Ihe Omaha- Sunday Bee Magazine Page Copyright, 1113, by the Star Company. Great Britain Right neaenrafl. the Interesting Horoxcope Of little: baby glraohty LLIONS ? PROFESSOR LEO BERNART, the -ele-bratcd astrologer, presents on this page his interesting reading of the horoscope of the baby boy lately born to Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Geraghty. What the - ordain for the child of this union, so femphatically in con flict with the social code of the rich and power ful, iB, of course, bound to be rather out of the ordinary. The marriage of Miss Julia French, whose family is one of the wealthiest and most influ ential in the Newport cottage colony, to "Jack" Geraghty, son of a Newport hack-driver, and himself a chauffeur, brought about her com plete estrangement from her own people. From a petted society girl and heiress she became a poor mechanic's wife, suddenly transplanted from a palace, where she was surrounded with every luxury, to a cottage where she had to do her own housework. In this cpttage the baby was born. What will its future be? Pro fessor Bernart gives the answer which the stars have told him. "Will he be a poor workingman like his chauffeur father?" By Prof. Leo; Bernart,' the; Celebrated Astrologer. WILL tlio baby born of tho union of Julia Fronch, the wealthy Newport bollo, nnd "Jnok" GornBhty, tho pen nlloHS chauffeur with whom sho olopod about n year ago, bo a mllllonairo or n pauper? The stars will toll! Thoy nlono hold tho sccrot of tho life of tho boy just ushered Into tho world. Tho sclonco of astrol ogy alono can foresee and foretell whether or not tin baby who has Just soon tho light of day will bo wealthy or a'paupor; a blessing or a, curso; whethor or not ha will bo a "rich man's on," nnd, as such, recognized by Nowport "society;" or whothor ho will remain poor and bocomo a chauffeur or a cab driver following tho profoEBlon of his fathor and his, paternal grand father. Tho circumstances surrounding tho birth of this child have been dramatic In tho extreme Ills mother a girl of eighteen tho daughter of wealthy parents, pampered and potted all her life, suddenly elopes with a pennlloss chauffeur, "Jack" Gor ngbty, and marries hfm before her family can intorvono or ob ject to tho match. Qoraghty's parents had always been ppor but respectable residents of Nowport his father driving a cab, In which rode, from time to time, tho visitors to that famous Bummer resort. Ills mother, a typical hausfrau, attending to tho dally duties washing tho clothoB, scrubbing tho floors, darning her husband's socks, and all the, rc;t of itl How could a young girl, accustomed as oho was to ovorything which money could buy, expect to fit into theso surroundings, and bo happy as tho wlfo of their eon Jack? Yot she seems to havo done so remarkably woll. Sho cer tainly showed great pluck nnd determination in her nowly chosen courso of life. And when her parentB and all her rela tives disowned her and left Newport, shutting up thoir housos in order that thoy might not boo' hor face, sho bravely set to work to inako hor husband happy and adjust herself to hor now surroundings, And now sho is a happy raothor. For, on tho night beforo Election I?ay Miss French now Mrs. "Jack" Ger aghty boro a son, a bouncing boy. I havo worked long aud carefully over tho horoscopo of tho Geraghty baby, and I fael euro that what I havo to say will proro correct In alt Its chief essentials. Leo 1b tho ruling planet undor whloh this child is born; this indicates a strong, fresh, straightforward character, bravo and true. Saturn also occupies a prominent place In his houso of Life being In tho mid-heavens, This Is a striking, significant and unusual position, being In exactly tho samo place as it oc cupied In tho case of Napoleon Bonoparte. Ilia life, therefore, as indicated by thin, should be moat successful unusually so. Tho queer planot Neptune, which nlso plays a largo part In hlB life, determines friendships, nnd shows mo that thoro will bo many hard feelings orousod In certain quarters on account of havoc nnd bo tho cnuso pf a gicat deal of unhapplness and some of the friendships he will form. Somo of these will work misery to himself and to othsr mombors of his family. This relates -particularly to men friends, because all tho indications nro that tho friendships of women will usually bo fortunate. Tho position of tho planot Mars indicates that thoro will be a good deal of strlfo and conflict between tho paronts and .grand parents of tho child not only about tho baby, but also about property and other matters. Mars, being a war-like Influence, Indicates this clearly. It might oven Blgnlfy an ultimate separa tion of the paronts. Tho prominent and unusual position of Saturn Indicates that this baby, If he growH to tho cBtato of manhood, will be pos sessed of great ambition; ho will cravo power and will be deter mined to get It. Ho will certainly bo successful In this, as all tho signs point to tho fact that, when ho growB up, ho will bo rich in lite own right quite apart from any money which may be left to him or that may bo coming to him from his mother. Leo and tho Sun are the ruling planots which will most dominate his life. Theso nro particularly good. There will be several tragedies in his life, but none of these will be of bo -ushlng a naturo but that he can ovorcomo them. Thoy will i,t crush him. Pride Is Indicated; and, bocauso of his great ambition, ho must be careful that ho does not meet his "Water loo" like Napoloon whoso signs his horoscope closely re sombles In somo rospoctfl. .. I boo much Intrigue and many cunning plots surrounding his llfo in all directions. Ho will moot many strange friends, under a varloty of strango and over weird clrcumstancoe. Two women will figure In his llfo markedly. Thoy will both Influence him, but It will vary In different ways. One of those womon will bo dark long black hair, dark eyes, dark akin, and a peculiar siipploness of body which appears almost reptilian. This woman will meot young Geraghty and will influence him in a way which wll bo bad for himself and for others. The other woman who will Influonco him 1b much lighter almost blond; blue gray eyesfair, slim, wlUowy and graceful. The forces of theso two women will bo brought to play upon him at about tho same tlmo ono will pull him in one direction, tho other In the oppo- Tiroctlon For n while ho will bo torn In twain, and will not know which way to turn. Finally, ho will yield to the right, and will veer over to his fairer companion, whoso influence has ttlWArthoCtnimo00odt mnarriag9h,tho world will be In a state of tumult and uproar, Revolution will bo In tho air. Injustice will have grown "apace' Tho fair girl that I see written .large across tho face of tho horoscopo haB great Influence over tho masses on tno wast oiuu. lovo nnd trust hor; she is ono of thorn nt heart and in aympnthy though It has been her fnto to mix with tho ultrn-rlch. Always she Is performing some kindly action? It is upon ono of theso missionary trips that she encounters young Ger aghty. Travelling nlono ono night almost disguised, Hko Hnroun Al Itaschld, of tho "Arabian Nights" he hits been in the habit of visiting a certain houso on tho far outskirts of tho city on a secret mission" connect ed with tUo diplomatic ar rangements' Involving two countries. Theso 8 o o r e t meetings arc attended by great danger, and it will de volve upon young Geraghty on every occasion to carry homo with him the papers of that secret meeting in his inner brenst pocket. Ono night the blow falls, the terrible thlug happens. I see suspicion arising in the breasts of somo of thoso who uro opposed to tho plot which is bolus hatched. They attack htm on his way home. Taken unawares, he Is stunned nnd takon captive before he can rcallzo what has-happened. When he recovers consciousness ho finds himself gagged and bound, lying in tho corner of a dark room. His" precious papers have gone I Dy tho faint glimmer of a candle in one corner of the room ho sees tho door open. A beautiful girl enters the room, holding her hand to' her mouth as a token of silence. It is she! ,Tho instant his eyes rest upon her he knows and reallzos that she is the girl in all tho world for him. In her hand she bears a pack ago It contains the papers ho lias lost. Yes, thoro In tho dim twilight, thoy hold their whispered and tender conclave They exchange glances, and, dim as the light Is, they each realise that their souls have found and caressed one another; that love has triumphed! The intrigues of the dark woman have been thwarted; tho vengeance of tho band has been prevented, and the happiness of two has been secured. ' They escape! Long is the search for them, but thoy arc never found, till It Is safe for thorn to return. No gorgoous wedding, attended by scores of smiling friends and relatives will be theirs. It will bo In secret, almost In darkness, but their love shall form for them a bond more unbreakable than any outward pomp or ceremony could possibly bring to them. After that I see young Geraghty and his bride sailing away for a time they glide off, out of sight, as though thoy sailed away on a dainty aeroplane. A golden halo 'surrounds them; all has prospered. I Bee prosperity, and the thanks of governments bestowed upon him. By his own force of character ho has risen to a place of pow er and fame I Such are a few of the signs of the life of Baby Geraghty as I rend them In the s t a r s. Many more things will happen, but I cannot recount Uicm. What I see most plainly and strongly I havo revealed. Such will be tho life of tho in fant if I rend the stars aright. OH "The stars ty' h will be rich in hii own right but through hi own effort!." ' The Humble Cottage in Which the Baby Geraghty' Father Lived Before Hit Marriage. Look Out for the Man of 40 He's the Only Perfect Lover A Mis Julia French and Her Pet Collie. From a Photograph Taken at About the Time of Her Marriage. . " 'ack' Geraghty, His Bride and the Pet Terrier in the Automobile in Which They Eloped. T last the man who Is past forty Is getting justice at tho bands of the opposlto sex. Fair ones of various ages who have left him lying-on tho shelf for so long are taking him down, brush ing him off, comparing him with exuberant, arrogant youth of his own sex and declaring him to be, aftor all, tho only "perfect lover." This belated discovery stands to tho credit of Mrs. York Miller, a popular English novelist. She ad mits, however, that the truth might havo been overlooked If tho man of forty, or thereabouts, had not "found himself," by cheering up and airing his long- neglected powers of fas cination. "It 'doesn't matter," remarks Mrs. Miller, "If his hair is tinged with gray and his habits arc fixed. Ho Is still more charming than the youth of twenty sr tho self-satisfied, man of thirty. He has fow conceits, is ycry thoughtful nnd consider ate, and, most important of all, knows his proper value in the world." Tho chief advantages of the middle-aged man are catalogued by this writer as follows : (1) He Is Invariably a good talker. Ho has usually had a varied experlenco of life, and he knows what to say and what will Interest his companion. (2) Thp young lover Is usually wrapped up In himself. He gives a woman tho Impression that be Is conforring a favor on her by his. presence. Not so the bachelor of forty. He has grown out of that Ho nlv i makes a woman- feel that she Is con ferring a pleasure by seeing him at all. (3) The lover of forty does all he can to please you. Ho never neg lects any social politeness, as do (4) Above all things, he is com panionable. Ho Is very seldom moody or low-splrltod. Besides, be ing a lover, ho is somebody upon whom a woman enn depend. Tho i most slgniflcant advantage possessed by tho lover of forty or over lies in tho impossibility of "llnding him out" after n arriage, because ho is so obviously himself during the period of courtship. When women marry young, inexperienced men, however, there is always tho dunger of their finding out after ward, when tho sharp edge of love has worn off, that their husbands are not good companions and that they really have little in common. J . such cases the wife becomes a victim of the phenomena described by Karin Mlcbaells In her book of world-wldo celebrity entitled, "Tho Dangorous Age." Reaching the age of forty, or thereabouts, herself, and suddenly realizing that she has missed In her life all that women hold most dear, she is liable to frn tic moments of determination to grasp a few years of happiness at any cost. But to whom does sho turn for tho companionship sho craves? To another unformed youth of twen'y five? Never! When she holds out her hand in that "dangerous age" It is to tho considerate, steadfast man of forty, even fifty. As such a heroine of a tabloid einctlonal drama recently produced at a Now York theatre, with the significant title of, "Rainbow Bridges," sho says to tho man ot forty-five In Justification ot herself and of every other v.cman lu simi lar plight: "Oh, you mon! How can we expect you to conceive tho grief, tho terror with which wo approach tho confines of youth and beauty still unloved? Every wrinkle, every .;r hair is nncther dagger plauted in our hearts. Oh the mounting ter ror with which we rcallzo the wan ing of our powers io attract tba love we have missed! A clammy hand, with colder, yot fiercer grip, seems to clutch our hearts 'as - a count tbt m ur tat . niialn. It Is the grim Reaper pronounclcg our sentence of doom a thousand times more cruel than death. Five years four years hree years. The bell of our doom tolls ever louder, more relentlessly. Two years one yearl Then wo are frantic, and we seek to cross to the shore of love by the rainbow bridges wo have' build ed!" All this trouble because she pick ed a thoughtless youth of twenty live to marry, instead of the settled and considerate man of forty-five! In her enthusiasm over her dis covery of the valuable and .long neglected runlltles of the middle aged man, Mrs. Miller interviewed women of different ages on the sub ject, with these results: " "I do not say that tho middle aged man la the most successful lover. But. If women only realized it, thoy would often do well to accept him In preference to a younger man. "1 know several men on the shady side of thlrty-flve who are the most charming companions and frien-'s. There Is a gentlo melancholy about tho mlddle-agod lover that no, woman can resist. "A girl of twenty gave a ; i opinion. 'I like middle-aged men because thoy inako me feel , I am somebody. They always say nice things. They notice how you aro dressed, and compliment you. A young man haa no Torfor rib j or laces. ""They have amusing views on things, and a soothing effect upon one. Sometimes they quote sweet little pieces of poetrjand make you feel It Is all about you. "Young men have no qualities like that. They seem to have very little In them. They do not always mako you feel happy. "Probably much or the charm of a bachelor of forty depends upon his bringing up. if bo has had a sister to look after him ho is probably utf and likable. "A good maiij ouug women nowa days prefer to talk to the middle agud bachelor in preference to won of their own ago. Theso things are to be noticed 1 society every where. The miudle-agud, uven the elderly, man la no " nger on the sc. If."