Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Deputy Comptroller Submits System
of Checking Prisoners.
Chmhfr I'ropoara Plan hl Wonld
Show DlapORltlnn of Prlciner
Wrll All Monrr Cl
Irclrd In Fine.
"W F. Chambers, the deputy city comp
troller, who reported to Commissioner
Uutler In the matter of the Jail release
probe. Jd: "I have Investigated the
booki In use at the police court and will
eay that a. few minor change which
can be made without additional ezpenre
nnd Very tittle lrrtreac In labor, will
Eire the deposition or the prisoner front
the time he It arrested until discharged
from custody; also the disposition of all
moneys rrcclvnj, whether for bonds or
sentences of fines and costs.
"It will also enable this department to
check the bills rendered for meals fur
Dished city prisoners by Douglas county
mi well as hote furnlshwl by the city.
"t attach sample of the Polce court
docket now In use. which If properly filled
In needs no change.
"Only one name should appear on each
"rteturn on mittimus has never been
lhown on court docket and should be In
rach case.
The Present Srtem.
"The bonds for appearance are In most
cares accepted by the desk sergeant and
entered by him In his bond book showing
name of bondsmen, amount of bond and
s"ho for. The money so received la turned
over dally to tho clerk of the police
court, who receipts In the book for jt.
The police court clerk then enters same
In his bond" record and If not forfeited
they am receipted for In this book by
ny party who deposited them. If for
feited the docket number Is entered In
the elgnaturo column, which completes
the transaction.
"All fines and costs paid are received
by the clerk of the police court, who
makes a weekly report of them, to
gether with forfeited bonds, to the comp
troller's office. These reports' are
checked monthly against the clerk'a rec
ords and treasurer's receipt of cash."
The Situation Analysed.
The question of the Investigation finally
simmers down to this; One faction of the
city commission .feels certain that the
clerk of the police court will be hit and
the other la just as certain that tho city
prosecutor will have to shoulder the
blame for releases. And this creates an
Internecine strife that thoroughly dis
rupts any effort to proceed with the In
vestigation. The final action to be taken
will be Thursday morning, when ttie
council formally ratifies the new system
of bookkeeping and accounting suggested
by Emmet G. Solomon, deputy city and
county treasurer; W. K. Chambers, dep
uty city comptroller, and recommended by
Commissioner Butler.
Famous "Pint of Cough
Syrup" Receipt
Km Jletltr Itctnedy nt Any Price.
Fully Guaranteed.
Make a plain srrup by mixing one
pint of granulated sugar and ?i pint of
warm water and stir for two minutes.
Put 24 ounces of puro I'inex (flft;
cents' worth) in a. pint bottle, and All f
up with tlip Sugar Syrup. This glri
you a family supply of the best coup
syrup at a sarinjt of $f. It never spoil.
Take a teaspoonful every one, twd o.
tbreo hours.
The e flectlrcnes of this simple remrd
is surprising. It seems to take hold ir
stantly, and will usually stop the mo
obstinate cough In 24 hours. It torn
up the jaded appctlto and! is just laxr
tire enough to bo helpful in a coug'r
and has a pleasing taste. Also excelled
for bronchial trouble, throat tickle, sor
lungs and asthma, and an linequale
remedy for whooping cough and crour
This recipo for making cough rcmed;
with Plnnc and Sugar Syrup (o
strained honor) is a prima favorite ir
thousands of homes in the United Statcf
And Canada. Tho plan has been Imita
te, though never succcMftillf. If yon
try It, use only genuine Plnex, which it
the most valuable conwntratea com
pound of Norway white pine extract, anr
is rich in guaiscol and nil the nstiira.
healing pine elements. Other prepara
tions will not work in this reclne.
A guaranty of Wlul satisfaction
or money promptly refunded, goe wiU
this recipe. Your drugpt't has Plnex
or will get it for mit. If not, eend t.
The Plnex Co., Ft. Wnvnc, Ind.
An alfalfa meat mill Is to be built In
Chadron, Neb., within tho next year or so,
according to W. Ilergtnunn of lliat place,
who was In Omaha today. I
Mr. Ilergmann says the alfalfa Industry !
has proved a nucccs In Dawes county and
the country north of there nnd it Is
thought by the capitalists that nil alfalfa
feed mill would be profitable. Iirg
quantities of alfalfa seed arc raised In
Dawm county, according to Mr. Uerg-
mann, who says that thousands of bushels
are already annually shipped out of thore.
Uawrs county has come to the front In
the last ten years," wild Mr Bcntmann,
nna we are now raising as high as thirty
bushels of spring wheat per aero. It used
to bn thought that corn could not be
raised there, but most of the fanners are
now raising some corn, nnd soma nf them
have corn that will run thirty-five bushels
per acre this yoar. fiomo of the fields, of
course, were caught by the frost this year,
and tho corn Is soft and fit only for hog
feed, but many of the fluids matured
Now that the bull moosers of Omaha
have no federal patronage to look for
since their candldato was defeated, they
are looking for whatever there may be
In the way of pie or at least a ham
sandwich in th stato legislature. John
A. LewU who was chairman of the pro
Kresslvs central committee of rfouglaa
county has Interviewed a number of those
elected from Douglas county, asklpg
them to be sure to remember tho pro
sresslve committee and what It had done
r Uw legislative ticket In the county
air. twls did not Indicate exactly what
he wanted or what John H. Helgren.
Mcretnry of the progressive county cen
tral committee, wanted but he made
Jils advances simply by asking tho
Douglas county delegation not to forget
the support that hod been given them
by the progressives. There will be sev
rral places In the legislature for out
siders to fill through election by the
respective houses, such as' the chief
clerkships, the sergeant-at-arms, thd
door keepers, etc., all of which are
always eagerly sought after.
A grain festival wlit be held under the
auspices of the Commercial club of Flor
enc on, Friday amj fjaturday tit this
week, at which S0 in prises will be
awarded the groins In competition. En
tries have been pouring In, all the week
And everything points .to a most sue
cessful exposition. As the affair Is under
the direction of the Commercial club, no
admittance fee Is charged, and as Flor
ence precinct won many first prices at
both the state fair and the Douglas
county fair, a very credltabto show is
assured. Kach year the Commercial club j
celebrates the harvest season with a show
o& una cuurauicr, u.m mu uuo una yeur
gives promise of surpassing nil others.
Oren Clure will be In charge of the fes
tival and' a-special Invitation has boen
extended to the people of Omaha to attend.
Rock Island Official Declares that
Depot Will Be Bnilt Here.
lie Will lie turn at letter Date and
Probnblr Deliver Talk at 'oon
Jleetlnar of the Com
merelal Clnb.
hadron Will Have
Alfalfa Meal Mill
President Mudge of the Rock Island
spent an hour In Omaha yesterday
coming In from Chicago and leaving for
the west on a general tour of Inspection.
I'nlearf he changes his plans he Will -so.
to Falrbury and then down over the Kan
sas lines and back to Chicago, waiting
until next month before going over the
line from Omaha to Denver,
Although not prepared to talk with
reference to the Rock IMand's new depot
proposed for Omaha, President Mudge
said that It would be built and that It
wotild be In line with other Improve
ments and betterments undertaken by bis
President Mudge said that he expects
to be In Omaha next month nnd remain
one or two days. At that time he
wants to visit the Commercial club and
meet the business men of tho city, when
he will be at liberty to discuss freight
depot and the plans for the building and
tho new terminals to be constructed on
the grounds recently acquired west of the
BixKenth street viaduct
Finds nnalneaa Rood, -"The
country along our entire system
has enjoyed a season of great prosperity,"
sld President Mudge. "Business Is very
good and wo see no reason why It should
not . contlnuo for an Indefinite period.
Omaha, at least all that I can see of It
Ithout going uptown, looks good end
the reports from our agents Indicate, that
while there Is no boom, there Is no cause
for complaint."
it Omaha President Mudge was met
by F. J. Shubcrt, general freight ngont,
Kansas City; J. II. Smalley. assistant gen
eral manager, Topeka; Fred Smith, as
sistant general freight agent, Kansas
City, and J. A. Stewart, general passenger
agent, Topeka. all of whom accompanied
him on his tour of the Kansas lines of the
John Klcth, for years a ranch owner
at Kuthrrland, this state, and subse
quently claim agent for the Union Pft-
clflc.ts In town from his home at Holly
wood, Cal. Ho will remain here several
days, visiting friends. Mr. Kleth was
retired by tho Union Pacific several
years ago and went Jo California, buying
property In Hollywood. Since then tho
Improvements in the addition have. made
his' property very valuable.
Greeks Will Elect
Cokas' Successor
The Omaha Pan-Hellenic union will
hold n meeting . this evening at tho
Greek churoli to elect their officers for
the year. Importnnce attaches to the
meeting In that a successor will bo chosen
to Lieutenant reticles Cokas, president
of tho organization, who respondod to the
first call for troops to take up armb
against the Turks. Lieutenant Cokas, if
still alive. Is thdught to bo with the Third
Grecian artillery, which took part In the
capture of Monostlr Monday, Ills brother,
Kilns Cokas, who conducts a bakery on
Houth Twelfth street, Is prominently men
ttoned ns successor to his brother as the
head of tho Pan-IIellcnfo union.
Is your husband crosi? An Irritable,
fault finding disposition Is often due to
a disordered stomach. A .man wtlh good
digestion Is nearly always good nutured,
A great many have been permanently
cured of' stomach trouble by taking
Chamborlaln'n Tablets. For sale by all
dealers. Advertisement.
Turkey Chase to Be
Staged on Thursday
Union Paclflo council No. 1063, Royal
Arcanum, will have a banner meeting
'Thursday night riU their rooms on tho
second floor of tho Hoard of Trade build
ing. Supremo Regent F. T. MdFaden. 6f
Richmond, Va., will bo In attendance and
will deliver a speech. A turkey chase
will bo another feature of tho meeting.
just wimt a turKoy cnase is no one
knows, but tho entertainment commit
tee, but they hint there Is a chance for
the members to take home a turkey for
their Thanksgiving dinner.
Jfe z
Howard Ilruner, recently promoted to
the position of assistant general freight
agent of tho Union Pacific. Is In the pos
session of a beautiful diamond scarfpln
set In heavy gold mounting. He has
possessed the gem since Monday night.
Just before quitting time last night.
Mr, Bruner was sitting in his office fig
uring out rate classifications, when all
of the clerks In tho freight traffic depart
ment, fifty or more, trooped In. As
spokesman, George V. Hamilton produced
from his pocket the diamond and In a
neat little speech presented It to Mr.
Ilruner as the present from his co.
workers. Taken by surprise Mr. Ilruner
responded, but he was so completely
overcome, that he was unabla to make an
extended speech.
The first of tne year lbs Haiti more &
Ohio Railroad company will move Its
offices from the First Nations! bank to
the ninth floor of the Woodmen of th
World building. II N. Austin, general
passenger ugent. hss arrived from Chi
cago and signed up a long time lease for
two rooms In the Woodmen bulldlg.
The new offices of the Baltimore &
Ohio will be equipped with new furniture,
all bought In Omaha. Immediately after
securing his least, Mr. Austin went out
among the dealers and bought the fur
niture, all solid mahogany and costing n
excess of JU"A expressing the opinion
that tho Omaha stocks are fully equal
to those of Chicago-
PERSIL is fine!"
writes an enthusiastic
woman after her first trial
of Pcrsil. "My clothes
were beautiful and snow
white after I used it. I
had never used it before,
so I want to let you know
how great a value it has
in making" work easy. I
shall never be without it
again in the house."
Wash Your Clothes
the wonderful oxygen washing compound,
which cleanses clothes perfectly without
t-L! t-t IV
soap, ruuuing or oieacning
agents. It won't harm the
most delicate fabric or skin,
and does more work in less
time than any other washing
method known.
10 Gents at all Grocers
$0 million package used
in Germany last year.
Are rf star and satisfied cttttomtrs for
rrr'm Vurr Old Uonorrim Whllkrv tier
couldn't possibly be a better testimonial to its
Xleger's Pure Old UooogTata Whiskey there
ilda't ooaalbl ba a better testimonial to lit
qulsUc smaothaeis, mellow flavor and absolute Mrlty.
Only purity sod sge Is a guarantee of vsotf whuktjt for
am la
medicinal -purposes the purity of RUcer 's.MoaecTi
guaranteed by us smdtr tat rttre Food Lew wails iU
B-asroavtced by oar twenty rear in business. Yoacta
Scad us so order tor Rleget's
MeaofTsm test It for iiror,
eaaaotantsa. and all the esscn
tills ol food uKhktr " ase
feslt of It sad satisfy yoar
self. If ra arc not thoroughly
coa t! need taatit lalkeaneit yon ever ascd, return
tbc balance at our expense-
your saoacy will be refaadad
witBoat quaatloa.
J. Klearv A Ctk,
1719 aeness St.,
We Prepay
The Express
8 eta Ktcscrs JC
Private) StoeU v
rocp With Each
Order ::
Two sasapla bottles of
Kisser's Fine Mono-
Srasa Whiskey. Gold
ppad Whisker Glass
and ntsat Corkscrew.
The furniture sale ol the year
Prices cut from i to i
Dining room, bedroom, parlor and living room pieces
This sale of stupendous values at big-gut prices begins
here Thursday morning and includes hundreds of the
best furniture pieces in the store. Every article offered at these big
bargain prices is a high character article carried in our regular stock.
The- reductions are genuine, and iare not simply made on pieces
we want to be rid of. This is a true bargain sale, made in order
that we may get room for other goods. It's a real sale and offers
you a grand opportunity to get one or several pieces of furniture
that your home needs to complete its furnishings for the holidays.
Selett your Christmas gifts here while the prices prevail.
- Just4 glance at these bargains:
Dining Room Furniture Living Room Furniture
$27.50 Golden Oak Buffet Colonial de
sign; mirror back; handsome; 'great value $22.50
$39.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet Five
largo shelves; very strongly made; Col
onial design $20.00
$33.00 Golden Oak Buffet Very hand
some model; mirror back $16.50,
$13.00 Dining Table Quarter sawed gold- I
en oak; 42-iu. top; 6 foot extension .$10.00
$48.00 Dining Table Quarter sawed oak;
Colonial scroll base; 54-in. top; 8 foot ex
tension $27.50
$45.00 Golden Oak Buffet Colonial scroll
model; mirror back $32.50
$36.00 Golden Oak Buffet Very well
made; handsomely designed $20.00
$15.00 Dining Table Golden oak; 45-in.
top; 6 foot extension $12.00
$24.00 China Cabinet Golden oak; beau
tifully made; strong and lasting $15.50
$32.00 Fumed Oak Buff et Excellent qual
ity $25.00
$36.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet Spa
cious shelves; durably constructed. .... .$25.00
$11.75 Fumed Oak Chair Spanish leather
slip seat $ 8.00
$32.00 Fumed Oak Serving Table At
tractive design $16.00
$95.00 Fumed Oak Buffet An excellent
bargain $65.00
$32.00 Fumed Oak Dining Table 46-in.
top; 6 foot extension $25.00
$20.00 Fumed Oak Arm Chair Spanish
lea tnor seat . $10.00
$10.70 Spanish Leather Fumed Oak Chair
Spanish leather seat :. $ 7.00
$35.00 Fumed Oak Serving Table Hand
some design ; excelloiitly built $17.50
$17.50 Serving Table Fumed oak; strong
ly made $10.00
$58.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet Neat
ly arranged shelves $40.00
$23.00 Spanish Leather Rocker Eoomy
and comfortable $18.50
$44.00 Spanish Leather Rocker Full of
comfort $27.50
$47.00 Spanish Leather Rocker Eoomy,
spacious and comfortable . . . . $30.00
$38.00 Mahogany Settee Lai-ge and
strong $20.00
.$79.00 Three Piece Smte-Iahogany up-
ho'lsterdd seats and backs .' $60.00
$39.50 Over-Stuffed Rocker Great bar
gain $25.00
$75.00. Mahogany Davenport Upholster
ed; handsome design ..$50.00
$54.00 Over-Stuffed Chair Very acme of
comfort $50.00
$28.50 Wing Chair Over-Stuffed; strong
built $22.50
$30.00 Over-Stuffed Chair Strong; roomy
and easy-resting $16.50
$35.00 Figured Mahogany Setteer-It is a
rqal bargain $20.00
$44.00 Spanish Leather Rocker High
back; wide, comfortable seat $28.50
$50.00 Spanish Leather Rocker Strongly
made $30.00
$52.00 Settee Mahogany frame; Spanish
leather seat and back $30.00
$40.00 Three Piece Suit Mahogany frame;
genuine leather seats and backs $28.50'
$82.00 Three Piece Suit Spanish leather,
over-stuffed; tufted backs $60.00
$70.00 Over-Stuffed Chair Handsome de
sign article $42.00
$90.00 Over-Stuffed Davenport Very
comfortable $75.00
$38.00 Over-Stuffed Chair Large and
roomy , $25.00
$70.00 Solid Mahogany Davenport Com
fortable and strong $45.00
$27.00 Figured Mahogany Rocker Great
article at this small price $16.50
Bedroom Furniture
$63.00 Solid Mahogany Chiffonier Stor
age Chiffonier; six drawers; splendid
valuo $40.00
$75.00 Solid Mahogany ChiffonierSix
drawers; French plate mirror, 19x25. . . .$45.00
$85.00 Solid Mahogany Dresser Four
drawers; French plate mirror, 29x33. . . .$55.00
$45.00 Solid Mahogany Dresser Five large
drawers; French plate mirror, 23x29 $30.00
$90.00 Solid Mahogany Chiffonier Spa
cious drawers; grand valuo; French
plate, 19x25 $45.-00
$35.00 Mahogany Dressing Table Beau
tiful Sheraton design; French plate mir
ror, 19x23 .$20.00
$21.50 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier
Very largo drawors; handsome article;
French plate, 16x19 $17.50
.$44.00 Mahogany Dresser Handsome de
sign; five largo drawers; French plate
mirror, 23x29 ,...$22.00
$40.00 Princess Dresser Beautiful birch;
French plate mirror, 21x36 $27.50
$25.00 Solid Oak Dresser Handsome mod
el ; thoroughly made; French plate, 23x27 $18.50
$38.00 Princess Dresser Quarter sawed ,
oak; high class article; French plate
21x44 $27.50
$110.00 Gentleman's Chiffonier Solid ma
hogany; fivo largo drawers; six small
drawers $55.00
$65.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Swqll front;
six 'drawers; i?ro!nch plate niirrqr, 22x10 '$40.00
$45.00, Mahogany. 'Pressing TabloVery
beautiful article.;, French plate, 20x31. . .$30.00'
$18.'00 Princess3 Dresser Solid maliqgany;
splendid vdliie; French plato' mirror,
17x36 $15.50
$21.50 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier
Large, spacious drawers; durable and '
sturdy; French plate, 16x19 .$17.50
$44.00 Circassian Walnut Bed Strongly
made; durable and handsome $25.00
$40.00 Princess Dresser Beautiful birch;
very pretty design; French mirror, 21x44 $26.60
$22.50 Golden Oak Chiffonier Large
drawers; strong and. durable; French
plate, 15x17 ....$17.00
$32.00 Oak Dresser Beautiful quartor .
sawed oak; handsome French plato mir
ror, 21x28 $20.00
$28.00 Oak Chiffonier Large drawors;
handsome design; French plate 15x23. .$22.50
$22.00 White Enamel Chiffonier Neatly
designed and thoroughly made; French
plato mirror, 11x17 $16.50
$80.00 White Enamel Chiffonier Very
pretty model; thoroughly made; French
plato mirror, 18x25 : . . $40.00
$7.50 Vernis Martin Bed One of tho rar-
esf bargains in the store $ 4.00
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co,
415-17 South Sixteenth Street