Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1912, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Jinny Visitors and Family Reunions
to Enliven the Week.
ltlnnrr Uancr b- the- OrUlnal Cook
In Clnh nt the Cnnntry Clnli
Wednesday livcnlnir -Tito
Inlincrliidnn Dnnrfn.
Social Cnlrnilnr.
MONDAY Xtrs. Arthur" Keellne. after
noon" bridge for Mrs. Conrad flpens;
Michigan alumni banquet at ITIIver
lty club; Crelghton Dental danco nt
tTiambenT; Mr. ITJchard Baum, Or
pheum parry for Mia Wadrtell of Kan
sas C11J-. Mr. and Mr. Harold Evarts,
l.rldge party for Miss Coburn; MIm
Dorothy Steven, small theater party
Tt'ESDAY Mr, a. W. Megeath. after
noon tea for Mr. Windsor Megeath and
Mrs. Freeman: Mra. F. A. Nah. lunch
eon for Mrs. Conrad flpena; Mist Kath
erlne Moorhead, theater party for Mlaa
JUlla Cuburn, Chaplain and Mr.
Chenoweth. bridge party for Mian Wad
dell. Mra. Charles T. KounUe. theater
party for Miss Mcdilloch: Ceclllan club
(Unco at Chambers'; Columbia Circle
card party.
"WEDNESDAY Cooking club dinner and
dance: Subscription dance at thn Ilome,
Subscription danco at Jacobs' Hall;
Hotel clerks dance at Chambers': Mrs.
Frederick Thomas, afternoon bridge;
Mcyor-Ooldtone wedding al lluxton
Hotel. Mrs. It. Oldfleld, hoatem at the
meeting of the V. W. club; Hxty-ilx
Dancing club at Chambers': Sulphur
Rprings Card club at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. D. I Morgan.
THUnHDAY Thanksgiving day: Welt-man-Gordn
wedding; at the home of
i the bride's parents.
Fit! DAT-Hop at Fort Crook; Pan club
. at Metropolitan Hall.
iSATTltDAY-Mr. George Thummel. de
but tea. for Miss Katherlne; Harmony
, Thanksgiving day will bo celobrnted In
Omaha In many ways and prominent
'members of the Visiting Nurse associa
tion will put In a. busy time. About
twenty Thanksgiving dinners will be
furnished by tho Vloltlng Nurso assocla-
Itlon undrr the supervision of Mra. XV, It
Adams. Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck, .Mrs.
(J)enjamln Gallagher and Mrs. Iuther
Kountie, all prominent members of (he
(association, have offered their touring
.cars to collect provisions, many of which
will Iks given by, th.e school children of
Omaha. Miss. 'Loutee. McFh'ersoh ana
iMrs. IV C. Morlarty will hare charge of
the distribution.
Many visitors and former Omahana nre
(arriving each' day to spend Thdnksgtvlns
with . relatives. Mrs. Iloger Throop
IVaugjian and small daughter, Martha
.taulie, havo arrived to visit Mrs.
IVaughans parents. Jr. and Mrs. J. P.
ilxrd.' Mrs. Isaac JUymond of Lincoln Is
'ix peeked tho first of the week to visit
(her parents, Mr. and Mrs. XV. J. Conncll
'and wll rerniln' for Thanksgiving day.
Miss Julia Coburn of Minneapolis, for
merly.of Omaha, Is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs., Ijoula Lorlng and will probably re
main, until the latter part of tho week.
Many social affairs are being given In
honor of Miss Coburn. Tuesday evening
IMIss Katherlne Moorhesd will give a
theater party, lit her honor.
Another pnplat visitor Is Miss Amy
Martyr, flnoncre of Mr, Thomaa It. Mat
'ters, 'Jr., who, with her mother, Mrs.
Morler, of Chicago la spending tha week
la th? gucita of Mr. Matters' parents,
Mr, ntiU'.rMrs. T,-. t. f'Matferg, . Mls'
Morler has unusual beauty and musical
talent and hns spqnt tho last threo years
ntudyJnR tlie piano at the" Damroech
Bcho6l of Music in New York and will
he iu addition to tha musical circles of
' MI.Ethe, fat'jeZ
will arrive .Monday to be th gtrent t
Miss Mary lUngwalt nnd numerous small
social affairs are planned In hr honor.
Complimentary to Miss Martha Mc
culloch of New York. guest of Miss
Hlltabetli Davis. .Mrs... Charles T.
Kountie will entertain at n thr-Rter party
Tuesday evening nt the Hoyd.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Windsor Megeath .of'
Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, Will
arrive Monday morning with XlY. anil
Mrs. G W. Megnath. who are spending a
few days at Kxcelslor Springs '
Dancing Parties Wednesday.
Society will dance Wednesday evening.
The Original Cooking club will give a
dinner-dance at the Country club
Wednesday evening, which will be the
first of a series of entertainments to be
given by the club There will be about
sixty preent.
There will be two fargc subscription
dances Wednesday, evening. The larger
will be held In the Home hotel and about
sixty couples are. expected to be pretent.
The young men who Issued the Invitations
and completed final details were ap
pointed us tho entertainment commute
and Include Robert Manley, Charles
Ware. Jack Hhnrp, Karl Klpllngcr, Frank
Frederick, Harry Koch, Harvey Mllllken,
W. It. Wood, George thaler, lister Drls
haus, K. I'. Iloyer, Harry G. Kelly, Bam
uel rices, jr., and Jack Hughes.
The other nubrcrlptlon dance will bo
held In Jacobs'. Memorlul hall, nnd the
committee in charge Includes Julius. Ho
enfeld, Edwin Klrschbraun nnd Hamuel
Kramer. About forty young people will
Edwin Blashfield Coming.
Society Is taking a ken Interest In the
coming rf Mr. Kdwln H. Hlashfleld, the
eminent New York artist, who will give a
lecturn Illustrated by stereoptlcon slides
on "American Mural Painting" before
the Omaha Fine Arts society Monday,
December 2. Mr. Hlashfleld will bo the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Kimball and
several social events are planned In his
honor, Tho committee In charge of the
lecture are Mrs. Charles T. Kountxe, Mrs.
Howard H. Haldrlge, Mrs.' Z. T. Und-
ey, Mr. T. It. Kimball and Mr. C. W.
Attend Eastern Foot Ball Games.
Hoarding school younrwtmenYttd"'col
lege lads from Omriha who ore attending.
school In the east are enjoying the col
lege foot ball games. Among the Omaha
spectators at the Yale-Harvard game to
day were Miss Virginia Offutt. from
Rosemary Hall, and her broher, Caspar!
Offutt. front Yale, and Miss Harriett
Smith, from Mlsa Bpeneo s achooj. At the
recent Yate-llrown game Mr. Caspar Of
futt and Mr. Henry Hart of Council'
Illuffs had as their guests Miss France?
Hochstetler, Miss Ann Glfford and Miss
Stella Thummel, from Ely Court school
In Greenwich, Conn., and next week
theso same young women will be guests)
oi Air. tsamom wuiora ana Mr. uorgn
Thummel at tho Cornell-Pennsylvania
gams at Philadelphia.
Among the Omaha men who feent east
to attend the. Yale-Harvard game ara
Lewis IJ. IWd and Klmsr Hedlck.
Sunday Evening High-Teas.
Captain and Mrs. William F. Nesbltt
of Fart Crook will entertain a few
friends this evening at their home.
Misses May and KVft Mahoncy will en
tertain at high tea this evening- at their
home In compliment to Major and Mrs.
1. Harfmah of Fort Omaha. '
Sixty-Six Club Dance.
TV$fe SlxtrrsiX', Qanotg Qlul)rwlll give
an xira uanoe 'Ot i.namoerffu' weanesaay
Out-of-Town Matrons Visiting Parents Heye
. M
gstttttttttHflgsttttttsstttttm gsssBskAgsssssssssssUgsssssssssssssssW
:m ill f Ml I I I
.mam wir
' " -
2frr Isaac Tfaymoncl of IwcoA
evening at S.30 o'clock. Tills makes tho
second complimentary dance" given by tho
Blxty-slx club this season. Another one
Miss Irene Nelson ,wo Klven a surprise
party -Friday. Tho evening was . spent
with games and dancing and those lircs-
ent were.
Mlscr-. ....
I.ucllo Doofey,
Violet UroUlile,
lluth Petcraun.
Ixiran Orten,
Helen Franson,
Bather Houser,
Dorothy Orlffls,
Myrtle Borsnsen,
Edwin Moser,
MairrlCo UrUmmnnn, Albert Kraue,
.Warren Woscott, naro u uaym,
Lyla Wescott. Harold NVIk1i,
Arthur ilrammann, A. L,auatgreii. -'tA
pleasant surpjise "party was 'glvcri in
honor or uiarcnce uaiaoria ut, nis imnr.
Friday. The evening was spont In games
and muale, after which refreshments
were" served. Thoso present, were:'
. . i t,.
Hess McGlll, Addlo Corkran.
Marie GlgUottl. Jtlldred Bchommerj
tiarah mueis, . iianaci jjoimianio,
ImiHii. Hnvfler. ' 'iJcna CostahiO.'
'Kiln irotongitBrugge, Mlpnlsetta Calabria,
Biien Morris.
Lester Gibbons
of Chicago.
Fred Samuels.
Albert Mcdljl,
uienn v;niiu,
Fred Morlt-ilcc.
lister I'ope,
Konnotli Musuu,
Leslie Cronltr,
Ham GlKllottl,
J no GlKllottl.
Paul Costiinro,
Tony Costunxo,
Clarence Calubrln.
.'Mesdames Tom Cronln, Olive Yarton.
Mr, ana Mrs. oust Hctiommer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Calabria.
will probably bo Klven after tlie scries
Of regular dances In tha .spring.
vreignton uentai .imnce. ;i
..Tho dental departpient of
1 I 4
university wilt hold tho third of a si
W dances It Cft'mber'a'cVd'i;niV M"o
evening, lovetnhcr 2G. A large number of
under graduates and many of tho, dental
profession of tho clty.wll) uttcud. Thf
hall wiH be'decoratei) lp,Vlc College col
ors oi uiue nno, wime. overii cosjir corn
e'rs will maKu U 'a i;ept(Jm'' coflej' gath
ering. During Intermission favor will be
distributed among the 'ladles. '.
Reception for New Pastor.
A puDiic reception at the First Uuptlat
church, corner Park nvettuo and Harney
street, will bo given the new pastor, Itev.
W. Jaspr Howell, and Mts. Jlowell Tues
day evening, November 'M. : .
Ministers, of other denominatloliH have
been Invited to bn present antl assist In
extending u cordial greeting to the new
pastor, Itev. Howell cornea with the highest
recommendation from Columbia, Mo.
where he served for threo yenrs.
Ilev. and Mrs. Howell have taken
apartments nt 2SC3 Harney street, Im
mediately ncroaH" tho street from the
church. Their ho'usehofd goods have ar
rived from Columbia and they are busily
engaged In putting things jn order.
Hotel Clerks Will Entertain.
Wednesday evening tho Omalia jneniberg.
ox 'imt .rteurauKa nun iowa iioiei uierKS
n'doy HSKpclntju will give (heir tfecohd semU'
annual dancing party at Chambers' Met
roiwlltan hall.
Tho committee in.clinrgo Includes John
W, Kenne'ily, Charles W. Miller, Joseph
I'McCaffrej, Joseph F. Keenan, and sev
eral children,' Including the little Misses
Edith .Nugentr Eleanor Keating, Frances
Harrison, "Helen" Kroner, Eileen Edwards,
Isabclle. McDonald, Gladys Bishop,. Mil
dred House and the Mlstes Bt. Clair.
' There ulso will be a court minute In
costiime given by several young people.
Major Hornbrook. who was recently pro
moted and assigned to the Sixth cavalry
at that post Their dsughter, Genevieve,
remains here at school In Brownell hall.
Colonel nnd Mrs. W. C. Huttter left
Fort Crook Sunday for San Francisco to
take the December transport for Manila.
Colonel Iluttler having transferred with
Colonel William Paulding, who Is In com
mand ol the Twenty-fourth Infantry and
who will come to take command of the
Fourth Infantry at Fort Crook ns soon
as lie Is relieved In Manila by Colonel
Lieutenant Cherles K. XueUon of the
Sixteenth infantry, now stationed at Ban
Francisco, hut formerly at Fort Crook,
nt'Hved Saturday to spend n few day
In Omaha before leaving for a two
months' leave of absence In- the east.
Engagement Announced. .
Mr and Mr. L. W. Aldrlch of Council
Bluff a announce the engagement Of their
daughter, Mils Lorah E. , Aldrlch 'o
Mr. Robert Volgtmann of Chicago. Tho
wedding will take place In the spring.
luncheon for Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock,
Mts. John U. Dourke entertained
Saturday nt luncheon for Mrs. G. M.
Hitchcock and her guests were Mrs. T.
11. Kllpntrlck, Mrs. George Patterson,
Mrs. M. C. Potcrs, Mrs, Henry Wyman,
Mrs. Louis Bradford, Mrs. R. Bccchor
Howell and Miss Jessie Millard.
Studio Recital,
Miss Lillian Fitch and Misa Luella
Allen wilt give their monthly recital at
the studio of Miss Fitch Saturday after
noon, November 30, at 2:30 o'clock;
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. H. G. Rockfeliow entertained at
dinner Thursday evening for Mrs. C.
Brandeu, who recently returned from
Ceoilian Club Dance.
The Ceclllan club will give a Thanks
giving dance at Chamber's Tuesday ove-
nlng, November 26.
Columbian Circle Card Party.
Tho Columbian clrelo will entertain
Tuesday evening at Its hall, Twenty-sec.
ond and Locust streets.'
Dinner Friday Evening.
Mr. J. II. Millard and Miss Jessie Mil
lard gave one of their beautifully ap
pointed dinners Friday evening, when
their guests were Mr. and Mr. Do For
est Richards, Mr. and "Mrs. Prlnz, Mr.
and Mrs. O. C. Redlck, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur C. Smith, Miss Hamilton and Dr.
Omheum Party.
Miss Adelaide Fogg entertained at an
Orpheum matinee party Saturday aftcr-
The guests were: x
Dinner Parties.
Ex-Senator Joseph Millard and Miss
Jessie Millard entertained at dinner Frl
"day evening nt their home, when thoso
present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. George Prlnx.
Mr. and Mrs. De Forest Richards.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Redlck.
Miss Stella Hamilton.
Miss Jessie Millard.
Dr. W. O. Bridges.
Mr. Joseph Millard.
Mr and Mrs. II. P. Whltmore enter
.talned at dinner Friday evening for Otis
Scott Humphrey of Springfield, 111., who
spent a few days of this week in Omaha.
-Army Notes.
Mrs. James Hornbrook left last week
for Fort Des Moines to join her husband,
Elsie Storx.
Carlta O'Brien,
Esther Wllhelm.
northy Klpllnger,
Gretchen Langdon,
Marjorle Cavers,
Hazel Updike.
Esther McCann.
Charlotte Rosewater. Dorothy Cavanaugh.
Tom Moore Dancinc Club.
The Tom Moore club will give Its
regular dancing party Monday evening,
November 23, at Turner hall, Thirteenth
and Martha streets.
At the Country Club.
A table d'hote dinner was given last
evening at the Country club In- accord
ance with the announcement made by
the club management some time, ago that
occasionally uch an entertainment would
be given at the club during 'tlie .winter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman entertained
Mr. aW Mrs. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Yost,
Mr. and Mrs. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Jr
lyn, Mr. and Mr. Victor Caldwell, Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Peck, Mr. and Mrs, Bar
low and Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doorly had two
guests; A. V. Ktnsler, Six) Ross 11. Towlo
seven: M. C. Peters, four) E. A. Wick
ham, four.
Unanirao Club.
Mrs. C. E. Molony entertained the mem
bers of the Uhanlmo club at luncheon
Thursday. The afternoon was spent 'on
Christmas work. The next meetlrfg .o
the club will be at the home of Mrs. P.
A. Themanson. Thursday, December ?i.
Covers were laid for:
Mesdames Mesdames
W. J. Uoggln. P. A. Themanson.
K. J. Carson, E. J. Bradey,
C. E. -Terrell, Curtis Cook.
A. C. A. Meeting.
Mrs. llarvej- Ncwbranch was hostess
at the meeting of the Association of Col
legiate Alumnae, Saturday. The after
noon was spent In sewing for the Child
Saving Institute, and twelve boy's blouses
were finished by the members. A musical
program wan given on an Edison phono
graph and many songs from the Gilbert
and Sullivan operas were heard.
Church Dinner and Sale.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will have their
Christmas salo In the church parlors Fri
day, November 29. A noon dinner will be
served, and the members of the church
and (heir friends are cordtatly invited.
Mrs. 8amuel North will have charge of
the affair and will be assisted by:
Mesdafhcs Mesdames
A, W. Logan. S. U Fisher,
Frank Clarke. C. E, Black, ,
Charles Offutt, E. L. Doughty, (
w iv . inn
Ezra Millard,
E. H. Jenks,
In and Out of the Dee Hive.
Mrs. Barber left Wednesday for Cali
fornia to spend the wnter with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard II. Baldrigo ex
pect to go east to be with their son.
.Malcolm, for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. West left Frlda.y
for New Tork. They expect to return
homo before the holidays.
Mrs Bradner D. Slaughter of San
Mateo, Co!., arrived Saturday to bo the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. John McCune.
Mrs. Ethel. Mills Love of Dea Molnei
Is a guest at the home of her brother,
Mr. D. R. Mills. Forty-first and Cass
Mm f V. llftlrrl of Lincoln has been
the guest the lost week of her daughter.
Mrs. Thomas D. Crane and Mr. Crate,at
the Colonial.
Mrs. C. A. Grlmmel, who has been vis
iting in Montgomery, .Ala., and Alboaj'.
Os., for the last two weeks. Is expected
home Sundaj'.
Rabbi B. W. Jesselson of Grand Rapids.
Mich., and Mrs. G. Summer and Miss
Hattlo Summer p.t Chicago arrived Fri
day to be the gxi'ests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Meyer until after tho Meyer-Goldstclne
wedding., which will take place Wednes
day evening.
Personal Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Crane have
closed their country place, Rosemere, add
have apartments at the Colonial.
Mrs, Will May ward, who .was (the
guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler,
has taken an apartment at the Potter.
Mr. and Tdra. John C. Goodwin and
children leave this evening, accompanied
by Mrs. Goodwin's sister. Miss Altc
Kennard, for Newcastle, Ind. Mr. Good
win and children have been spending
month here with her parents, Mr. ant,
Mrs. Frank B,' Kennard. and Mr. Good'
win Joined them here a tew ilay Of.1
Expert Fitters in Attendance.
Equipped Private Fitting Rooms.
This model
combines the
low bust with
extra long skirt The simple
and attractive lines of model
Dll8,. as well as its strength
and quality, have rendered
it highly popular.
Women f conservative tastes
will find this style very adaptable
t the modern fashion in gowns.
Style D118 Price $2.50 Sizes 1830
Formerly tho Bennett Company
direct attention to their
Great New Corset Department
where display is 'made of the well known
R. & (Sr. Corsets and Qtter aepend able brands
v : j
We are pleased to announce to the people, of .Omaha that this department is one of
tho largest and moqt complete in. Orkih 'Qthers'' store and that the' same careful super
vision is given to the merchandiseoffered 'in' this department as in the other branches of
our department store,
This is one of the newest
R & G models,
It is designed for the ayer ,
age figure and will be found
v a great help in producing the
straighMtne effect so much
sought for by the well dressed
It is medium injthe bust and
Ung in the hips, daintily
trimmed and flossed, with
three pairs of wide elastic
hose supporters.
Style F208 Sizes 1830
' Price 53.00
A visit to this Department will iritpress; our patrons. The vast change brought
about in size, appearance and in character jof merchandise carried, is evidence thac
Orkin Brothers are striving to make it the greatest Corset Department in the West.
This most important article of dress is bought and recommended by a most com
petent corsetiere now in charge. Competent fitters are in attendance and will cheer
fully advise customers regarding models suitable to each individual.
j . r
Omaha's Largest and Most
Corset Department.
This R & G
model has a
medium bust
and extra long hips, It is?
highly popular among
women of medium figures,
The close fitting gowns
so much in vogue demand
such a corset as this,
Comfort is a factor never
lost sight of in R & G corsets,
Sizes 1830 Price $1,00
Style A94
Women need hardly be convinced that proper corsets make for a much de
sired distinctive appearance of gown or suit. To secure this result expert ad
vice and expert fitting are both necessary. We have provided exceptional facili
ties for both.
We show in our department every conceivable make and style oi corset, as
well as corset accessories, and our able corps of fitters are at the disposal of pa
trons desiring efficient and proper service.
The makers of the well known corsets here illustrated are lending every ef
fort to make our department "Omaha's Greatest." All. are invited to view the
various displays and demonstrations provided for from time to time.
See our window display of new R. & G. mes.
If you, perhaps, are inclined
t to be fleshy, you will be
surprised at the change this
11 ...Ml 1
iiiuuei wm produce in your
fiure. It will distribute
the flesh correctly and make
your figure as fashionable
as the figure of smaller pro
The wedge-shaped clasp,
together with the heavy
bning, reinforced with the
extra material in front,
makes it an admirable
model for the large figure.
Style C202 Sizes 2036
Price $2.00