10 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1012 The Nearly weds ou ou hardly Blame Jerry Copyright. IMl National News Asa'n. -:- Drawn for The Bee by George McManus 7 1 1 7" i j, i JESRy-t WISH TOO I'LL DO IT .fiD SMewHT. - i rx ?X?M0Mt lvm,o0E OR."? .. f&Sv -l o 3 TO THE THEATRE f ) HEBRASKA'SSLATE IS CLEAR Saturday's Games Simplify Missouri Valley Conference Situation. DEFEAT OF AMES THE SURPRISE MUsnnrl Tigers Kxprctril to Face Knni Cnlrrrnllr l''nvnrlp (Ivc'r JarhniTkcr Urnkr Una n Chnnrc for .Srronil. LINCOLN. Neb . Nov. U.-Satur-days gridiron rrmilt In tho Missouri Valley served (o lmillf- Iho champion ship tltlo situation. Tho victories of Nebraska And Missouri, over Kansas and Washington, respectively, wore tiro (inly intor-conforonce gnmeM, whllo" the Iowa Angles of Ame lost to. Iowa unlvorslty nnd Drnliii university, . wan, defeated 'by Grinnell college. A- Nebraska, holder . of ' thn .conference championship for tlio last two .years, fin ishes another 'season with a clean alato In Its conference combat, thus success fully defending It" title. Tho rather "doclalvo 'defeat of Amen nt the hands of thn Iowa City Institution la n surplso In coilfercnco circles, 'as tho Aggies had' been rated ns' strong as last year, when thoy ranked, second ' to tho Cornhuskers In the cjnfcrnnco con tention. . ' Tho Missouri Tigers, by their succes sive victories over Drake and Washing ton, nro comlnK strong as tlia end of thn Reason approaches and probably wilt face Kansas university next Saturday at Lawrence, a favorite over the Jnyhawk ors, although tho 'latter played a ylrlle Kama against Nebraska Saturday and were not defeated until the final period of play. Drake faced Grlnnoll minus Its sensa tional halfback, Simons, uiUl nnothor reirttlar player. Doth will be In the lineup next Saturday against Ames and tho Oca Moines eleven appears to stand at least nn even chance to defeat tho Ag gies and mount to a tie for second honors In tho conferenco. Bellevue Indians MeetDoane Tigers Next Saturday The ' Ilellovuo . foot hall season closes hext Saturday, when Coach Ilolsto's In dians will go' to Crete for the' annual battle Willi Coach Johnson's Tteetn of Doanc. Thn recent overwhelming defeat of Donne, by Wesloyan lias put Donne out of tho race fbr championship honor?, nnd next Saturday's game will decide whether flellcviin or Doane Is entitled to second plnco In the college league. Wcs leynn now has a cleur title to thoicham. plonshlp, having defeated every 'teftm In tho Ulg Four with the exception of Hast ings, which is entirely out of tho racu this season, lwlng defeated '.by .over whelming scortfi .by tho weaker teams In thn western part ofHhe state. ' .The entire student lody, as la the cus tom, will accompany the team to Crete and (he greatest enthusiasm provalls over the coming game, an by comparatively scores Ilellovuo Is stronger than Doane, holding Wcslnyun - to a score of 21 to 7, whlln Doane was defeated 35 to 0 ty Wes. leyan last Friday. The , team Is improving by leap and bounds, every .game showing Improve ment, nnd illolsto lias hopes of repeating last year's dofcoj over Doane, although tho Tigers outweigh tho locals nearly twenty pounds to the man. Tho brilliant uro of tho forwurd pans In the last two luimes has greatly encouraged Holste. who will perfect this feature tho coming week nnd will utso work up n now series of open playa for the coming game, Thu mo6n, while not a complete suc cess' an far as scores nro concerned, has been far from a failure, as tho team has won. an enviable reputation for the gume ness and pluck with which they have met such teams ns Mornlngsidn and Ne braska. In every, game the season through thoy Imvo been outweighed from ten to thirty pounds to tho man and fre quent Injuries liavo kept tho squad at a minimum strength. Ilellovuo supporters will bo greatly sat isfied with tho season's work should Holste capture- second place 'In tho col. lege league by defeating Doane next Sat urday. Hoppe Leads Rivals in Billiard Tourney NHW YORK, Nov. 17. Wllllo Ioppe. the 18.2 balk Una billlnrd champion, leads the other seven contestants for tho title In the professional tournament which will bo concluded hero this week. Twenty matches In ull have been played and eight more will bo decided tomorrow nnd Tues day, but In case of ono tie or more for the first four cash prizes extra games will bo In order. Kuch of tho eight experts has competed In five games and Hoppo has won four, his only defeat being by a margin o! three, points In favor of K oil J I Yamndn, tho Japanese wonder. Blosson, Mornlngst&r and Ynmada are lied for Kccond place, each having won three games, and lost two. Demurest, i Sutton nnd Cllno also are tied with two I winning brackets each nnd Taylor of Milwaukee Is low tnun with a slngln vic tor). Tomorrow's schedule Is: Dctnarcst against Cllnc, Mornlngstar ngnlnst Tay lor, Itoppe against Sutton nnd Slosson against Yamada. On Tuesday Hoppo against Mofnlngstnr, Slonton against Cllnc, Demurest against Sutton and Ynmada against Taylor will complete tho twenty-eight games ur ranged at the outset. MlinuldiiiR Tnlie Close One. Tho Tigers were baten Sunday before a cruwl of about 'JV Jans. Although out- 1 weighed, the Spauldlims put up a good gnmo and dofeated their heavier op ponents, The SpauldlngB scored first In the second quarter, W. Bnnckcr getting u futnblo of the Ttirors and racing forty yards for a touchdown. He Kicked goal. Tho Tigers ncored In the third quarter on straight foot ball. II. Penny failed to kick goal, Itufa Hanoker and Zimmerman starred for the Bpauldlngs. whllo Dutchcr na-renny were "1 the limelight for tho TlgersT 'lUforotl Ilechtel. Umpire: .... -S. jimmy pipe joy A' Fringe Albert the national joy amoke For an honest-to-goodness smoke any kind of weather, any time, anywhere you get a jimmy pipe and some Prince Albert and make fire with a match ! No matter what gait you're traveling or what's on your mind, for the long pull and the cool pull and the joy pull, why, you get right down to the original idea a jimmy pipeand just jam it full of P. A. and there you are, all-right side up with the world 1 Do that! Prince Albert's got tobacco substance and gives tobacco satisfaction. It isnVa lot of chafltl On the train, in your auto, anywhere, it's ytut pipe smoke, because it's fresh, and sweet, and delicious, andwcant burn your : tbneue or parch your throat I Bite's .taken out by the famous-patented process that, has made pipe smokers and men who couldn't smoke a pipe before sit up and make some mental notes! Anchor alongside this; When It comes to a cica relte smoke, V. A. is king of 'em all. You cet wise to a packaue of P. A. and makin papers and eo to it while - the doing's good. It's a sure-thing bet you'll get the spirit of P. A.'s freshness, fragrance and sweetness. Take it straight, P. A. is a revelation. Give it a crack you'll forget that broiled tongue and the W-brands and the dust-brands. Buy P. A. vrwfcr to l rrf . 5e r Im iht (My nd tin, 10c. da it R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WmUm-Stkm, N. C May Manage Yankees Itogcr lircshaiihan, tho deposed catcher- manager of tho St. LoUls Cardinals, who may bo engaged us pilot of the New York Yankees for tho scuson of 1913, SBSeHiShISSsW t i . Cij?'iiMsslssssssssssssssssssssssl ROURKE STRONG FOR CHICAGO 9 Pa Opposes Transferring Western League Headquarters. EXPRESSES THE COMMON VIEW O'Neill Would IlesiKU nnd I.eilKHC Would I, one AilrnnlnR'e of Contnct Trltk the Centerof Ilnse llnll World. LIVE STOCK JEN MAKE HIT Boosters from Magic City Visit State Farm and the Game. ROOTING CONTINGENT IS BUSY OniuhaWliimnl Take I'rotnliicnt l'nrt Ileforc nnd After II I k root Hull Contest with K minus Unl-versllj- Cloven. Nearly IW members of the Uvo Stock exchango and Union Stock Yards com pany paid their annuul visit to tho state agricultural' college yesterday, Aside from, the .formal reason of the visit, a closer union between Uncoln and Omaha was apparent in the' exchango ot ameni ties between tho representatives of the state cupltnl and the metropolitan city to tho north. Ctonernl Manager K. Buck ingham of the Union stock yards headed tho local uggregutlun, whllo tho honors of tho state firtn were done by Tlegcnts Oeorgo CoUplund and W. O. Whltmoro of Nebmska university. Under thu guidance of Prof. M. II. Wlss of thn agricultural school the live stock men were taken through the dif ferent departments of the experiment sta tion. Stock Judging und a general inspec tion of the staUon took up tho forenoon. A dainty luncheon served by the women students of the home economic depart ment won unitlnted praise from the vis itors. Following the luncheon a number of gpecchpa were made by menof Omaha and Lincoln. Among those who spoko wero 12. Buckingham of the Union stock yards, A. P. Stryker of tho Live 'Stock exchango. Commissioner John ityder of Omaha and Regents Coupjand and Whit more ot tho state university. The visitors attended tho Nebraska' Kansas game and returned to Omaha on a special . train last night. Tho military band for tho tho Fourth Infantry at Fort Crook accompanied the local people of bills he had. looked large enough to bo stage money. Judgo Charles Foster of Omaha had .tho lurgest chp'sunthemum that could be found. Sam Itees, Jr., persuaded him not to buy a pennant, a streamer and o. Ne braska hat. Tho Judge was decorated 'as It were. Chancellor Ktron? nf Ivnrinn imli-AHiiiv and' 'Ulmmy',i Green tho man who al ways talks ut the Knnsas foot ball fes tl'vltles, 'were eeen In various nooks of ijinroin. In tho lobby of tho Lincoln the Omaha "bunch" started' tho rooting. After lunch thero wa"s nothing doing, until Amos Thomas rirted to teuch Dr. F. S,. Owen the Nehr.ka yell. Then tho Kansas band and rooters got into tho affair and it looked us if Lincoln's two policemen would ha'vo to bo called out. "Dog" KuK.er, "tho best manager Ne braska ever had," was at the Uncoln meeting friends.-- Tho feminine portion . of tho. visiting delegations wus very attractive. They took 'a prominent part In the rooUng. netting was very much lij evidence Just about noon. Some onthuslasUo Omaha rooter wugered 1300 to SI that Nebraska would double tho score. You can Imagine his feelings until the Cornhuskers scored. Tho crowd at the game was almost us large as the ono that witnessed thc Mich igan game last fall. The Kansas band and rooters reached Uncoln early. In tho morning. The band Is a better ono than the Jayhuwkers-usually have. and It really played 'several good airs at Lincoln. . Ono of tho KantJis bunch was a strong and confident supporter. He wagered a ; deal of money, on tho contest,' betting that Nebraska would not lick the visitors flf I teen polntn. He went home with defeat ! and money. "Duck" Beltter, former captain of the Cornhuskers In 1909, was one of' the nota bles around the Lincoln. He lost some money on the game. Old Sum Rice, one of the Cornhusker warriors of 1997, was shaking bunds. Ho has some grip, too. Johnny Johnon, former Nebraska end, and "Tate" Matters were busy ut tho Uncoln. "Tate" had charge of the sale of tickets In Omaha. It was some role Gothenburg Outclasses Cosad, GOTHENBURG, Nov. 17.-(Spoc!al.)-In ono of the best games of the seanon. the Gothenburg High school foot ball teuni defeated tho team of the Coradl High school at Cozad Saturday afternoon by the score of S3 to 0. The score at the end of tho third quarter stood 7 to 0. Gothenburg scoring twenty-five points" In tho last quarter. Lost week the Gothen- imeu up moro scores against the fast North Platto team than has been KrnrfH nfrnlnat 1A .. . . t. . by an opposing team. Gotlvcnburg plays -p.j.,,,mv,i( ncin uu 4 iiunKBKiving aay ior mo iiiuiiii'imuuup oi uawsou county. Dnvltl City lllniiLn Stroiusburir, "Aviu cixx, Net Nov. 17.-Speclal. The David City High school foot ball Ian tti A u .. J t. . u. k. . a today by a score of 26 to O. David City outplayed Rtromsburir by a , (greater mar- Hale (2). Uworak. Peihek. GoaU from posselbn of tho ball lesa than ten mln- lltt if ho, trn m Wuuim Wlim from Croftoii, WAUSA. Neb.. Nov. 17.-Speclal.) The Wausa basket ball teum defeated the core of !5 to 10. The game was clean anil fust andtwns won on Its merits. Field Kimi. imuia, xi, iTuimn, . uoais rrom foul: Wausa. S; Crofton. 2. Referees: Balrd and Kellogg. A return game will bo played ut Crotton November n. South Omaha la Uefratri,' SHENANDOAH. Io- Nov. Kl-tSpeviil.) The Shenandoah High school foot ball teum defeated South Omaha here today In a good clrun game, well' Pluved by ' both teams South Omaha was crippled ' hi ihe bcn-. of e viral of Its strongest I play. Score Si to 0. Pa Hourke, owner and president of the Omaha base ball club, returned yesterday morning from Milwaukee, where he at tended the annual meeting of the minor league baso ball clubs. Following that meeting ho went to Chicago, where' tho Western league magnates held a meet ing. At the Western league meeting It was decided by resolution to movctlie Western league headquarters from Chicago and bring them to Omaha. ,13111 Rourke yes terduy afternoon said he did not want tho headquarters brought to Omaha and at the meeting In Chicago voted against It. In speaking of the next annual meeting of the minor league clubs going to Co lumbus, Pa Rourke said the American association had the controlling number of 'otes to defeat Omaha. Rourke, when afcked It the meeting In 1914 would come to Omaha, said he did not know, but that he is not thinking of making a fight for It. Ho says the three Class A leagues have the controlling votes In the meeting and that they could hold tho meeting anywhere they wanted to, and It would be of no ure to ry and get the convention unless the American association wanted to send It here. Mr. Rourke had little to say on thc proposition of transferring tho Western league headquarters. He said he would withhold his own Ideas until a later date. However, ho was firm in saying he did not want the league headquarters to como to Omaha. i Itourko U HlKht. I Many Omaha and other Western league fans think Rourke is right In not wnntlng to bring tho headquarters here. In the first placo If the headquarters are moved from Chicago it would undoubtedly mean the resignation of'Tlp" O'Neill from the presidency of the league, which, It Is paid, would bo a death blow to tho as pirations of tho Western moving ' into higher classification. Anyone who is Impartial and has fol lowed the affairs and destinies of the Western league for a number of years will admit that "Tip" O'Neill has done more for this league than any other presi dent it ever had. Ho has secured it it's present classification. It was always 6'Nclll to the front when a club was on Its hind legs yelling for financial aid. Ho has saved many clubs from ruin and wns always willing to get players if It was In his power to do so. Taking thp proposition of the moving of the leaguo headquarters from Chicago. In the first place In many respects It would be folly. As everyone knows, Chi cago is the heart of the base ball world. It Is the very center of tho national pas time, therefore the most practical place for the Western league president and headquarters to be. The president, by remaining In Chicago, Is In immediate touch with the powers of base ball at all times and In position to get players before other minor leaguo clubs and what Is better still, he can got players when they are really needed. Ailvantaue of Chlcano, Tho Western leaguo offices being In Chicago, the heart of the base ball world, gives the league a standing. The leaguo quarters could not bo moved to any Western league town without being Iso lated from the powers In base ball. Bven should tho offices be moved to Omaha, the president, whenever ho wanted any Information, would have to go to Chi cago. No' onb but a base ball man knows how often these Important matters arise and how often It would be necessary for the president to pack his grip and go to Chicago. Kansas City as a headquarters for the Western league, every fair man admits, Is ridiculous. It would bo even worse than a Western league town, it Is Isolated and away from tho very center of the powers. By moving the headquarters to Knniai Cltr It would only make con- 'dfttons In the Western league worse than ever. It would kill the attendance In every town, especially Omaha. The game In Omaha would In a very short while como to a standstill. i appears that a few of tho mag nates In the Western league, who are not bure ball men at heart, and know very little about the game, are taking a direct slap at Comlakey, who Is ac knowledged to be one of" the greatest powers In baso ball. Comtskey and O'Neill are bosom friends and through his Influences with Comlsxey, O'Neill nas done wonders for the Western league, but Just as sure as the headquarters are moved from Chicago, It Is said, O'Neill will resign and the Western league will lose Its classification and standing and soon give way Its reputation as being the greatest minor league in the country, If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of tho stomach are their most common ailment To correct this you will find Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets exce' lent They are easy and pleasant to tnku, and m Id and gentl" tn effect Fjr sale I by all drusBttt-e. Advertisement. FAIRMONTS WIN TWO GAMES Fast Commercial Basket Ball Team Still Retains First Place. HETTLER AND WEIGEL STABS Former Makes Jinny Points In Flrt Contest, While I.ntter Snrm Mnuy IlnsUcU Anulnst Ills Tcriiti In Second. The Fairmont Creamery basket ball team again demonstrated their class by Winning a double-header, ono from the United States National bank team and the second from tho Nebraska, Telephone company. The score of tho first contest was 19 to 8. Both teams played a tight contest. Otto Hettler, of tho Fairmonts, was easily tho star ot the first game, scoring ten of the nintccn points made by his team. The second game wus also n fast and furious contest, which resulted In a score of 16 to 9, In which Wcigel and Neuby, guards on tho creamery squad disap pointed tho telephone team time and again, when baskets seemed almost cer tain. Nolarid, right forward for tho telo phono team was tho chief point getter for his bunch, his long shots from tho middle of tho floor being tho feature of tho game. Tho result of Saturday's games leaves the Fairmont team In tlrst position ot tho Commercial Basket Ball league, having won three and lost none. LInoup: NEBRASKA TEL. Stell U.K. IvttUnd L.F. K.F.. I,. P.. LF C R.G.. FAIRMONT. Deems McWIIliainj Qulnlin Hettler Neuby L.0 Welgel Stowell ....., C. Kel!o R:o, Mels R.d Brobell L.O, Won by Fairmont Creamery. Score, lis to 9. Field goals: Hettler (3), Welgel (J), MoWilllams, Stell, Noland (2). Foul goals: Hettler (4), Noland (3). Referee: Burkenroad. Timer: Linn. Scorer: Joy. Lineup: U. 8. NATJONAL. I FAIRMONT. Armburet R.P.jlt.F Welgel lUmey L.K.L.P. McWilllima L.F tulnln Sjolln ., C. Seogard H.O. Vlckerr L.O. Won by Fairmont 19 to 8. Field goals: C Hettler C... Andersoa It.O Neuby L.U Deems Creamery. ' Scoro, Armburat. Rainer. SJolln. Vlckery. WclKel 3). Neubv. Hett ler (6). Foul goal: Deems. Referee: Burkenroad. Timer: Linn. Scorer: Joy. V An Utrly Gash should bo covered with clean bandages, saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. 2Sc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. We have no shoes but the hcSt of everything else in gentlernen's wearables you will find in our at tractive new sftore. Overcoats large, lux urious garments with beau tifully moulded shawl col lars shorter models equal ly smart but lighter, for men who are out less. These KENSINGTONS have the "cuslom-touch -the kind you'll always be proud to wear $20 to $65. We emphasize the fadt that our entire slock of suits and overcoats is abso lutely clean the fabrics are selected and the gar ments hand-tailored to our special order. If you'd like superior clothes and furnishings that are different, we'd like to show them to you. MAGEE & DEEMER 413 Se. 16th.