THE BEE: (WATTA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1012. This time it is a player-pian The club will contain 100 memb club ers The most talked of and most successful piano event of the year is the Orkin Brothers 500 Inaugural Piano Club a club of 500 members. Now comes a player-piano club. A club of 100 members. An event that has to do with one of the greatest player-pianos in the world. With a player-piano that is known around the world." It is one of the pioneers of the player-piano industry. It was the first player-piano made. It is now built in one of the largest player-piano manufactories in the world. There is no more distinguished or honorable manufacturing plant than this, it matters not what the line of business may be. "This player-piano is head and shoulders above any other player-piano now on the market best in mechanical construction. No other player-piano has made as- much progress or as deep impress upon the musical world during the past four years as this player-piano. The price the terms and special features of the club The club price for this player-piano is 395 dollars. There is no interest no extras of any kind. Price No interest to pay First Payment Week i 1 COTFIOnTM9M-BY'HA-RTtN''MSCACK' ' fill V The reason why The dominating influence that caused us to inaugurate this player-piano club was the im press made by the player-piano upon the pub lie mind. The player-piano is today a factor in the piano world. It has, within the past two years, grown in leaps and bounds, and will, within the next three years, grow at a still faster ratio. One-half of the pianos sold, will, with in 3 years, be player-pianos, in our opinion. Already player-pianos ciin bo hud for .fM.V-Tho Orkin Mros. club player piano. The player-piano is a product of the times. The player-piano typifies the ax iom that necessity is the mother of invention. . - Kor, had there not been a widespread de si ro for music of a higher order; had there not been a desire on the part of rnoro persons to personally produce music, tbero would have been no player-piano. The piano being the instrument through which the highest forms of. music could find expression, inventive men set. about to pro duce a ready and convenient means of play ing it. No interest added to this The terms are 9 dollars the first payment and 2 dollars a week without interest added. These player-pianos have never been sold for less than $550 with terms of $25 down and $15 a month, with interest added at the rate of 6 per cent. This is the first time, as far as our knowledge goes, that such trustworthy instruments have ever been offered for sale upon such popular terms as 9 dollars the first pay ment and 2 dollars a week without interest added. This player-piano is full size, upright grand, colonial design, and the player on the inside plays every key on the piano that is, these club player pianos are standard 88 -note players and they play every note on the piano when the music roll is in motion. Then there is another point that should have special mention the tempo artist lever. This one single device puts the club player-piano in a class by itself. It is this little lever, operated by the right hand, that makes a great piano performer out of everyone. Instead of playing mechanically with the tempo artist lever you can play like a great pianist. With the tempo artist lever you can control the time of the music you are playing. With the tempo artist lever you give your playing every shade the composer intended. Let us suppose there is not another single device on the club player-piano to make its player mechanism play like the human fingers (there are half a dozen), let us discard them all, save this one alone the tempo artist lever still we would say that this one feature alone places this club player-piano in a class by itself. You can own one of these player-pianos for $9 the first payment men week without interest added First eamo the piano-plnyera clumsy box like affair to bo pushed against a piano. For all its incouvenienoe, it; had its day and served well its purpose. Tens of thousands of persons today owe a good knowledge of music as well as a knowl edge of good music to the inconveniences of piano-players. Then came the player-piano oven at the first a better device than the piano-player. Then came improvements. Improvements that looked towards better playing towards better expression towards playing that more nearly resembled human playing. '"With the result, that the player-piano of today represents -firsf, H that musical knowledge mid science can produeo in the way of an. upright piano, and second, mech anism built within it, by which means every one is enabled to play readily and skillfully. In othor words, necessity has taken the modern upright piano and added to it an easy and delightful means of playing it. With the player-piano, the unskilled can play. With the player-piano tho music hungry can satisfy themselves, though they may hick all knowledge of piano playing, and even those who can and do play well, can feast, from the realm of music that not even the greatest master can acquire. Thus it is wo prepared for the triumph of tho player piano. "When you select your player-piano and be come a member of the club you also become a life member of the player-music library. You receive with your player-piano the use of J, 000 rolls during the first; year free. You can exchange the music rolls overy day, ovory week or every month, at your own pleasure, and you get tho very latest music published, v In equipping this big store tho contor of our large business a great department waB planned for playor-piano music. Ono section of a floor was dedicated to its uses. And here are to be constantly found 4,000 rolls of player-piano music. This has been installed vory largely as an educational menus to teach the delights and unlimited possibilities of the player-piano. And it Is to proporly Introduco this department partly to emphasize on the playor-plano question and partly to forecast tho commanding place the player plnno Is destined to take In tho field of music, that wo have planned this great player. piano club of 100 members. If you Intend buying a player-piano do it now. A Partial List of Our Player- Pianos OHICKERING & SONS PLAYER-PIANOS KURTZMAN PLAYER-PIANOS AUTOPIANO PLAYER-PIANOS KRELL AUTO GRAND PLAYER-PIANOS SEGERSTROM PLAYER-PIANOS H. & S. G. LINDERMAN PLAYER-PIANOS AND OTHERS. We want to again make mention of these terms. Lay aside the price 395 dollars and the cash saving it carries with it of 18 cents each and every week you pay faster than the regular terms of 2 dollars a week. But let us center your attention on these terms 9 dolm lars the first payment then 2 dollars a week without interest added. If the Orkin Brothers player-piano club did not have another redeeming feature, this one of terms would carry it to suc cess; 9 dollars the first payment then 2 dollars a week enables anyone to buy the best the world affords in player pianos and scarcely miss the money. Do you know the regular terms on player-pianos like the club player-piano? Let us tell you.' Not less than 25 dollars down and, more often, 50 dollars down then15 to 25 dollars a month, with interest added at the rate of 7 or 8 per cent. But through the Orkin Brothers Club 9 dollars when you join, then 2 dollars a week without interest added quite a dif ference, isn't there? The keynote of this whole club proposition is, best 'pianos best price best terrns best everything, Copyright 1912 by Htoue & McCarrlck, Inc. Unauthorlted use in whole or in part or colorable sum m a ries thereof forbidden. Formerly Tho JJennott Co. Kith nnd Harney StB., Omaha, Neb. f Chickering, Kurtzman, Ivers & Pond, Auto Pianos and Player Pianos and Victor Talking Machines. If you want an upright piano without the player attachment join the Orkin Brothers piano club That thero can be no misunderstanding, let us again tell that 2 hun dred and 67 dollars and GO cents Includes everything tho Orkin Urothors piano club member has to pay. In" other words, it 1b the out. tide price or the extreme price. The pianos aro of the most reliable and trustworthy sort worth 350 dollars each. To soil them nnti sell them quickly we planned anil organized a gi gantic elub. A club of 600 mombers, each and overy member to enjoy the1 samu advantages a td privileges. We decided to sell tho pianos in thiB way, at 257 dollars and 60 cents each. We arranged to sell thom without adding interest to the price asked. Wo placed tho payments at 5 dollars as .the first payment, and 1 dol lar and 25 cents a week for the romalnlug payments. The price ( J2&7.50) Included everything charging nothing more for any privilege extended members. We agreed to give the clMb members their money back it a 30 days' trial on the piano was unsatisfactory. We arranged a year's exchange privilege for mombers, which enables them to exchange their pianos at any time within ono year without meaning one ponny's loss. We got up a life assurance feature for members, which cancels all payments in the event of the dtath of a club member. We figured out a rebate system so that those who want to pay faster than $1.26 a week will profit by It by getting u rebate of JS cents in cash handed back for each and every Week they pay in advance. Dolling tho whole plan right down, we put into tho plan every ad vantage and prlvilego that would suggest itself to us to make this big Inaugural sale an instant success. And it has been. Cannot we bavo your application Can we not ut least show you the pianos and go over the wholo proposition with you?