T11K UKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 101:2. q ' BRIEF CITY NEWS f( Z rr,-m, , n J i tlhtinr rutur. nuTf e.i-Qrndn Co. , Ht Boot Irlnt It Now Beacon Press. Biljy Stntiit, City Nafl. D. 2666. O. A. I.iadg.neit, Ullor. 135 Paxton Hlk. Diamond Lon at 2 4 ana 5 per cent. W. C Klatau. 1514 Dotlca St. ned 6619. B Roicoe for low rates on diamond ana watch loans. 15!: Dodso. Adver tisement Commissioner Guild told UP Coin- Mla.lnMi.il T . i . . . . ... -. , uuiiq OI UM fommerclai flub Is confined to Ms home with a severe, attack of la grippe. Auto Hearing ThnrsdayAt lo (."clock u nut-May mornliiK the city commission will Rive automobile owners a hearing on the ordinance rcBUlatlng the charge (hat shall be made by taxi drivers. Church Bazar Tio Young People's aocloty and the ladles Aid society ot Our Savior's Lutheran church. Twenty, alxth and Hamilton, will give Its annual baxar and entertainment at Washing, ton hall In tho afternoon and evening of Thursday. Program begins at 8 o'clock In the evening. JClrbjr Brown Tinea Klrby lirown was fined tt3 and cost In police court for assaulting Hesslo Wado In a room at the Vienna hotel last Saturday night. The charge of assault with Intent to do great liodlly Injury was changed to assault and battery. The caiso was appealed through Brown's attorney. Involuntary Bankruptcy C. W. Lar son of Primrose, Neb., has been forced Into Involuntary bankruptcy by the fol. lowing concerts, who claim Larson Is financially unable to continue his busl. r.cw: John Deere Plow company, Parlln & Orendorff Plow company, Llnlngcr Implement company and the J. I. Case 3'lo'w company. Mrs. MUllnr Moves Here Mrs. E. P. JWlllener, mother of Dr. Mtllener of this city has arrived and will make her future homo In Omaha. The doctor -will rent an apartment where his mother will lecp house and where he will live. Al though well along In years, Mrs, Mlllener is In good health and likes Omaha very much. Sues for Broken Ig A petition ak !ng for damages to the extent of $10,0X1 from tho Mcrrlam & Millard company and tho Missouri Pacific railway company, was filed In tho federal court by Ole Jensen, who asserts he suffered a com pound fracture of tho leg on March 15, last, when ho slipped on some Ice along tho tracks and In front of Merrlam com pany's building at Eighteenth street and tho Missouri Pacific tracks. Divorced Pair Remarry Oliver E. Car lisle of Kansas City, Kan., and his for mer wife, Mrs. Mario C. Carlisle of South Omaha, were licensed by Marriage Li cense Clerk Charles E. Kuray and remar ried today. Mr. Carlisle Is SO, his wife it. The pair wero divorced In Kansas about a year ago. Mrs. Carlisle went to Eouth Omaha to live. The pair began to correspond shortly after tho divorce and a reconciliation was tho result. Steinhart Wants i State to Assist I the County Fairs John WV Stelnhart of Nebraska City out.ined hlsplan for creating new lnter in in county fairs In a speech before the Omaha Ad club yesterday noon. lie asked that the club assist In getting before tho state legislature at the next lesslon a bill to appropriate JOOO to each county that will hold a fair, provided the county and tho town In which tho fair Is to be held will appropriate dupll rato amounts. Stelnhart also suggested that experts from the agricultural department of thi University of Nebraska assist in renew ing Interest In county fairs by attending them and judging exhibits. lie said that tho proposed bill could bo entered as a part of university extension work. The Omaha Ad club soon will start tho series of Illustrated lectures on adver tising work. The first lecturo will bo de livered by Charles A. Alden. Harry Kelly, Frank Bullta and Charles Alden were appointed a committee to superintend the presentation of the lantern slide course. President Fodrca announced that he would not accept the presidency of the club at the coming election. Ills recent elcctlpn. as secretary of the Nebraska manufacturers' association, he said, would Jeep bim from attending to Ad. club af fairs as he has. Wharton Prepares Omaha Postoff ice for Parcels Post Postmaster John C. Wharton Is pre paring for tho parcels post which goes into effect on January 1. He Is making an exhaustive study of thoj new order and will be one of tho best versed men on the proposition In the country when it is put Into effect. Ho has received a hugo map, which is divided Into eight zones, circling from Omaha. The first zone Includes Omaha and the territory within a fifty mile radius, The second xone takes In 150 miles around Omaha, the third zone 500. the fourth 800, tho fifth 1.000 and down to tho eighth zone. The rates of postage per pound under the parcels post from Omaha to any point in the first zone will be five tents, tho second zone seven cents, the third zone eight cents, and up to the elgth zone which is twelve cents per pound. OUR GREATER CORSET SECTION A corset department thnt Is second to none. You'll find here export corsetlors to assist you In Bolcctlng tho right model. All corsets of ?2.00 or uioro fitted FREE OF CHARGE. 1 FORMKRLV 1'IIK MliNNKTT CO. DKMONMTRATIOX AND SAMS OK CALORIC FIRELESS COOKERS amj this wkhk haskment Como, get ncqunlntcd with tho modern way of cook ing cakes, meatP, and various articles baked and cookod every day. Tremendous Sale and Purchase of More Than One Thousand BEAUTIFUL MESSALINE, TAFFETA AND CHIFFON WAISTS Regular $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $10 values $3.45 Saio Starts WEDNESDAY MORNING, 8 O'clock Second n OKf ANTIC1 PUKOIIASE OP MORE THAN 1,000 CHIFFON, MESS ALINE AND TAFFETA SJUC WAISTS, BOUGHT EUOM THE LARGEST WAIST MANUFACTURER IN NEW YORK, AT A HAVING OF ONETHIRD TO ONE-HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. THESE WAISTS WERE MA DM FOR A HIGH CLASS RETAILER ON FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. THE MANUFAC TURERS IUQ1NG LATE IN DELIVERY, TLIEY AVE RE REFUSED, HENCE THIS GREAT SALE. In his immmiHo collodion of high class waists uro bountiful chiffon wniBia Willi fancy vohIs of white tucked chiffon, not ruffles, lueo and not vcul and collar effects. Bodies of waist have underlays of filet, pinny imtl nlmdow laco bands of contrasting shade of satins. Some huo covered bodicos with white lace and tucked chiffon vest effects. You will find from fancy dress and more elaborate stylos to tho severely (allorod, Street alludes and colors for ovening wear. All up-to-tho mlnuto in Btylo. Your unrestricted choice Wednesday POSITIVELY THE GREATEST WAIST VALUES OF THE SEASON. BE HERE EARLY AND TAKE AD VANTAGE OF THESE EXTRAORDINARY OFFERINGS Finnegan Rhymes " - Who raises wages all aroun And navcr turns a poor bloke down7 Flnnesan! , w no says no Knows, ana vows ne s ncni, The city now Is closed up tight? 1TI MM Amsn t OLD COtlfVi" HOUSE BEING SCATTERED ALL OVER TOWN) The old Douglas county court liouso Is bclntt scattered all over Omaha, South Omaha and their suburbs. F. Of John son, who Is given the building and Jo.oM th ronslderatl6n of his wrecking and re moving It, Is selling the salvage to small contractors. The brick and stone are be ing used for house foundations by the purchasers and some of tho brick that are -in (rood condition are belns used for walls. Small contractors also are takliiK niif.li U'nnriwnrlc nfl run hrt Ufinri In htlllll Ine.' "Wood that can be used for no other purposes will be sold for fuel. Steel and Iron goes to Junk dealers. So far Mr. Johnson has found purchas ers for all tho salvage. If any cannot be sold he will use It for building. Omahans in Service Against the Turks Dr. I'etr, a young Bohemian physlclnti, who for a coupo of years had offices at a. drug store nt Sixteen and William streets, this clly, Is now with tho Bul garian army, having charge of the field hospital In tho vicinity of Sofia. Last year when tho American Turners went to the tournament at Prague, Dr. I'etr went along. After tho tournament he concluded to remain In Prague ono year and do post-graduate work. When the war with Turkey broke out ho offered his services to the Bulgarian government and was employed at a Balnry of J100 per month and expenses. He has been at the front sluco hostilities commenced, His salary he has donated monthly to tho Hed Cross association. In writing back to Omaha friends he sayR tho cause of tho allied fold's Is Just and that they are bound to win. The boy's appetite ts en the source of amaicment. If you would have such an appetite take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, hut strengthen tho stomach and enable It to do Its work naturally. For sale by alt dealers. Advertisement. nnn THIS IS THE AVERAGE AMOUNT SAVED PER DAY ON FUEL in family kitchens in which are used IN TIME MANY 7'7 FN COIL. WOOD CI UI. Charter Oak Furnaces and Heat ing Stoves are proportionately economical. The Leading Stove Dealers sell Charter Oaks. If no dealer In your vicinity does, write to us. CHARTER OAK STOVE AND RANGE CO. ST. LOUIS VI ..Will SEARS CREDITED WITH ELECTION OF KENNEDY According to Member James Illchardson of tho Board of Education the Insurgents lay It all up to M, I' Sears, who. they ttllege, voted with the majority for Al fred C. Kennedy to succeed George Cott. while Hlchardson and his crowd expected Mm to help them elect Dr. B. W. Christie. "We might as well iult scrapping now," said Member C. T. Walker to Hlchardson. ' "Looks thut way,'1 replied Hlchardson. "We won't get on any good committees. We've lost out. We haven't any power any more. I'm Just about through with the whole fight. I feel like resigning." "With Kennedy's election the Insurgent member concede that they lost their last chance to get President K. Ilolovtchlner, Now they are sizzling mad at Sears and threaten to make It as uncomfortable as possible for him. Tlir llnlionlc 1'Issuc destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters is tho guaranteed remedy. HV -I'or sale bv Beaton Drug Co.-Advcrtlse-incnt. ItMOTwi Exhibition at Is the Most Popular Cotton Crepe in the .World It makes up into very beautiful yet inexpensive kimonos, street and house dresses, lounging wraps, shirtwaists, etc., that wear long and retain their original richness until discarded. As the crinkle is permanent, the " crepe effect permits of the most graceful drap ing and the fact that Serpentine Crepe REQUIRES NO IRONING ' reduces the labor of laundering to the minimum. The many printed floral, Oriental afid other fancy patterns give a wide range for individual prefer ences, while the twenty-four plain shades are a revelation in artistic color tones. The colors are wash and tub proof. The only original and genuine has the words SERPENTINE CREPE imprinted on the selvage of every yard. The very latest designs for Fall and Winter wear are now all Omaha's Leading Department Stores IBIPIIWBII,I1! Jk4 M llll iC WE ANNOUNCE A GREAT SALE OF MILLINERY Beghning Friday, N. 22d OUR ENTIRE STOCK INCLUDING $8,000 Worth of High Grade Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats Paradise and Ostrich Which wero purchased for our Grand Oponing Nov. 4th bPFPIFIAV Ths Tromondus Stock JT IvAi jHL I will be placed on solo at MARVELOUS LOW PRICES WATCH THURSDAY EVENING PAE ?.S For further particulars regarding this greatest of all millinery sales. Home Furniture Co. SOUTH OMAHA 'yflo follow Omaha piiee -not tJ O one clay but every day Get our Rug Prices f)xl2 Seamless BriiHsols Q r at (POiOU 9x12 Seamless Velvet 00 !)x 1 2 Senmless Extra Velvet 00 9x12 Axminstor Rugs $10 00 See our largo lino of Body Brussols nud Wilton Rugs. Much bolow Omaha prices. Low Prices on Good Stoves and Ranges ACORN HEATERS QUICK MEAL RANGES $22.50 $24.50 Wo soil a good 4-holo range (J-liolo range ut Sot up in your home. STOVKS SOLD ON PAYMENTS. Large Arm Rocker, wood seat, H A(T like cut fl.7U ,11 9 55.. J