V V 4 XT'." ' 'it 1 l Nil .III I I I I I HI y,J I i - - .1 - . ,1 The. Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page i-miOTli W M iimmliiilii II iiiM.ihimi 11 U "i I l U"i ' W'J 1 " 11 ' I 'i ii i ' "T ii i i i i n CI 11 ouxa tery Unusual Details of Turkish Family Life Told by an Amer ican Woman Who Visited for Six Weeks in the By Blanche Arral. FQlt sir weekB I lived in the palace of Sultan Abdul Hamld. For that period j wnB enter talner for tbo strango child women who wcro tho object of his suc cessive caprices. I learned tho tsccrets of their eouls and bodies. I discovered that the existence of these toys of an Emperor of the East la a palace In fairyland with horror as a cornerstonQ. Sluggish ease, sweets-stuffed todies, empty souls, vague yearnings for a different life without will to seek It, silken splfisbntws, the slaw death of the finest instincts of womanhood, I witnessed in tho month and a half in which J, sans and danced to en tertain tho human playthings of .ha most cruel mpnarch In tho world. I talked with and listened to tho three hundred spouses of tho Em peror of tho East I learned tho secrets of their souls and bodies, and my sou! was filled with an infinite compassion for them. I would Ilka to lead an army of women in an In vasion pf that relic of the middle ages, a country clinging barnacle like to the twentieth century. That which is of tho most vital importance to every member of the harem is accredited rank, Tho dowager Queen of England was no more reluctant to resign the honora. of reigning Queen of England than Is tho Sultana of Turkey her rank as tho first lady of tho harem. Her passing is moro than a grief. It is n shame. She bows her head before the nation and passes into oblivion for tho same reason that tho Em press Josephine was divorced and banished, because sho has failed to give tho Emperor n son. if she achieves this tho first wife remains the first, not only because she was the initial wife, but because she has earned tho right by bearing a Sultan. " She is for life tho Sultana. Sho may grow old, and they are old at thirty In Turkey, and ugly, for theirs is the typo of beauty that coarsens with age, but she is the bead of the harem, the first wife, the Sultana to whom every woman, be she mere visitor or one of tho three Teal or two hundred so-called wives must bend tho knee. Beneath her on the stairs of harem honor is the trio of other, and later, wives. Allah, generous deity of tho Turks, permits, and has expressed in the Koran his consent that every true and pious follower of his may have four wives. Tho trio that follow the Sultana nre known as hanams." They reside in the same palace with the Sultana, and treat her with reverence, which she returns with a distant conde scension. Though outwardly all deference and odnilrai' n each of tho Uanams sherisbes in tho deepest, darkest corner of her heart a hope. If the Sultana should not bear a son, or if her Bon should die, tho Sultan may divorce her and raise his faithful hanam to the rank of first wife. This ambition, about which no one of them would dare speak by day, visits thenr dreams by night. Ask one of the splendid eyed creatures what sho dreamed tbo night before and she will roll those eyes and smile secretively, but you know that if the most blissful of dreams visited her it was that she saw herself that greatest lady of Turkey, the most honored in the I East, tho Sultana. v But tbo banams have one glory, envied of every woman save tho Sultana. They accompany her in her drives. Veiled, they 0 forth each day for a drive, sending glances jf curiosity and pride abovo tho swathed veils that hldo their brows and chins, their noses and lips. A New Plan to Make Girls Behave THE problem of maintaining disci plluo in schools ex clusively for glrs has dif ficulties well understood by most ituchers iu such Institutions. Frau Heluznwun, bead mistress of n girls' school nt Lubeck, Ger many, has recently ect forth these difficulties in a magazine article; but tne real value of the article ,les iu her account of a novel expt'iliuunt which, contrary to her etpectutlons, proved highly sue c.sful. Despairing or obtaining -rder rnd tlleelpllnc by the or Hilary methods. 1'rau Heiiizmann elded I" allow the girls to govern th im selves. The Kirls accepted the Idea with oathustusm. "First of all It was I i O i lUi will . Sultan's Family Turkish women are tho most in quisitive in the world. ' Speak to the Sultana or a hanam pf.tho women of the harau and sho will say, "Wo are four, not counting, of course, our maids of honor and slaves," And this, from their point of view, is quite true, for they ignore the moro than two hundred others, those women at whom they curl the Hp as interlopers, beautiful playthings of a brief whim. To the legal wives all these others are women who dwell in the silence and the shadows, women who dp not exist And do you think of those two hundred women as enjoying tho close friendship of the Sultan? By no means. Of these women, whom we by courtesy call wives, and who are named nccording to tho poetic fancy of the Sultan Abdul Hamld named them his "graces" there nre six or eight relngnlng favorites. While they enjoy tho royal favor they ure tho women of third rank In the royal household. When thpy lose It others are elevated to their places. Thus HIS' Oriental Majesty, while pos sessing three hundred "wives" In name, has actually only a meagre ten or a dozen at a time. I Beneath these in rank, and despised by tbo reigning favorites, but curiously content with their fate of exemption from their ruler's ad miration, are the nearly two hundred other women, the retired or unap propriated concubines. Theirs would seem to he an unhappy lot, but tbey view it with Eastern calm. If His Majesty tires of them their fato is either that as a special mark of royal favor, he marries them to one of tho officers of hla court, who rises many grades in court rank through this alliance, or he simply forgets Fatlma or Alma, who be comes a companion and gossip to ' tho Inmates of the harem. I discovered thnt some of these women I knew at least twenty of them had been gifts to tho Emperor of whom he never availed himself. As we receive unappreciated gifts at Christmas, which we placo in tho bottom of a bureau drawer and for get, so are these beauties, captured and brought to the palace by some officer of tho court In hope of pre ferment for tho servlco, presented to His Majesty, sent to one of the group' of nouses that Is the harem, and forgotten. Fifth In the descending scale are the maids of honor. These wait upon the wives. Not upon thoso decided what the office bearers should do. This wus done by the girls themselves, who .bought of many things that 1 -ould never have dreamed of," says Frau Holnzmann. "Then the officebearers were elected. To my astonishment tho most disturbing members of the class headed the poll. In ono class the first elected was a girl who contin ually came late to school. She was appointed monitor with two prefects, one of whom was famous In tha school for her pranks, uud the other a girl who constantly had 'unsatis factory' ns tbo mark for her work. At the same time some of the 'pat terns' of tile class wero chosen to look after the classroom cupboard. "Then came the choice of punish ments, which nil the girls sought to make more severe thau their mis Copyrtcht 1112, br women who r.re called by courtesy wives, whom the -married quartette never meet and never mention, but the legal spousos of the -Sultan. These correspond to tho maids of honor of the queens of any court of Europe, The sixth in the scalo are the waiting women, a highly specialised class of servauts who wait upon the maids of honor and upon the women who are never mentioned by the wives. These captives in the pal ace have not, as the queens, maids of honor of their own, nor even n waiting woman for each, but a group of them is served by one of the waiting women. Seventh in the social descent from the Sultana Ib the;group of Bpacial attendants, the entertainers as sing ers and dancers, tho women of the wardrobes, the women who under stand the subtle art of the perfumed bath. The lowest grade is that of the women slaves, born in tho palace, and children of slaves horn In the palace. These iierform the most menial services In' tho household of women. They are the scrub women nnd char women, the cooks and dishwashers. Like the rest of their sex they nre deemed in Turkey creatures without souls. Do you imagine that in the harem oxlBts Jealousy? Jealousy of rank, yes, but of that primal jealousy of tho femalo for her mate there is or seems to be, none. The women gladly adorn each other for a visit to His Mojesty's quarter of the palace. If tho Sultan shows marked admiration for ono of them, the others appear to be delighted, as a family are charmed when some one praises tho youngest or prettiost of tho house hold. Tho retired concubines lend tho reigning favorites tholr Jewels, that thoy may bo moro lovely In his regal sight I observed this closely and studied It while singing for theso women and I nscrlbo it to two causes. One Is tho lack of real affection by any of tho-womon for their fractional spouse. Having had no part in choosing blm thoy do not love him. Another reason is the chlldllkcness of their natures. Were they women of fully developed brains and hearts they could not but be Jealous. The trend upward of the human race Is continuously toward monogamy. When the ruler of Turkey, weary of uffairs of stale, wishes to rest In the society of women of his house hold, an addc-de-camp sends a mes tress thought necessary. For gross forgctfulness girls were made to learn so many lines of verso by heart; tor restlessness they were mado to stand for ten minutes dur- i',!BAjcs.s.0"- tTh0 Blrls proposed that tho time should be for a whole hour.) "The girls wished for still severer punishments for grave cases, and proposed buulshmcnt from the cluss for a week. This I thought too sc vere, and thoy made it four days, to bo applied only with my permission. But tlnully it was reduced to ban ishment for a single morning. . "The result was that the leaders of disorder soon became model mem bers of the class. Once n month comes another election, und now aduys the honors of election are most kceuly coveted." tb Slur Company. Grtfct Britain f" Thr Sultana HaJLl I 'ZWr 1 " Hi. Principal Wife V ITW lllflLlP'fc 11 4J1 sage to the palace In which the four wives resido together, or to the group of houses where the ther women live. But tho difference in the nature of the message is significant To the Sultana or a hanam, the black man bows low and says: "His Majesty will grace this household with his imperial presenco in an hour." To ono of the "graces of the harem" the notice is more per emptory. "You will pay a visit to Mis Majesty's palnco In an hour." In tho Western world It Is little known how tho harem Is recruited. Tho Sultana and the banams are usually women of royal, or at least of noble blood. They are partly PMOTO OTTO 5AKONV Mme, Blanche Arral, Who Was a Harem Visitor for Six Weeks. educated In music anu the lan guages. Tho others are presented to the Sultan on feast days, by members of his court who nre seek ing favors, nnu for which some ure elevated to higher rank J'olltlcs ln one sense, proctirlsm In another! Some ure beguiled, as was the case of tho Viscountess Almii Zurok de (.'otirluiidou. Into I he palace, be lieving It to be u muKt'iim or u ren taurant Some are kldnanr.iul. x JllchU Reserved The Sultan of Turkey and the 300 Ladies of the Royal Harem in the Order of Their Rank few, dazzled by the stories of the eane nnd luxury of life In the harem, vol untarily accompany tho officers of the court. Accjpted us mem bers of the huge rum 1 ulna house hold, the lazy, fat-forming life beglni. The women rise ut eight plunge Into a perfumed Imth. nnd eat In n leisurely wuinnur tliflr breakfiibt of fruit and rice and one of the green naiads, rouiiilnc for example, which they lake with suit to clear their complexion. Then they saunter Into tht KiirtU'ii mid stroll about or sit among tin fif .vers A groii!) "f Ihem, surrounding u tr-e and Hut Uni nnd laushltiH as w'lo'cheartol y fir DOOR OF OHE SULTAN'S 3IARIM -WHICH IS GUATOED WIGHT AND DAY tfjglL HfcWrfArtJSlffiffl lis- . Life, Unless Married Fifty Ladies in Waiting Who Arc in Attendance on the Two Hundred Concubines. Zulcika, the Newest Favorite as school girls, is one of the pret tiest sights I have seen in all Europe While they chatter In the gardeu. or after thoy have gone back to loll in their rooms, plntes of fruit are served If they wish them, but they eat only two meals u day. The last is dinner, tho hour for which differ In Summer and Winter, because It occurs tw hour before sunset, cluee they must retire at sunset Thn-0 times a day they pniy, a laamlng tu the ground, their faces toward Mecca. All of the Intervening time th-i.r spend at their toilets. A Turkish uoiiiiiu. havtug nothing else to il.i. dawdles over her drewlus for thr or four liouni twice a day, once after breakfast, tbo other in prepa ration fur dinner Twice o week tlie ruter'nli'iTs o' Two Hundred Retired Concubines Who Were Once Favorites, and Who Must Be Supported for Off to Friends of tho Sultan. Twenty-eight . Dancers, Mas cuscs, Manicure .s, Hair Drcsscre and Entertainers of t the Harem Ladies. of the Sultan. the household or visitors like my sulf, dance or uig or read ut a re ception. Tho child women ure easily entertained and are effusive In their praise. Occasionally they go forth iu companies of eight to twenty, un der guard of a black man, to visit other barcnis. i . hus their lives go on, being swal lowed up lu u marsh ns sluggish streams trail .wu Into the noth - IngnexH of a sodden meadow. I ant unspeakably sorry for them. If. as when j mil tiamin tta hla thane and wnt Into retirement tak. lug only a handful of the women with hlin, theso poi t - nires are cast Into the world, they are help .uhh HopiVssl.v they binu Into a Itre if degr Sillon, The women of I Turkish 'i-ircm -ir tbp helpless wards f a nreles world