THE BEE: OMAHA, SAVITiOAY, KOVEMBEB 23, 1012. t Opening Sale of Suits and Coats at "The Famous" Krcry gnrtncnt In our Mock Is a nc v, stylish nnd serviceable one. And tlio rallies wo offer Snturtlny are Mich that no other store enn offer you, HANDSOME LONG CLOTH COATS Worth up to AO $14.50; Saturday at J.YO Protty chinchilla, handsome mixture?, fancies, etc., In leading colors and styles SPLENDID PLUSH 00 ATS-Worth $22.50-Satur- CI? A day at L&tUV Made of splendid quality plushes with guaranteed satin linings, protty frog trimmings. NOBBY OLOTH COATS-Worth up to $27.50-Evcry now stylo, color and fabric are here for your selection. Garments that for style and distinction cannot be surpassed. On sale Saturday at $10, $12.50 and $15 HANDSOME TAILORED SUITS Worth up to $27.50 A sam ple line of exceptionally prcttv t ailored suits, featuring all the So1,r.M.nnd $10, $12.50, $15 WOOIj 8KIIOK SKIIiTH, worth ?3.60 to $5; alto pretty whipcords, fancies, mixtures, etc; Ibadlng colors, HKNrtNK HKATIIRlinLOO.M I'KTTICOATSj posltlvo $1.D8 values; blacks and colors, Saturday at 98c 1 609 Farnam St. jBJsWMsWMWsrlsWMsMSMB Special for Saturday Only iOn Easy raying, Long lime Credit lermsj A WONDERFUL, ALL STEEL BED BARGAIN t Mm. 4fe mm For This Two-Inch From Our Near Neighbors 'Waterloo. Dr. W! Nfction )mji moved Into his office In th Gibbons building thlt week. Mrs. 8. A. Tcnj, went to Valley Saturday afternoon fo visit at (he Dr. .Arc home on Bufi4y, Mil Mercedes Qora of O'Neill wu hero from Friday, till Saturday noon visiting her friend, Miss Jenks. Superintendent W. A. Yoder came from Omaha Wednesday morning to vlilt noma uchoola In the weit end. Kathryn Blnnlx entertained a number Of her young friends taut Saturday even Inr at tho liomu of her parents. Mrs. A. E. Gates was at Schuyler visit ing her daughter. Mrs. Purchare, last week and returned home Saturday. Mrs. A. If. Canipbell went to Omaha Friday last and Mr. Campbell. Rule and jtewtrt went in Saturday for the day, Uvlt Schubert rturned Saturday from (pwa, where ho ban been at work, nnd is shucking corn for C. W. Humes at prnt Mrs. Q. A. Sn'ant, who has been with her daughter. Mrs. W IL Jacobson, tho iast two months,. left Wednesday for her homo at Napoleon, N. D, Mr, Hamilton, father of John, left Wcqrteway for Kansas City nnd from there expects to go to Colorndo, where he will stop with a daughter for soma time Mr. nnd Mrs. IS. 11. Llndqucst nnd the Misses Delia Robinson nnd Katharine Hcrrlngton went to Fremont Frldny even ing lost to attend n musical entcrtuln ment given by Miss Jcannio Iloyd of that city. Mrs. V. II. Scelcy nnd daughter, Wll mlna, who wero called to the Jay Her rtngton home on account of tho Illness of the little sou tho Inst weak, returned to their borne nt Grund Island Monday morning. Tim ICelfo brought In samples of corn Saturday nnd loft thorn at tho Citizens Htiito bank. Jt wu prlzo corn which lytd bcon lit tho Mate fair, where It took ?remlums ai fmlowii: Pride of the North, Irstj Icanine, second. ' Martin Dabelateln. who has been In Germany tho Inst year, arrived In Watar loo Saturday nlKht, hnvlng ruuehed Mew York by steamer November 11. Mr. Dabelsteth comes to atslst In tho settle ment of tho .estate of his late brother. Charles Dnbelstcln, whoso death occurred Inst summer. live of the seniors of the Waterloo High sohOot went to Omaha Saturday to take examinations, unler tho county superin tendent, this being tho scnj-unnunt exam ination for teachers. Those going In Pi M&M Pi it U?1"'..1 'firi Mactler and Zllpha lllggs. Miss Mabel Doherty also went In Satur day for tho sumo purpose. i s Ter-- mm in mu Mb v mmm bbbbi mmm mmm m 1033 1 9annikVHkHRHMnBHBsV Tekniiinh. Mm. ft. IT. Tmnnlln I . In Denver Thursday morning. Miss Nellie I'oreo and Mlsa Nelllo Snead were nt Omaha Saturday. Miss Grace O'llrlen of Oakland visited her sister, Mil Elizabeth, over Sunday. Miss Kate Ityan was up from Oninlui over Sunday vlsltlne with Tckamah friends. Itollo Dates had his foot qulto severely Injured at the plant of tho Farmers' Clay Products company on Wednesday fore noon. The death of Joseph Uruno occurred Inst Krlday and his funeral took place on aionday morning from the Cathollo church. Colonel II. N. Marsh nnd C. W. Chase and families united In a celebration Tues day evening of tho birth anniversaries of lha heads of tho two families. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Kokos entortalncd nt a, o o clock dinner on Tuesday ovenlntr nt which a handsomo Colorado turkey formed the nucleus of the feast or good things. About two score of tho friends of Mrs. Joseph Potter surprised her at her horn on Tuesday evening nnd helped her to remcmbor that the day was the anniver sary of her birth. .Miss Ursula Lee arrived yesterday from Omaha for a two days' visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Ward. Miss Lee ) onroute to the home of her '..dug ui oaiiui Ana, iai .Tckamah school teachers held an ncth0u. "iodine Tuesday evening of the into State Teachers' nHoclatlon conven tion In Oniaha. An account of tho man ner In which they had been entertained and the various addresses they hnd huurd wm a port of tlu projrram. Miss June Gamble and Thomas Mat thows, two prominent young folks, were United tn murrtage at the homo of the bride Parents on Wednesday evening. They will remain In Tekamah this winter W".. t home after March 1 on the Matthews farm west of Tekamah. Doubly GUd it the Man Who Smok g 9 wwmwwww 9WL9 Glad to smoke this pure old Virginia and North Carolina bright leaf with its natural tobacco taste, Aged and stemmed and then granulated. Rolls easily, or tucks quickly into thtpipe. And smokers are glad to get the free pres ent coupons enclosed in each 5c sack. These coupons are good for a great variety of pleasing articles cameras, talking machines, balls, skates, safety razors, china, furniture, toilet articles, etc Many things that will delight old or young, A special offer, during November and December only, we will send our new illustra ted catalog of these presents FREE. Just send us yocr name and address on a postal. In every sack of Liggett Myers Duke's Mixture is one and a hat f ounces of splendid tobacco and ft' free present coupon. Ceutont from DUt Mixtutjmay IllOt J.T..TWSUEy,3 NATURAL LEAFTgrXnC EH TWIST. i ecu. AnjfrvM FOUKRU3jtaul Address Premlnm Deat Wcculnir Water. Captain Theodore Schaeffer Is in Glon wood, Ja., beln treated for a cancer. D. 1 4. Dudley Is In Llnroln nt the of his Bon. Krcd Dudley, and qulto sick. Mr. Lucy Maw. n visitor hern tliw nml , fow weeks with relatives, went out to i ailtner last Wednesday to visit. Miss Mary lluneate. Inatrurinr In ihn Oncea.. Kas., hluh school, was home on a visit Avlth her parents a fow days. K. K. Cllzbo of Council Bluffs, la., sold lU residence property here to Jacob Domingo, who will move to town soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Summer, Neb., are Visiting relatives. In this vicin ity and will leuvo soon for a trip to Texas. Miss Ksther Schoephoeslor of Reeds burp. Wis., who vtslted the family of J. J. Moler several weeks, returned home last Thuriday. The second number of the lecture course was heard last Wednesday night, l'hldelah Illcc,the Impersonator, with tho subject "Iaceful Valley," entertained a crowded house. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiles mourn the death of their 3-ycar-old' son. Paul, who died Tuesday night. Tho, father and two other children are stricken with the dls eiine, which has appeared In a malignant form. 80 far only one petition for the office otpostmaster Is In circulation, J. I. Cor Icy, a long-tlmo and faithful democrat, Is the hungry one, Tho, present post master's term expires In about fifteen months. The Congregational Brotherhood met last Tuesday In the church dining room nnd enjoyed a banquet and program. It was the annual meeting and the election ot officers was held as follows: Presi dent, B. J. Ambler; vice president. U. It. lUlmund; secretary, Martin Johnson.:, treusurer, O. a. CbglUer. I i Irvlnaton. Mrs. Myron Hall Is reported quite low Hgiin. Mrs. Gus Sundall ts on the sick list his week. MUses Ida nnd Gladys Kilts of Omaha visited Mrs. Hates Saturday and Sunday. There will bo a box social at the Irving ton school Tuesday evening, Novem ber IS. , Uo:. Sanbourn of Bethany, Neb., preached at the Christian church Bun. day morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brewster and chil dren of Omaha visited Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Finch. Hew O, L. Adams of Omaha will preach Sunday morning and evening at the Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Thompson and children spent Sunday In BennOn with Mr. and Mrs. Knutson. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Basmusjien from near Bennington visited Sunday at the ,Nels nasmussen home. 1 Mrs. S. H. Brewster and Mrs. A. I). Knight and daughter, Vadna,, visited in Omaha with Mrs. K. B. Brewster. About twenty-five young people from Benson and Omaha came out to attend the baxar and box social Wednesday venlng. Mr, Johnson from Ord, Neb.', who 'lought the Krats pluce a few weeks ago, 1 as been fixing it up. Ilk Intends to rove in soon. Miss Kate Peterson and Janic and Walter Mad son of Benson. Mr. and Mrs. SOLID COMFORT TURKISH ROCKER n Hi AN EXCEPTIONAL BED DAVENPORT OFFER Continuous Post, Vernis Martin All Steel Bed $1.00 CASH, $1.00 MONTHLY You readily would admit that tlria is- the first time you have ever known of such a strongly construct ed and thoroughly guaran teed bed with large posts being sold at the very low price hero quoted. This bed is unusually plain and nuissive, being joined i 4-i.ri.4- flirt .it. .ill no 0 f chill ornamentation. Posts 1 aro heavy two-inch steel tubing with ten massive 7-8 fillers; can be had in all sizes and finished in either -white or the gold bronze. A most unusual offer for tomorrow only. REMARKABLE OAK HEATER BARGAIN Agents for All Well Known Mnkes of Stoves nnrt "Heaters OUD UNITOLD BED DAVE.-.. oHT. A regular beauty, comes In the Amorlcan quartersawed oak, .handsomely polished. Ono single nvotlon converts tho daven- Sort Into a targe, ruu-sizeo, comrortatjie nea, with an excellent ed spring. The upholstering is of guaranteed Imperial lenther hack, diamond tufted and front edge beautifully ruffled. Ono of the best bargains wo are offering nt the special sale price of $24.50 TlIIET MASSIVE 6VEB3TUFFBD IM PnrtlAL LKATH'KR UOCKpit is with out doubt tho greatest bargain ever of fered In the city. The frames are of gonulno American quarter-sawed oak, upiioisiereu in a nign grade or Imperial leather, over a full Het of steel tempered springs. Back is decply tufted and front ana arms nantisomeiy rurricd. A limited numoer oi mem on saio for Saturday at the unbelievable price of $1095 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. A PINE. HIGH GRADE OAK HEaTBR which will burn wood, soft or hard coal. This Btove Is of extra largo nlzo and has a large flrepot. Elaborately nickel trimmed, nickel side reflectors, foot rail and brass urn on the top. Has Bwlng top, patent grates and largo ashpit. A value you ennnot duplicate Extra special tomorrow. $795 Wcstergard and son. Fred, wero visitors at the A. C. Deln homo Sunday, Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ulshllng of North Dakota a,ro hero on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peters wero guests of W. II. Peters last Friday. Mrs. Nell Overton visited friends In Weeping Water over Sunday. The bovs basket ball team will I'lul' tho Louisville High school Baturday after noon. Georirc Faclclur of Blair Is horc attend ing tho administration oChts father's estate. H L. Pflug nnd fumlly are preparing for a trip to New Mexico In their tour ing car. Mm. Unnpv of South Bend Is visiting her daughters. Miss Frances Haney and Mrs. Nell Overton. . nv. Mr. Wnrne of tho Methodist Epis copal church announces special Thanks giving sen-ices next Sunday morning. Th wrrntllnfl- match nt Louisville be. t-ppn Cannon of Springfield and Bpenco of Louisville resulted In a draw after a two hours' bout. Henrv Qottsch has been confined to his hntne for a. few davs with a severe soro throat reseembllng diphtheria. The homo has been quarantined. Tvnu Vnhln nnd hrlrtn returned from a two weeks' trip tn Wyoming. They will occupy their beautiful home two miles southeast ot Springfield. , Sunday evening all the churches wll' unite at tho Congregational church and u-ill h addressed bv II. F. Carson, su. perlntendcnt of tho Anti-Saloon league. A birthday party was" given Mrs. J. at the home of Mrs. Ben Schobert Inst Friday afternoon. Among the guests were. A. I'l LiKQ or siuruocK. jurs. a. W. Clransllck, George Gransllck and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gransllck of Papll lion, Mr. and Mrs. Ely Oransllck of Flor .nr. nn, Mm. .t. M. Gransllck of South Omalia. PnplUloii. Miss Josephine Connor of Gretna la the guest of Mrs. Louis Lesleur this weok. PliarlM I.von uf Seward visited the first of the woek with his daughter. Mrs. E. H. Koch. In district court Wednesday Nancy I. Miller was granted a deeroe of (Jlvorco from Joseph 8. Miller. Marriage license was Issued Wednes day to Miss Catherine Hugiica and Jo seph schmmt or urcwa. Charles Peterson ot Thurston, Neb., spent Baturday and Sunday at the home of his uncle, J. It. Wilson. C. C. Spearman hss sold out his share tn tho general inerchundlso store ot Biwirman & Cordes to his partner, George pordes. .Mr. Spearman has not entered any otner Business m pnjeni. but says he will remain in TapllUon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore have sold their Papllllon property. Mr. Moore left the first ot the week for Artesia. N. M., where they will make their home. Mrs. Moore has gone to Chicago for a short visit with her sister before going to Ar tesia. Their many Papllllon friends re gret to see them leave. Volley. Mrs. Mary Hempsted left Monday tor ner home In Tllden- Mrs. Schneckenburg of Onfthu Is visit ing her sister. Mrs. Mehl. thts week. Mrs. N. E. Johnson went to Lincoln Friday for a short visit with university friends. The Woman"! club will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. M. Erwsy. Mrs. J. 8. Kennedy has charge of tho music nnd Mrs. Ingram, assisted by Mrs. Erway, Mrs. Byars and Mrs. Fos ter, the lesson study. Mrs. Hoyt, aunt of Mrs. Hubbard, who has been hero for some time, returned to Pueblo, Colo.i this week. lU'gent and Mrs. W. G. Whltmoro. Ruth and Frances went to Lincoln Friday, re turning Sunday evening. Captain Throckmorton of tho Omaha Volunteers of America gave nn address along the lino of his work in tho Meth odist church Sunday evening. The Willing Workers' society of the Second Baptist church, assisted by tho older women, gave a bazar and served lunch In tho church Tuesday eventng. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carrlngton Of Ben son and .Mr. Carrlngton of Decatur, la., were called hero by the death of Clnlr Fitzgerald and will remain a few days. Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Mrs. Mary Hempsted spent Saturday shopping In Omaha. Mrs. Gardiner brought her grand- uauThter. Prlscllla Noycs, home with her for a visit. Elkhorn, Dave Douglas was at Omaha Thursday. Prof. J. E. Fate was at Omaha Satur day. Mrs. J, A. Gibbons entertained the C. C. club Friday. Mr- and Mrs. Harry Frost and children were In town Saturday. Henry Denker, Jr., was 111 last week, but ts now able to be out. Alex McKenzle Is seriously 111 with pneumonia at his home. Tho Eagles gave a dancing party Sat urday evening In their hall. C. M. Oearhart and wife went to Colo rado Sprnlgs for tho benefit of the tat ter's health. Ira Flgg ts hero from 'Gretna looking after the lumber yard during Mr. Gear hart's absence, Mrs. Henry Mockelman entertained the women's kenslngton Wednesday. A good crowd was present. John Lebbert of Bennington visited Sun day at the Nick Rlecker home. Qeorge Grencock and family moved Into the Parnkcnlng house Thursday. Earl Baumgarden and Miss Frieda Grimm wero married at Omaha Tuesday. Albert Housley moved his household goods to Lano Thursday, whero he- will be section foreman. Earl Baumgarden and wne and Charles Baumgarden and wife left for Harllngen, Tex., to Join their parents, who recently moved there. To Submit Names for New Social Service Board The following named organizations have requested through their proper commit tees to submit names of men and women to the mayor who are considered by these organizations eligible, to member ship on the social service board: Tho municipal affairs commltteo of tho Com mercial club, the public affairs committee of the Ad club, the directorate of tho Woman's club and the evecutlve commit tee of the Trl-CIty Baraca union, The municipal affairs committee of the Commercial club and tho public affairs committee of the Ad club will have this matter before them on next Monday. A special meeting for Monday next has beer, called of the directorate of the Woman's club and the executive committee of the TrJ-Ctty Baraca union will meet' on Mon'. day evening at the Young Men's Chris tian association for this purpose. New Plan Worked Out for Permits N City Commissioner Butler'and City and, County Treasurer Uro havo worked out a blnnk to be used by applicants for building, plumbing or other permits that will allay the complaints that have been made to the, city council against the sys tem now in use, which compels each ap plicant to mako several trips between the court houso and the city hall be fore the permit is finally issued. Ap plicants henceforth will pay their money at tho city hall to the department issuing tho permit, and at the close of the day this money will be turned over to the city treasurer. High school Notes. The tennis courts arc, near completion and will be ready for tennis playing next week. A series of lectures have been arranged and will be given In the new high school auditorium by Profs. FJlng and Grumann. Marie Vernon and George Stocking have been appointed artists on the Reg ister staff by tho executive committee of the Register. A large number of trigonometry pupils of the lilgh school under the direction of J. F. Woolery. instructor In mathematics, were Initiated into the mysteries of sur veying' when they found by the use of the surveying telescope the distance from Capitol hill to the brewery on Sherman avenue and Clark street could bo determined. OPEN for Business Saturday, Nov. 23d notwithstanding that the finishing touches of our new store are incomplete we are ready to show values in Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats that will surprise you at $10 and $15. Look us up Saturday. 1512 Farnam Street -:- Merchants Hotel J I )