Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazine Pago will
Interest every woman who likes
good heart-to-heart talks with
other my m pa the t la wemen
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLTT NO. 132.
Supreme Court Makes Sweeping
Decision in Case of the Bath
Tub Combine.
Restrictions in Contracts Not Covered
by Patent Rights.
Privileges Under Patents Cannot Be
Used to Restrain Trade.
Contention that Defendant Corpora
tions Are Not KnKRRed In Inter
state, Commerce Is llclil
Without Merit.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 Tho supreme
court of the United States today de
livered a death blow at violations of tho
fe'hcrman anti-trust law under tho cloak
of tho protection of the patent laws, by
annulling an Invalid "llccnso agreements"
which hold manufacturers of sanitary
enameled Iron waro together In tho com
bination known as tho "bath tub trust."
Justice McKonna delivered tho unani
mous opinion of tho court. Ho said that
rights conferred by patents wero oxten
Five, but did not givo a universal license
against tho positive prohibitions of the
Sherman law. Tho decision fully sus
tained the government In Its fight begun
over a year ago against the bath tub and
Hiamelled ware manufacturers.
The flcht against tho enameled ware
manufacturers was begun by tho govern
ment In the United States district court
of Maryland, it being charged that the
fifty defendants named had entered Into
a combination to restrain Interstate
trade in sanitary enameled iron waro and
had attempted to monopolizo turn iraue.
Sixteen of the defendants were corpora
:lons. Methods of Combination.
One of the Individual defendants was
Edwin L Wayman, with whom tho cor
porate defendants and their officials wer
rharged with havjng entered Into illegal
agreement. In effect licenses, for tho uso
of a patented enameling tool. Wayman
was to refund part of tho license feo If
the manufacturers had not violated any
conditions of the agreements, among
theso conditions being ono that they
would not sell to any Jobber who docs not
sogn a contrnct not to buy from any one
other than tho corporate defendants, and
nnother tiat they would pot sell at a
lower, pdca. oroi). mpreaUractlye tonne
than those "named In a schedule of prices
attached to tho agreement,
New Kpoch for Trust Prosecutions.
Tho lower court hold that the agree
ments destroyed competition and fixed
prices In violation of tho Sherman law
and furthcrmoro that tho potent on the
tool makes the agreements lawful. Tho
lower court prohibited tho defendants
from attempting further to restrain trade
by means of tho agreements pronounced
JiiBtlce McKcnna in announcing tho de
cision of tho supremo court called atten
tion to the effectiveness of the combina
tion mado possible among cnamotware
manufacturers through Waynan's plan to
grant licenses On his Improvement for
Tho decision marked an epoch In anti
trust decisions becauso It sustained the
government's- contention that a violation
of tho Sherman' anti-trust law could not
bo concealed behind tho patent laws of
tho country. The decision of tho lower
court waH upheld throughout as to the
main defendants and tho Colwell Lead
coiripany, which claimed It was not en
gaged In interstate commerce.
Itestrnlnt of Trade Clenr.
"Tho agreement .clearly transcended
what was necessary to protect the uso of
the patont. or tho monopoly which the
law conferred on It." said JusUce Mo
Kenna. "They accomplished a restraint
(Continued on Pago Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska-Pair.
Kor Iowa Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
i Hours. Deg.
5 a. m
fl a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
in a. m
11 a. m
12 m.
1 p. m
2 p. m..
3 p. :n
4 p. ni
C p. m
6 p. in
7 p. m
8 p. in
... 36
... 28
... 33
... 41
... 48
... 62
... 55
... 60
... 63
... CI
.1. li
... w
... 54
... 62
Comparative Local Ilecord.
1313. 1911. 1310. 1009.
Highest yesterday K Sfi 36 il
ixiweit yesterday M 23 SI j IS
Mean temperature 60 SO 30 30
I'let-iplUUon .16 .00 .00
Temporature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1, and compared with tho last two
N'ormal temperature 34
Excess for the day ..- 0
Total deficiency since March 1 10
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for tho day 03 inch
Total rainfall since March 1... 21.60 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 3.44 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1311.. 14.79 Inched
Deficiency for cor. period, 1310. .14.30 inches
Reports from Stations mt T P. f.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 P. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, part cloudy ,...43 C2 .00
lavenport, clear 60 68 .00
Denver, clear ., 60 2 .00
Dcs Moines, clear 62 62 .00
Dodge City, clear 54 70 .00
l-ander. clear , 36 3 ,00
Korth Platte, clear .30 6S .00
Jmuha, clear 61 CI .00
Pueblo, cloudy .ytZ. 64 74 .00
Itanld City, parr cloudy 46 60 .00
."alt Lake City. Pt. cloudy 44 53 .00
Fanta Fe. Clear H 62 .OJ
Sheridan 54 62 .00
Sioux City, clear 68 .00
Nalcntlne. Dart cloudy 48 I CO .00
WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Offices of Promoters
in Six Cities Raided
by Federal Marshals
CINCINNATI. O., Nov. lS.-In simul
taneous raids In six cities today a score
or 'more persons wero arrested charged
with using the malls In defrauding a
large number of Individuals and corpor.
ae companies out of slims which fed
officers say may aggregate $1,600,000.
eral marshals raided offices In Cleve
Chicago, New York city, Boston, NewoTrFinding of Dynamite Package Re-
xm. j. ana Rochester, n. y., ana tooK into
custody men Indicted by a grand Jury
hero a few days ago, as well as others
said to bo connected with tho alleged
-The defendants, It Is said, guaranteed to
dispose of stock. In various enterprises
charging as a fee In advance n sum equal
to one-third of tho value of tho stock
Upon receiving thin commission tho gov
ernment charges, tho defendants mado no
efforts to sell tho securities.
Tho following members of tho alleged
ring were Indicted by tho federal grand
Jury today: F. D. Mluyard, now In Cleve
land: J. Gordon Malcolm, who went to
Canada before tho Indictments wore re
turned. Thomas Flshwlck, now In Bos
ton; George S. Hannaford, now In Chi
cago, and J. R. Long, now In Buffalo.
The Indictments chargo tho use of the
mails to defraud. Tho men aro said to
have mulcted promoters and Infant stock
corporations out of thousands of dollars
secured through commissions for arrang
ing tho guaranty of tho securities of
thoso victims by stock and bond Insur
ance companies tcontrollcd by tho alleged
swindlers. After paying the commissions
demanded tho ullcged victims aro said to
havo found that the Interest of the ring
In their proposition cumo to an end.
According to Mr. McPhcrson tho men
under indictment havo secured from vic
tims over tho country about JWO.OOO.
Tho men formerly had an offlco in Cin
cinnati, and much of tho ovldenco agatnst
them Is said to havo been furnished by
a woman stenographer who had been em
ployed In tho offlco.
It 1m further alleged that tho scheme
was not confined to tho United States,
but extended Into Canada and' England.
Postofflco Inspectors havo been to Lon
don to investigate tho branch offlco there
and declaro that It works hand in hand
with tho officers In America.
They will be brought to Cincinnati for
trial, it is said.
Attorney Gibson is
Arraigned for Murder
of Woman Client
GOSHEN, N. Y., Nov. 18.-One' hundred
and ninety talesmen, most of them farm
ers, crowded Into the little court room
hero today for tho trial of Burton W.
Gibson, the New York lawyer, charged
with murder In tho first degreo in caus
ing tho death of his client. Miss tlosa
MCuscniK nzuDOl muo attorneys tiupvu iu
fill tho Jury tox today, and the prosecu
tion thought' It' mglit;'bcrcady to rest
the dhaf by Thursday. '
District Attorney Rogers will endeavor
to prove that Mrs. Szabo's death while
boating with Gibson In Greenwood lake,
July 16 last, was due not to drowning,
but to strangulation, and that Gibson
hurled her from tho rowboat into the
water, grappled with her and choked her
to death. Dr. Otto Schultzc of Now York,
the coroner's physician who performed
the autopsy, testified at Gibson's exam
ination that Mrs. Szabo died of strangu
lation by "compression from without."
Tho defenso holds that 'Mrs. Szabo dlod
of drowning and that tho death was ac
cidental. Gibson had not decided this
forenoon whether he would take tho
stand. As a motive for tho alleged mur
der the state will seek to prove that
Gibson coveted his client's. 110,000 estate.
of which, under a will drawn by him for
Mrs. Szabo, he was named as executor.
Mr. Rogers will attempt to bIiow that
$7,100 of this estate, partially odmlnls.
tered by Gibson prior to his arrest. Is
missing. Jacob J. Singer of Gibson's
counsel said today that the 17,100 was
paid to a woman known to Gibson as
Mrs. Pctronella Mansclk, mother of Mrs
Szabo, and that Gibson had receipts to
provo. It. Mrs. Pctronella Menschlk died
In Vienna two years ago. The woman
who Gibson says impersonated her has
Man Suspected of
Killing Many Boys
1 is Under Arrest
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Nov. 18.-In
George H. Sterns, who claims Boston as
his home, the Rochester police believe
they have the murderer of Joseph
Josephs, the Syrian boy of Lackawanna.
Stearns was arrested Saturday night on
a chargo of maltreating a boy. Tho
description answers every particular the
police say, that of the Lackawanna mur
derer. Stearns Insists that ho has never been
In Buffalo or Lackawanna. Specimens pf
his handwriting have been obtained and
sent to Ruffalo for comparison with the
postal cards received by the , Buffalo
police and Chief of Police Galson of
Lackawanna will come to Rochester to
day to attempt to Identify the man.
Commons Settles
Home Rule Quarrel
LONDON, Nov. 18. An amicable agree
ment of the home rule quarrel In the
House of Commons was brought about to
day when the dispute as to the govern
ment method of procedure, which led to
much disorder last week, was settled.
The government announced this after
noon Its Intention of reaching tho end it
desired by a more roundabout means,
and the Unionists, having made good
their demand for the observance of
precedent, raised no objection.
The house then on the motion of the
premier, negotiated Its original financial
resolution, tho amendment of whlcfi by
Blr Frederick Banbury in committee led
to the trouble. Another resolution will
be substituted for It.
The net result of the squabble will be
to delay th" progress ot the homo rule
bill for ten duj's.
of Infernal Ma-
Blow Up Times
ding Shown.
lated by Motorman,
Explosion Occurs After Bomb is Re
moved from Place.
Aliened Aceoinplleea of Mcitmnrit
In I. s Aiifrelrs IJxplnslon Xoirr
I'oinxl It)- Detect I tes Who
Cniidiii't Search.
rtied pieces of Infernal machines which
figured In tho explosion at Los Angeles,
Cat., on October 1, 1910, when twonty-ono
people wero killed In tho wreck of tho
Times building, were Identified at tho
"dynamite conspiracy" trlul today.
Events Involving tho handling of tho
nltrogelatin with which Juines B. Mo
Namnra caused tho explosion wero first
described by witnesses.
William Flynn, employe of a powder
comiKitiy In Sun Francisco, testlHcd on
September 20, 1010. ho packed in boxes COO
pounds of nltrogelatin and dollvered It to
the launch used by McNamaru. That was
ten days before the Los Angeles ex
plosion. Meantime tho dynamiters hud stared tho
explosive In a vacant houso In Sun Fran
cisco and MoNamnm had taken a supply
to Los Angeles.
Joseph W. Bringham, a motorman In
Los Angeles, said after he had witnessed
tho wreck of tho Times building ho was
walking past the home of Felix J. Zec
handlar. secretary of the Merchants and
Manufacturers' association, when a
woman called him. .Sho pointed out a
package Later, pollco came and the
packagowos found to contain n bomb.
Thomas F. Rico, ono of the police de
tectives called, told of unwrapping the
package and tho finding of sixteen sticks
of nltrogelatin. 1
llomh nt Oils' Home.
"From there I was sent to the home
of GoneVal Harrison Gruy Otla, proprietor
of tho Times," said Rico. At Gencml
Otis' home wo found a suitcase under a
bay window. 1 carried tho caao about
sevcnty-flvo feet and called the chief of
IKillce. When ho arrived, wo opened tho
case. In doing so I heard tho buzzing of
an alarm clock. We all ran. and In an
other Instant there was un explosion
which tore up the ground for an eighth
of an acre."
'Othsr tWlncSSes IramosunftfTONa-fjinflu.
confessed to having placed all the bomb'
tn T ii . . nv..1n.t. ... , '
... "...v. .itivtca LU VAJNUUU tlb 1 U, 111
A cloak was shown the Jury having
been taken from the bomb near tho Zeo-
haudlar home. Tho alarm 'was sot for
1 a. m., but had failed to work.
Olaf A. Tvoltmoo nnd Anton Jolmnnsen,
San Francisco labor leaders, woro named
by dynamite conspiracy witnesses today
as having been In tho company of J. B.
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Body of Ex-Gov.
Larrabee is Laid to
Rest at Clermont
CLERMONT. Ia., Nov. lS.-Funcral
services for (he former Governor Wil
liam Larrabee wero held at tho home
hero this afternoon and wero attended by
state officials arid spoclal delegations
from both bodies of tho state legislature.
Services were Hlmple, In conformity with
tho request of tho family, being con
spicuous by tho ubsenco of floral decora
tions. Another feature of tho servlco was the
absence of music. It hud been tho desire
of the former governor that his funeral
bo in keeping with tho simplicity of his
life, and his wishes wero observed to tho
Dr. R. AVatson Cooper, pesldent of the
ITpper Iowa university (Methodist) and o.
close friend of the late governor, con.
ducted the servlco and a brief address
was mado by W. J. AInsworth of West
Union, another former friend.
Three of tho governor's; sons, Charles,
Frederick and William, Jr., were pall
bearers, the others being Judges Love
and Bobbins and Frank Frlsbco.
tn Clermont business houses were
closed In memory of the city's benefactor
The funeral cortege passed by tho Lin
coln and Henderson monuments, both
gifts of Governor Larrabee, and through
a long lino of school children, who had
assembled for tho occasion.
Boston Police Make
Rules for Christmas
Shopping Traffic
BOSTON, Nov. W.-Chrlstmas shoppers
In Boston must walk on the right hand
side of the street In tho shopping ills
trlst, must not stop on corners to talk
and must not walk In groups of more
than two. The new regulations, apopted
by trie street commissioners, will be
posted on signs throughout the down
town section. The police In charge of
the enforcement of these regulations will
be known as the Christmas traffic
Big Church in3utte
Burned Last Night
BUTTE, Mont., Nov. IS. The Sacred
Heart church, .Butte's largest place ot
worship, was destroyed but night by fire
of mysterious origin. The loss was $35,.
000. fully Insured. Father Joseph Venus
was slightly burned In a spectacular at
tempt to tave tho church vestments.
Services had jeen-completed and the
J church locked for the night.
From tho Now York Evening Journal.
Promoter 'is Found Not! Guilty on
Three Counts.
Uoverinnent Charges that Defendant
Secured Millions of IJoJUrs by
MnkliiK Misleading State
ments hjr Mall.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 18.-TIip Jury In
the capo of E. G. Lewis, charged with
using tho malls to dofraud, reported to
Judgo Wlllard In the United Suites dis
trict court today that It had found that
Lewis was not guilty on three of tho
eleven counts In tho Indlctmont, and that
It was unablo to agree as to tho other
counts. Tho Jury was discharged.
The counts in tho Indictments on which
tho Jurors found Lewis not guilty related
to the 7 per cent notes. The Jury had
been out' elghty-nlno hours nnd on the
first ballot decided eight to four that
Lewis was not guilty. Subsequent ballots
showed the Jurors stood nine to three for
This was Ixiwls' second trial, on tho
Indictment , which was teturned by a
special grund Jury July 12, 1911, Tho Jury
In the first trial stood nine to threo fol
Covers Konr I'nlnls.
Tho Indictments covered four proposl.
tlons which were placed beforo tho public
by Lewis through tho malls. It-wnn nl
Inged that ho obtained millions of dollars
from Investors by making mlsleadlna
statements In tho advertisements In his
publications. Lewis was tho Incorporator
and Is tho mayor of University City, a
residential suburb.
Lewis' defenso was that tho Postofflcn
department by Issuing a fraud order pre
vented him from carrying his companies
to a successful end.' ' He was acquitted
May 14, IMS, of a charge of 'misusing the
malls In tho organisation and conduct of
the People's United States batik.
Nelson Has Highest
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 18. Roosevelt
carried Minnesota by 22,130, according to
complete returns tabulated today by the
secretary of state.
Governor Kberliart's plurality Is 41,029.
Tho vote on the national ticket, as offi
cially complied, Is: Roosevelt, 125.K6;
Wilson, 10(5.436; Taft, 61,334; Debs, 27,606;
Chafln, 7,8S.
Governor Bbcrhart polled 120.CS8 nnd P.
M. Rtngdahl, democrat, t$,CU.
A surprise In the official calculation Is
tho Increase of nearly 11.000 votes by the
socialists on tho head of tho ticket over
four years ago.
Knute Nelson, republican candidate for
re-election to the United States senate,
polled the highest popular voto ever re
corded In the state.
Fire Drill in New
York Sunday School
NEW YORK. Nov. 18.-The fire drill
column In the public schools was ex
tended to a new field here yesterday,
when for the first time In the city's his
tory. It was tried In a Sunday school
Six hundred pupils of all ages In tho
Olivet Memorial church, on the mldde
cast side, marched quietly and speedily
from the edifice at the sound of a signal
gong, fire escapes and all available
exits being utilized, .and the auditorium
mus emptied In three jnlnutea,
Turkey; "Let's Call It a Draw"
Democrats Win First
Point m Contest
in California
, , j ,v
lOA ANUHLlssUcul.. Nov, , ISWfJU
the democrats' Won one point lifatrot
Jurisdiction today ' In their mandamus
proceedlngR NigiiliUtt tho prosldontlnl voto
ranvorn by tho County Hoard of Super
visors, Justlco M. T. Allen of tho district
court of appeals Indicated ho would throw
tho matter out of court unless spielfle
Instances of fraud In tha canvassing of
tlio ballots wero died. Tho court ruled
that It had Jurlsdtntlon In election fraud
cuses, a point contested by tho super
visors, hut postponed thf case until
Wednesday. Instructing tho dcmocrntH to
bring In nn amended petition tomorrow
setting forth specific cases of tho fraud
OAKLAND, Cal Nov. 18.-Chnrglng an
error In the rount,' Stephen J. Sill, 11
democratic elector, obtained an iilterna
tlvn writ of mandate today ngulnst the
Alumedo county supervisors demanding
a canvass of tho presidential voto In two
precincts, It also asked that the voto
In 'n third precinct bo thrown out. Tho
writ Is returnable on Monday, November
23. Hill declares that a canvass of th
three precincts will reduce the total of
the progressives. In this county materially.
Jack Johnson Wants N
Case to Test Mann
Law Advanced
WASHINGTON, Nov. IS.-Thrtiugh his
attorney Jack Johnson, tho negro pugilist,.
today asked tha United States supreme
'court to 'advance his caso for hearing.
January. G when- four other rases ques
tloiHng the constitutionality of the whlto
rlavo law will, be argued.
Hlnro his appeal Inst Monday asking
the supreme court to release him on ball
the pugilist has secured his freedom, but
his attorney ?: that the question of
the rnnstltutlnnallty of tho Mann whlto
slave law, under which Johnson was In
dicted, be set for early hearing.
.1'IIICACIO, Nov. lR.-aovernmcnl offi
cials, It was, said today, may order the
release tomorrow of ucle Cameron, tho
white grl wIiomc association with Jack
Johnson, negro pugilist, caused his arrest
for alleged violation of tho Mann law.
She has been held In the Rockford county
Jail as a witness against the fighter, but
now that other witnesses have appeared
government officials do not regard her
as Important and she may be allowed to
go home to Minneapolis with her mother,
Mrs, F. Cameron-Fnlconnct.
Bootleggers Caught
After 700-Mile Chase
MISSOULA, Mon Nov. 18,-After a
chase In automobiles lasting five days
and covering 700 miles, fifteen men sus
pected of having sold liquor-to Indians
were brought to Mlstoula last night by
Deputy United States Marshal Miller and
The officers had conducted a race over
the old Flathead Indian reservation which
Is still- under federal cdntrol Insofar us
liquor Is concerned, and several of their
pilsoners are hotel keepers of reservation
towns. They were arraigned before the
federal grand jury.
The deputies came up with their quarry
In a mountain pass, stopping a pack
truln with "coffee" cases. These were
broken open und tio whisky disclosed war
President Taft Will Address Meeting
Whioh Begins Deeombor 4.
12lrctiun Mahen Nnniher of Clinnues
lit Committee of Conirri'sx
Which Must Handle
These Problems,
(From u Stuff Correspondent,)
WAHlllNOTON, Nov. W.-(Hpor.lal.)-Tho
ninth annual convention ot tho Na
tional I (Ivors and Harbors congress,
which meets tn this city on l)oocmber 4
to coutlmio In session throo days, gives
ubundunt promise at being tho most
largely attonded convention this asso
ciation has had since Its reorganization
at tint old Arlington u deoado ngo.
President Taft will deliver tho opening
address and Is expected to still further
emphasize his position looking to a
broad nnd ' statrsman-llko policy by the
national government In tho treatment ot
the waterways of tho country, to tho
end that nil streams susceptible ot navi
gation may bo mado navigable.
And after tho present administration Is
ended, progressive cltlzona In all the
states will look to a democratic ad
ministration to carry on tho woik of
river, harbor nnd canal Improvement now
.under way on the ground that tho plat
form of tho democrats Is oven stronger
than the platforms of other parties with
respect to this very vital question.
(,'h nil lies In Committees.
The result ot the general election, while
It 'does not affect tho advancement of
sontlincnt for waterway Improvement In
luinnony with tho doctrines ot the Na
tional Rivers and Harbors congress, has
In ai number of Instanced clmngedthe
personnel of the committers of both
housas having to deal with river and har
bor appropriations, j
Tho senate coiumltteo on commerce,
which consists of seventeen members, lost
two Messrs. Ilourno of Oregon, repub
lican, and Percy of Mississippi, dem
ocratwhile (he house coiumltteo on
rivers nnd harbors, consisting of twcn-ty-onu
mcmbeis, lost eightthree dcin
ooruts, Messrs Runsdrll of I,oulslana,
ElltTbn of South Carollnu und lloehno of
Jndlana; Lawrence of Massachusetts,
Davidson ot Wisconsin, Young of Michi
gan, Rodcnberg of Illinois und Kennedy
of Iowa, republicans.
Tho only member ot the house com
mittee who will continue In congress Is
Mr. Runsdi'll, who has been elected to
the sonute. His distinguished service not
only In tho houso, but us president since
its reorganization of the National Rivers
nnd Harbors congress, should In tho
very uuture ot things place him upon tho
commerce committee ot the sunute.
The holdover senators on the com
merce committee are Messrs, Nelson of
Minnesota, Perkins of California, Smith
ot Michigan, Stephenson of Wisconsin,
Ilurton of Ohio, Uurnham of New Hamp
shire, Crawford of South Dakota and
Oliver of Pennsylvania, republicans; Mar
tin of Virginia, Simmons of North Car
olina, Newlands of Nevada, liankhead of
Alabama, Fletcher of Florida and Reed
of Missouri, democrats.
Nelson Will Retire.
Now that the democrats uro practically
assured ot control of the senate, Mr.
Nelson will be retire from the chain
mans hip of tho commerce committee for
a democrat, the membership of the com
mittee being Increased by the addition ot
four to make up the ten, the apportion
ment accorded to the majority party.
There aro nine republican members of the
(Continued oil Page Two.)
Turkish Position is So Strong that
Attempt to Carry it by
Storm Fails.
Assault Follows Bombardment that
Began Saturday Morning.
Bulgarians at Adrianople Relieved
by Jcrbs and Sent to Front,
Success of Turks In Holding Line
Mn t'niise Allies tn JVenotlnte
Without (ho Tnklno- f
LONDON. Nov. lS.-Tho first Bulgarian
attack on tho Tutkisn lino of fortifica
tion defending Constantinople at Tclm
tnlja' has failed, though tho wholo Hill
gnrlan.Nnrmy was engaged, Every avail
able man whs moved to tho front from
the llulgarlan forces Investing Adrlnnoplo.
whero they weto relieved by Servian
The Ilulgarlaus with nil tholr artillery
began their advance on tho Tohutnlja
fortifications on Hatuitlay' and con
tinued the bombardment of the works
throughout Sunday. .They, however
found tho Turkish position so strong that
they could make no Impression on them
nnd for the moment, at least, tho attompt
has lie 1 1 given up.
Tremendous Tusk.
Observers who have been to tho Turklsfi
front ngren that tho rupture of the Tcha
tulja lines must provo u tusk of tremen
dous difficulty, Tho days the IJulgurliui
troops wero compnlled to uso for the
brltiKtiiK up of guns, Hmmunltlon raid
eliiforcoments were utilized by tho Turks
lo entrench thrmsclvcs and placo their
guns In iHisltlons, giving them a distinct
advantage over tho attaakers. The Turks
who had been so shaken by their pre
vious defeat npneiir to hat e been stendled
nnd tlun fur has mado a most determined
Tho llulgarlan troops inad their main
attack to tho east of Tcbatnlpn, nlmlnc
to break through at tho point whero tha
tnllwuy to Constnntlnoplo makes a lodp,
Tho stiong forts, the marshes and tho
guns of tho Turkish warships had evi
dently discouraged them from making an
attempt to turn cither friuil; of the Turk
ish lines.
Should the Hulgarlniis ha successful In
their effort to break through thoi Turkish
left renter, Nuzlm PaHliaWTbttunnitHiirmy
wll be pushed hack to tho -northeast nnd
Its retirement on the capital will he cut
off. Tho Turks seem to huvo no hope of
rolling buck tho Iliilgarluu forces, hut If
(hoy succeed In holding tho Hues of
Tchiitalpa both the military und dlplo
matlu situation will undergo a marked
cliunge, slnro a long defenso of tha trout
will probably compel the Invaders to
negotiate without taking Constantinople,
nd war lead
In Albania on the other side ot Euro
pean Turkey, tho opposing unnlufi have
como to grips and as the Turkish com
mander hlH predicted, another battlo Is
In progress today In the vicinity of
Fortress Monaatlr.
At Scutari tho Montenegrins aro at last
making some headway, they have suc
ceeded Ih driving tho Turkish troops' from
ono of their mountain positions, but tho
Turkish commander has not given up
hope of making a lono defence.
The Invested fortress of Ardlanople
also, according to Independent corres
pondents. Is still ablo to withstand a
siege of several months.
Tho or'ieV'ftfmy i" " wfty to Jan"
Itia, tho fortress In tho southwestern por
tion of European Turkey und tho Oreek
fleet continues buiy In the Aosuan sea.
It occupied yesterday the Island of IcarKw
Austria Modifies Demands.
Acting on the rocommcndatlon of Its
ally, Italy, Austria Is said to havo modi
fied Its demands und no longer objects
to tho construction nt a, railway from
tho Danube to the Adriatic sea. Sho Iiuh
ulso abandoned Its schomo. ot a customs
union with fiervia.
On tho other hand. Orcat Urltaln, Russlit
nnd Franco are giving counsols of moder
ation and conciliation to Servla. The
latter still talks of taking one or mora.
(Continued on Page Two.)
Busiiess Women's
Tho want columns uro
of sj)ocinl intorest to
business women.
Tho straightforward
appeal f o r. efficient
women helpers, stenog
raph e r s, bookkeepers,
housekeepers, maids, ac
countants, factory work
ers and many othors is
mado from day to day
through tho "Wants.
The businoss woman
consults tho Wants in
searching for a board
ing place, h room in u
private family, a small
apartment, securing em
ployment and for many
other essentials.
Tyler 1000