THE BEE: 0MA1IA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1012. 15 t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Chicago Accumulates Wheat, Anti cipating Agentine Deterioration. CORN MART UNDER PRESSURE Some Denier In Corn Mrtlere that a Aatttrnl , Itrncttnn from Long; Drawn Out Decline Wan Due to ltcsalt. . OMAHA. Nov. 19. 1811 .,T"" Present large holdings of wheat In tile Chicago market was accumulated months 8ro In the hopo that the Arscn lino wheat crop would deteriorate and enow a smaller aggregate at the winding P of the season. The first reul bull sieip from that country wna spread before tfiu speculative world yesterday. It con tested of rains and unsettled weather conditions in the harvest sections of the north, while rains wero reported as needed in the southern and southwestern fiectlona, with prospects of deterioration in tho crop In case of failure of a thor. ough wetting down within a week's time. EThcro was nothing In the situation abroad save the possible unsettled polit ical sltuatldn to help wheat vnlucs and when Liverpool was seen to advance Bharply and tho claim was made that the unfavorable conditions In Argentina was tho Influenco, the entire world became a buyer of wheat, with Chicago short and Investors in the lead. Cash wheat un changed. Great' pressure was seen In tho corn market yesterday when the old-time bear crowd filled up every one wanting this Kraln, and In many Instances they allowed the buyers to name the price It a round lot was wanted. There were some In the corn trade who . believed that a natural reaction from the long drawn out decline was due, but the majority of speculators figured that with an Increased movement of the new crop, and an Increased move ment Is assured, lower prices are certain to bo seen. The strong turn In wheat helped corn a little, and overbalanced the fact that tho weather in the West la favorable for the harvesting and move ment of the yellow cereal. Cash corn unchanged. Oats held their own in better shape yesterday than any of the other grains. December shorts wore heavy buyers and thlH helped the more deferred monthb. Cash oats wers" unchanged. Clearances of corn wero 2,000 bushel, none of oats and wheat and flour equal 'to 317,000 bushels. Liverpool closed HQUd lower on wheat and W&tt lower on corn. Primary wheat receipts were 2,606,000 bushels and shipments were 1,2SS,000 bush els, against receipts last year of. T72,Ot bushelH. niid shipments of S67.000 biisheK Primary corn receipts wore 526,000 bush els and shipments were 1(3,000 bushels, Hgolnst receipts last year of 760.CKM bushi els and shipments of 482,000 bushels. Primary oats receipts were !f3,CO0 bush els and shipments were 7tf7.000 bushels. against receipts last year of 303.000 bimh. elR and shipments of 3.W.000 bushels, The following cash sates wero reported' today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, SHic. , No. 3 hard winter: 11 cars, 80c. No. I hard winter: 3 cars, 7Sc. No .grade hard winter: 1-6 car, 74c, Nos 2 spring: 1 car, SOMc. No. 3 spring: 2 cars, 79;c; 2 cars, 79c: 1 car, 7Uc. No. 4 spring: 1 car, 77c; 1 car, 76c: 1 car, 76c. No. 3 mixed: 3 cars, SOc. No. 4 mixed: 6-C car, 76c. No. 3 durum mixed: 1 car, 77?e: 1 car, 77Hc. Corn No. 3 yellow: 1 car, fi6c: 1 car (new, choice), EOc. No. 3 mixed: H car, S2c; 1 car (new), 49c. No. 4 mlxert 1 cor, 63c No grade: car (new), 40c. JlyeNo. 2: 11 cars, 60c Barley No. 1 feed: 1 car, 4Jc: s rejected, 2 cars, 44c. Oats No. 3 white: 5 cars, SOc. No. A white: 2. cars, 29ic; 2 cars, 2914c Omnkrt Cash I'rlccs. 1 WHKAT No. 2 hard. KOffJHtUp; n 3 liard, 79V4iiS0V4c: No. 4 hard, 775p79ci No. 2 spring, Wi&MJWc: No. 3 spring, 79g79fte; Ko. 4 spring, 74t77c. COHN-No. 3 white, 62o; No. 3 yellow, 6c; No. 3, 52c. OATS-No. 2 white. 30V4c; standard, EOUc; . 3whlto, 30c; No. 4 white, ZH'? BAULKY Malting, G4iC2c; No. I feed, HftlOc.. , . ItYE No. 2, 60c; No. 3, CSQjOc. ' .Carlof. HecelrWi. i . . Chicagd Minneapolis Duluth Omaha, m" Kansas City Kt. Louis ....... Winnipeg . pend on the course of corn. In the end prices averaged about tho same as the night before. closed a. follows: Artlclei Open. Hlgh. Low. Clte. Yes y. Wheat Dec May. July. Corn Dec- May. July. Oats Dee . May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Nov. Dec. Jan.. . May. Ribs Jan.. May. "Hon 31 OS 32H IS 7U 18 W H S3 11 16 10 824 10 86 10 10 30ff 10 22 i 9JV-3 D2H tSHCX 31H 04 324: 19 20 18 (74 11 40 U 174 10 90 10 35 10 S74 SIS m; 474 47S 47W 474 4740 414 4t4 434U4 31 314114 Sll'.l 324 324 Wi J24 324 S2UOH 18 924 K XtCS 18 (5 II 374 IS 4 U 35 111 40 11 34 11 074- il 074- 11 10 11 10 11 124 10 774 10 774 10 824 10 26 10 25 10 3) j 10 1741 10 174 10 20 I 9 874 9 S74 9 90 Cash Uotatlona wnr n fniintvn I 'LOUH-hasyi winter patents, 14.30ft 4.S5; winter straights. t4.lO04.OO; spring patents. J4.a(j6.20; spring straights, 13.80 5T.w); oaKers, 44.iVgs.vo. ilYl-Xo. 2. 61fl2a BAIILBY Keetl or mixing. UGoOc, fair to choice matting. EVH70e. SKEUS-Tlmotny, U.l&W-Tol clover, HS.00 . PllOVJSIONS-Mess pork. $17.00$ 17.23. Lard (In tierces), 311.45. abort ribs (loose), U0.S7HiM0.s7U. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to SJ7.O0O bu. Primary receipts were 2,006,(00 bu.. compared with 772,000 uu., me corxt'sponaing aay a year. ago. The world's Tt.Mble supply, ns shown by llradstreet's. Included lt.6J5.000O bu. Kstl- mated re-tlpts for tomorrow; Wheat, 63 cars; corn, sw cars; oats, zw cars hogs, S3 head. Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 red, 1.0031.Ot: No. 3 red. 95fiS8c: No. 2 hard. I &aSc: No. 3 .hard. 8o66c; No, 1 north ern, Df9i4c: iso. s nortnern. sisthsc; No. 3 northern, 82i8834c: No. 2 spring, 84'flSJc; No. 3 spring, 8283Hc; No. 4 spring, 74S80c; velvet chaff, 915j4c; durum, SJStftyc. Corn: No. 2. No. 2 white ESc: No. 2 yellow. 56V457ftc; No. 3, R24S63c; No. 3 now, 44c: No. 3 white, old, 64544e. No. 3 white, new, 47474o; No. 3 yellow, new, 4734?4c; No. 4, old, 50951c; No. 4 new, 44ft4t$c; No. 4 white, new. 414&434C; No. 4 old, 524G654o No. 4 yellow, new, 45W6c. Oats: No. 2, 3tc; No. 2 white, SiaaSc: No. 3 white, 3132c; No. 4, 304c: No. 4 white. 3048-3i4c; stand ard, 33334c llye: No. 2, ClSntfo. Barley, 4S374o. Bcodsi Timothy, J2.76y3.75; clover, 17.00. BUTTEH Steady; creameries, 2934c; dairies, SSQle. EGGS Steady Receipts, 3,031 caseJi; at mark, cases included, 2"ig25c; ordinary firsts. 24c: firsts, 27c. CHEE8F3 Steady; daisies. 1740174c; twins, 1617c; young Americas, 17c; long horns, lBtiffliyc. POTATOES Steady; receipts. 40 cars; Michigan, 4XSJc; Minnesota, 47JffiOc; Wis consin, 4652c POULTRY Alive, weak; turke-s, 17c; chickens, 10c; springs. 114c. ,. VEAL Steady at 9T14c. KKW YOUIC GKNKHAL MA11KET Wheat, Corn. Oats. .130 ...677 ...490 ... 40 .... 96 ... 7S ...S7S 36 CHICAGO CUA1N AND PROVIHIOXS Ventures or (lie Trndliifr nnd Cloning; I'rluen on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 19. Bellof that peace wa near in tho Balkans carried wheat down today to tho lowest figures on this year's crop. Tho market closed weak, 394a to lfl4o under last night. Corn finished Vic off to 4c up, oats 4o lower to a like advance and provisions ranging from Sd decline to a rise of 74c It was '&n uncertain market in wheat early, but all bull ncw.s failed and sup port gave out. Too much wheat and too little demand rendered a break In evitable when buyers lost confidence that the Turkish trouble would not be quickly nettled. Conflicting reports In regard to the Argentina crop outlook disturbed wheat epeculators In the first part of the ses sion. Prices nt one stage made a quick rally on account of statements that too much rain had fallen In the province of Buenos Ayrea. Heavy receipts north west of here, however, and a big In crease In tho World's avoilablo supply left tho market open to the bears after newH camo that nn armistice had been arranged. OutlaJo limits reached for May wheat were ?24c ' and .904c With last sales 1& i?4a net nower, at 90U6O0c. Active trade and sharp fluctuations de veloped li corn. The main cause wbb an unsuccessful attempt to force one of the larger shorts to cover. .Small dealers on the bear side suffered sovcro punishment. May swung between 474 and 47!ic, clos ing nervous, a shade under last night at 474'47Hc Cash grades were unsettled. No. 2 yellow was quoted at KMttSJ'Ac Oats bulged with corn, but the effect was lost, owing to realizing by liolders. May sold from 324c to 324c. The close, C24c, showed a net decline of 4c Operations In provisions seemed to de- HEAL ETATK I'AUM &. RANCH LANDS FPU SALK. Hiiua, SO ACRES ALFALFA. H.SOO-HAMIL-ton Co., Kan.; rich Arkansas river bottom land about 1 mile from Kendall (main line Santa Fe Ry.); good fence; no build ings, J1.000 cash, balance at 6 per cent, James L. Lombard, Owner. Kansas City. Mo. . NebrnaUa. HOMESTEAD 160 acres rich farm land for 1175, filing fees and all. Just over Into Colorado good stuff, not. sandhill. Lund around Kimball, 115 to J25 an acre. Agents wanted. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. W-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND. 125 TO 3S PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county. Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yields for U years, Including 1910 and 1911, average with the best lit the state. Alfalfa. alo a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. KUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY. NEB. bouth Dakota, HOMESTEAD relinquishment on choice quarter section In southern South Dakota, a few miles from county seat town. Only 1300. See -us quick. Khuler & Cary, 1014 City National Bank Bldg, UVK HTOCK MnltKKT OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and snrlnUnge. Your consign ments receive prompt and carerul atten tion. Live- niortc 'ninil:on ttrrrhnnt. BYEItS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co., 150 Ex. Bldg LAVERTY BROS.. 1S8 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS, it CO.. Exchange Bldg. Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Slg Rt turns Quotations nf the Dnr on Vnrlonn Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 19.-FLOUR quiet; spring patents, 4.45tW."6; winter straights, 34.454.66; winter patents, Ji.65 6.10; spring clears, $4.164.45; winter ex tras No. 1. J4.054.15; winter extras No. 2. J3.S5If4.06: Kansas straights, 34.10M.2O. Rye flour steady; fair to good, J3.C5fl3.90; ctiolce to fancy, ..95tf-l.o.. Buckwheat flour, quiet; J2.0O92.05 per 100 lbs. CO RNMEAL "Steady; fine white and yellow, JLCO1.65; ocarse, J1.451.60; kiln dried, J3.75. RYE Steady; No. 2, 66CSc, c. I. f., Buffalo. BARLEY Quiet: feeding. "68-ic c, I. f., Now York; malting, 674f70c, c. 1. f Buffalo. WHEAT Spot market weak; No, 2 red, J1.C6, elevator and J1.07, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 94c, f. o. b., afloat. Futures market, closed, 14l4o not lower, December, 934S94 i;-16c, closed at 984c; May. 97Q984C, closed at, 97c. .CORN Spot barely- Bteady; ex port, 62c, f, o. 'b afloat, to arrlv6. OATS Spot market easy; standard white, 37c, nominal; No. 3, 36ic; No. 4, S54c FEED Steady; western spring bran, 100-pound sucks, 122.60; standard middling. 100-pound sacks,' J22.60, city, lo-pounu sacks, J23.25. HAY Quiet; prime nominal, No. 1, J1.101.124: No. 2, 9ncQJ1.00; Io. 3. 7o4jiiOc. ' HOPS Easy; slato. common to choice, 1912, 26333c; 1911, 1217c; Pacific coast, 1912, 172tc: 1911, 17(rl9c HIDES Firm; Central America, 2S4c; Bogota, 284294c LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 27 Cf2Sc; seconds, 23&27c; thirds, 2324o; re jects, 18c. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; moss, J18.7&&19.M; family, J23.00G 21-00; short clears, J22.0024.00. Beet, strong; mess, J19.00ft20.00; family, J23.0024.00; beef hams, jn.vw, nominal. iaro, linn; inmate west, prime, SU.60jjpu.60; refined, continent. J11.9S; South America, compound, J7.8748.124. TALLOW Dull; prime city, 6Uc: special. 4c: country. 6fiGc. BUTTER Firm; receipts, 6.849 tubs; creamery extras. 35c: hold extras. 32M& 33c: state dalrj finest, 33c; ptocess ex tras, 274tT2Sc; factory June make, firsts, 244Q25c, current make, firsts, 244c. UrtttiSE Hicady; receipts. 2.342 boxes; etate whole milk, colored specials, 17c; rrean, Dest, nw, saims, tuilS- Steady; receipts, 7,uti cases: fresh gathered extras, 3841o; refrigerator special marks, fancy, 23424c; state, 24c; nearby nennery wnites, tancy large, new laid, CJUttOo; selected whites, good to prime, 45i;53c; common to fair, 35G43c; western gathered whites, 3342c, iOULTitl Dressed. Irregular: fresh killed western chickens, lKtfl9c; fowls, 1344U64c; turkeys, S3c. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Prices Rally Toward Close After Temporary Depression. BETTER NEWS FROM BALKANS Steady l'rectnre Aa-atnst Some Stocka Ortltnarttr Inactive neantU In KeiT Consplcnona I.uaaea for the Dnr. NBW YORK, Nov. 19,-After a tem porary depression prices of stocks rallied today and at tho close nt changes among the principal Issue were small. Tho opening was heavy and quotations In tho early trading gave way on comparaUvely small offerings. Canadian Pacific, which was weak In London before the opening here, continued Its decline, falling 24. News of brighter prospects for pearo In the Balkans acted as a mild tonic and In the tqldday trading the losses among the representative stocks were re covered. Toward the close quotations eased off slightly. Tho most conspicuous changes of the day were among stocks ordinarily In active, some of which wero subjected to steady pressure, American Brake Shoe preferred lost is points; American Woolen, 64, Ilothlehem Steel, 24. American Cotton Oil, which recently has attracted some attention by its rise, lost 2 points. Several of the less active railroad shares, Including Northwestern nnd Illinois Central, wore weak. At the sumo time some of the In dustrials were moving upwards, Vulcan Dctlnnlng made an exceptional - gain of 34. In view of the better prospects for the ending of the Balkan war a decline In foreign exchange rates attracted somu attention. Demand sterling fell to the lowest point of tho year. A settlement of tho war would cause a decided relaxa tion In financial circles in Europe, en courage tho return to regular channels of n large amount of money which has been held up for more than two months and. It is thought, might place American bankers In a position to bid successfully agAln for a part of the weekly offerings of South African gold In tho London mar ket. Bonds 'were dull. Total sales, par value, JI.S40.000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: firm; J12.70; hhds., Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 19. WHEAT December, 804c; May, 86ljb64c. Cash: No. 1 hard. S3Hc: No. 1 northern. 81t4W S2ic; No .2 northern, 7904c; No. 3, 7 018c. CORN iso. 3 yellow; 4&U4tc. . OAT8 No. S white. fiC94c. RYE No. 2, 66fluiHc BRAN-J18.OOtrl8.50. FLOURFlrst patents, J4.154.4S; second natents. J(.O0to4.25: first clears. 13.0033.30: second clears, J2.aW2.C0. KUAJt l.34tt&t,S4i. BARLEY lOtjCOc Omulia liny Market. JU.00ttll.50'; No. 2. iio.0011.00; Nd. 3, J8.00 term- Vn 1 mMlnn.t 1 lf FJVr 1 1 flV Nn T Jl6.0OQ10.50; No. 3. J8.0010.00; No. I low- li.nri. !l O01Q.0U: No. IS (AT)') .!! Nn 3. J6.0O38.00. Alfalfa. No. 1, third and fourth putting,, Jlt.008'i4.u; tjo. 1, first and second cutting, J13.50314.00; No. 2, any cutting, J12.50igl3.00; No. 3, any cutting, J10.00S12.O0. Straw, wheat, J6.00; rye, J7.00; oats, J7.50. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 19. WHKAT-No. 1 northern. 979Sc: No. 2 northern. 85S 86c; No. 2 hard winter, S8tf9c; December, S24c; May. 87Hc white, 57tK8c: new. 62e; No. 3. 65igC6c; De cember, 474c; May. 47'i(B47?4c OATH Standard 3232We. BARLEY Malting, 64072c. " - Liverpool (Jrnln Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 19.-WHHAT-Ppot. steady; No. 1 Manitoba, new, 7s 8d; No. 2 Manitoba, new. 7s 6d; No. S Manitoba, 7s 4d. Futures, steady; December, 7s VW. March. 7s 44d; May, T S4d. ' CORN Spot, easy; new American kiln dried, (Is Sd. Futuros, steady; December. 4s U4d; January. 4a UHd. Peoria Market. PEORIA. HI., Nov. 19.-CORN-Steady; No. 4 white. 474c; No. S yellow, 4fc; No. 4 yellow, 414&3c: No. 3 mixed. 46c; No. 4 mixed, 4143424c; sample, 3843300 OATS inactive. Daluth Grain Market. , DULUTH, Nov. 19. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 83c; No. 1 northern; S2c; No. northern, 80c; December, Sic asked; May, 8&HS86C .OAT8-2&HC Haarnr Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19.-8CGAR-Raw. steady; Muscovado, 9 test, 3.55c, cen trifugal. 96 test, 4.05c, molasses sugar. t9 test, 3.30c, refined, steady, AnmlKtmateiJ Copper .... American Asricultunl .., Amrrlrtn Ueoi Suiir... Amerlrtn Ctn Amerlon rn p(d Amirlwa C. F American Cotton Oil.... Am. Ice securities American I.lncd , American Looomotlte ... Amerlcui B. & H Am. B. ,6. It. pfd Am, Bugar Iletlntnc American T. A T American Tobacc Anaconda Mining .Co,... Atchlon Atchlion ptd , Atlantic Coaat Una Ilaltltnore ft Ohio , llethlehera Steel tlnxiklm Htpld Tr ("anadhin rclllo Central Leather Chenapeake a Ohio Chicago o. W Chlcaio, M. L ft. r.... Chicago & N. V. Colorado F. A I Consolidated au Corn Product! Delaware ft HuJton Denver Itlo Grande.... Denver A It. a. pfd Dlitlllera' Becurltle Krle i:rle lat ptd Krle 2d ptd General Klectrlo Ureat Js'ortliern pfd flreat Northern Ore ctfa. Illinois Central Interborough Met Inter. Met. pfd International Ilarreeter.. Inter-Murlne pfd International 1-aper International Pump .... Kanias City Southern.... Laclede Has Lehigh Valley Louiivllle A KaehvlllR.. M.', St. P. i. 8. H. M... Mltmurl, K, & T Missouri Pad do National niacult .' National Lte.d N. It. It. of M. M pfd.. New York Central Kt V., O. W Norfolk & Western 'North American Northern Paclfla Pacific Mall I'cnnayUanla People' l!a P., C C. & St. L Pittsburgh Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Jteadlng Republic I. & S rtepubllo I. tc 8. pfd.... Itock Island Co Rock Island Oo. pfd St. L. & 8. I Sd pfd... Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A. L, p(d Elose-Shef field 8. & I..., Southern Pacific Southern Hallway ....... So. Hallway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas & Pacific Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd United states Itealtr United Mates Ilubber.. United Statee Stee).... U. 8.. Steel ptd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical ,, Wabath Wabash pfd Western Maryland Western Union Westlughouao Electric . . Wheeling & U B Total tales for the day, 1,004 J low. Cloae. 1,000 S.OAO 1.0i0 304 4,400 "'wio two 2,1X11) 8f) 100 J 00 ' too 1,100 100 , 809 too IS, SCO wo l.TOO 400 1.J00 t,00 1.600 Mil 104 1,300 100 200 100 'i.'ioo 100 "ion 1,300 M eoo 3,000 I,00 eoo "siio coo " ioo 1. sno 200 400 'i'wo 100 300 "ioo 100 100 200 1,200 700 2, oo 200 200 200 39.400 2,(00 1,304 400 4IS mu 6SH 41. 79W lMi 1204 :s 4IS 10IH 10li 131, 10!i 4t iKI iKK UK 1H 1V4 UtU mn 3H 1(3 16H, Ui 40 's'iii 81 l isi"' issu 4 127U 20H U in is" rai iosii lit HST4 143 4"i 132 iiin 35 115 S3 13K St 133i 118 ....I M'ii' 1M 17114 2S(i 0H 2 K 404 123 t.n, 7H 44H : iw; 120(1 ltJH 'M'i 107H 1014 1S7U 104 V4 3H4 3U 3iH 27l 81 134 1KH, 137V. St 1(3 154 sm 40 'ill, 614 iii" 131 (B4 137 20 (( 121 "is"' tiji ioi ii 17( 14Ci 1H. ....- 43 13Vi 69 iii'vi 33 116V4 tl ' 114 34 W. 123- iMi 374 1(H lWi 7Ta to 33 balance. )$9,M7,MS, in banks and Philip pine treasury, W1.999,; total of general fund. I14s.141.919; receipt yesterday. 1SS0, Wli disbursements, RUI.MI; deficit this fiscal year, W.64C7SI. as aralnst moXKTS last year. The flsurrs for receipts, dis bursements and deficit exclude Panama canal and publlo debt transactions. llnston CloKlnv Stuck. IlOSTON, Nov. 19,- ClosliiK nuotatlons on stocks were as fnllowti AllOuet ., U 4 Mohawk Araal, Copper ...... MHNeTada On 33H A. t. U A 8 31 Mptanlng Mines ... Hi Arltocia Cora 4 North Btt 34 n. A C, C. A 8. M. l North Lak 3t Cal. a Arliona 7l4 01d Domlnlea W Cal. A Hecle tw Oeceola 1 Centenhlal . ...... ItVtQulntr M. Cnp. tan re C a.. H Shannon East llutt C, M. . KHsMperlor Franklin i superior & 1). VI . tllrovu Con (HTamarack orsnby Ctn. . ..... mt s, 8, n, & M urrene inanea IS 40 pfd 4U. t 41 44 tl lit, MU 4 lale noyale Cvvper. S3 ttah lin. Kerr Lake .,, . ... 2t'th Copper Co.. Lake Copper 3 Winona La Salle Copper..,, H Wolverine Miami Copper ..... US London Stock Market. LONDON, Nov. 1.-Tlie Austro-flervlan situation was responsible for weakness on the stock exchange during the greater part of the session today. Paris, Merlin and local traders offered stock moder ately, but the market closed better on the report that the Balkan states has as sented tu Turkey's request to discuss terms of wace. Rear covering aifd re purchases caused a fair recovery In which shipping shares were firm features. Securities opened tpitct and moved Ir regular within narrow limits until Now York selllntr. depressed the list. Prices rallied In the late trading in symputhy with the firmness In other sections. Tho closing was steady, Money wan in fair demand and dis count rates wore weak. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money ..75 3-llLoulsrltle A Neih lit do account US, Mo., Kan. A Tei. 99 Amal. Copper 37 pw Yotk Central. 119 Anaconda . 1 ,, Norfolk A Western. Ill Atchison ill do pfd II do ptd lraUOntarle a Western !44 Ttaltlmore V Ohio.. 109 U Pennsylvania Canadian Tactile ,.373snand Mines Chesapeake A Ohio. IS 4 Jteadlng . ... Chi. Oreat WMlern 19U Southern Ily Chi,, Mil. t St. r. 11114 do pfd .... Rlo'fj. De lleers Denver A do pfd Erie de 1st pfd do 2d ptd Orand Trunk t Illinois Central eiH H 4ti 122H MVi MH 19(4 1IH 47 9 lMt 120U HJl, 2(9 4SU 107. 101 H 1371 10 394 mi 2(. ' SI m; 11c, 157'. 3Vi ni4 its w 214 40U 244 S(H 61 .42W 183 133 4H 127VI 1H Us 131 IVi 13Vi 2H 37 i 1M 17(M 1I3U III -IS 4 3t; 1S2U 39 IKii 3(4 litis U 134 U. 3(',i 123 .its' 10H-Knsjo City 23 3 4H . 31 . 304 34 11c, .I7IH . (( . 74H 1HH (4 . It 204 Southern Paclflo 33 Union Pacific .. . 4i de ptd . 33UU. 8. steel . (3 do ptd . 4(4 Wabash . !H do ptd .113 .SII.VER-Har. steady at JS 15-16d per ounce. MONKr-SftOH per cent. The rate of discount In the ntirn trntr- kct for short bills Is 4T(i" per cent; for threo months' bills, 4ifi4 13-16 per cent. II 11 11k I'lenrlnira. OMAHA. Nov. 19. Omaha hnnk clcnr lns for today were 2,ss.i,03.3l, as com pared to JJ.07X.401. 40 fur tho same day last year, showing a gain of fM0,j0,S4. Nt. I.ouU Oenernl Mnrkct. ST. I3Uia Nov. 19.-WHUAT Cash, uiuottled; track No. 3 red, Jl.OlUl.W; No. 2 hald, SoSSVic. , CORN-lllgher; track No. 2, 4!ci No. II wlilti). UK. , OATB-iligher; truck No. S. 2it3ZV,s; N:. 2 white, S3V4C Closing prices of futures: W1IHAT Lower; December, o.V;,c; May, smjrsiuc. CORN Weak; December, 44!c; May, 46c OATS-Weok; December. 3ll,c; May, 82Wc. RYK Lower, C2c. KLOUK Dull: red winter patents. 5.00: extra fancy and straights, 14.15V 4.G6; hard winter clears. t3.u0i&3.c5. BKI0D Timothy, J10.00. CORNMKAL-J3.10. II RAN Weak; sacked, cast track, Sa 91c. n HAY Steady; timothy, llS.OOfi 17.50; pral rle, 12.00flllp. HAUaiNtf-IO 3-16c. I! BMP TWINB-J4C. PROVISlONB-Pork, unchanged; Job blng, M6.&0. fird, unchanged; prims steam, J10.72'.iQ10.82tt. Dry nalt meuts, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, Ul.C2Vt; clear ribs, U. 62H; short clears, 112.00. Ba con, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts. $12.62ft; clear ribs, $12.G2!&; short clears, 313.00. 1'oiTi.THV 1' inner) chickens. S'jo; springs, 12o; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 13c; geese, 10c llUTTER-Hlgher. . KUGH-quiet, 20c. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu , Corn, bu Outs, bu creamery, 2!ty34c. Receipts. Shipments. 11,000 12,000 94,000 71.000 43,000 11,000 01,000 87OW 1,100 400 200 (00 too too 200 too 204 15,900 300 it,'(oo' 44,200 600 3,100 20 20 1,100 - 300 100 300 S4V4 204 44 (0 1114 39H 81-4. 404 2IU 172 a 91V4 74T. 11 Hi 4!ft i(U 6(H 78 0i 83 24 (84 to 111 H 81 '4 (04 HSi 171 '4 91S 'tivi 74 1114 t 4644 454 134 t()i 78 MVi 242,900 sharea. 37; its 1704 28 84 3t.4 49V4 314 20H 1 4744 1 (8i 111 I 894 I 81U 40V4 J4 171T4 914 30 8744 71 Is 11144 V4 484 44 134 t(a 774 91 9 Nesr York Money Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19.-MONBY-On call, firm; 4H86 Pr cent; ruling rato, 6i per cent; closing bid, 4H per cent; offered at 4H per cent. Time loans, easier; sixty 'days, 6 per cent; ninety days, 6 per cent; six months, SKtfuW per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER (I per cent. . STERLING EXCIIANQli Heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills at 14.8080 for sixty-day bills, and at 34.85 for de mand. COMMERCIAL BJLLS-W.80H. SIVER Bar, 620; Mexican dollars, 4syc BONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows; V. 8. ref. 2s, reg..lCt K. C. So. ref. U ... t;4 do coupon 191 L. 8. deb. 4 1131.. 2V4 U. S. 9s, reg 10314 L. L N unl. 4a 97V4 do coupon , IOIViM. K, 4 T. lat it. 93 U. 8, 41, reg 1134 'do gen. 4U 84 do coupon lilts 'Mo. Pacific (s 714 Panama 3a, coupon.. 10154 do ronr. t 87 A.-C. lat ctfs... M N It 11 ol M (U 89 Amer. Ag. 6s I0t4h. T. C. . 34a... 84 A. T. A T. c. 4s.. 1114 do deb. 4s SI Am. Tobacco a U9H.N. Y. N. If, A II. Armour & Co. 44a 91 do cr. 34s 90 n"r". & w. lat c. 4s.. 974 1064 do c. (a ut 1074 No. Pacific 4s 984 WV4 do 3s (44 tlH'O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s,. SIS 91 Penn. cr. 34a 1913.. 9(44 904 do eon. (a lOSti 108 Reading gen. 4s MU 944 fl. L. A. S. P. fg 4a 7(4 44 do gen, Is 834 92!iSt. U S. W. c. (a.. 844 Grnln and 1'rorlslons. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 19. WHEAT Cosh, Hfflo higher; No. 2 hard, 8tH7c; No. 3. HUV3c; No. 2 red, 97QW4c; No. 3, t03j97r. CORN Unchanged to lo higher; No. 2 mixed, 44c; No. 3, 42Q42Hc; No, 2 white, 46c; No. 3, 44c. .OAT8-8teady: No. 2 white, 32Utt3i4o; No. 2 mixed, .11',32c. Closing nrlcoH of futures: YHEAT-Dceember, 77Tio; May, BtMP S4V4c; July, 81481Hc. CORN-Dccember, 42HeMay, ItlttHtSo; July. 45Vi4M4c. OATS-Decembor, 31T4c; Muy, .130330. RVE-66C HAY-rWeak; choice timothy, 1.13.60 14 W: choice jirnlrlo, jl2.B0itU.U). UUTTER-Creamery, 32Ho; firsts. 304c; seconds, 28Hc; packing, WMJ'&Kc. EGOS Extras, 23Ho; firsts, 2V4i29o; zecondH, 20c. POULTRY Hans, IXfflOVic; roosters. Do; springs, 11 HO 13a; young turkeys, 15M Receipts Wheat, bu ...118,000 Corn, bu W.C00 Oats, bu , 13,000 Shipments. 103,000 19.IKX) i.,ooo Atchison gen. 4s do cr. (a 1940... do CT. ts A. U L. 1st ( Eal. A Ohio 4s. . da 34s Ilrook. Tr. cr. 4s. Can, of OS. 6s,. Cen. Leather (a.. Ches. & Ohio 44 do conr. 44s .. Chicago & A. 94a (f S. A. L. adj. ts.. C. B. t Q. J. 4s... 934 So. Pac. eol. 4a. do gen. (s 944 do er. 4a (' M A 8 P cy 4H.10S 4o 1st ref. 4s. C. n. I. A P. c. ( 674 Bo. Railway (a. . do rfg. 4a 974 do gen, (a a A S. r A e 44i. 9IH Union I'eclflo 4s, D. A 11. cr. 4i... . 97V4 An cr, 4s D. A II. a. ref, Distillers' Is ,. Erie p. I. 4s. .. do gen. 4s, . .. - do cr. 4s, ser. Ill, Cen. 1st ref. Inter. Met. 44a 734 , tl 43Vi 934 1044 714 994 1024 934 44 'Inter. M, M Japan 44s . Bid. Offered. ts.. 814 Mo 1st tt ref. 4s ... 73 V 8, Rubber (S....10JH .... t4 U, B Steel 2d Ss. .102 74H Vs.-Tsr. Chem. ta. 92't II 774 Wabash 1st A ex, 4a (84 4a 46 4V,'estern Md. 4s.... tiU tl West. Klec. sr. te, . 24 ((4 Wis, 90 Central 4s. 3 Jierr York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. Nov, 19.-Cloilns quota Hons on mining stocks were: Com. Tunnel stock,. 9 Meilcan IIS do 4Mnda 12 Ontario 200 Can. Cal. A Vs...,. 30 Opblr to Iron 8llrer U0 'standard 160 Leadrllls Cen 8 Yellow Jacket 40 Little Chief , 4 Offered. Treasury Htalenieiil, WASHINGTON, Nov 19.-The condition of the United States treasury at the be ginning of business today was. Working Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 19,-COFFBEi-Ku-ture opened steady at a decline of 2 points on December. The close was steady. 2 to 6 paints not lower. Sales. 47,fW hags; Novcmnor, l&ezc; December, u.oc; Janu ary and February. 13.06c: March. 13.gflc: April, 13.92o; May, 14.00c; June, 14.(Mci July, 14.0So; August, 14.07c; September and October, 14. iw. pot, nuiet; jiio la, I4c; Santos 4s, lOVtc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 16V4tflc. 1 CHICAGO I.IVH HTOCK MARKET Demand for All Kinds of fltoek la Weak. CHICAGO. Nov.-19. CATTLE Receipts. 7,600 head; market steady to 10c lower; beeves, js.JtKO lo.ta; Texas taeers, it.Mt6.i; western steers, XWij'JM; Blockers and feeders, tl.10fl7.Z5; cows und heifers, J2.75 07.40; calves, 36.00(10.26. HOG43-IlcelpU, 24,000 head; market weuk; light, $7.337.83; mixed, 37.4OIf7.90; heavy, 37.857.90; rough, $7.35iS7.t6; plg, I5.OCWi7.2G: bulk of sales, t7.70ft7.fa. SIIUEP AND LAMU8 Receipts, 35,000 head; market for sheep weak, lamba steady: native, t3.Mtfj4.rjO; weeteni, 3.1btP .tiu; yeanings, ei.ivav.w; lamos, natives; western, IS.C.VS7.0&. Nt. I.ouU Live Stuck Markt. ST. IXJUIS, Nov. IS. CATTL1C Re ceipts. 1L0U0 head. Including 1.W0 Texatis: market steady; native shipping and ex porting steers, H.OtWll 00; dressed and butcher steers. J5.3Mi.75: stoekers and feeders, J3.76U7.00; cows and heifers, tl.U to 'J. 10: canners. xz.tom.uu: buns. 4.ooiifl.w: calves. Jil. corf 11. 00: Texas and Indian steers, 34.607.40; cows and heifers, 13. li 5.00. IIDOS-Recelnts. 8.000 head: market te hlglver: pigs and lights, WWl.t&: mlxedl and uuicner, T.aa7.o; good neavy, 7.w j7.90. HHKKP AND LAMRB Receipts. 4.300 head; market steady, muttons, i4.26M.B3j lambs, 36.60U7.t2; culls and bucks, ItOOtf; stocaers, yt.iay4 w. tit. Joseph Live 8 took Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Ma. Nov. 19. CATTLB Receipts, neaa; market, steady; na tive steers, I6.7SQ10M; cows and heifers.; oaives. i.vsj-j.ii. slow, steady; top, 17.80; bulk of sales, 17.70 SHEEP AND LAM R8 Reaelpts, 2.000 peaa; maraet, sirong; lamos, n.zayiM. .Stock In HlKhf, Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western marauia yesterday; Cattle. Hogs. Bheen. South Omaha ... ..... 8.700 13,600 13,600 Et. Joseph.,.., 2.200 10.600 2.000 Kansas City, 16.C40 21.000 s.OOO St. Louis , ... 11,000 9,000 4,300 Chicago , 7,600 24,000 35,000 Totals 43,400 7S,000 tt,8Xl OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Desirable Cattle Steady, with Other Grades Some Easier. H0QS ARE FIVE TO TEN LOWER Lamba In Aelhe 1 rerun ml sit Price Ten 4o Kiftrrti llltihrr, While Knt Sher, Continue ntejtily Receipts I.lhrrnl. SOUTH OKtAltA Vnv I. 1312. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. HheeP, Official MoikIhv ntittmate Tuesday .13,016 ,7W 11. wo sr..?;.'! 13.otX) 3S. tM H.1M .31l 11.1M 10.MW 16,316 40,173 62.111 13.423 ti.!t'0 34,760 Two days this wrek..1,7l& Same dajs last week,.12,t4. Same 3 weeks sgo. .. 6,612 Same 3 weeks ago. , 22,197 Same 4 weeks ao. .l,40s Same days last year 11.K74 The following tabit shores the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at fcnuth Omaha tor tho year to date as compared with last year: 19U. 1911. nc. Dec. Cattle SW.1.V-. 1.069.M9 ..... . 163,3I Hogs t,67,S7t 2,0,OCH 4M0,587 Sheet 3,711,616 2.77,M3 . ..... 67,028 The following table shows ths rang of prices for hogs at Bouth Omaha for the tan tew aayn witn comparisons! Date, Nov. .. Nov. 10. Nov. 11. Nov. 12. Nov. IS. Nov. 14. Nov. 16. Nov. 16. Nov. 17. Nov. IS. Nov. 19. I 1911, 1H1.1910.U09.190S.1907.19C. T67H 12T80T 79 6 63 4MeM 21 7 94 7 7J 6 M 07 7 6H 7 T S4 7 76 5 SI 4 96 757 7M7 84 6 7u4MO0 T 80 37 7 SS 6 74 4 70 6 M 7 MU K 7 74 IIS 4U IM 7 90i 26 7 6 7 97 4 94 9 i 7 P2S i SI 7 86 7 M S 69 4 9ft 10 KM 7 44 7 9.1 S 64 8 0 7 7SH 6 30 7 33 7 90 6 69 4 S3 790l794 6 70 IS4tU Sunday Receipts and disposition of live Block at tho Union stock yards, Bouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m.. Saturday: UlCCIil PTS-CA1U.OADB. cattle Hogs. HhecpH lues. C. M. & St. 1 Wabash Missouri Pacific... Union Paolflo .... U. N. V oust, . C. A N. W.. west.. C. St. P.. M. k O.. C, II, & Q east.. 15 C, II. & Q., west. .119 C. R. 1, A P.. east 11 C R. I. & P., west 5 Illinois Central. ..... .. Total receipts. ..251 UISPOSIT10N-H13AD. 4 2.. 2 .. I 37 i I 17 f I 84 6 2 7 ,. .. 17 1 Ml 32 1 3 3 1 0 m 65 "b Morris & Co 712 Swift and Company.... S71 uunany rncKing co....l,94 Armour & Co 7M Morrell 47 H. O. Packing Co Htate University V. II. Vansant Co 291 Denton Vansant & U 669 Hill & Bon 301 P. II. Lewis 523 Huston & Co Itn J. R. Root & Co 112 J. 11. nulla 244 L. 1 Huss 1 Rosenstock Dros ' 25 MoCreary & Kellogg.. 160 Werthclmer A. Ocgen.. 74 H. F, Hamilton 101 Su Ivan Urns 14 Rothschild & Krebs 17 Mo, & Kan. Calf Co.. 67 Cllne & Christie 114 Cattle. Hogs, Sheen. 2,00(1 3.KC 3,233 3,760 "iw n 2,677 814 2.221 1,439 Other ..1,800 11,573 buyers Totals 8,367 12,997 18,677 CATTLE Cattle receipts were oulte llb- Sral today, making tho total for tho two ays this week 13,700, head, tho largest prevailing In the trade everywhere. This weeks ago and larger thuti a year ago by 5,000 hoad. Other markeU were also very well supplied, some of them In fact hav ing largo receipts. At the same time there kas a general foaling of weakness prevailing In the train ove:y wnere, This market did not differ from others In that respect, so that tho market here on an klr.ds of cattle opened slow, with tho feellhk wenk, and with buyers holding back apparently awaiting later advices from othnr points before doing very much business. Thus It was late In tho morning beforo buyers and sellers really got together on a trading basis. Uuotut ons on Native Cattle oood to choice beef steers, lS.2Sti9.7o; fait' to good beet steers, f7.254l4l.2S: common to fair beef steers, f6.OO07.26; good to choice half. ers. good to cnoice cows, u.oo 96,60; fair to good gradns, 34.60476.60; com mon to lair n.mui.ou; gooo in choice stoekers ana feeders, S6.26U7.60; fair to good' fctbekeru and feeders, ,"ny 6.25; common to fair stookers and feed ers, 15.0041i.75; stock cows and hslferc, 34 60(016.00; veal calves, t5.0CKU9.0O: bulls, stags, etc., 4.(XS.00. Quotations on Rango Cattle Qood to choice beet steers, tS.764tS.16; fair to good beer steers, .sgv.i(; to fair common beof steers, Ss.6CU16.26. Representative naos: 11KEP 8TB3I5R8. No, X, Tr. No. At. Pr. IS 317 4 (0 99 11(1 7 (0 II 1008 ( 10 19 913 I 8 S( lltl 7 (9 30 1131 7 Tl I It I I ( 10 II 10 I 9 It ... HI ... lit ...1040 ...1440 ... 904 ...1011 ... 838 ...1003 ... 311 ...1111 ... IM 19...! 33.... II.... 11..,. 13... cows. It.... 4.... 9.... 4... 4..., 8..., 83,.., II.... 3.... !..., 4. 1M0 1818 13(8 ...1311 7... (... (... 19... 3... 1... 1... 1.. 1.. 1.... 1.... 19.... 3.... 1.... 1... 80S M0 . (31 (73 I II 4 00 4 15 4 33 4(1 4 71 4 90 I 00 6 00 t 00 I 10 HEIFERS. 4 19 1 S3 4 I 40 I I 40 BULIA 880 1100 1011 10(3 11(0 890 103 810 1110 918 ..1133 .. (13 .. 718 .. 80S I 00 10 33 I 10 I 10 I it I 83 I (0 14 t (0 I II I Tl I 00 I II I 18 I 10 I Tl I 83 513 11T0 1310 1010 1160 90 1110 3 JO 111 , 310 90 .. T3S . .1120 ..KIO .. 193 .. 730 ..1170 I.. 4 10 4 (0 4 CI 4 M 4 TO 4 8$ 8 00 CALVES. I 14 1 ISO 3 7 10 1 1 M 6TOCKEHH AND FEEDERS. Ill S 10 37 340 ( II . 34( 330 1(0 I 00 C 10 I 10 I 33 ( 00 I 0) I 10 I 80 1 00 Ml 9. 0 18. . . . m I u I (M I 78 19 810 ( 38 lit I M It 99 4 M Ill I On ( Ill ( (0 ; ( 00 1 174 1 (9 194 I 00 10 TM ( 10 . I I 00 91, ...... ,,.0 ( (3 "7 10 44 till ( 90 loto ( 10 AVK8TERNB NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 48 feeders.. 716 6 40 Sf) feeders. . PS5 6 20 So feeders.. Bl sw k feeders.. 648 6 60 9 steers. ...IOM 6 01 13 feeders.. 676 6 3S 7 COWS. ...J046 4 60 Kl feeders. 13 7 40 3 heifers... 640 6 00 4 rows.. ..937 6 00 13 steers... 992 6 fid 10 cows. ...S5 4 75 14 steers.... 9S7 6 20 19 steers. ...12.TS 6 45 32 feeders, .1178 6 75 80 feeders.. KM 6 STr 4 heifers... 7t0 5 60 20 heifers... 671 S 30 15 feeders.. 853 7 TO 9 cows SI8 6 35 8 cows.. .. 9fC 5 10 9 feeders.. SM 6 60 10 cows 837 4 60 7 cows 6 76 11 steers.... 90S 6 66 7 rows 91S 4 40, 16 cows 8 4 60 6 calves... ft)S 7 00 66 steers.... 64J COO 4 steers.... 497 6 26 19 steers.... SK 6 90 4 steers.. .917 6 30 Urasa A Rlrr Neb. 107 steers. .1176 6 70 3 heifers. .1004 CSS 6 cows 1070 6 00 Robert Anderson Neb. 10 feeders. 6 26 IS heifers... 700 6 30 Theo Johnson Neb. 10 cows.... 940 4 90 9 ciws KM 4 00 George McOlnley Neb. cows 865 4 60 U steers. ...1330 7 40 60 feeders.. 1125 7 15 17 feeders. .1J72 6 85 5 cows 1063 6 90 20 rows 997 6 60 WYOMING. 8 cows 9S6 6 90 steers. ... 924 6 85 43 Bteom.... 87 6 85 131 yearl'gs 61S 6 65 IS steers.,.. 991 6 25 X steers,. ..1015 7 00 90 steers... 1019 6 75 102 fooders. W3 7 00 11 steers..,. 900 6 (if SS steers,. ,,1270 7 40 66 steer JW3 6 TS 49 cows 969 6 70 23 cows..... 936 4 90 39 steers. ...1067 6 75 66 sters....ll60 7 0 13 cows 973 5 75 14 steers.... 9H9 6 60 10 cows . . .. JOG 4 60 40 steers. . .1162 6 60 12 calves. .. 361 6 00 9 calves... 236 6 75 71 steers. ...1061 6 60 18 cows 90S 6 73 14 steers. .. 90S 6 20 15 cows.. .. 90S 4 60 11 cows,. ..966 5 75 49 feeders,. 876 7 10 8 bulls 13S0 3 85 S cows 1106 6 00 3 heifers,.. 90! fl 00 14 feeders.. N 6 50 63 feeders.. 8S5 7 ft! 24 rows 1010 5 85 TO rows... .,1026 6 00 18 cows 975 6 T5 46 rs A hfs, 882 6 25 S3 cows 991 6 10 26 cows 9S3 6 14 8 cows P56 6 00 2& steers.,,, S90 7 60 A. N. llotchkles Wyo. 25 steers. ...1182 7 10 15 steers. ...1191 6 90 713 heifers.. .1048 6 25 J. K. Hock-Wyo. 67 steers.. ..1107 6 73 9 cows IOJ7 6 S. Skoogaid Wyo. 50 steers,.... 8S3 6 65 30 steers..,. 735 6 55 S steers.... 815 6 76 37 cow SSI 6 60 D. J. ICendrlck Wyo, U steers,, ..1138 7 00 John Hmlth-Wyo. 7 steers..., 992 C 75 F. T. Kelley Wyo. 23 steers. ...10R0 7 00 II steers.. ..1077 6 76 16 cows 9S9 6 NO John Welnti-Wyo. 63 feeders.. 830 6 83 18 cows 1003 6 00 7 cows 894 5 00 C. Gardner Wyo. 41 feeders.. 730 6 86 6 cows.. . ., 931 6 00 23 cows 978 6 00 Sam Qnpln Wyo. J5 feeders 876 6 SJ 7 rows 1052 6 00 T. J. Rlltledge-Wyo. .1 cows 926 .1 !W S3 steers., ..1243 6 83 3 bulls 1076 4 70 T. P, Nelson-Wyo. 8 cows 968 G 60 10 feeders., 913 7 00 S cows 943 4 75 ( B. Kolly-Wyo. 15 feeders.. 703 6 60 JO cows.. ...1027 6 60 S cows 1010 4 75 , coiUaho, 18S steers,.. 664 5 85 12 steers.... 663 S 00 83 feeder!.. 1014 6 35 6 feeders.. Mil 4 60 10 feeders. .1012 6 ,V 65 feeders,. Sf3 6 45 80 feeders., 351 6 36 22 feeders.. 776 6 10 C feeders. .1040 E CO SOUTH DAKOTA. 7 steers.. ..1110 6 60 16 feeders. .1062 6 60 16 cows,,.. 980 6 60 21 feeders.. 867 0 20 13 reedera.,1026 6 65 C steer 1126 6 60 4 steers,... 875 6 60 Fred WestgateS. D. 17 cows'.. ...11(0 6 CO 24 steers.. ..1006 6 00 HOGS As hogs wero still selling on the local market yesterday at prices on a pnr with Chicago values, the packer buy. ors hero tried hard to knock off a dime decline this morning. Ths Jobbers opened tho market by buying nulto a few hogs nywhero from stvady to a nickel lowei than yesterday's best time, the most of their purchase showing fully a nickel re duction. It was quite plain that tho pack ing Interests wanted to fill tholr orders at a dime decline as their men wero very slow In coming out and most of tholr first bids wore around S7.6W7.70 for good decent hogs. As this hog trade has dis played so much uncertainty of late the sellers did not feel like making so large a concession and consequently looked for better values. In the end the sellers gained their point, at loast to some ex tent, as the mojorloy of the offerings moved at a range of 87.7007.75. with quite a sprinkle of hogs at 87.65, arid several loads of best kinds at SS.B0, tho high mark for the day, and u nickel lower than tho top yesterday. On the whole, buslnoss wits slow and somewhat draggy at times, yet a clearance of a liberal supply was made In fair season. As noted above receipts wore vory liberal, tho supply amounting to about 193 cars or 13.600 head, as com pared with H,000 head last Tuesday, S.400 head two weeks ago and 9,037 head on the corresponding day last year. Not since July 2 has such a largo supply been re cctved on the local market. Representative sales: No. As. 80. Ir No. Ay. 8b. Tr. 103 131 ... 7 80 II Ill ... 7 70 47.!.!. ..Ill ... 7 M Il I" 7 T1H VI lit 10 7 (0 IS 103 ... 7 71 U ill ... 7 ! (1 Ill 3W 7 T 93 1T3 80 T tm II 117 10 7 Tl 191 ... 7 44 19 10( 80 7 78 33 339 8 0 7 43 9 9 171 7 78 81 308 330 7 (6 48 310 80 7 75 3S8 ... 7 5 4 3J7 140' T Tl 3 113 30 T 43 M I7( 380 7 76 94 Ill (0 7 73 3 ... J 75 (0 318 90 T (3 16 313 ... 7 78 19 211 90 7 M 79 317 130 7 Tl 48 37 7 40 7 43 T4 309 40 T JS (4 110 ... 7 S3 . l I ' 14 . ....185 ... 7 (8 44 Ill 110 7 Tl 22( to 7 45 73 l 140 7 73 !r::.::..3it Jo 5 i m m 7 M Mt 140 7 tt 00 80J ... 7 71 (0 nt (0 7 70 3 381 ... 7 75 10 Ill 10 7 TO M ITJ JO 7 71 11 nt SO 7 70 T3 IU 80 7 Tl i ts4 0 7 TO IT 340 3(0 7 77(4 S " 7 TO J" W 7 77H 89 IM 40 7 TO M 8S3 80 7 7TU TO 1(5 130 T TO 15 4 ' "! 8 350 140 7 70 II 197 100 7 80 ( 103 SO 7 TO (5 388 80 7 80 l( 393 1J0 7 70 II J f tl Ill 100 7 TO II 344 40 T 90 W 330 ... 7 70 4 383 40 7 80 M 341 40 7 70 41 138 80 7 10 ( 313 40 7 70 II 1(0 4(0 7 80 It lit 84 7 70 10 140 ... 7 80 77 . 40.. 71.. J.. II II... Ill S .tH .111 .103 .111 T TO k 7 70 I 7,70 I 7 70 ,4 Tl .7" 1. 84 .100 44i .: 7 80 7 80 7 13 PUIS. 17. M... .114 111 . 7 10 . . 7 : of sheep this point dsv two SHEEP-Whllo the receipts and lambs were -very -fair at as romnared with the same weeks ago and a year ago they were only a uttlo morn tnan nair as large as last Tuesday. The gradual decrease of west em stock and tho slightly Incrensed num ber of fed or native lambs and sheep Is becoming more appnrent every day AS was tho case on Monday, kilters consti tuted tho small end of tlio stipph lamhs of an kind being conipnrnHvely rare In spite of the fact that esrly advices from outside points gave no Indications of any Improvement In the general trade the local Sellers succeeded In getting KMfl&c higher prices for fnt lambs tho first thing In thn morning. Among the first sales were a couple of loads of fed west ern lambs, which sold as high ns I Jo. Fat lambs being In very monger suppU proved to bo ready sellers. Fat ewes an! wethers were better represented than lambs and ttndo on them was nctlvo at fully steady prices. A hunch of good killing ewes brought $1.00. Tho disposal of anything on the killing ortlor waft good, as the barn- vas cleared of the fat offerings In very fair season. Tho Improvement In killers was Xclt In the feeder division, ns prices on feeder lambs worn nt least steady to strong1 as compared with the day previous. There was r good tone to the trado In feeder sheep, most of them selling fully steady with yesterday. During the early trade two or three loads of feeding cwci brought as much as 83.30. Today and yesterday feeder sheep have been In lib eral supply and buyers seoined to hav6 a place for the bulk of the stuff offered As yesterday feeding lambs of all kinds, were scarce. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs good to choice, $7.10117.26; lambs, fair lo good, JO.C0Jf7.OO: lambs, feeders, $r.6MJ.40, yearlings, light, $4.7605.26; yearlings, heavy, $4.60JM.76; yearlings, feeders, $4.60 6.10; wethers, good to choice. $4.avfM.S5, wethers, fair to good, $J.26S.T6; wethers, feeders, $3.TWJ4.Sj awes, good to choice. $3.6084.00; owes, fair to good. $3.2J4TS.fiO; ewes, feeders, $3.0033.25; ewes, yearling breeders. J 4. 605.00; cult sheep and bucks, $5.603.00. Representative sales No. Ay 41 native ewes '..1100 C4 native ewes , 92 487 native lambs 82 36!) Wyoming ewes 76 115 Wyoming owes ...... 93 Stxi Wyoming lambs 6S 63 Wyoming lambs 66 30 Nebraska yearling wethers 80 85 Nebraska wethers ,,.. 92 475 Wyoming ewes, feeders 97 W5 Wyoming pwes, loeuers,,,. m 251 Wyoming ewes, feeders. ...130 196 Wyoming ewes, fenders.... 85 111 Nebraska lamb, feeders.. 53 196 South Dakota, owes 101 430 rulls 465 S. I). ew?s, culls .,, 200 R. D. Iambs, feeders 273 H. D. lambs, feedors m H. D. lambs, feeders 213 Wyoming lambs, feedors. 360 S. D. lambs, feeders..... 850 B. D. lambs, feeders Its Wyoming yearlings 181 native owes 23 red lamtis f1 fail nwsl, irf Wvnmlnsr ewes, feeders... 614 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 676 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 348 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 81 82 4t .. 63 A 66 ,. 67 .. 67 .. ta .. 87. ..103 .. 03 140 96 65 66 68 Pr 3 85 2 75 7 10 3 70 3 CO 6 26 6 00 5 2.1 4 35 3 85 3 35 4 00 3 SO COO 3 80 2 85 2 a 6 CO 6 35 ST. fl 35 fi 35 6 35 5 00 3 (V. 6 75 5 77. 3 25 ('. 40 6 40 6 40 Kniian 4'lty Live HlociU MnrWe-t. KANSAS CITT. Nov. 19.-aVTTLl'JIU- celpts, 16,000 head, Including 1,100 sontlt erns; market steaily: dixssed beef and osport steers. $8.10tfl0.85; fair to, good. $6.50 tjS.OO; western steers, $5.0008.60; stoekers and feeders, $4.6&U7.60; southern stee re. $1.25117.25: southern cows. $3.60(ljtj.60; native cows, W.&uwi.w; nauve lienors, eo..xua.w, bulls, $4.0Ou6,75; calves, $6.60ai.60. HOGS Receipts, 21.0M henil: market no higher: bulk of sales, $7,66U7.80; heavy, $7.70fF7.lK: packers and butchers, $7,650' 7.80: light. $7.4WV7.70: pip. J6.6Oy7.0O. mllQUl AMU UA-iUUO UCOTipin, o,vw head: market 10a to 15c higher,: lambs. $0.00 s7.oo; ycarungs. ji.wnu.w: wetnere, .wu 6.00; owes, $.1.76iJH.60; stoekers nnd feeders, $3.ttCkt.60. Dry Goods Mnrltet. NEW YORK. Nov. 19.-DRV GOODS Tho cotton goods market ruled firm with trade pf limited volume, owing to the scarcity of spot goods. Wool blankets will soon be openud for fall 1913 ana sharp advances aro looked for. Yarns ruled steady. Kxport trade was quiet. Jobbers nrn doing a very fair trade for this period of the year. Put Tour Moiey to Work You can make it earn 1 and you share in the net oarnings besides, This Company Is raising $300,000 to I'so In buying, improving, oper ating and. selling high grade Omaha. Real ISstatc. It la a Co-operative Company whom the small investor can make his money work to the best pos sible advantage. Join us today. Call or writs. Bankers Realty Investment Company 404-10 City Wat'l Bank Bllr' OmsJia, Jfeb. J, 8319. 0$n't Cut Out A,(?W!rV,V.w will rsmoTS tticua and losra no blemishes. Cares nr puff or snelllng . Does not bllst r or irmnrn urn nmr. uorso csn da cotus deurered. for cunklnd. tin ft. JR.. liniment OMrtore; flwsUlnn.Oonw, Varicose ( "ins. .Tsnoosnies. Aiiara 1'aln. OTS.,?l,,aJ,J,' boW,a "JPSJl'9's or delivered. "Ill tsll more If you write. Matmtutared only M W.r.VOUNO.P.O.r., 104 Ttntfls St., SJrlDBflcld. Ms I ITlft K4H4 The Young Mines Company, Ltd., Offers for Sale Ten Thousand Shares of Its Capital Stock at S7.50 Per Share. Capitalization of Company, $760,000.00, divided into 75,000 shares, par value $10. Tho methods of this Company have been thoroughly oxaminod by tho Ari zona Corporation Commission in complinnco witli tho "Blue Sky Law," nnd a certificate for legitimacy issued. No subscription for less than $500.00 will be received, nor any singlo sub scription for over $5,000.00 without special contract. All subscriptions miiBt bo accompanied by 20 in cash of the amount subscribed balance in equal pay ments in thirty, sixty and ninety days. If requested, contracts will bo made with purchaser if not satisfied, with stock after twolvo months from date of last payment, to return amount of pur chase prico with legal rato of interest. , Reference! by Permission: 8. II. Oberfeldcr, Cashier, National Hank of Arizona, I'hoenlx. Arizona. It. UazelUno, Vice President, Hank of Arizona, Prericott, Arizona. M This Is no speculation It ts an .Investment, and the proposition is as clean as a man can make it. Address YOUNG MINES COMPANY, Ltd., ' Geo. U. Young, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 403-404 Fleming Building, Pheonix, Arizona. as 23 At J it 1 7 i; r ii i 3 t