16 HIE DISK: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, XOVKMHKK 20, 191:2. I Br andeis Stores Special Showing and Sale of Charming new Models in Women's Charmeuse Dresses at $15.00 Scores of clever, now ideas nro now seen for the first tihio including1 aH the newest style features for mid winter, the newest fabrics and the most popular col ors. All sizes for women and misses. & 5 A stunning new group Wednesday, at ... . P O NEW WHITE NOVELTY CLOTH SUITS AT $25, $29, $35 These are the popular new wide walo and basket weave fabrics tjiat are made into winter suits just now coming into great popularity in eastern stylo centers. m Women's New Mid-Winter Model Tailored Suits. Here are the new style ideas that will bo found only at 95 Brandeis stores. Suits made to sell regularly up to $39, at. vUv Women's New Dress Skirts Tho now pretty Ideas new fabrics c no at. U.JO and colors Chinchilla Coats for Women Tho season's greatest Btylo favor- CIO ites at BRANDEIS STORES Chiffon Waists Walnts for dress occa sion and for practical wwir as well, at S5-S7.S0-S10 Second Floor Greatest Clothing Sale The Biggest Bargains Ever Offered Art Hew at Year Disposal. All Men's and Young Men's $12.50 Suits and Overcoats. . . . $7.50 Men's and Young Men's $18.00 Suits and Overcoats UlUJg xuvu s $9i75 WEDNESDAY ALL THE Children's Cloaks Bought at a Great Sacrifice from the Hyman Karp, N. Y., Stock Hundreds of coats for juniors and children in ages from 2 to 14 years. All practical, up-to-date winter styles. Some cliiuchillns, some Chase Parisian plush coals and u'fowthll lined broadcloth-r-mnuy bearskins, pretty novelty cloths, plaid back coats, otc; also a number of tho now Norfolk bells. Coats that are madeUo sell up -to $G in 2 big lots in Brandeis Basement, at , ...,. isBa is cs m 1 H.69-2.89 All the Fur Scarf s, Fur Muffs Fur Sets FROM THE HYMAN KARP NEW YORK STOCK WEDNESDAY We have grouped all tho furs from the great purchase into special' lots in tho basement Wednesday. All the women's fur muffs and fur scarfs an im- Afl. op fl mouse variety to select from. Wednesday on sale for tho first time at. . . .vol 0 ipjj All tho Women's Fur Sets, Scarf and Muff to match Variety of styles and shapes. .DiviUe.cI into two big lots for Wednesday, at ' $3.98 and $5 BRANDEIS BASEMENT i BRANDEIS STORES HAVE BEEN APPOINTED OFFICIAL AGENTS IN THIS SECTION FOR WUNDERHOSE GUARANTEED FOR FOUR MONTHS ALL SIZES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Why wear yourselves out with the wcqkly darning whon y6u can wear Wunderhose. - Heels and Iocs are reinforced. Made bv a ner- feet process. All guaranteed. 4 Women's Wunderhose Cotton and lisleblack only Box of 4 pairs, guaranteed 4 months.. 1 Children's Wundcrhoso black or white. Uox of 4 pairs guaranteed 4 months, at . . . .$1 Men's WunderhoBo black and colors box of 4 pulrs Kunruntcod 4 months, at . . . .1 Women's Wunderhosa Cotton and lislc-s-black, white and tan. 3 pairs, guaninteed'3 months, 1 Mon'B WundcrhoBo of selected Utile. Box oC .1 pairs guaranteed 3 months, at ,1 Fine Net and Filmy Shadow Lace PLEATINGS Endless variety of dainty tiew designs in white, ecrii and black gm worth 50c a yurd, f.0 at yard UWj Women's Fine Ribbed Fleecy Lined UNION SUITS Medium and heavy weight,-high neck, long sleeves and ankle length, worth up to 76c, at. a buU 39c and 59c Women's Two Clasn KID GLOVES " White, black, grey, tan and brown with singlo row embroidery worth $1 a pair. All sizes n A on barguin square J Including -Kuppenhcimer's and Stein-Bloch Suits. ii Protect the Children These Chilly Mornings 0N the cold mornings you amraj frequently want to heat the nursery quicKiy, so tnat tno cmiaren can bo dressed in , comfortable security from chill morning draughts. An Electrio Luminous Radiator makes it possible to heat any room in any part of tho house at any time easily and speedily. Just twitch the switch and in a few seconds tho radiant bulbs are glowing with warmth. An Electric Luminous Radiator is Only One of Many Comforts New Electrical Appliances are being -produced constantly. In tho following partial list of heating and cooking devices' you will find many suggestions for comfort, convenience and economy in the home. Foot warmers Flat Irons Heating Pads Curling Irons Coffee Percolators Tea Kettles Bread Toasters Grills Chafing Dishes Egg Boilers Cereal Cookers Waffle Irons Excellent for Christmas Gifts Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. em I WINTER EXCURSIONS SOUTHEAST Via ROCK ISLAND LINES (KOUOT-TRIP rAXXS.) Havana, Cuba $87.00 Jacksonville, Fla. $50.50 St. Augustine, Fla $53.00 Miami, Fla. $72.50 Tampa, Fla , $62.10 Savannah, 6a $48.20 Thomaaville Ga $47.50 Charleston, S. 0. $48.85 Montgomery, Ala. .$41.00 Montgomery, Ala. $40.00 Now Orleans, La $41.00 Faro to above, and many other points, are In effect daily, and carry final return limit to May 15th and Juno 1st. Diverse route to Jacksonville and points beyond may be ob tained at slightly higher fares. , , HomeseekerB' fares with shorter limit and lower cost in effe:t Novombor 19th, December 3d and 17th. Chicago limited leaves Omaha Union Station at 6:08 P. M. Other cood trains at JlWiWf 4:10 P. M. and 12:20 midnight. For further information and literature. IIM call or write J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A., 14th and Farriam. W. O. W. Bldg. All $2.50 Fancy Hats on If- $1.50 All $3.00 and $4.00 Men's Trousers on sale at $1.98 J. Helphand Clothing Co. 314 North 1 6th Street (1 6th Near Chicijo Street) Dundee, Omaha's Fashionable Suburb Dundee is populated by a class1 of people who know things. People who know things use good judgment in buying merchandise. They buy by price and value and not by price and size like the other class of. people do. People who use good judg ment are capable of distin guishing between superior and inferior merchandise. Dundee peopb novcr oomo to our store to see gas stoves but what they buy the'Ideal because they are capable of recognizing its superiority over others. Here are the names of a few who have bought the Ideal Gas Range: Mr. Rhoades. CBBhler U. S. Nat'l Bank; Mr. Wiley, who built the Omaha Water, Works; -Mr. Stoltoborg, capitalist; Mr.'Havens, of the Havens-White Coal Co.; Mr. Hart, sales manager Gate City Hat. Co.; Mr. Jobst, of the J. B. Jobst Construction Co.; Mr. 'rFrahm, manager Bomls BaK. Op.; Mr. Borshelm, Jeweler;- Mr. White, department manager Brandeis Stores; Mr. Ramsdel, traveling salesman; Mr. Crosby, manager Miller, Stewart & Beaton; Mr. P. T. Walton, wholcsalo implements; Mr. French; wholesale wall paper, and many others too numerous to mention here. The Ideal Is distinctively In a class by Itself. There is nothing on tho American market in tho shape of a gas stove that touches one side, of It. It has 'the patent centrif ugal burners that do mako a hotter fire and cook quicker than any other. It is enameled outsido and alumlnized. Inside so that there Is not a spot thattwlll rust The enamel outside makes so easy to keep clean. We connect It free of charge and sell it on payments or a cut price for cashi , STOETZEL STOVE CO. 714 South Sixteenth Bat .ui Washington Crisps The SUPREME quality ol Wuilnfftoo CrUpi ii absolutely beyond queitlon. Thoroufhlf iteua eoofced. touted, deiklously critp, ready to acrrc On eTtry packafetbeanoUedGUAItNtSBUiMeverylsctcdkatlBof HIGH QUALITY at the Inerrdltati la cereal foods ol ANY other make REGARD LESS OF COSTt tad GUARANTEE that Washington Criipi are made nndtrMOST PERFECT SANITARY CONDITIONS powible to create in SPOTLESSLY CLEAN MILLS, by Weh-claca workmen. Waihlnjton Crbpa, from field to bone, aever touch human hand CTerythlsg done by automatic machinery. We Give BOTH the CONSUMER and the GROCER a Square Deal! Washington Crisp CUT OFF ONE-THIRD HIGH COST OF LIVING, for cereal food, and both Grocer and Consumer Instantly recognized this hence our Ug SileaotSUPREMK quality Washington Crisps to mlllloan nr.J millions of Americans. ' Handftowst Focd PinM tm AiMflijwTm stinerti MHntt. r.t i Washington oa erery packareThandsoBt cooush to irame, or use vr.U to decorate your "Den1 or LI ring Room. WASHINGTON CRISPS are (IAS) "First in the HOMES of his CoUHtrymsn" 4, InssmimmummummuaaBl ER CEREAL eACrfAGS for 10 1 m ft Brandeis Stores SPECIAL SALE Beginning Wednesday and Lasting All Week EDISON PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Gold "moulded Edison Wax Records (standard two rainuty) includes ull records , in Edison catalogue. Never before sold for less ftf -than 35o, at fllC ill the Gold Moulded Wax Becords (Ambroi four minutes), all lato records. Never before sold fop less than 50c, & ThoiUh&fitk 9f time rteords a i . mm vnm rtaucto. 9 ADVANCE NOTICE Next Monday We Hold the Host Wonderful Sale of Rugs Ever Conducted in Omaha BRANDEIS STORES A Special Purchase from n Famous Eastorn riousc at n Remarkable Price Reduction. SIX THE WINDOW DISPLAYS - WATOK FOR LATER AMNOUNOlaTUfTS IN THE PAPERS t r Glassy Shoes For Glassy Dressers Nifty Shoes for the Young Fel low who Likes to hav Shoes that are "JUST RIGHT. doable saleimon aro here to fit you properly In the ityie you line oeai you select irora me rooei complete. llae of Mon'B Quality anofo to bo found In the West. Priced from UP $3 FRY: !T7 H X 16 I3l DOUGLAS. See Wednesday Evening Paper for Remark able Opening Sale Thi rsday of Women's Suits, Coats and Furs 1609 Farnam Street. We Are Selling Unclaimed Household Furnishings of Every Description at our sale room 219 North lltta St. (Cor, 11th and Davenport Stj) r. at less money than you can purchase them for at aecond-hand atores.' n See our line of beds, tables, dressers, chairs, rugs, dishes. planoB, etc., In fact everything you would require to furnish a home with, k Free Delivery. u GORDON FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE & VAN CO. c Douglas 394. ; C i5E5E5E525H5ESB5H5HS252SHSZ5Z525H52SHSc!SHS i The Twentieth Century 'Fanner , K the letdlDK Agricultural Journal or me weat Ita columns are filled with, the beat thought of tho uay In matters pertaining to the farm, the ranch and the orchard, and It Is a factor In tht development of the great wcaturh country, Fortune or succeus have often come through a little apt ad. Have you read the want ads yet today?