The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. THE WEATHER. Generally Fair VOL. XLH-ON. 136. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1912 TWENTY" PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. M'MANIGAL'S LITTLE GIRL USES DYNAMITE STICKSTOPLAYWITH Tames B. McNamara Laughs and Her Father Orders Him to leave the House. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ ARRESTED Chicago Man Charged with Trying to Intimidate Witness. DYNAMITE JOB LET ON BIDS McManigal Tells of Blowing Up of Chicago Steel Plant. CLEVELAND MEN WANTED $500 (vitnenfl nid J. n. jMcNnmnra AbkoiI to Do It for LtM Frtnen Dynn mite Thntred on Ilndlotor in Kitchen. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 22.-Ortie E. Mo Manlgal's' story of finding' his Uttla daughter In tho kitchen of his homo In Chicago playing with eighty one-pound sticks of dynamite which he had left on a radiator to thaw waa told by him at the dynamite conspiracy trial today. Tho girl, ho said, was on tho floor with tlio dynamite and James B. McNamara, tho Los Angeles Times dynamiter, waa testing a battery on the door bell. "J. B. laughed when ho saw my little girl toying with tho explosive," said Mc Manigal. "Ho said, 'Tell papa what that Is.' My littlo girl replied: 'Why, It's dyna mite, i Know it won t nun me, ana kopi on playing. Slio said sho had seen boys In a vacant lot kicking about sticks that looked like dynamite "The way J. P.. laughed mads mo mad and I ordered him out of tho house." Joseph. Schwarts Arrested. Joseph Schwartz, Chicago, was arrested this afternoon on a federal warrant charging him with attempting to obstruct lustlce by Intimidating Cornelius L. Crow toy, Monica, Pa., a government witness In tho dynamito cases. Crowley said Schwartz In tho presence of a detectivo told him not to testify to the truth. Schwartz after ids preliminary hearing beforo the United States commissioner tvas held to the federal grand jury. . Crowley, who was called to testify con cerning nltro-glyoerln hidden by tho dynamiters at Rochester, Pa., testified that Schwartz accosted him In the fed eral bulldjng and attempted to induce him .not to testify. Schwartz, denied- tho charge, saying ho' bad only 'remarked he, Had -"rather have his heart cut out than bo MoManlsa!." ' One Job Let on Contract. ' .Tho. Job. of .causing an explosion in a i,wu,vi iron anu sieci piant in consiruo- tlon at ..South Chicago, ill., on February 21. 1911, McManigal testified "was knocked tliwn tQ-tha lowest bidder." "On February 19 J. U. camo to my home in Chicago and said we had a Job to do," McManigal testified. "He said Herbert B. Hockln bad been talking to the executive board of local No. 1 in Clilcago and local No. 1 wanted to have a Job done and was willing, to pay a big fee for it. He said a man named Ed Francis had told tho executive board he had two Cleveland men who would do the South Chicago Job for tCW. but tho executive board had asked Hockln whether It could bo done cheaper, perhaps for J200 or $300. "J. B. and I looked over tho South Chi cago plant and decided to do It. "Wo went to Indianapolis and got our packages, each containing twenty pounds of dynamite. John J. McNamara in structed us he wanted four explosions on tho plant, saying if we did a good Job lie would pay us $100 extra. Ho said he would have to watt until local No. 1 In Chicago paid the money, but Patty Kyan had called up and sold he wanted the job done. "When wo reached Chicago the dyna mltq was frozen. He thawed it out by setting tho suit case on a radiator In a kitchen in my home In South Sangamon street." McManigal said when he and James B. went toSouth Chicago they found the glare of nearby furnaces so-brilliant they did not do as much damage as they in tended, placing only two bombs Instead of four. Ilrnnnille la Stolen. stealing 1.2C0 pounds of dynamite, hid ing It in a shed at Tiffin, O., and then transporting It In suitcases on passenger trains to Indianapolis was an experience also related by McManigal. It was tho explosive used by McManigal and the McNamaras after the Los Angeles Times explosion and by which ten nonunion "Jobs" were blown up In spite of the fact, the witness said, that detectives for two months had been on the trail of tho dy namiters. Confident That the agitation over the Los Angeles explosions would "blow over" and thav James B. McNamara would be free to do "more Jobs," McMan igal added, plans were begun, !n January, 1911, to carry on tho dynamite campaign with zest. "When I reported to J. J. McNamara how easy it had been to steal the dyna mite from a stono quarry at Bloomvllle, O., and store It In my father's shed at Tiffin he was pleased." said McManigal. "I brought him several suitcases of dyna mite as a sample and ho locked It up In a vault at the office of tno International (Continued on Page Two.) , The Weather von NEBRASKA Fair: warmer. FOR IOWA Fair; moderate tempera ture. Temperature Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. C a. m H 6 a. in 35 7 a. m 34 S a. m v 34 9 a. m 38 10 a, m 3S 11 a. m 48 11 in S3 1 p. m a 3 p. m M 3 p. in 59 4 p. ni CO 6 p. m U S p. m...........49 7 p. m S p. m at Federal Official is Accused of Election Frauds in Louisiana NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 22. A surpris ing turn in tho grand Jury investigation of alleged cloctlon frauds in Now Or leans enme today when Indictments were returned against Arthur 11. Brown, who Is a United Statoa commissioner; O. Prud- hommo and 8. Palaque, charging false and fraudulent certification of tho vote. This makes a total of twenty city elec tion officials Indicted by tho grand Jury which barely has begun Us Investigation. In today's Indictments it Is stated that 830 votes were cast at tho Third ward. Thirteenth precinct trailing place; that, whllo tho defendant election officials sworo that tho entire vote, K30, was cast in favor of tho proposed constitutional amendment No. 11, known as tho "gradfather clause," yet tho grand Jury count showed 213 votcb In favor of the amendment and 61 votes against it. Tho box in ono river front pre cinct, upon being counted showed 33 for and CI against tho amendment, nearly half of tho voters not marking their ballots. Tho tally sheets for this precinct showed 6 votes "for" and 175 "against" tho amendment. It Is said that nineteen other proposed amendments re- . celved like treatment. ! All tha amendments and ballot boxes ' have been ordered sealed pending comple tion of the Jury's Investigation. Small Boy Who Killed Mother is Problem for Officers BOISE. Idaho, Nov. 22,-Idaho officials, from Gpvornor Hawley down, are gener ally perplexed as to what disposition to mako of James Whlttaker, the 11-year-old boy who killed his mother becauso sho compelled him to assist her do tho family washing and who has been sen tenced to a term In tho penitentiary of from ten to fifty y"cars. When the boy was found guilty of murder tho trial judge had no alternative but to sentence htm to prison, but stato officials and many prominent citizens havo protested that tho penitentiary Is not tho proper placo In which to confine tho lad. Dr. W. B. Lyman, an alienist, said the boy was a moral degenerato and that j he should bo confined in a home for tho feeble minded. Others Insist that ho should bo sent to tho state Industrial I school and a few persons maintain that he should be kept In tho penitentiary. Tho boy will remain at the stato prison under tho .care pf tho librarian until tho prison board makes 'final dispositlqn of his caso1 next m,o.nth.,Tho prison-librarian has taken a great Interest In: tho boy and gives Mm .regular lessons alopg the Bamo lints, as the lud would receive In the public school. The Boise cjub 'women ,have petitioned Governor ilawley to place tho boy. under, tho core of a crim inologist for treatment. Mrs. Lesh Probably Will Be Given Short Term and Paroled SEDALIA, Mo., Nov. 22. Counsel to defond'Mrs.' Pansy Ellen Lesh, who con fessed in Los Angeles to tho murder of two Missouri women, was appointed to day by Circuit Judge Shaln and Orvllle M. Harriett. It waa expected the case would be called in the criminal court next Monday. An assistant to the prosecutor was credited with saying that a plea of guilty probably would be accepted, a short prison sentence pronounced and the prisoner paroled at once. Mrs. Lesh has stated that If this Is done sho will re turn immediately to her husband and child tn Los Angelcj. When told today of reports that sho would go on the stago If given her liberty Mrs. Lesh said there was not enough money In the world to attract her to such a course She wep when she reaj tn a newspaper that her photograph dis played In a local studlq window had at tracted crowds of the curious. Miss, Garvin's Body is Found in River PltOVIDENCE, n. I., Nov. 22. Tho body of Miss Norma Garvin, daughter of former Governor L. F. C. Garvin was found In New River today. Miss Garvin disappeared Wednesday evening. The body was In deep water, not far from the, shore. Members of Miss Gar vin's family said that she had boon un usually reticent during tho last few weeks and had taken many evening walks. Sho liad complained of trouble with her head and had expressed a wish that she would meet death in tho water. A note found after sho left home, read: "I can't get the water off my mind.- This led to tho dragging of the river, which is near Garvin's hqme, in Lons dale. Jannus Resumes Flight in Aeroboat ST. LOUIS, Nov. 22. Tony Jannus and W. H. Trefts, a photographer, departed, at S:10 o'clock tills afternoon In a hydro aeroplane in a flight which they expect will end at New Orleans. Thep will fol low the course of the Mississippi river. Ther first stop will tie Chester, 111., bar ring accidents. A hydro-aeroplane In which Jannus flew from Omaha to St. Louis was burned yesterday. Jannus ob tained a new machine here las tnlght. Horseshoe Brings Bad Luck to Jeweler CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 22,-Burglars hurjed a horseshoe, wrapped In newspa per, through the window of Berg & Co., Jewelers, on Michigan boulevard early today and escaped with Jewelry valued at &500. It was tho fourth time the es tablishment has been robbed. Story by Jack ORDERED TO ASYLUM Attempted Assassin of Roosevelt to Stay in Hospital Till Ailment is Cured. CRIMINAL ACTION POSTPONED Lnnatio Declares He Has Merely Done His Duty. ALL ALIENISTS IN AGREEMENT Experts Agree Patient Suffering from Paranoia. HE MAY NEVER COME TO TRIAL Failure to Kffect Cum of Sell run U' Mentnl Disorder Means that lis Will Spend Balance of I,Ifo tn Anyluni. ' MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 22,-John Schrank, who shot Colonel Theodore lloosovolt on tho night of October 14, In Mtlkaukco, Is Innano and was late this afternoon committed by Mundpol Judge A. C. Backus, to the Northern Hospital for the Insane near Oshkosh, until cured. Judge Backus' ruling said: "Tho court now finds that tho defend and, John Schrank Is Insane, and there fore lucapaltated to act for himself. It Is therefore ordered and adjudged that tho dofendant, John Schrank, bo com mitted to tho Northern Hospital for the Insane near Oehkosh in the county of Winnebago, state of Wlscousln untU such time when ho shall havo recovered frdm such Insanity, when ho shall bo returned to this court for further proceedings ac cording to law. "And it Is further ordered that all pro ceedings In this case be saved Indefinitely and until such recovery." Beforo being led bock to Jail to await preparations for the trip to tho asylum, Schrank ualii: "I had expected that they yould find me insano, because It was in thp papers two days ago. I wont to say now that I am sane and know what I am doing all the time. I am not a lunatlo jand nover was ono. I was called upon, to do a duty and havo done It. "Tho commission has sworn away'(jny nn thiP'litll.nd and said I was- ncofr Insane. Tho?,! They can h")y$M'Vfl' tht,y BC V I don't caro wi4 WppoS now." Commitment was-pronounced following (ho presentation "of an exhaustive report of tho commission in which the defendant was' unanimously; adjudged .Insano, the examination by District' Attorney W. B. Zoabel orttjJlve physlclana and Uw Jji troduoUon of'prlma facie ovldoace. of sovoffiwlCncsses. Suffers from Paranoia. District Attornoy Zeabel submitted, a number of aueations to oaoh of the alien ists, all of which brought forth similar. responses, tho substance of which was that Schrank was suffering from chronlo paranoia. Failure in effecting a euro of Sch'rank's mental disorder means that h.e will spend tho baianco of his llfo In the; asylum to wlilch he has been ordered .committed. Dr. R. G Saylo this afternoon testified as to tho nature of Colonel Roosevolt's wound. Captain Glrad and 'Herman Rollflnk told of the character of the as sailant uftor tho shooting, and Detective Lou H. IJartman and two offloern told of the trp In tho patrol wagon to tho Central station following Schrank's ur rest. Tho conclusions reached by the com mission are as follows: First-John Schrank Is suffering from Insane delusion, grandiose In character and of a systematized variety. Second In our opinion he Is insane at the present time. Third On account of jthe connection ex isting between his delusion and the act with wlilch ho stands charged we are ot the opinion he Is unable to confer intelli gently with counsel on the conduct of his defense. Schrnnk Addresses CommUaton, An address by Schrank to tho commis sioners, in which he apologized for caus ing unpleasantness in making them de cide a matter "which would have been better tried by n higher than earthly court," was included in tho report In It Schrank review the "vision" In which he claimed to have looked Into tho dying eyes of the laU President McKlnley, "when a voice called to me to avengo his death- I was confident that my llfo was coming soon to an end and I was at once happy to know that tny real mission on this earth was to die for my country and the cause of republicanism. "The shot at Milwaukee, which created an echo in all ports of the world, was not a shot fired at tho earthly Roose velt; not a shot at an cx-presldent; not a shot at tho candidate of a so-called progressive party; not a shot to gain .for me notoriety; no. It was simply to once and forever establish the fact that any man who hereafter aspires to a third presidential term will do so at the risk of his life. If I cannot defend tradition, I cannot defend the country In case ot war. and vou may as well send every patriot to prison. "I hope that the shot at Milwaukee has awakened patriotism of the American na tionthat it opened their eyes to the real danger and showed them the only safo way out of It, as Is proven by the election returns in the great democratic party. The north, south, east and west Is once more and more solidly united, and proudly can we provo to the nations of the world that the spirit of 1776 Is still alive and shall never die, and that self government Is an established fact and a success. "I have been accused of selecting a state where capital punishment is abol ished. I would say I did not 'know tne laws of any state I traveled throurn, and It would be ridiculous for me to fear death after the act, as I expected to die during the act and not live to tell the story. If I knew that my death would havo made the third term tradition mora sacred I am sorry I could not die for my country. "Prison for me is like going to war. Before me is the spirit of George Wash ington, behind that of McKlnley." London in Our Drawn for The Heo by Wurd. WODMEN RATES- HELD UP Illinois Injunction Against Head Of ' Vficers is Made Permanent, AFFECTS ALMEMBERS IN ORDER Organisation U Illinois Corporation mid Injunction U Effective Throughout the United Statcs'and Ciiumln. .SPRINGFIELD, III.. Nov. 22.-Hold!ng Mia tic yxr vn tm nf ttis Mnrlarn WnA(1lilfn in be burdensome to tho members and aro cxcesslvo and unnecessary, Judgo Shirley of the Sangamon circuit court today granted a perpetual Injunction restrain ing the head camp from putting the ratos Into effect. As tho organization Is an Illinois corporation, tho Injunction is ef fective all over the United States and Canada, Itentrnlns Offlciila. The Injunction also restrains tho offi cers, from doclarlng delinquent any mem ber refusing to pay tho new rateB. The petition for an Injunction was filed by four mombcrs of tho organisation P. E. Talntor, James M. Brown, James B. Wallace and ITrank J. Koch, all of this city last August. The, which continued for two weeks, started the first week of Septem ber. Arguments for tho complainants were made by E. S. Smith ot this c.ty, who has been In charge of the case for tho Insurgents, and G. W. Millor ot Chi cago, representing tho head camp. Appeal Will lie Tnken. LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 22.-Hcad Consul A. It. Talbot this afternoon declared that tho head officers of the Modorn Wood men of America would Immediately tako steps to appeal Judgo Shirley's decision to tho appellate court of Illinois In an effort to have the Injunction suspended. Meanwhile, Mr. Talbot said, no effort would be mado on the part ot the head officers to put the now rates of the so ciety Into effect. They were to havo bo coma effective January, 1. ROCK ISLAND, 111., Nov. 22.-C. W. Hawes, head clerk of the Modem Wood men order, after receiving tho ruling ot Judgo Shirley, said: "Wo are not at all In doubt us to tho final outcomo of these ruto suits and since evon Julgo Shirley has held that the head camp In making these changes proceeded legally, the higher courts In this state, . at .least, . wllj . now have op portunity to pass exclusively on tho point of whether the now rates us adopted were necessary' to enable the society to meet Its present assumed obligations. On that point the evldenco Is overwhelmingly 'one way and we are sure there will be a verdict for the society in the end. "Whatever change In procedure it may (('ontlnued on Pago Two.) f fir fnii irir ifiT TOMORRO W The Beat Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee Big Literary Magazine With The Sunday Bee, Turn About-Fair Play Anti-Trust Record of Taft's Term Exceeds Four Previous Onps "WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-A. compute rosumo of the "trust" posecutlons pro gram of President Tuffs administration will bo contained In the' forthcoming1 an nual roport of Attorney Goncral Wicker sham. Particular emphasis will bo laid upon tho anti-trust record ot tho last four years, during which seventy anti-trust ! Butts wore Instituted, whllo the combined total of tho administrations of Presidents Hurrlson, Cleveland, McKlnloy uud Roosevelt wan Blxty-two. OfUho suvanty cases brought by Mr. Wlckcrsham thlr-ty-nlno wore criminal prosecutions and thlrty-ono civil suits. In tho opinion of the attorney general tha efficacy ot tho Sherman law as a criminal stututo depends In largo meas ure upon tho result ot sevqrat casjs which aro now pending. When tho verdicts In those Issues are rendered tha attornoy general bcllovrs that a correct estimate of tho criminal phuso ot the law can bo made. Arguments Begin in Farley Murder Trial COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 22.-Asslstant Prosecuting Attorney Prlco today In his argument In tho trial of Miss Cecelia Farley, accused of killing Alvln 11 Zol linger, declared Impossible tho manner In which tho defenso claims that Zollinger was "accidentally shot." "Tho best evldenco that ho was no accidentally shot," sMd Price, "wns that tho wound was In the back of his head, that ho full forward on his face and that when he was first found a rolncout wa found over his left arm, while hU right hand was grasping an umbrella." Attorney James A. y.llcn for the de fense In his plea argued that Zollinger had mot accidental death whllo attempt ing to commit murder and then suicide. Another record crowd attended the trial today. Scores of women carried thulr luncheons. Tho casa probabjy will not go to the Jury beforo tomorrow, It whs said lata today. American Held for Ransom in Mexico WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 21-The State department received word today that William M. Pink, an American citi zen, superintendent ot tho San Toy Min ing company, whose camp Is about fif teen miles from Chlhuuhua, Is being held tor 5,000 ransom by tho Mexican rebel bunds which captured Santa Eulaltu Wednesday. , FIVE CHINESE SLAVE " GIRLS WILU3E DEPORTED SAN FRANCISCO. CaL, Nov. 22,-The utmost diligence of the government has not yet succeeded tn breaking up the Chinese traffic In slave girls. On Angel Island today, awaiting detention, are five Chinese ulrls. secretly arrested late lust night. , Immigration officers say that they were brought here by American born Chinese, acting aa "cadets," who were paid Jl.OCv each and their expenses to visit China, marrying there a pretty girl, bring her back to this country and then sell her Into a life of shame. Search is being made for the husbands. SHAKEUP INJFHE TREASURY Gideon 0, Bants, Assistant, is Asked 0. S. PEARCE TO SUCCEED HEM Move is Part of Plan for Iteorsraals- Ins; the, Deparlinantt, Along: Up- on Takes Oath of Office WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. -Secretary MncVeagh today asked for tho resigna tion ot Gideon C. lUnts as assistant trcusurnr of tho United Mates becauso ho Is said not to be in sympathy with tho administrative policy ut Uio Hecrotary if tha treasury. Mr. Bants will bo succeeded by Christian s. Pearco, at present chief of tho division ot banks, loans and postal savings. 'The' resignation ot Mr. Hunt, follow ing so closely that ot Treasurer Lea Mo- Clung, In admittedly port of a plan of reorganization ot tho treasury offlco by Secretary MaaVeagh. Tho secretary to day doalared ho Intonded to leavo the treasury offlco In an "up-to-date, progres sive" condition for the Incoming dumo- cratlo administration. Nn Further Chunarn. No further changes are contemplated, It Is said, the resignation of Mr. Rants and tno filling ot existing vacancies com pleting tho program. Mr. llatttr will bo offered a place as chief ot a division In tho Treasury department. Secretary MacVeagh stated today that he had Instituted' mothods for tho Im provement of tho offlco of treasurer. "I Intend 'placing men In chargo," said tho 'secretary, "who are In sympathy wrth my policy;' so that there will bo no (Continued on Page Two.) Masked Men Who Travel in Motor Car Rob Guests of Cafe OALENA, Kan., 'Nov. 23,-Four masked men late last, night entered a cafe In the principal business district horp and at tho points of revolvers, lined employes and patrons ' against the' wall, robbed them of their valuables and then looted the cash regUter, and escaped In an auto mobile. Several . articles of Jewelry and more thun (200 were obtained. Tha proprietor and five employes were busy In the. cafe when the masked men entered. . Four- men wore seated at ta bles. .They, had stationed a motor car a block 'away before committing tho rob bery and were gone before the police could answer tho call. . Sidna Allen Given . Fifteen-Year Term tVYTHVILLE, Va,, Nov. 22. Sldna A.1en. leader of' the Allen clan which shot up the Carroll county court at Hills vllle last March, resulting in the death of five persons, was found guilty of mur der In the second degree today for the killing of Judge Thornton L. Massle. The Jury fixed the penalty at fifteen years in the penitentiary. The Jury deliberated twenty-four hours before njporting its verdict. Wesley Ed words, nephew of tho clan leader, who was captured with him at Des Molnos, September 14, remains to be tried. The trial that ended with tho conviction of Allen began November 11, after the first Jury summoned had been dismissed by Judge Staples because a Juror hod dis cussed the case outside the Jury room. BALKAN ALLIES ARE EXPECTED TO MODIFY European Powers Making Effort to Induce Them to Bring Terms Into Line with Facts, WHY THE SULTAN OBJECTS Surrender of Posts Demanded Would Make Further War Impossible. VICTORS COULD WRITE TREATY Preliminary Paot Would Bind Tur key Hand and Foot. I SUGGESTION FROM THE POWERS Ther Think Allies Should lie Con tent rrlth Territory Already Can qnered and Occupied Tur key In Hotter Position. nULLKTlN. LONDON, Nov. 22.-A battle mired to day along the entire lino of fortifications at Tchntftlju, according to dispatches from Constantinople. The Bulgarians began sgnln their efforts to break through the Turkish linos, but so fsr have been prevented from doing so by the fires ot the Turkish worships. LONDON, Nov. a "Come and tako them," tho defiant reply ot the Turks to tho demand mado by the allied Balkan nations for tho ovncnatlon of the line of fortifications at Tchatalja, In front of Constantinople, Is not believed In dip lomatic circles necessarily to menu the end of tho negotiations for an armistice oven though fighting has been resumed. From Sofia comes word today that thi victorious In Vml era are likely to modify their conditions. Tho European powers at tho same tlmo aro exerting themsolves to lndueo tho nations composing tho Ral- Kan joaguo to urine thoir terms more Into lino with tho tacts of the situation nnd to nrrango a treaty which will glvo them all they havo conquered but will lelivo out that which has not been con uuerod. Compured with Its earlier disastrous experiences tho Turkish army evidently now considers Itself In a favorablo posi tion. Military experts hero see In tho temporary falluro of the Bulgarian -rush Into Constantinople signs of a reaction among tho Invaders nftor their otforts of tlo past month. In view of the fact that Urn Ottoman capital; eyon It oapturud ruust ultimately wviiuBniu 111 nuvoruance wun inn decree ot tho great powers. It n pears that the allies have nothing to gain by In sisting on tho surrender ot the lines which form virtually tho gates of tho Cltly. Hence tho hope expressed by dlplo in'ata ytt ths demand Will be With drawn, In which caso it Is thought that Turkey rqcognlzing this it has no pros pect of taking tho offensive for tho re covery of Its lost territory would quickly conclude that It has nothing to gain by continuing tho conflict. ,It would perhaps agreo to enter into negotiations on th basis of a surrender of all but a reason able strip of territory at the back of Constantinople, tho Dardanelles and the Uosphurus. Why Turks Objected to Terms. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. Sl-Tho re jection by Turkey of the conditions of. fercd for an armlstico between the op. posing nrmlcs has been communlcutcd to tho Bulgarian government. , Ono of the cannon for tho rojectlon wan the opinion hold in official circles In Con stantinople that tho conditions proposed by tho nlllos deprived tho TurkH ot thn possibility of resuming hostilities In tho event of tho plenipotentiaries failure to settle on terms. This, from tho Turkish' point of view, meant no armistice at all. Such conditions, It is hold here, are only mado when It is a question of the' preliminaries of peace, and by accepting such terms as those presented by tha allies, Turkey will be binding herself hand and foot. , It Is furthor Insisted that Turkey has not sunk to that degree ot lmpotoncy which would compel It to accept such conditions. Tho terms stipulated by tho Balkan states provided for the surrender ot Adrlanople and Its garrison, for tha "Continued on Pago Two.) Early! Early! Phone your Sunday Want Ads early today. If you wait until even ing you may forget, or the phone lines may bo busy do it now. Some placo there is a man whom you want very much to meet. Ho wants to meet you, too but you novor heard of him and ho never heard of you. Perhapfl you want to soil or rent him a bouse. Perhaps you have some thing you don't need that you could trade him (or something you do need. Perhaps you want a Job and ho wants a man like you. The only way under tho sun that you'll ever .get to gether Is through a'Want Ad In Tho Bee run It tomor row. Tyler 1000 DEMANDS ON TURKEY