Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THH BlOfo: OMAHA, MIDA, Xl hMUhlt 32, lilJ.
Thrift is so essential to modern day happiness
that the failure to practice it is incomprehensible
Says Revenue is Lost by Misuse of
Street Car Transfers.
Renting a piano is no longer necessary
Through our club you can buy one as easily
Orttlnitncn ProhtnltlnK Fmndnlcnt
of Trnnafrra nnd Plains; Fine
for Violation Gofi to the
Committer of Whole1,
Men and
there is this difference.
Germs can not live long
with oxygen and sun
light, while men can not
live long without them.
is a washing compound
made up of oxygen and
pure palm oil.
Clothes washed with
Persil are germ free.
Linen from the sick room
especially should be
washed in Persil, for
E germs can not survive in
-K . r u:
U1U C11.L1VC UAJJJtll Ul 111U
wonderful washing" com
pound. (
Wash All Your Clothes
with Persil
You need no soap. There
is no hard rubbing. The
clothes will be whiter, sweeter
and clearer than ever. Try it.
10c at all Grocers
President G. W, Wattles of the street
railway company has petitioned the city
council to pass art ordinance making It
a misdemeanor untshable by fine nnd Im
prisonment for any person t mliuis a
transfer. Ha says such an ordinance was
considered a long time ago and should
have been passed but wan not.
Mr. Wattleit deolared th street railway
company la losing thousands si sou an
because patrons mates double use of
transfers. lie submits an ordlnanoe to
cover the case. This ordlnano pro-rides
that any one making uae of such a trans
fer or siring it to some other person or
attempting to rtde on it ton minutes after
he has arrived at the place of transfer
Is liable to a fine of tS and a Jail sen
tence of twenty days. The ordinance
has been referred to the committee of
the whole.
"It Is a notorious fact." raid Jtr. Wat
tles In a communication accompanying
the ordinance, "that the street railway
company and Incidentally the fltty of
Omaha is being dally defrauded by a
largq number of people, some of ihsm
prominent citizens, in the misuse of trans
fers on our system. The olty of Omaha
rccortirs an occupation tax of S par cent
on the gross reoelpts of this company
nnd thereby Is Interested financially the
name as we are, In putting a stop to this
fradulent use ii transfers."
rtefsrrlng to the ordinance Mr. Wattles
"We desire to have It passed now that
we are Increasing our efforts to comply
with tho demand for more service during
rush hours."
Accompanying the ordinance and the
letter is an raoerpt from an article In
The Bee declaring In part:
"In one place the company has been
unfairly treated In the matter of trans.
fe-rs and rightly complains thst It is
being cheated out of upwards of U.000 a
month by people who use transfers for
riturn trlna.
"In requiring the company to put on
more cars and run them at closer inter
vals at rush hours, the council should fix
a penalty upon passengers defrauding the
company by misuse of transfers."
Health and happiness awaits you In
Xjx Jolln, San Diego County, Cal., the
Inost beautiful seaside resort and thd fin
ist and most healthful and invigorating
tlltnato in all tho World. No winds, no
itorms, no frosts, no extremes of heat or
told, 36S' days a year of balmy, healthful.
pieusMnt ocean breezes; average tcmper
utur tho year around 65 degrees. La.
Jolla's rocky coast line, and mountain
ginnery, myriads of flowers, glorious sun
gets are the marvel of all. Here you can
mjoy a quiet, restful, healthful vacation,
dee from tho cares of business and so
lidly, and at very moderate expense. In
addition to the many natural attractions
there Is golf, flBhlng, tennis, hunting,
mountain allmblng, all the year ooean
bathing, boating and motoring, while San
iDlego proper, only 14 miles away by di
rect railway line, or perfect automobile
(boulevard, offers every possible attrac
tion of a modern, thriving city. Write u
for free illustrated booklet, giving all
Greeks Returning
to Old Country to
Engage in Business
A party of twenty Greeks from Denver
went east through Omaha en route to
New York yesterday. They expect to
arrive In Now Tork in time to ship for
home next Monday. They all belong to
the reserve force.
Anton Borarrls. spokesman for the
party, said that In the disposition of the
territory to be taken from Turkey,
Greece ought to get a section half as
large as Colorado and In the event that
it does, many of the Greeks who have
gono from the United State to their
native land will remain there.
Boaarrls says that since coming to
America the Greeks have been taught
' modern methods In fruit raising nnd ac
j rlculturu nnd that applying these moth-
ods In Greece, vast new opportunities will
be opened to them.
Easy and Sure
Way to Cure
Cold and Catarrh
A cold generally attnoks the weakest
Tart, affecting the oyes and ears In some
land producing nasal catarrh and throat
troubles In others. A cold Is due to an
lluflammatlon of the membrane lining the
'air passages, nnd maybe promptly cured
faith a llttlo Ely's Cream Balm, whlcj,
lip mediately relieves the Inflammation
and all the dlstrestng symptoms, such as
laneeslng, coughing, running at the nose
'and eyes, hoarjeness. sore throat, fever
iahd headache. One reason why this pure,
'antlseptlo Balm acts so quickly is be
jCause K Is applied directly to the ten
der, soro surfaces.
Even in severe, chronic cases of catarrh
Ely's Cream Balm ntsvwr falls to quickly
end effectually check the poisonous dls
'oliarge which clogs the head and throat,
lauslrig the disgusting hawking, spitting
and blowing of the nose. This remedy
sot only drives out the disease, but heals
and strengthens the weakened mem
branes, thus ending catarrh.
Catarrh la a filthy, disgusting disease.
Don't put up with It another day, Oet a
40. cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from
tyour druggist and see how qulokly you
wfll be relieved. It Is perfectly harm
leas. Advertisement.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Tonic and alterative. Increases ttrenfith.
Kestore healthy functions. No alcohol.
Sold for 60 yean.
4 Your Doctor. lJFu5i:
1 3 E IR "M U ti K
f in r.,r,.o Toara fram lri ItJ.W up.
FaMirj ry 5 aara In worf lion with Quttwc 8.
E ( ,- ri' koti lptrchBfifcl
Cuba, Jamaica, Panama Canal
and othtr WmI India Poit
Vat ritlcut" '
t3 Eoyal Wall Stiatn P aoket Co..
tan ltra i Son, Oaa. Act! Stat St , M Y
a? "outh X.a Balls BU Chicago! W. E.
Heck, 1317 Tarnsni Street, Omaha.
Valuable Old Paper
Found by Goodrich
Going over soma old family papens Fred
II. Goodrich has unearthed a copy of the
Omaha Dally Nebraskan, a paper printed
under date of May 26, ..83. The paper
was evidently saved because It contains
a death notice of an aunt of Mr Good
rich's. Among other things It has also a
telegraph account purporting to chronicle
the capture of Vlcksburg by the union
forces. The price of the paper, which In
a little one-sheet handbill slxe, la given
an J10 a year, "and the money must In
alt oases accompany the subscription."
He la donating It to the nubile library.
Postmaster John C. Wharton announces
that patrons of the postal savings bank
who wish to purchase postal saving"
bonds must make application for them
beforo December 2. Patrons may pur
chahe these bonds In denominations of
$20, $100 and $500. They will draw intereit
at 3',4 per cent per annum. Mr. Wharton
says there Is a great demand for these
Beginning November JO, In connection
with the 9oo, Northwestern and Missouri
Pacific, the Rock Island will Inaugurate
tnrougo stanaara sleeping car service Be
tween Winnipeg and Los Angeles. This,
It Is said, will be tha longest continuous
through car service rontc In the world,
nearly 5,000 miles.
The BervJco will be through Omaha.
The cars will run from Winnipeg to St.
Paul over the Soo line, from St. Fattl
to Omaha over the Northwestern, from
Omaha to Kansas City over the Missouri
Paclfla and from Kansas City to Los
Angeles over the Rock Island, being at
tached to the road's Oolden State llmitd
train. h
A party of naval officers were on s
special car coming from a Philadelphia
wedding. Thay were In the glory of full
dress uniform. At a Junotlon the train
stopped,-) wjng to some minor-accident,
and the officers, manlike, dismounted to
look at the machinery and find out what
was wrong. Just then a whistle blew and
several hundred girls trooped out of a
big factory near the tracks. Of course
they spied the glittering group of man
and gathered In groups, laughing with
flirtatious Intentions which the officers
were not slow In responding.
But soon the train began to move and
the men entered waving farewellg. Pay
master Simpson, one of the Apollo of
the navy, wns the tact man to mount the
btep. Ho ralsel his hat gallantly and
stood smiling. In one of his best poses.
Whrn the car vas well on the way, one
of the girls shouted to him, "Jih, there,
Charlie 1 I choose you for the tunnel!"
Why should you why should any one, in fact, rent a piano?
A rental piano is, as a rule, a second hand piano- a cheap
instrument usually anything, in truth, that will stay half-way
in tune.
For the use of such an instrument you will have to pay
3, 4 or 5 dollars a month, as the case may be, according to
the condition of the instrument. After you have rented the
piano for months and months, and sometimes for years, the
piano goes back to the piano man.
What for?
To be rented over again to someone else. The piano man now has
not only the rental you paid him, but the piano as well.
Right here is a place for many a person hereabouts to practice thrift:
Stop renting a piano. Start
Our big inaugural club offers the opportunity and such
an opportunity as you have never had before.
At the very outset you start in a thrifty way. You save 92
dollars and 50 cents in the initial cost of the piano, as you get a
piano for257dollarsand50cents thatusually sells for 350dollars.
Next, the terms.
You do not have to pay more to own one of these splendid new pianos
than you have to pay to rent a second hand one 5 dollars cash, and then 1
dollar and 25 cents a week.
And by joining the club while you are paying, you are owning.
Every week you come in to pay you are laying up 1 dollar and 25 cents
for yourself towards your own permanent ownership of a beautiful, durable
and praiseworthy piano.
Yes we know that the terms for renting a piano have their advantages.
We know that they have in many an instance been a necessity.
But that was before we opened this big inaugural club.
Now we say and say it boldly that no one can afford to rent a piano,
when, by becoming a member of the 500 club, buying a piano is attended by
so many advantages and so much ease.
'Phone in your application. Do it tomorrow. Then the first day you
are down town you may come in and make your selection.
And if a thirty-days' trial discloses that you have made a wrong move
we will give you your money back.
What more can we do than this?
Figures thowing the economies
and thrifty features of the club
1 . Individual club mombors save 92 dollars and B0
oenta euoh on the purchase price.
2 . There 1b no Interact to bo added th olub Kiamber
brtlng entitled to 102 weilta' tine tn watoh to pay tke
olub prion 157 dollars and 80 cent wltaoat the
further payment of Interest.
S . For ever)' week Uie member shortens bin terms below
SOt ireolci, he sots a as ah rebto or "dividend" at 16
4 . The olub member Rots big eoonotny in time In whloh to
pay ns In the club ho Rets 202 woekn as against 125
weeks If he bought on regulur tonus.
5. lie gets two froo tunings worth 6 dollars.
6. He gots Llfo Assurance. It he -dies future pay
ments are cauoellod and the piano la turned orur to
the family of the deceased freo of any farther
to owning one
Orkin Brothers
Player-Piano Club
We havo Inaugurated a ILayr-Plano olub In oonneo
tlon with our 600 piano club, The prloe of these club
Plajroi-jilnno Is 395 dollars Uie terms aro O dollars
the fir t payment nnd 2 dollars a week wltkout Interest
addod, These Player-pianos have never beam sold (or less
thun yBBQ, with terms of 135 down and $15 a month, with
lntorest added at the rate of ( per cent. This Is the first
tlmo, so far as our knowledge goes, that such trustworthy
Instruments havo been ofXored tor salo upon such popular
terms as 0 riollnra tho first payment and !2 dollars a vreolc
without Interest added,
TIirbo lMnyer-planos are standard 88-notn players
that is, theso Club IMayor-planos play every not on the
piano whnn the music roll Is In motion these player-pianos
compel the music to play perfectly. Moat I'layor-plonos
sold at from $200 to $260 more than these Clib Player
pianos will not play perfoctly. The pumping of the Olub
Player-piano Is without doabt the easiest of all player
mechanism, Is without doubt one of the most sensitive to
the operator, and is recognised as one of the leading play
ers manufactured today. This Is a known fact awaag piano
dealers and salesmen gonermlly. We give you an vaooadl
Uonal guagrantee with thes Clnb Player-pianos.
1. Tha Haysr ptaae olub will oooslat of 100 otattra
. The Vlayav-pUno club mambars aan take their oholo be
tween two or tha bat Vlsyar-planoa on the marfeat.
I. The yisyea-.ptsJio olub price la ,U5 dollars.
T.h.8 5.Vn ln VTle to aoh Tw-Ptno olub member la
loo dollars.
S. The Mayer-yUoo olub member has no latevMt to Basr.
f. Hie terms to VUaa-ec-ptaao club member axe doUavrs
cash and 1 dollars a weak or. putting It in an
ether way, narar-plano olub members harre 1W weeksrln
which to ray for thatr Mejre-plano. T"
r ?!,r"?f,ltt0. ciVb mrobr secure tha free uae r
1.000 rolls of Plajrar-plano Mimlo for one er from
tn this section of the country.
I. If a yiayer-plano elub main bar dlaa durlsv Mia lira na bl
eentract we will immediately oar, eel allratsro wrtWnX
and send a raoelpt tm tan to hte family fori thVtasununil
For tha conwnJtnc of people uho cannot came m faring the dm? appointment! utftf fcs mad to sAoss th pUmoa mpmningm
Copyright 1912 by Stone & McCar
rtck, lac Unauthorized use In whole
or In part or colorable summaries
thereof forbidden.
Formorly The Bennett G.
lGtli nnd Harney Street
Omaha, Neb.
T Chiekarine, Kurtmman, fvr & Pond, Auto Pianoi and Piayr Pianot and Victor Talking Machine!
Folioe Stand at Boor All Night on
Commissioner Eyder's Orders.
I'atrona Iioolclnar for nafrvshmrnt
and Kntertnlnmen t FIrr tn Con.
faalon When Confrnntrd
b- thr Poller,
So tlphtly were the doors of Wick &
Moore's dive at 9Vt Dodge street closed
Wednesday iilpht whan one of the pro
prietors attempted to enter to "cat some
thins; for personal use" he was refuted
admittance by the policeman stationed
at the door by special order of Superin
tendent Ryder,
From 8 o'clock until mldnluht Patrol
man Chapman guarded the place and
from midnisht Officer Wright saw that
the lid was not lifted. During the nlcht
iiundreds of persons came to the place to
get a drink and entertainment, but fled
In confusion when they were confronted
by the policeman.
Accord In r to stories that wra current
la the underworld the place was not open
on Tuesday night when Pherlff Mefihane
attempted to raid It a second time.
Greeks to Introduoe
Amerioan Methods
Forty-fire Omaha Greaks left for tha
east yasterday morning to sail for tka old
country, where they expect to engago m
various lines of business. Thty are coun
trymen who have come here and accumu
lated 'small fortunes and who are re
turning now with tha proepeot of finding
openings when the boundaries of Qrec
are widened. Among the party were Chris
Johnson, who conducted a sklne parlor
at Fourteenth and Douglas, and Max
Poulos, who had a like business on Far
nam between Fourteenth and Fifteenth.
They aay that no leas than 2),0CO Greeks
will leave America for Greece before
Judge and Mrs. J. H. Wlilta of Wahoo
drove over yesterday In tbrtr auto.
Outside of three blowouts they had no
W. H. Howell, for years In Omaha .-is
traveling freight and passenger agent for
the Milwaukee, but now assistant general
freight agent at Chicago, Is in town. It
Is a number of months slnoa Mr. Howell
wan here and his many old railroad
friends are congratulating him on his
Thirty-First and TttrtjrSoond Be-
frreei Conferred os Large Clats.
Hamimat La ISranlaaT Closed tha
CtoronioailM af th Wtxlr Hst.
O. n. Bnltaly Waa the
Pi-Jnolpat evtrar.
tha last few days. "This is tha largest
class ww have aver taken In In this oon-
slitory," said George West, who was In
charge of tha ceremonies Thursday.
Rev. T, J, Maakay offered the Invoca
tion last evening at tha consistory ban
auet held ln the temple. Five hundred
attended the banquet. Tha principal
speaker of tha evening was Rev, Oliver
D. Bartsly. Son star T, M. Cwrlt or
Broken Bow, Oeorge W. Or an f Omaha,
and a number of others made speaehas.
Th Yellow Peril.
Jaundice malaria biliousness, vsanlsh
when Dr. King's New Ufa nils are.
taken. Easy, safe, guaranteed. Xo. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
The ftcottiali ltes reunion at tha Ma
sonlo tempi alosed yesterday. Tha high
set degrees are conferred, this being
tha day for the conferring of tha thirty.
flrst and thirty-second degrees. Tha olass
taking thole high dajree numbers -
wards at Ml
Members have come and gone during
the week. Many who oould take only
the first tan or fifteen degrees o&me In
from tha state during the early part of
tha weak, took these degrees and then
went home. Others who have taken tha
first degrees in former years, arrived
yesterday and today In order to take
tha higher degrees. Thus the olass of
candidates has bean up to a large figure
throughout tha reunion, In spite of the
ftact that many have bean leaving within
The best food that comes in the grocer's
basket Faurt Spaghetti more nourislv
inp; than many times its cost in other foods.
Our fre book tells of many delightful way
to servo it. AT YOUR GROCER' 8
In sealed package Se and 49c
MAULL BROS, St. Loola, Ma.