Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Bee's Letter Box
InriUi thort contributions on cur
rent topic from Use readers. Xt
ns hear from you. ZJmlt 300 words.
Generally Fair
VOL. XLII-X0. 134.
Savanna la Mar and Lucca, on
Coast, Are Destroyed by Hur
ricane and Flood.
Cities Have Populations of About
Two Thousand Each.
Damage to Interior of the Island is
Also Heavy.
TTelFRrniiH "Wire Arc Donn nntl
Dctnlls of (5 rent Disaster Are
Mensem GtUe Lniili Sev
eral J)n ya,
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Nov. 30. A gTcat
tidal wave Is reported to have practically
wiped out the town of Savanna la Mar,
on the southwest coast, and Lucca, on
the northwest coast of Jamaica.
Forty-two people wcro killed by tho
hurricane In Montego bay, according to
a report brought by a fruit vessel which
arrived at Port Antonio today. '
Confirmation has now come to hand of
the great destruction caused by the recent
hurricane In, tho western end of tho la
land. Floods, which accompanied the
storm, caused inimenso damago, a hun
dred houses being blown down. Tele
graphic communication still Is suspended.
Tho governor of Jamaica has left on
a special train accompanied, by artillery
men, who havo taken with them 300 tents
nnd foodstuffs, as In certain sections
tho peoplo aro homeless and destitute.
Tho galo began on November 15 and
continued In Increasing fury for several
days. Vessels arriving In port reported
that the wind was blowing over 100 miles
an hour.
Lucca Is a town of 2,000 Inhabitants on
nn Inlot on tho northwest coast of Ja
maica, whllo Savanna la Mar Is a sea
port with about the same population, on
tho southwest coast, almost directly
across tho Island.
"WASHINGTON Nov. 20.-Tho so
called "money trust" Investigation by
the house banking and currency commit
too will bo resumed December 9, accord
ing to an announcement by Chairman
Pujoi today after an executive session of
the committee
In'a publlo statement Mr. Pujo said tho
coBunltteowould not bo able to complete;
Its Ynqulrynto The "concentration of"
money and credits',' unless congress
passes tho amendment to tho national
banking act now pending, giving tho
commltteo authority to investigate bank
ing affairs.
Tho statement denied "tho rumors of
any breach or threatened breach between
the committee and Its counsol," which
followed the resignation yesterday of E.
JI. Farrar of New Orleans, who had
been acting with Samuel Untcrmeyer of
Now York as the commltteo counsel.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Carml Thomp
son was appointed treasurer of the United
States today by President Taft to suc
ceed Leo McClung, who resigned recently.
Mr. Thompson will assume his new duties
itornorrow and Charles D. JIlllcs, who was
(secretary to the president beforo the be
ginning of the last campaign, will re
Iturn to that post.
CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Albert C. Jones,
recently sentenced to a year In Jail for'
contempt as a result of attempting to
put up a "straw" bond for Jnck Johnson,
negro pugilist, today faced further trouble
because of tho disclosures In the Johnson
'case, and was cited to Justify four bonds
on which ho appears In other cases.
The Weather
For Nebraska Cooler.
For Iowa Generally fair, cooler.
Toniuernture at Oiimlin Yesterday.
Hours. Degree.
Ill B n. m 3
I .IP tt a m -11
A a. m
9" a. m 47
10 a. m 49
U:Vft -7 H a- m 63
Un m &6
1 P. m 07
2 p. m K
HTOj P- m 57
J nf 5 p. m M
C p. m 61
i p. in &i
8 p. m 60
Comparative I.ocnl Itecoril.
, , 1912. 1911. 1010. 1009
Highest yesterday 69 4tf 47 64
Lowest yesterday 42 24 32 32
.Mean temperature 60 40 40 48
Precipitation 00 T .11 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 3C
Excess for the day jj
Total excess clnce March 1 , 17
Normal piVcipltutlon 03 inch
IDeflclenoy for the day 03 nc,
Precipitation since March 1... .24. CO inches
Deficiency since Marcli 1 3.60 Inches
Deficiency cor. period In 1911. .,14.85 Inches
Deficiency cor. period In 1910.. .11.26 Inches
Report from Stations 11 1 7 P, M.
Station and State Temp. High Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. Today, fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy 64 44 .00
Davenport, clear ., 58 CS .00
Denrer, cloudy 40 64 .00
ales Moines, clear 66 64 .00
Dodge City, clear 4? $4 ,00
Lander, clear 32 42 .01
Omaha, clear 61 69 .00
Pueblo, part cloudy 44 63 .00
Rapid City, clear .......... 40 62 .00
Salt Lake, clear , 42 41 .SJ
Kanta Fe. clear 3S 4S .00
Sheridan, clear 34 44 .00
Kloux City, clear 64 .00
Valentine, clear .... 42 64 ,00
"T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster
Teachers of South
Dakota Will Meet
Monday at Mitchell
MITCHELL, g. d.. Nov. M.-(Speclal.)
What is predicted will bo tho largest
gathering In tho history of the South Da
kota Educational association will convene
In this city next Monday, November 25,
for a three days' session, which will bo
tho thirtieth in tho history of tho educa
tors of the state and territory. Twenty
years ago Mitchell entertained tho stato
teachers for tho first time and again
about nine years ago. The local commit
tees are putting forth every effort to
outdo all their former records In tho way
of entertaining tho visitors. Tho slogan,
"one thousand strong for Mitchell," It
is believed will be lived up to In every
respect. Sioux Falls Is planning to send
100 teachers. In a body, nnd Aberdeen.
Huron, Pierre nnd Yankton will send
largo delegations. The central location
of Mitchell will be a means of bringing
together a larger and more representative
body of teachers than ever before.
Many prominent speakers have been
secured for the sessions, among them
being Dr. Oeorgo W. Vincent, president
of tho University of Minnesota; V. N.
Ferris, Big llaptds, Mich.: H. E. Legler,
public librarian, Chicago; C. C Pearse,
superintendent of schools, Milwaukee; W.
O. Thompson, Ohio State university.
Tho opening session of the association
wllL bo held Monday nttcrnoon at
o'clock In tho Gale thentcr with an nd
dress of welcome by Mayor Hitchcock.
and tho rcsponso by 11. C. Johnson, Aber
deen. Miss Elizabeth Harrison. Chicago,
will speak on "The Public Kindergarten."
President G. W. Nash, president of tho
association, will give his annual address
Witness Sees Gibson
Seize Mrs. Szabo
Around the Neck
GOSHEN, N. T Nov. 20. "I saw Gib
son seize Mrs. Szabo around tho neck
with his left arm; I saw his right hand
thrust at her throat, then they both fell
out of the boat."
John Mlnturn, eye witness of the death
of Mrs. Itosa Menschlk Szabo, for whose
death on Greenwood lake. Burton W.
Gibson of New York, her lawyer, Is
charged with murder, so testified at Gib
son's trial today. His testimony was In
troduced to bear out the state's conten
tion that Mrr. Szabo was strangled by
Gibson and did not die of drowning.
"Gibson and his companion were stand
ing bnck to back In the center of the
boat," Mlnturn said. "Gibson wheeled
as they were passing and seized Mrs.
Szabo they struggled for a moment, the
boat rocked and they fell out, the woman
first, tho man afterwards.
"When they wero in the water pres
ently the woman was lost to sight. The
man then swam to the boat, put Ids arm
over It and turned It ovor, Tho boat re
mained right jjldvgrwhen they fell out
and stayed In that position untli Gibson
tipped It oyer."
Mlnturn was standing nt the water's
edge, he said, when tho saw the tragedy.
The boat was about W0 yards awny. He
was afraid ho would forget, he added, so
ho went home nnd wrote down what ho
Miss Farley Denies
Making Confession
to Woman Detective
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 20. Prosecuting
Attorney Edward C. Turner today began
a cross-examination of Miss Cecelia Far
ley, the state house stenographer on trial
for first degree murder for the shooting
bf Alvln E. Zollinger last spring, after
tho witness had testified that sho did
not know who pulled tho trigger of tho
revolver which shot Zollinger.
In a voice firmer and louder than sho
used yesterday tho girl emphatically de
nied that she had told Miss Pearl Clark,
a woman detective, about hex case, but
said that she .had "confessed" at police
headquarters to savo her fiance, who
she was told by tho police was behoved'
to be Implicated In the shooting,
Miss Farley declared she had no malice
toward Zollinger when sho went to tho
park with him, but had carried a revolver !
because she was afraid '-'he would do
something, nnd I ought to be protected."
Because of the Inability to hear Miss
Farley's testimony yesterday when sho
spoke In a low voice, the crowd In th'j
court room today was greatly diminished.
Would-Be Dynamiter
' Probably Will Die
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 20. Under
renewed "sweating" ahortly beforo noon
the would-be dynnmlter who terrorized
Los Angeles yesterday said his true name
was Carl Iteldelbach. He said he was
born In Nuremburg, Germany.
"ghat's In a name?" ho said. "I have
used two or three In my time."
Iteldelbach collapsed and became un
conscious this afternoon. According to
police surgeons he Is In danger of death
He was removed from the emergency ,
hospital to un upstairs cell In the city 1
Jail, which had been equipped with a cot '
SALT LAKE C1TV. Nov. 20-Thn nam
:of Albert Henry Davis, believed by local I wo ,lld that" tal1 Water Cominls
Ibfflcers to be the man who terrorized ' io"or ,Iowe"' " have 23-001' Patrons.
the Los Angeles police department Vim !
an Infernal machine, appears on the Salt i
Lake police records. Arrested for Petit I
larceny In 1905 Davis was sentenced to
100 Hnv on h nhnln ..... aciah t
bv hldlnir In the brush an,! I,r.l,ln. i,u I
shackles with a stone.
Barber is Touched
For Fob and Razor
"ow1rd 7"?u. b"ber .!" V!eyth,rd
cna.r .rom we sireei ai me Henshaw
shop, is undecided whether he Is an easy
mark or the victim of an extremely clever
"dip." Yesterday a swell dressed man en-
tertd. safdown In Yeaiel's chair nnd or -
dered a, shave. When he left Yeasiel
missed a 110 gold piece ho had attached to
h fob and also the very raror he iwed
In shaving the man
One Hundred and Seventy'
Persons Arrested, Charged
Misuse of
Government Officials Closely Guard
Contemplated Action.
Letters Exchanged to Further Al
leged Criminal Practice.
Analysts Miunn thnt Pills Offered
for .Sale Aro Klthrr Initni-iimi
or Composed of Dnnurr
ou Poisons.
WASHINGTON, .Nov. 20.-A nation
wide raid. Involving tho arrest practically
simultaneously of 173 persons in the prin
cipal cities of the country, wits mado
today by postofflco Inspectors and United
States marshals upon doctors nnd drug
concerns, charged with misuse of tho
malls to solicit criminal medical prac
tice, or to dlsposo of medicines or In
struments connected with such practice.
The raid tho most extensive and tar
reaqhlng ever mndo by any departcmnt
of the government was under the per
sonal direction of Postmaster General
Hitchcock and Chief Inspector Itobert S.
Sharp of the Postofflco department. So
carefully had Its details been guarded
that until the first of tho arrests were
made at Indianapolis, early In' tho da,
practically nothing was known or tho
government's contemplated action. Work
ing with clock-llko precision, tho Inspec
tion force, spread over twenty-two
state, carried out tho prearranged plans.
and at an early hour tonight tho Post-
office department had received word that
practically all of tho deslgnntcd persona
had been arrested.
None Mitkr Knenpr.
Tho results of the crusade -are still be
ing received- toutght by the Inspector's
division of tho Postofflco department In
tho form of dozens of telegrams . front
various divisional headquarters. In Iso
lated Instances it was'found for various
reasons to be Impracticable to effect the
arrests, but the suspected persons
against whom warrants have been issued
are under surveillance nnd probably will
be unable to escape.
Chief Inspector Sharp and a largo part
of his force of 390 Inspectors had been
engaged for seven months, under the or
ders of tho postmaster general. In work
ing up the scores of individual cases in
which arrests wero mado today. Many
of thpso taken' Into custody wero mem
bers of prominent wholcsalu and retail
drug concerns, or-physlclans weWllmotmf
in their own communities.
Many PHI Doctors.
Approximately 20 per cent of those ar
rested today are so-called "pill doctors"
men who advertise their practice by cor
respondence or otherwise and send to
their patients, either by mall or by ox
press, various compounds In the form of
pills or powders. Careful analysis of
these compounds by the government au
thorities is Bald to havo disclosed that
some of them aro wholly Innocuous,
while others are dangerous poisons. Un-
(Continued on Page Four.)
Respectable Men
Often Patronize the
Chicago Owl Oars
CHICAGO, Nov. 20. W. M. Weather
wax, a street railway superintendent of
transportation, testifying before tho arbi
tration board in the street car contro
versy pVer wages, said there was no
limit now as to tho tlmo a citizen might
reach his home at night In order to
maintain his respectability.
Judge Klcklmm Scanlan, one of tho ar
biters, yesterday brought out tho state
ment when he atked what was the latest
hour for a respectable citizen to get
"The time is changing all tho while,"
said Weatherwax. "It used to be that
n respectable citizen tried to get home
by midnight, but now If he gets there in
time for breakfast he Is all right. Our
traffic duy has risen from eighteen to
twenty-two hours. I would not hazard'
an opinion on the cause of the nocturnal
habits of tho 'owl car patrons."
Landlord Protests
Water. Board Order
Wllhelm Steln, 4013 Chatles, believes the
Omaha Water board has decided to pur
sue an unfair course In compelling land
lords to stand responsible for tho cost of 1
; water furnished their tenants, He pro
tested to the Water board yesteidny aft'
I "Why don't you have the patrons who
; are poor puy put up a forfeit of say 13?"
hr ""KKested. "It wouldn't be-much of
u liardshl:."
"Vou aro "sklnK us to something you
0UBt to do." snld Member D. J. O'Brien.
wno aro rea"y BicK"'aerB m tnis water
pI"nt' wl, would ,iave to bo servc1 tho
nme Way' You 8ee that would K8t us
l,,to ,ll",cuUy "'" 'whlch ou'l not
extricate ourselves."
Mr' Steln Bald ho 81111 wa8 of th "l'lnlon
that tho Water board otaf t not to shift
the burden of tho unrftluMe patron to
tl.o shoulders of the landlord, but the
loard told 1dm It Is not a collection
agency and It has to follow some plan
that will eliminate the minor troubles of
r-ntal collections. - j
farmpr is RinNPn Tn nPATu
M I DDLI5TOWN, N, Y., Nov. 20. A
1 spark from the pipe of John K. Gllson,
a farmer, which ho was smoking today,
Ignited his long whiskers. The flames
fcpread to hi clothing and ho was burned
'to death
swsgcAUGHT - pi ' 1 11 1 1 rJvmirAiotw Nx wm,
From the New York World.
Three Are Taken at Same Time by
the Federal Authorities.
AMnvpnient Snld to lie Niitloii-Wlile
unTMiiiiy Are QiiiKht In All
Paris of h United fctnles
One In Council llluffs.
Simultaneous with tho arrest by federal
authorities of doctors In seventy-two
cities In the United States for selidttm
unmallablo matter through the mulls
three Omaha doctors were arrested this
morning. Thoso arrested wero I)r. W.
A. Burke, 42 DouglaB block; Dr. Claudius
Dlbbem. 02 Wllhnell block, and Or. H.
Prlbbenow, 401 Wuro block.
The three Omaha physicians wero num
bered among 173 other doctors who ver
Indicted by federal grand Juries this fall.
Deputy Marshals Haze and J. B. Nlck
erson made tho arrests In Omaha. Haze
arrested Prlbbenow nnd Nlckcrson 1Mb
bern at the same moment. Both men
then met with their prisoners on thu
street and went together and arrested
The bonds were fxcd nt J3.000 each,
The crime with which they are charged
IsJlmlted to 5,000 or not more than ftvo
years' Imprisonment In the federal prison
at Leavenwoj-th, Kan. '
3Iovt .Nnllon-AVIile.
The natlon-wldo movement was started
this summer and Inspectors put to work
In every city In tho United Stales. As
much evidence a poflttn was secure"!
by these men In various way's. The doc
tors were indicted by tho federal grand
Juries all over tho country this fall and
the dato fur arrest named for Novem
ber 20.
Tho Inspector sent to Omulia worked In
connection with Inspector Handnll of
Omaha. They sent decoy letters under
(Continued on Page Four.)
Five Greeks Charged
With Circulating
Counterfeit Coins
KANSAS CITY. Nov. SU.-Flve Greeks
were arrested here today by Frank M.
Sommer, United States soeret service
agent, on a charge of circulating counter-
" j feit money. The men under tirreat are
NICK Nlstns, a leader of the local Greek
colony, Mike Karuntounlas, Peter Kono
mos, Charles Brown and Thomas Benlulls.
Two men now under arrest In St. Louts,
officials say. manufactured the money on
a farm belonging to one of them near
Stover, Mo. The manufacturers, It Is al
leged, sold the money to the five Kansas
City Greeks for DO ccnts'on' the dollar.
Several hundred dollars of it havo been
given In change to Kansas City house
wives and boarding house keepers by
Greek and Italian fruit venders and ped
dlers. Baldwin's Estate
Worth Twenty Million
I -OH ANOIJLKS. Cal., Nov. 20. -The
Final accounting of the ostute of ft. .1.
("Lucky") Baldwin, millionaire horse-
I man and rancher, showing all of the
transactions of the executor. H. A. Unruh. !
f,.r ihr wnr- .,,.!..
- - .
The report, which covers 029 typewritten
pages and conUlns moie than 1,000,0 Ms sojourn hero, lie spends much of
Items, wo the effort of iwur.y a dozen jhl time driving and exploring the islands,
clerks working fo almost four month IJeutenant Geqetal Sir George Mnck
Tho estate was shown to be worth 20.VH.- j worth Bullock, the governor nnd com
00). after all expenses and minor be- msnder-ln-rhlef of Bermuda, returned Mr
quc-ts had been paid. I Wilton's lslt this afternoon
Man Proposes? But
Escaped Convicts
Recaptured After
Four Days in Hiding
ijAN jqiANCrSCO, Nov. 20.,Thoinas
Kianuy and Mlchkst 'Mullln. military
prisoners who nnwed their way "outrrf
cells In the army prison on Ale.Urnz'
Island and wero supposed to have escaped
on a raft Saturday night, wore found on
the Island early today.
The men had burrowed a cave beneath
a pile of driftwood on the liamiw bench,
where they laid four days, half covrred
with sllntft nnd without n morsel of food
or a drop of watr.
Iteallzlng that Franey was dying, Mill
ll crawled forth Inst night to gut
water. A sentry, caught sight of him nnd
guve the nlnriu, Obeying Mullln's weak
voiced directions the guards foon dug
Franoy from the cavo. His condition was
desperate nnd Mullln also needed med
ical attention.
The convicts onmu from Ieavenworth
penitentiary with bad records pind were
confined In the dungeon hero for re
fusing to work. Whero they secured tho
jiaws or flies to cut tHn bars of thulr
pells Saturday night Is not known.
Rumor of Massacre
.of Christians at
Jaffa, Palestine
ATHRN8. Greieo, Nov. SO.-Ueports of
massacres of Christians In Jaffa,. Pales
tine, caused the commander of tho IIuh.
slnn crulfer Oleg to weigh anchor, and
depart hurriedly for that district today.
Five Christian missionary societies aro
represented In Jaffu, Palestine, The
Christian and missionary alliance has a
station with onu man, the Church Mis
Monnry Society for Africa and tho ICnst
two men and two women, tho '!mlon
Society for the Promotion of Christianity
Among the Jews two men nnd two wo
men, tho Seventh Day Adventlst mis
sion board one man and one woman and
the Tabetha mission school four women.
There Is also an American orphanugc.
Thrrn aro supposed to bo about 10.UO0
Christians umong the Inhabitants, tho
total of whom Is estimated nt about 40,000,
There are eight Christian rlmrches and
four Jewish synagogues. There Is an
English hospital und a French hospital.
Hunting Fatalities
in Northern Woods
Break All Records
MILWAUKKK. Wis., Nov. 20.-A sum
mary of hunting accidents In the northern
woods to dato show that the total of
fatalltlb's and serious accidents since
September 1, breaks all records.
A tabulation of Wisconsin accidents to
dato shows that twelve have been killed
and ten seriously Injured, while In
Michigan the accidents have been more
frequent, In one county there were four
mey killed by mistake for deer In throe
days and there, has hardly been a day
since the opening of the tcason without,
u fatal shooting.
ham,, tv
Bermuda Nov. 30 Presi
dent-elect Wilson Ik thoroughly enjoying
Douglas Republioan Legislators Wel
come Election Investigation.
-VriUn r Million, Who Hlnrtril Tolls
of Content, Hay lie Is Not Mure
Whether Plain Will lie
Heptitillciin stafn Mcimtors and state rep-niintatlve-elect
from Douglas county
uie not taking seriously Arthur Mullen's
threatened contests of their elections on
behalf of their lute democratic opponents.
"ImI them contest," snld It, C. Drucs
dow. elected state representative. "None
of us Is fearing tho result one particle.
But hero Is one thing to bo remembered,
thnt there have been contsts In- this city
In which election fraudH havo been
charged nnd In every easo It has been
tho democrats that havo given Oniiihn a
black eye."
"If they contest tho election, Til tell
ynu what Is likely to happen " uld J.
M. MncfHrhind, "they are likely to olect
A. 0. Pencoast to tho stale senate, as
his defvnt was close, nnd n recount Is
likely to eleot him. In that way the dem
ocrats would defeat their own purpose In
contesting,' and would elect the only ro
piiblleau on tho legislative ticket who up
to this time seems to bo defeated,"
.Mullen Nut Hun-,
When Arthur Mullen wns seen In his
offleo yostorday evening ho said ho did
not know whether a contest will be
started. Asked what form tho contest
would take, ho sold he was not sure and
lu fact was not even sure there would bo
a contest.
"Wo aro Just Invcstlgntlng the facts In
tho ease," he said.
"Why didn't you Investigate them be-
(Continued tin Pago Two.) v
Oklahoma Editor
Found Not Guilty of
Murder of Woman
CLAIlHSlOnU. Okl.. Nov. 20.-H. O.
Jeffries, editor of tho Nowatu Advertiser,
wus acquitted today of tho charge of
murdering Mrs. Irent Goheen, un adver
tising solicitor employed by him. The
Jury returned tho verdict of not guilty
at 0:30 o'clock this morning after deliber
ating since late yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Jeffries, who lias managed his
paper whllo Jeffries was In Jail, fainted
and fell Into his arms when tho verdict
wns announced.
Mrs. Goheen's body with the skull
crushed whs found In a pasture last
April. Jefferles was arrested on circum
stantial evidence. He .attributed his
prosecution to political enemies.
Confessed Poisoner
is Held Without Bail
S12DALIA, Mo., Nov, 20. Sirs. Pansy
Bllen Lesh, brought hero from Los An
geles last Sunday after confessing that
sho murdered two Missouri women, was
arraigned today beforo Justlco Ieenlng
on a ohurge of murder In the first degree
She was held to tho criminal court with
out bond and Immediately returned in
Jail. Tho date of the trial will he set
tomorrow. Sheriff M. T. Henderson, who
brought Mrs. Lesh from California, testi
fied that on tho trip hero she reiterated
her confession that she hud administered
poison to Mrs. F., M Qualntunce at
Oreenrldge, Mo,, In Idol, und to Mrs
KUza Coe at Scdalla in ls05, causing the
deaths of both women.
Opposing Commanders-in-Chief Mak
ing an Effort to Arrange Terms
for an Armistice.
If Agreement is Reached Diplomats
Will Meet to Make Treaty.
Want Turkey in Europe Except Cap
ital and Small Strip.
IlnnRer nf Clnnh Iletvrrrn Austria
ntnl Srrvln ftcnnn Less Probable
-Msnr Yonnir Turks
.re Imprisoned.
LONDON, Nov. 20.-Flghtlng has cease I
for the moment between tho Turkish and
Bulgarian armies struggling for posses
sion of tho key to thu gates or Csnstnn
tlnoplo and tho opposing commanders-in-
chief are engaged In negotiating tho terms
of an' armistice. If theso negotiations
provo successful they will bo preparatory
to a meeting of plenipotentiaries who will
dlsouss conditions of ieace.
In accordance with tho suggestion con
tained lu tho Bulgarian note that tho al
lied Balkan nations are proparcd to meet
the Turkish conimander-ln-ohtcf with u
vlow of arranging an armistice the Otto
man government has appointed Nnslm
Pasha to confer with General Savoff,
the Bulgarian loader. Tho Turkish gen
eral, who tins been putting up such an
excellent defense of the ramparts of the
capital, now has thrown on him the ad.
(Iltloual burden of deciding whether 3t
not a further display of tenacity behind
the fortifications of Tchatulja may bring
easier terms nnd save to the Ottoman em
pire more tlislti Constantinople and a strip
of Thrace along tho shores of the Sea of
Marmora, which seemingly Is all tho con
querors uro nt present disposed to leave
to tile vanquished.
Ill tho meanwhile tho two armies hold
their respective positions. How long this
armed truco will bo maintained, however.
Wilt depend on the terms of peuco offered
by tho league of tho Balkan tuitions ami
'on whather tho hitherto futile nttneks by
tho Bulgarian on the Tchnlntja lines
have Inspired the Turks with hopes, thnt
tho fortunes of war mny yet turn In
their favor.
Itcports regarding tho conditions pro
pOHud by the allies are conflicting. It Is
officially stated tn Constantinople- that
the agreement of tho allies to discuss tho
torms of un nrmtitloo nnd the prelim
inaries of peace' does not ..stipulate any
Austria unit Krrvln,
Simultaneously with the lull on the but
tuNod comes news of a dlmunlttou of
tension lu tho Auntro-Servlan dispute lis
tho compliance of Hervla with the demand
of thn Austrlnn govornment for an In
vestigation 011 the spot.
On tho other hand there Is nothing li t
to Indicate a solution of the question
of Sorvla's demand for ports 011 thu
Adriatic sea. If, as Is threatened, It di
verts Its army released by the capture
of Monastlr to the country of thr Arnaut
tribesmen Its relations with 'Austria
Hungary will, It Is thought, bo furthef
The reports thnt orders for tho mobili
zation of tho Austro-IIungarlan army
has been Issued nro today officially de
clared untrue.
The more amenable attitude of Scrvia
Is doubtless partly duo to tho action of
the German and Italian governments at
Belgrade. As thn German and Italians
at Prlsrend nro under the protection of
the Austrian consulate, thextwo govern
ments wnrmly supported the Austro-
IIungarlan repreBcntatlons.-
Courts martial at Constrantlnopto are
busily engaged In sentencing members of
the' Ynnng Turk party to terms of tin
prlsoument; nineteen of them were dis
posed yesterday. Deputy Carasso f
Salotliki has been arrested.
A private letter received by a business
firm from Constantinople and dated No
vember IS says that under martial law
order Is being better kept than ever be
fore In. that city. It concludes:
"Vou enn take this from nn old busi
ness firfli-thnt Constantinople will al
ways bo left to Turkey and that trouble
will never occur In tho way people abroad
Order (o Cense KluhtliiR.
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 20. The Bul
garian troops operating beforo the lino of
(Continued on Pago Two.)
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