THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER '10, 1912. (I I,' THE OMAHA DAILY JBBE FOUNDED 11T KUWAItD KOSBU'ATER. VICTOU1t03EWATBU. BDlTUIt. BKEDVlLDlNO, FA UN AM AND ltTII. Entered 'at Omaha poMofflce as second class matter. TEnM8OK HUHSCnil'TION. Sunday Uee. one year IJ-M Saturday Be, one year Dlb Be without Sunday, one year. 4 00 Dally Hee. and Sunday, one " ew DELtVEUED HY tAlUURU. Kvenlnp and Sunday, per month...... joc Kvrhlnc. without Sunday. per month. c Dally line. Including Sunday. ler mo,.ft Dally Pee. without Sunday, per mo .. Jjo Address all complaints or irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Dept. " nEMITTANCBS. . , ... Ilemlt by draft. express or poMal order, payable to The llee I'ublUhlnK Company. Only 5-eent stamps rrreivetl In payment of small account. Personal V cept on Omaha and eastern exchangr. not accepted. .. offices. Omaha-The Bee hutldlnE. South Omnha-l N street. Council niuffa-U North Main street. Lincoln:? Little building. . ChleaKo-lWl Mnro.uette building. Kansas Clty-Rellance bulldlnK. New York S W(M Twenty-third. Bt. I,nuls 402 Frisco nuiioin. Washington- Fourteenth fit. V COUhEBPONDENCK. Communications reUt Inc to news ann editorial matter should bo nddrotsed Omaha tfe. Editorial Department. OCTOBER CHICCLATION 51,898 Stale of Nebraska. County of Doufilas iiwiffht Williams, circulation manaccr and of The Beo PubllshlnK company. being; I dulV sworn, says that the average dally , circulation for the month or www " ' circulation Manager. Subtcrlbed In my presence and sworn ,Vtfor. me th.sdav cumber. to llli. (Beat.) Notary Public Jnhaerlhers learlnB th rlty lepiporarllr ahonlil kae The Bee mnlleil in them. Address will be chnna-ed ei often ns re quested. Every day la moving day for Tur key. No Immunity bath for tho Bathtub trust. Tho way to make Omaha a city beautiful is to do It. It may bo cool In Colorado, but it's balmy In Nebraska. The street car company promises to ,do bettor. It'a performance that counts. We shall havo ft sweot tlmo In court now; tho Candy trust has been attacked. Mr. Hcarst'n next great triumph will bo the final expulsion of Turkey from lSurope. It Is not surprising that former Senator Larimer- la. ablo to survivo the surgeon knlfoj iii "Wo are hero to stay," says the colonel. Where Is he speaking from tho outside or In? A patent clastic pull-out plq coun ter would doubtless command n good price from our democratic friends. , it la a, lttlo tough on the average credulity to ask us to bellovo that ono of those dynamiters fainted attar confessing. 8U1J it should bo remembered that no plan of workmen's compensation Is intended to extend Its benefits to Idlers. That brother and brothor-ln-law of Air. Bryan talk as it confident they had tbo winning card concealed up their sleeve. A Chicago preacher declares that the wprld Is noarlng perfection. Still it will not pay the church to presumo too much upon that roseate vlow, With a democratic congress soon in extra session to lower the tariff, of course, we havo only a few months more of this high-price oppression. High prices, reports say, have smitten Japan. That must be why the American Jingoes havo not bad the mikado over here whipping us aga)n. Ha, ha, another old enemy con quered. The X-ray IS to put an end to cancers. It has Just occurred to a Chicago doctor, who, With the rest of tho fraternity, had carelessly over looked the -matter heretofore, This pulling and hauling already begun over those prospective ap polntuients to tho now board that is to have control of all our stato In stitutions Is proof positive that there will be no politics In the new regime Now if those court house dynami ters had only deforred their bomb bursting operations in Omaha and xnado tho old court houso tho target of tho explosion Instead of the new one, no very great complaint would have been made. Churches embracing a combined membprehlp of 23,000,000 are push ing together the cause of homo mis alons, which is one of the sanest movements the churches ever under took, since borne .missions in the Bftodern term la nothing but doing the work that is nearest. "Thero are more knockers than boosters in New York," says tbo Evening Mall; "the sound of the hanmers of the knockers is lnces M&t" So New York, our chief met repoHUn rival, has that to contend with, tooT Well, come to Omaha, a.L.u - .... I I V, t A. I St witvev vrwatuu; uuubu) an ujb uw6. Tariff Ripping. Whatever uncertainty the country may feel over tariff reform, now that It knows an oxlra session will be called for that purpose, must bo as to the measure and more than the fact of tho revision. And It has the word of Prosldent-elect Wllscn, him self, as assurance against radical or disturbing chanRos. In his speech of acceptance iHst July, Governor Wil son, It Is true, said as to tho tariff: There should be Immediate revision, and It should bo downward, unhesitat ingly and steadily downward. Hu Just before that ho had said: We do not Ignore the fact that thn business of a country like ours Is ex ceedingly senMtlvc to changei In legisla tion of this kind. It lins hern built up, however lll-advlscdly. upon tariff celled- ules written In the way I hove Indicated i aiu its foundations must not be too radically or too suddenly disturbed. Heforo that In dealing with gen eral conditions ho said In the same speech: We need no revolution; we need tpo ex cited change; wo need only a new point of view and a now method and spirit of councl. 80, taking him at his wbrd, and even allowing for pressuro from par tisan leaders fired with a zeal for change, tho country may look to tho president-elect for security from tho " consequences o f hasty and abrupt tariff ripping, nut, Inovltably, there will bo somo concern until tho changes, whatovor they arc, come. Macedonia. For ages the pawn of conflicting powers, Macedonia passed under Tur kish dominion In the fifteenth cen tury, losing Its distinctive entity. Slnco then its name has conio into soparato uso only In description of tho recurring struggles wagod upon Its soil. Turkey's cohiploto loss of this land now, thoroforc, Is most sig nificant of Kb gradual conquest at tho hands of tho alllod Balkan states. Tho disposition 6f Macedonia In the division of tho spoils of battle bo comcs a matter of Intonso Interest, not. however, becauso thero is prob ability of Its being restored to na tional distinction. History describes tho Macedonians originally as a Grecian trlbo, with a Crook dialect, but tho population today consists chiefly o Slavs, com posed largely of Hulgnrlans and Sorbs tho former predominating, with sprinklings of Turks, Greeks and Albanians. Tho nnxloty of Grecco and Bulgaria to annex tho territory has for years constituted tho so-called Macedonia problem of eastern ICtiropo and ceased but llttlu to vex tho powers. It Is but natural, thoroforo, that Oroeco and Bulgaria will bo tho chief contenders for this valuable trophy of war when the tlmo comes for tho partition. Tatronizinglfome Industry. Tho simplest way to build up homo Industry Is to patronize It. Tho Made-ln-N'obrasku show to bo Ib In lino with tho Immodlnto nooda of n growing metropolis and stato and should rccolvo tho fullest co-operation posRlblo. It Is dcslrablo that; our people In all parta of tho stato learn all they can In advunco about tho details of thla oxposltlpn and help make It a markod success. That, of courso, will not of Itself build up our home industries; that will bo homo patronage on dress parade, but if properly followed up tho plan should mark an Impetus to the end sought. Twenty years ago Tho Boo promo- tod n homo industry campaign with oxcollent results, it was first odu catlonal In Us offocts, which, wo feel sure, have never boon lost upon our city and state. Tho time warrants another moro comprehensive cam palgn of this sort, ono that will con tinue permanently by Its own mo mentum. Our stato Is progressing In manufacturing as well as In Its agri cultural supremacy faster than wo realise, but Just hero Is whoro con ststont patronage of home industries Is callod for. Bath Tub Trust Decision. Kvldently tho Tnft administration has achieved a most notable victory for tho country In tho. Bupromo court's decision against tho Dath Tub trust, annulling tho pernicious "llconso ngreoments," and laying down tho broad principle that unpa tented products of patented devices nro not subject to monopolization. In this It deals n fatal blow to viola tions of the anti-trust statutes under guise of protection of the patent laws. It Ib of additional interest to nolo tho assertion of ono of tho govern ment's special prosecutors to the of feet that Blnco the bath tub combina tion was dissolved by tho filing of this action its prices havo fallon from 26 to 40 per cent and that without restricting production or trado, for, hu declares, today nearly all the manufacturers engaged in this Indus try aro operatlug their plants over time. If this ia true, tangible proof of the direct benefits obtained for the public by Mr, Taft's consistent prosecutions of Illegal combinations prosecutions that have been con ducted without tho blare of trumpet, and In the face of persistent misrep resentation. It'a our guess that Mr. Bryan has iong-ago-given assurancu that no Nebraska appointments will be made by the new president that aro not satisfactory to him. If this guess is I good, our distinguished democratic senator from Nebraska might as well I t.I. t U -auvu suid urvtiii-u Qokprf Backward 'J S NOV. "'20. r&rr Thirty Years) .u nri u. mgersoii. nt Floyd s opera house, told a large audience what they must do to be. saved. The only bad feature of th6 lecture won the Intrusion of rtulpers. who bought up the tickets to sen in advance. Tho Omaha Post has located In the Hlllerkn bulldng on Thirteenth between Dodge nnd Capitol avenue. Thomas K. Price picked up n pockctbook containing certificates of deposit, drafts, etc., amounting; to over $700, which he turned to tho police 8enator Saunders and Charles Baunders went up to Ulalr. Mrs. p. fit. Clair of Ogden Is In the city for the purpose of placing her daugh ter. Miss Maml, In the Academy of thi Hacred Heart. Kurtx'H store, 13)6 Fa mam street, is having a sale "of goods damag'ed by fire nnd jvatcr. The first monthly aoclable of the Young Mcn'n Christian association was cele brated with a program to which J, Wesley Wllklns, J. Northrup and tho Misses Arn old, Johnston, Hva Ixiwo and Clara Pierce contributed. Tucnty Yearn Aim A fire In the row of three-story brick business houses on the south nld of Far nam street, between Thirteenth and Four teenth, proved to be. one of the most diffi cult to combat which the flrcmi'ii ever had t.ickled. Only tho most offlr-ltnt service of tho firemen prevented destruction of the entire block Detectives Havage and Dempsoy saw flames emitting from the third story windows of 1307 Famam, occu pied by the drug firm of llullluger & 1 la ley, and they turned In the alarm. The firemen wero tiero quick. Next door tho Misfit Clothing company and next to It the Jonas Jewelry company 'were en dangered. The alarm was sounded at 12;30 and by 1:30 a. m. the fire was out, having destroyed only tho. upper stories of l3o7. The buildings were owned by the C'relghton estate, of which John A. Mc- Bhano was tho administrator. ' Kirn entirely destroyed Iho stone yards of Urexvl & Foil nt Sixth nnd Jones streets at a loss of about 15,000, Tho auditorium of the Young Men's Christian association was filled with churchmen preparing for tho meetings to be conducted by Hov, D. Fay Mills. Ilov. Dr. Duryca rend a letter from Ucv. Mr. Miils urging all Chrlttluna to make these meetings thn object of earnest prayer. Itev. J. H, "Detweller, who had henrd the cVungellst at Kansai City, praised his methods and leal. Loaders of the respec tive union meetings In Omaha under Kcv. Mr. Mills wero selected from tho various clergymen and pnutors, ' Ten Years Aso Mrs. C. 13. Urownlee, whose home nt 1211 Douglas street wns robbed, as well as severul of her roomers, denied the report that she saw tio burglar while about I his work and later eating lunch. Bhe found a banana peeling on her dining table next morning and said thnt was all the evidence she had that he had taken refreshments there. Hankers, lawyers, legislators and mer chants met at the Millard hotel to dis cuss, tho proposed hulk sales law. The meeting -was held under tho auspices of tho Retail Credit Men's association. The sentiment for such a law was unanimous. Among thn speakers were: Kuclld Martin. F, K. Pearco, W. S. Wright. Charles Ifountze, Arthur C. Smith. H. F. Cady. C. N. rtoblnson, 8. 13. Rohr. Omaha; J. Frank llnrr. K. I Hall, Lincoln. Kvory member of the Douglas county legisla tive delegation pledged himself to sup port the proiwsltlon at Lincoln. Dr, Wu Ting-fang, his Imperial Chinese majesty's envoy extraordinary and minis ter plenipotentiary, nrrlved in Omaha early In the day from the cast en route to San Francisco to board a steamer for his native hind. On his arrival at the ITniori depot he Inquired of lid win Haney, station master, for Edward Itosownter, an old friend, and Mr. Haney soon had Mr. Uosewater on tho telephone talking to Dr. Wu. Dr. Wu also asked for T. Lindsay, at whose home he was once en tertained In Omaha. Dr. Wu gave an ex tensive Interview to a reporter for Tho Ileo on his mpreBHlona of the United State ond Us peoplo, of whom he was very fond. It whs learned from Washington that Colonel John 8. Mosby would be In Omaha the next week to start on his work of showing up Irregularities In western land and fence mutters. People TalkedMout Christmas magazines and the Christ mas huve mad their appearance. Now for the annual scream: "Do your shopping early." The suffragists' parade In New York haa stiuck tho deathblow to the high cost of living. They havo demonstrated thnt a woman can look attractive In a 39-cent hst. One of tho prospective spectacles of the coming March will be tho welcome "Tama Jim" Wilson extends to Dr. WHey whon the latter arrives nt tho Department jt Agriculture In .Washington. Women In a Knnsai county celebrated their victory at the polls by a big bon fire of their hats nnd bonnets. The fathers and husbands of the eclebrators doubtless look on this as a burning shame. The attempt to recall the m'r of Seattle has failed becauso not enough Hgnatures tothe petition could be se cured. This same mayor haa already been elected to his office twice and re- cnllod once. Ills socoml election rouowen his nrsl recall. The ladles of tho Modern Maccabees now number C0.O0O. The head of the or der, Frances K. Hums, writes "Ot. Com. L. O. T. M, M." after her name. Tho medal value of tho alphabet has been dUcovcrrd by a new line of patriots since women cume to the fore. The esteemed Henry Oassaway Duvls of West Virginia passed his ninetieth year I"t on tho sixteenth lfistant. Mr. Dxvls Is remembered as Judge Parker'a running mate on tho democratic ticket In 1WI and the hero of a series of ro mutlo love stories which failed of reallza. tlon. The poor success of the Kansas uni versity team on the gridiron this year Inspires this cruel suggestion for Kansas consumption: "Tho orld ought tp pay less attention to trained athletes ar.d give more glory to the husky younri farmers who have the Industry and am bIUo t0 conten1 for Ul8 bcit as cham I .... I Won corn hii-sKera.- ACTIVITIES IN ARMY CIRCLES Events at Headquarters Noted by the Army and Navy Register. Arlirlrlnl Limits. (Used being equipped with apparatus for The surgeon general of the army estl-1 this purpose. Experiments also were mates that the sum of JSS.000 will be rc- i made with signaling the fire commander quired to pay the claims for artificial by dropping cards. During the tests a limbs and apparatus coming duo during j frightful accident was Just averted. the flsrul VHr Lin 1 1011 Tnr. I Wklln CUpnhri t Uiilminl A. Ar- ng the last fiscal year orders on manu- ' fncturers were given for ninety-four artl- i flclal legs, one foot, and five arms, i Commutation certificates were Issued for 1.567 cases of amputated leg. l.W of am putated arm, forty of amputated foot, and 1,777 cases of loss of use of limb. Under the act of June 17, 1870, and nub sequent amendments thereto, 23.627 dis abled soldiers and sailors have been furnished artificial limbs or apparatus, or have received commutatatlon In money since the passage of the act a follows: juitii iiuiuucr ucnciiieu 10 June lyjx. 23,527; died, 13,851; dropped from rolls, S92; rejected after ono or more payments, 571; remaining on rolls at end of fiscal year, 8,513, being a loss of K3 beneficiaries during tho year. Sliors l Kit (lie Fret. The provisions of O. 6. 16. from the War department, have attracted consid erable attention throughout tho military service. Some of the commanding of ficers have been discussing to what ex tent, for example, they must personally fit tho shoes to tho feet of their enlisted men, ns is one of the obligations com municated by this new requirement. Tho order Is regarded as . acUtely scientific and probably goes Into the subject w 1th a thoroughness which has characterized no other official document on this or any kindred subject In the history of official publications. On this particular subject ,tho thoroughness Is due to the ad mirable work performed by a board of army officers, which made an exhaus tive study with many practical experi ments concerning the style of shoes to be worn by tho soldier. It was In con nection with tho requirements of this order that the surgeon general's office of the War department gave Instructions this Week for the purchase of 30,009 cans of standard foot powder to be used in connection with adhesive plaster, quan tities of which are already In stock at the medical depots, both of which articles will be supplied by (he depots' on tho requisition of medical officers. Aviation Activities, Tests to ascertain the ability of those In aeroplanes to observe the fire of field nrtlllcry against 'masked positions and to transmit Information as to tho fall of shots to tho fire commander below have been concluded at Fott IUey Kan. The reports so far received at tho War de partment Indicate that the experiments were successful, as tho battery was able to get on tho hidden target on the third volley. It also was demonstrated that radio-telegraphy can be used to transmit Information from 'an aeroplane to, the fre commandor. ono of tho machines me Bee's Letter D ox -si Thanks t ConKTtulnUon Appreciated OMAHA, Nov. t8.-Td the Kdltor of The lice:'. I want to congratulate The Beo on the success" of Its crusade thus far to wards securing "more streets cart, and to say that I am thankful for having hud a seat all tho way to Dundee every nigni since I sent In my first letter: nnd that makes me bold to suggest again "The Power of tho Press," und, how we could enjoy reasonable electric light and gas rates If ono or all the papers wouia om start something. That would help Omnhi moro than "moro cars" and result In tho necessity for more cars yet. However. It should bo noted, regarding Mr. Wattles' letter, that, while most of what ho said was satisfactory to date, tho truth only partly told Is, ns usual, "somo misleading." Tho cars In nil cities aro badly crowded during certain hours, hut that condition Is only permitted and excusable after tho railway company haa done Its utmost by running as many cars ns can safely operate on tho tracks, and oven then the public Is not required "to grin and bear It," for elevated roads and subways are built at enormous expense to relieve the situation, and that is prog ress and that Is as other cities really do. Omahn can asplro to this condtt!6n, but her surfacq tracks will safely carry lOo per cent more curs before she is threatened. A. C. A. Confusion of Htrert Nam. . OMAHA, Nov, 19. To the lidltor of The Beo: Tho paper Informs me that on ordinance Is being drafted by the city commission by which "Sweetwood avenue Is to be changed to Twenty-fifth avenue, nnd the name of Twenty-fifth avenue to Twenty-fifth street." This 1 to bo commended and should mark tho beginning of a fixed purpose to as quickly as possible get rid of the absurd ami , confusing method we now havo of designating our north and Bouth streets. We should cut out the word avenue, now misapplied snd number our streets In regular order from cost to west to the city limits and thus termi nate tho endless confusion of the stranger who comes to visit us. If this cannot be done we should, at least, designate the streets now culled avenues by names In stead of numbers. The present system Is ridiculous. Why pot change the name of Slxteepth street to Fifteenth avenUef K. K. BRANDO. To ,Muk Omnhn SInre Hrnutlfnl. OMAHA. Nov. 19. To the Kdltor of The Bee: Considerable Is being said and not a little Is being done, toward making Omaha more heautlful. Our down town streets vere never In ss good condition as (hov a. i- today, and quite an effort Is made to thoiu so. I would suggest as a further Improvt tnivnt In our appearance hit evevy last bill board within the cl.y ItpilU bq ut terly done away with thev are nn .eye soro and should never nave been per mitted to establish themselves. Our dally papers afford the best; nnd therefore the cheapest means of ad vertising: they reach everybody and of fend no one. Hut the crying need of the city today la u comprehensive system or street -.prinuiing. v can do nothing toward ......... t - . . u. nj Kit, w n ftAPtnlnU' du away with a large part of the just There Is absolutely no use talking abaut an Omaha beautiful whllo thl dust nuisance prevails. What strike a stran-jvr first Is our overwhelming dut supply tl.rt "cither lie nor sho cun escape H if they happen to strike town on a day when t.i .u nice south winds are on tup, ind It creates the worst sort of an Impres sion, an exasperating, soul trying lm presslou Every pavtru ... U la iu via? niouia nold, Twenty-ninth Infantry, was pllot- Ing one of the machines, with First Lieu- tenant Alfred I P. Hands. Sixth field artillery, as a passenger, at an altitude of 400 feet, the maehlne,,for some unaccount able reason, suddenly turned and plunged for 100 feet, when the pilot succeeded In regaining control and bringing the machine safely to the ground. Of the two-typo C Wright weight-carrying aero- planes used at Kort lliiey one win be shipped by freight to Fort Leavenworth for station and the other to tho Winter quarters of tho aviation school at Au gusta, Ga. It had been Intended to fly the machine destined for Fort Leaven worth to that place from Fort P-lley, but this project had to be abandoned. The aviation school will be transferred from College Park, Md.. to Augusta about November 18 and Captain Charles DeF. Chandler, signal corps, commanding the school. qnarlermaaler'a Uniform. The chief of the quartermaster corps haa under consideration his recommenda tions, shortly to bo submitted, concern ing the uniform and Insignia of the newly organized corps. It Is General Aleshlre's idea that the insignia of the former quartermaster's department shall be retained as the insignia of the en larged quartermaster's corps, and that It shall be worn by all officers, whether those of tho permanent personnel of the former three supply departments now comprising the quartermaster's corps or line officers derailed for duty In the corps. This is regarded as a sufficient mark of designation or Identification. Borne consideration has been, given to, the adoption of a special uniform for officers of tho corps, at least for those who will cornDose Its permanent personnel. Qen- .roi Aieshlre believes that individual economy should bo allowed to control the situation. It Is probable thsTt he will suggest as the uniform of the quarter master's corps that worn by officers of the former quartermaster's department, but that the permanent officers who were fnrmerlv of the subsistence and pay de partments shall bo permitted to wear tho uniform of their old corps. Tne onicers who aro detailed from the line will, as now, wear the uniform of their respective arms. Alt of them, as has been stateu. will have uniformity of Insignia. In other respects, among officers of the quartermaster corps will be worn seven different uniforms. This decision will be received with satisfaction, since It re duces the 'change In uniform on account of the qew corps to a minimum indi vidual expense. be snrlnkh! during tho open season, there is no use In Just wetUng down the few blocks In front ot our prominent re tail stores-might as well try to sweep back the ocean with a broom; it's a waste of time and money- Sprinkle every street tnuruugniy u eight times a day or oftencr on one of our windy days. Tho expense could go In the genera! taxes and all share alike, ns all would be benefited.! You cannot make a dusty dty beautiful, comfortable, nor healthful. v L. A. ELLIS. Kin rut Hver Vet HinnH ICIoW. OMAHA, Nov. IS.-To tho Kdltor of Tho Bee: Noting your paper and the people's comment on the Omaha street railway subject. prmlt an old traveling man to express his vlows. Having traveled through nnd ove-thirty-two states lj this union and rldder op the street cars of tho large cities Ir all that territory many times. I can un reservedly say to the peoplo of Oman that thoy should be proud of their publl utilities and the service they render especially your street car system service I can say without fear of contradic tion by any fair minded Investigator thai the Omaha street railway system Is the most offlclent. most careful and with the least loss of time In serving the public of any Jlko service In the large cities of this country. I am not in tho employ of any street Railway company, nor do I sell anything they use or' consume, and only Wish to be. fair. Though I am only a short time resident of Omaha. I .frankly say I am proud of Its street car service. Thero Is only one thing to critlsjzp In my Judgment, and that Is In the power of tho city council to regulate. That I, no car should bo permitted to pass another car whllo taking on or letting off pas sengers. Tho closest call I ever had from acfl dent to life and limb bas been by this means, brought very close upon mo right here In Om'bn. Let us appreciate what we have and when It can be bettered, in a fair and honorable way. we will all willingly Join and boost for It. GEORCJE W. SMITH. US North Twenty-second street. EDITORIAL SNAPSHOIS. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Why should not war vessels, engines of destruction, pay as much toll In the Paqama canal as merchant ships. Instruments of peace and civilization? Indianapolis News. While fishing near rort Arthur, Tex., Mr Perkins hooked a tarpon that nearly upset the boat. For a tarpon, you know. Is a good deal hardor to handle than a sucker. Washington Post: Tne poor Washing ton correspondents are the ones to be pitied, seeing that they've got to turn In now, pame the cabinet, outllno the poli cies, and make a few thousand million appointments. St. Louts Republic: A great many per sons' who are not Inhuman will neverthe less feel a certain satisfaction In reading a recent account of a Hpanlsh bull fight In which the bulf had the best of It and the man the worst. I fT1e. hafeM RvAalrfa " v v viii j tones Up tht Stomach, dears head and do. you good. I w Hunyadi Janos Water NATURAL LAXATIVE Quickly Melicvcs CONST. tori JIONS AND JROANS. Caller--In your renort of mv .inyuhlet's wedding her name "Gratia" was Printed 'Gratis," tji.K ..-. . .... .. . ,-u.itji en. tnni wasn t sucu a ma mistake. You gave hor away, didn't you? Hoaxt thoiicht Vnn suid tie -n n i't- tloment worker. Joax He Is. HolX-WhV. h tail. lector. Joax-Wcll "-Philadelphia Itecord. Dcoartlnr Guet 1M ulmllv triv'o- vnu a tip, waiter, but I find I've only cab fare left. Walter (benlknlv) Alt. sir. von don't an- prcclate the beneficial effect of a good after-dinner walk. Judge's IJbrary. 'What V1.l Bllt.l.n... t.M.1. .11.4 Wantd to measure my finger." ror a ainmonu ring, en rur . inimme. no wonuer us women nre on the warpath theso days." Pitts- tllarl tins . . . " . - J - I v . . , , U1 hilt llCkt V a Thanksgiving day? t'wic Grouohmore To give thanks for the close of the Toot ball season. Chicago News. M,iour father called me a timber wolf. What did he meaji by that?" "Oh, that's Just one of pa's political ex pressions. Ho used to live out west, you know, nnd nothing ever pleased him 10 much as to shoot u timber wolf before breakfast. Of course ho didn't mean any thing by It." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "What can I write to Mr Pcnn In an The. only Dating Powder vrafc. 1 11 insasa v.w v v J! 1 VVW7 Royal BakiiigPiiiivaer ADSoIawPiiie No Ho Limm Style, Comfort and Wear to the Utmost Degree Mayer Honorbilt Shoes are acknowl edged leaders in ladies' fine footwear. Combined with refinement are the comfort qualities that add pleasure to wearing good looking shoes, and the wearing qualities that make them last longer than average shoes. Mayer Honorbilt Shoes are made in the latest and most approved styles from stock selected lor its quality, strength and suitability for fine shoes. ThesuDer- iority of Honorbilt Shoes is established beyond question. Equal values cannot be secured any where for the same money. Ask vour dealer for Honorbilt Shoes. If not able, write to us. WARNING Be sure and look for the Mayer name and trade mark on the sole We make Mayer Honorbilt Shoes in an styles tor men, women cnuaren; xerma cushion Shoes, "Dry-Sox," the wet weather -1 J r T,-.-i-r Comfort Shoes. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. Milwaukee swer t hi tquei f t an honest opinion un his recent articles? The are as heavj fls Ipftd " . Ttoeii Just tell hint his article carry great weight ' -IMltlmoro American. OH. PUMPKIN' PIE ! W D. Nesblt In Chlcagp Pott. Oh, pumpKln pie! Athwart thy faco An hundred fancies may I trabef I see the glint of summer sun: And twilight, when tho day Is done: The sober peace of musing cows Who In the mendow grosses browse; Tho radiant glory of tho morn ' Thnt sweeps acrof.i the nodding corn. A thousand happy fancies start When thou art nestling near my heart! Oh, pumpkin pie! I hear tl)e breete That whispered In the maple trees "I see the swaying fields of wheat And low across the land nt night 1 catch that ballad of delight The chant the cricket sings In glee, And summer comes again to me! 1 Oh, pumpkin pie! Thus dot thou cost Thy Joyous glamour o'er the past! Oh, pumpkin pie! Within thy breast Theso gladsomo summer fancies rest The golden sunshine and the dew Havo paid their tribute through an through: . , Tho song the lark trilled in tho air Within thy form is echoed there: And all theso things ot Joy to mo AVero caught and firmly held by thee. Oh, pumpkin Pie! Thanks, for all thou didst! I welcome thee unto my midst! made Tram Royal Grane Alum Phomphmtmrn Stylish and Serviceable for Men, Women and Children Mnvr obtain and IIHONORSIU DRS. MACH & MACH THE DENTISTS Successors to Ballsy ft Mach The largest and best equipped dental efftee In Omaha. Experts In charge of nil work, moderate prices. I'orcelaln flilinga ' like the tooth. All instru ct miU sterilized after using. 2d Ploor Paxton BlocY, Omaha, TCeTo. 1 nW'ff'W-taa ,