20 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1912. Store Open Till 0 1 M. SATURDAYS Dense Come Karly In the Day. VANITY VKIL8 Shetland effects also hex agon and croquette meshes with a single, striking figure, at, each, Sf and 51.50 Hlore Open Till 0 1. M. HATl'IUIAYH Uo All Your lluylng lie fore That Hour. 1'lne Net nntl Khmloiv Lnre I'lcntlng4. Ecru colors, black and wblto worth up to 73r, at a and yard, 300 it Saturday Our Most Extraordinary Sale Kid Gloves Ml We, bought at public sale in New York 4,500 pairs of women's Kid Gloves of high and medium grade from the stock of one of the most famous manufacturers and importers of gloves in America. They go on sale Saturday at tho most notable, special bargains ever offered in our historyv Women's $3.50 Loi Kii Gloves at $1.98 Pair Thousands of pairs of extra quality lG-button length Kid Gloves, every pair absolutely perfectcolors, whito and black all sizes 3 pearl button or clasp fasteners & aq worth $3.50 a pair, at, pair $JLFO LOlfG GLOVES AT $1.00 A PAIR 12 and lG-button length gloves of real kid,' lambskin and chamois, In all sizes) white, black and coli ore somo show slight Imperfec tions worth up to $3 a pair, tf f at pair J) 1 SHORT GIOVK8 AT $1.00 A PAIR Ono and two-clasp gloves of real kid lambskin and cape pique ovcr . Boam nnd outaoam wlilto, black, tan, gray and brown-r-actunlly wortu.up to J1.70 a pair, at tho pair S mVf .XNTSfc. WINTER UNDERWEAR Women's flno cotton, fleecy lined union suits with high necks, long sleeves, or low necks and sloovo less, ankle length values up to nc , at a BUlt t.,Ui7r Women's Flno Cotton Vests, radium and heavy fleeced; also anklo length pants to match regular and out sizes worth up to nn 59c, at a garment OuC Women's, Mimes' and Children's Union Suite Fleecy lined', cotton, high nock, long sleovcs ana anklo length, GOc quality, nv nt a suit -, . . . . J7C Misses' and Children's Fleecy Lined Cotton Vest and anklo length pants to match f r up to 05o valuos, at a garmont XUC Women's $1 Short Kid Gloves at 6f c Pair Avhito, black, tan and. gray all sizes in 2-clasp effects. HOSIERY SPECIALS Women's cotton and morcorlzcd lisle thread hos lory, wldo hom tops, double boIcb, high spllcol heels and toes, full fashioned black, tan. and fancy colors worth up to 50c a pair, op at a pair '. mOC Women's Imported Uslo and mercerized silk lisle thread hosiery plain and fancy silk embroidered boot patterns: also puro silk boots with lisle double soles, hools and toes worth to or d& 50cr at per pair uOC ji Women's and Mon's cotton and mercerized Halo jrj finished hosiery also fleecy lined and wool, HQ 1.1-1. ,1 1 A - . - ' nib" uiuiuuu iiuuiB una toes roguiar p and out sizos worth 2 Co, at por pair .... IOC Misses' Boys' nnd Children ribbed school hosiery In cotton, fleocy lined -and wool, double hools and toes; also infants' puro wool hos- r lory, silk hools and toes, worth 2Cc, at flr., 1 OC Women's Dainty New Neckwear Now Queen Ann Collars, Robospiorro Collars in black and colored silk, satin and volvot. daintily trimmed in fine net find Hiinrlnw Tnrna lnnn collar sots and collars in Vonise, crochet and macramo effects, fancy & oiuuno, uiu, uu uumiy now crca rr I" tH Sar.Ty.T'r..v. Z5c-50c-$l A New Ydrk Importer's Samples and Odd Lot of WOMEN'S IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Daintily embroidered comers or Ar menian Val. laco bordors; also women's and men's em- g f broidorcd initial or plain hemstitched Irish linen hand- 1 korchiefsworth up to 25c, at, each M.JK in at a sad Nottble Special Btrfains in Ribbons 0-Inch fancy warp prints with satin strlpo brocade a rogulnr SI CO quality, at tho yard Ja 9-lnch Jacquards, in pretty floral designs, at less 'than half prlco, por yard, at gV' 7-inch pretty roso bud designs, at por.yard .'.V . . RnL A beautiful tlni. nt !lnl. ......... . r. . ....... iJtp m r; z'T" if u-a.c.n. -wwyy. ". ! .I T ' uo- ucauuiui norm des gns cade effocte, at yard. .. .3ftA yard uibub Handaomo warp prlnU, worth up to 50c, at, yard Many clovor new rlhtmn holiday gifts. BuescouonB xor . . . 8nLiyi,m nnmoN uaiigains iv tub marvmvk L1'"1"! Moiro ribbon, ox- . 4-lnch to 4 Vrb tv 1T1IUB, M yard lOC vouunt. quality, good ini colorings, yard IZ"2"C ItEMAniCAllUi VALUKS IX La Vida Corsets An unusual chanco to buy serviceable corBOt models nt a reduction. Ln Vida CorsotB for modium and full figures, mado of fine coutll with 3 sets of. garters attached modium high bust and modium hip lino reg- tr T'..T:. fl."5 Odd Sizes In Corsetw From popu lar linos special for Saturday, ' ,lt , SI Remarkable Sale KffiW8 Children's and Juniors' Dresses 'JT7 V Scoi-oa of Dresses that aro practical as can bo. Thoy aro made in styles now most popular for fall and wintor. All on second floor now store. All tie Ckilirei's Wool and Wash Dreases Theso pretty littlo frocks for girls in ages G to 14 years. Allattrac- rm - r tive, new stylo's and H'lP- 1 Hh made to soli at $4, at vtf V JLXe! Al! tke Jiiir's Samfle Wtal Dresses All tho manufacturer '8 clever, new novoltv olntli serge, eheck and worsted dresses tf n j ages 13 to 19 made to sell regu-- Kll T larly up to $7.50, at fWmV In Our Children's Section Second Floor. GREAT SALS SOISSOM and SHEARS Notion Dpt. Ma4a Floor. Thousands of pairs of flue fenced steel scissors and sheers, highly nickeled. All famous makoB. This lot consists of embroidery scissors, button hole scissors, manicure scissors, ladles' lace scissors and shears', in all sices na up to 9 Inches. Worth up to iHl $1.25 a pair, Saturday, at iwlr SALE OF MEN'S WINTER SHOES. Splendid shoes for men In tan calfskin, black calf, gun metal calf, vlcl kid and potent leathers In loco and button stylos many of theso shoos aro Imported from England and have the very best of strong, English tannat leathors nil Goodyear mbiv Bunuu soma. ooii'rt.jp-jate - , j styles in shoeB th..t jr .uiua' . I t worth J4 50, on cn.li tictu d.y. . .uir. Raphael -Fred Co. SATURDAY AT OUR GREAT Stock Reduction Sale 1 1 NlMrJSCj $12.50 You Can Buy More Dependable Merchan dise for $1.00 Here Than Elsewhere. Iridic' nnd Misses' Coat in Plush, Baby Lamb, Caracul, As trnclian, Fnr nnd All the New Novelty Cloth Coats Cut Down in rrlccs in Order to Itcduco Stock. llcnutlful PIiihIi ContH, regu larly sold at $19.00 beoictto I'lush Contfl, pretty d -t A or" satin lining, worth $22,50, J)lr.OD All tho Finest and Best tirade ilusb Coats, worth from $24. GO to $35.00, at: $21.50 $19 $16.50 Itaby J.ninl) Cloth Cuats, look llko genuine Pony Coats and wear better, worth to $27.50, $19.00 $16.50 Bench Caracul ContH, quilted and satin lined, worth regu larly $10.50, qC Saturday fPV VD French Conoy I'Hir Coats, in black and brown, Skinner satin lining, regularly j -g r rr $25, Saturday, pJ,O.SD Husslan Marmout Brown iur Coat, 52 inches long, bro caded satin lining, worth $76.00 and somo worth v ZZBT:. $48.00 Lollies' and Misses' Novelty Coat, odds and ends, worth Ato.1.(:.0.0:....$4.95 Ladles', Misses' anil Juniors' Novelty Cloth Coats, worth 0r gr up to $12.50, at pO.D LihIIch' ami Misses' Very Pretty anil Heavy Winter Coats, worth up to at....'. $10.95 $9.95 Very Best Coats, of tho newest styles and cloth, including somo finest Black Coats, Broadcloths and English Kerseys, at $19 $16.50 $14.85 Our Entire Stock of Beautiful Bress unirts, -worth from $4.00 to $8.50, will bo dlvldod In - nn dQ fQ d0 QO thrco lots, at J 1 ,70 &d,UO Pretty Serge, Silk, Messallno and Charnictiso Dresses, worth $8.30 at ?!!50. $3.95 $.4.95 $5.95 $6.95 TRADE WINNERS THAT MADE OUR SATURDAY SALES FAMOUS READ EVERY ITEM 29c l'ur Cap-i, ... 25c 25 dozen full size Aproim, 3-1 aleove.t, nark colors, jiercalo and Bingham, worth etc. two to a cubtoir.ers, ou. Ladles' H and Neck Ploce . . . Children's Bear Hkln Hoods, '.all colors, worth , to?, O Kn i.oo fcOU Children's Coats, cut down to '88o, $1.39, 81.08, 53.05, 83.98 nnd 84.95 Worth double. Ladles' Fnst Ulock lrbse, worth 12 c, pair Children's. Girls' nnd Misses' Union Suits, very soft cotton, fleeced lined. A On bleached .... fiC Ladles' Outing Flan nel Might Gowns. 2 to a customer, QQ each fb ,.6c 75c Ladlos' Fleeced lined Underwear, tho best grade bleachO'l and gray, sar- QQn nicnt 031 Ladles' Floocod Lined Ribbed Union Hults, worth 3Qq Choice of any Iadles' But In tho I Cfl store .... WIiOU 75o Cor- OQp sets OJIb $1.25 and 1.50 Prin cess. Grucye And Knoxwoll Coj "JQq 7 spools J. P. Coats Machine QRn Thread fcJb Children's Mittens and Gloves, I fin wotth 25o ... I WU Ladles' GOc Mittens and Golf OKn Gloves fcOU J 1.50 Heathcrbloom Petti- CQn coats U3U S2.50 Satin QOp Pe.tticoats ... JOw Ladles', Misses' and Children's 20c (fin Hose, pair ... 1 Uu $2.60 Ladies' All Sweaters. . $1.39 Ladles' and Girls' all Wool A via- I fin tlon Caps .... I Uu Flannelette Kimonos and Uath Robes, each $1.48, 7Qn $1.35 ana .... 19b 10a Towels C at vl 20c Towels, Qq We are Bolnfr to discontinue handllns Quilts and Blankets, and will sell all on hand now at less than eastern cost. J7.60 Pretty O QC Fur Sets.. Wi3U 18.50 Pretty M Qr Fur Sots.. VvtVO $12.60 Pretty Sets . . .. $6.95 $11.60 The Greatest Clothing Sale in Town I n i 1 II 1 lcicos Smashed to Atoms! We Defy 10 KlffllT MQrOl CompetlUon to Meet These Astounding U RicLlli iSulUl Iargains in MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS, TItOUSEllS. SIIIUTS, HOSIEItV, HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR AND SHOES. Don't Do Mislead by reworks of llighPrlcwl Stores. READ THESE MARVELOUS CUT PRIOES-FOR SATURDAY. MEN'S $10.00 0'ERCOATS, $3.00 In neat, fancy patterns and made with convertible collars, all fc9 nn sizes; Saturday. ....... . )J.IV MEN'S S12.B0 OVERCOATS, Sft.4U ln brown, gray and fancy novelty cloth, all pure wool; Satur- Af dUy at ipO.TtU MEN'S ?20.0() AND $122.50 OVER COATS, SH.GO Your choice of ologant hand-tailored Overcoats, mado of tho vory finest wool fabrics; (Satur day at. IGBITS $10.60 AND $18.00 OVBJtOOATS $8.90 This lot consists of fine llsht and dark fancy Mixtures, beautiful new n nn Fall models, Saturday at VOiJU UBITS $13.50 SLIP-O IT XAJNCOATS ALL JULK Tho newest, and (ruaran- C Cll teed rainproof. Saturday.. wOiuU me its $10.00 strrrs, $s.4o. Just think of It we offer you a bis line of high-grade, fancy Cosslmera and Cheviot Suits that aro guaranteed to give good servlco and oaninlcto satisfaction, Satur- Ac Jin day J0iU JOIN'S $16.60 AND $10.Ovj oVXVJ, - 98.90. Kvery ono of them warranted pure wool fabrics, and the assortment In cludes tho newest shades of browns, grays and fancies, finely tailored and tino fitting; hatur- $8 90 MSN'S $3000 AND $22.60 SUITS, $11.60. Your choice of elegant and exclusive fancy Suits. They are magniricent bund tailored Suits of exclusive colorings and patterns; j en Saturday 1 I.DU HOYS' $3.P0 KNICKER SUITS, QOfJ Stylish, Serviceable Knlcker Suits, in fancy patterns agqs 7 to 1C. MEN'S 78c Overalls, 23o Made of good heavy denim, with did; oaiuraay ..1.., ......, ....... GREAT CUTS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS "." 25c STORFi Men's $1.80 Trom.ri, oto uoou, service able pants for work and dress, all QQn sixes; Saturday OOU K.n's 52.00 Troui.rs, DUB In fine wor steds, casslmeres and chevlo t m a -terlals; AQ Saturday.. lik)3 Xatn's 55.00 and $8.00 onstrs, 9 2.89 I'll re wool and flhe (juallty, big variety of patterns; mn QQ Saturday.. fiQ9 Xtu'a 92.00 Brt.s Shoes, $1.35 Satin calf, blucher style, ll.u's $3.00 Shoas, 33.15 . Gun metal, calf button and blucher, I c Saturday Oil I U Xadlts $2X3 Shoes, 51.30 Ki-o : iiT)ritu nu.- ay S 1 .35 at a ?So 'Wtilto M.a'a X1mc Union StUU heavy. Satur day, , Men's $1.50 Mhikltr uoats, Lined F.xtrst 85o Wool 95o 1 Raphael -Pred Co. Made with the new jliawl collar and two SSV.-..rat- 95c 6O0 Pnoanlx Mnffltrs, at Men's $1.25 ritecea Un derwear. , . Heavy Wool ru.eod Shirts and Drawers, dTr- 69c Hoys' ricd Union Snlta. . Men's $1.00 Qlovcs, 59o dress, son.13 lined and somo Jer sey lined; PQp Saturday Oou Men's $1.00 Outing riftcnei iriiht rnn i5hlt vlJU Ship. !9o Wool 69c 43c . For silk Men's and Boys' Caps, 39o Winter caps, made with fur ear flaps, worth 76c; fr.tu..tty 39o Men's OUS Dress Shirts, 790 Made of extra fine percale, cut coat style. In soft .and pleated style, Satur- "JQfJ Men's 52.C0 Derby Nats, 93c In all new fall models, Satur- rtCr. ijay SOU Men's $1.50 rians.l Shirts, 89o Made with mlfltary and plain collars, In all 5ay:.satur". 89c Mtn's Heavy rlctica Lined Una.rnear, shirts and Oftp ilrnvu:s UiU L'ojC $1.03 Heavy rtttHd Union gQrj VHh mill Karnuui St., WHOIiKSAIiE AND RETAIL. Trtvl dent Suspend-crM, 25d Sale Extraordinary Suits and Overcoats All the broken lots from this sen son's celling of our high Trade Suits anil Overcoat on sale tomo.row re gardless of their former selling price. Every garment Is of tills season's Tlntnge (not a salo of Job lot and shelf worn goods.) If you hnve any clothes btiylng( to do, K HERE EARLY" TOMORROW. -at- $l800tfl4fS18'- $20o-Xl S20: Suits " Overcoats Attention, Men! YOU who want to pay Just Ten Hollars f6r a Suit or Overcoat, come here tomorrow and you Will get tno greatest clothing bargains of your life. Suits and Overcoat, positively worth up to $10.50nt $10 Sensible, Better Wearing School Shoes Bring or send your boys and girls here and let us pleaao both them and you please them with perfeot fitting and BtyliBh looking shoes. Youll mako a big saving in shoe exponso by buying the re liable makes which we sell. Shoes for Girls $1.50 to $3.00 Show for Boy $2.00 to $3.00 1SIU &.DOUGLW.S. mm 7 M i 1. Boys9 Popularity Contest BEGINS SAT., NOV. 23D, CLOSES SAT., DEO. 21ST. LIST OK PRIZES $35 Admiral Bicycle. J25 Pastlmo Bicycle. $15 Suit of Clothes. $12 Winchester Repeating Rifle. $10 Stevens Shotgun. $ 8 Slnglo Shot Rifle. $7.50 Gold Watch. $5.50 Ball Bearing Roller Skates. $2.50 Ice Skates. And fifty other prizes ranging In value from $1.00 to $1.50. Come In and see tho prizes, and let ub tell you about the contest. You can register today; contest starts tomorrow. Any boy In Omaha, South Omaha or Dundee can earn one of theso flue prizes by doing a little work after school and on Satur days. THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners nnd Dyers." Omnlm Office 1515 Jones Stieet. South Omaha 528 No. 2ith SU HOTELS. "Tho Hotel of American Ideals" Washington, D. C. Hotel Powhatan Pennsylvania Avenue at 18th and II Streets JTew. Ptreproof. European FUa WE "WANT to impress on your mind this one indis putable fact 'OUR. BOYS' STEEL HOD HOES will outwear two pairs of ord'nary boys' shoo3; that Is why It pays you to got your boys' shoes here. Boys'. 1 to 5 S2.50 Little Gents', 10 to 13, at S2.00 DREXEL 1419 Farnam. Rooms, UcUichiv IfttUi, 1 $2.00 up. Rooms, Hi Ivuto bath, $2.50, .5:1.00 up. 100 per cent Fire, Germ and Dust lrt-of. Two blocks from White House, and near all points of Interest. WHITE FOR SOUVENIR BOOKLET WITH MAI. LEWIS UOTEI. COACTAXT, XaC, Ovmari and Operators. lrtctlon and SSanapemsnt CLIFFORD M. LEWIS MONHEIT THE CHIROPODIST THE NAN WHO MAKES YODR FEET GLAD If you are suffering from Corns, Bunions, IngTOwlnff !o Nails or any other ullment of the feet, call Douglas 2333 for appointment. MONHJEIT'S BEAUTY FASXORS 403 South 10th Street Oronnd Floor City Nat. Bank Blflg-, 23 Yoars in Omaha. II J j -Tampa hay Hotel TAMPA FLORIDA Att.r ' rioiiulltura of J W. 10-1 in Interior. I k tr 'K ,t- it now 10 I lb bet Ip ' g. M h'el in U- Krtilh SjiiI ..kr' Pretty white LiesgoirEsliists Positive Sl.CD val- m ues, handsome new styles, at