Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE HK10: OMAHA, 'ITKSDAY, NOYKMH10K 10, 1012.
epartments Request Million and
Half Over 1911 Appropriations.
Non-U Will He Clone to 11,000 to
the Good Over Shnllenherfrer,
While Mnrrhrad HhIi Ald
J rich by 10,000.
operate the street railway system of
which he Is manager.
Kirk finally agreed to sell the power
In this state and on this proposition the
state granted him a power right. Shot
well now asks that the Kirk rights ba
cancelled on the ground that the work
PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb., Nov. lS.-(Spc-dal.l-The
Plattsmouth News-Herald,
which has had a checkpnvl rnrrrr for h
was not started within six months ami last twenty-ono years, Saturday folded its
steadily prosecuted. Shotwell's appllca- ! tent and quietly withdrew from the news.
tlon practically duplicates Kirk's present ( paper field, the mortgagees having sold!
rlgnt, namely, mo inversion 01 sw cuuuu mo plant to K. A. Hates, publisher of
I No
rush tactics here
I during this.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. IS. (Special.) That tho
legislature will be asked to Increase ap
propriations next year Jl'.COO.OOO over the
appropriations of the legislature of 1911
was Indicated In the estimates of ex
penses received by the state audjtor from
the several departments and bureaus.
It economy Is to be the program of the
legislature this year It will be necessary
to pare down the appropriations far be
low the estimated lowest cost of operating
tho state government machinery for tho
coming blennlum.
In the case of nearly overy department
an increased allowance, over two years
ago is being demanded. In somo in
stances tho heads of departments ask
two and three times as much as they did
two, years ago.
Out-of the twenty-two departments and
Institutions heard from by the auditor,
only four are content with the appropria
tion sum of 1911. Theso departments are
the attorney general's office, the railway
commission, tho stato veterinarian and
the geological survey.
With these should be counted tho Grand
Island Soldier's Home, for which Is asked
J) 000 less than it rocclvcd in 1911, and tho
Nebraska City School for tho Blind,
whose requisition Is $8,000 below its 1911
Tho remaining sixteen reporting esti
mates so far ask appropriations which
will total nn Increase In sight nt this
tlmo of about $1,600,000. Tho total ap
propriation of 1911 has been exceeded $664,-
()m In ,l,n ln.( turn r, r-, U na,tT.o.AM n
1 As there are In nil soventy-five offices,'
Jmrpaus, commissions and Institutions and
associations of a seml-publlo nature
which share In tho annual appropriation
bill, it Is plain that when the legislature
Is confronted with tho total estimates
t iwlll be asked to increase the cost of
operating tho government, approximately,
$1,600,000 over the previous blennlum.
Estimates of Expenses.
Here are tho departments that havo re
quested moro money than they received
two years ago together with their esti
mate: s.
Orthopedic hospital, Lincoln $146.4S0
"Wayne Normal school 107,920
Peru Normal school 95,700
Cliadron Normal School 92,600
State superintendent 79,000
Labor bureau 31,000
Hastings hospital for Insane..' 30,000
Norfolk hospital for insane 22.000
Girls' Industrial home, Geneva 21,700
Mllford's Soldiers' home 9,320
Hanking board 2,000
IJbrary commission 2.000
Hoard of health 2,000
Sfate treasurer 640
Insurance department 600
State Normal board - 600
In a number of cases there- is an ap
parent effort to boost a number of salary
rolls. This Is especially noticeable In the
report of the banking department, , The
bank examiners at $1,800 a year. A bill
was gotten through tho last legislature
Increasing this to $2,000. But tho state
auditor's department has so far insisted
upon scallni? tho claims down to the
amount authorized by law.
Water Power Complaint.
Tho statao board of Irrigation is Mon
day afternoon hearing the arguments of
attornoys In the contest brought by
Franklin Shotwell of Omaha, for Inter
ests not named In the application, against
tho water power right claims of B. K.
Kirk, of Sioux City, the contested claims
, being along the Niobrara river near the
, town of Niobrara.
ormcr United States Senator Brown
Omaha was In the case representing
Shotwell, while Klrk was well represented
In this case the board originally re
fused to grant Klrk permission to do-
clop power, which was to be trans
mitted to Sioux City and used there to
, to
' by
Is Your Child's
Tongue Coated
" If cross, feverish, bilious, stom
ach sour, give "Syrup of
Figs" to clean its little
clogged-up bowels.
Mother! Don't scold your cross, peev
ish child! Look at the tongue! See if It
Is white, yellow and coated! if your
child is listless, drooping, Isn't sleeping
well, is restless, doesn't eat heartily or
Is cross. Irritable out of sorts with
everybody, stomach sour, feverish
breath bad; has stomachache, dlarrhoeo-
Bore throat, or Is full of cold, it meani
the little one's stomach, liver and 30 feet
of bowels are filled with poisons an.)
foul, constipated waste matter and neco
a gentle, thorough cleansing at once.
Give a teaspounful of Syrup of Fig
and In a few hours all the clogged ui
waste, undigested food and sour bile wit
gently move on and out of Us llttl
waste clogged bowels without nause'i
griping or weakness, and you will surelj
have a' welt, happy and smiling chili,
again shortly.
With Syrup of Figs you are not drug
ging your children, being composed en
tirely of luscious figs, senna and aro
ii -a tics It cannot be harmful, besides the
dearly love its delicious taste.
Mothers should always keep Syrup c
b'igs handy. It Is the only stomach
liver and bowel cleanser and regulate
needed a little given today will sat
a sick child tomorrow.
. Full directions for children of all ag
Y "i-own-ups plainly printed on tl
package. t
Ask your druggist for the full name,
"Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna,"
prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co.
This is the delicious tasting, genuine old
reliable. Refuse anything else offered.
feet of water per second and tho manu
facture of 3,400 horsepower electric cur-
Hoard of AurlcnlUre.
The state board of agriculture is ask
, -1 - 1 1 .. t1CftVl nl
JUT Mil ullilUFH"uit " . ,
though this Is not Included In tne above
report. This Is to be us,ed for new build
ings and maintenance. Secretary Mellor
has appended a note to his estimate
I stating that while the fair took in $200,000
In tho last two years, this was practically
used up In current expense.
Tho state bonrd of stallion registration
which turned into the state treasury In
fee $39,000 in tho Inst two years, asks an
appropriation of $63,000 for cnrrylng on
tho work during the next two years.
Offlrlnl Plnrnlltles.
With official flrguures at hand from
every county in the, stoio excepmw
Douclas countv. the plurality of Norrls
over Shallenbergcr for United States sen-
ntor is closely estimated, at ll.ww. ine
official vote on governor shows Mr.
Morchead will havo a plurality over Gov
ernor Aldrich slightly under 10,000.
In ninety-one counties the total offi
cial vpte as shown In tho otiice oi me
secretary of stato Is:
Senator Norrls, 111,817; Shallenbcrgcr.
Governor Morehcad, 108,669! Ahincn,
With tho receipt of tho official Doug
las county vote, the complete official
will be available, Tho state canvnsslng
board is delaying their canvass until tho
missing county conies in.
Diphtheria nt Poncn.
As the result of the visit of State Health
Inspector Wilson to Ponca, five families
In that town aro under quarantlno for
diphtheria and -orders havo been Issued
that every school child bo vaccinated nt
The Inspector advised that no public
meetings. Including church services, be
held until tho situation Improves. One
hundred persons In tho town aro said to
bo affected by the disease.
Whllo most of tho cases aro of a mild
type, a few have been sevcro and It bus
been thought best to take no chances
until danger of Infecting a still greater
area havo passed. The origin of tho dis
ease there Is not known.
Minor Seeks Place,
W. L. Minor of Scott's Bluff county
is a candidate for deputy auditor under
tho new administration, according to
word received at tho stato houso today.
Ho was ono of tho six ' candidates for
the nomination of commissioner on the
republican ticket last spring, which was
won by Fred Beckmann.
neqnlsltlon for Checks.
Governor Aldrich has issued a requisi
tion for the return of Gus Cheeks, ar
rested at Omaha, to Des Moines, where
he is wnnted on a charge of robbery. Ho
Is accused of having "held up" ono H. P.
Dolan, on October 31, and securing a gold
watch and $40.
HulldlnR Not Ordered.
The State Board of Public Lands and'
Buildings has finally decided not to
create a deficiency at the Lincoln hospital
for Insane by authorizing tho immediate
construction of two new buildings. It
Is pointed out that tho buildings could not
be used until after tho legislature had
appropriated money for their furnishing
and so would not relievo tho crowded
condition there.
No Ilrlef In Stehr Case.
Because no briefs wero filed In the
Henry Stehr case, In which tho defendant
Is charged with having caused the death
of his young stepchild by compelling It
to spend a night In a woodshed in cold
weather, the supremo court will probably
refuse to entertain a motion for a now
trial Tuesday. The caso was appealed
from Madison county. Stehr asked that
the briefs be printed at state expense,
but the court refused to do so.
A criminal cose sot for hearing In the
supremo court Tuesday and which has
aroused some Interest Is that of Charles
Deeder, who was convicted In Hitchcock
county of falsely counting tho vote whllo
presiding as a Judge of election. The
evidence tended to show that the count
was conducted in a manner which aided
several county candidates.
Wcslejran Presidents to Meet.
More than 100 presidents of Wesleyan
schools and colleges in the United States
will gather in Lincoln early next year,
naklng an epoch In the Nebraska history
of Methodism.
Cnancellor Fulmer of tho Nebraska
Wesleyan university announced Monday
that tho senuto of the Wesleyan presi
dents hud decided to hold their next meet-
ng in Nebraska, this being the first time
that the body will ever havo gathered
vest of tho Mississippi river.
the only competitor tho News-Herald had
In the county seat, tho Plattsmouth
Tho defunct newspaper has had a strug
gle for existence for a long time, there
having been somo experienced newspaper
men in charge of it and somo with not
so much experience.
The Herald was organlred for business
in Plattsmouth in 1SS4 and was a cham
pion of republicanism from tho first Issue.
In 1S32 It took over tho Evening News,
an Independent dally, from which time
tho hyphenated tltlo dates.
The paper was tho property ot'cx-Con
gross m nn Pollard two or three years ago,
and was edited by P. A. Harrows, with
A. E. Qulnn as business manager, both
experienced newspaper men, duiflng which
tlmo the paper wielded quite an Influence
In polltlcul circles In this portion of tho
state. '
O. May field purchnscd It from Mr
Pollard something over a year ago und
begun the advocacy of tho candidacy of
Colonel Itoosovclt. Mr. Mayfleld's health
failed and ho had to ubandon his news
paper work in Nebraska.
Mr. Mayfleld sold the plant, which had
been losing ground since, until tho mort
gagees finally took possession of it. The
democratic press now has the field all
to Itself so far as tho city and eastern
end of tho county is concerned.
K'T Particular -,l .i.i,!a. ,4a i3jrru
The Royal Mall Stenii) Packot C
UANllBHsoN & SO.V, Gtu Act' . Si Stale H ,
of hand tailored quality
suits and overcoats
The high class store service, for which this store is famous, remains unimpaired
during this sale. We assume that every fellow who enters jur doors is a gen
tleman and entitled to tho courtesy due a gentleman. Our salesmen do not
rush matters and a salesman is not pulled and hauled from customer to cus
tomer in a mad effort to force sales. You'll be just as highly elated over tho
treatment you receive as over the bargains you get during this sale. Plenty of
garments to supply the demand for some time to come but, what's the use of
waiting t
REGULAR $40, $35 and $30 SUITS and OVERCOATS FOR $23 .
REGULAR $15 and $12.50 SUITS and OVERCOATS FOR $9
mini m I II' III "I'Wii
rrn9?a fjiivm n nana
WKST POINT, Neb., Nov. 18.-(Spoclal.)
Mips Theresa Ortmclor, daughter of
Theodore Ortmelcr, a farmer living south
of West Point, died from cerebro spinal
meningitis nnd wua Interred under Catho
lic auspices.
Gustavo sGatremeycr and Miss Mario
Boelle wcreunlted in marriage, at Colum
bus, Neb., last week. Both young peoplo
have been In the employ of tho local tele
phono exchango for some yearn and aro
both popular members of socloty. They
will mnko their homo here.
Tho marrlago of Jeromo Kafka nnd
Miss Joscphlno Plcha was celebrated by
County Judgo Dewald at his offlco in tho
court house. They were attended by
Herman rcojar and Joseph Swoboda, Miss
ailcko Plcha and Miss Anna Plcha, Tho
young people havo commenced housekeep
ing on their own farm north of West
Tho West Point Itcpubllcan, the oldest
paper In the valley, which Is now under
tho editorial management of Colonol ,T,
C. Elliott, celebrated with Friday's Issuo
tho forty-third year of Its existence. It
was founded In tho year 1869 by Judgo
Klgar N. Sweet, who is yet living and an
honored member of tho Oklahoma bar.
Clair Fitzgerald
Dies from Injuries
in Foot Ball Game
Clair I'ltzgcrald of the Valley foot ball
team died at St. Joseph's hospital yes
terday morning from injuries sustained in
tho game with Benson High BChool nt
Vnlloy last Friday afternoon.
Clair played right halt on the Valley
team and toward the latter part of tho
game kicked off to Hoy Gordon of tho
Lllenson High school. Gordon was charg
ing down the floia wun tne nan wnen
ritrgerald tackled him. Ills head was
thrown back suddenly and ho fell to tho
ground unconscious. Gordon wns also
laid out bj; tho impact. Medical atten
tion was given Fitzgerald nnd It was
found that tho second vertebra In his neck
was broken. Ho was taken to St. Joseph's
hospital, never regaining consciousness.
He wns tho son of John Fltzffcrnld, pro
prietor of tho Held hotel at Valley. Tho
body will bo taken to Valley for burial.
Neivs Notes of Deshler.
JBSHLEH, Neb., Nov. 18.-(SpecIal.)-tfrs.
William Kluender, wife of a teacher
n the Missouri Lutheran school here,
Med Sunday morning of cancer after a
'.ngering illness. The funeral was held
Jackson & Rennlck of Nelson have se-
ured the contract for the extension of
he water main flvo blocks south on
Iain avenue to tho site of the new
'eshler Lutheran High School and' Busl
ess college. Work will be commenced
t once. Water will be available when
he foundation work is started on tho
ew building, which will be In about two
'ceks. A largo forco Is excavating for
ie foundation.
The Ruskin Girl's High school basket
all team defeated tho Deshler girls at
lis place Fritlay, 5 to 9. Our boys were
efeated here Saturday by the Oak High
shool team, 12 to 14.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 17.-(SpeclaI.)-Tho
directors of the Farmers' Elevator
company at Cortland held a meeting yosJ
icroay nnu cnuorsod tho work of the
Beatrice Commercial club In trying to se
cure a crop expert for this county next
year. The directors havo agreed to take
stock In tho improvement association for
the benefit of tho County and a meeting
will be held in tho Commercial club rooms
hero next Saturday, at which definite
plants for securing tho expert probnbly
will bo made.
The postofflco nt Cortland will bo put
under civil service rule as' soon as a post
master can bo appointed. The civil serv
ice commission will hold an examination
In Beatrice on December H for this
office and such other vacancies as may
occur. Tho compensation of tho post
master at Cortland last year was $70.1.
Two candidates arc already In the leld
for the offlco, Frank Mllteuberger and R.
J. rCotJan.
Tho 8-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. J.
W. Billings camo near losing .tho sight
of his right eyo yesterday by getting a
fish hook caught in tho eyelid while
playing with a companion.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 18.MSpeclal
Telcgram.Wullus Prichard, who was
laat week -found guilty of criminally as
saulting Margaret Delaney, an 8-year-old
girl, at Wymore last June, was sen
tenced to twenty, years In the peniten
tiary today by Judgo Pemberton.
Prichard had nothing to say to tho
court and took his sentence with Indif
ference. He walked Into the court room
with a badly marked face as a result of
a fight In jail with Marlon Van Camp,
another prisoner, over the merits of his
case. Ho will bo taken to Lincoln tomorrow.
Table Rock Notes.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Nov. 18. (Soc
ial.) A bold holdup occurred here be
veen 7 and 8 o'clock Friday night, in
io railroad yards, probably within ICO
ards of the depot, in which tho victim
1 Italian laborer, wan relieved of somt
', the proceeds of a railroad check which
i had cashed that day.
The hogs belonging to numerous farm
rs in this vicinity have recently been
ffllcted with a Jtsease that has been
ry mystifying to the ownerS. This
ague is thought by some to be of the
ame nature as that of tho horses a short
me ago. The loss is reported to be quite
cavy among some of the larger farmers
Table Rock is agitating the question nf
Ming next spring on the uubject of
ate, works, and also a new city hall.
MILFORD, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.)
Dr. J. O. Clark, the Mllford veterinarian.
died yesterday from the effects of the
wound received hut Sunday while out
hunting. Robby, who did the shooting
says it was accidental. The funeral was
held, today.
Defendant Winn Anto Case.
CLAY CENTER. Neb.. Nov. 18.-f8ne
clal.f Dlstrlot court commenced its sec
ond week this morning. The Jury in the
caso of Lamp Bros, against Illff for dam-
ages alleged to have been sustained by
reason of negligent driving of an auto
mobile and resulting In tho killing of a
valuable horse for the plaintiffs brought
In a verdict for the defendant. This caso
was one of considerable interest to auto
mobile men of this county and large
crowds were In attendance.
Cnluiiilma 'Will Have Ilond Election.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Nov. 17.-At the
meeting of the city counclj last Friday
evening steps were taken toward calling
an election for voting bonds for a new
city hall. After dlscuslng the proposition
each councilman was Instructed to look
for prospective locations and report at the
next meeting in two weeks, at which
time this will be settled and the ordin
ance for tho election pawed.
Trenton Uefents 1'nlUade.
TRENTON. Neb.. Nov. 18.-(SpecIal.)
Trenton high school basket ball team de
fratd the Palisade team here on Friday
MFnt z to . Trenton uuin has not lost
s fcuiiu ti ls teubon it v, ill ,.iay Iitlc.
on Saturday evenln
University of Omaha
Ready for Peru Game
With tho last game with a tcum that
Is a member of tho Nebraska Jntcrcollog
late Athletlo association only a week off
Coach Morganthalor Is putting his men
through lho .hardest kind vr..VFHCtIco
order that they may bo In tht best pos
sible condition whon the University of
Omaha meets Peru at Peru Friday. No
vember 22.
Peru has beep playing good ball all 8ca
ton, with the exception of last Friday,
when tho team lost to Cotner by a Ire
meudous score, list year Omaha men
lost to tho schoolmasters by ono touch
down nnd aro hoping to uvcugo them
selves this week.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 18,-The troubles
of a balloonist In Russia wero described
today by Arthur Atherholt, who was
with John Watts of Kunsns City, In the.
International balloon race and landed In
Hid czar's country.
"Wo did not know wo hud landed In
Russia," -ho nnld, "but wo soon found II
out. A crowd of village surrounded us
and then tho pollen arrived. Thoy re
fuscxl to nllnw us to communicate with
any person or send any mcssnge.
"Finally n man enmo from Bit Peters
burg who spoko German and wo made
him understand that ho had been taking
pnrt In tho balloon race. Ho explained
that tho Balkan war had nimln tho Rus
slnn police very active and they fenred
spies. When released wo wero ndvlsod
to mnko all speed' back to Germany to
prevent further (rouble. Wo did not
oven wait for our balloon."
DENISON. liu, NW. 18.-(8peclal Tele
gram.' Professor ' j) 8. Hurthuu, editor
of the, Dcnlsou Zeltting, fell dead on the
street today n he,' was returning from
the funeral of a fellow German. Ho was
tho most prominent
the county.
German citizen of
Orchestras to Blame for
the Epidemic of Raggitis
to Old
It saves them many a cold
and sickness, for on the
windy, blustery Fall and
Winter days it easily warms the rooms not
reached by the ordinary heat.
And It's so light nnd handy. Can bo moved just
where it's needed.
Mode with nickel trimmings, plnin steel or enameled
turquoise-blue drums. Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts
for years.
At Dtalttt Everyuhmr
For best results
use Perfection Oil.
'On with the dance, but let joy bo not
unrefined," says Chief of Police Dunn,
Pollco Lieutenant Hayes, Policewomen
Drummy and Gibbons in chorus as thoy
drop around to the various dance bulla.
Tho authorities have discovered nn
alarming condition In Omaha dance halls.
It seems that tho orchestras are nearly
nil Inoculated with a deadly germ
known as "raggitis" and In a dance hall
full of hilarious persons it docs not tako
long for tho Infection to spread. Once
infected a person Buffering from "rag
gitis" does not recover until after several
attacks of acute fatigue.
Mrs. Gibbons told a reporter that in
every dance hall tbat sue visuea wun
her sister officer, Mrs. Drummy, the
lure of the "rag" Is Irresistible.
"In the dance halls whero only people
of refinement nnd culturo go, tho
epidemic of ragtlmo rages at Its height.
We have stopped many couples "pulIInK
a dog," but merely stopping the dancers
docs not have pcrmunont effect. The
source of tho germ Is in tho orchestra. I
have seen docllo und shy muldctm sit
quietly In their chairs, when thu orchestru
plays a selection from tho fourth annual
Sunday School Teachers' convention, but
tlm Instant that tho musicians strlko up
"Waltln' for tho Robert IS. Leo" It is tills
very sumo docllo doll that springs to hnr
feet with nn exclamation sounding like
"Wampus Cat" or "Hook om Cow" nnd
then she Is off in an ecstacy of dizzy
gyrations'. In the "cultured" dauco hall
tho "bear" Is worse than tho cheaper
ones. Tha trained minds of tho refined
dancers are always rigging up new steps
and ragglor dances. These place havo
given to Omahn the "Dundee Dunner
vetter," tho "Nebraska Kneuder," the
"Chambers' Cantor" and tho "Lieuten
ant's Ldngc."
Tho epidemic of raggitis Is ruging from
coast to coast, according to tho author
ities, the resulting effect being worse on
tho system than a Young Men's Chris
tian association membership campulfi,
and they favor drastic measures.
Fe J Shaky, Bilious Headachy,
or Constipated? Take Cascarets
Sick headaches! Always trace them to
lasy liver, decayed, fermenting food in
the bowels or a sick stomach. Poison
ous, constipated matter, gaueu and bile
generated in the bowels. Instead of be
ing carried out of the system, Is reab
sorbed Into the blood. When this
poison reaches the delicate brain tissue
it causes congestion and that dull, sick
ening headache.
Cascarets remove tho cause by stimu
lating the liver, making the bile and
constipation poison move on and out of
tho bowols. The effect Is almost in
stautunoous. 'Ladled whoso sentutlvo
organlsinu are especially pro no to sluk
headaches, need not suffer, for thoy con
bo quickly cured by Cascarets. Ono
taken tonight will struighten you out
by morning a 10-cent box will keep
your head clear, stomach sweet, liver
and bowels regular and u.uke you feel
bright and cheerful for months. Chil
dren need Cascarets, too they love
them because they tasto good and
uover gripe or sicken.
ALSO 23 Ot 50 CCMT BOt'
Fait, solid, electric-lighted, through train of tho
Illinois Central
from Chicago and St. Lou! to Jackionvillej
Illinois Central Dally
LvChlcigo.... B.I 6pm
LvSt.Leult ..II. 20pm
At Blrmlnjhtm 4,tppm
Central a Georgia
Ar Columbus,. 9,40pm
Ar Albany 1.3ltm
Atlantic Coatt Lint
Ar Jtckionvlllt 7.30tm
Throoih tbiiriiliia-eowpirtraidl ut
(Burteio-iielloa dritlnt-tnra slug.
IC cart, frit ncllnlot tMr car
(lint nailruellcn) tad taich (alia
laurlil aliiplnt tar aa lit atf U
Tutiltf al Ik month) bits lit CMcip
i Jacktiaillla. Imln-iicllon
driflnj.reora tlnploj car tsd frit
chair ctrtt.liDli la Jackisiillii. All
matt It dlalnt; can.
Connection at Columbus with through sleeping
car to and from Savannah; also at Jacksonville
for all points in Florida, and with trains making
Steamship Connections for Havana, Cuba
Information about Winter Tourist fares and
homeseelcers' fares to Florida on tho first and
third Tuesday of the month: also information as to tourist tickets
and Illinois Central service to New Orleans, Vickaburg (National
Military Park), Hot Springs, Ark.. Havana, Panama, and Central
American points via New Orleans; Mexico and California points via
New Orleans; as well as reservations, tickets and descriptive literature,
can be obtained of your home ticket agent, or by addressing
S. North, District Passenger Agent, Illinois Central R. R.
407 So. Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Neb.
I M SOUTH Y0UN8 WAN l,-,--,.,,,-,,,..,-
via Rock Island Lines
Electric lighted drawing-room sleeping cars Omaha to
x-ui l y uiui wjuiitxuuus iur uiuanoma avj.
Tickets and reservations .
14lb and Taraara Streets
Pkona Doiitla 8 Nabrsaks) A442B kdpnda
The Twentieth Century Farmer
la the leading Agricultural Journal or tne west. Its columns are
(Hied with tho best thought ot the day in matters pertaining to
the farm, tho ranch and tho orchard, and It la a factor In tho
develoomcnt of tho Croat western country.