Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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No part of the west offers such an opportunity for farming or for
fjood Investment as Western New York. You can buy improved farm landi
there at less than you can buy unimproved farms lu the West. An Im
proved New York farm moans good buildings nud plenty of them. It means
orchards and vineyards. It m6ans near towns, churches, schools and pared
roads. The soil is fertllo, producing big crops of alfalfa, clover, corn, oats,
wheat, cabbage, beans, buckwheat and potatoes.
Ontario artd Senaca counties are in the heurt of the nppio and grape
belt. An orchard on every farm. Crops net $50 to $12D per ncro. Ap
ples this year nroduced 6 to 10 barrels to the tree. New York is produc
ing one-seventh of the nation's applo crop. Sour chorrlos produco three
tons and more to tho acre, worth ?100 per ton. Peaches, pears aud grapes
pay a big profit. You can buV these farm and fruit lands at $75 to $125
per acre.
Get near tho world's greatest market and tho saving in freight alono
will make you n living. Thcro is a constant domand for everything tho
farm produces. You mako more money, live more comfortably, on a Now
York farm than lu tho undeveloped West. Investigate.
Special excursions leave Omaha every Monday for Geneva, Now Yorft.
for further particulars apply to
i Corner 15th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, NVu.
BRITISH ColumDU finest asrlcul.
tural land. Nechu-u valley, near Urand
Trunk; also Fort George, Cariboo, Peaca
Illver, Biilkusy valley. Mate requirement.
0 acres to 100,000. Lowest iulcc: easy
terms, uienn : L.O.. 421 Fender fil
er. U. C.
1E0-ACRE Polk county farm; well Im
proved; all good, level land; three miles
from town! Rood buildings. Price $140
per acre. Address Qr&cber Hros., Sbel
dahl, la.
The Des Moines Capital Is Iowa's most
widely circulated and most Influential
newspaper. Its dally circulation exceeds
43.000 copies. The classified advertising
rate Is 1 cent a word or 0 oenta a line.
"You can sell your farm lu Iowa or you
can buy land In Iowa by the use of the
Des Moines Capital, The rata by the
month Is (1.20 a line. Address The Des
Molnea Capital. Pea Moines. la.
- Lands adapted to the widest range of
crop. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with tnis coming country. Its soil,
climate, church and school advantages,
W. B. LEAHY, Dept. K.
General Passenger Agent.
Co., Kan.; rich Arkansas river bottom
land, about 1 -mile from Kendall (main
line Santa Fe Ry.); good fence; no build
ings. (1,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent,
lames L. Lombard, Owner, Kansas
City.. Mo.
HOMESTEAD 160 acres rich farm land
for $175, filing fees and all. Just over Into
Colorado good stuff, not aandhl'.'s. Lund
around Kimball, JIB to $25 an ncr. Agents
wanted. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Neb.
We have for sale over 20,000 acres of
Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest
farm land, where the crop yields for 13
years. Including 1910 and 1511. average
with tho best in the state. Alfalfa, also
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot be found. Write for full
Information. Agents wanted everywhere.
. South Dakota.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment on choice
quarter section In southern South Dakota,
a few miles from county seat town. Only
$300. See us quick. Shuler & Cary, 1,011
City National Bank Bldg.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Savo
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stack Commission Merchants.
BYERS BR08. & CO. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg.
Snyder-Malone-Coffman Co., 169 Ex. Bldg
LAVERTY BROS.. 138 Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange? Bldg.
Clay, Robinson & Co.., 200 Exchange Bldg.
UNION STATION Tenth and Mason.
Union Pactf!
Deiiart. Arrive,
Ban. Fris. Oterlanil Lmd.... t;iS m a 7:10 pn
Chine & Japan Mall a l:M pm a t;U pm
Atlantic! Expreea a T:M am
Portland at 1-utet S. Bap all.W am a 4;W pin
lAt Anii umuea
Denier Special
Colorado Special
Colorado Exprcaa
Oregoo-Waahlnglon Limited
North Plana l-ocel
Orand bland Local
all; it pm a 1:10 pu
.a 7:13 am all;0 am
,.U:01 am a 7:00 am
,.a pm a :(K) pm
.allilO pin a 1:10 pm
.a nt am a 4:41 pm
. a l:t pm al0:l am
,M1; 41 pm b 1:25 pm
Stromaburg Local
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'anl
Orerlasd Limited
.a 7:60 cm a 1:11 am
Chlcajo (Special
Demer-Portleui Limited
CMcato Ltllllit bolai
Oolo-CaJIforiila Expreea..
Pair Local
Mluuurl Pacific
...a :0U pm a70pm
...a 1:00 pm all!4t pm
...a l:M am alliU pm
a pm
...a 1:10 am alljiN pm
K. C t Bl, Louie ipreie..a 1:04 am a 7:00 am
It, c. a SU Louie iUprM..ail:U pm a 1 1 44 pm
It. C at at. Louia Umlud..aW;4l am a fM pm
Chicago & ortUt -teru
. ... d U . . I ... . ..AA --
Mlnneapolla.bU Paul Uialled.a 7;M pm a 1:00 am
Twin UUr Local a l.ii pm a!0:20 pm
Bloux Uly Lout a i.ii pm a l;U pm
Mtaueepolte A Dakota aUp,.a i:00 pm a l:ii pa
Twin City Utulvd a :OI pm a 7:0 am
UlnaeaoU lupra. - au.ou am
Carroll Local
UajiKbt Chlcaso ....
Csliaia Local
Clucaio Special
PbxUIu Cbaat-CslcaKO
Loa Anielea Limited.
OierUaJ Limited ....
Carroll Local
v. Mall
. -.a 7:00 am a 4:10 pm
.... Ill IIH .....,
..U;0i pu a l:M pm
... .... a 114 pm
...a fM pm a f:U am
put a 4.14 pm
...a CM pm alt:M pm
...a 1M pm a 1:15 am
...a 4:w pm alO:W am
.a e:u put a pm
r..r tunlda. Slotu Cltr and
Omaha a SS pra
centannlal State Umlied all: 40 am alliU pm
Lone Pine S:M am, all:H am
KtorloUi-DaUaa a :iu am allsOO au
i:u m , t
DaaAwood.list 8prU(a a l:li a 4:10 pm
jaawr-Laadr a l;U tot alO:li pn
KrM&oni-Altaoa b '' 1; iu
Omalia-St. Louia Xipreaa....a 1:19 pm a 1:11 am
atall aal Expreaa a 7:01 am alliU pa
BltnUrr Local Krom C. U.)..b l:u pu blOili am
CUlcuso Qreat Western
Twlo Cltr UmlU4 a 1:10 pm a 1:10 am
Purr Local a 4:10 u all:M pm
Twin City Eipraaa 7:40 am a 1:10 pm
CalcafS Eapreaa a t:w iu a 1.30 u
Chicago, Iloolc Ialaud Ji Pacific
ltockr Moantala Limited. ...all:to am alO:IO pm
Chlcaao Local Paaennr....tilO;JJ am blO:ll pm
Cfalcato Car Expreaa., a 4:44 am a i:M pm
Chlcaau Expreaa a 4;1 pm l:l (u
Des Molnea Local Paaaeofir.a 4:7 pio a 11 11 pm
Cbtcaio-NebraaVe Umltal af .01 pm i:Hta
Clilcato-Neb. Ltd. to Uacola.a 1:01 am a 1:47 pm
falcajo-Colorado Eipraaa ...a l.W pm 4:04 pm
Oklahoma Teaaa Epraa..a 4:40 pm aLt:M pm
lltocxr MuuBtala Limited. ,al0:47 am all.U am
Uurlluiflou Sllitloii Tenili ,t Mnsoii,
Ofpart. Arrive.
4.10 am - a 1:1$ nm
Dentrr Cal.lornla
Puget Bound Exprcnf
a 4:10 pm a J:4J ptn
?? am a 4.10
Keoratka roicta
Black Illlls a 4:10 pm iMj'.:
Lincoln Mall b i:e pm ,:," JM
North tit Eprt
Mtraaka Eipraia ,
Ecbu)rltr-riattuiouth ....
Lincoln Local
tlelleiue-PKtumoutti ....
Chicago Special
Denver Special
....;:! am !,.,!?
. rul oiu.oj am
:J l:0 ant :10 pm a S:40S
...a 7:Upm all.Up-
...all:IJPm av.ooii
'"i J'?2 pm :t" am
...b M pm blo:
...a 4:.S pra all:l am
...MOiMpm a,:4Ja
...a D.U am , J
Chicago Kipreas
Chicago lrai juprtaa....
Creitou (la.) Local
St. Loult Bxpreei...' ,
Kaoeaa Clty-St. Joaeph...
Kanaaa City & St. Joaeph
Webster Station -lBth A Webster.
CHIcnsro, St
Pnul, MliincniMills &
Depart. Arrive.
..b J:25 pm bll:I5 am
..b : am b ::, pm
...o .:( am o f.u pm
..b (:U pm b t:I0 am
Slonx Cltr Bipress....
Twin City Paieenger..,
Bloux City raaaangtr..
Emeraon Local ...
Missouri Pacific-
Auburn Local
b 1:3d pm M0:4i am
(a) dally, lb) dally except Sunday, (c) Sunday,
BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. cartons. 31c; N
I, eo-ib. tubs, 33ia; No. 2, 32c.
CHEEdE Imported SwI.-b, S3c; Ameri
can Swiss, 26c: block Swiss. 24c: twin
vc; daisies, 2c; triplets, 20o; Younu
Americas, 21c; blue label brick, 21c; Urn-
ueruer, j-iu., ic; i-io., 2C; Civw iOlK
white, 21c.
Beef Cut Prices Who csnlo nriccK nf
beef cuts, effective Novembur 18. ire
au follows: No. 1 rlba, 20c; No. a ribs,
14c; No. 3 ribs, 10ct Nt. 1 loins, 22c;
No. a loins, 15c; No. 3 loins, 12c; No. 1
chucks, vc; xso. i enuexs, sc; no, 3
chucks, 7'ac;.. No 1 rounds .12c; No. 2
rounds, 10c; No. 3 rounds, i4c; No. 1
plates, ou; No. 2 plates, TVfcc; No. 3
l'lutes, 7c.
. .j. .l hers, .u ncr lirm
15c; 'cocks. He; ducks, ISc; gceso, 15c;
turkeys, zoo; piucons, pur doc, 1.2U. Alive,
broilers, lto; nens, Ui'(10hc; old roosters,
ic; ilucks, full feathCred, Livtc; geese,
tull leathered, 10c; turkeys. 16c; ptguun.4,
per aoz , tUc; nomers, fZXu; muatm. No. I.
,1.30; No. 2, Bvc.
I'lSU tiresni-Plckcrol. lie; white, 14c;
trout, lie; large crappies, 12c; Spanish
mackerel, IGo; eel, loc; haddock, lie,
flounders. 13c: irreon cutflsh.; hoH
roe, per pair. 30c; saimon, 8c; halibut, 12c;
butfulo, tsc; bullheads, 13c.
uituixa, istu. Aiissourl aDDles. In
bbls.. 13.0003.25: New York flmi.ln
and Baldwins, 13.25. Spanish onions, per
caeo, J 1.50. Uananas, fancy telect, per
bunch, )2.23Q2.oo; Jumbo, per bunch, (2.75
3.76. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30
pkgs. In box, per box, $2.25; Dromedary
urunu, now, cv -iu. pKgs. in VOX, por
box, 13.00, Figs, California, per case of
U No. 12 pkgs., S5c; per case of 38 No. 12
pkgs V.'.W; per case of 60 No. 0 pkgs.,
e.uv, uum, in u unu uu-iu. uuxea, per ID,,
loc; new, Turkish, B-crown. In 20-lb.
boxes, per lb., lac; 6-crown, in 20-lb,
boxes, per lb., 18c: 7-crown. In 20-lb.
boxes, per lb., 17c. Lemons. Limonelra.
selected brand, extra fancy, 300-300 sizes,
por box, if.tA; Loma LJmonelra, fancy,
H0O-3GO sizes, per box, ?6.W; 210-420 sizes,
LOc per box less; California, choice, 300
3ii0 sixes, per box, Hi.W. Oranges, Cali
fornia Bed CC) brand, extra fancy, 96-12C
sizes. Dor box. 11.25; extra fancy, nil
sizes, per box, (1.75. Florida grape fruit,
all sizes, J3.50. Cranberries, per bbl.,
aa.w: i'ci uua, m.
VEQ ETAB1E8 Cabbage, Wisconsin,
per lb., lo. Celery, Michigan, por dor.,
l!5c. Cucumbers, hothouse, per dor., J1.23.
Kgg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., ;i.C0.
Oarllc, extra fancy white, per doz., 15c,
Lettuce, extra fancy, per doz., 40c.
Onions, white In crate, 51; yellow, per
lb., lVJc. Parsley, fancy southern, per
doz. bunches, 50tf75c. Potatoes, Early
Ohio, per bu., C5c. Tomatoes, California,
per basket, (2.00. Wax beans, por basket,
(1; green boauB, per basket, (1. Sweet
potatoes, Kanb&a. per bbl., (2.60. lluta
bugas, per lb., lUc.
Cotton Murkrt.
Futures closed Hteady. Closing bids:
November, 11.22c: December, 11.42c; Janu
ary, 11.6Se; February, U.B7c; March, U.7Ec;
May, 11.80c: June, 11.79e; July, ll.SOc;
August. 11.72c; September, 11.4Sc; Oc
tober, 11.30c. Boot closed quiet; middling
uplands, 11.90c; middling gulf, 12.15c. Hales
dull; prices easier; American middling,
fair. .19d: good middling, C.S9d; middling,
6. Kid; low middling, 0.51 d; good ordinary.
6.05,; ordinary, 6.57d. Bales. 3,100 bales, of
Which 300 were for speculation and ex
port and Included 1,$0Q American.
Coffen MuUret.
tures market opened steady at an ad
vance of 24 points. The close was
steady at a net advance of 1Q2 points.
Hales were 48,750 bags. November, 13.07c;
December. 13.02c: January and February.
13.61c; March, 13.91c; April, 13.97c; May,
14.04c; June, U.OCo; July, 14.08c, August.
H.lOc; September and October, 14.13c, Spot
mrree, nuiet;. kio ts, mc; ftnios 43,
lOttc; mild, quiet: Cordova, 16WlSc.
Dry floods Sliirket
i no coiiuii fciiuia iiiumcia were nrm lor
laps were Mgh and scarce. Underwear
and hosiery agents wero troubled on fall
business uy aavuncrs in yarns,
Kvapornteil Apple 11 nil Dried I'ruitu
new juiik, .-ov. ic uvAinifA'i i;w
APPLES Julet and nominally lowt.r.
fancy, SIf9c; aholce, 7Jt7Uc; prime, SffSbc
DIIIKU kiiuitb 4TUU08. steady. Apr.
cots, firm. Peaches, firm. Rai.-lns
siutfsr 3Iurkrl,
NEW YORK, Nov. lfc-StJOAR -Raw,
steady; museavado. "s9 tuet, 3.38c; centrif
ugal, 96 test. 4.(6c: molassea sugar, M
test. LMc: refined, suli-t; crushed, 6.60c;
granulated, fine, l.tOc; p wdercd, 5.00c.
IViioI "In ri.. t.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 16 -WOOI- i-teady;
territory and western mediums, 21Qrfc:
fine mediums, is&20c; fine, 13'aUc
American Prices Too High as Cora-
univu wiiu j;ui(;iiiii lumis.
Reduction In Pre in In til for Cnah
Cum Is lltiicclr.l If Wealtirr l
i I'nvornlile Tnnnrtl Dlalnilu
Iiir 4'oiintr.v Ituldliins.
OMAHA. Nov. 1G. 1912.
It mav be Alil HulI nnr wlmat Urtcci
are still too high when those In other coun
tries are coiiMldured. The united States
has a large export surplus and It stands
to reason that some of our MhcAt must
be wild, even it wo are obliged to shade
the pilcos now being asked by Canada,
Argentina, ItusMa and other exporting
countries. Northwestern receipts ato
nearly three times larger than '.a year ago
and in addition to this come the news
from Minneapolis that a number of the
mills are going to close down next week.
An advance In lake freights Is always
seen November 1 and the shipments of
flour have been large because of this
fact. Export business has been until tl
neglected this last week Wheat prices
havo bean on a down grade for five con
tinuous days aud with one exception for
eight days, and are off 9 cents since Oc
tober 14. There has been an irregular
break for thirty days, which Is far above
tho average. Some traders figure that
six to seven days has been tho average
break of recent years. When they run
over nine days they have been known to
run sixteen, and when after extending
beyond the latter, may run oven thirty
days. Practically every bushel of wheat
held lust night showed a loss as prlcci
were tho lowest of the season. Cash
wheat iljHc lower.
Corn bcurs figure that If the cold
weather should contlnuo new corn re
ceipts will be greatly Increased after this
week, and they expeat a reduction In
premiums for cash corn over tho Decem
ber option. Prices are off from 6 to f
cents In tho last thirty days. The bears
figure that tho May option will eventu
ally drop to 4 cents a bushel. Pit traders
nay that moat of the buying, by com
mission housfB has oeen to take profits
and there has been an enormous reduc
tion in tho short Interest In tho last few
day. and especially on yestentay s break
as the short traders took their profits
and are now waltint? for something- to
rally tho market. Cash corn was 1JT20
Oats aro off from 3 to 3H cents In the
last thirty days. Tho fact that thn
sample oats keep at .uoh a prcmulm
over tho December option leaves no profit
In making contract grades. Cash oatr
were 1 to 2c lower. ,
Clearances were.: Wheat and flour,
tSS.OOO bu.; corn, 24,000 bu.; oata, 69,000 bu:
Liverpool ,cloalngi Wheat, lower)
cum. Hd lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.728.000 bu,
and shipments 1.131,000 bu., against io
celptB of 743.000 bu. and shipments of SaJ.
Wi bu. last year.
Primary corn receipts were 436,000 bu.
and shipments 242,000 bu against receipts
of 534,000 bu. and shipments of 236,000 bu.
Primary oats receipts were 971.0W bu.
and shipments 51G.0O0 bu.. against recelpta
of 3S0.000 bu. and shipments of 200,000 bu.
last year. ' . ,
Tho following cask sales wero reported;
Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 2 cars, Bwic.
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, 80c; 1 car, 79Hc!
1 car, 79V4C. No. 4 hard winter; 1 car,
77Hc. No grado hard winter: 1 car, ibe.
No 3 spring: 2 cars, SOo; 1 car. 79o; 1
car, 79V4c; 1 car, 78c. No. 4 spring: 1 car,
iSc. No. 2 mixed: 3 cars, SQ&c No. 3
mlYxri! 1 car. 7H'-c: 1 car. 79c. No. 3
mixed durum: 2 cars, 77c. No. 4 mixed
durum: 1 car, 75c. No. 4 durum: 1 car.
76c. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car (new). 45c.
No. 3 yellow: 1 car. GGHc; 1 car (choice
new), 49c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (new), 47c.
No. 4 mixed: 2 cars (now). 41c. No grade.
1 car, 43c. Barley Malting: 1 car, 00c.
No. 1 feed: 1 car, ISa Rejected. IK cars,
45c. Rye No. 2: 1 car, 00c; 1 car, tflMio;
SO sacks, 09c. Oats Standard: 1 car. 30o.
No. 3 white: 3 cars, 2914c No. 4 white;
1 car, 2iV4c; 1 car, 29c.
Omulin Cask I'rlcca.
WIIEAT-No. 2 hard, EOGSlVic; No. a
hard, 79if0l4c; No, 4 hurd, 7719o; No. 3
Eprlng, rAi&SOc; No. 4 spring. 7670c.
CORN No. 3 white, 6H6i55c; No. 3 yel
low, 560MWci No. S, 64065c.
OATS No. 2 white. 30Uc; standard, SOc;
No. 3 white, 29V4c; No. 4 whlto. aJflMVic.
HAltLEY-Malting, 640620; No. 1 feed,
RYE No. 2, HC0c; No, 3, 6SQ()9c.
Curlot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn, Oats.
Chicago 81 1W
Minneapolis 448
Imliith 60S
Omaha 7 20
Karnes City t IH 21 9
Ht. Louis 119 3j 68
I'rlceM 011 Hoard of Trade,
CHICAOO, Nov. 16. Wheat headed
downward again today, although the mar
ket haa been on a decline for nearly
threo weeks. Rapidly Increasing supplies
and no adequato demand allowed the
bears to remain In control. The close
wan weaK, c to -rac unuer mai nigm,
Corn finished c to HU"V4o lower, outs
varying from a shade off to a like
amount up, and provisions unchanged to
an advance of 20c,
Kxcent for an unfounded report mat
rtnik.m npaco negotiations had been
iirnld.n off. bulls in wheat found no rn-
courngement of even a temporary sort.
Argentine weather was favorable, noth-
western cnrioi receipts ror hip wec
nearly double those of a year ago. and
Chicago receipts for the wetU 1. 100.000
bushels In excess of the shipments.. De
cember ranged from 83ic to Sflc with
last sales ,WiOt(,c.
Ideal weather conditions brought tho
corn market to the lowest of tho year.
December fluctuated between f7MWl7Hc
and 47,M7Teo, closing steady Wic net
lower at llVi'flii'V. uhsii uraura were
weak. No. 2 vetlow was quoted at MiVic
Outs developed comparati"o strengtn.
nocnnihor. which sold from 30Hc to 30?ke.
closed a shade net higher at nOHfiSOHc.
l'rovlslnna ruled firmer nwinc to a
large shrlnkrw.-o In the amount of lard on
hand here nni uocauso 01 tno aimtmsneu
iiroducliiir nuullty of Iiocb. At the end
nf iIih day lard had risen 15c lo c: pork
wua unchanged at lTjc up and ribs dearer
by lc Jo 15c
'juotatloiiR closed a follows:
Article! Open. I High.t Low. Ciosa. Yes'y.
DeclSflUOTil S6
May. 91?i-2tt 9M4V4'
July, renossl
Corn 1
474 (SW
2 I
May. 31 1;
Pork 1 1
3232 'A
lb 70
IS 35
11 25
II 06
10 77
10 30
16 75
18 65
18 17ft
11 10
10 85
10 67ft
111 M
10 17
10 (CM
9 82V4
9 95
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR-Steady; winter patents. (I.30O
4. So: winter atralghts. (4.lOfH.&0: spring
putentfs, (I.2&t75.20; spring straights, (X90
tf4.uu; bakers, jj.iio-w.
RYE No. 2, eOSOlViC
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4760c; fair
to choice malting. 6fi"i70c.
SEEDS Timothy, (2.753.75; clover, (13.00
PROVISIONS Mess pork, tl0.75 17.00;
lanl (in tierces), (11.2&&11.30; shirt ribs
(loose). (10.2MflO.90.
Total clearance of wheat and flour were
.equal to 446,000 bu. Primary receipts weie
: 7a,vo bu., compared witti 748.O0O bu, the
corresponding day a year ago. Estimated
loceipts Tor tomorrow: Wheat, 60 cars;
corn. IM car, oats, VJi cars; hogs, 40.WJ
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2 red,
tl.OUid.10; No. 3 jed, IWofitl.OO; No. 2 hard,
S74H9ci No. 3 bard, Kf487c; No. 1 northern,
8flV45Wc: No. 2 northern, S4VS7c; No. 3
northern, 6O0e4o; No. 2 spring. faiMQi
No. 3.4-prIng. exiec; No. 4 spring, iVuoun;
valvet chaff SuffSiVjc: durum, f-TctOe.
Conn No. 2 whif, 6jCSV4c; No. 2 yel
low. Cse. No, 2. 60(ij;7c. No. 3 white, old.
57f57Hc. No. 3 white, now. 18H No. 3
yellow. iTVjtjOOr, No, 4, old. 65c. No. 4.
new. 47c, No. 4 white, new, 47W47Jac; No.
4 'yellow, old, 56c; No. 4 yellow, new, 470
17'iC Oats. No. 2 white, 34335c; No. t
16 75 I
11 65 IS 70 18 52H
18 15- 18 35 IS 16
It 17- 11 25 11 17ttj
10 65 11 Of. 10 90
10 65' 10 72Vi 10 65
10 20-22 10 30 10 J7V4I
10 00-02 10 17-20 10 00 I
9 85 9 95 9 SOUS2
I While. WtJ.
Rye. No. S. ewtt4c. Harle. 4SrTc. j
Timothy sei. i.7Mrs.iT. i" over seen.
,1f,X,c?t-. nrm. iramor,e, wn.
,uniiiirriiiu - .
K(R.8-8teadv. t.Htlit(.. 1JSI casm; at
mark, cases Includeil, WJe; onllnary
firsts. Jt.-: firsts. ITc.
CUBRHR-Stel : dalslfs, HMf KHt; I
twins. ld-vtrlJc: .vouhk Americos, lirifc; j
lontt uortis. iDMiur.
1'OTATOr.H-SlMth . recMpls. W cars;
MlchlBHit. 4Mfc. Minnesota. I7r9v; Wis
consin, 4AjS7C
lOl't.TUY Alive. lead . Itirkevn. te:
chickens, lOVie; sprliiKS, HViC.
KAi-Btctiiy nl flle.
(Imitation of lh .liny on Ynrlntia
NliW YORK, Nov. 16.-FL0t'R-Maiket
qulot: spring patents. f4.4.Hri.75. winter
Straight. 4.4.Vi4.RT. winter uatenls, (4.6R
M0; spring clears. (4.1HU.4J; winter ex
tras No. 1, tl.O&yl 15. whiter extras No.
2. (3.954.03; Kansas straight. .(4.104.a.
Ryo flour, quiet; fair to good.;
choice to fancj (XiVMOJ. Buckwheat
flour, Steady. .OOff2.ori ner 100 iMtinds.
, CORNM KA l( Easy . fine whllo and ynl
low, (i 6ol.6S; coarse. (1 I54J1.50: kiln
dried. (3.75.
RTE-Steady; No. 5, Sjtisc, c. I. f.,
HARLEY Quiet, feeding. 5Sc, c. I. f.,
Now York; malting, C7i'0c c, I. f
WHKAT-Spot market easy; No. 2 red,
(1.0SH. elevator and (1.05, f o. b., afloat,
nominal; No. 1 northern Duluth. Mr, f.
o. b afloat. Futures market closeil. M
MHc net lower; Uerrmber. 91'MKOo.
clofed. 94HC; May. 9SUJJW! 11-16. closed.
CORN Snot nmrkrt easv: oviw.rt. SSl.c.
f. o, b.. afloat; December to March
OATS Spot market steady, standard
white, 37Hc asked: No. 3, 3I'4C, nominal;
No. 4, 3Hc bid: natural white, :Wiic;
whltn clipped, "(ffloo, nil on track.
FEED-atcadyi westerti spring bran,
100-pound sacks, (22.60! standard middling,
100-pound sacks, (22.60, city, 100-pound
sacks. (23.23.
HAY Hteady; prime nominal. No 1,
$U04fl.lS4; No. 2, incJfsJl.OO; No. 3,
HOPS Quiet; slate, common lo choice,
1912, 264330; 1911, 12lfl7c; Paclfla coast,
1912. 17S24c; 1U11. 17Si'19c.
HIDES -Firm; Central America, Xa
Bogota, 2.sUtf9iC
I.EATH ICR l'irm , hemlock firsts, SI
fiGK'i seconds, 26tf27c; thirds, 23tr!!lc; re
jects, 18c.
PROVISIONS-Uork. steady; mess,
lS.7rVft'U,60; family, $23.00W24.00 short
clears, t22.0O5j24.C0. . Href, strong: mess,
(HUOh-JO.OO; family, (23.O)iii(.00; beet hams,
(14.000, nominal. Lard. Ilrm; middle
west, prime, f 11.3011.40; refined, firm:
continent. (11.93: South America, (12.70;
compound, t7.S7MffiS.UH.
TALLOW-Steady; prime city, hhds,,
6Hc; special, ',; country, G0c.
TjlUTTER-Flrmr- rcculpts, 4,S3.1 tubs;
Qrcuinery, extras. 35c; firsts, 81ViVtl33Ho
held extras, 3232Hc; state dairy finest,
2C33Hc; lactory, currunt make, firsts,
24Ma; seconds, 23H&2tc.
CHliESK-Stoady; receipts, 1,156 boxei:
fitafe, whole milk, hold, colored specials,
lililttlto: skims, 4Q14c.
KIlOS Weak; receipts. 4.437 cases:
fresh gathered, cxtrss, 3liJf4lOi re
frlseratbr, special marks, fancy, 21c;
nearby hennery, whites, fancy, now laid,
63C0c; nearby selected whlto, good to
prime, 4363c; western gathered whites,
T'OULTHY-Llve, dull; western chick
ens, mitjlfle; fowls, 12ll!Hc; turkeys, 18u.
Dressed itniltry, steady; fresh killed
western chickens, 12'a-16c; fowls, 13Qltu;
turkeys, lbtfllc.
SI. l.oula General llurke(.
ST. LOUIS, Nov, 16.-VHEAT-Cash.
lower: traok, No. 2 red, (1.05; No. 2 hard,
CORN-Stcady; track, No. 2, 64Hc; No.
2 white, 65c.
OATH Steady; track, No. 2, 31V4c; No,
2 white, 33c.
RYE Unchanged, at 64c.
Closing prices' of futures:
WHEAT Lower: December, S6S86Jc;
May, 92tfc.
CORN Weak; December, 45c; May, 4Cc,
OATS-Weak: December. Sulio: May.
FLOUR Weak: red winter patents. (4.75
(16.00; extra fancy and straight, U5Si
4.65; hard wjnter clears, (3.602i'3.85. r
SEBD-Tlmothy, (10.00.
B1CN Dull; melted, cast track, 92(ft3lo.
HAY Steady; tlmotny, (llOOil'lT.M; prai
rie, (12.O0.OO.
BAaOINO 10 3-ltic.
TWINE Hemp. 80.
PROVISIONS-Purk, unchanged; Job
bing, (16.60. Lard, unchanged; prlrmt
steam, (10.72&(tl0.e2&. Dry salt meats, un
changed; boxed extra shorts, 111.IKV4:
clear libs, (U.fi2i4: short clears, (12.00.
Baron, unohanged; boxed extro. shorts,
(U'.Oiii clear ribs, (12.62; short clears,
pouinir bteaay; cuicaens, c; spring,
lie; turkeys, Ific; ducks, Una; geese, 10c.
iii'TTisii l'irm; creamery, m33c,
KQUS-yulet, at 26c
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 9,000 ll.OoO
Wheat, bu liw.uoo 77,noo
Corn, bu M.w 13.000
Oats, bu 63,00) 103,000
Kalians City (1 rut 11 und Pro vlaltnin.
Cash, hard, iff2c lower; red unchanged;
No. 2 hard, motsoc; no. 3, soasiftc; no. 2
red, 974199c; No. 3, 9397c.
CORN -Mixed, uucnauged to He lower:
white, io lower; No. 2 mixed, now, 44o;
No, 3, new, 42c; No. 2 white, now, 46
ICVjc; No. j, new, 45c.
OATH uncnunged, no, 3 white. 325i
3244ci No. 2 mixed, 31ii&32c.
uvis L'ncnangiMi.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT December. 79c: May. 834;
S5c: July. 82Wi.2Hc.
CORN1-Docember43W431ic; May, 44ic;
July. 45V4(ft45,c
OA r uecem oer, vi',a; ilay, 32?ic
BUTTER Creamery, 31c; firsts, 2Sc; sec
onds, 28c; packing stock, 2.lV4W23fio.
EGOS Extras, 23c, firsts, Jic; seconds,
POULTRY Hens. MlO'k': rooiturs. Po:
springs, llVfQ'lSc; young turkeys, i6Vafi
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu 114,000 18,0o)
Corn, bu 24, v 6,l0
Oats, bu 9,0m) 14,wj
SlliiurnpolU r; rill 11 .llnrkct,
December. 81Vifj-si?4o: May. WMWAc
Casli No, 1 hard, MHc; No, 1 northern,
t2?i84'4o; No. 2 northern, 801tS82l(io; No.
3, 7siUW,aC
CORN-No. 3 yellow. 474S.
OATS-No. 3 white, 28;ii9c.
RYE No. 'i, 56458C.
BRAN In 100-fb. sacks. (18.001 18.50.
FIOUR First patents, (l.2oH.fc6: second
patents, (l.lO'tM.35: first clears, (3.10H3.40;
second clears, 2.vuw.
BARLEY 4 (KiiC9u
'Liverpool (irnlu Market.
easy: No. l iiannoua, new, 7s Sd. No.
Manitoba, new, 7s 6di No. 3 Manitoba,
new, 7s 4d. Futures, steady; December,
7s 4d; March, 7s 3M; May. 7s 2Hd.
CORN Spot easy; new, Amcilcan, kiln
dried, 6s Sid. Futures, steady; Decem
ber, 4s llVd, January, 4s llftd.
Peoria Market,
PEORIA. III., Nov, I6.-CORN-OI1I. un
changed; No. 5 white, new, 49c; No. 1
yellow, old, 55&c; No, 3 yellow, old, 55c;
new, 43c; No. 4 yellow, new, 464Tc; No,
3 mixed old, 63!c, new. 49c; No. 4 mixed,
new, 45c; sample, 3041',ic,
OATS Steady, Standard. 32c; No. 3
white, 30V4c; No. 4 whltc,a9Hc
Ilululh Grain Slarket.
hard, 84c; No. 1 northern. 83c: No. 2
northern, 81c; Montana, No. 3 hard, to
arrive, 82Wc; December, KSo; May, 81&
Tuitun neeu .linruei,
TOLEDO, Nov. JC.-8EED8-Clovr,
cash prime, (10.(5: December, (10.90;
March, (10.874; Alslke; prime, (12.90; De
cember and March, (12.96. Timothy: prime,
1.K2V4; Dtcembor, (1.86; Maroh, (1.95.
Turpentine and ROsln.
TINE Firm at 37Mc; sales, 196 bbls.J re
eclpts, 837 bbls.; shipments, 411 bbls., do
mestic, stocks, 32,110 buls,
ItOSlN-Klrm, sales. 2,632 bbls.. re
ceipts. 2.640 bbls.; shipments, 670 bhls.,
domestic, storks, 128,111 bblo. Quotations
A. 11 and (V90, D. (3.95, E, (6 00; F.
(6-05. 41. (5M(6.07',S. H, (tf.ff6.12H. I,
(6.05. K (6.40: M. (7 00; N, (7,60; ,
(8.15, WW, (S.4i
Killing Cattle Twenty-Five Higher w
for the Week.
rCIUInu Nlieep mill l.nniln Triil-
I'lae l.iiurr for Week l'orillntf
NttM'U Mum jtiinir .Nlrrnclli
nl I lie Week's Itml.
SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 16. 1W
RecelMs nnr Cnltl". lli'Kf. Uliee'
Official Monday ...
Qfilclal Tuesday....
Official Wednesday
Offlclul Thursday..
Offlelul FM,i,,t.
S!tt R.IOS JS.P61
5315 m
4,rs; iv,
l.Osi S.SSi
ttD H,D
l'-tb ,
Kstlmato Saturday.
Six dnys this wtr-k .n.VA 4.5.11
Same days Inst weok .1U.S42 SS.STH
r-f M
same day 2 wks ago 33,271 JO.US lw.ow
rtamc days 3 wks M.SU tll.Wl
Same days 4 wks ago . 40.878 Sl'.MU lOl.fUI
Same tlays last year. . .2S.007 40,911 I.UB
Thr following tabie shuw the receipts
of caltlo. hogs ami shoip at 1ul OuuiIia
for the year to date as compared with
lNt year; mt. 1MI. Inc. Dec
t?ttlo 7,4W t,lf.,!Wi 171,132
Hons MIST.IVT :.7MT 4S1.3W . .. .
Hl eep . . .2,071.337 r773,7. .. .. 10101
Thn following tuble shuns the raugu 'it
prices lor hogs at South Otnatia tor On
Inst few days with oimpntlciii"'
Pate. I 19U. il'Jll.llHlu.ilKw.iin.dn.ilA
... -7-r
7 673
T 67
6 OS 8 021 7 76 4 7t C CJ
6 12 7 SOl 7 79 6 64 4 SS 6 03
U 21 7 96 7 73 5 RS 6 07
(27 7 HI 7 " 6 5 61 4 93
7 r8 7 81 & 79 4 SX 6 l
tl 37, 1 7 SS 5 74 4 70 5 91
6 251 7 74 I & 68 4 1SI 5
6 2t. 7 Mi, 7 97 4 11) 6 tt
6 31 1 7 S 7 SH5 5 59 4 !0 6 10
Ift0 -
Nov, 10.
Nov. 11.
Nov. 12.!
Nov 13.
Nov. 14.
Nov. 15.
Nov. 16.
7 tl!tf
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Union stock yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-tour hours ending at !l p. m
Cattle. Hogs, ll'r's.
' , M ei St. P..,.
watiash ,
Missouri Paclflo
Union Pacific
C. A N. W., east
C. A N. W weat
C, St. P., M. ,t O
C B. & Q east
C B, & Q west
C H. I. & P., oast
C. It. I. & P., west
Illinois Central
Chicago Oreat Western.
Total receipts 16
Morris & Co
Swift aud Coinininv
... 773
Cudahy Packing coutpuny ,...UM
Armour & Co
Total 6,891
C ATT LE Ca 1 1 1 u receipts this week
Whllo showing a very heavy gain nviir
election week aro decidedly smaller than'
for tho moru recent weokc and smallur
than a your ago. Tho sharp decreasn In
receipts Is as a matter ot course, duo lo
tho tailing oft in shipments from tlm
rungo cattle from tho far west being ac
cording to all reports pretty well in.
Com ted cattle ure beginning to arrive
inoro tlVcly, but the receipts aro still
niiHieruto as it is eaily In the season.
Supplies of lio'-'f steers, both rangers,
and cornredH, twero very meager through
out tho whole week. As there was at
the same tlmo a good buying demand thu
market was artlvo and prices on all do
cent killers rapidly strengthened up. At
tho close of the week It is safe to uuoio
the market us generally 25c higher than
a week ago.
What has been said regarding beet
steers would piactlcally cover tho mar
ket on butcher stock. Cowa und hiifers
havo all boon very troo sellers through
out the week and ut the closu they lou
ure around 26c higher thuti at thu closo
ot last week and fully 6Uc higher than at
llio low time two weeks ago.
Stackers anil reciters havo been free
Hollurx throughout the week and thn do
blrablo kinds have gradually, 'firmed' up
so that at tho present' tlm'they clln !
ijuuted 15!fi2Au higher than lust 'weelr.xTht!
medium and trashy Hindu hav'o been a
little, slow and hard to movu, but thoy
too havo shown Improvement ft 0111 day
to day.
uuutatlons on Native uattie uoou 10
chplcu beef steers, (x.25tj9.75; fair to good
beet steers, (7.254(,26: common to fair
beef steers, (6.00U7.25; good to chnlru hclf
ors, 6.iifi'(.(V; good to choice cows, (5.6V
(Buwi; tair to gnoa graues, i,wuu.w; com
mon to fair grades, (3.264M.5U, K'od tu
oholco ntockurs and feeders, (0.251(7.60;
fair to aood stockers and feeders, u.lMt
6.26; common to fair Hlockers and feed
ers,; silica cows ami neiiers,
(I.W(h6.00; veal calves, (.r.ri9,00; bulls,
slnltM. etc.. ll.eXVrO.OO.
Quotations on Rungo Cattlo Good to
choleo beef steers, (6.76416,15, fair to good
beer steers, J.:uu. 10; common to lair
beef steora, (5.6011U.25.
I iocs Not onlv was tho relatively high
position of the local trade lu luiKH fully
maintained thin morning, but prices on
the South Omaha market wero puuhrd up
Hllll higher than ut Chicago and all other
Missouri river markets, Despite, tno ract
that early reports of the genoral trado
from outside Points wero coming slow
and woak to 5u lower opening prices
riilml fully steailv with yestoruays host
time. Tho puckers were the chief factors
In tho opening trado, but just uh soon
as thu speculators saw how tho packers
wero buying they jumped 111 unu secureu
iiultn a fnw hnas. all of a nickel higher
than tho way tho satuo kind of hogs sold
thu duy pruvlous. if auytning tno mar
ket Improved from tho opening until near
tho closo, when trado weakened. The
general market mny be regarded iih any
where from steady to a nickel higher,
with thn major ty of the onerings selling
at a raugu ot (7.90 to (8.00, Several loads
of the best lings sold us high as (8.00,
the highest pneo tor tno nay. una just a
nickel below thn high mark reached yes
terday. As on yesterday, a liberal run
wiih disposed of In whirlwind fashion,
pructlcally everything being grabbed up
by 0:30 o'clock. Today's receipts wero al
most twlco as, largo as last Saturday
and morn than twlco as large aa two
weeks ago. Tho supply wua about the
tamo ns a yrur ago.
For the week the receipts show an ex
cessive gain over last work and tvo
weoks ago and urn about 4,073 heud greater
than during thu Hiimu week last your.
This weok'a trado has distinguished Itself
by putting South Omaha more plainly nn
tho map. Thn market was agre.uibly ro
markablo and unusual bucauru cf the
fact that on some dnys while local prices
were going higher values ut Chicago und
other points were descending. As pre
viously mentioned, tno local itauo i now
better and higher thun at any other llvo
stock center In tho middle west,
Prices at the close of tho week aro
around I01(20o higher than week ago,
thn bulk of hogs lust Haturduy selling at
fl.lOiirj.W, an compured with (7.9W8.HO to
iliiv. Top a week ago was I7.S0, whllo
Laieveral loads of Jiugs reached us high
as (8.00 on today s maract.
Several loads that camo lu late over
thn Mllwaukco had to sell with all of tho
early advance Inst. On tho arrival of this
belated train some of thn packnr buyers
had left the yurds and those who weio
still around thu pons apparently had
about all tho hogs they wanted.
Rcpreirontative ealts;
Ko. At. Bu. Pr. Ko.
1C0 . 1 W 0.
A. rib.' Tr.
.114 IM 7 1
41.. .
61.. .
.141 .. 7 11
172 10 7 SJ
tl Ill IM 7 94
M US ... 7 4
II til 40 7 tl
17 :j no 7 n
it m 40 7 M
71 ill !00 7 15
..III, ... 7 75
..211 140 1 '9
..Ut ... 7 15
. :ii i4 7 is
..111 .. 7M
MI SO 7 15
..JI7 ... 7ti
..210 10 7 l
.1 :t ito 7 m
71 Ml M IK
.M1M0 I H II 1 1W 7
.tu6 110 7 o
44 17 100 7
II 142 140 7 n
II 714 MO lit
II Ill 410 7 3
71 110 ICO 7 K
1 Ml IM I W !
II HI Ito I 00
II.. ...... m 140 t M
St IM IM I 04
M 117 W J M
Cl 17 150 a 00
U it I no 1 r
11 K4 IH IM
41 H7 10 1 (14
l 313 80 I 00
II 117 3e0 I 00
( Ml 40 I 04
14. . ;es ito 1 uu
tS4 40 7 no
10 7 10
7 iO
.. 7 M
40 7 M
80 7 SO
40 7 W
.. 1 W
.171 )0 7 90
.171 H) , 7 fl
,M ... 7 10
.101 7 to
Ml 7 to
171 510 7 V0
170 2(0 7 PIW
I:Vt 120 7 tt't It
US fiO 1 tlVt 45
11: . 1 00
111 M I (HI
j 11 on
IM 1-0 7 Wll IA.
itt 1!0 7 Hi
111 7 ti
,:ci wit
75 . U0 l .'O 8 00
7: tu u 1 oi
CO ...219 U IN
M Ml W ? SI 14 m HIM
M . .. 1M 10 7 H .
t; . M ... M 41 m . 7 M
4 . .7 n t i . . w
M .11 .. IM t 110 , 7 01
i lit .. I at
fMIKKP-As usual on a Saturday no
heep or lamb Htrived on the market
and as a result atuaa remained nomtn
alli the Mine as yesterday and Thttrs-
Sheep reeelpts this week were liberal
when compared with Ittst week and the
SHiue week a ir ago. In other word",
the mpplv wh In thr neighborhood of
!..W head In excesa of tho preceding week
ami around XU.IW head greater than the
i ...I...L I 1 ..... I . . .
ni.ivnm iit-h" ouiuiK iiir currrvonuiiipr
tlmo last year. Compared with two wek
ago tho receipts wore only a little better
than half of what were yatded at that
time. HM and wethers comprised the
bulk of tho offerings, lambs especially
Ihi- right good kinds, were relatively
u.UM.n A ....tin A, .l.l.i a.l .,L 11., rw tt ktft-
fed and native stuff appeared at .tho
ard, while the volume of western stock,
though still showing up In comparatively
largo numbers. Is gradually diminishing.
.On Monday and Tuesday tho supply of
klllera was apparently more than suffi
cient to satisfy trade requirements, con
senurnth tho packers wero enabled tu
tako off anywhoro from 20c to ton from
both sheep and lamb prices, fat ewc.4 and
wethers suffering the hlggeat decline On
Wednesday value, remained Mendy. but
a renctlon set In Thursday, when part of
tlic loss was regained, thus making the
market on both killing sheep und lambs
ut thn close of tho week about n quarter
lower than a week nito. A few Uiads of
fed ol- native lamln aold n high as (7.00
and on up to (7 25. but there were no
wostorli hero good enough to reach those
prlcis. The best fat wethers sold laigely
from (4.00 to (1.30. whllo the mint tic
slrublc own offering brought unywheru
..'111 11. llllll lllC .,,,- . ,
en of activity to
tho market on feedera and prices wore
for tho mqst part steady -until at tho
week-end, when they were stronger than
tho closo of last week. Whllo tho trudu
was comnaratlvelv well supplied, commis
sion men seem to have orders for the bulk
of the useful feeder ottorliigs, and such !
kinds vcro tho first to sell. Tito ma-,
f.5 In 61I Him., wero 111 bott demand and
J.'I.W IIIU H.''.l IMH. .......
told mainly around (i'..0ojl.15. I.IKht
feeder yearlings wont around (t.7MJf.0(,
nml airoil wetlinra 11 1 13.7Mf4.15. tho do-
maud for both classes of that kind of 1
sheep being rather light
Quotations on sheep and lambs- Lambs j
good to choice, C7.0WI7.15; lambs, fair to ,
good. ..',3.0; lambs, feeders. (5.r0. 40;
yearlings. light. (I.755.25; yearlings,
heavy, (4.14.75: yearlings, feeders. (4.69
ur. n'eui'i 9. . "krm.-i" , t
416.10; wethers, god to choice. (4.0HM.3u;
416.10; wethers, god to choice. (t.OtHM.Su;
wethers, fair to ghod. t3.8fitTS.76: wethers.
fredors, (3.75474.a: ewes, good to choice. !
(3,fair4.0O: ewes, fair to good, (S.25W3.60; '
owes, feeders, (3.00iff3.!5; owes, yearling
breeders, Jl.MXijS.w; cuu sneep ami uucas,
Clllt'AliO l.lVlfl STUCK MAHK13T
Deiiiiiuil for All Kind pi ot Slock la
CHICAOO. Nov. W.-CATTId:-Re-eelpts,
1,000 heudi market steady; hooves,
(5.35tfil.l! Toxas stoors, (4.30".6O; west
ern Bteois, (5.50O9.00; Blockers and
feedois, t4.107T7.15; rows and htdfets, (2,75
ff7.40; calvos. tO.604ilO.IO.
HOriS-Reeelpts. 12.000 head, market
steady to 5c lower; light. 7.30iti.8S;
mixed; (7.3507.90; heavy. (7.SOM.90; rough.
t7.B04f7.tiO; idgs, I5.004f7.25; bulk of sales.
W8lfi515P AND liAMUS-Receipt. 3.000
head: market sleudy to shado .lower;
native, t3.NV5M.65! western. t3.751M.60;
vciirllngH. tl.wvilfl.iw; native lambs, to.W.
7,70; western lambs, (o.7'tf7.W.
Kniisiis CMr Live Stock .Market.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 16,-CATThE-Ro-colptM,
COO head, no southerns; market
steady; natlvn steors, (6.604110.75; eouth
ern steors, (l.2r.f)C.W; southern cows and
holfors, (3.60l5.r; native cows and heif
ers, (3.60118.00: stackers nnd feodum, (4.60
W7-50; bulls. (UH1W5.C0; eulves. (5.604fl0.O3;
western steerr, (3.00fJ8.60; western cpws,
(3.Wli.75. , ,
llOOS Rocolpts, 3.600 head; market
Htoady; bulk of sales, (7.65itr7.S0; heavy.
(7.75Jl'7.8n; packers und butcheis, (7.ii0if
7,80: light. (7.40ft7.75! plgH. f6.ft)fl.75.
SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts. 1.000
lmad., Markot steady: muttons, (;
lumbs, W.IW7 60: range wethers nnd
yeat Units, tl.(0iitl.2G; range awes. t3-OWJ4,ttt.
St. I. mils I. Ire Stuck Market.
HT. LOUIS, Nov. 1.-CATTLK-H-eclpts,
2,M bend, including loo Toxans; ulxllllV! llllllVO SlllUtllllg llllll OX-
porting stiMjrs, 1004111.00; dtessed ami
butcher steers, f5.3V,IS,75; atockers and
feeders, (3.76417,00; coWs and liolfers, tl.6i
419.10; canners. t2.754M.00; bulls. t4.O04in.ri0;
calves, tH.004eU.OOi Texas and Indian
steors, tt.r-0411.23; cows and heifers, t3.25
HOOS RccrlptH. 6.000 head: market lOo
lower: pigs and lights. tU&O.Mi: mixed
and bulchera, t7.604r7.90; good heavy. (7M
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rocolpta. 800
head; market steady! muttons, (4.00411 20;
lumbs, t&.67.25: culls and bucks, I2.O04P
3,25; stockcru. (2.764(3 60.
HI. Joseph I.lve Stock .Market.
13,1. tlul,-HIT XTrt. Id I'ATTT.IC tl.
7. m HI 1 l ... .W. wa.A " . . . . V
oolpts, 100 head. Market steady! tteers,
(3.854110.25: cows aim nciicrs, .i.nao.-i;
calves, (5.004'.i.7D.
HOUS Receliits, 6,000 head. Markot
strong to 6c higher: top, (7.95; bulk ot
sales, (7.765J7.00. . , .
head. Market steady; lambs, (6.00417.00.
Stock In SlitiK.
liuratnin nf ltvo stock nt tho five Prin
cipal western market yesterday:
ijuiliu. iiuKn. aiiu.Ti.
South Omaha
St. Joseph ....
Kansas City .
St. Louis
Totals 32,800 10.100
a, '
Tiventy-nlna persons wero arrested by
deputy sheriffs early thlB morning when
tho Wick Sc. Mooro saloon at 012 Dodgo
street was raided. Of all thn Inmates
taken, threo were women. II. IJ. Milder
was the only ono In the place to escape,
nay the deputies, Mid for lilm a warrant
will bo Issued Monday. Hilly uvlck, the
South Omaha fighter, was taken In the
raid. The police made four raids last nlglit
and early this morning. The places
closed wore: The Paris hotel, J. A. 11.
Martin belnn held as proprietor, and flvo
Inmates; Steve Iludasorwleh's place at 90:
Capitol avenuo, where threo Inmates and
the proprietor were taken; Charles Elgin,
1212 Davenport street, with twolvo lu
mate-, und J. J. Murray, inoo Hurt street,
where ten more Inmates were taken. Dur
ing tho night flfly-seven persons wero
taken by tho police and sheriff and four
proprietors of aa many alleged resorts.
Neither of the keepcra of Wlck'fc Moore'
wero taken by the sheriff,
The, Young 'Men's club will give a mu.
steal entertainment at tho Crelghton au
dltorluin, Tventy-flfth and California
streets, for the benefit of tho Holy An
gels' church, Monday evening. December
, ,,l, ..,,
ouiiio i ..a,u . '',' "
to a crowded ho,.,., In the same bu idiug
nnd thoso who wero present said It was a
high class entertainment thoy rendered,
Blncu then several mtwarnl original fea
ture havo been Introduced Into the show.
Apparent weak points In the past per
formance have been so perfected that
tho bIiow to ho given on the above date
will bo a special treat, even for tho '
Who witnessed It before. There will 1 c ,
no reserved seat for this entertainment
The tickets are CO cents ea h and arc pp
ale at the Reaton and Owl drug tsfrri
and tho music department of llaydcna
Urandcls Stores and Orklns. They also
Musical Comedy Star Tires of Sup
porting Husband.
llnlnea, It N Slllil, netplopa I'rojiiill
AumIiinI Work W lie.i Ilia eeoiu
litlstiril AVIle Mcil.e'o Miiney
fur llotli.
May dcSousM, former Omaiia 1
pupil of the, Aekirtetny ..f tlk S.l
Heart, now a inimical coutcih and .1
opera star of thn first inagntt U-
sued hor husband, K. A. HMiu- f U
estur, N. Y for divorce ch:u 1 mg 1.
support. Mor lietltlon vn fid I.
I.iimloil aotllt. t allege Hint i,h l.l .
tied Haines two year's no. Ho I 1
u prejudice nRalnst work ami
to rely whylly upon hi wife s ait 10 I
The divorce action is the ici.i't "J
series of disputes between Mtsa "
and Haines. Thn nlage bpukt- '.i
to have givon hec ultlmntum IIsIm
must end his association with C.c h(im'
army of unemployed. Haines In.-lslt l
that ho must continue a man of leisure r
KiiK an his wtfo wns iMimlng more thai
enough money tu keep them lu cumfcrt
and even In luxury, It was simply nvi
dkiihc fur him to labor, too. It sonn
Haines lias lost all deslro for work
Tho doSousa-Halnes matrlagc
solemnised In Paris two year is.
unnoM now In Umdyn. Mls deS Ja
Is traveling In South Africa.
Twolvo yearn ago Miss dpHouda mitd
ber debut In Chicago, singing Aldermnn
..UttthhoU8C. jonn coughllirs Dear-
Midnight of UiVo." Her success was
almost Instantaneous. In the years that
followed, she gained fame, starring for
long runs In Now York, Chicago and
other cities, also In tours. Sovoral times
,1,0 visited Omaha, I
. Hl . ..
B'nr- sn , ,"!i "7
hor old home, as a
ared hero at BoVd'
tncaier aoout lour years nw, "
a celebrity, and Omaha made tho most
. . .. . ... .
... .,. opportunity to donor with enter
nt the opportunity to donor wll
,.,.'' ,.,, .0(,lni COUrte
talnments ami ouai cu"c
Omaha girl who had "arrived.
courteHles an
In Iwmdon and In Paris Mlsa deSouss
repeated libr successes In America.
Until her innrrtago Mlsa iIoSouba ui
tho reputation of a crltlo ot lovo-maklntr,
Shu crltlclHi-d tho methods ut love-mnk
Ing of men of all nationalities except th
STRONG i-UK MttllNUi iitnt
'Never was a better thing dono for
Omaha than tho getting of tho Nebraska
Tcachera' association for two yeara,
said a prominent educator ot tho Btate
lu Omaha Saturday.. "And I am goliiK
to vote to return tho association here
next year. Of course, It I should make
such an utterance publicly In regard tc
tho benefit to Otuaha, many would re
gard It as unbecoming to tho dignity ot
my profession, us primarily tho teachers'
association l for tho benefit ot tho
teachers and those whom they teach,
Hut thcro Is no association or organisa
tion that Omaha should tight so liard to
get as this. There Ih no body ot people
In tho Btntn that carry so much Inttfrma
tlon away with thenv to bo again dis
tributed to tho young ot tho state aa thr
"Lincoln had llio association so Ion?
that tho teacher forgot thero was audi
a place ns Omiiha ,ln tho stuto. It bad
boon drilled Into tin tenchors for so long
that IJncoln wna tho center of educa
tion In thu statu that all took It as a
matter of fact that that was tho proper
place for holding tho usoclatlon meet
Ings. It never occurred to many of then
that thero was certain education to b
galnod from visiting tho numberless in
dtistries and institutions of Omaha. I tor
ono sincerely hopo tho association votes
to como to Omaha noxt year,
Rabbi Louis J, Kopald, graduate of
tho Omaha HlBli scnooi, wo
. . . ,t. n.ulnrnlA nf Tptll-
WUS CICVIUOU irum V"'- l'"
plo Israel, Stockton. Cal to that of Tcm-
plti lleth Zlon of liuciaio, in. .,.
In Omaha on bl way to his new chargn
to mako an address at Tcmplo Israel
here. Ho will address tho congregation
Vrlday nlglit. . , .
1., irolng to Ruffalo Rabbi Kopald be
comes pastor of ono of tho largest Jewish
synagogues of America. Ilo was cnoscu
for tho position out of elghty-ono appli
cant, which 1 an honor considered dou
hly great slnfo ho Is only 28 years old.
After graduating from tho Omaha High
school, llabbl Kopald attended tho ITnl
verslty of Cincinnati and went direct
from thero to Stockton, Cal.
In accepting the call to tho Templn
lleth Zlon. Rabid Kopald chose between
two calls of honor.
Rabbi Kopald'a address Friday cveninff
will bo public.
Key to tho Sltuaiton-Deo Advertising
Health and happiness awaits ou in
Ln Jolla, Han Diego County, Cal , the
most beautiful seaside resort and tho flh
nst and most healthful and Invigorating
cllmato In alt tho World. No winds, no
storms, no frosts, no extremes ot heat or
cold, 303 days a year ot balmy, healthful
pleusant ocean breezes; average temper
aturo the year around 63 dogreos. La
Jollu's rocky count line, aud mountain
scenory, myriads of flowers, glorious uxn
rets ure thu marvel of all. Here you can
enjoy u tiutot, restful, healthful vacation
free from tho cares ot business and sj
cloty, and at very inodcrato expense Ir
addition to the many natural attraction
theru Is golf, fishing, tennis, hunting
mountain climbing, all the year ocean
bathing, boating and motoring, while Sji
Diego proper, only It miles away by di
icct railway line, or perfect automobile
,l I UIIUIOUI U, ilkkV.n Ul.lJ J'WOO.M.U u... -
,n of a modern, thrlvlnc city Write u
mitM booWet glvlnj. aM