Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Btack-rloonr Co., Undert&ktr.
Xlg-htnlng- rixtnrciJlurrii-Orndcn Co
Har Soot Print It Now Beacon Press.
Blly, tli Dntlt, City Km' I. I). I&16.
O. A. Ltndqntit, tnllor. ..2IS lnx. Utk.
Diamond Loant Bt IVj" and 5 per cent,
TV. C. Flatau. Hit Dodge Bt. Unl WID.
S Boico for low rat on illumonJ
and watch loan. IS Dodae. Atlver-
Cortni Kav Baby Boy A son was
born to Mr. and -Mrs. Meyrr Corcn, S11-'
Caldwell street. Friday tilcht.
w Hickory Nats I'lfty pounds or
more, per pound. 6 cents. Smith Utoceiy
company. Hlghlecnth and Mcho.a. street.
uuinry aaie sataraay we win
make a siieclaltv of $10.00 hats fiom our
XorRcous line of millinery. Lacy A Tre
malne, 1S25 Karnam street. Advertise
ment. Addition to CemtUry The Vtohemlan
Cemetery association linn bought a two
acre tract of land adjolnliiK the Cemetery
at Fifty-fourth and Center streets for
ll,W). Part of the additional property
will be Used to erect quarters for the
eiiteftalnlnK j
Story Tellers Meet Very
stories were tohl at a combined meeting
of the Omaha Story Tellers league and
the Wvelie lenfrlte nt thn lttllitir llhrnrv.
Thr. nn ih. nmemm were Ml.. Cnnk. I
lln, Mrs. Dock. Miss Olga Mohr and Miss
Grace Miner
Police Searching- for Woman The po
lice of Atchison, Kan., have aVked to
help locate Bessie Wilson of that city.
who lived here recently, with Ool'lle
Turner at Twenty-eighth and Cuming
streets. Miss Wilson Is wanted In order
to settle up the estate of relatives.
Rosa Hammond to Speak Moss Ham
mond of the Internal revenue department
will speak before the civil government
class which meets at the public library
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The sub
ject matter of his addrcs will be on
the work of his department. The public
will be adtnltteo..'
Bootleg-far Bound Over Deputy United
States Marshal John. Sides has returned
with Albert Iowa Crowe "from Tcknmah,
where the latter was found guilty of In
troducing liquor on the Winnebago In
dian reservation. Crowe was bound over
to the federal grand Jury In the sum of
JI.OO0 bonds.
Woman Hit by Car Walking around
the rear of a northbound Denson street
car at Thirteenth and Farnam streets at
12 o'clock yesterday Mrs. n. T. Knuckles,
living, at Twenty-first and Madison streets,
In South Omaha, was struck by a south
hound car and seriously Injured. She vyas
taacn to her home In a tnxlcab.
Thieves Steal Automobile Thieves at
tempted to steal the automobile belong
ing to Charles It. Hempel, 2515 Davenport
street, at midnight yesterday. They
started the car, but at Dodge and Boule
vard they abandoned" It because of lack
of knowledge of the mechanism. The
police emergency auto gave chase to
the thieves, but was distanced.
Child's Teeth Replaced Five lower
Jaw teeth of Frederick Lemere, 4-yenr
old son of Dr. Henry B. Iemere of Dun
dee, were knocked out when the boy tell
Against a porch railing while at play.
ir. 1-emere re!et four of the teeth In he
gums and It Is believed the child will not
lose them. The fifth tooth could not" be
found. It Is thought the boy swallowed
It. Frederick ub,mltted. travely .to the
painful operation.
Sates for Civil Servloe Exams The
t'nlted States pivjl Service commission
announces open competitive examinations
for the following positions and dates:
December 4, Inorganic chemist, botanical
translator, deputy shipping commissioner,
laboratory assistant, scientific assistant,
herdsman, teacher of housekeeping,
analyst; December 2, assistant chemist
In radlo-actlvtty, foreman of laundry;
December 9, Instruotor, in mine safety;
December 11, aid and deck officer, sta
tistical editor, laboratory assistant In
ceramics; December 16, soil physicist.
College Professor Beslgus Charles F.
Frlcke, for six years professor of prac
tical and theoretical pharmacology in the
Crelghton College of Pharmacy, has been
lorced by business Interests to resign his
position on the pharmacy faculty and wlir
spend all Ms time attending to his drug
sores In Council Bluffs. Mr. Frlcke has
for some time owned one drug store and
recently bought another. Both of the
stores are In Council Bluffs and Mr.
Fricke will make hlr. home Ihere, while
his parents reside In Omaha. Mr. Frlcke
has been connected with the Crelghton
school ever since It was established. In
1906. coming to the Crelghton faculty from
that of the Omaha College of Pharmacy,
where he had taught for two years,
which was absorbed by the Crelghton
school in 1906.
Lion Bonding Gets
State Treasurer Bond
State Treasurer-elect George, has signed
an application for his bond, the amount
of which is J1.OO0.O0O. The deal was
closed by the Lion Bonding and Surety
company of Omaha, which company will
re-Insure on the bond as follows:
Fidelity and Deposit company JIOO.OOO
American Bonding company JOO.OOt)
illobe Surety company 50,000
Aetna Indemnity company 100.COJ
r:rte.,;.v:.vm..Vv.,'::: S't'- dutiful plant wi.-en he ha.
Maryland Casualty company 50,000
Kquitable Surety company 100,000
Retaining 1100,000 for its own risk.
Thls' ls the largest public official bond
required In this state and was the sub
ject of warm competition among several
"It Is a pleasure to eli you that Cham
berlain's Cough Hemedy Is the best
cough medicine I have ever used," writes
Mra. Hugh Campbell of I.avonla, Ga
"I have used It witli all my children
and the results have been highly satis
factory. For sale by all dealers, Adver
Anton Block of Texas was strolllus
along Klghteenth street Saturday night
und when at the Intersection of Daven
port a dusky damsel approached and en
gaged blm In conveisatlon. Block was
not in a communicative mood and at
tempted to pass, when said dusky damsel
drew a gun and ordered the Texan to
"come aorose." He did, to the tune of
fJD In paper money.
,$erinna Hreakduwn.
results from chronic const'.patlou. Di '
King's New IJfo Pills relieve headache, '
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 23c
For fa' by Beaton Drug Co. .dvertlfe- x
Drift of College Graduates to the)
Different Professions. '
ltulnrn, l,nir nmt MnllHiir Wurpn
the -tllttr of
Mate Normal Xcliool nnil
Wliat tuH'otnes ol colIeK?? sradiiates?
Tile tiiiestlon Is iiiHUimleil and an
swered by William 11. Halley. Hi. t).. as.
slstatlt tirnfeftnr In -.tfwmI nt ViLle
hinlverslty. In the current Issue of the
Nw York lndep,lldellL Thp Mmwer foU
To the United State? bureau of educa
tion we are Indebted for a study covering
the occupations of our college graduates
fiom 1612 to 1SHi Statistics of thlrtv
seven collects and universities furnished
this material. Taking three periods a
century affAtt. we hove the following per
centages: km-ituo. i;w-im.
Ministry .
, 21.1
, S0.5
, 3.1 S.I
1. S.7
liu'luess l. S.i?
Public service a. I 1.1
At the close of the eighteenth
"le ministry overshado we.l all other pro
feFflons and was chosen by about two.
thirds of all the graduates. One hundred
years later only about one-fifth of the
graduates adopted IhN profession. At
the close of the nineteenth century le?
than 0 per cent entered the ministry. Ed
ucation, which was "elected by only n
comparatively small number down tc
1S2J. has advanced with great rapidity
until now ll outranks all other profes
sions and is chosen by. over one-fourth
of the graduates. at the fnd of the
eighteenth century, was the profession o'
nearly one-third of nil graduates and
outranked all other professions nt this
time. Since then It has lost Its relatlvf
Importance, although the actual numbet
of graduates entering this field has In
creased. Business claims an Increasing
proportion of graduates, until at present
nearly one-flffh enter an active business
career. Iess than 1 per cent Of tho grad
uates of these thirty-seven colleges now
enter agriculture. A century "Bo the pro,
portion was between three and four times
as great.
ShnfFjtiii Uevlcw Kipnr Defects In
Return t lonnl Armor.
At assembly Wednesdsy, lYestdent
Thomas gave a "Shotgun Review." cov
ering questions of current Interest as a
means ,of testing the general Information
of the Htudent body. The questions em
braced the number of states In the union,
tiic American ambassador to the court
of St. James, the present ruler of Bng
land. approximate cost of the Panama
canal, the triple alliance and the triple
entente, who painted (he "Slstlne Ma
donna, the author of "The Shepherd of
the Hills," who won the world's bnstj
ball series, tho university of which Wood
row Wilson was president, etc. The test
sho'wed a general knowledge of theso
subjects, but Indicated a meager under
standing of the Kuropean situation at the
present time. .
The Department of Agriculture has
completed the harvest of Its beet crop.
The Income from the llttle.patch of ground
planted to beets under the direction of
tho Department of Agriculture amounted
to about J 100. The department has about
two acres of "Early Dent seed corn which
has not been gathered,
The pupils in the eighth grade practice
school gavo an interesting program of
the regular work on Prlday. Tho vorloiis
classes presented the different phases of
the work they have done since tho open
ing In September. The program covered
music, calisthenics, drawing, reading,
number work, language, Including Ger
man, and many other Interesting fea
ture!. President Thomas addresfed the Cul
ture club Thursday on the 'subject of
"Culture." This club meets once each
week nnd Is under the direction of Mrs.
Sarah Brlndley, preceptress. There are
about eighty members.
Inerenseil Attendance Mnrk Open
ing; of Winter Term.
Tuesday marked the opening of the win
ter term. The attendance Is large and
still Increasing and the students have
gone about their work with a spirit of
concentration arid push which in auspi
cious for a profitable term's work.
C. V. KAley of Red Cloud, Neb., spent
a few days visiting the college this week
Mr, Kaley Is ir retired' lawyer amf has
traveled extensively Irf alt parts of the
world. He" wa favorably Impressed with
the' college and' Its uurroundlngs. Mr, and
Mrs. Clemmons gave a dinner in his
Dr. and Mrs, V, n. Mick, the former
ait old student of Fremont college, enter
tained the faculty at a reception given
In the r home on Krlday evening. Dr.
Mick Is no X-ray specialist In Omaha
and attended the college seventeen years
A palm of magnificent proportion has
been presented to President Clemmons by
ids friend, George Marnhall.
Mr. Marshall
, Is a prominent citizen of Fremont,
has been placed In the college library
where the students can see and enjo I .
The scientific are beginning work with
the snap of real business. Tliev presented
a splendid program Wednesday morning,
result from inflammation
of the delicate bronchial
tubes which clog with
mucus pneumonia easily
wonder in overcoming acute
bronchitit; jt stops the COUgh,
checks the inflammation, and
its curative, strengthening
food-value distributes ener
gy and power thrpughoat
the body.
IiuUt on SCOTT'S for JtronchltU.
Scott & Bowne BtoomfifW V J i:-0
consisting of two original readings b
.Merle Oiiiton on The Klrvlrlral Age"'
and Mr. Kilt u "" a lolltil
solo b Mr. .MUnon. readlns by Miss j
Tiwker. vocal ik bv Miss Tate, seveiall
J ell, and a good rbtss sot.g. ,Mls Nell
iioiiMin, tne class pres dent. ce n i.w.f 1
earnest address, extending grut tude Iti
behalf of her class to the president and
foeleo Mertlm. I.llrr.r, lUertlse. i
n.I Other UnlitR.
The Phllomathean Lllenir) socletv gave!
program In the chapel Frldav. I
New equipment for the dome'tl- science'
department ha-N Just been received, and
w.e same is Delng Installed In the room,
provided for this work In the new build
ing. A union meeting ..f the Young Men's
anal Young Women's Christian aKsoola
lions wm held in the chapel last Sundav
afternoon. The meeting was addressed
uy nev. Mr. It chanlxnii ..r th. t..,.i..
Jhurch and spevtal music was furnished
by Prof. DnvlcH and Mrs. J. (j. w. Lewis.
.i u tecent meeting of the Board of
Kducntlon Miss l-lii .1 oim,.i..i .....
found to have completed the higher
course and was granted a diploma from
me jime A on mi hc hoo . Ml.. rl..,....i
who Is now high school pilnclpal at Har
vard. Neb., was graduated fiom the
Scientific COUISe Of the N'ehrn.L.. V.,..l
college In IW
The teacheis of the Hoskln. public
schools took advantage of a hn.r .
tlon granted by the Board of Hduratlon
en November 15 and spent the day visiting
me normal and observing the w..i-i ,ri
the W ayne High school. The party con-
sisieu oi .miss Sterling, principal; Mlssf
Prince, griunhmr; Mis. Whitley. Inter-1
mediate: .Miss PaWlskI, prlnmry. and Mis
Mabel Schroeder. a student of the hlrt.t
Prnetli-Hl nod Crlllenl ten I ore. of
Clnsa Work.
Miss Carpente who inns the public
school classes, Is huvlng her boys
and g'rls meet together thrice weokly to
sJng solos to each other. The singers
are then subjected 'to the criticisms of
tho claBS. By this fiery ordeal tho
"fittest" are being selected.
Miss Ferguson's cooking clatses are di
vided Into four divisions, meeting twice
a week for actual practice. Many of the
ladles of the town Hre numbered amng
the students of thn domestic selehce de
partment. The band Is arranging for a benefit
concert, by the proceeds qf which they
hope to pay their way to Kearney with
the foot ball team for the Thanksgiving
day game.
The manual tra'nlng department, under
Prof. Smith. Is doing some Interesting
things this semester. C H. Carter, a
senior, has nearly completed a wooden
model of a steam turbine, which Is later
to be cast nnd set to practical
THE EIFFEL TOWER, Paris, is the biggest thing of its kind in the world. It is 1,000 feet high and was the great attraction of the
World's Exposition held in Paris in 1899. 'Visitors are carried to the top of the tower in elevators, and the view from this dizzy height is
as entrancing as it is unusual. It is the nearest thing to a ride in an airship, which has so far been experienced in a structure solidily
anchored to the. ground. The big package of Washington Crisps is, likewise, the biggest thing of its kind in the world.
1 1
The SUPREME quality of Washington Crisps is absolutely beyond question, being made from the finest white corn grown in the great
Corn Belt of the United States, with pure cane sugar and salt added. They are thoroughly steam cooked, toasted, deliciously crisp, and
are ready to serve. On every package is the unqualified GUARANTEE of the manufacturer that every ingredient in
is of as HIGH QUALITY as the ingredients used in the manufacture of cereal foods of ANY other make, REGARDLESS OF THE
COST; and the further GUARANTEE that Washington Crisps are made under THE MOST PERFECT SANITARY CONDI
WORKMEN. Washington Crisps, during all the processes of manufacture, from flaking to packing, never touch human hands everything
is uunc uy automatic
The fact that the 250,000 retail Grocers in
mending Washington Crisps, which the Grocers
corn flakes, in America, proves that the
HIGH cost of living. Washington Crisps cut
so far as cereal food is concerned, and both
this hence our big sales of SUPREME
millions of Americans. Every family in
PURE food mills which give MORE pure food
woik. Mis. O D. Miirdis or Peru ha.
completed several beautiful household
articles from cypress wood. The student,
arc installing a large postufflee en with
Hnk Itoxes for the lobby of the Adminis
tration building.
tneren.rtl t temlti tire, elelj Uni
ties nnd Xorlut Wfnlr.
The study taWes and Wok stacks have
been moved to the rear of the clnipel
room. Owing to the Increase In the en
lolliurnt over last year, the room foimeily
used foi H study room l too small to
arrommodate the studtuts.
Wednesday morning the students had
the pleasure, of heal lug Mr. Snyder. Inter
national seeictan of the ItHllroad Young
Men's Christian astocUtloti. He said e
will find that tb fiteml.hlps we make In
school will be among those we most
vhIuc; that the most prominent men are
getifinlly men of westrn culture and
Mils Cteo Scott was uiiHIilliioil-ly elected
president of the Young Women's Chil
tlan association of the normal at a meet
log last Wednesday evening. MNb Scott
and Miss Marshall and a woman of tin
faculty nominated the other offlcets.
The practice teachers have finished
their flret nine week, of practice work.
After thl. week their subjects will be
The Dramatics held a special business
meeting on Wednesday.
The girls of the Dramatic club are en
joying very much their present study of
Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night."
I'repHrii t Ion. tender 1V) for Tuo
Omtorlcnl Contests.
Much Interest Is being shown In the
tryouK for debating team, to leprejent
the college classes. A girls' team bus
alro been organized.
Walter Klechel of Tecumseh and Bay
mnnd Buckner of Waveriy ai-e former
Wesleyan students who woio successful
candidates for seats in the coming legls,
lature. 1
Plans are under way for tho state pro
hibition oratorical contest, which will he
held here next spring. Simon Cozad of
Wesleyan, who represented Nebraska at
tho interstate and national contests last
year, l.i tho president of the State Ora
torical association.
The annual banquet of the Young Men's
Christian association will be held In the
Methodist Kplscopal church pnrlors Mon
day. Ilev. -Fuller Bergstresser of Lin
coln will act as tonstma..tcr. Secretary
J. P, Bailey of Omaha and Baymond
Bobbins of New York City will spnk.
The Young Women's Christian associa
tion Is planning a special program for
next Wednesday evening in tho Audlto
Hum. MIsb Coulter, the secretary. Is do
ing effective work in building up that or
ganization, Votes from Don lie Colleue,
Last Tuesday morning. Dr, Cowan, min
ister at the First Congregational church
HBrfffanrnfff iTll JK Tiff liiv?fft.iwlflf
sis forlOf
Peke la Amcrtca-Tno uprb portrait o( GEORGE WASHINGTON on wry packicd In color,
First in the
Kiln a
iilnrKtiiiK talk ,u
The Fihlsv afternoon clnse. were post
poned until Sntunlu morning on account
of the larne uumtier that went to Lin
coln Frldav afternoon to see the Doatie
Westoati fool bull game.
Tile ItellcMie-Doati foot lull game that
was to have been played next Filda ha
been postponed one dav In order thai the
Bellevue HKKiegatHiu tuny be able to come
down to Crete with a stwcltil train of
The s)eclal train that cnlrled the rooter.
and Imw to Wwleyan had 1ST. imssenger.
This Is the hi r Best bunch that has ever
gone from IHmne to a foot hall game
away from home and Is a good thermome
ter to show the height of tile Hustle
A position micrometer has been added
to tho equipment of the Crelghton uni
versity observatory The Instrument was
piirehnied some time ago bv Father
Ulgge. the" Crelghton astronomer, with
tl' $100 cash present given him by the
cImmh which graduated from the arts de
partment Inst June.
The new luxtiuineut will enable Fnthci
Blgge to make much more accurate nb.
nervations and will eonveit the telescope
of the Crelghton observatory Into a
measuring Instrument, while he'eofore U
has only been a seeing Instrument. A
star can bo located to the seven hundred
mid fiftieth part of n second of time with
the micrometer
Crelghton university will delmte the
question. "Krsolvejl. That the Sherman
nntl-tlust law should Im- lepealed,"
with the L'nlveistty of South Dakota at
Vermilion, S. D.. some time between Feb
ruary 15 and March IS, Places on the
Crelghton team will be open to students
In any department of the university, al
though previously only Inw students have
been on the teams,
The preliminary for the selection of the
Crelghton team will be held soon aftet
Thanksgiving, and cash prizes of Q will
he nwardeA the wlnneis. Twenty-five
dollars goes to the winner of flr.l place,
113 to thn winner of second and Slo to the
winner of third.
Several hundred memhe'rs are expected
to attend the meeting of the Nebrnika
and Town Hotel Clerks' association meet
ing In Omaha December 1-5. The tenta
tive program has been arranged nnd Is
so fixed that all the leading hotels, of
Oinului will be patronized by the various
bamiueta nnd luncheons to be given. The
program Includes luncheons, banquets,
smokers for thn gentlemen, theater Par
ties and automobile rides for the women,
nnd business meetings for the men. .1.
". Kennedy of the Henshuw Is tho secre
tary of the association.
are gUdtoltdp fheptiBfie
,n l',rt
mssm "
reduce fheHIGH cost oflivit$
HOMES of his
SUPREME quality of touted com flake, In
; Major Handicott and
, Staff Arrive Here
I Major I Itrtiidlcntt. 'be newly ap
pointed divisional commander of the Vol
unteers of Vmerlca for the state of Ne
braska, bus arrived with his large and
talented staff of officers. Mnjor Hail- :
dtrott Is a powerful lender and a talented ,
musician. The meeting!) tonight will be
a great welcome service In honor of the i
new commanders. The people of Omahn '
will much enjoy the two wilolM. IJeu- I
tenant Kdlth Llvengood and Lieutenant
Martin Uohle. Captain James It. Gaines
I will have charge'of the home social am.
jlndustr'n' department Captain W. .1
Norton and Gaines arr'ved eailler In the I
Twenty-sU applicants took the No. I
brnska state phnrmac.v examination nt '
the Crelghton Pharmao college last '
week. Tlie examination Is one of four
r.lveti throughout the ear and was con-
ducted by tho Nebraska Slate Pharmacy
board which I composed of l. J. Kllleu
of Beatrice. Herbert 1-orke of Cent nil i
City. Frank Kos. of Fremont, A. Mc- j
Connell of Mr-Conk and Carl Harper of
One Dose Makes
Indigestion Go
j Heartburn, Gas, Dyspepsia imd
all Stomach distress ended
with "Pape's Oia
. pepsin.
You don't want a sow remedy when
your stomach Is bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your; stomach Is
too valuable; you mustn't Injure It with
drastic drugs.
' Pape's Dlapcpsln Is tooted for It's
rpecd In giving relief; It's harn.lessness;
ItS certain unfailing action In regulat
ing sick, sour, gassy stomach. It's mil
lions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia,
gastritis and other stomach - trouble ban
made It famous the wdrld over.
Keep this perfect ntonmci doctor In
your home keep It handy get a large
fifty-cent from any drug store, amf
then If anyone should eat something
which doesn't agree with tliem; If what
they eat lays like lead, ferments and
tsnurg and forma gaa cause headache,
dullness and nausea; eructations of acid
and undigested food remombnr as soon
an Pape's Dlapepsln comes In contact
with the stomach all such distress van
ishes. It's promptness, certainty and
ease In overcoming tho worst storrmnh
disorders Is a revelation to those who
try It.- Advertisement.
1 -
High cost of living 1
ASKS ' F O . MOKK It O R X t
America are supplying, and cordially recom
know are the SUPREME quality of toasted
Grocers are glad to help the public reduce the
off one-third of the HIGH cost of living,
merchant and consumer instantly recognized
quality Washington Crisps to millions and
America, which REALLY wants to REDUCE
support, by their patronage and influence,
of SUPREME quality, for the same money.
hdOBie enomh to frame, or ue unframed, to decorate your "Dea" or Lixlne Room.
Any Triuiuipd lint in
our entire stock nt
Aside from (lie remark
able values the stronir
est feature of this offer
injr is the variety of
styles, so no matter
what you ' prefer you
will find it here.
Hotel Loyal Building,
221 N. 16th St.
Krrp (lie Complexion Beautiful.
Wad? C jFiaCS PoWaCt
(In Grn flxr Ott)t. I ,
Produce a soft, velvet;
appearance so much ad
mired, nnd remain intl
vvaihed olT. Purified I y
a new process. Will not
e'eg the pores. Harmless.
Prevents sunburn an(
return of discoloratk-ss.
irifrrc FLESH.
By toilet counters or mall, 50c Miu
bad if nut entirely flea'itJ.
SoH by Shernmn McConiiell Dmi lo. O.l lliti
of Irl nirmfy UrvnM Ptinrmirjr oihf
Omahn'8 Groat Family Paper
A,' . ft
dC fair kind
In.lhe.Workl .NalO