Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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A glance at our show
windows tells the story
As a rule each store tries to display Its choicest
things 1 Its show windows. Wo do being human
helnRS, not greatly different from other human be
ingsand we take it for granted othpr merchants
do the Fame. Therefore It Is reasonable to supposo
that the garments noTV displayed In the bIiow win
dows around town are the choicest bargain offering
of tho several sales they advertise. Be the assump
tion Incorrect wo apologize for the lino of thought
this paragraph contains. Ue it so we ask every
expert judge of good clothing and good values'" to
compare the garments shown In our windows with
those shown In other windowB, and tho best part
about the whole thing Is that the goods In tho win
dows are to be found In the store or we'll sell any
garment In the window.
i 1 1 " i nwm
Again Let Us Urge You to Attend
Twelve loyal courteous.
' pulnstaklng clottilngr
salesmen to serve you
Thcso aro tho men you'vo become accustomed to
trnillng with, They're tho smr.w follows whose con
duct Inwards customers gave tho ad man his first
hint of the lino heading this paragraph a line which
has become a part' of our regular advertising for
tho past 9 months. These mm like our customers
as well ns our customers llk them. They like our
storo and they're loyal to it. It would take consid
erable persuasion to take them to some other store.
We're as satisfied to have them In our employ as
they aro to remain and for your sake It's a
mighty satisfying thing to know that the salesman
who serves you today will be here to serve you to
morrowshould you require further attention.
of Hand Tailored, Quality Suits and Overcoats
Here is a merchandising event of more than passing importance one that will be remembered long after .
the last garment has been disposed of because, the occasion has produced bargains of rare quality and
never, never has a store offered such truly good clothing at such radical discounts almost a half off. '
Remember mat this store
never cries "bargain" un
less it has bargains to cry
Our regular prices aro the lowest, considering the qual
ities they represent, to be found in the cityexper
ience has amply proven that. When a man buys a
King-Swanson garment in regular season, be the prico
$10.00 or $40.00, he is certain of having received the
greatest value that could possibly bo found notwith
standing the fact that a special sale may have been in
progress, somewhere at the time. We dislike tho phrase
"Special Sale" we never use it unless there is extraor
dinary warrant for so doing. The regular prices on
our quality clothes would be "Sale Prices" elsewhere.
People know it. They also know that "Special Prices')
here means something hence theyflock to our store
by hundreds as they have been doing for several days
and go away enthusiastic ;over our sales.
The store that offers you a
customer - satisfying store
service, any time, all the time
Tills store malfes much of lta superb service a service that
prompts imitation ot tho most flagraut type. That service Is
progressive. While wo are t'hlnklng out improvements in it othorB
lacking the power to originate are contenting themselves with
appropriating our well ordered ideas to their own ubob even
using" the identical words wo use in describing ours. Dut ac-
Septlng thtTTlattery of imitation this store goes, abroad thlnk
tig out and executing" innovations that make it the moBt delight
ful place in town to biy clothing a storo fair In Its treatment
of customers and truthful in its advertising a store that puts i
courtesy to the front in every "transaction, backing it up by hon-r-estly
made merchandise; honestly priced. Its salesmen are the
kind that assume you are right, always. They give you credit for
knowing what you want and they make your desires the dominant
issue in every transaction. This service works every day, and a
special sale impairs it not. , '
$30 Suits
and Over
coats for .
$25 Suits
and Over
coats for
Regular 20
and SIS Suits
and Over
coats for. .
Regular $15
.and 12.SO Suits
and Overcoats
for. . : i
Regular $10
Suits and
11 KiflBH W
Fremont Man Would Carry Nebraska
Vote to Washington.
Latent Addition to Sum Ileitis Held
br Dam! Al'iorlECd to He Set
Apurt nivcrtoii 5In Seek
lnjr l'olltleul Mertb.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN) Neb., Nov. 22.-(8peclal.)-AValdo
Ylnter3tcen of Fremont, detno
crntlu presidential elector, wants to be
the NebVankan, who will curry to the
clectorlalV college the eight votes Ne
braska will cast for Woodrow Wilson
for president.
The cIRht democratic .electors will meet
In Lincoln on the Saturday previous to
the second Holiday In January and will,
oast their ballot for president and vice
(ireuldcnt. One copy of tho vote will be
forwarded to the president of the United
States, senate by mall, and one will be
turned over to Judge V. II. Muneer, of
the federal couit, and the third will be
carried to Washington by a special mes
senger. '
WJnterstecn wants to be the messen
ger. He wub one of the two electors In
the 'state. Tho elector who makes tho
trip Is given compensation at the rate of
I! cents per mlle.
The law provides that, at the meeting
of electors, if there are any vacancies,
those present shall fill the vacancies with
any citizen of the state. If the electors
mo unable to thus fill tho vacancies, by
he following noon, the governor of tho
state will fill the vacancy.
Cnnrnnty Fund Assessment.
1 yt state banking board will make Its
v semi-annual assessment on January
y, amounting to one-fourth of 1 per cent
on deposits, for the ntata bank guaranty
fund. This assessment will yield approxi
mately 200,000 for the fund, which Is now
K-CO.C0O, the Bum set aside to Insure de
Itors against loss from bank failures.
In fact none of this money has ever
been collected from tho bank. They are
merely required to Bet aside thejr pro
rata share of thefund and In case of
u bank failure, the Individual banks
would be reulrcd to remit their propor
tional share to make up the deficiency
caused by the failure. The remainder
would remain in the hands of the Individ
ual bank.
Assessments for the guaranty fund
will not actually cease altogether after
J munry 1, but they will be reduced to
. i-e-twoiitlAth of 1 per cont each half
er. They will be continued at that
. ....til tha fifnri Khnlt liflivn enualled
I's 1" r -ent of tho aggregate deposit In
all tute banks. They will then ceae,
"-t to be levied again until ho fund has
lent depleted below 1 per "ut of the
i f.i deposits.
Ta relieve the ceogMtol ieadiUou iu
all the insano asylums In the state, Sec
retary of State Walt today outlined a
plan by which thirty Insane pht'.snts
could be removed to the home of the
feeble minded at Beatrice, which at Mils
time Is not occupied to Its maximum
Tho. plan, however, will not bk put Into
effect until Superintendent Thomas of
the Beatrice institution has given his
consent to the arrangement.
rne members or tne inibllo Lands ana
Buildings board are not convinced now
that It would be practicable to confine
Insane and feeble minded patlonts In the
same Institution.
According tof Superintendent Williams
of the insane asylum here there are a
number of entirely harmless persons at
his hospital, who could undoubtedly be
maintained at the Beatrice Institution
without the slightest trouble because of
their mental condition.
Secretary Walt was In Beatrice yester
day and his Inspection of the Institution
suggested the removal Idea. At the time
Superintendent Thomas was absent.
Upon his return the plan will be put up
to him for his consideration.
The space t the Beatrice home Is
available for men only. The wards are
located In two buildings and with bed
ding and other equipment already on
hand the plan, as far as can be learned
at this time, can be put Into execution
with little difficulty.
Slnthemi Is Candidate.
Cecil Mathews, editor of the Iltverton
Review, has announced that he Is a
candidate for United States marshal,
succeeding Marshal Warner upon the ad
vent of the democratic national administration.
Mathews' newspaper opposed Governor
Morehead In the early days of the cam
paign, later taking on a policy of silence.
His editorials opposing Mr. Morehead
were widely copied by bull moose news
pa pis in the state.
The Crete Democrat In a current Issue
prints a photograph of Richard L. Met
calfe with the caption, "Our Next
XTnltMl Stages Consul to Liverpool." No
Information hss ben secured here which
even indicates that Mr. Metcalfe Is a
candidate for a consular appointment.
The coustructola of a cement flooring
In the new machinery hall at the state
fair grounds, started last year, has been
completed at a cost for this Item alone
of $3,000. The Board of Managares of the
State Fair association Is now having ce
ment walks laid about the Uva stock
collseium and under the seats In that
building where heretofore the spboa has
been utilized for concession.
Clean Legislative Hall.
A large force of workmen was started
today In patchwork repairing of tho"
in jjie vurriuora oi tne isiaie nouse
where holes have been knocked in tin
imsi;iiiiis uiu a uiamici , air oi anamina
tion has become apparent. This Is being
done preparatory to redecorating the
waliiicoUotf, which was recently ordered
by tho State Board of Publlo Lands and
ReDanerlnc and other Improvements In
the senate chamber and the house of rep
resentatlveu Is being pushed as the tlmo
for tho convening of the legislature ap
proaches. A dozen, paperhangers bi-o at
work and tho woodwork Is being cleaned
ind repainted In tho biennial cjeanup of
tho solon's quarters.
Chase Mode Secretary.
Jo'nn C. Chase of Lincoln 1 elected sec
retary of tho socialist organization In this
state, according to the referendum vote,
the result of which was made publlo here
Tho election also resulted In the selec
tion of the following members of the ex
ecutive committee: Dr. W. I Mossman,
Omaha; John Canrlght, North Platte", O.
C. Porter, Survey: B. F. WatBon, Otmeva,
and C. It. Oyler, Llnooln. The vote on
the state secretaryship ivas as follows:
John C. ChaseTUncoln, 1,86; Alice Mllllo,
Omaha, 81; Sadie Davison, Lincoln, 14.
The vote was taken In each local and
the result mailed to the state headquar
ters here. Tho secretaryship la not a
political proposition, but tho executive di
rection of tho organization of the party
In the state.
A Few Pardons Refused,
Dan Holler, bigamist from Boyd
county, must serve the remainder of .his
seven-year term In the stato penitentiary,
the Board of Pardons having denied his
appeal for clemency and Governor Aid
rich having approved It.
Jesse Young, colored, thirtcen-year
prisoner from Otoe county, was also
refused a pardon, although J. S. BJt
ler .one of the three board members,
favored a release for him. The governor
cut down the term of James Perry, col
ored, second degree murderer, from
Douglas county, to nine years, Which will
release him August 3, 1913.
Holler's attorneys argued that the
whyslclans at th estate hospital for the
Insane had said that unless ho was re
leased his mind might become perma
nently deranged. Dr. Butler, In his opinion
on the Holler case, refers to the convict
as a "gay young Lothario whoso free
dom would be a menace to a certain type
of maidenhood."
Young killed another negro In Ne
braska City In 1904 and his term will
expire In June. Perry killed a fallow
workman In Cudahy's packing plant In
KfiSflneer Asks Ctutb,
State Knglneer Price has certified to
the state auditor's office an estimate
showing that his department will need
1.1 6,003 more to be operated during the
next two years than was appropriated
by the legislature for the blonn um just
closing. '
About W,iXX) nt this sum is for more
salaries and the remaining sum is ro
quired, Mr. Price says, In general offlcA
expense The engineer dtclaruti that the
scope of the office has been cnluriril
to a considerable extent flaring tho Just
two years and tltat this necessitates
more funds.
Two years ago Mr. Prlco'H salary was
raised J500 and hls assistant J200, but us
tho appropriation was mado on tho old
basis tho engineer and his assistant have
not received any port ot the salary In
Money for Home Owners.
Stato Veterinarian Boatrum has doclded
to recommend an appropriation of $25,000
to reimburse owners of glandered horses
killed by direction of the department
during the coming btennlum. He did not
Include It In his first estimate, as there
was some talk of abandoning payment
for killed animals.
The Board of Educational Iandn Is a
shining mark In th egalaxy of depart
ments which havo so far filed estimates
of tlie amounts they want appropriated
to them for tho comln two years. Thl3
department has asked for M.W0, although
two years ago tho legislature opproprlated
$5,000 to its use.
TmoKKN BOW. Neb., Nov. 22. (Spe
cial.)-The Jury term of district court
... ,1.1. 1. T..
was brought to a oiobo nun itcia. u..uo
TTnirtetle.r In the Jast ten days having
disposed of nearly forty cases, both crim
inal ana equuy. au
nnrfnneA In be tried was that of Wil
liam Melsner, a farmer living near Sar
gent, charged with statutory offense
against his H-year-old stepdaughter, Kh-
ttier Rnmsev. Owing to a state law that
. ...... 1.1... . V. .f.n.nt iitti
in canes oi hub miiu h" .
not bo convicted on the uncorroborated (
testimony of the prosecuting witness, and
that the state had no corroboration, the
defendant was allowed to plead guilty
to assault. In passing sentenco Judge i
Ilostetler remarked It was a matter of
reirrat that such a law existed and that It
should be changed so that the uncorrob
orated evidence of tho prosecuting wit
ness In such cases might be submitted to
a jury so It might pass upon tho Inno
cence or guilt of the acoused. He then
proceeded to Impose a fine of flOO and
the costs of thn prrosccutlon and ordered
that the defendant bo committed until
said flno and costs were puld. Im
mediately after the hearing In the above
case Mrs. Dora Melsner, wlfo of the de
fendant, brought action for a divorce
against her husband. Finding that
County Attorney Heal had thoroughly In
vestigated the evidence, the court lost
no time In passing upon the case and
granting the decrea as prayed.
Panneiinrer Coneh ll.uriieil.
LEXINGTON, Neb., Nov. 2J.-Speclal.)
A passenger coach attached to the local
freight train standing beside the Wood
sum elevator caught fire from tho htove
yesterday, burned tho car and the north
slda of tho elevator. But for the prompt
action of the Ixxlngton fire companies
other curs would have burnwl und tho
elevator with theni.
Cb'a'f'i a W04ir 321 stylea of Ladies' and Men's Fall and
atUrtLiay winter shoes are here in $6, $5 and $4
makes at half regular prico.
Just when yon need thorn tho most wo aro offering you all tho new
hand sowed, wolt shoos nt half prico. Tan, and black; button and
lace shoos for men, mado of tho finest calfskin are hero. SuedeB,
velours and gun motal shoos for ladies aro hero jn
I fc. 'fiiWi WW
Catalog, i
$6, $5 and $4 e
and will bo placed on
s a To Satur
day at
50c MORE
Ito)V Tan Watcrproor Hlh OUh, full bellowo tongues,
n l...1.1nn tnn full 1J1ttnli rtrta M
rl iP't.uii values; ouiuruuy m aw
AVi Uoj-h' Illack Calf liaro Shoe, all solid, rf rjQ
V heavy oak soles, Hfi-'.OO valui;H, all Hlzea J)l.&ji7
. v iiikii t ins, b-in, tops, uu aizca, mi nn
I ' H V i. .. 1. 1 A,,. ., i.., a ft I . m T"ff
Hoys' Fine liutton HIioch These shoos aro
mado of tho finest volour calf, g4 QC
) VaSeV sowed soleB, 1 3 values, Saturday ff JL JJ
) Pv lilttle Ucntw' uutuin ana laacr Hhoea.
mado of tho finest calfaklnB, 2.50
values, all sizes; g 4 a A
y Haturdav only D tO
.V 1 . n . t . . 1 .. ir.i.. in. Tri . ci
sowed soles, $2.00 valuoB, all sizes,
liutton HIiqcxi, with wide, fko
high toes; Saturday only. , 70C
Chlldrcn'H IliRh CuU, In dull calf and patent colt,
sewed soles, with .wide footform toes, d An values; Saturday Jj 1 .xO
.MUNOt' Fine Kid Button Hhoes, J2. 00 val- tf nn
ucs, iu all sizes; Saturday u) X
MIknca' I'ntont Colt anil Dull Calf High Cuts, hand-sowed soles,
wide toos, $3.00 values, tho kind we guarantee a 4 J A
the fit and woar; Saturday p 1 4
2g4Atafli 1 3d Floor Paxton Irk., Cr. IMh mi
OlO res F&rHam Sis., mi1 1512 touglMSt.
Open Saturday Till 10 P. M.