Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
The Bee's Letter Box
Invites gbort contribution! on cur
rent topic front B radr. 1st
as hear from yon. XJmlt 300 words.
Generally Fair
VOL. XLII-NO. 133.
Box Pull of Dynamite, Bottle of
Nitroglycerin and Big Revolver
Carried by Masked Man.'
Another Officer Takes Machine Out
side and Jumps on Fuse.
Crowd Saved from Death by Mere
Freak of Chance.
Central Poller Mutton In 1. 0 A uncles
Terrorised hy Insane .Ainu Who
InnlMtn on IIIoitIiic Up
Itnllrond Hxectitt c.
13S ANGELES, Nov. 19. Armed with
tin Infernal machlno containing enough
dynamite to'destroy nn entire city block,
a bottlo of nitroglycerin and a .45-cnllber
rovplvcr, a masked maniac took posses
sion of the central police station today
and held It for moro than an hour, -while
the Hundreds of occupants of tlio building
and thoso for blocks around, panic
stricken, sought the safety of distance.
When Detective James Iloslck knocked
the man unconscious with a leather billy
after slipping behind him, the fuso of the
Infernal machine whs automatically
Ignited, and, without thinking of the
consequence, Detective Samuel I Browne
oarrledtho box outside, tho fuso splutter
ing and spitting sparks, and hurled It Into
tho street. Sticks of high power dyna
mite scattered over tho pavement, while
hundreds of spectators stood apparently
paralyzed by fright, awaiting the detona
tion that would send them Into eternity.
Through' a freak of chance thero was no
explosion and Browne continued kicking
tho Btlcks of dynamite and Jumping on
tho fuso until he had broken tho conncc
Hons and extinguished the. flro.
Lying manacled to u cot In tho receiving
hospital tonight the would-be dynamiter,
who gave his natno as Albert Henry
Lewis, Is suffering with several severe
scalp wounds, but tho police surgeons say
that his injuries aro not serious.
First TliouKlit to He Joker.
Davis entered the outer room of Chief
of Police Sebastian's office at 11 o'clock
this morning. His face and head were
completely covered with a grotesque mask
and ho carried In his arms a large box
covered with cloth. The lox was strapped
around his shoulders and resembled a
small hand organ.
First' startfoa1 W?u tlien amused by the
strange spectacle, Pollco Sergeant It- O.
Hllf, who sdspected a practfcaT ke?
asked tho man what he wanted.
"I'YO got enough dynamite in here to
blow us alt Into eemlty." ho said, "and
I want you to send for tho highest offi
cial of the Southern Pacific railroad."
Tho masked visitor rested tho box on a
filing cabinet and Assistant District At
torney n. O. Graham, who . was in tho
office, started Joking with' him.
"This Is no Joke," said Davis. "I mean
business, and if you don't believe try to
take this away from me. My hand is
fastened in this box and if I pull It out
bang! Wo all die."
A hole had been cut In the box and the
occupants of the room saw for the first
time that tho man's left hand was hid
den In the box.
Wnntu to Mow Up Head Man.
They began to realize, that it was no
Joke. Davis then walked Into the office
of Police Secretary C. B. Snlvely, which
opens into tho private office of Chief Se
bastian, and repeated his request that tho
head official of the Southern Pacific be
summoned. Snlvely nBked him if he had
any proferenco In the man he desired to
blow up, and he replied that ho only
wanted tho head man.
Snlvely then took down the telephone
receiver and pretended to hold ' a con
versation with Paul Shoup, general man
ager of the Pacific Electric company.
"Mr. Shoup is busy, but )ie will bo hero
in about fifteen minutes;" said Snlvely.
"Well, he'd better hurry," replied Davis,
"I'm getUng nervous."
In the meantime Chief Sebastian, who
had a brief conversation with the man
und realized that he was In earnest
ordered the .street roped off for a block
either way and took steps to havo tho
100 prisoners In th eclty Jail removed.
Upstairs In the building two Justices'
courts were In session and both court
rooms were crowded.
A detective passed tho word to a bailiff
In Judge Chambers' court, where a
Japanese was having a preliminary ex
amination on a murder charge beforo a
crowd of his countrymen. The bailiff
whispered to the Judge.
Judicea Adjourn Court.
"Court's adjourned until 2 p. m. Clear
the court room," ordered tho Judge
promptly, and there was a rush for the
stairway. A similar scene was enacted
In Justice Frederlckson's court.
There were not sufficient patrol wagons
to remove the prlioners from the Jail
to the Boyle Henshts prison and two
street cars were sent for. U was an
orderly procedure and the prisoners were
soon on their way to the east side,
guarded by the reserves, who had been
called out.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair. .
For Iowa Fair.
nt Onialia
& a. m.
a. in
9 a. m. 38
10 a. m.,. 13
13 m..
1 p. rq.
2 p. in.
3 p. m-
i n m
6 p. .in 571
5 P- ?
V Tl1
a I
& p, m m
Striking Coal Miners
Threaten to Attack j
Gamp of the Militia
CHARLESTON, W. Va.. Nov. 19.-ln
face of the fact that conditions In tin
Kanawha coal field woro observed by
military authorities to be us bad as they
have been slnco martial law was declared,
it was decided today to amend Iho ordir
calling out four additional companies of
tho national guard ro that but one com
pany would take tho field. These riie-i
will rcacji the dlsturocJ region by noon
The hundred armed men reported nr
moving toward Paint Creek Junction,
with tho expressed determination of
shooting up tho military headqunrtcrr.
halted at Montgomery, four miles a way,
and were there this morning holding a j
council of war.
It Is believed by the military authori
ties that tho men will not attack, but
will bo present when tho mlltary court
sits, for tho first tlmo to try J. H.
Haines, a lender among the striking
miners, who was arrested several days
The Chesapeake & Ohio railroad man
agement has sent n hundred or more
nrmcd railroad officers tc the Pnlnt
Creek section to guard Its tracks ami net
In conjunction with tho military. Military
opinion is that the, situation Is delicate
and requires the most careful handling
to prevent a collision between tho military
and strike, sympathizers.
Squads of militiamen scoured tho mar
tial law district today In search of jxjr
sons bearing arms, and a large number of
arrests aro expected beforo nightfall.
The miners' camp nt Holley Grove was,
the objective of ono company of soldiers,
but It was deserted when tho troops ar
rived. Many striking miners and their sym
pathizers havo left their homes, and thoso
who have been camping In tents along the
public roads disappeared when tho news
came that the provost marshal had de
termined to arrest all persons known to
bo operating ,ln defiance of Governor
Glasscock's proclamation of martial law.
Officials of Cash
Register Company
Plead Not Guilty
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 19. The trial of
John H. Patterson and twenty-nine other
officials or ex-offlclals of the National
Cash Register company of Dayton, O.,
charged with violation of the criminal
section of the Sherman anti-trust act,
began this morning in tho United States
court for the southern district of Ohio.
Tho defendants wero Indicted by tho
federal grand Jury last December under
tho criminal statutes of tho Sherman anti
trust law, the Indictment charging:
"They knowinciy engaged and partici
pated In a corrupt conspiracy in undue,
unreasonable direct and oppressive re
straint of Interstato trade and commerce.,
That'they res'tram'edsuch trad'o"andcom-H
merco by divers unfair, oppressive, Illegal
and unlawful means."
Koch of the thirty defendants entered
a separate plea or not guilty, to tne
first panel of Jurymen Judge Holstor
Issued a warning that business would not
be excepted for an excuse for not serving.
John S. Miller, an attorney who de
fended the meat packers at Chicago, ap
peared as chief counsel for the cash reg
ister company. Others of the counsel for
tho defendants, aro J. C. McMahon sf
Dayton, John Wilson of Columbus and
Lawrence Maxwell of Cincinnati, a for
mer solicitor general of the United States.
District Attorney McPherson was as
sisted by O. E. Harrison, special assistant
to the attorney general;Thomas L. LetJ-
let of Washington and others of his office.
Joseph Koetlor was tho .first prospective
Juryman questioned. Ho was excused on
presenting a physician's certificate that
he was unable 'to serve.
Suspect in Josephs
Murder Case Taken
at Whiting, N. J,
BUFFALO, Nov. 19. The local police
are deeply Interested In the arrest at
Whiting, N. J., today of J. Frank Hick
whom they havo been seeking In, connec
tlon with the murder of Joseph Josephs,
the 7-year-old Lackawanna boy.
The police requested the arrest of
llickey because of nn alleged similarity
In the handwriting of a letter dated New
York City, matled at Whiting. N. J., and
alleged to havo been written by Hickey,
and tho handwriting of the author, of tho
postcards recently received by them.
District Attorney Dudley announced
that tho evidence presented by the police
authorities will be laid before tho grand
Jury now In session. Hickey will be
brought here Immediately.
Deer Hunters Wear
Red Caps and Coats
BOSTON, Nov. 19.-Many hunters for the recent Increase went Into the pocket
deer in Massachusetts going into thenf the receivers and virtually constituted
woods today woro red coats and caps as,a rebHte from tho cart men.
a protection against mistakes on the j
part of other hunters. InPPPMRPR COTTON MAKES
'f.. .m . i r- wl A rAmla Iiola ti.nn I c 1 .... t
In five counties In the state. The rea-
mnn Inula nna YVpnk. nnd each hunter la
allowed one deer.
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 19.-A severe
earthquake occuned here at 7:15 o'clock
this morning. The movement was oscll-
latory and passed from north to south.
It lasted more than three minutes.
Many brick walls and a few poorly con
structed small houses ware thrown down.
The street pavements buckled and sev- j
eral water mains wero broken.
According to the police reports the
only casualty was that of i laborer, who.
r.illnnrttn? h custom iirevnlpnf . nmnnir
54 i the peons of dropping to their knees In
58 prayer, knelt on the street car track In
jjj ! front of a moving suburban train and
ra 1 was crushed to death.
Other reports Indicate a death llt of
I twelve or fifteen persons In widely separ-
l.w4 l.lrtl.
Four Slayers of Herman Rosenthal,
Gambler, to Pay Penalty in
Electric Chair.
Lefty Louie's Doll-Faced Wife Only
One Who Weeps.
Months May Elapse Before Ultimate
Fate is Known.
Clitirnr to .tury Kmplinmlr.r Jinny
Point Whleh District Attorney
Point (Int an Dlnerep
nnulea In Defense,
N1SW YORK. Nov. 19. "Gyp the Blood,"
"Irffty little," "Dago Frank" and
"Whltry" lnis killed Herman ltosen
tlml, the gambler, ut the instigation of
Charles Becker, nnd like him must pay
tho penalty of death In the electric chair.
Tho Jury which has been hearing tho cvl
donco against the four gunmen no de
cided today when it returned ugalnst
them a verdict of murder in the first do
grfeo after but twenty minutes of delibera
tion Like Becker, the gunmen heard tho ver
dict pronounced against them without
aovJ of emotion. They stood at. tho bar
looking straight ahead ns tho foreman of
the Jury rose to make known tho results
of its deliberations and they continued to
starts stolidly in front of them until tho
formnlltlos of the proceedings were con
cluded. Remanded to their cells In tho Tombs
until tomorrow morning, when Justice
Goff will fix the duy for Imposing sen
tence, they turned and filed- out of tho
court room with as firm a step us when
they first entered.
"Whltey" Lewis, who was tho most dra
matic of tho four when ho testified on
tho witness stand, alono walked with
head bowed.
An they entered tho door leading over
the bridge of sighs "Gyp" said something
to "Lefty" In a sullen undertone tyhlch
nono could hear. Outside "Lefty's" doll
faced wife, "Lefty's Lillian," an fihie.,hi
called, wept on the shoulder of her liW
band's father, who vnlnly tried fto com-'!
fort her, for tho verdict was quickly
flashed from tho court room to tho wall
ing crowds without'. "Gyp's" wife, known
as "Gyp's Lillian," received tho news In
tho house of detention. Tho two other
gunmen are unmarried.
Appeal to lie Taken.
Former Magistrate, Charles G. F. Wahlo,
counsel for tho gunmen, announced that
ho would appeal front tio vordlct and, as
In tho oaso ,of Becker, months may. elupsq
before their ultlmato fillo IB detcmun!.
Meantime they will occupy ceils near tftat
of the former police lieutenant in the
death house at Sing Sing.
Although tho jury was actuslly out of
tho court roorrt an hour and flvo minutes
It was but twenty minutes after their
retirement thnt word reached the clerk
of the court that they had arrived at a
verdict. ThlB was at 1:55 o'clock, but
Justice Goff was at lunch and he did not
return until three-quarters of 'an hour
The final daiiof the trial opened with
Justice Goff's charge to the Jury, which
occupied three hours. The charge empha
sized many points in the testimony of the
cunmen which the prosecution In Its sum
ming up had declared were discrepancies
fatal to the credibility of their stories.
"If the defendants' contention were truo
thnt Rose and his companions, Webber,
Vallon and- Schepps, shot Itosenthal,
would he havo Invited them around to
the Mctropole hotel to the scene of tho
shooting?" Judge Goff asked tho Jury.
"Did the defendants tell the truth when
they tald they aw Itosenthal shot, and
.ero near enough to distinguish the faces
of those who did the shooting, but did
not see Rosenthal fall? Was the testi
mony of the threo defendants In support
of the alibi of 'Dugo Frank' interposed by
prearrangemont?" he asked.
Boycott on Fruit in
New York Broken
NEW YOIUC, Nov 19. The dlsputo over
cartage rates between California fruit
brokers and the New York Fruit Buyers'
association which, threatened to create
a shortage of California fruits In the east,
was settled todday and, the auction sales
that dlspoBo of from 100 to 200 car loads
of fruit a day were resumed.
Tho buyers objected to a recent Increase
of nbout 33 per cent In cartage charges
and yesterday refused to bid on 1D0 car
loands of oranges, grapes and pears, of
fered by the local receivers for tho Call
loads of oranges, grapes and pears of
others. The agreement reached reduces
the cartage rato about 1 cent a box.
Tlx.- buyers' organization contended thot
I NEW VOHK, Nov. 19. The rapid ad-
i vance In the cotton market today re
sulted In December delivery reaching a
new high record for the season on re
ports of big demand for local stock. De
cember contracts sold ' at $2.03 per bale
above tho closing prices yesterday.
while January, and later months sold 23
j l0 nigher. The business was
. gellBationally active and there wero many
predictions of hlshcr prices.
CHEYENNI3, Wyo.. Nov. 19.-Late re-
turns from YV'voinlnir countlra civ inn
I republicans control of each house and
I majority of tlht i'i J Int bal'ot in the
, twelfth legislature. Aa republicans are
I all rledged unde.- tho stato primary law,
this mean Senator F. E. Warren's re-
election as United Slates senator without
r- -zsmk
I iafafafafafafafafafafaairV 4 MSBM '
A&tTHEGrtftI ,
rC ?MHTcatwuW
From tho St. Iuls Globe,
Is Named Assistant Traffic Manager
of the Burlington System.
Promotion Tukea Moat Popular llnll
roail MumAMiir from Otunlin
Successor l.'omep Here
fto Chlewk"."" "
The announcement will bo madu from
the Chicago headquarters of tho Burling
ton today of tho creation of a new jiosl
tlon In tho freight department organiza
tion of that company, that of assistant
freight truffle manager, with tha selec
tion of Conrad K. Hpttm of Onuiha, at
preecnt general freight agent of Burling
ton lines wost of tho river, to fill tho
new position, effective December 1. Tho
Jurisdiction of Mr. Spens In his now post,
tlon will cover tho entire Burlington sys
tem and will apply to all phuses of, tin.
freight traffic.
Horace II. Holcoinb, asslstunt general
freight agent of tho Burlington In Chi
cago, will be appointed general freight
agent of the Burlington lines west of tho
Missouri river, with headquarter in
Omaha, to succeed Mr. Spens, December 1.
Tho increasing demands on the. Burling
ton's freight organization In tho cam of
its traffic and tho unuBUal amount of
preparation and attention demanded by
hearings beforo tho various stat commis
sions and the Interstate Commerce com
mission are largely responsible for the
calling of Mr. Spens to tho system's liend
quiirtors to asslht Freight Traffic Man
ager Crosby In IiIh supervision over the
company's freight ruffle. Mr. HpeiiB' ap
pointment is a loslcul one, following the
company's tywtem of promotions, nnd his
value in this now position is unquestioned.
Kiripo i-nmlnir to Omaha In August,
. . ... . . , , . ., . f
ns general rreigni ngcni i nucn ....
Spens lias taken a grasp upon traffic ar-J tried for the attempted murder of Colonel
fairs that has called out high commenda- Roosevelt, but will bo committed to the
tlon from shippers, commissioners of com-1 Northern hospital for the Insunu at 0h
merclal clubs, leglnlatlve committees undlkosh,
members of the various commlHslons. His' Kchrailk may remain In the Oshkosli
record west of tho river during the lustjusylum for the rest of hie life, as ho
few years has put him alongside the most . cannot be released unless It Li shown that
forceful truffle men of tho country: his he Is completely cured and will not be
rise In railroading has been rapid nnd subject ugalu to an nttack IIkc tho 6ne
striking. Ho entered the Burlington serv-1 that caused him to nttempt the llfo if
Ice 111 1892, acquired a practical knowledge
of local freight station worn ai iiicnnu;
was appointed usnlstant general freight
agent In 1903, general freight agent of
lines west of tho MIsKourl river In 1993,
and now. In his twentieth yenr of service,
has been called to the next highest posl
tlon in the Burlington freight organiza
tion. Not a small share of Mr. Spens' success
has been duo to his pereoniillty and to
his magnetic power of winning and hold
ing friends. Coming into the west ulmost
as a stranger In 1905, as a very young
man, ho soon won many friendships
among Omaha's prominent families, and
the good will of the Influential men of
affairs through the west generally.' The
wedding of Mr. Hpens and Mls Edna
Keellne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Keellne of Council Bluffs, one of the best
known families In tho west, occurred In
1 CHICAGO. Nov. ir-A cnargB of a'
ductlon against Jack Johnson, negro
Suglllst, was disniltsfd bo fore Municipal
iidge Hopkins today, bocnuso of th'.'
prosecution's Inability to prove that
l.ucilc Cameron, the white girl, whose
I ttssocfatlon with Johnson led to his n'
ait. had been abduetnj by him.
The girl und her mother, Mrs. Camuro.i
Fatcounet of Mlnenapolis, both of whom
are witnesses against Jonnson In the fed'
eral action for alleged violation of the
Mann white slave art, war - not In court
when the city case was. dUmlssed.
Excuse as Good as Another
AHslstnnt Traffic Manager of Burlington.
Eunior that Alienists
Find Shrank Insane
is Denied by Court
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 19.-A com
mission of flvo allunlKtn who examined
Into tho mental condition of John Kchrunk,
who shot Colonel Roosevelt, today re
ported to Judge Backus, finding Kchrunk
The dcrlHlon of the doctor was miaul-
I tn.ti ni.,1 ta.Anna Mnl.rnnlr .Minim! lin
j Colonel Roosevelt on the night of Oc
toner U.
Tho commission of alienists finished Its
work yesterday uftoruooii and Its report,
which will bo miilo to the court Homo tlmo
tills week, Is being dictated today by
Rlchurd Dewey, clinlrmuji.
Later Judgo Backus denied that the
commission of alienists had flnUhed Its
work. .
"Tho commission at -1 a. m. Is contin
uing the examination of Hchrank In my
chambers," said Judgo Backus. "If any
member of the commission has given out
advance Information that Kchrank has
been held tJ be Insano I shall adjudge
him to be in contempt of. court."
It was' learned from another source
that the Information cumu from the dis
trict attorney's office.
Fractured Skull
Causes His Death
Harlan Crltchfleld, ?2I Tompleton
street, who sustained a frnctured skull,
when struck by a southbound street ear
at Twenty-fourth nnd Templcton Ktrects
On tho night of October I, died ut thn
Swedish Allusion hospital Monday night.
Crltchfleld was 20 years old and wan em
ployed by the Fairmont creamery com
pany as a billing clerk, lie worked nlgbti
and was on his way home v,lien the ac
cident occurred.
Two operations were performed and
rait of his brain wus removed. Ilu was
murrled lnt March. The funeral U"1 bejmlnd contl nia:i until In a fit of great
held thli afternoon at tr.e hi
3..-0 ockak. lHirUl will b mudu at Crete
of living-would
DimiRATS won.
YtiTXR&AY Fort
Demo Ex-Attorney General Wants to
Get' Douglas Legislative Seats.
Inilnto Mint All llullols Were iit
Counled In .Melropolla, liiit Hint
l.onu; Paper flliutr Offloluln
l From a Ktnff COricHPondent.)
MXCOIjN, Nov. 19.-r(8ue.clal.)-Tint
islxteen of tho legislative peats held by
(Douglas county republlcuna will-bo con
'tested uas tho hint let out by Arthur
Mullen of Omaha, llnrmuu leader In tha
'primary cnmpnlgn, nt tho state house
hero today.
Whtm pressed Mr. Mullen ndmltted that
he knew something about a proposed con
test of the twelve reprcsuntntlvo nnd four
uenato scats.
"It will bo charged," Mullen said, "that
owing to tho great longthx of tho ballot
In Douglas county eight feet four Inches
ntiil the multiplicity of names upon It,
a number of tho clerks of election did
not count tho votn on the leglslattvo can
didates, but estimated It.
"Tho democrats carried DougluB county
for president, governor aim congressman.
They also elected tho county attorney
nnd assessors, The republican stale can
didates below governor, Including United
H tut oh senator und excluding the repub
lican cundldato for lieutenant governor
were elected.
"On members of tho legislature," Mr,
Mullen continued! "tho results wero close
anil for a time It was thought that Dung
lus county would send n split delegation
to both houses of the legislature."
Other reports reaching the Mute houso
today Indicate that a strong movement Is
on In Onuiha to demand a recount.
While nt the state houso Mr. Mullen
looked Into tlio record of the Douglas
county contest of 1897, When members
fiom Doiiglitt county wero unseated.
What .Mr. Mullen proposes to do with
this matter could not be learned here.
('onlrnt In Antelope,
A contest Is promised In Antelope
county, with W. A. ICIwood defending his
title against B. C. McCauley, democrat.
Tho luttr usuerlH thut straight bull
moose ballots wero counted for Elwood,
notwithstanding thut ho did not have tho
nomination on tho piogresilvo ticket.
Without theso votes, McCauley claims.
Elwood would havo been defruted. Tho
(utter lives at Onkdule, while McCauley
Is a resident of Clearwater.
Farmer Accused of
Theft Hangs Himself
MITCHELL S. D., Nov, 19.-(Speclul.)-Became
he felt that ho faced a term in
tho penitentiary, Walter McCllntock, a
farmer living some five miles southwest
of this city, committed sulclda Monday
by hanging himself In the barn. When
the lilied man came to the house for
dinner Mr. McCllntock had not appeared
and his wife sent tho hired man to find
him. Ho found the unfortunate man
suspended from a beam, his feet
less r..aii a foot from the floor, Mr
McCllntock was placed under arrest n.
few mouths ago on tho charge of stealing
hogs In connection with two other men
at tho Milwaukee stock yards, a system
bolng omployed whereby they made It nr.
easy matter to oporate against ono of tho
buyem, stealing thu hogs from him.
French und Sharp, tho two other men in
the oase, pleuded guilty recently and both
were sent to tho penitentiary. This lot)
McCllntock to bellove that he would also
i bo convicted and It
had preyed on h'.r
despondency Ik ended his life He wus
M years of uga.
Victorious States Accede to Request
of Forte for Cessation of
Are Authorized to Arrange with
Generals for Truce.
General Belief thnt Victors Will
Modify Their Demands.
Thrj- Are Thanked for Their lifter
of Mediation nnd Noilfleil Turkey
Una Ajtreed to Trent lllrcet
with the Allien.
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 19. Bulgaria rt
conditions for agreeing to an orinlatUo
wero transmitted to Constantinople early
this morning. They wero accompanied by
Bulgaria's main conditions for tho con
elusion ut peace, the principal Btlpulntio.t
of which permlta Turkey to retain tho
city of Constantinople, and a strip of
const territory In Europe
IXJNDON. Nov. 19. An eight hours
nrmlHtlru bus been agreed to between tin
Bulgarians nnd Turks nt Tchntalja i-a
that both artnlcH may bury their dead,
according to t news agency dispatch,
from Constantinople.
LONDON, Nov. 19. The nations of th
Balkan confederation, satiated with vic
tory, today signified their willingness to
treat for terms of peaco at the request
of the vanquished Turkish empire.
Tha luster of their success tins been
only slightly dimmed by their tempo
rary, fill Hi in to ovorcomo tho rnlllod Turk
ish army ut the gates of Constantinople
and enter the Ottoman capital.
The stubborn defenso encountered by
i the Bulgarians at the line of fortifica
tions at Tchntalja and tho realization
that enormous slaughter would bo neces
sary to pierce them nt tho point of the
bayonet, with every prospect thnt their
ranks would, bo decimated by cholcri
beforo they hud attained success, doubt
lets proved the duckling factors In in
ducing thu conquerors tu listen to tho
urchins of tho great powers and refrain
from pressing homo their victory.
Simultaneously with thn dispatch to the
grand vizier of tlmlr agreement to ap
point peuco plenipotentiaries, tho allied
Balkan nations notified Jho European
powerH.qf tho stop 'thoy Jiail taUon Und
thanked them for thijlr' offer of media
tion. Thoy ndded that mediation was
no longer necesrarS', as the Porto had
; addressed Itself directly to tho Balkan
states, who would now treat with Turkey
without outBlda Intervention.
That the terms of the victors will ba
drastic Is known, but tho powers are
doing their utmost to make them less
hui nh than was at first reported, without
attempting to rob tho Balkan confederacy
ot tlm fruits of Itn mouth's wur.
With tho Jealous eyes of Russia on Con
stantinople, with tho recrudescence ot
tho Aus,tro-Servlan difficulty nn the other
sldo of what hitherto has been known
ai European Turkey, und with Uumanla
Inquiring what It may oxpnet out ot tho
spoils, there secmH to observers every
Inducement for tho Balkan nations to
keep their demands within moderate
Another Port on Adrlutlc.
The occupation of Alesslo by, tho com
bined Servian nnd Montenegrin armies,
giving them another foothold on tho
Adriatic sen. is considered In diplomatic
circles likely to aggravate the Austro
Bcrviun dispute, which has again become
Emperor Francis Joseph Is reported to
huve remurked:
"Wo aro In favor of peace, but not of
penco at any -price. YVo cannot stand
Tho Austro-Hungatlan cabinet has sent note .to tho Servian government,
at Belgrado demanding a precise reply
tb all the questions at Issue. The Zelt
hays the note was distinctly threatening,
In tone and adds:
"Vigorous military measures will give
emphasl3 to the diplomatic demand should
Scrvla's answer again bo unsatisfactory '
Borne papers assert that Servla is pre-
I paring to concentrate Its main forces on
the Austrian frontier.
Diplomatic circles do not exclude the
IKirsIblllty that tho Servians, relying on
the sympathy of the slavs In Austria
Hungary and on tho support of It Bal
kan allies, may challenge tho issue.
ArnilatlcB Mny lie Short.
The first official intimation sent out by
the Bulgarian government at Sofia that
fighting between tho Bulgarian and Turk-
' (Continued on Pago Four.)
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