Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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This might well be known as the house of chinchillas.
10c and 15c.
PrctgressiveB of Polk County File
Petitions in District Court.
foart Orders (lint Strikebreakers nud
strikers Cannot Cnrrr Weapons'
J Hither Concealed or
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
D13S MOINES, Nov. l.-(Speclal Tele
Kram.) The long-promised mult In court
to Invalidate the election tn Polk county
was commence!! today. Tho petitioner
nro defeated candidates for local office,
but prominent democratic attorney havo
charge of the case and it Is supposed that
the main purpose la to affoct tho state
flection If possible. Two petitions were
Tho first asks the supervisors to certify
up -all proceedings regard Inn Polk county
elections from tho time the voting ma
chines weru purchased und up to tho
Usunnco of election certificates to the
successful candidates of the November
election. ,, :
The second petitisjs, Amkjc for a writ ft
injunction rcstrtUtlng the board or super
vises from lss)tlp'g electipn certificates
to any candtdntes.'un'tll the caso Is finally
The two petitions resolve themselves
Into an attempt to have the voting ma
chines thrown out of Polk county. Th
1911 election Is hot Ulono tnvolvod. Th
election of 1910, When the voting machines
wero used, Is Indirectly affecteJ. The at
torneys contend that it the court declares
the present election Illegal, the election
of 1910 wda Illegal and tho officials who
wrro elected then have held office
The hearing Is set for Monday, efforts
to obtain temporary writs having failed.
Attorneys are divided In opinion as to
whether with Polk county's vote thrown
nut K, a. Dunne, democrat, of Mason
,C"tt would becomo governor of the state,
Neither strikers nor strikebreakers are
permitted to carry revolvers, either con
cealed or otherwise. In Dcs Moines.
This was the decision of Police Judge
Vtterback today In the case of W. P
IVeratceg, owner of the Vee Transfer
(company, who was arrested under and,
ordinance which denies the right to carry
( firearms without (the consent of the
i mayor and city council.
Transfer men had claimed the right to
i go armed if only their weapons wero ox
Three Girls Overcome
By Fumes of Gas
omsWOLD, la., Nov. 10.-(BpoctaU-Three
daughters of JE. T. Neer, a farmer
living three miles fast of town, wero sent
Into the basement of their home on an
errand, and not returning In' a" reasonable
time, Mr, Neer went to see What detained
them, and discovered them lying uncon
scious on tho .floor. Thry were revived
with difficulty and. acted Jn such an un
usual manner., striking at members of
the family, talking Incoherently, etc., that
an investigation was made and an effort
one should make their Christmas selections early
1st Our stock is complete.
2d Choice can be inndojjetter and moro comfortably.
3d Prices nro now the same as they will bo lntor.
4th Engraving is done hotter.
Sth Alterations if any are not slighted.
Uth A small deposit will insure its safe delivery to
Diamond Rings
$5:d0 to $600
Worombo Chinchillas and Ger
mania Chinchilla coats are here in
pleasing variety for Women and
Misses, Girls and Children, Men
and Boys.
Luxuriously warm yet light in weight.
The lumdsoinest, cosiest winter wrap at any
thing like the price.
Women's Chinchilla Coats, maltose and ox
ford grays, navy blue and red
$19.75 - $25.00 - $29.75 and $35.00
Misses' Chinchilla Coats, ages 14 and 1G, in
brown, gray and navy, at
$12.00 - $13.50 - $14.75 and $16.50
Girls' Chinchilla Coats, G to 12 years, at
$6.50 - $7.50 and $10.00
Children's Chinchilla Coats, 2 to G years, at
$5.00 - $8.50 and $10.50
$5.00 - $6.00 - $7.50 and $10.00 A&ir
Boys', 11 to 17 sizes $7.50,
Men's Chinchilla Overcoats
ik & m m u
to determine the cause. The residence
Is lighted by an acetylene plant and It
is supposed that a leakage of gas was
the cauto of their strange oxpertence.
They soon recovered when brought 'out
Into the fresh air.
Dead Man is Elected
to Office in Iowa
CAItnOLL, la., Nov. 16. Attorney Gen
eral George Cosson Is going to be asked
to determine what happens when voters
elect a dead man to office. Victor fa'chlrk
was elected county supervisor when ho
had befcn In his grave flvo days. A. A.
Patten, his opponent, who received half
as. many votes, In claiming the election.
Tho caso lias been sent to the head of
tho Iowa legat department for an opinion.
11INOHAM, la., Nov. lfl.-(Spcclal.)-Tho
postotflco and general stori here
burned to the ground about midnight last
n.'cht. Tho building was wrapped In
flames when discovered by Postmaster
It. T. Oxford ana tits nearest neighbor,
J. H. Mariner. Mr. Oxford had taken
the government funds home that night
and the postal loss Is slight. Ills stock
of goods, valued at I3.C00, was Insured
for K.000. The building cost $S00 and was
innured for 1500. Tho Is believed to
havo been of Incendiary crtgin.
CHICAGO, Nov. 16.-Unlted States
Judge K. M. LundtB today overruled a
motion for demurrers to the IndlctmenU
pending ugnlnst Albert C. Frost and other
defendants in the alleged AlasKun iana
fraud cases.
Frost ntul tho other defendants are
charged with seeking to acquire by unlaw
ful methods 10,000 acres of coal lands
valued nt J10.COO.000.
The Indictments havo beon ponding for
some time. Through various agents and
employes it is alleged the defendants
procured titles to claim of the coal lands
by petition to United Btotes land offices
with a vlow of uniting all of the claims
and forming a big land corporation.
Sirs. Margaret Udnilson.
Mrs. Margaret Hdmlspn, widow of I,
II. Edmlson, died Krlda afternoon at the
home of her granddaughter, Miss Mar
garet Hamilton. She was born In New
Jersey In 1829 and Is survived by one son,
James II. Edmlson of Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, and four grandchildren Mar
garet and George Hamilton of this city.
Mrs. Arthur Freeman of Enrly, la., and
Allan Hamilton of Ogden, Utah. Funeral
services will be conducted Sunday at S
o'clock by Itev. M. li. Williams. Inter
ment will be In Prospect Hill.
Mayor I.unn Helensed.
LITTLE FAI.IA N. Y., Nov. Id. Mayor
I.unn of Hchnectady was released this
afternoon from tho Iferkhlmcr county Jail
upon furnishing bond vf f 1C0 pending the
appeal of his oae. Tho mayor and his
counsel were the sureties.
$10, $12.50, $15, $18 and $20
$18, $25, $30 and $35
Mark Cross
Gloves, $1.50
m w
Dr. George Tlldon has been United
States Insanity commissioner so many
years ho can't remember tho numbor.
The departure of Italph B. Sunderland
for California, leaves vacant the pub
licity commltteo of the late citizens' union.
Who wants to be the publicity committee?
The Orkln Brothers came to Omaha
from Sioux City where they were so suc
cessful as merchants that they just had
to find a bigger field for their talents.
nobert II. Manley, the advertising man
ager for the Brandels Stores, is suspected
of being the hidden editor of The Weekly
llunlon circulated exclusively at the Ak-Bar-Ben
John O. Yelser insists ho is not going to
abandon the republican party. He says
ho had too hard a time to get into It.
William V. Baxter is an enthusiastic
Henry George single taxer.
Register of Deeds Frank Handle was
the crack catcher tor the old Union Pa
cifies irf'tho heydey of their glory on tho
base bail diamond. .
From bolng motormon, -It Planagap
has successfully motored himself Into
membership In the legislature.
CHICAGO. Nov. 16,-Jack Johnson,
negro pugilist, demanded a jury trial to
day when arraigned In municipal court
on a charge of assaulting Edwin F.
Wetgle, a newspaper photographer.
Wolgle asserts he was injured by John
son while attempting to tako a plcturo
of tho negro pugilist as ho'wns being
taken to Jail, on a charge of violating the
Mann white slave act. Johnson, it Is
Bald, struck Welglo with a heavy walking
cane. No date for trial was set.
Johnson was not In court when his
case was first called and his attorney
was given an hour and a halt to pro
duce him, under pdnalty of forfeiture of
the 1400 cash bond, given by the pugilist
yesterday. A plea for a continuance was
denied by tho court, but the demand for
a jury trial effected a postponement.
Jack Johnson visited United States Dis
trict Attorney Wllkerson today in an un
succctsful attempt to settle the Mann act
chargo against htm by pleading guilty
and paying n heavy flue. Johnson ad
mitted ho was much disturbed over the
prospect that he would have to go to the
TKCUMHEH, Neb, Nov. 18. (Special.)
Mr, and Mrs. John Kavanagh of this
city have rucelved a telegram from their
son, Arthur G. Kavanagh, that ho has
boen promoted from lieutenant com
mander to commander In the service of
the United States navy. His next pro
motion will be to that of captain. Com
mander Kavanagh has thts week sailed
oh the battleship Tennessee for Constan
tinople. HYMENEAL.
! FRIEND. Neb., Nov. 16.-(Speclol.)-A
quiet wedding took place last night
it the home of ex-Mayor Frank Hacker,
when his youngest daughter, liertha
Anna, was united In marriage to Dr. O.
Earl Henton by Rev. William Oschgar,
chancellor of Cottier university, The
bride is one of Friend's most talented und
attractive young women and Is well
known In musical circles. The groom has
been ono of the leading physicians in
Saline county for about ten years, being
located In Friend. Having sold his prac
tice here they left today for New York
City where the doctor will specialize in
diseases of the eye.
TECUMSEIT. Neb.. Nov. l.-(Special.)
Miss EttA Mty Ide. daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. M. J. Ide of this city, and
Ernest Rowo of Vesta were married at
the home of tho bride at T:50 o'clock last
evening. Rev. C. W. Heady, pastor of
the Raptist church officiated, and the
ceremony was witnessed by a company
of somo twenty relatives and friends.
The groom is the son of E. Z. Rowe
of Vesta, and the young couplo will es
tablish their homo In that town.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Duslness Success.
Eledlric Garage
Wild Runaway Street
Heavily Laden Vehicle Jumps Traok
at Fortieth and Farnam.
J. W. Welch nud HevcrnI Other Pns
aeniccrs nml 'Motorman 'Hurt
ltoof t Structure" Fnlls on
Cur Two Autos Ilulned.
(Continued from Pago One.)
working order all the way but. He denied
that his controller box had "blown out"
as stated by passengers and. ho sold that
he had experienced no difficulty whatever
with the "overhead" controller. Ho ssli'
that ho stoppod tho car at Thlrty-nlnti
street and that for the first time he no
ticed that his airbrake refused to work.
He said the next thing he know was that
the car jumped the track and he was
burled beneath a mass of wreckage He
was taken to his home early this mornlnc,
Tho garage wrecked by tho runaway
strce't ear Is the Electric garngo, owned
by George Redlck and Denlse Rarkalow.
At the time, of the crash, Night Foreman
Will Sullivan was tho only occupant of
the building and ho was In another part
Two cars, one belonging to Luther
Kountze and one to T. JC. .Stevens, former
cashier at the Corn Exchange bank, wero
demolished, and several other machines
nearby wero scratched by flying gluBS and
Each of the wrecked automobiles Is
worth about $2,000 und tho damage to
the garage building will oxceed $5,000.
At 2 o'clock this morning a wrecking
crow, assisted by several fro companies,
completed tho task of clearing tho street
of tho debris and tho cars, that wero
held up for several hours were allowed
to go through.
Street car officials say they examined
the brakes of the car this morning and
found that they were still In working
(Continued from Page One.)
must be done on the same basis as private
business and with just as great care that
the full measure of returns be given for
the outlay.
In recent years Governor Larrabeo has
takon an active part In state politics, ad
vocating advanced ideas, urging a thor
oughly progressive policy, and glvltlg his
support to all those men who were en
gaged in efforts to solve the serious
coonomlo and Industrial problems of the
Tho most of tho life of Governor Larra-
bee was spent In his beautiful home near
Clermont, not far from the mill whero
ho labored tor so long In laying the
foundation for a comfortable fortune.
Chicago Wins Game
From Illinois Uni
CHAMPAIQN, III., Nov. 16.-8ccond
place honors In the "Dig Nine" foot ball
race will be fought out between Chicago
and Minnesota at Chicago next Saturday.
Chicago's 10 to 0 victory over the Uni
versity of Illinois here today put them'
In the running for second place and rele
gated the local eleven to fourth place. In
the final standing.
Chicago's scores were the result of a
touchdown, a goal from touchdown and
a place kick. Kennedy went over for
the touchdown in the first period, after
Oray had placed the ball on Illinois'
three-yard line on line plunges'- Sellers
kicked goal.
In the third period, after Chicago had
advanced the ball to Its foe's twenty-yard
line on a forward 'pass, Sellers scored
three more points when he booted the
ball squarely between the goal posts from
Illinois braced strongly In the third
period after playing an open game, but
could not plug holes in Chicago's line
tor substantial gains. For Illinois. Silk
man. Rowe and Woolsten were the cnlef
ground ' gainers, Norgren. Gray and
Pierce did the best work for Chicago.
CHICAGO, Nov. 16. Surgeons operoted
upon William Lorlmer, former United
States wnator, for appendicitis today.
The operation, performed under the dl-
Ky to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Hit by
Photo by TJee Staff Artist.
(Continued from Pago One.)
tho movements of tho Bulgarian armies.
The reputation of Lieutenant Wagner of
tho Relchspost, which went up like a
rocket when he was clulmlng to be the
only correspondent witnessing the bat
tles, has fallen like a stick.
The English newspapers believe Wagner
was used, knowingly or Innocently, by
the Bulgarian staff to cend reports cal
culated to mislead the Turks.
The great battle that Wagner declared
had been fought nearly a fortnight ago
it Tohatalja, losses In which, he said,
ixciytcd those at Lulo-BurgaB, never oc
.''rreu. One correspondent with the Bul
(Tu.'&n headquarters declares Lieutenant was ui headquarters most of the
tlmo during the battle ot Klrk-Klllsseh,
which she claimed to have witnessed, and
he would have had to ride 200 miles in two
days if he had seen it.
The situation .as regards the dispute Of
Servla and Austria over tho former's de
mand for an Adriatic sea port is again
considered very serious. There is reason
to believe, say Belgrade dispatches, that
tho Servian government will hot BUbmlt
a satisfactory reply to the Austrian repre
sentations on tho subject, though it has
not positively, recovered them.
More 111 feeling between the nations bo
cntne evident today, -when the Servian
minister presented to the Vienna govern
ment an official complaint that tho Aus
trian consul at Prlxrcnd fired from tho
top of his house at Servian troops, when
they ""captured tho town. It is believed
In Vienna that tho consul was defend
ing some Albanians, numbers of whom
are alleged to have boen shot by the
Servians for cencealing arms and abusing
Servian soldiers.
Pennsy Too Past for
Carlisle Redskins
fast game from the beginning, the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania foot ball team
gained a victory over the Carlisle Indians
this afternoon, 31 to X. Until the middle
of the last period the final result waB In
doubt. This Is tho first dofeat of the In
dlans this season.
Pennsylvania started off with an early
lead, but tho Indians drew up to within
one point of the Red and Blue's total.
This, however, was as near as the rocs
men could get. Pennsylvania started
again and by I adding two more touch
downs and gosls they put themselves In
a safe position. '
Thorpe's running with th e ball was the
best seen hero for many a day nnd each
time he was used he gained ground. The
Indians did not play a consistent game.
They fumbled several times and each, time
Pennsylvania, through close following of
the ball, was enabled to recover. Lineup
Young UK.
Wilton L.T.
II, E Vedaraack
II. T ClUe
IUcNmiiMoo Ull 111,0 Busch
Blmpaoa ,....C C. ntrgl
Orrto 11.0. UO Oirlow
Dillon R.T. UT .' Ouyon
Journct R.B. UK Lrj
Mrbll Q B, Q.B.,... Wilch
Mlndi Ull. It. II Arena,
Harrington It. 11 UK. Thorpe
Mortr F.B. V,B , Powell
Haferee: Curtis, jnclilgan. Umpire:
Ilyan, Oberlln. Head linesman: Ttetlly,
Kansas City Athletic club. Time of quar
ters: Fifteen minutes. Touchdowns;
Frank,, Howard. Ooal from touchdown:
Towle, S. Goal from placement: Weldllne.
Base Ball Association
Gives Hastings Title
HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. 16.-(Speclal
Telegram.) lteports were received from
Milwaukee today saying that the Board
ot Arbitration of the Minors' association
had reversed the decision of the Ne
braska State league directors and rein
, stated a game which Hastings won
against Fremont and which tho directors
threw out on the ground that Hastings
was carrying more men than the league
rule allowed. Thts gives Hastings tho
league championship In spite of the di
rectors' decision. Hastings and Fremont
were left tied for the championship.
Armr Iefet Tufts.
WEST POINT. N. V., Nov 18. -The
Army had a harder time defeating Tufts
today than the score Indicates. The
Cadets were returned the winners by a
IS to 6 score, but in the first two periods
wero outplayed by the Tufts team. Ue
vore had his hands full with O'Donnell.
who got through several times and
spoiled Army plays behind the soldiers
For half a century this peerless instrument has
towered above all competitors a gjiant even among
You do not need to be convinced of the Steinwny
quality it is conceded by every musical authority.
You do not need to see into its construction ex
perts have admitted its superiority for 50 years.
You do not need to take our word for its durability
ask your neighbor who owns a Steinway.
There is self-congratulation, satisfaction and
preBtige in ownership of a Steinway. People like to
have it known that they are Steinway owners. It is an
evidence of appreciative culture and refinement.
Steinway Mahogany Grands $750 and up.
Steinway Uprights $550 and up.
Your present Piano accepted in exchange.
Our holiday shipment of Steinwny P.ianos now on
display. You are invited to see and hear these incom
parable instruments, whether you want to buy or not.
Convenient Terms Can Be Arranged If Desired.
Schmoller Mueller
Piano Company
Exclusive Steinway Representatives.
(Continued from Pago One.)
Miss Dye, who now lives in Pittsburgh,
recently Identified hundreds of letters in
troduced by the government as Implicat
ing tho forty-five defendants in a con
spiracy. (
McMnnlicnl Dun Msny Clocks.
Jewelry store employes testified at tho
"dynamite conspiracy" trial today that
alarm clocks used by the McNomara.
brothers and Ortle E. McManlgal in the
manufacture of bomfcj, were purchased In
such quantities -is to arouso suspicion
McManlgal ha confessed that when he
bought clocks he pretended he gave them
to farmer
How tho dynamiter bought twelve small
clocks at Pittsburg In July, 1910, after he
had blown up a Job at McKee's Rocks
was described by Miss Margaret Bums.
She sold when she sold the clocks to
MnMaiilBiil she asked him what ho was
going to do with so many and he replied
they were for friends In the country..,. Miss
Anna Elliott testified McManlgal oougm
at an Indianapolis Jewelry store all tho
alarm clocks In stook.
According to McManlgal, J. J. Mc
Namara, secretary of the Inonworkers'
union, used to keep a Btock of clocks
locked In r vault in his ornce. ine
clocks wero fitted to bombs so that when
the alarms went off at a prearranged
tlmo the handles of the winders connected
nn fi huMnrv nnd caused the explosions.
Tho similarity of a clock which McManl
gal lost in Peoria and anotner ciock
found at Los Angeles was 'one of the
clues that put detectives on tho dyna
miters' trail.
Explosive Stored In Muncle.
Halt a doxen residents of Muncie, Ind.,
testified concerning a vacant house at
Muncie In which McManlgal said the Mc-
Namaraa and Hockln in 1009 utoroa
iivprin. The witnesses asserted tnat
boxes mysteriously wero taken In and
nut of the house at night: that the win
dows were covered with paper and that
the noctural visits of a wagon to tne
house, deepened the myt..iry so that
children began to regard the place as
Emanuel Maddox. a box manufacturer,
Identified Hockln as having ordered nltro
glycerin packing boxes ,whlch wero de
livered to tne Muncie nouse. utner wit
nesses testified Hockln was seen about
the house.
Hockln. now secretary of the Iron.
workers' union, was again pointed out by
John Longabugh, agent of a nitro
glycerin manufacturer at Montpeller, Ind.
Longabaugh said Hockln promisea to
nnv a hleh nrlce for nitroglycerin If the
dealer In explosives woutd sell It without
asking questons.
Pointing to Hocken. Longabaugh, who
now lives at Tulsa, Okl., said:
"I told this man my company -would
not allow me to sell nitroglycerin with
out knowing what it was to be used for.
He replied he would make it attractive
for me and that he would carry It away
In suit cases on the train. I asked him
If he wanted me to steal the nltro-glycerin.
Ho said lie did not care, and as for car
rying explosives on passenger trains ho
wasn't bothered."
The witnesses who Identified Hockln as
tinvinir to do with the purchase or con
cealing of explosives were passed by at
torneys for the defense wttnoui cross-ex
Wcr,u Rnlchnff. a friend and neighbor
of the McNamara family In Cincinnati,
tnstified that In 1900 James B. offered
him K0 to put a package on a nonunion
Job. but Eckhoff said he refused because
there were watchmen around.
"Two weeks later the Job was blown
Don't let your
cold run into
Nothing pulls
you down more
than Grippe. Its
effects are often
serious and per
manent. Get rid
of that cold now.
'I I Mad Dr. BttlTa Cwsfft Strap a rood rem
dr ks Hcouflidu ia autr cola. 1! tr-
u C Supt, 17 Mwcr An.. BrooUra, N. r.
lor rntt IKMrLC to Biltfmew. U4.
There's Only One Piim
in Uie Steinway Class
that is the
Stein way
up," said tho witness, "J. B. told mo' I
could havo done it as well as ho. In
December, 1909, J. B. took me to Pitts
burgh and from there to Rochester, Pa.,
whero he went to an old copper shop and
uncovered cans of nltro-clycerln. Latet
in Indianapolis John J. McNamara had
me shadow Miss Mary Dye, his stenog
rapher at Iron workers headquarters, wha
was suspected of giving information about
Mr J. said Miss Dye knew too much
and he was afraid ot her. Hockln helped
shadow her and she subsequently went to
After the Los Angeles Times explos
ion, Eckhoff said he was sent by J. J.
to Ballagh, Neb., where he was to meet
J. B., who was returning east.
Boys Accidentally
Shot by Hunters
McPHEUSON, Kan., Nov- lS.-ShlrJey
Arnold, 6 years old, waa. killed, and Yin
cent Arnold, aged 7 years, was fatally
wounded at their homo last night by tho.,
accidental discharge ot a gun owned by
hunters who drove into the yard in a
motor car. The children ran out to greet
the strangers and the weapon was dis
charged Just as the car stopped. A .year
ago the father of the children was shot
and killed by a highwayman in Denver.
Mnrdem Wife, Kills Self.
MT. VERNON. O., Nov. 16.-Bellevcd
to be Insane as a result of his defeat In
the election for county treasurer, William
B. Maglll, aged 47 years, a Mt. Vernon
school teacher, today shot and killed his
wife with a shotgun while she was asleep
and then fatally shot himself.
lows Falls J Huh Wins.
MASON CITV, la., Nov. 16. 8peclal
Telegram.) Football: Iowa Falls High,
6; Mason City, 0.
Careful Tailoring
and close attention to
details is one of our
first aims.
We make good suits
and overcoats to or
der from fine domes
tic and imported
woolens at $25 to $45.
We use first class lin
ings and guarantee
every garment perfect
in fit and style.
A garment made to
your measure fits bet
ter and wears longer
than ready made.
Tailoring Co.
How, When and What
te Waar.
30-1-300 South 10th St.
A Good
Large, progressive Omaha con
cern wants salesman to take rich
territory. "We want a man whi is
a success. This Is a splendid op
portunity for a producer who has
a few thousand dollars, to make a
permanent connection, and to de
velop a business in his territory
he can call his own and on which
he will be protected. We want a
reliable man who knows ho Is a
business getter.
Address P. O. Box 816.