Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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C-.1I. . .,."T-1,..; 1 1 -- ,4 .M-rm-ril ... . J f. .. Jl L IITII . .1 11 11 11 IT J. I- ! If -H-IT- ,, LI.,'iT.17lllUI7-r.- I .. J L-kJ I IJ 11 J
Great Special Sale of Suits
From Hirsh-Wickwire & Co.
Rogers-Peel s Stratford System
The Three Foremost Designers of
Men's and Young Men's High Glass
Clothes in America
These are nt odd or broken lots they are
complete lines with complete range of new pat"
terns. They were fburchased from these famous
wholesale tailors expressly for this event and
they cannot be duplicated by another store in
America that can offer these suits at these prices.
The newest winter styles the richest
fabrics and patterns the finest qualities.
If yu have waited for that winter suit, buy it now!
These suits were made to sell at $25,
$35, $40, in 4 big groups Saturday
Do Your Buying
Before That
"Baker Gives Opinion Omaha Property
' Cannot Be Taxed Outside.
If Omahn Win Florence unit Houlh
Omnlia Will He Deprived or n
I.nrtrr Amount of Annual
City Corporation Counsel Baker ha
ruled that city jirojxjrty In South Omaha
or Klorcnco cannot bo taxed and tho
Flurenco ottlcUU will brine the cute to
trial In district court la a fow day on
an appeal from the action ot tho county
cdmmlrstoners, who allowed the assets
ment against property ot the Omaha
water works In Florence.
lit the city wins this case and the
Water works property In Florence Is
rjcemnted from taxation It will deprive
Uia Florence government of a largo per
Tit of the money by which the municipal
corporation Is carried on.
.South Omaha Is also Interested as a
Valuable section ot the water works
txstem extends Into that city and has
on assessed as it had been under
crlvato ownership.
further, tho South Omahans uro
anxious that this source of municipal
invenuo be not cut off for the reason that
Business Interests there have practically
'ompleted tho construction ot a water
Plant of their own and are therefore
eager that all possible discouragements
bo thrown In the way of the operation of
the Omaha plant, that the Omaha Water
ooard may eventually abandon the field
a the South Omaha plant.
. The eirr has leased to the Rod and Ouu
ejub the orange-peel dredge used In ex
tSvutlng at Carter Jake. The club will
Jlro the dredge for .thirty days to deepen
jliie lake about COHrtland beach.
"The Ferslstcnt and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Itoad to
business success.
IB aBHaW It hAJLtHTL2 lllllll-WHSR MlW'tW mfr I
I h WW 1 V I
$2250 125
Dr, Johnson Starts
Early for Place on
Commission Board
Dr. Norman T. Johnson of Upland,
Neb., wunts to bo the republican member
of the board of commissioners of state
Institutions to be nppolntod by tho gov
ernor prior to the adjournment of tho
coming session ot tho legislature. Dr.
Johnso Is c.hnlrmun of tho republican
county central committee or i runKiui
county. He lias Written members ot the
Douglas county delegation ot state senators-elect
asking that they consider him.
The commission ot three membcrH Is to
bo appointed by the iiovernor with tho
consent ot two-thirds of tho members of
the sonate. Kor this reason the Franklin
county man Is feeling out the scnutors
early In the game.
The board of commissioners ot state In
stitutions Is the board created by ono ot
tho amendments to tho state constitution.
carried at the recent election. It provide
tor a nonpartisan board of threo member a
who sliall have full power to manage,
control and govern, subject only to such
limitations as thull bo established by
law, 'tho state 'Soldiers'' home. " hospitals
for the Insane, Institute for the . Deaf,
Institute for tho llllnd. Industrial school.
Institute tor Feebe-M'"1 Cluldrfch. Nf
hraskn Industrial home. orthoDedkc hos
pltal, the state penitentiary and all char-4
Uable, reformatory and penal Institutions
that shall be by law established ana
maintained by the state ot Nebraska.
"The Scientific School" will be Pro
duced by tho Vrcsbyterlan church ot
Florence this evening ut Cole's hall
for the benefit of the Sunday school.
Thirty-three people aro In the cast
Having rehearsed for tho last two wcks
they are now letter perfect In their
parts and will present a creditable pro
ductlon. Last year when the church put
on the play It had to turn people away
so great was the crowd and from present
Indications the same thing Is likely to
happen Riturdu) night
Tho bost makes of sulU
xgg&l highest paid tailors in Araorlca aro In this If
From Brandeis Three Immense Purchases of
Men's Overcoats
Entire. Stock of Culp-Horton Clothes Shop
4 City National Hank lluildlng, Omaha.
Surplus Stocks 2 New York Manufacturers
Men's and Young Men's
From tho o big C 7C
sell at $10 and
$1G in basement
New Magazines
In tho Century Henry Wattorson nar
rates the humor and tragedy of tho
Orceloy campaign, with comments by
hltelaw Held and Horace. Kdlth Itlkert
writes on "The Fraternity Idea Among
College Women." Jumes Davenport
Whelpley contributes 'Tho Trado of
Northern Africa," uud KUrauelh Garrett
Fawcott has a paper on "Violence In the
Woman Suffrago Movement." Short
stories nro contributed by Kills I'arkor
llutler, Qruco Macdowan Cooke uud Lucy
Furman, and there Is another Installment
of the serial, "Stella Jlurls," by W'ftllam
J. Locke, and the usual topics ot tho
tlma and open letters.
The November Scrlbnor'a contulns tho
first ot Price Collier's series of articles
on "Germany and the- Germans from an
American Point of Vlow." Senator Lodge
gives his Impressions at the days ot tho
war and ot his Harvard experiences.
President Flnley continues his romantic
story of "Tho French in tho Heart ot
America," and Sir Sidney Colvln edits
some, lettora, heretofore unpublished, ot
Hubert Louis Stevenson and uoorgo Mere-
dltlu Among writers ot fiction aro Vir
ginia .Tracy and H. II. Hash ford and
there is another Installment of John Fox
Jr.'s novel, "The Heart ot the Hills."
The World's Work contains tho usual
march of events, and among the articles
are "What I Am Trying to Do" by Oscar
Hammersteln, "The llattle of Labor" by
Samuel J. Orth. "The Coming Prosperity"
by Edward Nevlllo Vose. "Ope Remedy
for" Education" by William MoAndrew
and "Book Collecting" by Joseph Jack'
Harper's for November continues "Your
United States" by Arnold Dennett Carl
Snyder writes on "The Reservoirs of CW
taglon." Sydney Adamsott has a paper
on "Odessa Tho Portal of an Empire.':
and Albert Ulgelow Patne contributes
another Installment ot his biography of
Mark Twain. Contributors ot short stories
are Thomas A Junlvcr, Iiulse Closscr
Hale, Nonnan Duncan, George Schock,
llcllo lUdclltftt Lavcruck and Forrest
Bought at About Yz Price
This is the sale that has; been thejtalk of the
best dressed-men in Omafia for the past week.
All Culp-Horton's new nd compl8fe winter
stock is on sale such famous brands as Alders
and Sophomore brand all on sale in 3 big lots
Men's and Young Men's
From tho 3 big 75
mi roll nsns thnt. 1 I
purchases, that '
wore inado to sell
nt ?17.r.O and $20,
in ono lot at. ... .
i Chlssey, and there Is another Installment
ot Gilbert Parker's serial, "Tho Judgment
"Tho Sleeping Ship" Is the leading fea
ture ot the Red Rook, and other stories
Include "The Upward Look,' by Michael
Williams, a tdtally "different" story of
Now York's "Great White Way." "A
Diluted Diplomat," "A Sister of Shalott,';
by Harris Mcrton Lyon; "Ruck Fleeharty
Goes A-Woolng," by Elmore Elliott Peake
ana n humorous story by Charles
IU Barnes, called "Tinkers' Starhltched
Wagon," which has to do with the pa
trolman who tries mental suggestion on
the peoplo on his beat. Frederick R.
Rechdolt, Mary Imlay Taylor, Owen
Oliver, Campbell MacCulloch and several
others also contribute stories to this Is
sue. The November Review of Reviews In
cludes the usual comment on the prog
ress ot the world, record of current events
and cartoons of the month. Among the
articles are "Tho Balkan Union Against
Turkey" by E. Alexander Powell. "The
Balkan War: Some Underlying Causes"
by George Freeman. "The Revolution In
Nicaragua," "Canada's Government Rail
way" by Albert J, Boveridge and "The
Discovery of the Country Problem" by
H. a Qllbertson.
Tho American features a symposium
entitled "Tho ' Progressive . Dilemma,1
which Is made up of five short articles.
Other articles ure 'The Express Bo
nanza," by Albert W. At wood; "The
Earning Power of Population." "If at
Last You Don't Succeed Join a New
Party," by Kin Hubbard; "The Ram
bunctloua Rhino," by Stewart Edward
While, and "The Drama of Wages," a
collection of romantic, tragto and funny
stories gathered from working people.
Aside from the regular departments there
U fiction by Edgar Wallace,
Braluard Delano, John Fleming Wilson
and R. E. MaoAlarhey,
McClure's opens with "Magnates of
Crime," an urtlcle by Judge Joseph E.
Corrlgan, Jane Addams gives her ex
periences as a progressive delegate, Ellen
Yale Stevens has a paper on "The Mon
lessor! Method and the American Kinder
garten"' and H Addlngton Bruce writes
of Tho Marvels of Dream Analysis.'
and Suits
Men's and Young Men's
Choice of
mado to sell
at $25.00 and
$30.00, in one
lot at
y r i
for MEN
Among contributions of shoit stories are
Samuol Merwln, Gilbert K. Chesterton
and Maravene, Kennedy Thompson, and
there Is another Installment of "Tha
Amateur Gentleman" by Jcffery Farnol.
LIpplncott's for November opens with
a novel by Carolyn Wells, entitled "Tho
White Alley," nnd among the Interest
ing phort stories are "Adventures of a
Recluse," by Eleanor Mcrceln Kelly;
"The Gratitude of Johnny Flynn," by
Lowell Edwin Hardy; "Flood-Bound,"
by Clinton Dangerfleld; "Tho Defalcation
of Mrs Mitt." by Elisabeth Maury
Coombs, and "The Talo of a Political
Spoil," by J, Sanforil Rlckards. There
aro poems by Witter Bynncr, Arthur
Wallace Peach, Charles Hanson Towne,
James B. Kenyan, W. B. Rtdsdale, and
Mary Bycrley, and some epigrams by
Warwick James Price.
The Strand fSr November contains
short stories by Bertram Atkey, P. G.
Wodehouse, Post Wheeler, Mary Tenny
son, and Austin Philips. An article en
titled "Tho Press Agent," Is contributed
by tmViate Henry B, Harris. "The Light
Side of Flying." "My Favorite Love
Scene" (a symposium of wellknown
actors and actresses), "Parsons' Wit"
and "The Perils ot tho Pedestrian" are
other articles of note.
In this number of tho Atlantic the
autobiography of John Mulr Is begun
and another Interesting feature Is the
first installment of the letters of Charles
Elliot Norton. Among other articles ot
Interest are "Honor Among Women," by
Elisabeth Woodbridge; "The Toryltm of
Travelers," by Dr. Crothers. "The Ques
tion ot Philippine Neutrality" Is dis
cussed by Cyrus F, Walker, Margaret
Sherwood reviews current f let on and ,
Agnes Reppller pays tribute to the mem- ,
ory of Dr. Furness. There are three
stories In the number, "A Madonna of
Tinkle Tickle," by Norman Duncan; "A
Holy Man," by Charles Johnston, and
"Perjured," by Edith Ronald Mlrrlelecs. t
An Interesting article entitled, "Tbu
Surf-Board Riders ot Hawaii," Is fea- 1
turtd In the November World Wlda
mogaxlne. and "In Pursuit ot Silver-Tips '
recounts how a party of oowpunchers
went after a couple ot sltver-t pped bears
with their ropes and un olJ revolver
ins ut.
up to
3So and
2 Eastern Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks
Special Dept. on our 2d Floor
Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats,
made to sell at $5, for
Ages 2Vi to 9 years, in light and
blue chinchillas with velvet
tailored, all worsted lined coats
thnt aro warm and serviceable,
at ?
BOYS' $5.00 SUITS,
2 pairs Knickerbocker Pants .
Smart, strictly stylish Bults that
splendidly tailored from all wool
handsome patterns and colors
double breasted styles.
Boys' $7.50 Overcoats for $5.00
Strictly all wool fabrics in brown, groy and
blue mixtures long coats with convertible col
lar or shawl collars.
Boys' Serge Suits
Norfolk or double breasted styles
materials aro strictly all wool
--$5.00 values, spe- CPQ OQ
cial at
Men's Silk
worth up to 75c at 25c
Heavy silk materials in
new styles and patterns
values to 75c,
Men's Pure Thread
worth 50c and 75c at 25c
Double spliced heels and
toes values to Q C
75c, at OC
Men's 75c and $1
Madras and Percale Shirts
at 50c each
"With attached or de
tached collars worth to
Men's and Boys' Gloves
Lined and uulindd gloves,
worth to $2.00
at . .50c, 75c and 98c
$6.50 Genuine Austrian Velour Hats at $2.95
"Wo'bought an importer's sample line of
Austrian Velour Hats at their regu
lar value. They come in all tho latest
styles and newest shades and are posi
tively worth to $6.50 ox
ceptional values at
Men's Soft and Stiff Hats
styles, values up to $3, at .
Stetson Hats in all the latest
excellent showing at
Wilson's Imported
English Hats all
new styles, will go
at :..$2.50
Men's Sample Black
Cooney Fur Caps,
worth to $4.50, at
1.50 and S2.50
minim n. slirht. Other articles are, "With
a Camera In Egypt." "To Menellk With
a Motor," "The Pirates of the Nouvra
TIgre" and "In tho Heart of South
Alnslee's for November features a
novel by Anna, "Insldo Out,"
and among contributors of short stories
are May Futrelle, Marie Conway Oemler,
Edgar Saltus, Horace Fish, Nina Wilcox
Putnam, Anna Allco Chaptn, Malbo
Bartley, Thomas P. Byron, F. Berkeley
Smrjth, William Slavens McNutt, Thomas
Chesworth and Joseph Ernest.
Popular Mechanics discusses the recent
Bennett aviation contest; George Fitch
exploits "Motorboatng In Winter;" "The
Rise of Photography" Is traced by J.
Gordon Ogden, and among tho other
features for the month are: "Blrd
sKuped Wings to Keep Aeroplanes from
Upsetting," "A Torpedo Which Hunts for
Ships," "The Electrlo Culture of Chicks."
'Completed Portions of tho Manama
Canal Cuts," "Spraying Plants with Elec
Said By
The Critics
q Chicago Record-Herald His earnest pur
pose is of the very fiber of his work a sweet
and fine love story it is sweet-spirited, wise,
full of ripened thought and feeling it is a
noble and wholesome book.
Beaten Glebe This is the gentle story of the
love of a man and a woman in which the vicor
of "That Printer of Udell's," the kindliness of "The Shepherd of
the Hills." the power of "Dan Matthews" and the grace of "Barbara
Worth" are all woven into a strain more delicate and more beau
tiful than this great writer has everbefore penned.
1 Memphis News Scimitar A really great book you feel better,
you feel refreshed, and you feel a desire to drop to your knees and
thank Almighty God forsuch a book and for permitting you to read it
By the Same Author
Illuitratlona by Cootes. Each SUO Net
up to
$1.50 at a
Old Store
(0 rr
dark grey and
collars; well
d O ry r
pO .
fit perfectly,
fabrics, in
Norfolk and
jooys' uorauroy suits g
Norfolk styles In now golden
brown shade and drab; ages 6
to 17 years, Bpe - 0O fJO
clal at PU.yO
Men's Extra Heavy Fleeced
Undershirts and Drawers,
well mado garments, Cq
Men's Extra Quality Medicat
ed Undershirts and Drawer
perfectly propor
tioned sizes, at
Men's All Wool Undershirts
and-Drawers, values to $2.00,
at . ; 75c and 98c
Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats worth
to' $3.50 at 93J $1.25 S1.08
in new fall
; . . .$1.25
styles an
Boys' and Children's
Winter Capa with fur
inside bands will go
at . -25d and 49
trified Water." "Now Transport Ships for
Submarines," "Telephoning with Search
lights," "Photographing the Curvature ot
the Earth," and others.
In the November number ot Every
body's the leading article Is by Thomax
W. Lawson, on the .hlgn cost of llvlns
ani the remedy. Frank Parker Stock
bridge writes on "Ohio Wido Awake;"
nnd among the short stories -aso "Tho
Hlllsboro Shepherd," by Dorothy Can
field; "The Long , Arm," by Richard
Harding Davis; "Efficient Unto the Day,"
by Bonnie R. Ginger; "Hold 'Eml" by
Lydell Fox; "Tho Neophtype," by Ed
ward Morrlssey, and .little stories of real
life by Robert Carlton Brown. There Is
another Installment of the novel by Mary
Roberts Rlnehart and the usual depart
ments. I)eiierute Shooting
pains In the chest require quick treat
ment. Tako Dr. King's New Discovery
for safe nnd sure relief. 50o and Jt For
salo by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
5 Paafea'jM,',j
jsrwm nssaoia