sick Room Requirements
(Xa Obarr. of Orkdaat Karat)
Sterile Supplies to meet any need furnished Physicians and Surgeons.
Invalid Furnlturo and Appliances to rent.
Booklat 8nt on JUqnsst.
Telephone Douglas 080W, Hi, Mary's Arenue.
will Interest every woman who
llkesv good hearMo-heart talks
with other sympathetic women
Four Weeks Until X mas
Order Your Suit NOW.
Ladies' Tailored Suits at $40 Up'
For One Week Only, Beginning Nov. 25th
A change In IiunIiicsn compels mo to offer my complete stock
All orders 'IiiInIumI promptly and guaranteed as usual.
Take udvunlogo of this extraordinary offer early while tho
selection of goods Is large.
The Original L. KNEETER, Omaha's Best Ladles' Taller
Phone Douglas 0005.
500-tTSouth lllth Street.