Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
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Subscribed In my presence and sworn
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Subscribers leaving; the city
temporarily : should have; The
!!ee mailed to then. Address
trill he chitnired aa often ns re
quested. Daffydll is as daffy does.-
Keep the bill boards off the con
spicuous corners.
"What's in a name7" A Philadel
phia platform orator la callod Twad
dle. The' best part of this fine Ne
braska woather Is that there Is plenty
of it for all.
Perhaps they nro singing "Onward,
Christian. Soldlora," down around
Constantinople now.
Tho world naturally ao'ems small
and unimportant to tho man whose
mind dwells chiefly on solf.
Speaking of household economy to
combat high prices, what has become
of tho old-fashioned root cellar?
Still political miscegenation undor
tho nanio ot fusion docs not look any
better to us now than It used to.
San Francleco'fl exposition makers
will have to got busy or tho canal
builders at Panama will beat them
President Taft's so-called "Bwan
song" is much more melodious than
that strident wall that rose from
King beorgo of England, it is said,
does much ot his. own typewriting.
One touch of tho keys makes us fel
lows all' kin,
It goes without saying that while
Governor Wilson will succeod Presi
dent Taft, ho will not literally fill
tho gamo chair.
Tho basic, thought to koop In mind
In all municipal crusades Is that no
community can afford to bo in part
nership with vice.
The othor Omaha nowapapers de
clined our Invitation to como In and
holp get more street cars and so Tho
Beo 'west it alone.
All agreo that Captain Arthur
Capper of tho Topeka Capital capped
tho climax in tho captious Kansas
governorship contest,
Wondor if Omaha cannot mako tho
oft dug power canal and the many
times constructed million-dollar
hotol pull one another across.
It romalns to be scon whothor the
sick man of Europe recovers from
theoperatIon now being performed
by six eminent Dalkan surgeons.
It. transpires that Harry Thaw'fl
personal counsel has. Just drawn six
months in jail, so he is In a position
to offer Harry additional counsel.
That Jllssotirl university physical
culturallst who says city boys are
better muscled than country lads will
have, to .sbow a good many people.
That mau who confesses to an Ir
resistible mania to kill little boys
might bo helped by the law placlne
him where the mania will not tempt
With the Nebraska legislature
made up of a democratic house und
a republican senate, tho governor's
veto power will have to bo ratod
above par.
What a come-off it would be if tho
California contest should finally turn
on th vote of Governor Johnson's
father, whioh was cast- for Wilson
and Marshall.
Will cutting tho time for Intro
ducing bills Into the legislature In
half cut the number of bills Intro
duced in half? We shall see what
t.o shall sec.
The Double Label Trick.
Ascribing democratic defeat wher
ever it occurred In tho lato Nebraakn
olectlon to fusion of opponents, our
old friend, Edgar Howard, takes con
solation in this thought;
Tho democrats and tho pops used to
play that rame gamt In Nebraska and
It must be admitted that the strongest
tie which bound democrats and pops to
gether was tho hopes they entertained of
securing the offices.
On tho theory that honest confes
sion Is good for the soul, this is in
teresting particularly as confirming
the attitude of The Dec toward demo
pop fusion all theso years. A com
bination of political forces to correct
some abuso or accomplish sonic par
ticular reform to which both aro
committed Is qulto understandable
and defensive, but It can bo only
temporary. Whoro fusion Is nursed
along year aftor year Just to divide
tho spoils of offlco, It can havo no
good excuse
So far os wo aro ablo to ascertain,
In no state In" tho union has tho
fusion fraud been so brazenly prac
ticed and carried to such extremes
as It has been hero in Nobraska. In
no other state do offico seokors havo
the hardihood to take oath that they
affiliate at one and tho same time
with two or more opposing political
parties proclaiming Irrcconcllablo
principles. In all othor states, per
petration of this bunco gamo has
been mado by law Impossible and tho
double-Iabol tickets legislated off the
official ballot. With realization that
U Is a gamo more than one can play
at, Nobraska may eventually unload
the Incubus, too.
The Tatus Club Speech.
President Taft's Lotus club speech
is nn utterance wise, philosophical
and of rnro good humor, as mus bo
generally acknowledged. Tho presi
dent facetiously called It his "swan
song," and as such it was sweot and
melodious aa compared with strident,
ill-tomporcd and ill-timed post
adjurations heard from others. His
old-fashioned exalted ideas of tho
presidency and tho constitution como
as needed inspiration at this time.
Two of tho president's record
mondatlons In this speech aro of no
table Interest, that ot a slnglo six-
year presidential term and that ot
oxecuttvo representation through tho
cabinet on tho floors of tho Iioubo
and senato as a moans of greator ef
ficiency in both f departments and a
deterrent to misrepresentation and
baleful Influence upon tho country.
No doubt the country Is In a mood
to glvo serious consideration to both
propositions. Somo definite oxprcs
slon has already been had in favor
of a longer term for the prostdont
with Ineligibility for ro-oloctlon.
Undor tho present system thoro la
much tomptatlon In tho first term to
plan 'for a second. Yet there 'Is no
assuranco that this condition would
bo fully ovorcomo oven by adoptlug
tho chango proposed.
Cleaning Up the Cities.
The general rlso in moral tone ap
parent over tho country has insplrod
vigorous ontl-vtco crusades In nianj
cities and somo very marked tradl
lions are bolng swept away. Mu
nicipalities aro bolng arbjisod to their
own moral and clvlo wolfaro, so with
attention thus conteredi upon needed
improvement, It ought to bo possible
to achieve It In larger measure.
Dut at tho outset It should be
rocognlzed that construction must
follow destruction and tho disap
pointing feature thus far with our
professional upllftors has been tho
distinct lack of any reasonably
doflnlto plan to take tho place of
what Is torn down. Wo must dto
more than Bupplant one abuso with
another, possibly an bad or worse
than tho original. If, as Is assortod
by many, tho day of segregated social
vice Is past, cities must hasten to
Improvlso a hotter method for hand
ling tho problem, for, unfortunately,
tho evil does not disappear with the
erasure of district lines.
Xing Corn's Supremacy.
Kins; Corn put ?1, 850,776, 000 of
new wealth into tho pockets ot the
American farmer this year. Ho put
3,160,137,000 bushels of this cereal
tntq his granaries, which exceeds tho
greatost corn crop ever produced by
any country by 281,921,00 bushels.
That Is a little more than Nebraska's
1913 crop amounted to. This state
ranks fourth or fifth In the list ot
corn growing states. Corn consti
tutes three-fifths ot all our agricul
tural products. JJoth in acreage and
yield per acrewo aro Increasing our
production. Nebraska's part, there
fore, In this stupendous output each
year gives it a ploco near tho top, and
ahead of other older states with sev
oral times its population. In this
lies tho significance of Nebraska's
future. Whon our peoplo are more
numerous and our land generally
opened up to Intensive cultivation,
Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Indiana
will havo to look to their laurels to
avoid being surpassed by this
younger state, a veritable dominion
in fertility, Corn is still king, form
ing a third or more ot the crop
wealth ot the country and Nebraska
has a proud part In maintaining Us
supremacy. '
Our old friend, Agulnaldo, so re
ports say, wus dec-llchtedt at the
election of Wilson. Well, It might be
worm it juai to nava Aggie in a
good humor onco more beforo he
j quits tho game.
ookiaef Backward
Iks Day in Omaha
J NOV. 10. all
Thirty Vcar ,lRu
Bishop Hare preached at Trinity today.
The break In tho street car track at
Ft. Mary's avenue and tfeventocnth
J street has been removed by finishing tho
sewr excavation.
famuel Duma' tasto for relics of the
good old dayu was Indulged by his pur
chase of Mr. John Ooodheart of the
two old doors taken from the first
Methodist church ever built In Omaha,
twenty-five years ago, to be kept ns
The funeral of Michael Madden took
place from his residence to HI. Mary's
Tho Heavens the last few nights have
been giving- brilliant displays of north
ern lights. ' -
Miss Allen, librarian ot the Omaha
Public library, given out a list of tho
periodicals kept on file. Tho library hours
are from 10 n. m. to 9 p, m., on week
days, a:id on Bunday from noon to 7 p. m.
Wyman's Commercial college offers to
teach bookkeeping, arithmetic, penman
ship and commercial law.
Ed Powers has resigned as constable
and J, P. Manning has been appointed
to fill the place.
Twenty Years Ago
The Omaha High school foot ball team
vanquished the Lincoln High school at
the base ball park, by a score of 12 to 0.
The local team consisted of these players:
Sheldon, rlghtend; O. Whipple, right
tackle; Purvlce, rlghtgmard; H. Oury,
center; Clarke, loftend; Ayres, lefttacklej
'Peterson, leftguard: Humphrey, quarter-
back J. Oury. right halfback; Wltmer,
left halfback, and H. Whipple, fullback.
Mrs. O. If. Jeffries left to Join her
parents at Durton, Kan., en route to
California. She went to spend tho winter
at Los Angeles.
F. M. Dllsh. Uncoln manager for It.
O. Dunn & Co., was In town.
Announcement was made here that tho
Cudahy Packing company, whoso prin
cipal location was Omaha, had but re
cently filed amended articles of incor
poration in Chicago, raising Its capital!
zaton from 1730,000 to I3,COO,000.
Tho heavy advance In oysters In tho
Ast caused nn Increase locally In prices
of 5 cents per can.
James Whltcomb Dlley, the great In
diana poet, entertained a capacity audi
ence nt tho Toung" Men's Christian as
sociation building, giving soma of his
popular favorites.
Mrs. Catherine Gutting, nearly 64 years
of age, tiled at her horno, 3027 Emmet
street and was to bo burled In the Ger
man cemetery with services at the Catho
lic church of fit. Mary Magdalene.
Ten Years Afro
It became known in Omaha that rail
roads converging hero had decided at a
secret meeting ot representatives in
Chicago, to advanco their grain rates,
which, In vlow of tho abundant harvest,
would by levying tribute on tho farm
ers, tond to swell tho already swollen
profits of tho carrions.
Colonel Cody began the announcement
of his fnrowell tours.
Tho prolonged contest for county corn-
mlssloner In the Fifth district between
Henry S, McDonald, republican, ,nnd C.
O. Ixibock, democrat waa finally settled
when Judgo Leo 8. pstollo, of tho district
court decided that, according to tho reve
lations ot tho official count, MoDonald
had received 2,612 and Lobeck 3,611, and
therefore McDonald was elected and It
was so ordered.
Edward A. noss, professor of sociology
In tho University of' Nebraska, undressed
tho Omaha Deal Estatn exchango on
railroad taxation. He argued that capi
tal invested In railroad property woo as
able as other capital to help bear the
expenses ot the government.
Mrs. n. F. Marshall ontertalned at
luncheon for Mrs. Ashton, who was Mrs.
auckert's guest and Miss Ingram of
Minneapolis, who was visiting- Mrs.
People Talked About
Dr. Wiley Is not looking for a cabinet
Jobl His cyijs aro ulucd on the coming
out or Miss Boda Uenxoatc.
Miss Aleksandrowlctzullo reached Bos
ton without telescoping her nama and
pronouncing experts threaten to buy an
Experts In parliamentary decorum con
sider tho "Mother of parliaments," a hot
competitor for thtf rioting laurels of tho
Hungarian diet.
Abdul Hamld hasn't uttered a word
for publication about tho Turkish cata
clysm, but a hot gule rustloa tho whisk
ers ot tho prophet.
Pittsburgh is suffering from a mos
quito plague. Even that town, with Its
exceptional resources In such a direc
tion, has failed to smoke thrm out.
In winning her suit to retain S3S.O0O ali
mony even If she is married again, Mrs.
Emilia A. Emeron-ltaahor of Washing
ton at last solves tha problem of how to
eat your cako and have It too.
George Fitch, the Elwash sage of Pe
oria, III., will lighten the legislative
gloom at Hpringfleld the coming session
and secure insldo Information for a vtst
pocket essay on Jackpot statesmanship.
innnicsgiving aay nas been appointed
by President Taft for an exhibition In a
Washington theater of tho first motion
pictures of the Panama canal. These
striking views would be a great attrac
tion on their awn account, and Interest
will be greatly Increased by the fact that
the proceeds are to be for the benefit
ot the lied Cross fund to aid sufferers
from the war in Turkey.
The drowning of the fourth officer of
the Pacific Mall fltesmshlp company's
boat, Manchuria, while trying to swim
nshore at Manila with smuggled opium
lias led to the discharge or transfer of
practically all ,tht officers on the ship,
Captain Dixon being an exception, for ho
was luckily on a vacation at the time.
The managers ot tho company declare
that it Is Imposstbla to break up the
Illicit traffic becauss members of tha
crow wjll not become Informers.
An Interesting scientific expedition 1
planned by William Warfleld. son of
President Warfleld ot Lafayette college,
who haa Just returned from exploring a
high plateau on the borders ot rtrttUU
Guiana and Urazll,' whero the little
known Kaletcur tall .on the Potora river
falls sheer 741 feet. Ha Is now In Wash
ington, and on November It will sail for
Asia Minor for a long Journey through
Mesopotamia, Persia, the Caucausus, and
other countries about the Caspian, mak
ing geological studies for a thesis which
ho Is to present to the faculty of Prince
ton unverslty.
Fast, Present and Future Hostesses.
Boston Transcript
There ore millions of people waiting to
see what the newly-ohosen president will
do after ho nssumes the executive au
thority of tho nation the fourth of next
March. There aro perhaps almost as
many millions hardly less Interested to
know what will bo the social life of the
presidential mansion after tho new occu.
pants are Installed. That It will be of? a
character to command public approval
nnd very likely admiration thero aro few
to doubt, and that Is a feature of an ad
ministration whlrh does not always re
ceive tho recognition and appreciation II
deserves. Thero havo been few Instances
when the ladles of the White Houso have
not risen to tho demands of the posi
tion; fewer still when they have not be!n
found worthy of tho distinction w.hlch
they were called upon to share.
Certainly, looking back over a genera
tion, only n captious critic would tinder,
take to pick flaws In the record. There
were some who maintained that Mrs
Haye was literally the better half dur
ing the four years In which she woro the
title of "first lady of the land." She cer
tainly exercised a strong Influence upon
the social end of the executive functions.
nnd attained a prominence In affairs for
which hex position did not fully nccount
Today her strong qualities would find p
still wider field, because there has been
rather marked progress nlong the llries
of her special activities. Mtn, Garfield
was a lady of quiet and domestic tastes
but one who would have been fully equal
to the requirements of the stnte to which
she had been elevated had not the presi
dent's untimely death rbbbod her of the
opportunity, Mr. Cleveland entered upon
his duties a bachelor, but ho did not lonp
remain so. Without question his mar
riage was one of affection, but Had It
been simply one of policy, for the pur
pose of establishing In the mansion n
mistress of It who would Impart grace
Sobriety and the "Pocket Nerve,!'
Closing Doors of Workshops to Booze Fighters.
New York Sun.
The "pocket norvc," though not de
lineated In works on nnatomy, appears
to be most Influential. Many commercial
and manufacturing concerns havo come
to the conclusion that tho abuso of
alcohol on tho part of their employes is
detrimental to their Interests tfnd they
refuse tho services of men addicted to
this habit. Fow companies have been
courageous enough to refuse employment
to men who use alcohol moderately, be
cause In this country at least It would
appear to be In Infringement on personal
llborty. Accidents Uko the terrible ono.
on the Delawaro & Lackawanna railroad
on tho Fourth of July last cannot happen
on tho llorlln elevated railroad because
every employe before going to work
must report to a trustworthy officer, who
ascertains whether or not he Is under
the influence of liquor. It were well If
all railroad companies adopted this rule,
for It would prevent much loss of life
and many maiming if all engineers hav-
Ing control In factories and o,thcr places
In which largo numbers nro assembled
were subjected to similar scrutiny.
Therp js reliable authority for even
more exacting measures. A German In
vestigator has ascertained that to work
men of ifl and U years who nro users of
alcohol have been traced three times ns
many nccldcnts resulting In Injuries as
to all tho other workmen together, nnd
tho loss of time arising from such In
juries wai fourfold that Incurred by all
tho other workmen. It was calculated
Springfield Republican: Another iii
creasa In the price of diamonds Is pre
dicted before Christmas. Do your shop
ping early.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Nominations for
the Ananias club are not presented any
longer. Tho membership of that organiza
tion was full anyhow.
Indianapolis Nows: And then, spouklng
of passing prosperity around, the unfilled
tonnage of the steel trust breaks nil rec
ords. Chcor up, Mr. Perkins! You may
get oven yet. you bctt
Ht. Ivouls Olobe-uemocrut: It Is re
ported that Mr. Dry an will accept no
placo under Wilson. If he appoints him
self reminder of the platform it will ha
tha busiest post ot all.
"Washington Post: No near-sighted
American vUUIng tho House ot Commons
during one of Its ructions could tell It
from tho house of representatives while
a tariff debate was In progress.
lJoston Transcript: The powers: "See
here) we can't nfford to havo llttlo fel
lows Uko you winning battles.' After all
our plans to carve up Turkey for our
stives! The insolence. This has got to
atop. Ucsldes, we always said that war
was cruel."
Ualttmoro American: A university pro
feasor ot economics advises girls to spend
all they have, borrow more, keep on
spending and keep from saving or from
helping telr parents. It Is strange what
professional nonseiso will be tolerated In
this land of unmitigated free speech.
Philadelphia ledger: Tho season of
the year has returned when a wise and
gracious Providence will b blanked for
sundry colds, loss ot work through sick
pes and a few premature funerals;
whereas overheated houses and badly
ventilated rooms will be tho sole and di
rect causo of the visitations.
New York Bun: The townsfolk of Cory
don, la., for years thought A. Walden,
one of their bank presidents, ' eccentric."
His will provides that J165.0O) of his es
tats shall be oxpended In Improving their
parks, water system and sewage dis
posal plant. His bequests must have con
firmed lits fellow citizens' opinion of his
Chicago Inter Ocean: The seven gov
ernors who prevailed upon Colonel Itoose
velt to run for president met the follow
ing fates: Stubbs of Kama, beaten tor
the senate; Carey of Wyoming, no elec
tion of governor; QlaracOck of West Vir
ginia, not renominated; Aldrlch ot Ne
braska, defeated; Osborn of Michigan, not
renominated; Hass of New Hampshire,
not renominated, and Hadley of Missouri
back in the Q. O. P. fold.
Illtctt Up or Vnmoosr.
Kansas City Times.
Tho three unmarried men who were
elected to office In Haskell county. Kan
sas, lust week bad as well make up their
minds right now to quit the single life,
or be content with single terms. The
equal suffrage amendment was udopted
in Kansas.
and dignity and even a supply of tactful
ness which perhaps tu sometimes lack
ing in his own personality, ho could
hardly have chosen more wisely.
The social phases of President McKln.
ley's administration wero of a very quiet
character because of tho poor health of
his wife, a most estimable woman. Mrs
Itoosevelt has manifested aa sound com
mon sense and as admirable polso In her
somewhat exacting duties as any woman
who has occupied tho placo. Bho has
been the balanco wheel In many a some
what trying .situation, and deserves not
only tha high respect but tho generous
applause of her countrymen and country
women, for tho manner In which she has
Interpreted and responded to her exact
ing responsibilities, and her husband has
never had a better or safer adviser In
office or out of It. President Taft has
been doubly fortunate In the companion
ship and sympathy In his labors of an
accomplished wife and nn Interesting
daughter, whose tastes, training and en
vironment have given her life a wide
horizon that haa been the privilege of
very few, of her years.
After next March the feminine element
will havo a larger representation In the
White House -than It has ever had before.
Even when but a candidate, tho president-elect's
Interesting family could not
escape public attention, and they bore
the ordeal with becoming modesty and
philosophy, and the mistress of the house,
hold will have valuable assistants In the
dlschargo of her duties In her three
daughters, whose talents vary, though all
are genuine. Few presidents have had
better reasons to felicitate themselves
upon so adequate a social equipment for
tho responsibilities of tho next four yearn
as he, and doubtless, he is fully con
scious and appreciative of his blessing.
Happy should be the man who has a
charming family as a foil to -tho burdens
and embarrassments of officialdom.
that V forbidding the use of alcohol 7
per cent of nil nccidpntfl would bn nre.
vented and the workmen's sick benefit
societies would tnvo ,fe00,000 marks an
nually, more than Jl.000,000. Theso facts
were clearly brought out In the hygienic
congress by Dr. W, P. Boos, who also
points out that most accidents occurred
on Monday, Bhowlng that they wero prob
nbly duo to week end tippling, .which
lea'es the man In an unstable condition.
Thero Is no doubt that tho regular use
ot alcohol, even In moderate quantities,
gradunlly undermines tho nervous sys
tem: the man grows less alert, his senses
aro less acute, and when ho Is Injured
this Is evidenced by the occurrence of de
lirium tremens.
Whon tho new workmnn's compensa
tion nets come to be fully enforced em
ployers will begin to realize the role ot
alcohol In tho production ot accidents
for which they will be held liable, though
Intoxication inny have been a contribu
tory cause. Tho result will doubtless be
salutary: the powerful "pocket ncrvo"
will Influence employers to avoid' work
men who uso alcohol at nil, in order to
diminish tho probability of accidents.
There Is no computation ot the benefi
cent results of such a precautionary
measure, not nlono In the saving-of llfo,
limb and property, but In tho enormous
benefits to tho workman and his family,
whoso resources, meager enough nt best, longor be crippled by the out
lays Involved In Illness and deaths caused
or furthered by alcohol.
Sentimental Ilenrt Thrill Mn- Hide
n Hope,
Columbus (O.) 8tate Journal.
Mrs. drover Cleveland is to be married
ngaln, this time to a professor of archeol
ogy nt Wells college, which Mrs. Cleve
land attended ak. a girl. Hq Is GO nnd Bhe
Is 4S. This Is doubtless the union of com
jianlonahtp.; )ho getting .together of two
kindred rouls to enjoy tho sunset of life
with ond another. It Is the very tlmo to
get together, aa woll, if not better, than
In tho sunrise of life. ,.
Suppose they didn't, either with no one
to lovo, floating down the stream of llfn
alono. never thinking of another, pever
enjoying with another the flowers, the
berries, the fruits along the way, a sort
of forced selfish llfo, wbon the heart hard,
ens and tho thoughts btow harsh such
n fate for two klpdrcd, sunny, loving
souls should never be. And so the ex
ample ot this radiant professor and this
charming widow should be followed
wherever the situation is at all similar.
Growing old alone-don't. If you don't
have tol Rather grow young again, to
Popular Dnrlna- Presidential Cnin-pnlg-n
New York- Post.
The campaign of 1912 has done at least
one, thing to taiako this world a more
cheerful plar.o to live In. It has given
us the fasomuting new national gumo of
throwing the presidency Into the house of
representatives. Brought forward by an
editorial writer lq a mood of, fanciful
speculation, tha idea
choose a president In the electoral college
seUed Immediately upon the popular
imagination. And when the extraordinary
coincidence was discovered that In tha
house of representatives there vu ,
deadlock of states and a deadlock within
slates, the combination proved Irreslstibla
reopie grew busy w th lead pencils: th
constitution and tho statutes nt large
wero ransacked as never before In our
history; and Ingenious calculators were
soon Pointing out tho evennallil un
der which the fourth assistant auditor
in the treasury department might be.
come president of the United States. It
Is a fascinating game, nnd cannot be
put out of the way by Tuesday's nenulinr
The Vhr of TnrUt-r'n Marathon.
New York Sun.
The annual pay of Greek army officers
does not eem to be In accord with the
length of their titles
The pay table Is as follows:
! Hypotrategos (brigadier general)...! u
i Syntagmatarchln (colonel) 1332
J Antlsyntagmatarchls (lieutenant colo
1 ncl) , j 17
' Tugmatarchls (major) j'ojm
'I.ochagos (captain) '73.)
HvpolochaBo (first lieutenant) ... 4r?
AnthynolocboROi' 'econ' liei-t n-'"l '
Anthypaepistls (adj"tant .;
I But the minister of wur ml jt j
Mrs. Wnyupp How much sleep do I
need, doctor?
Doctor Well, the average person needs
about even hours.
Mrs. Wayupp Then I shall take about
fourteen. I consider that I am that
much ubove the average. Judge's I.I
bruty. "Well, ,he got n verdict for ten thous
and lor?, luxuriant plunks' Ypur let
ters did It."
"She used to tell me my letters were
worth their weight in gold." Pittsburgh
Mrs. Shortley was discussing the lat-1
est fashions with a young lady enllcr.
".Did .you nay your husband-was fond
of those dinging gown, Mae?"
"Yes, he likes one to cling tb me for
about three years." LJpplncotfs Mag
azine. "How did the moving pictures of the
wedding turn out?"
'Oh, splendidly. Tliy caught the
bride when she was knocked snseley's
by being hit with an old shoe, no that
It is JUFt as natural as life." Chicago
Mrs. Klubman If I'd known that voU
would leave me alone so niuoh, I u never
have married you;
Klubman Hut in Jhnt case you would
have been alone a good deal more. Uos
ton Transcript.
"How are Jack nnd his wlfo getting
along together?"
"Generally very well, but not always.
ox remember he got her to promise
that whenever ho went wrong In his
deportment or mode a brcuk In his gram
mar she'd correct him?"
"Well, she's doing lt."-Chlcago Trlb.
"Little one," he began, "you nre too
There Is
The Beer of Quality
AN order for Patbst "BLUE, RIBBON " Beer carries with
it the distinction of quality and good taste. Served with
your lunch or dinner, BLUE RIBBON lends zest and
refreshment most satisfying. Every bottle is pure and
wholesome worthy of your table the best beer brewed.
Bottled only at tho brewery in crystal clear bottles,
showing at a glance that it is clean and pure.
A trial order will convince you.
Phone or write.
The Pabst Company.
Phono Douglas 79, A 1479
1107 Laavsnworth Oraabc Ntbr.
Up to the heights on the
wings of the morning the
Ford brings new joy and a
new world without exces
sive cost. And now that our
gigantic production has
forced prices down to theVery
bottom you surely can afford
a Ford.
Every third car a Ford and every Ford
user a Ford "boostor." New prices run
about ?63G touring car $C0O delivery
car 1 625 -town car ?800 with all equip
ment, f. o. b. Detroit. Get particulars from
Ford Motor Company, 1916 Harney St.,
Omaha, or direct from Detroit factory
Froit and
Carboi Proof
Nebraiha O.-n-
I 1-
pretty to be a shooting bis uf
txanerv. You ought to be on tin M
"Heen there." Knapped tm- waltn-"" A
1fly. "Whnfll you have?" Climrnr t -i JP
irtlculnrs of your lcent ord-r -l "out- f
er-Journal. f
"Ami nfter he hftri iilvoti his ci! llV
a hpkcti mill wmii oiza miinie jil' ni'"
i . ... .... . i i . . ... r i
settle on his daughter."
"And whnt was the outcome?"
"I whh. That's where I ffut tills llm.
Houston I'ost.
Detroit Kreo Pre.
Never lieered him blame the worM
Ifer the troubles thnt It brought;
Never hrerrd him rAII nt life
Or expreeH n gloomy,, thought:
Seen It rnlnln' pitchforks, when &
Outside Inbor he had plflnncd: J
All he sold wuz: "After thU I
Won't the sun lu simply grand?"
Seen him shoulders high with oale.
Didn't know "which ' way t' turn.
Trouble, troubles, ever'wlioro:
Never, far as, I can learn,
Walled nn' whimpered jit his, fte.
Took 'em Mnlllng, one by One;
Telling folks; When these ate lst
What comes noxVlr Jos' be fun "
Seen lilili r lie .hubs In mud,
Wagon stuck an' hos.xos tired;
Never growled nbottt the -rout!.
Never kicked 'coz ho wuz mired;
Hetited for a wlillo nn' Kald
T' the bosses: "NeVor mind, .
Jes' a rod or two nhend
Easier goln' weishall find."
Seems his woes appealed t him,
Jes' tu sugar tlo'es' t'- boys;
Used 'em, too. In Jes thnt Way.
Made 'em sweeten uu his jovs.
Alius Iookln' Jes' beyond
The edge of trouble to the day
(Hovln known the pariK o' etrlfe)
He'd appreciate his pay.
Best Beer
. For Sale Eoerytahare
-r t-