Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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    TUtt BEK: Or Ml A, W.lKSl)A , NOVKMHLli
Ten-Story Structure Will Go Up at
Tenth and Harney Streets.
Omnhn Tent nnd Amilnit Couiimnr
to Ocrnpr UHfr floor nnd Ilnl-
ncc Will Ilr llrnlril Oat
nil Offlees.
Work will be started within tho next
sixty days on a ten-story reinforced con
crete building at Tenth and Harney
streets. This announcement was mode by
Albert H. Ilawltier. president o the
Omaha Tent and Awnlns company. The
building will cost In the neighborhood of
Mr; Hawltzer Is the present owrter of
the vacant lot at this place and has
tleclded to build a modern factory which
will be completed by August 1. IMS, on
which date his lease on the building ha
occupies at 1102 Harney street will expire.
Four stories of the new building will
be used by the awntnr company and the
other six stories will be for the hotislne
Heavy Weight
On the Stomach
Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets Re
move It and All Other Forms
of Indigestion Quickly.
That awful feeling aa though there
were a heavy weight on your stomach
as though you had' swallowed an enor
mous lump of lead-Is caused by the
failure of your stomach to thoroughly di
gest your foods, Tou may have eaten
too fast or too much. Your stomach may
bo over-worked and tired out. It Is too
weak to produce enough of the digestive
Juices necessary to take proper caro of
the food. Gases form and cause all
sorts of agony. The stomach demands
more pepsin, hydrochloric acid and other
digestive agents which It 'a unable to
Medicines are not only worthless In
cases, of this .kind, hut nrc actually In
jurious to theWholo system. It Is sheer
lunacy to pour a lot of vile stuff into
the stomach drugs that have no digestive
power whatever. ,.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain In
gredients that not only bring quick re
lief to digestive sufferers, but actually
digest the food for the stomach. One of
theso little magic tablets taken after each
weal, will rest th stomach, revitalize the
secretory glands, strengthen the muscular
walls In fact, tono up the entire digestive
No home should be without Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets constantly on hand.
They stop all forms of Indigestion, such
us sour' stomach, bclchlngs, heartburn,
dizziness, burning sensation, brash, etc.
After a brief course of treatment your
appetite Improves. You enjoy your food
more. You awaken every morning with
a happy disposition. Life looks brighter.
Your brain becomes clearer and your eyes
sparkle with their old time snap and
twinkle. You are practically a new per
son. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
till druggists, at DOo a box.
"The Hotel of American Ideals"
Washington, D. C.
Hotel Powhatan
Pennsylvania Avenue
at 18th and H Streets
Hew. Tlrsproof. European Plan
Itooms, dctaelieu ImiU i
$'J.OO up.
Rooms, private bath, $2.50,
$U.OO up.
100 per cent Fire, Germ and Dust
Proof. Two block from White
House, and near all points
of Interest.
Owners and Operators.
Direction and Man?emant
34th SL East at Park At.
i Sbcoay Embxatx NEW YOUK
The World's Moat
Attractive Hotel
Each, room with a bath
Single looai. with hath, $3, $4, $5, $6, yat
Double room, win bath, $5, $6, $7, $6V per
. Double bedroom, boudoir dreuing room and
Suka, pilor, bedroom and bsth, $10, $12.
; T.M.HilUard, Managing Director
Walton H. Marshall, Manager
of offices of the various foreign manu
facturers which are at rrwent located
In Omaha. Kastern capital may be used
In erecting tho building, but, this has
not as yet been decided. The bullillnjr.
however, will be erected, said Mr. Haw
Iticr, if he has to finance It himself.
After SriT York Syle.
Tho new home of tho company will be
built 'mlong the lines of the manufactur
ing buildings which are being built In
New York. It will be of the latest type,
absolutely fireproof and with electrical
freight and passenger elevators. A spiral
tube will be Installed in tho building for
the purpose of sending large articles from
the top floor to the shipping room In tho
The framework of the now edifice will
be of reinforced concrete, and steel. The
exterior will be almost entirely glass,
making it perfectly sanitary and well
ventilated and lighted.
Mr. nawltzcr returned last week from
Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and
other western towns.
llnck to Ills First l.inr.
' For years I traveled over the Pacific
coast with my wife for her health nnd
during that time looked for a place to
Invest," he says. "I Baw San Francisco,
Spokane. Portland and other cities, but
when I come back to Omaha, the place
where 1 was born, It looked the safest
place to Invest, and I shall put every
dollar Into property here. Omaha cap
ital at present and business Is like an
octopus, but some time they will wnko
up and Omaha will be tho grcutcst city
In the west."
Commercial Club
Favors Near Side
Stop of Street Oars
Resolved, Hy the municipal affairs com
mittee of the Commercial club of OmnliH.
In Joint conference with the public survlce
corporation committee, that wo favor the
passage of an ordlnnnce by the Omaha
city council, requiring tho street rallwuy
company to order all street cars to stop
on tho first side of the street to tnkc on
and let off passengers. This ordinance
being necessary to facilitate public traf
fic and to prevent as muoh as possible
danger or accident of personal Injury.
Tho reports of '.he municipal affairs
and public service corporations commit
tees of the Commercial club were thus
endorsed by the executive committee of
tho club at the weekly meeting yestfr
day. The entire time of tho meeting was
taken up with tho presentation of the
near side stopping prdposltlon by chair
men of the two subcommittees.
Following this action it was announced
tho Commercial club will drop the matter
until some action is taken by tho city
council. That such an ordinance may be
passed Immediately if it is found that
the peoplo of Omaha want a change of
stopping points for street cars was sug
gested In a carbon copy letter from Com
missioner Ityder to President Wattlos of
the street railway company, Tcad before
the committee.
Commissioner Ryder has favored near
side stopping, he says, from tho first,
and, since the Investigations of tho Com
mercial club have strengthened his
opinions, ho will seek the immediate pas
sage of the .ordinance.
Swanson Heirs Pay
for Damage Done to
Death Automobile
John G. .Seafus of Klkhorn. who drovo
his automobile into that of 13. H. Swan
son of Omaha, causing- Swunson's death,
was paid 150 damages by tho Swanson
estate in county court. The damngo
money was for the wrecking of Seafua'
The accident occurred a year ago.
Swanson ttnd n relative were driving
near Elkhorn. Senfus, who had been In
Omaha, waa homeward bound. The cars
met on a curve. Swanson's skull waa
fractured, lie died two weeks later.
Hen fun and occupants of his car sold
he was proceeding slowly nnd carefully,
lie filed a $1,009 claim against the oatulo.
Swanson's friends declared Seafus wis
at fault. Beafus and heirs of Swanson
effected a compromise on J430.
Poet Has Heap of
Trouble Over Rent
Troubles are not coming singly for C.
A. Poet, owner of. an automobile clectrio
generating plant. "Mr. Poet formerly had
quarters with tho Auburn automobile
agency. Through some business disagree
ment the landlord ojectod Poet's gener
ating plant for alleged nonpayment of
rent. Just or Mr. Poet was about to
find other quarters and get into shape
to accommodate patrons again the plant
was uttached by two former employes,
who started a suit In county court for
alleged unpaid wages. The suit will bo
tried In county, court next wepk. The
wage claimants arc Otto Carlson, who
nays ho has $21.82 coming, nnd Joseph
Tails, who claims til.
The patient Dmideeltcs who for many
years have been suffering from Sahara-
like duststornis at the Missouri Pacific
tracks at Forty-sixth and Dodge streets,
who have ulso been forced td miss Im
portant engagements mid hot suppots, by
the Missouri Pacific trains' unhappy fac
ulty of stopping midway across the street
car tracks, have been looking forward
to tho time when th!B road would show
a little mercy or be compelled to build
the much-talked-of viaduct across the
low point. Which la tho cause of more
comment and more mumbled profanity
than probably any llko spot In Omaha.
Hut Instead of complying with the wishes
of tho populace the magnates have or
dered an Installation of a double truck
at this point, thus doubling the agony
of tlnJ common people.
With ISO ducks in his poxacsslon, many
pioro than the law authorizes, H. II. Ren
ton of Marshalltown, la., came in from
the southern part of Cherry county yes
terday. He evaded all game wardens
at the Union station and during the fore
noon left for home.
Mr. Renton says that the duck shooting
on the lakes in the southern part of
Cherry county la the best he haa ever
seen- The shooting grounds are from
twenty to thirty miles south of the North
western and down where he hunted the
lakes, of which there are a large number,
are covered with mallards. They aru
hunted so little that they are not wild
and when flushed rise from the wild rice
beds, make a short flight and return.
Cold Weather Helps
for Hair and Skin
The "free" alkali in shampoos will
cause hair to grow dull mil lifeless,
split at ends and fall out. nnd until
hurtful soaps or mlxturvs are dlscon-t
tlnued, thcro can bo no relief. A very
flno shampoo-mlxturo can be madt by
dissolving n, teaspoonful ennthrox In a
cup of hot water. This should be injured
on the head slowly and rubbed up well
and It will create an abundance of white,
creamy lather. ' After'a canthrox sham
poo the hair dries evenly and quickly,
while the scalp la left clean, pliant and
healthy. It Is not necessary to shampoo
every week when ennthrox Is employed,
because Its effects) are quick and lasting.
Continued using of -canthrox insures a
clean, healthy scalp and an abundance
of rich, glossy, attractive hair, easy to
do up and of an evenness In color.
Men have always been attracted and
held by woman's bwnuty. To get rid of
n shiny, greasy, muddy look to the skin.
go to the drug store and get four ounces
of spurmax, dissolve It In one-half pint
witch huxel (or hot water), ami add two
teaspoonfuls glycerine. Apply this to
the face, neck and arms, nibbing gently
until dry. It will clear up nnd whltn
the skin and give to It that charm of
youthful freshness so much envied by
all women. This lotion does not show
or rub off like powder and Is much bet
ter. It Is splendid for removing freckles,
Pimples and sallowness of the skin. Advertisement.
Commissioners Refuse to Trent with
Contractors Till All Bills Are In.
The new stacking machine which haa
been Installed In tho mailing room of
the postofflce Is now in operation. Tho
machine worked better than expected and
3.U0O letters, which heretofore, would take
at least one hour and one-half to stack
was taken out of the sacks, stacked,
racked and cancelled In twenty-seven
minutes. Heretofore twelve men were
required to stack this number of let
ters and cancel them, but with tho new
device only eight men are needed. These
men are not yet famllar with tho work
ings of tho machine and In a fow days
tho tlmo consumed in racking will be
unusually small In comparison.,
I.jnch !! lie Wsnla to (
Aunlimt Any Farther Claim" "
liift- Tnrnrd In hy Court
tlntiar Contractor".
Summarily hailing negotiations for a
settlement with Caldwell A Drake, county
building general contractors, the Hoard of
County Commissioner gave tho con
tractors notice that there will be no fur
ther treating until there 1ms been com
pilation with the board's request for
stnteinent of all claims against the
county. This action waa taken when
Cleorgo W. Caldwell of Caldwell & Drake
filed n bill for "extras' which ho refused
to sign.
The "extras" bill was for $t!.Krt.X4. Tho
board knows the general contractors ur
withholding their claims. They rcfti'c to
go further with the nogotluntloni for a
settlement until they know exactly what
the contractors will demand. Tho declared
the bill for "extras" did not comply with
the request for a statement of "all
claims" of the contractor against tho
county. The request was made In the
form of n resolution hy tho board last
.Mr. Caldwell said he could not tell when
he would file the "statement Of alt
claims," which the hoard demands. "1
might bo able to fllo It In an hour, but
I don't believe 1 will,' said Mr, Caldwell.
"I don't understand this notion. 1 will
have' to get my bearings first."
Vnnt All Clnlin.
The board's resolution of Saturday
called for a statement of all claims, of
whatever kind, tho contractors will 'make
against the county to offsct'the county's
he,avy claims against tho contractors.
The statement was required to he, filed
Monday, but none was filed until today.
The largest Item In the "extra" bill,
filed by Mr. Caldwell Is KtKM for actual
lo.s by tho dynamiting of the building a
year and a half ago. Other Items nrtj
$3,400 for the county's failure to hnvo the
site ready when the contractors wore
ready to begin work, 1540 for extra marble
In toilet rooms, $000 for an additional three
inches of concrete on the roof, $1,000 for
ctraniiig aa dt-brls alter p.MntltiR. u.-trh-Hl
work, plumbing and elevator i n
tractors finished their Jobs.
The "extras" bill was not signed. When
the board met Commissioner Lynch
wpntKl to know If the Mil covered nil
the contractors' rlalmi against tho
county. Mr. Caldwell said It oovorrd all
the extras. Mr. l.yneh wanted to know was not signed. Mr. Cnldwell sold
ho didn't know that was necessary.
Rising, Mr. Uvnch laid the bill on tho
table In front of Caldwell.
"Will you sltn that ai a full statement
of all the claims Caldwell Drake will
make against Douglas county?" ho asked.
J. F. Fraser. representative of tho
Colorado-Yule Marble company, a sub
contractor, nudged Caldwell and cau
tioned him not to Blgu.
"No. I won't." said Mr. Caldwell. "1
would be a fool to do that."
lynch then made a motion that the
board reruse to further Inspect the build.
Ing or treat further for a settlement with
the general contractors until they fllo a
statement of "all claims." as per resolu
tion of last Saturday.
"The board might make some conses-
Mmiis mi order to bring ab tut a
settlement." wild Mr after the
meeting, "but wo aro not going to make
any conresMons while the contractors
ar free to come In Inter with exorbitant
Malms against tho county. The board
will not rroognlve the claim of $4,(VW for
dynamiting damage. It holds tho con
tractors were resix'nslble for tho hultdliitf
until It was delivered to tho county.
They recognised this responsibility by
employing a watchman to guard It. They
are responsible for the dynamiting damage."
High Degrees Taken
by the Scottish Rite
Masons at Reunion
Seventeenth nnd eighteenth degrees
were conferred at tho Hcottlsh Kites re
union In tho Masonic temple yesterday
afternoon. Tho fifteenth degn-e was con
ferred Inst night.
All counties of tho state are tepre
entcd except Inncsstnr and Adams, which
nrr In anotl ii itrlsdlrtloii. 2m nnd' 1 i
being present.
Among those from tint In tho stilt- wl
are taking the various degrees an Pn.y
tor V. M. Hirrle of llroken How. I'
Anderson of llroken How, (' 1? Itirtu it
Anselmo, Hev. 1.. V. Dotal o"f Cnllorta
C. O. Kmpfleld of Anselmo, Oeoi'gc O
Fnlrchlld of llertrnnd. William V Fultc
of Plnlnvlow, D. C. Konket of llrok i
tlow, K. M. IaGranKe of Fullerlon, Mat
I.ocwcnthnl of Chndron, II. F. Plttnnti of
Cluutron, 11. W. Ixtvolacc of Uroken Ilo.v
J. It. Mnylniul or Norfolk, D. F Osgun'
ttf Itynnnls, W. J. Bcoggtn of Bridgeport,
H. It. Hcratiton of Bertram!, C. IT. fltowfli
I of Francis, II. F. Thornton of Nollgh. J
J. Tooloy of Anselmo, J. W. Vlrtegg ol
Central City and many others.
Tho reunion Is held twice a year wlicr
many degrees nro conferred. Tho W'trk
Is all done In tho afternoon nnd evtnln,
Tho big banquet on Thursday evening wi
bo the closing event of the reunion
A Ilorrllilo Donth
may result from diseased lun&H. ( ui
coughs and weak, sore lungs with in
King's New Discovery. Wo nnd $1 Foi
sale hy. Ucnthu Drug Co. Advertisement
Prlt book worth a dollar to three bst saoh week. Mall yours to
BatfydlU Editor, Ths Bsc. Bt th. Bandar Ba for prls winners.
Ed Stafford. 120 8. Thlrty-ftfth-Sho Is
gone! Do you know whero she Is? Yes,
the radiator.
If the earth is dark. Is the skylight?
Mrs. F. W. Wylle. 5121 North Thlrtloth-
First problem for President Wilson to
solve: How much Wood wquld . Woodrow
tow It Woodrow would row wood? ,
Ruth Pennington. 1.717 Hummer St., Lin
coln If Mary was making a wild dash
through the library, would the Ink stop,
If Miller broke his leg making a home
run, would the foot ball?
It the calf ran across . tho railroad
track, would the cow-catcher?
If Hiawatha voted for Vl'son.would
Fred Oliver, Benson Haa tho governor,
elect "More-head" than the present
chief executive? Or. does ho favor
I.ouls Hertzberg, 24M Seward If a soda
dispenser earned $14 a week, what would
the coffee urn?
If a colt was frightened by a train,
would tho horsefly?
If tho street was torn up, would the
Edward Wlrthsafter. 2572 Harney-If a
wife Is wrong is It right that she should
bo left?
H. A. Hulke, 371S Lincoln Boulevard If
tho Bulgarian nrmy succeeds In entering
Constantinople on Thanksgiving day, do
you think tlioy will Berv-(l)-a. Turkey
with Greece?
Cnrl It. Hitchcock, Kustls, Neb.-lf a
girl Bworn would the pennut roaster?
If tho heavyweight ohainplon had an
heir, would It bo John-son or Juck's son?
Mrs. T. A. Isaacson, 2317 Boutlr Thirty-flrst-l'm
the boob that put ma. In Omaha.
I'm tho guy that put brass In Ne
braska. I'm the boob that put the pill In Pllsen.
I'm the guy that put tho Yank In Yang,
I'm the boob that put Philip In' Philip,
pines. t ,
Lillian Wirt. 41SS Cass-If an Israelite
mado ten, would Hebrew?
. Jack Lynch, 2212 Ma ,n- Alice blue
Ik worth $1 a yard, how much Is Long
worth? A, Nlchol-aa?
deorge A. Bice, Mapleton, la. Who
are you?
I'm' the boob that put the "hlo In
Chnrles Erar-lm, navennn, Neb. If the
sun came out real warm. In January,
would Harry K. Thaw?
If swearing pounds bad, how does Long
Island Sound?
If a guard foil dead at his post, would
his Elgin watch?
I Will Give the Medicine
You Give the Time
A Few Oays Will Be Sufficient to
Prove You Are Curable
A few minutps nf vnnr tim. fn rn,
days and I will demonstrate to you,
without expense to yourHelf. that I have
a medicine that drives Uric Acid poison
from the system and by so doing cures
kidney trouble, bladder trouble nnd
rheumatism. I don't ask you to take
my word for II. but simply want you to
let me send you Homo of this medicine
so that you con use It personally.
I am trying to convlnco suffercm from
thoHo diseases that I have something
far better than tho usual run of roin
edics. treatments and such things, and
tlie only way I can demonstrate that
ract Is to go to tho expenso of compound
ing the medicine und sending It out freo
ut uiarKc. i ntw j am gma to do for uny
mo time to write
me' .! nderstand. 1 will not send you a
so-called 'Vample, proof or test treat
ment, nor Will I ftrnrl Vntl u liunkni,- nf
medicine and say that you can uso some
of It and nay for tho rest, but I will
send you u supply free of chargu anil
tou will not bo asked to pay for this
gift nor .will you be under any obllga-
All I want
oiseuHo ror which my medicine is In
who will send mtdloln to anyone
frsa of oharj-s.
iny medicine All any fair-minded affile.
to know Ih tliat vntt i,av.. o i lf Person wants to know is if a certain
which0 ml" fn.'u"'!"" 1 cure .HIM or ll.UIt. and here
tended, u it Ih bi,i iw.m an opportunity to rind out without
give herewith some of the IwVdlng tUSiA U?.,?5im,or,an,t '".I" .f tlmB
symptoms of kidney, bladder 1 and the I B!, ?AYH muy bo t,,,! lurnln
initio iruuuies. ir vou notirn ntn. n.
more of theso svmntnmn vnti ne.i thi.
medicine, and I will bn glad to send you
fcomo of it If you will write ino the
numbers of tho symptoms you have,
give your age. and your name and ad
dress. My address Is Dr. T. Frank Lv.
nott, f047 Doagan Building. Chicago, ill
All who aro Interested enouirh to write
me for the free, medicine will ulso re
ceive a copy of my largo illustrated med
leal book which describe thosn diseases
thoroughly. It Is the largest book of the
kind ever written for freo distribution,
uiin u ttiiw muiuu ih jubi oeing printer.
You promliie me nothing you'Tay' A'e '""'J tXZr TH.
nothing for It. All I ask, so tliero shall i .m n tt(,vlr1 that should be of
bo no mistake, is that you send me the F1 .I,V1 to .W ,)llt "5'r t0 dn "Us
numbers of your symptoms or a deacrlp- l.m,U8t thut y.ou ne?1 m' nellplre.
tlon in your own words, and that you J r',e "" ho ''nberjt of the symptoms
take the medlcino according to the dl- .tl!a,t trouo1" y". and your nge, and I
reotlons I send you, It Is my way of Pmi)l v carry out my promises,
getting publicity fur my medicine so that i ?,',10A an ''c,'natloii to bo cured und you
It will become widely known. wl"
You will agree when vou hav. usml It '
that it dissolves and drives out uric acid
poison. It tones the kidneys so that they
work In harmony with the bladder, Jt
strengthens the bladder so that frequent
desire to urinate nnd other urinary dis
orders are banished. It stops rheumatic
acheu and pains Immediately. It dis
solves urio acid crystals so that back i
and muscles no longer ache and crooked
Joints quirkly straighten out. It recon
structs tho blood and n erven so that you
soon fi-ol healthier and more vlitorous.
sleep better and eat better and have
energy tnrougnqut tho day. It does all
thia. and vet contains nothing lnlurlous
and Is absolutely vouched for according
to law.
Sufferers from these dreadful and dan- I
gerous diseases can surely afford to
sDend a few minutes each day for a few .
lays to demonstrate to their own satit
r.LTtton ti iney are curamo. esneriaiiy
when ypu consider no expense Is Involved,
and' 1 willingly give you my time and
inese Aro the bymptcm :
1 Pain in the back.
3 Too frequent assure to urinats.
3 Burning- or obstruction of urln.
Pain or soreness In tbs bladasr.
0 Prostratlo tronbls.
0 ass or pain In the stomach.
7 Oeneral dtblllty, weakness, fllxxt-
8 Pain or soreness under right rib.
0 Swelling' in any part of the body.
10 Constipation or llvsr trouble.
11 Palpitation or pain nndsr the
13 Pain la th hip Joint.
13 Pain in the nscfc or hsad.
14 Pain or soreness in ths k)dnys,
16 Pain or wslllnr of ths joints,
16 Pain or swelling- of the rausoUs.
17 r-Paln and soreness In usrvts.
18 Acute or chronic rhaamatlsm.
Catarrh, Rheumatism
Scrutula, Eramnn, ,Skiu Xuacbsoh, UloqQ Poisons, IWUr, Ulcara raid All Eruptions,
End Blood, Striatum, Kidrary rtnd LVvcr OampliiiutB, Gmiaral DohUlty, That Tirod
Ftoallng, Losr of ATniotlito, iltcmmch TroubloB and otliur Ailmtintn and DdsoaHtiH arising
frxrm Jinyiuxe ar Xow fUt .n fho Blood, hitvo in Tory rmnnurauB xuircb Imrm cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Wltioli in oar -tfihnrm Ih tfho strangest, and mvfest, tbo most fharrragh .and "most
Baocessfnl TtiBdiamD Iwlum tho -people. It in a highly ooniwintratrid jircpaiaflon of
Roots, Barks, Herbs
Including not only Siixsjqurnillii, Inrl vUbo thoBo great Attorathres, Stillingia and
Blue Flag-; "those great Anti-Bilious and Liver TomodieB, JHandrakn and Dandelion;
' Uioso great Kidney xmnodios, Utu Unri, Juniper Berries and Pinsisserwft; those groat
8tbtnaoh Tonics,- Gentian Hoot and "VVild Gharry Backj snd othar ourathn agenta
ksnmanianfdy .combined. Just iihoeo xmnodios prosailbei "by -fho "best ihyslchaMi ior
the alBmSBs und aahnants ior Vbich this good modiaine 3s TsoariuneindorL
Over 40,000 Testimonials Received in Two Years
' QET A BOYTLE TODAY. Prcnrad by C. I. HOOD CO LmH .Taaaa.
.' " ' ,'
How to make
Baby Jackets and Caps
Bags of all kinds
Book Ends
Candle Shades
Cut Leather
Doll House
Dolls' Dresses
Handkerchief Cases
Lamp Shades
Mechanical Toys
Men's Cravats
Painted China
Sofa Cushions
and many others
are easy
to make -
All in the Christmas
Get it at your news-stand today or send 15c to
Woman's Home Companion, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York