Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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The Ngywp.fls And So Goes wittl Jerry
Copyright, 1)12, National News Ma'n.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
? r -r- 1 TV j j pi r 7 - "
how i long ro n.t pTtm we vtu. tmi (I JERrVr- . x N
HYWEl BtwJ HER OP HELLO Nl J" TO fSw LL J ( fesSfS) ! Too D B ICAN
hhw.S ( .STouw,rre- W) "-EARLT J rAJ& I ooo rye. I Explain ii!
AR - uove f '
Bulldogs' Splendid Offense to Be Big
Factor in Game.
TlKrr I'rolmlilr Hnve llrot Nrorlng
Machine In Conference Jat Siht,
nil .May Whip Jnylmn U t r,
' Very Decisively.
n- CI.YI1K 13. ki.mott.
Only two Missouri Valley conference
games of Importance remain to bo played,
both, of course, being scheduled for Bat
unlay. Ames and Drake clash at Des
Moines In a content which will determine'
the position the Aggies are to hold In
the 1712 conference record, and Missouri
will meet Kansas at I.awrcnce In the an
nual battle between these two ancient
rivals. The Kansas-Missouri battle will
settle the placo which the Tigers are to
bo given In the rating of. the various
elevens. Nebraska fought Its last con
ference engagement last Saturday, when
It nosed out a victory against the Jay
hawkers and thus passed through the
season with another clean slate and the
conference Utlo stilt In Its hand.
Ames Win Bnt, Our name.
Ames has played only one conference
frame this full, that being a runaway
encounter with the Missouri Tigers early
In the fall, -when the pupils of Coach
Hrewer were not In condition for a hard
game. Ames second conference contest
Is to bo with Drake. The Aggies by win
ning this game would have a clean slato
and would lay claim to the conference
title, but Its rights, though much re
spected by the other schools of the val
ley, would hardly Justify any crltlo In
Klvlng the Aggies a better position than
the Cornhuskcns, who met and defeated
both Missouri and KnrmuH when these
two elevens were In the prime of condi
tion, playing the best game that they
have put up during tho entire season.
Missouri today has one of the best
elevens In tho vnlley. It is playing Just
ihe kind of bull that It put up against
Nebraska at Columbia, It Is very doubt
ful whether the Iowa Aggies could lick
tho Tigers in a gamo played this week.
Tho class of foot ball which the Drawer
eleven has been playing would make It
n favorlto over any other team In tho
valley, with tho possible exception of the
uornnuskers today.
,Ornk4 May Sprlun Mnrjirlie,
Ames has not yet passed the final mile
stone and If the Drake team Is In con
dition the Aggies will get a deep sur
prise, for tire Bulldogs havo one of the
fastest backflflds In the valley, and an
entire team that can play brilliant foot
ball at times. With the Injured men re
covered and bnck In the game Drake
probably will win from Ames. -
Open play should rule In the Drake-
Aggie battle, for the Bulldogs have
shown flashes of as fine forward Miss
ing and end running as has been seen
In the valley this fall. The wonderful
manner In which they executed forward
passes during the closing minutes of the
Missouri game was a revelation to spec
tators who have watched many of the
western teams In action during the last
three or four seasons, or since the open
game came Into Its own. If the Hull
dogs can pull off these plays against
Ames they will win, anil have little
troublo In doing so. Coach Griffith of
Drake should be spending his time this
week In building up his defense, and he
probably ls doing so. If his llnu can
stop the Ames hacltfleld he will beat
tho Aggies easily. The Antes forwards
will not cause the Bulldog line any too
much trouble, provided the' Drake men
are In good physical condition.
MlMonrl tlm Fnrorlte.
Missouri will rule a favorlto over Has
san and should lick the Jayhawkers de
cisively, even though Kansas play as
well as It did against Nebraska. The
Tlscrs tiro a mlghtly fine eloven, , and
with Knobel, KcMIre, Wilson, Prtxloy and
Barton doing their usually good work,
tlm score should be very widely in favor
of tho cloven from Columbia. Kansas does
not hnvn.a scorlnir machlno and only oc
casionally Is Its defense strong enough
n ftrolrct Its goal. Missouri has tho
best offensive machine In the valley, none
excepted, and only tho most wonderful
playing on the part of the Jayhawkers
con keep tho Brewer aggregation from
totaling several points,
NKW TOHK, Nov, 1?. The high Jump
of six feet Ott Inches, made by C. I
Horlne, In a dual meet at Iceland Htnn-'
ford, Jr., university, on March . last,
was accepted as tho world's record by
the awards committee of the Amateur
Athletic union today. Tho committee also
accepted eloven records made by Ameri
can athletes at the recent Olympic games
In Stockholm.
Persistent Advertising is the Iload to
Dig llcturns.
New York
Beginning November 24, 1912
Broadway Limited
Leaves Chicago 12:40 p. m. Arrives New York 0:40 a. ra.
Composed exclusively of Pullman Equip
ment with all Limited Train Foatures
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Leaves Chicago 1S:U0 p. in. Arrives New York 120 p. in.
New AUeniM Daily Trail te Daylea aid Spriifjtieli, 0.
With Cafe and Parlor Cars and Coaches
Leaves Chicago 111:20 p. in.
Arrives Dayton 8:00 p. nu Arrives Springfield 0:10 p. in.
Over-Night Express
New Daily Train via Pan Handle Route
$9.50 Chicago to Pittsburgh
Leaves CIiIcaro 7:00 p. in. Arrives Pittsburgh 8:0 a. m.
Through Coach and Sleeping Cara. Din-
Ins Car Serving Supper and Breakfast.
For full Information call on
W. II. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent,
818 City Xat kraal Baak Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
Captain of Navy Foot Ball Crew
Captain Devore, of the array team, an
all-Amerlcan selection last year, who put
up JUs usual high-class game, but at that
could offer only feeble resistance to the
wild fury of that Indian uprising-, One of
Captain Thorpe's strongest allies, Out on,
Hoppe in Good Form
and Defeats Sutton
NEW TOItK, Nov, 13. Hoppe showed
excellent form In defeating- Sutton to
night In the 18.2 balk line billiard cham
pionship tournament, making; th high
average thus far, 29 7-17. Slosson out'
classed Yamoda, playing a consistent
Hoppe clicked off double fhrures in
elKht Innings. His best effort was 10L
Slosson had the upper hand In his game
after the twentieth Inning, scoring; forty
one In four innings. His highest run was
seventy-nine. Scores:
HoDPe. COO: avcrace. 2$ 7-17: hJeii runs.
101, 84, 82.
Sutton. 140: averace. 8 15-16: Wch runs.
81 23, 21.
Blosson, BOO; average, 12 8-11: high runs,
79. 77, 41,
Yamuda, 331; average, 8 11-W; high runs,
32, 32, 28.
Mornlngatar defeated Taylor, 600 to 310,
and Cllne beat Demarcst, 600 to 443, in
the afternoon games.
Momlngstar played a steady game, with
high runs of 131 in the eleventh, inning
and 106 In the sixteenth.
Taylor played his usual good game, but
the balls did not roll well for him.
Cllne took the lead early in bis game
with Demarest and held it to the end.
Mornlngstar. BOO: avcraxe. 21 17-23: hi eh
runs, Ul, 106, SO.
Taylor. 310: average. 14 2-22: hlch runs.
62, liS, 52.
Cllne, 500; average, 11 6-45; high runs,
J9,46. 43.
Deroarest, 4; averago, 10 3-44; high
runs, 70. 46. 41.
HoTTllnsr Notes.
Dad Clark is still In the gome. He
rolled before tho war.
Let's bcc. Is there any leacue Bland
has not rolled In this season?
The Drlco of meat will sro tin. Charley
Zarp only rolled 520 last -week.
The big meeting of the Midwest asso
ciation will he held In Kansas City Sat
urday afternoon, November 30.
Frltseher is the "high diver" of the
Advo team. Come down Friday night and
watch him put on his own original stunt,
Ed Maurer Is throwing a new kind of
a ball. He don't throw It He pushes it.
It has been rightfully dubbed "medicine
Ben Hull will be seen In the South
Omaha Jetter lineup for the rest of the
season. He couldn't stay away from
Packers' town.
At last John Bengele will miss a tour
nament. John has attended most of the
big meets, but finds it impossible to go
to Kansas City.
The coming two-man champions of the
Midwest tournament aro Al King and
"Dutch" McCarthy. Their stage name will
be "Hippo Twins."
Firestone Is becoming a regular bowler.
He got another good game Monday night,
when he rolled fill. Ho Is the leader of
the Magic City league.
It Is expected that Chief Brlggs will
come up to Omaha Friday night and
raise that dinky average he has. He Is
now adorning the bottom rung of the
bowling ladder. .
(Zimmerman claims the coming Indi
vidual championship of tho Midwest
tournament. Ho Is willing to bet his
last year's gray bonnet that ho will bo
one, two. throe. )
Don't forget the City association meet
ing next Sunday afternoon at Ort man's
banquet rooms. "lied" Ratektn will re
cite "Tho Lost Treasure" and Phil Wal
enz is expected to make a speeefh.
Three teams will leave Friday night,
November 29, for Kansas City. They are
Luxus, Wroth's Old Boys and Old Saxon
Brauc They will blaze the trail for
the other five teams which follow.
The parade Is coming. The Garlows'
Colts won two games last week. This
Is the first time they have obtained the
long end of a match. It Is now up to
was pitted against Captain Devore. Per
haps the ancient enmity of the soldier and
the rednkln was to blame, but anyway
Devore was banished from the gahie In
dishonor for fouling his opponent. One
Indian, Fullback Powell, was also put out
of the content for slugging.
Ames Foot Ball Team
Will Not Play Any
Post Season Games
AMES, la., Nov. l.-(8pec!al.)-Ames
will not meet Nebraska In a post season
foot ball contest for Missouri valley foot
hall championship. Nebraska won its
two contests with Missouri and Kansas.
Ames defeated Missouri several weeks
ago and wilt very likely defeat Drake,
which succumbed to Missouri and Orin
nell, both of whom Ames defeated with
The Antes authorities have always op
posed pott-season games of any sort on
the ground that foot ball should be
played for sport's sake and not for cham
pionship's sake. This is entirely in sym
pathy with the majority of the Missouri
Valley conference, who do not even offi
cially award a championship. Prof.
Bersr emphasised this in a statement
last night. "Un6r no circumstances will
Ames play a post-season gamo this year
or In the future."
This J raves the Missouri valley title In
doubt, and unless Drake defeats Ames
Saturday, Nebraska and Ames will be
tied for first place. Nebraska, as usual.
,ls coming forward with a statement
claiming a clear title on the ground of
having defeated the weakling Kansas
team and the 'Missouri team that Ames
ran over to a tune of 29 to 0- Ames, of
course, was defeated by Iowa, 20 to 7,
and is out of tha running for the, state
title, but this game had no mora bearing
on the Missouri valley conference than
a game' with Yale.
Last year Ames Instated that the S to
tie with the Cornhuskers entitled 'the
Cyclones to an even rating with Ne
braaka. The press outside of Iowa
awarded it to Nebraska on the basis of
comparative scores. Now, with the com
parative scores favoring the Cyclones,
Ames simply asks for a square deal from
the press.
Doane Preparing
For-Bellevue Game
CBOTE, Neb., Nov. W. (Special.) Al
though Doane Is uot of the race for the
stato championship It is working just as
hard as ever In order to beat Hellevue
in the annual gamo noxt Saturday after
noon. There has been an intense rivalry
between these two schools for some time.
and Bellevue expects to come here about
100 strong In an attempt to win from
the Tigers. The Tigers, howevei out
weigh lqlste's pigskin booters and ought
to be able to win by a considerable mar
gin. Tho entire team will be In action
for the first time In several weeks, Krebs
being able to enter the gome at his posi
tion of quarter this week.
A large number of old grods will be
back for the game, as Is the custom
every year at the liellsvue game, and the
Athletic association has taken advantage
of thlafact and lias decided to hold the
annual foot ball banquet, which Is usually
held after the close of tne season, on the
night after the toot ball game. The ban
quet will be held at 6 o'clock at the Con
gregational church.
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertlslitg Space Is the Best
Hoad Into the ' Big Business" Class.
Low Round Trip Rates
Ticket cm tale daily to all
Florida, Cuba,
The Gulf Coast
New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola,
Central America and Panama
Far fssM Wonamtkw aeUrsss
X E. BAYDtrOftT, B. P. A., SLLssk, Ms.
P. W. M0RROV, M. W. P. A, Caksj, IB.
Herb Garlow to take the team out tt,
Jimmy Fitzgerald will bo one of the
ambitious youngsters to attend the tour
nament. Jimmy will havo a hard ttmoi
there, as they only get one chanco in al
tournament. Tho first ball has to count.
The Hlnchey laundry team and Car
low's Colts are having a hard fight for
the cellar position In South Omaha, with
this raco going on and the race between
tho Jetter Gold Tops and the Peterson's
Kandy Kids for first placo things are
getting rath or exciting in' the Magto
City league.
Jay Lcfler Is anxious to learn to bowl.
He has tried every house ball on Gar-
low s alleys and is now anxious to try
some of the private spheres. If there are
any bowlers who are interested in Jay's
career, will they kindly loan him the
keys to their lockers, so that ho may
have the use of their private tenpln balls.
The mcrry-co-round tournament ended
in South Omaha Monday night with &
large money pot. Ktter and Fayerburc
were high, with 1,253; Brlggs and Flta-
gorald second, wtlh 1.22S; Hunt and Fitz
gerald, 1.228; Sporve&n and Hum, 1,227.
Hall had high Individual game, with 663,
which wins a box of . cigars. This Is the
largest and most successful, merry-go-
round ever held in tho Magic city.
Like locomotives our
KENSINGTON overcoats
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Their power is went'
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No firm can buy suits or
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Kensingtons are not
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413 S. 16th.
Omaha Lincoln
Ailments of Men i
Happily Ovoroome j
BUCOEssrzr&CT xbiss by
Undoubtedly the following tre-
sciiption will work wonders for
si-npuon win worn wonaers lor A
that great class ot. men who, 1
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lotted to ilte's pleasures and en
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It Is presumed to be infallible,
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tion." weak vitality, melancholia
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First get lltty cents' worth of
compound fluid balmwort In a
one-ounce package, and three
ounces syrup sarsapartlla com
pound; take home, mix antt let
stand two hours; then get one
ounce compound essence cardlol
and one ounce tincture cadomeno
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shake welL and take one tea
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drink of water.
By mixing it at home no man
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Lock of poise and equilibrium
in men Is a constant source ot
embarrassment even when the
pubUo least suspects it For the
benefit of those who want a re
storation to full bounding health,
and all tha happiness accompany
ing it, the above home treatment
Is given. It contains no opiates or
hablt-rorming drugs whatever. Mix
it at home and no' one will be tho
wiser as to ypur affliction. Advertisement.