Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Generous Offer of a Free
Book to All Deaf People
Who Wish to Hear
Dfaf pwpte every
wherei will rejolre
with nil their
carts ovr the new
treatment tor Deaf
ness that Is restor
I n k hearing I n s o
nnny cae onre
IMitiRlit hopeles".
In order that ov
en one may learn of
IMn treatment by
ail odd. one of the
best yet known for
Deafness the find
er of this urres
ful new method ban
written a ery In
teresting and help
ful hook which no
TLA ffOCiBinrA
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1912.
will send
ly free of eharse o any person who Buf
fers from Deafness It show hi the plain
eat manner the rn.ue of nearness and
Head Noises, and points out the way to
regain clear and dlMlnoi ImuinK. Care
ful drawings of the mr and Its compli
cated passages, mude by the best ar
tists Illustrate the book
Deafness Specialist Sproule, author of
this desirable work, has for twenty-five
years been making n thorough Investiga
tion of Deafness nnd Head Noises, and
Ills successful new treatment for Deaf
ness Is the reward of all his patient Vnv 1i wishes even- one who suf-
a in unv M.'izrcM. ill 11 u 11
tinquer this cruel affile- Surprise Party.
OCIETV attended the Orpheum Monday evening, and would have been
even bettor represented had there been more neat In tho theater.
Mlsa Kthol Barrymoro, who lias boon entertained In Omaha on
numerous occasions, Is a great social favorite, and many of her ad
mirers were present last evening.
One of the box parties Included Airs. George N. Roberts oC BoBton, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hill Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ilaum, Jr., and Mr.
and Mrs. It u fun B. Hnrrls,
Another party Included Mr.'and Mrs. Charles 0. McDonald, Mr. nnd
O. 0. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Walte Hqutcr, Miss Kntherlne Moorhead,
George. F. Kngler.
Together were Mrs. I.ouls C. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Westbrook, Mr.
Mrs. It. L. Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Carlrlo.
Miss Kntherlne Ueeson, Miss Elizabeth Bruce, Mr. Jack Webster and
Hal Brndy were together.
In another party were Miss Violet Joslyn, Miss Helen Scoble, Mr. Tay
lor Belcher nnd Mr. David McOowan.
Mrs. Charles Marsh, Mr. Wachob and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Black-
well were In another party.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Karnsworth and
Mrs. J. J. Dickey formod another party at tho theater.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Klnsler and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe were
In another party were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome Magcc.
fcrs from Deafness
how science, can con
tw.n i nlrt Tour Dtafnrii anr r mt
for Ihli look todar. tod Warn how hrln. U
v.1.. rinr.d nnlcklr tnd Mfmantntlr Manr
h one bfllPTfd thflr IWIwi InrurtMt litre.
alreadr ttlnrd ptrrwl ntnn bt louowmx ut
tir ln In III !. Writ your namt
and tiirt on Hie nUnt lines, cut out tot.
hmtr mittwn Mali tO
o.fntt SMclaUst SprouU, 193 Trad
BnUdlDg, Boston.
"EVnn "Rnnlr Pltllt Sproule. pltaaa
X fee BOOR m your ntw fret book,
rfniinnn ot trttront of Deaf
UOUpOn MM and Htad Nolwt.
Easy to End
Just Breathe Booth's HYOMEI
Kill the Germs and Soothe the In
flamed MembraneStart To-day
Don t ho prejudiced. Thero is not a
particle of morphine, oocoiUne, or any In
jurious or habit forming drug In IIV-
It Is made of eucalyptus and
irrand antiseptics. It will greatly re-
A sururira party was given Saturday
evening for Mr. llalnes Molgard In honor
of his birthday anniversary, damns and
mulo were played, and the decorations
were In American lleauty roses. Those
present were:
Helmu Snyder,
Mabel Hauman,
Nahala ISIrt.
Ilnrbara Imuman,
ICdna Haunders,
Ha rah Bewlng.
Hofla Uoswltz.
Cloo Jensen,
Liouls Modlln,
Ilay Ixiwder,
Bob Usher.
Oeorge Quthrie,
Charles Ulrlch,
Will Donnelly.
John O'Conner,
Fred Moore,
Herbert Bnyder,
Hcau liromlal.
Allen Molgard.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hates.
Mr, nnd Mrs. A. Pierce,
Mr. and Mrs, II. Molgard
Gladys Morlarty,
Margaret Molgard,
Haxel Klet,
Hnra He wig,
Ktla lClet.
Thelma Cole,
Grace Obllnger,
Agnes McQulken,
I-eroy Tlrunoon,
Bob Fisher,
Albert Herts,
William Kills,
Ieter Morgan.
Edward McDonald,
William Kmpkle,
Fred Jones,
Frank Ilosenboum,
Joseph Hale,
Carl Molgara.
M I sites
Kelt Jundgren.
I Kbba Nelson of
Fremont, nto,;
IJitiilA Hansen.
Iicvo ine misery 01 cumrrii or uny i Messrs.
affliction of the nose and throat In five Alfred Nystrom,
minute !"-' "
No stomach dosing Just
OMBI, It gets at tho catarrh germs and
quiciuy ucoirtij a wicm. I o:r t M t .
Ask for IIYOMKI (pronounced High- a" A"-uvc.s jr.
Pleasures Past.
Mr, and Mrs. A. O. Sundgren entertained
at dinner last evening at their home for
their daughter, Miss Nell Rundgren. and
Alfred Nystrom, whose marriage will
take place Wednesday evelnlng. Those
present were:
Minna Nelson of
Fremont, Neb.;
Victoria Jphansen of
Minneapolis, Minn.
Frank Nystrom. ,
Ieslle Pickett.
nreatne in- -,. n cun.ri-n
D-me) outfit. It only costs $1.00, and con
sists of w hard rubber pocket Inhaler,
which can be carried In vest pocket, a
bottle of IIYOMKI. a medicine dropper,
nnd simple directions for use. Extra bot
ties If needed. COc.
leading druggists everywhere sell IIY
OMKI. which Is guaranteed to end ca
tarrh, coughs, colds ami croup, or money
M Returned.
rai If you could go to the Rucalyptus for-
jy get rid of cntnrrh. Hooth's IIYOMKI
1rlngs the Identical nlr of these forests
to your home. It Is a most wonderful
catarrh remedy.-Ailvcrtlsement.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdgar S. Bradley of Chi
cago, formerly of Omnha, celebrated the
twentyflfth anniversary of their wedding
at their home, 441S Wnbash avenue, Sat
urday evening. Covers were laid for
thirty-eight. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were
married November 17, 1887, In Omaha,
Hev. W. J. Harsha, pastor of tho First
Presbyterian church, officiating. Mrs.
Bradley Is n grandnlece of former Presl
dent MnTtln Van Buren, and Mr. Bradley
Is onephew of the late Justice Joseph F,
Bradley of the United Btatos supreme
court. Rooms and tables were decorated
with chrysanthemums and silver place
cards were used. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley
have many friends In Omaha.
O., Is the. guest for two weeks of Mr.
and Mrs. Julius Drelfues.
Mrs. lidward O'Brien left Saturday for
Oklahoma City, Okla., for a short visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Whsrton left Mon
day to motor to Excelsior Hprlngs to Join
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. IClrkendall there.
They will return to Omaha together the
latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ixuls Moser have re
turned from Brooklyn, N. Y where they
have spent the last month with Mr. and
Mrs. V. W. Cornell. They are now visit
ing Mrs. Moser's parent, Mr. and Mrs,
John Grant, and wilt leave In two weeks
for Kansas, where they will make their
future home.
Announce Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McGoWan of KB
North Twenty-fifth street, announce tho
engagement of their daughter, Mary
Madonna, to Dr. John Francis I.oosbruck,
the wedding to take place Tuesday, Nov
ember : at St. John's Collegiate church
Miss Martha IxxBbruck of Petersburg,
sister of the groom, will act as brides
maid, and nichard Collins of Marysville,
Mo., will be best man. Little Sara Mc
Oowan, Ister of tho bride, will be the
ring bearer. There will be present only
the Intimate friends and relatives. After
an eastern wedding trip they will be at
home at Fort Des Moines.
For Miss McCullough.
Miss Kllzabeth Davis will entertain at
bridge this evening at her home In honor
of her house guest, Miss Martha McCul
loch of New York. Bnven tables wilt be
placed for the game of bridge.
Oil Strikes Giving
Casper a Big Boost,
D. Clem Deaver. head of the Burling
ton's land deparment Is back from a I
trip to Casper, Wyo. He reports the)
town enjoying a real boom on account (
of tho oil Industry and the activity caused
thereby Additions to the town are
being platted almost dolly and lots that
arc miles out from the business center'
of the town are being sold at high prices.
While there Is no boom In the oil busi
ness, wild-catling having been eliminated,
new wells are being brought In even
few days awl the field of oil production
has been extended. The Standard Oil
company has secured control of both of
the refineries at Casper and Is doubling
their capacity. At the present time thev
have a capacity of 00,000 gallons of
refined oil dally. New tankage Is belnjy
Installed and within a short time the
plants In Casper will bo able to take
car of the entire flow of the pipe linos
from the wells.
Fife destroyed the grocery and meat
itarket conducted at Nineteenth and Paul
streets by Paul Wolsteln at 2 yesterday
morning. Tho loss Is about J2.000. Wol
steln and his family lived In the rear of
the building, but they escaped before the
fire had made much headway.
Letter of a Slim-Made Woman
to Her Fat Sister
Eighth X.ttrl On the Matrimonial
Trials of rat Fsople.
Uttr SU Hera It a stwlr dlrco-trva truth,
Fat doos not irene tbt whetli of tpptni
It clozt then.
In tpll ot their rtputatton for Jollity fat
people art Intllntd to bt pet-lth.
And now you'rt "pttTtd" at Bob and fllltd
with te f-plty you wrltt me, your tllm-madt
titter, for sympathy and ho wrltn that "no
body tores a fat man."
It itn't tympauiy you two nceo. iva iont.
And my adrlct to both ot you It set iltro. Only
a ftw months aio I wtt Just at fat 'at rttlwr
ot you nd Just at Irritable. I
Now, tit, dttr, foriet your "grouch." Ttkt
Karmola rretcrlptlon Tabtrli and start tht
thinning procea today.
Thoot tabUts art )ut it harmlett at th. doc
tor' original Mtrmolt rretcrlptlon that midt
mt thin.
Jurt quit til tlioie eierclttt, stop dieting and
ttkt a pleaitnt little ttblet tfter etch meal tnd
at bedtlmt.
Thrrt't a hundred dollar worth ot happlnett
In every 7e box of Mtrmola rretcrlptlon Tablet.
Any drugglit will furnlth them, or you can tend
tht pricn to the Marmolt Co.. Farmer nidg.,
Detroit, Mich. Tou'll look better, feel better
and IIt better oTiry day you take thtm.
Soon you'll be tgaln your old tweet, tllra.
htppy tehea. Weigh thlt adrlea and you will
weigh lets,
written nob nnd told him to run a rac
with you to illmnttt.
Affectlontttty, BBTTV
South Side Progressive Club.
The ladles .of tho South Side Progres
sive Card club will be ontertalned Wed
nesday afternoon at their hall, Fourteenth
and Casiellar street. The hostesses will
be Mesdames D. Donaghy, I. Kgan, J.
Informal Bridge Afternoon.
Mrs. Louis Iorlng will entertain In
formally Friday afternoon at bridge for
her guest. Miss Julia Coburri of Min
neapolis. The guosts will be restricted to
the friends of the honor guest.
For Boston Visitor.
Mrs, Georgo K. Uoberta of Boston, for
merly of Omaha, who has arrived to be
the guest ot Mrs. Kufus R. Harris, will
be honor guest at several social affairs
during her visit. Wednesday afternoon
Mrs. It. F. Kloke and Mrs. touts C.
Clarke will entertain Informally at two
tables of bridge. Friday afternoon Mrs.
W. J. Ilurgess will entertain a few
friends at bridge for Mrs. Iloberts.
Mr. Itoberts Is expeited Saturday and
will probably spend a week In Omaha.
Health and happiness awaits you In
Jm Jolla. Son Diego County, Cal., the
most beautiful seaside resort and tho fin
est and most healthful and Invigorating
climate in all tho World. No winds, no
storms, no frosts, no extremes of heat or
cold, 3C3 days a year ot balmy, healthful.
pleasant ocean breexes; average temper
ature) tho year around' 65 degrees. Ia
Julia's rocky coast line, and mountain
scenery, myriads of flowers, glorious sun
sets are tho marvel of all. Here you can
enjoy a quiet, restful, healthful vacation
free from tho cares of business and so
ccty. ami at very moderate expense. In
addition to the many natural attractions
theta la coif, flshlnc. tennis, hunting.
mountain climbing, all the ytar ocean Debutante Bridge Club.
bathing, boating and motoring, while Kan
ajfego proper, only 14 miles awoy by dl
jeet railway line, or perfect automobile
boulevard, offers every possible attrac
tion ot a modern, thriving city. Write us
for free illustrated booklet, giving all
Luncheon at Delft Tea Room,
Miss Margaret Damtn gave a small
luncheon Monday at the Delft tea room
for Mrs. George Flfleld of Janesvllle,
Wis., who Is visiting Mrs. E. R. Zab-brlskle.
Eastern Managers
After Bert King
Bert King, who formerly played cen
ter field for the Itourkes nnd who was
traded to Topelta for Arthur Thomnson,
la a much wanted man. Tho New York
Giants and tho lied Box nro both dicker-
lug for tho taut little fielder. A.- M, I
Catlin, president of the Topeka team,
while at the meeting of tho minor
league clubs In Milwaukee, had a chance
to sell Dert outright or trade him In for
players. Catlin. howover. Is figuring on
getttlng a look-in on the 1913 Western
Ieague rsg and rofused to let the former
Hourko player out of his grip.
Miss Pauline iiourke win b hostess at Simple Herb Quickly Cures This
the next meeting of the Debutante Bridge
club, which will be Thursday afternoon
at her home. The meeting was omitted
lat week owing to the large number of
social affairs for the debutantes and
their guests.
$40 Rocker $25
Solid mahogihy rocker;
broad sent; high, wide
, back; solidly and thor
oughly constnicted.
Miller, Stewart &
416-17 South 16th St.
KAsBsssKJ.3f T. v
Mrs. C. Y. Smith was hostess today at
the meeting of one of the auction bridge
clubs, Mrs. Ben Cotton was a guest ot
the club and two tables of plsyerswere
Busy Bee Card Club.
The Busy Bee Card club will give a
card party In Brandela' Pompetan room
Friday afternoon, November SI
Dread Disease to Stay Cured
niibotei hit htrctotora bttn ronitdtr4 Inmr-
tblc, tad th only hope hld out tt tht ttflltt
1 hat Utn to protons thtlr 'tart It itrit
A pltnl rtctntir aucoTtrta in urnco, emm
Dltbttol Herb, nat beta found to be a tstetno
In tht tnatmtnt ot dlabttat, quickly rtdusloc
Ine tptcmo artYiir tna .ui.r, fruuuni .
tnd bulldlnc up tht sjtltm. t
Thlt htrmlttt Trgtttoie remwy win reuro
tht pttltnt ot lilt ort ijmptom. In tht matt
rtravaita ctttt, wunin a wwi, anq w pun
It wt will mail Ili um w m jhi.
aiih rm booklet ot iotclal Ttlutt to tht dla
little, oontatnlns litttt Jl't Hat and ticlutlra
tible ot tood valutt, sWIng ptrrentait ot tttreh
and tugar tcarbonyarattt) in no uiutirni rooaa.
Ttll rour atlllcifo rntnai 01 inn outr
tnd ZU today tor a full-iutd too
fVilnl. Y.
Toil can ttl liltotioi in umtu i ucaion
Drui Co.'t ttort tt lh mular prlct. Adwr.
Keep th: Complexion Beautiful.
Nadine Face Powder
pi'kaVt i By toilet counters or mall, 5
Whiiatj tack if not entirtly pltaitd. ,
(fn Cram Bmm On VI
Produces a soft, velvety '
appearance so much ad
mired, and remains until f
washed off. Purified by
a new process. Will not
clog the pores. Harmless. '
Prevents sunburn ant1 .
retutn of discoloratloos.
rivsz, wunsni.
50c. Mont)
Sold by Shermtn-McConnoll Drue Co., Owl Drag
oC Loyal rhtrmtcy, lltrrard Pbtrmtey, otbtrt.
TitAr i ,
See Emt, sk Pyraaudi,
TT-- e Holy Land
F Dtllibtful Crulw oa tbt Palatial
I (17,000 Toas)
I 'ilw 0.K JAN. 28, 1913
I tO DAYS $325
I Send for fuU lnformtUon.
10 'West Itandolph 8t. Chicago. III..
or tcai Ageius.
Personal Gossip.
A Son was born this morning to Mr,
and Mrs. Aubrey Potter.
Mr and Mrs. T. B. Mcl'herson have
two new grandsons. bast evening
Thomas Buohanati Mcpherson, 3rd, was
'born to Mr. and Mrs, T. B, Mcl'herson,
' 1r Mra. MrPli,raan wlla fnrm.rlv Xflsa
j Helen Forbes and the son Is named for II
I a son, William Smith McPherson, 3d,
i was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
rherson. M, at Rochester, Wyo, The
It mall boy was named for his father and
for his great-grandfather, who resides
In Maryland. The fathers of the two
new boys are twin sons of Mr. and Mrs.
T. B. Mcl'herson of this city.
All Etptnat Tours trow t dayt IJT.H up
tUIIInc avtry 5 dtyt la coaotciloo with Qutbtt S.
S. Co. TUkeisflnltrchtascabla
Cuba, Jawalcs), J'anaitia Canal
60 illu-r Wtil India Fwrtt
Tot paitieuitrt addrcta
Tie Jteyal aicli SUoro Packet Co.,
Sttultrton Si Soa. Ctm. Acta., tt SUto SI . K T
IS atb la aM-Ua 6U Chicago; W. K.
Sek. 1317 raraaM strtdt, OBsasa,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. c. i. Qoldgraber, who has spent
several months lu the east, returned' home
Miss Julia t'oburn of Minneapolis,
formerly of Opiaha. has arrived to be the
guest of Mrs. Louis luring.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. U. Marr nnd daughter,
Miss Mildred Marr. will leave January 1
for Kansas Clt, where they will make
their home.
Mr. It, W. HrecUenrlose tert last even,
ing for a ten days stay in California.
Mrs. Lambert Oppenhelm of Cleveland,
Kimball Pianos
In the Kimball you secure n Piano of the
vory highest possible artistic excellence, with
an old established nnnio nnd great reputation,
but you do not have to pay a fancy price.
Whon you consider that there are over
1250,000 Kimball Pianos in use today, and that
the demand is increasing year after year, is it
not convincing evidence enough to you that the
Kimball is tho Piano you should buy!
If you can't call, write for particulars.
Wa reprsss&t tfls world's
bast waits, Mason fc Ham
lin, Xraaloa to Bach. Xra
kautr, sUsaBall, Cabls-JTtl-soa
asd, otKsrs.
$200 Worth
The Panforium Popular Boys' Contest
$35 Admiral Bicycle
$25 Pastime Bicycle
$15 Suit
$12 Winchester Repeat
ing Rifle
$10 Stevens Shot Gun
$8 Single Shot Rifle
$7.50 Gold Watch
$5.50 Ball Bearing
Roller Skates
$2.50 Ice Skates
And Fifty Other Prizes of
Value, from $1 to $1.59.
$200 Worth of Prizes Given to the Popular
Boys of Omaha, South Omaha and Dundee
'You want one of these prizes! 1 !
We give them nwny FREE to the boys who are hustlers and who can put in a
little spare time after school and on Saturdays amongst their friends and neighbors.
You can't los6. You are sure to win a prize; every boy wins n prize. Contest starts
Saturday, November 23d, and closes December 21st. Prizes awarded December 24th.
How to
r the Contest:
Come either to the Pantorium at 1515-17 Jones St., or the Pantprium office at
528 North 24th St., South Omaha. Register your name, address and telephone num
ber, and get particulars of how to win one of these prizes FREE.
The Pantorium
1515-17 Jones Street.
Guy Liggett, Pres.
Phone Douglas 963.
A Sensational
Special Sale on Gen
uine Edison Amberoi
Gold Molded Wax
Phonograph Records
Commencing Wednesday A. M., at 8 O'clock
3 c
buys the identical EDISON
Amberoi Wax Records you've
always bought at 35 cents each
buys the identical EDISON
Amberoi Wax Records you've
always bought at 50 cents each
This stupendous selling includes p
Ambrol Records in tho Edison Catalogu
record Is GUARANTEED or your money
the sales does not permit your playing t
orders by number as long as possible.
Nebraska Cycle Co. has cut the prices o
ords, and every owner of a cylinder ma
early, for there's goinfj to be a crowd at
mall if you live out of town; orders w
radically ALL of tho Gold Molded Wax
e; EVERY record is up-to-date; overy
will be refunded. While the scope of
he records over at the store, we will fill
This is the first time In history that The
n Edison Gold Molded Wax Ambrol rec-
chlne should stock up heavily. Shop
our record counters; order at once by
111 be filled In the rotation received.
Remember there are 10,000 records on sale, and that
WE pay carrying charges on all orders shipped out. of
town. It's the "RECORD" chance of a lifetime.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. OMAHA, NEBRASKA
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa
(Sale prices hold good at both Omaha or Council Bluffs)
HTHE BEE "For Sale, Miscellaneous" column is a
great, silent auctioneer of the newspaper world. You
have but to make known what you have for sale in
this column, and you will be surprised at the speed with
which some bargain-hunter will swoop down upon you.