8 Isn't This Jusft Cooo MoftNINO IS THE LITTLE , GIRL THIS WANT ADS Want rt.i received nt uny time, hut to injure proper clAMlficatloo tnust bo presented before 12100 o'clock booh for the evening edltioa asd before 7:80 p. m., for morning and Bandar cfMttiHU. Want ads re celTCd nftcr auch liouni will have their first insertion under tfao bead lax "Too Late to Classify." CASH nATKs'FOIl WANT AOS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One insertion 2 centa n word. Two or mora consecutive iuaer Uona l )i cents a word. No adver tisement taken for lesa than 20 cent. CIIAItOK RATES. Six words to the Hum. One insertion 12 cento per line. Two or mora consecutive iser tion 9 centa per line. One lino per month $1.80. Twenty centa a minimum charge. Advertisement charged to patrons having account aro measured by tlio line, not by tho word. NOTE Tlio Ilco will not bo nv ponfinlo for more than ono wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed Mfto- K 1 rv.l. ..! .1.- !!... l.... .1. , . .I., An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. Vnriinl nr Intonlinno - uu. ui uid iu luni t- iiiuuuii i cancellations cannot bo accepted. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory anil TraUei, GOOD wages to ladles for decorating rlltows at home; experience unnecessary, all afternoons, 307 8. 13th. HunaekucDrra .nil Dameallca. Tin: 8KRVAKT aim. rnoni.KM HOI-VKD-Tho Ueo will run n Hervant Girl Wanted Ad FHKK until you gqt the desired results. This npplles to residents of Omaha, Bouth Onmha and Cmincll Illuffs. llrlng your ad to Tho lleo offlco or totephone Tyler 1000. UIIIIj for general housework; 3101 Wool worth. . EXPIHIU5NCKI) girl for general house, work; colored profrrrcd; apply Apartment C, the Genoa, 3130 Cuss. Ileal of refer ences required. ELDERLY woman wishing good homo apply IMS Harney; cither white or col area; uougias mio. Tlldir I IOOL" girl to work evenings j WJJI. Portion as housekeeper. Ad nd stay nights. Harney 3G04. ?":!? Mcl"".?i.- at"- und WANTED Girl for general housework, or mlddle-uged woman; una who con go homo' nights preferred. 422 No. 19th. WANTED -Competent housemaid. Mrs, M. O. ColpeUer. 403 H. 38tli St. Harney 94. QIRL for general housework; 3t0 Dewey Ave. Harney 49. COMPETENT girl for general home work, three In family. 119 B. 31th St. Harney 391, OIRL to assist with caro of children. MraJ. O. I'lnkertoti. 4106 Utfayette Ave. WANTED A good girl to assist with Kcneral housework. Apply 3320 llar nev St. A COMPETENT girl for general house work; reference required. Mrs. J. P. O'Keefc, 41W Cass. COMPETENT housemaid; references required; good wages. Harney 6048. Mlsunllimeuua, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Alary s Ave. una itn m wnero they will bo directed to sultnblo boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guide at tlio union station WOMEN Get government position. ISO month. Writo immeaiiitely tor list of positions open. Franklin institute, JJept, OU W, Rochester, N. Y. HELP'WANXED MALE. Agents, (talesmen und Solicitors, AGENTS,"S0LICIT0RS It you are u. live wlro anil looking for something good. Juegcr Bros. Mfg. Co., 07 tiranaeis Tiieaier twug. -jnuii ceo.- WANTED Agents to take orders for fine lino of hand painted China, attrac tive holiday proposition. Hand Croft Art bliop. Piallsniuutu. .Nob. Box 2X3. SOLICITORS for the best magaslne proposition In the field; 13 per' day and transportation, sts lirauueis mug. i WANTED Salts managers with ability. . men who can organise territory for the best selling specialty in America: the Automatic wrapping Paper printer; every merchant needs It; exclusive rights and territory guaranteed. See Glrard C. Varnum. sales manager, room 400 Hen- uhaw hotel. Buys. A BOY uu. Address L . lor Ilee. delivering flowers, WANTED A good delivery boy with references. K2 Douglas St. 'WANTED Boy, "bright, neat Vml well recommended. Albert Edholin. Jeweler. fautory and Trade. WANTED Immediately, experienced coatmakers. Hartell, ltoi Capitol Ave. WANTED First-class ludles' tailors. Mrs. I. H. Bartle. St. Joseph. Mo. Dm if Mori '.iia.t .uhs. In ..i Heo Bide. LEARN AUTOMOBILE. ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business, learn It complete in the largest and best quipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen svr in demand. Writs or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 1115-17 Dodge St.. Omaha. Nr'o. WANTED Men to learn the barber' trade. Few weeks completes. Tools I aura. iiiio .coming. i oa can tola us with assurance you will succeed for our beneficial course. Investigata WW. Moler Barber College. 110 8. Hth Bt GOOD all around blacksmith; young Man preferred. Kdvards & Sherlaen, Mhenandoah, Iowa. Mlscellantmaa. M MEN SO to 40 yc.tr oi wanted at once Jot alcctrlc rail n ay inotormen and ' conductors: ISO to tlOO a month: no . j perlence necessary, fine opportunity; no I sulks; write immediately for application I 4, uis.dk, Aooresi x aw. Like a Man? MP ArV BODV EVER TELL YOU BEFORE YoU HAD BEftUTfFUL. nw w k r: vj w sv vw "HELP WANTED MALE. Mlsceltnneoaa. WANT5D-For U. B. army, ablebodled. unmarried mm between age of 18 and 33; citizens of United States, of good chsr acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tlie English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit. Ins officer, 12th and Douglas Bit. Omaha. Neb.; 606 Fourth tit., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth St.. Lincoln. Neb. TOU CAN EARN MOnC MONEY In tho automobile business, chauffsuri. rcpalrmm. demonstrator-, ere In ble " tnand and command lirco salaries; pre. pais yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell nil makes of rtf NATIONAL AUTO TRAIN ING ASS'N. ait N. 20lh St.. Omaha. Neb TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by tho Union Paclflo and Illlnola Cen tral rallroada If you caln your training In our school. Practice on II. It. wires. Address for particulars. I!. D. Doyles, Pres. lloyles College. Omaha. Neb, RAILWAY mail clerks wanted, $90 month; Omaha examinations coining soon; coachltiK free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 219 W , Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced spring chicken pickers looking for steady work. Paying S'.V straight for springs nnd fowlB, A. It, Loomls A Hon, Ft. Dodge, la. HKM AVANTED MA 1.13 AM) I'MMAI.K. .nr., umjvn net government joos, 20 week; wrlto Immediately for Hat of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 217 W., Rochester, N. Y. ...... . . . . . WANTBD IMano nlnvpr. man or ladv. for traveling vaudeville show, State low est salary and nxperienco. Wo pay trans. portHtlon. Address Samuel De Fay, Gen eral uenvery, inoronco, iieo. ANY Intelligent person muv earn n steady Income corresponding for news papers. Experience unnecessary. Address 1'ress uorresponuonco uureuu, Washing ton, D, C. ' tWANTED tSITTJATiaNST HELP Cnll Omalin Employment Bureau. MAN und wife desires position as Janitors or house help in apartments or hotel In or out of city. Phono Harney m. Cull llert. WANTED By first-class colorod chauf feur from the south, driving Job and do housework also, Address D 214, Bee. REFINED woman wants Position as ' nouHvKecper out of umana, wnere nenvy work. Is done: 15 years' experience: need 37. Adllude Myer, Gen'l Delivery, Grand Island, Neb. ItliSI'KCTAllLi; woman, with two chll- POSITION ns bookkeeper and atenog' rapher, 3 years experience. Address C 948. - Bee. EXPERIENCED laundress for Monday and Tuesday. 4213 8. 10th. YOUNG colored girl wants to assist with housework In small family. Web ster bl. ELDERLY lady wants place as house keeper, inure for home than wages; no objection to going to the country; In middle aged man's Niome; no children, 57CI Grant Ht. Web 3133. WANTED By a single German-Amer ican, a steady place as Janitor; handy with tools; prefer to have garden work In view by spring; best of references, Address N 223, Bee office. ANNOUNCEMENTS ALL will be foraiven. Marv. If vou will meet mo at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Hts. That Is where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rings. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food nils. Jl per box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. LIEBEN, costumes. 1511 Howard Bt, Alfred C. Konnudy ".an,InuK nnce. 209 First Nat'l Bank BIdg.- I). 7X1 OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 8. II. Cols Sign Co. D. 1763. 1310 Farnam BL Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co". D. S. Qrlfflth. wig rnfr., 12 Ftenier Blk. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. THE ELITE CAFE All kinds of Chinese and American dishes. Fine steaks and chops a spe cialty. 207-9-11 8. 14th St. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. . Adv., "Persll" Oxygen washing- compound. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. i,OUBV n1 Motion pictures machine and film bargains AUTOMOHILEH DRUMMOND'S BIG NEW GARAGE At 26th and Farnam. Best reDalrlnsT. Best auto shop In city. Mrtvmvi itpum iuiu reiu ranaoie cn&rges. f Murphy Did liSi".' If you want to buy or sell a used car w can do the business. 1923 Harney St. WESTERN AUTO HALES & MFG. CO. SECOND-HAND rtTTTOMOHILES. For Sale MY 1912 CADILLAC CAR fully eqtiipped, electric lights, electric starter, too. wind- I BlllCla, a VeiT SatlSiactOl'V UlltO- mobile. "Will sell at bargain on account of change in busi ness and leaving city. The car lins beon very satisfactory to mo, Address J-21D, Omaha Bee. THE BEE: OMAITA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1012. BRI6 Hr EYES ! WHY AfcE S STINGY WITH I VOtlft SMILES Exclusive Shops I.Tj-KrNDS OFnSEAtjY-WORK" Mme. Wilson. halrdreralnK and mani curing parlors, over Kern's millinery store, IMS Douglas. Freckles, liver spots, moles, warts and other blemishes, and superfluous hair removed. Tel. Doug. (167, Ijo Qreco Hros. 1007 Cuming, will open Monday with full lino of groceries and good bakery; bread baked dally, good goods, low prices. Hive us a trial. SECOND HAND A UTOMO HI LK8 J. J. DERIGHT, HARQAINS. flTODDARD-DAYTON 7-passenger Urn oualne. Bloddard-Dayton -passenger touring car Stoddard-Dayton 6-passenger touring car Ijocomoblle 7-passenger limousine with touring body, Locoinbllo 6-passenger limousine. Locoinblle S-passenger touring car. Locomobile 6-passenser roadster. Ono closed electric 1818 Knrnam St. TWO fine bargains in White Steam cars. Three gooil buggies; quick' sale. DRUMMOND, 2Cth and Farnatn. nUSINEBB CIIANCEK SLITn moving picture show for sahTln Bo. Omaha; first-clna" location: now front! new decorations. Inquire Thomas F. Hall. 433 Ramge BIdg., Omaliu. D. 7404. 1 OWN a fine, modern up-to-date frame hotel building and furniture complete; Nebraska town, 1.&00 pop.; rented for J72.) per annum; worth J10.000; will sell at .1 bargain If sold quick, or would consider part In cheap land or n good grocery stock. Grocery, 2310 Cuming HI. TO get In or out of business call on OANOESTAD. 404 Ilee llldg.. Tot I). 3477. FOR SALE Cement block factory cheap, good business, no competition. Iewls Robinson, Belgrade, Neb. FINEST confectionery und Ice cream parlor In Iowa at Invoice; easy terms; owner leaving city. Address Y 212, Bee. FOR SALIV-Now iip-to-duto laundry doing goud business In college town. Price, W.ooa Terms to suitable purty. Address. L. 1). Hokiu. Crete, Neb. FOR BALE at a bargain, soda fountnln. confectionery and restaurant business; good reason for selling. E. A. Hall, Bee. Nib. UNEXCELLED opportunity for drug gist or doctor wishing to combine a store ...111. 4M- aL. iilnal r4 t ir J".""":"' ?""wV- " . , 1...i.,n tw, ..htnined in new dollar; location can bo obtained In new fast growing town which has nelthci drug Mtore nor doctor at present; $3,000 will luuidlo the proposition; must bo taken at once. Camas Prairie Develop ment Co., Richfield, Ida. INVESTORS, Investigate a rare chanco for the wldo-nwake Tel. Web. 2294. UUSINESS PERSONALS BoTrilnar, Association Bowling Alleys. W. L. Per kins & Co. B. Hull. Mgr. 1313-15-17 Harney, Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1606 Far. D. 6497. open even'gs. DR. MONIIKIT. 403 B. 16th. Douglas 2333. Ckl ii a Pnlntluir, Mrs, Baehman. china painting. t Paxton. Mrs. Harr. teacher china painting. W.3728 COME and join my China club. Each member Is guaranteed piece of china. Mra Hackett. firing dally. 432 Paxton. CrrMiiirrlea, Oniric and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMRANY. Coal Denier. TRY JOHNSON'S $5 COAL for cooking, or $3.50 for furnace or heat Ing stoves. 18th and lsnrd. Tel. Doug. 1702. Detectives. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Age., bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. P. 1319. JAMES ALI.AN, 312 Neville Blk. EvL denco secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. L. XV. LONUNECKER, til Karbach Blk. - DrtHmnklng, Terry's Dressmaking college. th fc Far. Miss D. M ALLOY, alterating of ladles' suits, refitting, refining, etc. , Suite J0d Boston Stors BIdg. Phono Douglas 34.6. Fttspatrick. tailor, dresskg, 2504 Davenpt. Anna Slstek, suits, cloaks, dreses, alter ations? repairs. 316-6 Clty-Nat'l Bk. D. RU, Uruua'sts- DRUOS at cut prlcen. freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Elrctrlo 8 1 urn n. 60 more efficient, 76fS less current, tho ECONOMY patented ELECTRIC SIGN Is THE BEST MADE. Don't fall to Investigate. E. M. Clark, tho sign man. Kxciusive rignia tor neorasKA anu ionn. 2U2 Boston Store BIdg.. Omaha. Doug. 1378. ErerythlnKEIectrlc.1. lUnetrteal Utilities Rxchanae. Omaha. All kinds of electric apparatus, new and 2d hand and electrical rvpalrs. Le Bron Electrical Works. S1J a 13th. Omaha. Everything- for Women, WJESnSRN MILLINERY SCHOOL. 413 PAXTON BLOCK. WK rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 18th and Harney tits. Phone Douglas 1663. DRESS pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. U'HE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Both phones. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-lOOL HESS & BWOBODA. HIS Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. D. 18. BATH'S florist Boyd Theater BIdg. Brandeis cut flower dept.. new store, Foundries. ' McDonald Brass and Bronte foundry. Aluminum, tin. lead casting. t07 Jackson Furnaces und Repairs. ' REPAIRS In stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnace, wrought Iron and cast Let us figure with you. OMAHA STOVB REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St Tyler 20. A. MTJNROE Agent for Oales-burn- Hot Blast Fur. naoe. Let ua figure with you. 40SS. 18. DUCi Moving-, 8torae and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van . Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. 1 Office 218 8. 17th St Doug. 3i VOU m liffi I voly cide me I I - I 1 J I Huairicss peksokaus Marlnar, Stornite ami riranlngi Furn. moving; Z men, $1 per hr. W. 27M. Large moving vans, H.36 per hour. U. 39t. I Mnslc. Art and I.nnif tingrn. Pinno Le8sons750c, trba: position and Improvising; careful atten tion given sight reading, exnresslon and j execution. Mme. Lamdln 1812 Davenport. manaoun ana onnjo. wMy, l arnam.- VIOLIN lessons, violin loaned. W. 393D. 1 A'uracrlen nnil Seeds. STEWART'S SBEDMAN,. 119 N. 16th. Ostc-opnthy, Alice Johnson 308-9 Brandeis Tho. BIdg. I'nlnta nnd Ulass, We do glazing and deliver glass In all parts of the city. Barker Bros. Paint Co. - "Tho riilnt Men You Know." 16094 Farnam. Douglas 4750, I'Mtrnts. HIRAM A. STURQES. Patent Lawyer, 646 Brnndols Theater BIdg. Doug. 3469. D. O. Darnell. I'axton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Plumbers. PABNAM PLUMBING' CO.-We csrry an auto load of tools and repairs; n? going back to the shop; Jobbing a spe cialty. Wob. 30G1. l'rlntlua. DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tel. Doug. 644. Lew W. Ruber, Printer, g!,",0 BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT.' Prlntlnir. Rels-Hnll Ptg. Co.. 109 8. 14th. Ind.A-3324. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co., quality kind, quick sen Ice. Doug. 2190. B22-24 So. 13th. MtenoirrnphrrM nnd Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kclley. 816 Bran. The. P. 8682. Store nnil Office Fixtures. POOL, tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Lovy, 2310 N. South Omaha, WE BUY und sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture nnd Supply Co., 12th nnd Howard. D.2724. See us first. Trnnks and Suit Cases, Frellng & Stcinle, 1803 Farnam St. W I lira and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 502-3. 8. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St Persistent Advertising is tho Roaclto BIB Returns. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates aro guaranteed good inisltlons. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lampman, 1815 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete coursos In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Servlco or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for tho asking. Call, wrlto or 'phono for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha Neb. DnnrlnaT. m ' Hauflalre, nil the new dances: classes for children Sc. adults; assembly Sati-..cve Myrtle hall. 15 A D. Tel. So. 2651 or D. 156S. Fred R. Norton. Gardner Memorial 'hall corner 17th and Dodge; adults, beginners Monday and Thursday nights; high school class Saturday night: children's class Tuesday and Saturday afternoons: prlvata leasoru by appointment. Tyler 1SS0. Mackle's. 3 class nights per week. D. G447 ALL the latest and popular dances i uiugni at xuacuio s dancing academy at IBS Harney. Next 30 days first lesspn given free, either private or class. Phonu Douglas 6446. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses nnd Vehicles, HEAVY teaming gears and wagons; low prices; largest variety in the city. John-son-Danforth Co.. 8. W, cor. 10th & Jones Persistent Advertising te the Road to Big Returns. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day ant turned in and the company Is unxlous to restore I them to the rightful owner. Call Doug ot,AHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET I RAILWAY COMPANY. ' ST-fn,1?"'ail , n .Bold ! ach,i .TflVlii lnSlniUo&Jnr,?..back . . 11 E??,?1- rhon "ouR'a 7199 I MEDICAL. Idles' guaranteed remedies, 401 Ware blk. T"V1 T?' a. 1 " 1 t KlS X lStlll-t LAirPfl , x Jl ilOlUl -wUlCU Dr. K. R. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cuVed, Write for book on rec tal diseases wth testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Beo BIdg.. Omaha. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk, HOW I Cured Mvs,lf nf f'nnntlmftllnn a booklet of priceless value to tubercular ' sufferers; absolutely free. Chas. F. Ay (cock, 711 International Bank BIdg., Los j Angeles. Cal. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. MONEY loaned by a private 'party on i.V.n 1 1 nl J ii , nninh lntti.i. m.,ao . V. n . w.. -... ....... 1 1 u 1 , irKU- lar loan offices charge. Terms reason- auie. uonnueniiai. it. Atiernacn, 1821 Leavenworth St. D. 6330. DIAMOND LOANS at 2tt and 1 per cent FLAT A U. 1511 Dodge 8t Tel. Red 6619. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Without publicity. Ka.i est payments. Lowest rates. Confidential. Prlate. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOW CO., Established Twen.y Years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Room il5 Board of Trails Hldj. Xclephana Douglas 2295. r Drawn 'HOW IS THE LITTLE Humming bird Ttts iaohning ? Your VoCE .S'OiNPSJW'fEr. VJfi-t. Vol GiVE ME 4666 8 Zip A P fiEASE T MONEY TO I.O.W Salary and Chattels. THINK THIS OVER WHEN. YOU NKUD MONKY T11K RKLIAUI.B CRKD1T CO Third Floor, JOS Paxton Hid?. '.'17 s l.'Mi. I Will supply the needed AT A VERY TjOW RATE of Interest. Loans procured on FURNITURE, PIANOS, WAREHOUSE RECEI1TS, FIXTURES, HORSES, WAGONS. REAL ESTATE OR ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE If permanently employed. No red tape, no delay. Easy transaction, confidential. Terms to suit. i Your can appreaaieu, mil uo not ncsiiaie to writo or phone Douglas 1411. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Money on furniture, pianos and real ostnte at n. very low rate of interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas I3JG. 220 Bee BIdg. A-UU. OHATTKL LOANS, & to J100. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ANCHOR LINK STEAMSHIPS New York. Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch. English. Irish. Con tinental nnd Medltorrnnean Points. Su perior accommodations, Excellent Culslno. Efficient service. Apply for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or ' HEN DERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, Chicago. HI. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard nnd Rooms. O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Douglas Ut, Furnished Rooms, LARGE, modern furnished room for gentlemen. Private family, reasonable. 2G2S Dodge Bt. Telephone H. 25S6. LARGE modern room, private family; 712 N. 19th. SHERMAN AVE... 3015-Good room In mortem private homo; good-location, on car lino; home privileges. Webster 5289. "2702-4 Farnam, large, nicely furnished modern single or double, reasonable. II. 3631. 1S0S NO. 17TII Furnished room, hi bloCK to -car. Webster 4253. Unfnrnlahed Rooms. 2813 WOOLWORTH Ave.. 3-room apart ment. Phono Harney 2976. STEAM heat, for men. 109 S. 15th. UNFURNISHED room ai 519 N. 20th St. FurmahPd IIouc. FOR RENT 9-room furnished house In West Farnam District, to reliable par ties with good reference; without chil dren; for winter or longer; ono block from car. A 211. Bee. Hotels nnd Apartments. DODGE HOTEL, modern, reasonable. Apartments nnd Flats. 6-rm. mod. flat. 2310 S. 21. Tel. Web. 978. FOR RENT 8-room modorn flat, 2304 Douglas; rent $50. Apply to XV. N. Chnmbers. 228 Brandeis Theater. Phone Douglas 96. FOR RENT Modern. 7-room flnt, $17.50. 1848 N, l(fth. Inquire nt 1841 N. ICth. Tel. Webster 1977. Houses nnil Cottages. T-room, $16, 2708 Seward St. Doug. 1598. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 3126 Cass St. Tel. Benson 353W. FIVE rooms, 1807 Farnam; modern; suitable location for offices, studios, den tal or dressmaking rooms for tenants wishing home adjoining. Hall. 433 Ramge 1'ldir. Pauslaa 7405. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage v Co.. fireproof storage. S06 S. 16th. toy the viaduct. Branch office, KB S. 17th St. Tel. Douglas 4163. A-1559. t 4 VIUUU t mil a "dlli S.r.. mod. nr hpnt. I12.iV. ' 2124 N. 16th. 5-r., flnt, $12.60. Ill N. 12th, 6-r., closo.tn, $17. 2610 Dodge, 9-r., all modern, will be put In first-class shape, $50. 334 N. 41st, 9-r., all modern, $0. 1203 8. 27th, 6-r., all modern, $25. . 3407 Jackson, 6-r., all modern, $22.50. 2629 Parker. 6-r., partly modern, also barn. $18. 1320 Capitol Ave., 6-r., mod., close in, $22.60. 3008 Seward. 5-r partly modern, has , barn, $15. 3003 Franklin, 4-r.. $10. 649 S. 25th Ave., 4-r., close in. 111. 1X07 Hurt. 4-r.. close in. $13. 1023 Wirt, 9-r., all modern, $40, 2710 Park teimv ipnVn "Ming, etc.; wo us first. Omaha Fixture and w" r ix, ;ri s 'Phone Dougli UUUKiaS 1 - -1- 0. IHII an 674 S. 2Sth St. S rooms completely mod ern. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7400; A -4406. MODERN steam-heated apartment of 5 rooms, 18th and Farnam Sts $40. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST.' STRICTLY high grade E-room steam- heated apartment on west f "nam ru., - " .. Wltn taunury room JOHN W. BOBBINS. 12 FARNAM J3T. , i-?idUnr?Ww litn.a.nd,C1CA5?Si!,,i."J "Ward Ranck, 1610 Chicago St. DESIRABLE 4-room modern apartment, Hanscom Park neighborhood, rnone i Harney 3SSS, FOR RHNT Modern 6-roorn flat 52 S. 26th Ave. References required. H. 3170. 6-ROOM flat. 1203 8 11th; $18,00. 4-room flat. 130GH S. 11th: $9.00. EQUITABLE IX)AN CO., Room 15, Neb. Nat'l Bank. D. 1149- FOUR-ROOM flat strictly modem, fine neighborhood. $22.60. Harney 2029. FOR RENT Eight-room flat, all mod ern. 620 S. 24th Ave. Tel. Red. 3657 TWO modern houses. Just finished, new painting nnd papering, new floors, fur naces and plumbing; near 25th und Cap itol; $25. McCague lnv. Co. "COZY cottage. $10. 1920 Bancroft " "llO (.room cottage, newly decorated, barn and two lots. Webster 308L FOR RENT I story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 26th and 27th Sts.. all modern Improvements. The Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. WEST FARNAM 7-r. modern stucco. 319 Nl 38th Ave. $50. SEVEN rooms, newly papered. 2S27 Franklin St. Phone Harney 2658. 1 FOR RENT 6-room house, nil 1 modern.! ihot water heat. 2444 Pratt $31 lntiulre ' .V 1SS8. FOR RENT Dundee 4MB Capitol Ave., J6 rooms modern, $27 60. Tel. D. 150. E It Hums- for The Bee by WoMD WOI7LDNT 0VE A P5-.LOMJ A LOO. AT OFKEHED KOH HE NT House nnl Cottages. 10-ROOM modern brick house, hot water heat, too per month. 2652 Harney St. See T. J, O'Hrien, Henshuw hotel. Douglas 1216. Harney 1091. WE HAUL trunks and pianos, and all kinds of hauling. Auto Service. Web. 1K!0. S. R. Hoesly, 2711 N. 2tth St. WALKING DISTANCE I Dodge, modern 8-room house. Tcady to move In 12th, good condition and cheap to god tenant, $30. water paid. W. W, llltchell. 414 Ree BIdg. Phone Doug. 1873. .MortilU'.. ..ud evniiig!-. Web. 4S73. 5-ROOM modern cottage. 3519 N. 20th1 8- room modern house, furnace, 2109 Giant St., 322. 9- room modern house, furnace, 934 N. 2Gth St., $27.50. lt-room House, ts. litn Ml.. THO!. XV. HAZEN. 2ij7 Mct'agun BIdg. Douglas 1300. K-ROOM rrodern detached cbttage. 4024 Seward. $20 Hr month. Tel. D. 776 or 1017 NINE-ROOM bouse. modern. Harney 647. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all modorn. 2711 Howard St. FOR RENT S-rocm house, modern ex cept heat; lare lot; 2610 N. 15th St. In nuirK 118 Lothron St. FIVE-ROOM modern with large base ment; 1041 S. 24th St. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. 725 So. 37th St., strictly modern house. Electric lights. Web. 2590. 8 ROOMS, modern, 112 N. 26th St. D. 2717. SIX-ROOM house at 2414 Caldwell St., modern except heat, large cellar and good cistern. Rents for $21 per month. Houso in good repair. Phono Harney 4593 or Inquire 3218 Webster St. 2127 Douglas. 8-rms.. bath. $30. D. 1593. EIGHT-ROOM modern brick, on car line, near Hanscom park. Only $23. Wright & Lasbury, 606 8. 16th St. Phone Douglas 152. TTnncno In all farts of the city. U.OUbLbCrfiKh So-ns & Co Beo. mjg. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and for warded: cheap freight, rates. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse nnd Van Co. Tel. Douglas 391. Office 216 S. 17th St. Stores nnil pfflccs. FOR RENT FARNAM ST. LOCA TION, after December 31, .three-story and basement building. 22 by 100, at No. 1011 Fnrnum St. Inquire at Room 314, First National Bank BIdg. Tel. Douglas 1243. FOR RENT Office room, 25x30 ft, on ground floor front. In the Edward Cretgh ton Institute. 210 S. 18th St., opposite city hall. Telephone Douglas 5845. CROUNSB BLK.-Offlce room 119 N 16th St. Opposite post office, $7.00 per month. Conrad Young, 2J2 Brandeis Thca Doug. 1571. STORE. 31S 8. 15th St., fine location. Store or ftilesroom, second floor 1506 Harney St. Third floor at 1506 Harney St. (New.) Offices ut 1517 Fnrnum St., second floor.' Store at 336 N. -Bflth St, South Omaha. 1020 N. ICth St.. store. O. C. REDICK, ATTORNEY, 1517 Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE Fiirultnre. Remov. sale; turn., stoves, etc. 1919 Clark. FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures of an $S00 restaurant, token on mortgage; $200 will buy them. Call 310 Bee BIdg. Tel. Doug. 2904. ' Mimical Instruments. Electric plnnos. Continental Nov. 119 N 15. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months $5. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. A REMINGTON VISIBLE TYPE WRITER, brand new. for sale cheap. Sent on trial. MISS BERTHA MERDIS. Routo 5, ROSEDALE. KAN. REBUILT and second hand typewriters rented 3 mo. for $3. Sold on easy pay ments. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys nnd accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tho Brunswlck-Balke Collcnder Co., 407-409 South 10th St. OLD brick. $3; old lumber, $12 to $16 per thousand. Gross Wrecking Co. D. SSS4. FOR-SALE Very fine buffalo calf overcoat, beaver trimmed; about 42 waist; $1(0. 133 Rnmgo BIdg. Doug. 7406 DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv- supply co., iu-iiu-us . 12m. uoug. I . ... LAUNCH FOR SALE Brooks model. 6 horse. 2 cycle, 22 ft. 1 cylinder. Gray engine. L. S. Grlgg. Phone Douglas 4S3. STORM SASH. CALL WEB. 2577. , , THE ANGLE OIL LAMP, the light that ur fiiiw .more Hirht for less money. llll'j ilt . never tu)lH. more U(tht for )ess money. I JOHNSON JOHNSON LAMP CO., C21 SO. 16TH ST. Two-horse wagonlo.d. all short stuff, $3.60. National Box Co.. Harney 1476.- SAFES 2d-hnnd. American Supply Co. (fcr. coal; in Eoou; ir- a ion; ocai w money. Web. 84$. Harmon & Weeth. t -r Dry kindling. Acme Box Co. D, 1837. I HOT water. Arco boiler, 1150 Capitol (Ave., used one winter, cheap. WebeS i FOlf SALE No. 20S Cole's "Hot Blast i stove, good condition. Webster 1661. PERSONAL " HAZEL' LEAF PILE CONES "Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles. 5Co postpaid; samples free. Sherman & .McDonnell urug uo.. umana. J MASSAGE. Mme. Allen of Chicago. 202 Wilhnell BIdg., 15th and Harney. P. 7665. Miiwige. Mrs. Rtttenhouse. 30S Bonton Bid. Vr 100 a rjiri "Swedish movement Apt jMAOOXVUi'j 2. 1802 Farnam. D. 6240. MAGNETIC healing, over 710 So 16th. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor 'Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. lor.Mj women coming to umana us strangers are iniien to via 1 ine loung ... 1 ... I .... M .1 1 .. nt t;ti 11 nn st ll.irv" A 1 .hern thev Wn be ilirm le.l t s lta'V lioard-ng lp.ace 0. olherw assisted Look for 'our travelers aid at the Union station. H. B: Martin VAMo WAS THAT A! AN YoU SOlAD To? Do YO1 THINK 5 I AM CloWC To LET W WIFE P-AIL TO MEN Tlx a. I nMT Wl.i.i 1 PERSONAL ANNA MARKS rL. VITAL massage, vital bath. Miss T Klcher, 4)1 Ware Rlk.. 309 S. 15th. D. 218. MASSAmil Expert treatment. Mrs AaOAUJli stece M8 a, i3th St. R. 3T. GAJjVANIC electric treatment, massage. Dr. Walters, 309 S, 15th. 403 Waro Hldg. FOR SALE A few unclaimed ALL WOOL Dundee suits. J10; alterations free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney St. At A AfJlii Corns removed. 2Sc. Mrs? iUOdiHx Huynes. 707 S. 16 St. D. Wl v.i, '..mm r-iunw n u j.v w kh-m POULTRY AND SUPPLIES OERMIKIL The great roup remedy. Used at Nebraska State Poultry show and Nebraska State fair. Guaranteed to please or money back. 50c a box post paid. Aye Bros.. Box 303. Blair, Neb. BRONZE TURKEYS. Beautiful, pure-bred, young bronze tur keys for sale. Cockerels, $4; pullets, $ Very large and beautifully bronzed and marked. Mrs. M. J. Casson, Carson, la., R. F. D. 1. PET STOCK TWO Chihuahua puppies 4 months old, weighing less than a pound, male and female, from imtorted prize winning stock; tho sire weighs 2H pounds: rea sonable. Inquire 2522 Maple St., or Tel Webster 1667. PEDIGREED Persian kitten, king call for service. Phono Harnoy 1318. ' 131S So 13th St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CHICKEN RANCH and garden truck house 5 rooms, springs, well, outbuildings and about 14 acres of land, two blocks from school and cor, on Main St., Flor ence. $15 per month. Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee BIdg. realHestate loans- WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. DO M. and up. Harrison & Morton. "WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $l6T00O made promptly. F. 1). Wead. Wead BIdg.. 18th and Farnam. n AT17TXT"RT?nS! Loans. $500 and up Loans on farms nnd Improved city prop erty. E to 6 pet.; no delay. J. II. Dumont & Co.. 1003 Farnam St.. Omaha. 6 flTV 1lAVH VInrr.la-f'fiHhol-ir fn O -in.515! rtrnnrtti Thpnlor Tllrtir FARM IDANS near Omaha; no com mission; optional payments; cheap money Orin S. Merrill, 1213 City Nat. Bank BIdg. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros, OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas ?M.. MONEY to loan on business or i-esf-dence properties. $1,000 to $50,000. W. II THOMAS. 228 State Bank BIdg. MONEY to loan on Improved farms ;n eastern Nebraska. Loans mado for 5Lj per cent, with privilege of paying all or part of the principal after 3 years. Vor further particulars write to home otftpv The Equitable Loan Co., Percy E G wynne, Ass't Sec'y, Omaha, Neb. FURNITURE DEALERS Dolgoff 2dhand store pays highest prices for furniture. clothes.shoes.Web. 1607. WANTED ToTlUV Best prices for fur., clothes, shoes. W.f 146. PAYING highest price for scrap Iron. Write for particulars. A.B. Alplrn.' Omaha WANTED To buy a cottage or a 7 or 8-room house to bo moved on a lot; would like one within 15 blocks of 24th and Franklin. Telephone Red 4301. WANTED To buy old broken watches and old gold. M. Nathan. 109 S. 13th St. Shafton buys old clothes, shoes. W. 140. HAVE a few hundred cash toward a home accessible to business. For -con-sideratlon give full particulars and best proposition first letter, O 224, Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I HAVE 240 acres In Garfield Co.. Neb. small part In cultivation; no Improve ments; price, $5,000; Incumbrance, $2,000; 2Vi years to run: 40 acres raw land; 2 miles south of Naper, Boyd Co., Neb., price, $1,600, clear; also $800 first mortgage on 80 acres Knox Co., Neb., land; will trade all or any part for a grocery stock or Omaha property. What have you 2102 California St. SEND for our system of exchanges Shopen & Co., Dept. B, Omaha. Neb. ON ACCOUNT of flckness, my home farms, improved, In southern Minnesota, will trade for stock of dry goods or drugs A. G. Smith, Morris, Minn. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. CITY" PIIOPHIITV FOR SALE. ' Great Bargain MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Two lota at 40th Ave., near Ames, tnc blocks from street car line, $125 each. One lot, 47th and Cass Sts., adjolnltt. Dundee. $500. Inquire at 1208 Jones St TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEK JOHN W,r ROBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST WORTH $3,900. GOES FOR $3,eC0 Owner leaving city, offers new slx-roo-u modern house, corner lot near car i Lothrop. for $3,600. Requires J1.0U0 c.i Telephone Red 6697. FOR SALE One of the best nVroor I houses In Forest Hill; modern In cveij way; a penect nouse. lei. u. w. DOUBLE flat. 2 blocks from Turin r Park. Price $5,600. Rents for $600. Addles, K-220, care Bee. "FOR SALE OR TRADE for Omaha clL property Two farms, 160 acres each, 1 South Dakota. One In Belle Fourche 1 ligation district. Inquire H. L. Sayder Room 403. National Fidelity and Casuait Co., Building, Cor. 12th and Farnam. REAL KTATE FAKM Jt ItANCH I.A.N US FUt S.M y, California. IN CALIFORNIA For $100 per acre :i acres; on main road; 20 miles from Sa ramento, 23 from Marysvllle: Ioe 1 mnall town and depots; good soil i . . house barn and other building.- inMcdt ' ground alone big value for tlu i,n1(y ,no middlemen Write C, IL Gaiduar, I Pleasant Grove, CaL i