Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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On Sale in Four Departments
Men's and Boys' Sweaters sold in West aisle.
Women's and Children's Sweaters sold in East aisle.
Women's and Misses' Mackinaw Sweaters sold in
Cloak department.
Baby Sweaters sold in Infants' Wear department.
A few prominent values nns:
Men's Sweaters of AH Wool and
Worsted Yarns.
Byron roll collar sweaters nt
$2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00
Men's shawl collar sweaters at
82.50, 83J10, $4.00, $4.50 and $0.00
Hunting sweaters, Byron collar, four
pockets 0.0
Men's Aeroplane sweaters of Angora
yarn, each $7.50
Men's shaker knit sweaters' with
heavy shawl collars $0.50
Men's Jersey sweaters, turtle neck,
light or heavy weights
at, 91. BO, $2.00 and $2.50
Women's and Misses' heavy Shaker
knit sweaters, largo collar,
pockets, colors Oxford gray,
white, thrco
.$0.00, $0.50
warmth and
nnd 88.50
Attorn nwoAtrra. nrrormnir maximum wurium uu uiiuuuuiu
weight, each S.50
Mackinaw sweaters with belt In red, whlto, tan nnd gray, fancy
plaid collar and cuffs, at -no
Baby Sweaters of fine 8axony yarns, up from. . . , $1.25
Too Much Marrying for Wealth and
the Social Position.
Knov XolhlnK of the Duties of
Home nnd Otvn Up Too Much
Tlm to Walking Street
at Nlnht.
John D. Hammond of Des Moines spoke
bsfors the Omaha Women's club Monday
afternoon upon the "Social Bvll."
"The woman who marries for social
petition, wealth and a bin houso Is
nothing more than a legalised prostitute,"
ssld Mr, Hammond, 'and the avorago
mother dowadays Is educating hor daugh
ter up to this point.
'The. only cooking utensil that the
daughter knows Is a can-opener. Tliu
daughter Is dressed In tha latest fashion
from a city which Is tho most Immoral
city In tho world and she Is rent out on
the streets to neck a husband, and when
she marries she knows nothing of the
work of making a home and the duties of
a wife and mother, Hho will walk tho
streets night after night and find com
pany which she should not know,
"The' men who marry for lovt and who
are looking tor wives are not on tho
streels, at 13 'o'clock' at night."
The' .foregoing was said by Mr. Ham
mond when lift warned tho mothers that
more care should be given to tho educa
tion of their daughters for the duties of
the Ufe which they must live.
"The girls should be Informed of the
white slavery and be taught tho things
which .are to be shunned In this world,"
said the speaker.
j Slen Worse Than Women,
Mr, Hammond gave statistics regard
ing the results of the diseases which are
contracted, and said ttmto e. groat per
centage of the cases. .ot Insanity wero
caused by them. He boid they havo
much to .do with race euftd.
In speaking of segregation, he said die
easo.couldinot be segregated; and that the
men "street walkers" are. many times
worse than the women who iralki the
streets, as they went Intpithe best homes
and married Into the best families, and
In that way Innocent 'woniert and' children
contract diseases. In time the whole
rscs wilt be affected unless there Is a
stop put to It. As a prevention, he com
mended the stand which a prominent
minister In Chicago has taken, ho Insist
ing thut every young cituplo who como
to him to bo married bring a health cer
tificate from a reputable physician.
In closing his address Mr. Hammond
said that he was In favor of Woman's
suffrage for tho reason that the men
were generally down town talking politics
and that the yclfnro of their children
was not considered as It should be. Ho
thought tho motljar more capable to Judge
these thlpgs many times rathor than tho
(Continued from l'ago One.)
of trade, condemned by tho Sherman
.lustlco MclCenna snld there was noth
ing In tho "Mimeograph case" of last
year, which contravened tho views ha was
"Tho added element of tho patent In
tho caso at bar ennnotconfer Immunity,"
he added. "Rights conferred by patents
aro Indeed very dotlriitn and extensive,
hut they do not, auymoro than any other
rights, give tho universal license against
positive prohibitions. Tho Sherman law
Is a limitation of rights rights which
may bo pushed In evil consequences and
therefore aro restrained."
Criminal Case t'eititliifr,
DKTIIOIT, Midi., Nov. a-Attorney
Hodman, who repreBonted tho defendants
In tho criminal trial of the so-called Imth
tub trust hero last spring, which resulted
In a disagreement of tho Jury, said today
that ho could not say yet what effect to
day's decision would havo on the retrial
of the criminal cose, scheduled for Janu
Breaks a Col'd in a
First Dose of Tape's Cold Compound
relieves all grippe misery.
Contains Be Quinine.
After the very, first dose of Paps'
Cold Compound" you distinctly fel tho
cold breaking and all th disagreeable
grippe systems leaving.
i hi a positive raw that a dose of
Tape's Cold Compound taken every two
hours until -three eoneecutlvo doses are
taken will eure.arlppe. or break up the
most severe, cow either In the head,
chest, back, stomach ir limbs. '
It promptly ends the most miserable
headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed
up. feverlshness, sneering, running of
nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, sore
ness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges.
Take this wonderful Compound with
the knowledge that there Is nothing else
In the worhl which will cure your cold
or end drlppe mlry as promptly and
without any other assistance or bad f.
fects as a SJ-eent package of Papa's Cold
Compound, which any druggist can sup.
ply It contains no quinine be, sure you
get what you ask for accept no Substi
tute belongs" In very Home Tostes nice
acts gently-Adverllsement.
Giovaimitti Denies
Urging Violence
SAI.KM, Mass,, Nov. IS. Artnro Qlo-
vannlttl, socialist writer, poot and mis
sionary, .charged with Joseph J, Kttor
nud Joseph Caruso with responsibility for
the, murder of Anna Toplzzo In the law-
rence textile strike, testifying here today
In his own defense, maintained that he
never, urged violence upon the strikers.
Declaring that ho preached sermons to
them about their conditions, Qlovanntttl
told In stirring language his part In the
Lawrence struggle.
The much quoted speech of the defend
ant In which the commonwealth main
tained lie urged thn strikers to "prowl
like wild animals at night, seeking the
blood of the scabs," was recalled In de
tail by Glovannltll. .
Ho said the parade bt January 29 was
over and tho strikers had gathered at
the Common. Ettor had told them to go
"I said to them," Ulovannlttl testified,
"Oo home. You are tired. Qo back to
your wives and children. If you leave
them alone they will be the first to com
plain nnd break your spirit."
Helter-Skelter Methods Are Being
Abandoned on the Ranges.
Slonz County .Stockman nelletea
Prior Will Come Doirn nnd
There Will lie Plenty of
Slock on Market.
I believe prices were boosted by the
packers to encourage the raising of more
cattle in the west," said W. J. McGIn
ley of Harrison, Sioux County, In Omaha.
Mr McQInley Is a cattleman whoso In
terests extend In both northwestern Ne
braska and part of South Dakota.
I don't think It was really necessary
for tho packers to pay 9 and 10 cents for
cattle this fall," he said, "and I believe
when the raSichmen raiso a good supply
again these prices will come down. While
cattle are somewhat scarce, I have no
Idea that the law of supply and demand
operated to force the price up to 9 and
10 oents. High prices have thrown a
scare Into the consumer and havo made
tho rancher get busy with more Improved
methods of raising stock.
Great Chancre Cnralnft.
'Within the next ten years the west
Is going to see a great change in tho
cattle raising Industry. Improved
methods are rapidly coming In and I be
lieve in a few years we will bo raising
as much beef as ever. Some of the great
ranch interests are now rapidly being
sold out and tho large ranchmen are
quitting business. Tho Klnkald home
stead aw, allowing farmers to tako sec
tions of land, lias done It largely, but
this Is no real detriment to tho cattla
business. Men who have homesteaded
theso tracts and who buy other tracts
Hum the largo ruiichors are going Into
the cattlo business In a now way. They
are rapidly Introducing better bred cat-
tic. Tho losses will be far less.
Intensified Stock Kalslug.
'"Single ranchers used to loso 175,000 to
$100,000 worth of cattle in a single bill
iard because they did not know where
their cattle were and they didn't caro
much. With the now methods farmers
will know where their herds ne all tho
lime. The land will bo fenced and sheds
will bo built to keep his cattle In. Tho
land and tho grass will be all there Just
as It was in the days of the big ranches,
but tho best possible uso will be made
of each foot of It. Wherovcr a few acres
aro good for hay purposes or for culti
vation this wilt be taken advantage of
and 1 nthis way feed for winter will be
produced where nothing but gross grew
ncforo." .
(Continued from Pago One.)
Passenger Oar is
Thrown Into River
MAJIYSVILUB. Cal., Nov. IS. In a
head-on collision today between a freight
motor and a street car on the bridge con
necting Yuba City and Marysvtlle, the car
was thrown to the river bottom, thirty
feet below. Every passenger, of whom
there were eighteen, was Injured. Several
will die.
McNamanv's alleged accomplices before
tho Los Angclos explosion.
JameH P. Oroham, formerly employed
by tho Astatic Exclusion leugue, of which
Tveltmoe was president, said M. A,
Schmidt and David Caplan used to fre
quent tho nearby offices iof the California
Ilulldlng Trades council and Tvcltmoa
saw them there, Thn 'witness testified
us to a telephone number which MoNa-
inum Is laid to have used In calling up
Tveltmdo when the preparations for tho
I.OS. 'Angeles explosion wero ilnder way,
Qrdltynr sold Johnrintten ami Secretary
Yofc'll ' of 'tho league skw Schmidt about
tho place. I
Bclimldt and Cuplan Jwore 'indicted on
charges of murder as accomplices of Mc
Namara, but they nevfr wero captured.
They havo ( been described as men who
figured In the purchasL of tho explosive.
Movements of 1 McNoiiisra.
Mrs. D. It. Campbell, formerly Mrs.
I'esautl, keeper of at hotel across the
bay from Ha,n Francisco, at Corto
Madera, said Schmidt and Johaunsen
visited her place. Mrs. Itelle Lavln, from,
whom Schmidt rented a room In Ban
Kranclsco, told of McNamara's visit to
hor house,
Mrs. Lavln Bald she visited Corte
Madera with Schmidt and on the day of
the explosion at Los Angeles he left her
Arthur L. Veitch, assistant district at
torney of Los Angoles county, testified
that In December, 1911, he talked to
Kugeno A. Clancy, another Han Fran
cisco labor leader. In the presence of
Oscar Lnwler.
Clancy, according to Vcltch, admitted
having sent telograms In July, 1911, to
John J. MoNamnra nt Indianapolis, re
questing that James It. be sent to tho
I'actfio coast.
Veitch testified that Clancy said in
August he wont to Seattle at J. J.'s
orders. "Thero ho was Introduced to J.
B., by the business agent of the local
union," related Vcltch, quoting Clancy.
"Clancy admitted J. H. said, 'You know
what I'm doing here.' but Clancy de
clared he was Ignorant of J. B.'s mission
and when ho learned It was dynamiting
he refused to havo anything to do with
It. He also professed to know nothing
of the Seattle explosion on August 31,
but he admitted having telegraphed to
have tho dynamiter sent to the coast.
(Continued from Page One.)
Girl IMrrbuir la Sane.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. lS.-Harbara Gladys
Arnold, who says she caused the Berlin
hotel fire, in which three persons lost
thetr lives, Is sane, according to an offi
cial report of alienists who have had the
girl under observation. The report was
forwarded to the circuit attorney with a
suggestion- that the girl be dlsoharged
!r0!".a.iloaplt.a,..w,1 be H'p under th,
jut iouivwuii vi tun juvenile cquTI.
'The. Sayings Department of this bank
has shown a steady Increase. -At
present 3H Interest Is paid on sav
ings when deposited for IS months.
Thirst National
Time Certificates (Saving) now
In force, over $2,250,000.00.
Won -Out, Nervous
Tired and Depressed
Tonn Vita Builds Up Mlnil and Uody
in a Few Weeks.
Aro you tlrel ail the time 'Are you
weak, nervous and depressed? Is your
ambition gone and your mind dull?
Do you know what to do? Oo straight
to your druggist and get a bottle of Tona
Vita, the National Tonic. Thysldans axe
recommending It everywhere. It is build
Ing up run-down people by the thousands
In all parts of the country.
After you have taken Tona Vita one
week, weigh yourself, then you will know
why It Is recognised as the beat tonic and
flesh builder ever sold to the public.
You can get Tona Vita at Sherman &
McConncIl's Drug Store. Advertisement
(Continued from Page One.)
committee holding over, two of whom
would have to be eliminated, and six
holdover democrats.
As the election did not change the party
complexion of the house, tho apportion
ment of the rivers and harbors committee
will remain the same, with Mr. Spark
msn of Florida as chairman. The new
members there will be three democrats
and five republicans.
Besides the chairman, the re-elected
democrats are Burgess of Texas, Humph.
reys of Mississippi, Taylor of Alabama,
Edwards of Georgia, Smalt of North
Carolina, Booher of Missouri, Gallagher
of Illinois, PrtscoU of New York, Dono
hoe of Pennsylvania and Scully of New
Jersey, democrats) Humphreys of Wash
ington and Barchfteld of Pennsylvania,
ports on the Adriatic, but doubtless in
the end will listen to tho advice of Its
friends and accept some compromise.
While fighting Is going on at Tchalalja
the negotiations for an armistice have
lost some of their Interest, but have not
been forgotten by the belligerents. It Is
stated that the terms of the Balkan al
lies will Include a demand for the ces
sion of all the Turkish territory down to
the Erkeno river and the payment of an
Indemnity of 1120,000,000.
At Constantinople everything Is quiet
although the landing of larger detach
ments of marines and blue Jackets than
usual has caused some perturbation
among the Turks, The most comprehen
sive measures have been taken for the
protection of Pera, the foreign quarter
and on a signal which will be given In
raso of the outbreak or disorder the
foreign marines and blue Jackets will co
operate with the Turkish military police,
which enjoys the confldenca of the for
eign embassies. The warships of the for.
clgn fleets have been assigned to post,
tlons from which they can command the
outlying parts of the city.
Powrra Land Men.
Tho sanitary board at Constantinople
has adopted a resolution expressing grave
concern at the prospect of either, the
Turkish or tho Bulgarian army coming
Into the capital. Tho ambassadors of
tho powers have taken prompt measures
and will land detachments tomorrow
morning from tho foreign warships to
protect foreign residents and property.
Tho war continues fat other points. The
Montenegrins have captured San Gio
vanni dl Medula and the battlo for the
possession of Monastlr Is now going on.
All the Approaches to that town aro re
ported to bo In Servian hands.
Tho political situation In Constantinople!
is serious. Arrests of young Turks con
tinue and there are still rumors of the
possibility of the restoration of the ex
eultnn, Abdul Hamld. It is reported In
tho Italian papers that Austria has
greatly modified Its demands on Servla.
Demonstrations of sympathy with the
Balkan aspirations aro causing trouble
(n tho Bosnian diet, which' has publicly-
protested a&alnst the Austrian govern
ment's attitude In favoring the Albanians
and opposing the Servians. The town
councils of Bpalato and Zebontco, In
Dalmatla, have been dissolved by the
government on account of their pro
Bcrvlan sympathies.
Nazlm Pasha, tho Turkish commandor-ln-chtef
at Tchatalja, sent a long report
to the Turkish War office at Constanti
nople on Sunday night recording his suc
cess over the Bulgarian attackers, ac
cording to a news agency dispatch. He
"After fourteen hours of the most se
vere fighting our army was ablo to ad
vance as far as Karakll. Tho enemy was
beaten, losing over 1,000 killed and
wounded In addition to three battalions
captured with tho wholo of their officers,
"The Turkish soldiers fought like lions
after hearing the imperial message. I
hope to cqntlnuo the fight with success
before the Servian army arrives."
Sultan Consrrntnlnles Troops,
CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 18. The sul
tan today telegraphed his felicitations to
the Turkish army at TchotaUa for yes
terday's iiuccess over the Bulgarians.
Ho congratulated Nnzlm Pasha, the
eommander-ln-chlef, whom ho requested
to give his salutations to the troops. Thn
commander-in-chief replied to tho sul
tan that .hts message had been a source
of great encouragement to the soldiers
and that the army had offered prayers
for his majesty.
Mrs. Russell Sage has sent a donation
of 15,000 through Dr. Mary Mills Patrick,
president of tho American College for
Grls at Scutari, for the relief of the
Turkish wounded.
Detachments of bluejacket's nnd marines
wero landed from the warships of tho
International squadron early today. They
oroupled the foreign embassies, consulates
ana postomces, the banks, the hospitals
and tho schools of the respective colonies.
A detachment of 100 British bluejackets
has been lent by the British cruiser
Weymouth to guard the United Statea
embassy, as tho' American station ship
Scorpion has been alloted to duty on the
upper Bosphorus and the American cruis
ers are not expected to arrive' here be-
fore the end of the month.
William Lorimer is
Recovering Rapidly
CHICAGO, Nov. 1.-Wllllam Lorlmers
former united states senator, who was
operated upon Saturday for appendicitis,
was reported today to be progressing rap
idly. To friends who visited 1dm Mr.
Lorimer said he was "feeling fine "
ro rimii ro t oxn n.vv
lets. Druggists refund money If it fails
lo cure 11 W GHOVK'S signature Is on
each box- Sc. Advertisement
To Astonish the Natives
Wednesday, Nov. 20th
as soon as the store opens at 8 A. M.
You Get Your Pick of Any and Every Trimmed Hat in
Our Store for THREE DOLLARS,
Trimmed Hats
J Each
We have just counted 'emabout 400 all told every Trimmed Hat
in the store, up to and including $20.00 hats, only $3.00; none reserved.
See Windows Should be the most excit
ing Millinery Sale ever known in Omaha.
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.)
Greatest Sale Silk Waists
starts WEDNESDAY MORNING s o'clock
More Than 1,000 Beautiful SUk
Waists Included in This Great Sale
Come prepared to buy better waists
than, have ever before been, offered
at such a price. $6.50 $7.50,'
$8.80 and $10.00 values
. sHsgjgdHpsr
reservists only recently called to the
Mnnniillr nrrllntnil a. CIlDltlll nOsltlon for
defense. It is 'tho market center for tho
entire district and has a population of
45,000 composed of Servians, Bulgarians,
Armenians and Turks. The Christians
number about half of the Inhabitants.
The possession of the heights com
manding Monastlr by Servian troops
rendered tho fortress untenable.
Pnthl Pasha, former Turkish minister
i to Belgrade, was one of the first to hand
over his sword. At tho beginning of the
mrar tin mn,i th remark: 'We will soon
invito our friends to dinner In Belgrade."
Th. r.nrenmitiillvca of Germany and
itfdv Informed Premier Pachltch of Ser-,
via today that their governments sup
ported Austria's view of Servla s claims
to an extension of Its territory after tho
war. .
m. Pachltch declined to give a definite
answer until tho conclusion of the war.
Ptftr Thoqmnil Turkish Soldiers
iMy Down Tbelr Arms.
HKUinADB. Nov. IS. The Turkish
fortress of Monastlr surrendered this aft
ernoon to the Servian troops. Kitty thou,
sand Turkish soldiers and three generals
laid down their arms.
Monastlr had been surrounded by Ser
vian troops for severai days, while Greek
troops, comlrur from tha south
off the Turkish line of retreat to Ochrida.
on Saturday the Servian troops through
out the day and night succeeded In cap
turing two Important heights comm. ris
ing tho city. Then they advanced through
the morasses upon the Inner fortifica
tion, which surrendered today,
Monastlr was the headquarters of the
Sixth Turkish army corps, commanded by
Fethl Pasha, but many other Turkish
troops' fleeing from surrounding towns
which had been captured by the Servians
concentrated thore, DJavid Pasha, tho
commander of the Seventh Turkish army
corps, went there with many of his sol
diers after the fall of Uskub to the
It was thought that the.Turklsh troops
would be able to stand a lengthy slegu
on. Monastlr; but It is evident that tho
army was totally disorganised and lacked
provision. Many of the soldiers were
Governor Wilson and
His Family Arrive at
Hamilton, Bermuda
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Nov. Prcsl-den-elect
Wilson and his family, on board
the steamer Bermudlan, arrived at Ham
ilton today.
Alderman Black, representing the cor
poration of the city of Hamilton, went
on board a private steamer to Invite Mr.
Wilson and his party to accompany him
to Hamilton, where an address of wel
come wilt be presented.
Large crowds of people lined the streets
and wharves awaiting the arrival of the
president-elect, and all public and private
buildings are decorated with flags and
Huratholme, the winter residence of
Mrs. J,' Borden Harrlraan, has been of
fered to Mr, Wilson during his stay here.
The weather is charming.
Mrs, Wilson, who seems to be feeling
the strain of the campaign, has spent
most of her time since the steamer sailed
In her stateroom. She sent word that she
was not seasick, but tired.
Owlns1 to the large number of women In
tho party President-elect Wilson declined
tha Invitation of tho Hamilton corpora
tion to go aboard a private steamer and
he remained on board the Bermudlan
until that vessel reached its dock. The
American visitors to the island and oth
ers created Mr. Wilson with rousing
cheers as he stood ort tha upper deck
bowing and saluting to the crowd while
the steamer was being berthed.
When the president-elect and his party
landed, Mr. Wilson was received by the
officials, of the city and was enthusias
tically cheered as he passed through the
The mayor of Hamilton in his welcom
ing address said:
"Wa trust that during your term aa
president, tho cordial relations between
the United States and Great Britain will
be maintained and unimpaired and tliut
the strong bonds of the union will bo
Many Barns Are
Burned in G-alesburg
QALESBURG, ill., Nov. 18. Barn burn
lngs in the fashionable district of qalcs
burg, have so uroused the residents that
some of them threaten today to take the
law Into their own hands. The fires which
have destroyed a number of bams have
uniformly occurred Sunday mornings at
intervals of two weeks and aro believed
to be tho work of Incendiaries. Before
the last barn was burned yesterday morn
ing the horses were led from their
stalls and tied to telephone poles a block
Mrs. William Hark,
LYONS, Neb., Nov. 18.-(Speclal.)-Mrs
William Burk died hero Saturday night,
aged GJ years. She was among the pioneer
nnd leaves a husband and eight children
three cons and flvti daughters, Ivan and
Robert of this place, James of Rosalie,
Mrs. Edward Lewis, Mrs. Oliver Hostet
ters of this place, Mrs. Zolle Caywood
of Lincoln, Mrs. II. E. Morten of Alns
worth. Neb., and Mrs. Brewster of' Da
kota City, Neb. , '
John Says:
"Sometimes th little
BTen called
'Temptation! prods
ine with a little fork
ana says: 'What's to
hinder you from -mt-tlng
-under another labsl
ana selling- 100 each I
for 'm. Mo one I
knows the diffsrsnoo
wnan smoxrog"
John's Cigdr Store
16th and Harney Sts.
Scorching, Fiery, .
Raw Eczema
Zmo dune Wont Oaaea and Is
Wonder for Every form of
Skin Afflictions.
Gt th 95-Csat Trial BottI Today.
The positive proofs that ZKMO cures
any and all forms of skin Afflictions bare
aroused tho entire community
The wonderful way In which raw, fiery
eosema quickly heals by the meglo touch
of ZKMO ts marvelous.
You simply apply It to the afflicted parts.
It doesnt smart. Is not a nasty, greasy
paste or ointment, but s wonderful disap
pearing liquid that sinks right In, quickly
allays all pain, all Itch, all dU traui. It
does the work and does It In a way that is
astonishing. The regular prloeof ZKMO
Is 11X0 for the large bottle, hut 70a can
now get a liberal trial bottle of ZEMO for
only SO cents which Is fully guaranteed.
Zemo la sold and guaranteed by drug
gists everywhere and In Omaha by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. ICth and
Dodge Sts., 16th and Harney Harney Sts.,
Ilth and Farnani Sts., Loyal Pharmacy,
OT-S North 16th SL
f ROK S to 5i AT 7 and 8 V. M. DATT.T.
Tonight Tuesday, Wednesday
35e-BOo-7Sa Wednesday Mat., 35c-60o
In the Musical Comedy Success'
Bstter Than X,ast Year
Krug Theater
Matinee Today, 3(30 Wight, Bl30,
Best Seats BO Cents.
Friday Night The Country Store
Zadlss' Dally Dims M tints.
Doug. 40.
Mat. Every Bay 81I8; Every Night 8il5
Frtsk Milton & PtLoac Sliter, PVllt. Burnt
t Torrent. Mclntrrt & Uartr, nounJlnc Fat
Urtoni, Ethtl iln Barktr, Low A D Vtra
rttbs's Wecklr lUvUw of th World' Etrat
Prlc TSU Yt'Mk-Mjht. 10c, 3c, Me. lie'
Matin, Me. c. c,
The Tuesday Morning Musical Club
Mr. and Mrs. Tljos. J. Kelly
In Their Monologue-Rscltal Untitled
Y. W. C, A. Auditorium
Tickets ?l.CO Now selling- at A. EosDe'a
Music Dept
tJJJjUprgJjl, DUr Mat., 15-25-500
srAitKiMg arw
A. whole summer in N. Y., another in
Chlcago-now it's here with the Ameri"
ladles' Dime" griS;
On Douglas Street, at 10th
Miiyie, i-eizer Ac vvnyta, Kurtls' Roos
isrs; -rne Nellos;
Klina Gardner; Lo
gan A Ferris: Hlp-
poscope I'ictures.