Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    The furniture sale of all the year
Begins here Thursday morning
Reductions from to Yz
Dining room, living room,
bed room and parlor furniture
Frequently a large store finds it wise, because
of a combination of circumstances extra large
stock, slow season and need of room for new
goods in transit to sell at cost or practically cost
its very excellent goods.
We find our condition such that we must now
move inuny pieces of furniture, and avo are preparing our Btock for a tre
mendous sale of dining room, living room, parlor and bed room furniture,
the price reductions being, in all cases, at least one-third and in very many,
one-half. ,
There is nothing cheap in this sale (there is
nothing cheap in our store) and the character of the goods we are offering
at these prices suits them for the best homes.
This sale, beginning Thursday morning, is the furniture bargain event
of the fall and winter season.
See big Ad on another page of
this paper for great bargains.
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
415-17 South Sixteenth Street
See the particularly attractive values in Oriental rug Dept., Second Floor.
Novor before, lins any utoro offered In mltl-senson, audi lilgli cliiBa garments at
such ridiculously low prices. 13 von now, In no other store, can you got bo much
real "value, for tho few dollars you spend. This Is Indeed a special sale In
everything tho term Implies. It gives you what n special salo Is supposed to
give a chance to roally save money not a ehanco to spend little money and
by so doing get little or no valuo.
Regular $40, $35, $30 Suits and Overcoats for $23
Regular $25 Suits and Overcoats for
Regular $20 and $18 Suits and Overcoats for $11
Regular $15 and $12.50 Suits and Overcoats for $9
RogiUar $10 Suits and Overcoats for $6
Cook Accuses Britton and Dolezal
of Changing Exhibit.
Stnlc Trewinrrr Ccnrnc Finally nl
paiei of Ills Hand Anions: Surety
Compnny Governor Visits
HU Home City.
(Fttim a Staff, Correspondent.), j
Lns'COLN. .Neb.. Nov. 19.-(SpeclaU
An attempt to have his successor In inc.
county attorney's office cited by the su-
preme court, with another attorney, for
contempt of court on a charge of falsi
fying, an exhibit lb tho case against Louis
Rogers, for tnfantocide, was made by
County Attorney J. C. Cook of Dodge
county, before the supremo bench today.
Ho asked the supreme court to Investi
gate. Tho hearing will be continued until
the accused attorneys have time to pro
pare their case.
P. W. Button, county attorney-elect of
Dodge county,- and Frank Dolezal, both
of Fremont, are the men whom Cook
charges with seeking to decleve and mis
lead tho court. Ho alleges that "for
purposes of obtaining justice," tho two
men have caused to bo placed In a hand
grip, which figured as evidence, spots
of some substance resembling blood, and
that this was dono since the trial of the
case occured In court
Rogers Is accused of having killed a
babe born to a woman with' whom ho
was traveling. Tho grip, containing tho
body was found In tho handgrip at Colon,
The defenso sought to provo that 'the
baby was killed at a hospital in Omaha
and latter tho body was brought to
Dodge county In the grip.
Cook declares that tho "grip" was
"doctored" and that tho two men wero
responsible for it. Mr. Burton's brief now
declares that the evidence has been
brought to light, which shows that the
babe was born In a bath room In the
Morris hotel In Omaha. Button also as-
I received a
lotter from a
good house
wife of this
state. She had
bocn reading
my last article
on chronic ca
tarrh. Her let;
ter reads 1 n
"Dear' Doctor
Hartman: I
was very much
interested 1 n
your article on
catarrh. I see
by your expla
nation that ca
tarrh Is liable
to , affect any
Dr. Hartman Describes
the Phrase, Systemic Catarrh
tern. This is wliat I call systemic ca
We hear often today the term auto
intoxication, which refers to a condition
of tho bowels. Tho bowels being clogged
up. they ferment and becomo poisoned.
The system attempts to rectify the
trouble by absorbing tho poison and car
rying it out through the kidneys. The
result is sickness, called auto Intoxica
tion. It Is exactly this kind of thing that
happens in systemio catarrh. Tho ca
tarrhal secretions that do not escape by
tho Internal organs aro absorbed by the
blood vessels and carried through the
system, and result in systemic catarri,
Tho remedy I belleyo to bo Peruna.
believe thcro Is no remedy in the world
that! has relieved so many people as Pe-
runw The disease Is not always known
. . .. ...
as systemla catarrn. sometimes u is
called dyspepsia, sometimes nervous pros
tration. Sometimes it assumes the form
of anemia, and then ugaln chronic ma
laria, also walking typhoid fever.
All those condition aro fully described
by the term systemio catarrh. It is
especially prevalent during the typhoid
season. September and October. I would
not consider any other remedy than Pe
runa in such cases as these. Peruna Is
absolutely a perfect remedy for systemio
All letters of Inquiry answered promptly,
Pe-ru-na, Man-a-lln and Lu-cu-pta
manufactured by tho Pe-ru-na Company,
Columbus, Ohio. Sold at all drug stores,
SPECIAX, NOTICE i Many persona In
aulre for The Old-Time Peruna. Thev
want the Peruna that their Fathers and
Motners used to take. The old Peruna is
now called Ku-tar-no. If your dealer
does not keep It for sale write the Ka-
tar-no company, uoiumbus, Ohio, and
they win tell you all about It. Adver
organ of the body, that it can assume
the symptoms of a great many different
kinds of disease. There was one form of
catarrh, however, that you did not men
tion. I would like your opinion on It.
I havo heard It somewhere that there is
a disease known as systemic catarrh
What do you know about it, and what
would you advise?"
My dear Madam: I think I was the
originator of the term systemic catarrh,
At least I had never seen It in print until
I began to use it. Systemio catarrh de
scribes a condition of the system closely
resembling auto intoxication, or self
poisoning. Tho catarrhal organs happen
to be so located that the discharge or
mucus cannot occur fieely. It may be
the stomacli, or kidneys, or pelvic organs.
Now If this vitiated, poisonous mucus
cannot escape freely It will be absorbed
by the blood vessels and carried Into all
parts of tho bystem. It Is Nature's at
tempt to get It out of the system through
the kidneys. But in the effort to rid the
organ of the poisonous mucus Nature Is
unintentionally poisoning the whole sys-
serts that the grip Is now In a battered
condition, which' was paused by tho
officers for the prosecutloh. Button also
says for tho defenso that It was they
"forced its unwilling production" by tho
cook insists that the bloodspots wero
placed on tho grip after Its arrival In
Dodge county and asks that n commlttco
be appointed to Investigate Messrs. But
ton and Dolezal were present In the su
preme court Tuesday, when tho Cook mo
tion was presented. Tho court gave them
five days In which to mako a countor
Surety, Ilontl Disposed Of.
'-.Eleven- surety companies will shore 'In
the $5,000 premlOm to bo paid by tho stato
of Nebraska on tho $1,000,000 bond to bo
furnished for Stato Treasurer George,
during the next two years. Mr. Georges
has apportioned the amounts as follows:
American Surety company and National
Surety company, tlEO.OOO each.
Fidelity and Doposlt, American Bond
ing, Lion Bonding and Surety, Equitable
and Aetna, (100,000 each.
Maryland Casualty, Title Guarantee and
Surety, Massachusetts Bonding and In
demnlty. and Globe, $.'0,000 each.
On the 11CO.00O allottments tho premium
will bo JTEO each On tho $100,000 shares,
$500 each, and on tho $50,000 shares, $250
The stato treasurer has been solicited
by Hovcral different companies for larger
shares of the bond on the plea that they
assisted him during the campaign, llu
announced, however, that tho above al-
lottment will be final.
Alilrlch nt IJnvM City.
Governor Aldrlch went to David City
Tuesday morning, the first visit to his
homo city since election day. Tho gov.
ernor is arranging his affairs there and
completing his removal to Lincoln, whlcn
will be his residence in tho future. The
Aldrlcbes have rented property here
which they will occupy upon vacating tho
governor's mansion. It la understood that
tho governor Intends to practice law hero.
Shnllenlierirer's Kxpense.
A. C. Shallenbergcr, defeated candidate
on the democratic ticket for United
States senator, has certified to the secro
tary of stato that ho spent St 16. IS In th
recent campaign. Of this sum $250 was
a contribution to the state committee'
campaign fund. The law docs not re
quire that traveling expenses bo Included
and tho report does not contain this Item,
Maul Out of Ilace.
V. B. Statu or Bcwara, who was men
llonod recently as an applicant for up
potntment as Fourth district deputy oil
Inspector, has decided not to ask for the
place. Upon learning that tho legislative
delegation from his district had deter
mined upon naming another man, M
Stahl gracefully yielded and said he
would make no effort to get the place
Ho Is now a deputy assessor at Seward
whero lie Is a strong democratic worker,
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. la. (SpecIaU-
Announccmcnt was received hero yester
day of tho death of Zuch Slater, n for
mer Bcatrico resident, which occurred
Bunday at his. homo in Los Angeles, Cul.
Mr. Slater was nt ono time u lending
sheep raiser of this county, and located
in California about twenty years ago for
the benefit of his health. Ho was 3 years
of ago and Is survived by his widow and
sov.oral children, all grown.
A decree of divorce granted October 22
by Judge Pemberton In tho district court
to Margaret E. Bemls from Sylvester
Bemls, was set asido yostvrduy by re
quest of the plaintiff. Tho couplo ro
sldo at Wymore.
O. E. Webster, a pioneer resident of
Gago county, wnB.Btrichen with paralysis
and Is not expected to survive. He Is 77
years of age.
The Savings department of this bank
has shown a steady Increase. At
present SH Interest Is paid on sav
ings when deposited for 12 months.
BROKEN BOW, Nob., Nov. 19. 8po-
clal.) Curwln Honeywell, tho 17-year-old
printer, who was charged with holding
up Norm Parks, former editor of tho
Custer County Republican, and hW
mother at the point of a gun, compelling
them to pay over a certain sum of money
which ho alleged was duo him for burn
ing the Republican office at tho Instiga
tion of Parks, was taken beforo Judge
Hosteller In district court today. Honey
ell was ullowcd by tho comity uttorney
to pjead guilty to assault. Ho was flnod
$25 and tho costs of tho trial. Porks, the
former editor, against whom there Is a
harge of burning tho Republican office
with intent to defraud tho insurance
companies, is still In hiding, all efforts
Thirst Motional
Time Certificates (Saving) now
in forco, over $2,250,000.00.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 19.-(Speclal Tri
egram.) County Attorney J. O. Cook of
Dodge county filed a motion In the su
preme court this morning, charging
W. Button and Frank Dolezal, attorney
for IjOuIs Rogers, convicted of Infant!'
ctde, with tampering with exhibits now
before the supremo court.' Ho asked for
Investigation of the charges, rcquestln
the court to appoint a committee. Th
court gave tho attorneys until Monday
to make a counter showing and the
prosecution will Ukewlso be allowed fivo
days to roply.
Cook -clulma that a. grip used as an
exhibit in the' case 1iaa been altered
Cook was bull mooscr-republlcan candl
date for congress in tho Third district,
whllo F, V. Button Mas elected county
attorney to succeed Cook.
Death from. Illood l'olnon
was prevented by 0. W. Cloyd. Plunk
Mo., who healed His dangerous wound
with Buckten's Arnica Salve. Only 25c,
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertise-menu
r i mm t -
sec. TRIAS.
of tho county offlcors to locato him hav
ing so far fulled. Honeywell recently
mado a sworn statement that Implicated
Parks in thn burning of thu Itcpuhllcan
building. Other casus on tho criminal
docket will probably occupy tho oourt'r
tlmo for tho buhinco of tho week.
Central City Man,
Naval Shipwright,
Killed in Shanghai
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1D.-Natlmn E.
Willis, a shipwright, who erittstd In tho
navy from,Contral City, Nob,,,wuH killed
ashoro In Shnnghal yesterday by a
foreign mun-o'-wurHimin, according to a
cablegram to tho Navy department to
day from Admiral Nicholson, commander
In chief of tho Asiatic fleet. The killing
Is under Investigation by a board com
posed of Amorlcnn and foreign naval
YOIlIf, Nob., Nov. li).-(Spccla.)-Bun-day
afternoon at 3 o'clock William It.
Newcomer went to his barn to turn his
horse Into tho tot. Boon afterwards he
won found lying uuconscluus. It Is sup
posed tho lorso kicked him. At V o'clock
yesterday morning ho died, having never
fully recovered from tho shock. Ho wus
(Vi yours of ugo ami was a pioneer pettier
of York county.
1 1 n mi Th I r nt IMuy nt llnrtnril,
HARVARD, Nob., Nov. 19.-(Speclal,)-"Tho
Cow Puncher and tho Girl," a south
ern comedy drama of flvo acts, was given
Saturday evening, November 10, nt
Btnko's opera house, under tho auspices of
tho Ladles' Altar society of Ht. Joseph's
church of this city, and under the Im
mediate direction of Evelyn Lutnboit .of
Omaha, who for soveral days had boc.i
drilling a homo talent class of Harvard's
young people mi this play.
KA11UU ItY. Nob., Nov. llf.-(Speelal.)--I.,
1). MoCuIloligh of this city and
Miss Hannah K. Jitcobsnn of Lincoln
wero man led In Chicago, Novombor 12.
TIo wedding was a surprlxa to tho
groom's friends In thin city. Mr. and
Mrs. MeCuloURh havo gono to Minne
apolis, Minn., to spend their honeymoon.
Thn Kruum was raised In til's county and
graduated from tho Knlrbury High sellout
In 19011. Ho later attended tho Cutucr
university at Lincoln. Air. and Mrs. lie
Cullough will bo at homo In Kitlruury
after November 24.
I'll tut Auto tJimet nt Mnnknto,
MANICATO. N. D., Nov. lD.-l-'rcd
Irtiwer, manager of tho Independent Har
vester company of Otlsco, Is dead and
his brother-in-law. William Prolm of
Alma City seriously injured as tho result
of an nutoinobllo accident near Smith's
Mill, Just across tho linn In this county,1
Into yesterday. Iower wuh Bo yours old.
Toothache Gum
H Wen perfect tUf.ctlon for J J pin.
All drug tierea or by mil, 13c
C. B. Dcnt A Co., dct'oit. Mich,
mm rawsv' '""
Oh, How I Itched!
, What long norvo-racklng days of con
stant torture what hIocpIobh nights of
terrible agony Itch' Itch Itoh, con
stant Hon, until It soetnod that 1 must
tear off my vsrjr skin then
Instant rtliof my skin cooled, sooth
ed and hoalodl
Tho very flrHt dropH of O. I), 1). Pro
scription for Kczema stopped that, awful
Itch Instantly: yes, the very moment
D. l. D, touched thn burning skin tho
torture cased. A D0o bottlo proves it.
D. D. D. lias been known for years as
tho only absolutely reliable eczema rem
edy, fur It wushes away tho dlscaso
KerniH ami leuVcs the .skin os vicar and,
heultlry us that of u' child.
All other druggists have D. 1). D. Pro
scriptiongo to them If you can't come)
to us but don't accept some big profit!
But If you com to our store, wo a( i
so certain of what D. D. D. will do fori
you that wo offeri you a full hIzr hottld
.on this guarantee: If you do not fimt
that It takes away tho Itch AT ONCpJ
ii'COMiH yuu mji u epiu.
Hhcrmun & McConnetl Drug Co., 1 6 tlu
and Dodgn, lflth and Harney, 24th audi
1'arnnm, 207-9 No. 16th-St. AUvertlne-
"They won't tease you for
pennies so much if you get
them this goody that lasts"
of any dealer. It costs lltUm by the package, but Im by the box.
Yoa save hundreds of pennies by this long lasting confection. You save your (children's
teeth. You save their digestion. You save much bothering. You save much 'stickiness'.
This delicious mint leaf juice confection saves in every way benefits- in
Look for the spear
every way.
Ths flavor huts
mmmmTWmmmTmsXmiiih m.-, tfTOiamiggaD